The Observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1968-current, March 01, 2019, WEEKEND EDITION, Page 6, Image 6

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Sermon explores
good/bad news of
Christ’s death
La Grande Seventh-day
Adventist Church will
have an 11 a.m. service
on Saturday. Pastor Mike
will be exploring the
death of Christ and the
good and bad news his
death means for the living
and the dead.
St. Peter’s now
worships at 11 a.m.
LA GRANDE — Begin-
ning March 3, the worship
service at La Grande’s St.
Peter’s Episcopal Church
will begin at 11 a.m. on
The congregation has
been invited to join an
ecumenical Ash Wednes-
day celebration on March
6 beginning with a pan-
cake supper at 6 p.m. at
the Presbyterian Friend-
ship Center followed by a
service at the Presbyterian
On Friday, March 8, St.
Ann’s Guild will meet at 2
Zion at 6 p.m.
Lenten service held
Wednesday at Faith
ing the 10 a.m. Divine
service on this last Sun-
day of the Epiphany Sea-
son, the sermon at Faith
Lutheran Church ina
Grande will expound
Guest pastor from
Tigard preaches at
La Grande will worship at
9 a.m. Sunday, followed
by a time of fellowship.
Holy Communion will be
tion. Luke 9:29 says that
“the appearance of His
face was altered and His
clothing became dazzling
white.” This was followed
by a cloud overshadow-
ing those who were with
Jesus, showing that God
continues to reach out to
us with his saving work
through the life, death and
continued ministry of Je-
sus Christ.
After the service will be
the church’s First Sunday
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and Pastor Paul Teyler of
Tigard will be the guest
preacher. The adult forum
follows at 10:30 a.m.
The Girl Scouts meet at
the church at 6 p.m. Mon-
day. Tuesday, a non-de-
nominational Bible study
group meets. On Thurs-
day, the LGBTQ meets at
7:30 p.m. For $5 (age 12
potluck, followed by an el-
ders’ meeting.
At 6:30 p.m. March 6,
Faith Lutheran Church will
have a Ash Wednesday ser-
vice that will include the
imposition of ashes. A soup
supper will be served before
the service, at 5:30 p.m.
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tiful passage that is a
wonderful example of
how much God loves us
and wants to encourage
The friends and fam-
ily of Christ were gath-
ered together after his
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were grieving over his
death when all of a sud-
den, he appears in their
Even though they re-
membered how he had
promised to return, I’m
sure they were still awe-
struck. Jesus stretches
out his hands and re-
veals his wounds, and
of course, they are over-
joyed to see him again.
He spoke peace and
breathed on them, and
❞✿❛✼❀✿ ❉✿ ❪✿❛❇▼ ❉✿ ❘❪❪✿❁
them with the Holy
Thomas was not there
that night and later
when he returned and
was told that Jesus had
visited them, he said
that until he could see
Jesus with his own eyes,
he would not believe it.
➛➜➝ ➞➟➠➠➡
After eight days the
group came together
again and like last time
Jesus miraculously ap-
peared. Christ looked at
Thomas and told him to
reach out and touch the
scars, and he did. Je-
sus said, “Be not faith-
less, but believing,” and
Thomas replied, “My
Lord and my God.”
When we are discour-
aged and struggling to
believe, we can know
that God will always
❭◗❹✿ ❇❉✿ ✿❸❇❀◗ ✿✽✼❀❇ ❇✼
prove how much he loves
us and cares about us.
How many times have
you needed the Lord
to inject faith into your
doubt? I call on him to
help me every day. You
see, Thomas was not the
only person who had
problems with doubting.
Actually, he’s a per-
fect example of you and
I. God realizes how hard
it is for us to believe and
understands that we do
not have the luxury of
literally seeing him as
Thomas could.
This is where faith
comes in, understand-
ing that even though
we cannot see him phys-
ically, he is there.
In John 20: 29 Jesus
says to Thomas: “Be-
cause thou hast seen
me, thou hast believed:
blessed are they that
have not seen, and yet
have believed.”
Faith is having the
ultimate optimistic and
positive attitude. Faith
is choosing to believe
when we are walking
over bridges that cannot
be seen.
Faith is paying our
tithes when we have
only a small amount of
money in our bank ac-
count. Faith is resting
in peace and completely
trusting that God’s word
cannot fail.
— Shrove Tuesday, the
last day before Lent be-
gins on Ash Wednes-
day, is March 5 this year.
Tuesday is celebrated
with pancake suppers (go
customs/shrovetuesday to
local food banks.
Message goes back
to the beginning
La Grande First Chris-
tian Church will celebrate
munity is welcome at a
pancake feed at the Sacred
Heart Catholic Church in
Union from 5:30 p.m. to
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in the Lord when all we
can see is discourage-
ment and hopelessness,
but let us remember that
when Jesus intervenes
into your situation, mir-
power and authority.
So, how can we have
more faith? We can pray
and ask God to give us
more courage to be-
lieve. Faith is not only a
source of spiritual hope
and strength, but He-
brews 11:6 reminds us,
“Without faith it is im-
possible to please him:
for he that approaches
God must believe that
he is, and that he is a
rewarder of them that
diligently seek him.”
As told in Acts 16,
Paul and Silas were be-
ing held in a dark and
dreary prison, yet they
began to worship the
Lord. Why? Because
❼✼❲ ❃❊ ❄✼❇ ❑✼❄❘❄✿❁ ❇✼ ◗
geographic location, a
mood or a feeling, but
is activated when the
determination to trust
God becomes stronger
than the temptation to
be afraid.
We cannot live in
faith and fear at the
same time. If we will
feed our faith, our fears
will starve. These men
made a choice to see
reality with the eyes of
their spirit instead of
being led by their emo-
tions. Whatever trial we
are going through today,
we have the opportunity
to do the same thing.
Our natural senses
are connected with our
mind, but spiritual faith
declares that I will base
my hope and trust in
God no matter what
happens because I know
he always wants what’s
best for me.
Humans have a ten-
dency to rely on their
intelligence and have
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acles happen and noth-
ing is ever the same. Ev-
erything and everyone
in heaven and earth are
In Wallowa County,
Enterprise’s St. Patrick
Episcopal Church is part-
nering with the Main
Street Garden Initiative
for a combined pancake
supper and seed swap.
Come by to swap seeds,
learn more about the Gar-
den Initiative, and dine
on pancakes and sausage,
between 4:30 p.m. and 7
Shrove Tuesday
pancake dinners kick
off season of Lent
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family, enjoy all-you-can-
eat pancakes, sausage, ap-
plesauce, hashbrowns and
If we feed our faith, our fears will starve
In the recounting of
Jesus’ resurrection in
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with Pastor Ray Smith’s
message, “Soaring,” taken
from Genesis 1:24-31. The
worship service begins at
10 a.m.
The Christian Women’s
Fellowship group has
postponed its upcoming
rummage sale due to the
weather. The new date will
be announced soon.
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decisions, but this can-
not bring true spiritual
peace. True peace comes
from knowing that God
is in control.
Thomas Aquinas is
quoted as saying, “To
one who has faith, no
explanation is neces-
sary. To one without
faith, no explanation is
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❘ ▲❑❂❉ ❘❂❉ ❡✺❑❡
❂❉ ✽✺✹ þ ●✹❡❁
❙✂☛☎ ✆ ✶✖✝✞✟ ♣✠ ▼ ✡✡
◆✒ ❲❡❡☞☎ ✆✡
❋❄❅❆❇ ▲❉❍■❏❉❅❑
❏❄❆❆❄▼❍❉❅❨ ◆❉❖❇❄❆❇
❚❯❚❱ ❚❳❩ ❬❩❭ ❪❫ ❴❵❫❜❞❢
❣❤❥❦❧♠ ♥❤qr ①③r♠④r ⑤ ⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩❶⑥⑨❶❷⑧⑥
❸❹ ❺❻❹ ❼❽❹ ❾❿➀➁ ➂➃➄❹❻ ➅❹➆❻❿➇➀ ➈❿➉➊❹
➋➌➍➎➏➐ ➋➑➒➓➓➔ → ➣↔↕↔↔ ➏➙
➛➓➜➝➒➞➟ ➣➣↕↔↔ ➏➙
➠➡➢➤➥➦ ➧➨➩➢➫➢➭ ➯➫➲➳➩ ➠➵➡➤➦ ➸ ➺➻➼➼ ➽➾ ➚➧➪➪➩➶➵➫➨➩ ➹➡➢➩ ➘➼➴
➛➷➎➍➷➝➎➏➐ ➬➮➷➍➞➍➱ → ✃↕❐↔ ➟➙
❙ ✁✁✂✄❱☎✆✆✂
✥❆✝✞☎❙✞ ❈✟ ✄❈✟
✠✡☛☞✌✍ ✠✎✏✑✒✓✎✔✕
✖✗✘✙✚✛✖✜✢✣✣✤✫✦✙✗✤✧ ❇★✩✤✪ ✬✤✚✭✭✪✭ ✾✮✯✰✦✱
✬✢★✤✙✲✪✘✳✭ ✬✢✗✲✜✢✫✴✣✲✭✢★♦ ✖✪✲✵★✜✪ ✶✶✮✷✷✦✱
❋✚❛★✤✛ ✴✣✲✭✢★♦ ✖✪✲✵★✜✪
P❁✽✿❡❁ ▼❂❃❄ ❅❉❊●✹❁❡✺❍✼ ■❊❏●❡ ❅●❑❏❄❨▲❑❂❉
◆❁▲❑❖ ◗❀❘❘P▼
❚ ❝❯❳❩❝❯ ❢❬❩ ②❬❳❩ ✇❯❬❭❪ ❢❫❴❵❭②
❜❊✼❊❂ ❑✼ ✽❂ s❞❣❣❤✐❥❦❧❧❤♠♥♣q❦sqrt❞✐rt✉✈✐①
õö÷ øùúûüý þÿü
➯➲➳➵➸➺➻ ➼➽➳➾➚
➮➱➮✃ ❐ ❒❮❰Ï ÐÑ ÒÓÑÔÕÖÏ ×Ø
❒ÞÔÕÑß ➮àá➱à Ñ❰â❰
ã äåæ çãèé êë ìæíîï ðñ
ñòóóðîðïôõ óåæ ëåòö
÷ø ùúûüý
▲✸ ●✹✸✺✻✼ ❯✺✽✿✼✻
▼✼✿❀❁✻✽❂✿ ❃❀❯✹❃❀
➇❄❅❆❇ ❍❆❉❊■❏❑ ❄❅❆❇ ◆❖❇◗❏❑ ❄❅❆❇ ◗❄❄❊❏❚
✭ ✁✂✄ ❡☎✂✄ ♦✆ ❝✝✄✞ ♣♦♦✟✠
❙✡☛☞✌✍ ✎✏✑✒✓✔✕ ✶✖✗✖✘ ✌❛
❈✙✚✛ ✜✢✣ s✤✜✥✛ ✐✢ ✜ t✐✚✛ ✙✦ ✇✙✥s✤✐✧★
✧✥✜✩✛✥ ✜✢✣ t✤✛ st✪✣✩ ✙✦ ●✙✣✫s ✇✙✥✣ ✇✐t✤ ✪s✉
❲✙✥s✤✐✧ ✐✢✬✮✪✣✛s ✬✙✚✚✪✢✐✙✢ ✙✢ ✯✪✢✣✜✩✉
áâã áäåæ çåèééå ê ãëìíìîâï
ðñòóôõ ðö÷øøù
úûüý ôþÿþ
ðñòóôõ ❙ ø ♦ ÷ ✁✂ ü ✶ û ✄✶ ôþÿþ
❊❀✲✻✴❁ ✱✷✽✺✾✿✽✺✈❂❃❀✲✻✴✳✽✸❀
❧♠♥q❥rq t✉✈✇①✉
②③④② ⑤⑥ ⑦⑧⑨⑩ ⑤❶⑥❷ ❸⑩⑨❹⑩
òó ôìóõöðñ ÷ø
ùúûüý þÿ
✁ úþþ ✂
✾✄☎☎ ❛✆ ✲ ✥♦✝✞✟✠✡
✶☎✄☎☎ ❛✆ ✲ ❋☛☞☞♦✇✞✟✠✡ ✫ ❘☛✌✝☛✞✟✍☛✎✏✞
✶☎✄✑☎ ❛✆ ✲ ❈☞✒✞✞☛✞
➌➍➎➏➐➑ ➌➒➓➔➔→
➜➔➝➎➞➎➟ ➠➔➝➡➓➞➢
❱❲❱❳ ❨❩❬ ❭❩❪❫❫❩ ❴ ❵❲❜❝❳❨❵❞
❢❣❤✐❥❦ ❧♠ ♥❦❣r♣❤q♠
❶❷❷❸❹❺ ❻❼❽❾❿➀ ➁❼➂➃➄➅❽❾ ➆➈➉➃➊❼❼➂
➋➌➍➎➏➐➑ ➒➓➔➓➓ →➣
↔❺↕↕❼➙❿➅❸➛ ➜❼❷❷❺❺ ❻❼❽❾ ➝➝➀➞➞ ➈➉
➟ ➠➡➢➤➥➢➦ ➧➢➨➩➫➭➥➭ ➟
❋✗✘✙✚ ❇✛✜✚✗✙✚ ❈✢✣✘❝✢
ÚÛÜ ÝÞßà áâãäáâå
æçè éêëìíî ïíìððíñ
③④⑤⑥⑦ ⑥⑧⑨⑨⑩❶❷❸❹
❺⑩❸❻⑦④⑤❶ ⑥❻⑩④⑥❻
❿❿➀ ➁➂ ➃➄➅➆ ➅➆ ➇➆➅➈➆
➉➊➋ ➌➍➋ ➎➌➏➏➋➐ ➑➒ ➓➋➍➔➋→
➣↔↕➙➛➜ ➣➝➞➟➟➠ ➡➟➢ ➛➠➠ ➛➤➥➦ ➧ ➨➩➫➫ ➛➭
➣↔↕➙➛➜ ➯➟➢➦➞➲➳ ➵➫➩➫➫ ➛➭
➸➛➦➺➟➢ ➻➼➽➾ ➚➪➪➾➶➹➘➘
➴➷➬➮➱✃ ❐❒❮❰ÏÐÑ❰Ò❒❒Ï
➣↔↕➙ ➐➛
➤➤↔➥➥ ➐➛
➌➍➎➏➐➑ ➦➞➟➓➧
➨↔➩➥ ➢➛
➫➓➍➝➡➏➐➑ ➭➠➭➦➭
➨↔➩➥ ➢➛
✤✥✦✧★ ✫
▲✯ ●✰✯✱✲✳
✿❀❁❂ ❃❄❅❆ ❉■ ❏ ❑❖P◗❘ ❚◗❱❳❳❘❳
➯➲➳➵➸➲➺➻ ➼➳➽➸➲➺ ➾➲➚ ➪➶➳➹➘➾➸➴➸➲➺
✿❀❁❂ ❨❩❄❩❩ ❉■ ❏ ❬♦❭❳❪❖❫
➷➬➮➱➮ ✃❐➶➸➮❒
❴❵❛❂ ❜❄❨❆ ❞■ ❏ ❢❬❢❣❢