The Observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1968-current, February 27, 2019, Page 7, Image 7

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❚☛ ☞✆✄ ✝❱ ✝ ✌ ✼✍
Continued from Page 6A
Saturday, the event the EOU men
have the best chance to make noise
tough defense,” Ah You-Dias
said. “They were intense. They
adjusted to the calls that were
being made. They adjusted to
how players were playing. We
played the scouting report re-
ally well and went in and exe-
cuted the game plan the coach
had. I couldn’t have asked for
anything better.”
Woodvine, who entered av-
eraging 18.7 points per game,
was held to seven points. East-
ern also rotated on its help de-
fense into the right position on
numerous occasions, result-
ing in the team forcing seven
Continued from Page 6A
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Lane, Michelle Herbes and Eliza-
beth Herbes will run for the EOU
women, and enter with the No. 2
time in the nation at 3:56.78. The
✰✣✤❁✥ ✴✣✮✰ ✜★ ✫✜✤✤✜✬ ❙✜✩✤✲✹ ✫✜✜ -
Gould and Darrin Walker all compet-
ing in the men’s pole vault. Gould and
Sledge enter ranked third and fourth
in the nation, with Gould posting a
mark of 16-feet-2-3/4, and Sledge
reaching a height of 16-feet-2-1/2.
Walker, who is 22nd, has a height of
Dodd and Kalulusno Ngaida both
compete in the women’s high jump,
ÿ ❆
① ✁✂✈✂❛❛♦ ✄☎♦✆♦
P✝✞✟✠ ✡☛☞☞ ✌☛✍✎✠✏✠✑ ✞✒ ✏✓✠ ✔☛✍✠✒➆✑ ✓✠✎✏✝✏✓s☛✒ ✕☛✖ ✗✘✙ ☛✒❚✓✚✖✑☞✝✛✳
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utes later, though they’re currently
on the outside looking in to reach
✴✵✣ ✱✤✮✪✥✹ ✮✥ ✴✵✣ ✴✣✮✰ ✦✥ ✥✣✣✷✣✷ ❉❳✴✵
with a time of 3:23.18.
Friday will be a light day for the
Mountaineers. Alex Navarro, ranked
❉❲✴✵ ✦✤ ✴✵✣ ✰✣✤❁✥ ❉✹❊❊❊ ✦✤ ❨❩❲❨✯❨❨✹
/ Page 7A runs in the preliminary race Friday.
Dodd competes in the prelims of the
❃✜✰✣✤❁✥ ❬❊ ✵✩✬✷✪✣✥ ❭✬✦✷✮✸ ✮✥ ✴✵✣
Dodd has a mark this season of 5-feet-
“We just stayed focused so
we were all locked in,” said
Julia Hanni, who took three
charges on defense. “We knew
as soon as (Woodvine) got the
ball we were right there and
ready to take the charge.”
It was a stark contrast to the
✥✣✰✦✱✤✮✪ ✲✮✰✣ ✮✲✮✦✤✥✴ ✫✜✪ -
lege of Idaho, when the Moun-
taineers never held a lead
larger than seven points until
❜✹ ❉❝❞ ✦✤✻✵ ✜✢ ✴✵✣ ❄✬✜✲✬✮✰ ✬✣✻✜✬✷✹
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while Ngaida has cleared 5-feet-3-3/4.
Ngaida will also compete in the
women’s triple jump, where she is
ranked eighth at 38-feet-3-1/4.
team was ready from the start.
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Ebony Wilson, who has the 16th-best
mark in the long jump at 18-feet-5-
3/4, will also compete Friday.
✮✤✷ ★✜✬ ■✜✷✷ ✦✤ ✴✵✣ ❬❊ ✵✩✬✷✪✣✥ ✮✤✷
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will also be Saturday.
✿✩✵ ✥✮✦✷ ✵✣✬ ✥❀✩✮✷❁✥ ✤✜✴✵✦✤✲❂
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“Tonight they relaxed,”
she said. “I think they were
prepared. They took a deep
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Continued from Page 6A
❥✮❪✣✬ ✫✦✴✸✯
teams all season to stay within
single digits of St. Paul, which av-
erages 58.2 points per game and
allows just 23.7. The Eagles have
✮✧✣✬✮✲✣✥ ✜★ ✐❊✯❳ ✮✤✷ ❨❳✯❉ ✜✤ ✜★ -
fense and defense, respectively.
The Powder Valley Badgers
girls, who are less than two weeks
removed from their win over Jo-
seph in the OOL title game, will
meet another team that beat them
earlier this season when they face
breath, and I think they en-
joyed where they were at,
what they got to play in front
of (with the vibrant crowd)
and they seized the moment.”
✫✜✬✭✮✤ ✷✦✷ ✻✪✜✥✣ ✴✵✣ ✲✮❄
to 13 by halftime, then got as
close at 42-33 on a Jordan
Rasberry 3-pointer early in
✴✵✣ ✴✵✦✬✷ ✭✣★✜✬✣ ❅✮✥✴✣✬✤ ✱✤✮✪ -
ly put the game out of reach,
primarily by crashing the
“I come from a losing pro-
gram (and) it wasn’t much
that we were losing, but it’s
the team spirit (at EOU) and
how everyone treats each
other and how we are as team-
mates,” Hanni said.
The largest crowd of the
season also had an impact on
the game, which didn’t go un-
“(I) loved every minute of it,
not only as a coach, but as an
putbacks by Jane Nelson, Ah
You-Dias and Beverly Slater
put Eastern up 51-38, then
nine points from Herrud —
including a 3-pointer just be-
✮✴✵✪✣✴✦✻ ✷✦✬✣✻✴✜✬✹❋ ✾✣✦✥✥✣✤✿✩✵
★✜✬✣ ✴✵✣ ✴✵✦✬✷❂❀✩✮✬✴✣✬ ✭✩❈❈✣✬
■✦✮✥✹ ❃✵✜ ❄✪✮✸✣✷ ✵✣✬ ✱✤✮✪
— and a trey from Logan gave
EOU what proved to be an
insurmountable lead, 63-44,
after three. The Warriors got
no closer than 15 points in the
Nelson added eight points,
Slater had seven points and
eight rebounds and Madison
game at Quinn in her sixth
year in the program, to a spe-
cial moment, serenading her
with “MVP” chants when she
came out with 1:11 to play.
“I got teary eyed on the
bench there,” she said of when
✫✬✣❃✥ ✷✦✥✵✣✷ ✜✩✴ ❉❊ ✮✥✥✦✥✴✥
and grabbed four steals.
“This feeling is indescrib-
✮✭✪✣✹❋ ✫✬✣❃✥ ✥✮✦✷✯ ●❍❁✧✣ ✵✮✷
the luxury of playing at a re-
ally good junior college and
then just blessed to be here
with such a great coach (and)
great program. I literally feel
nothing but happy right now,
and proud to be on this team.”
It was a moment, though,
that was new for Hanni.
said. “To see that environment
here at Eastern, I was pretty
The crowd treated Ah You-
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“I was pretty emotional.”
Emily Yost led the Warriors
with 18 points and Treasure
Farmer had 14 points.
Eastern (28-3 overall) now
waits to see who it plays in
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nament next week in Sioux
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announced later today.
“We’re going to enjoy this
one for a while, but then we’ll
get prepared,” the coach said.
Enterprise, one of four teams
In the 2A ranks, the Enterprise
Outlaws girls are playing in the
★✬✜✰ ✴✵✣ ❥✪✩✣ ✶✜✩✤✴✮✦✤ ✫✜✤★✣✬ -
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★✣✤✥✣✯ ✫✬✮✤✣ ✮✧✣✬✮✲✣✥ ❬❨✯❉ ❄✜✦✤✴✥
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per game and has been held under
lone setback since that game a 44-
27 loss to Joseph, which they have
since avenged.
❞❊ ❄✜✦✤✴✥ ✽✩✥✴ ✴❃✦✻✣✯ ❑✵✣ ❥✮✷✲✣✬✥✹
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favorable bracket after their oppo-
nent, the Vernonia Loggers, scored
a 48-46 upset of No. 2 ranked Mon-
roe, the defending state runner-up.
Enterprise just played — and
beat — an opponent in Portland
game against Powder Valley, both
to Jordan Valley, which could be a
possible opponent for the winner
❦✮✪✪✣✸✹ ✦✤ ★✮✻✴✹ ✦✥ ❨❞❂❊ ❃✵✣✤ ✮✪✪✜❃ -
✫✵✬✦✥✴✦✮✤ ✴✵✮✴ ✷✣★✣✮✴✣✷ ❦✣✬✤✜✤✦✮
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twice during the regular season,
most recently 51-44 in the title
game of the Northwest League
✦✤ ✴✵✣ ✥✣✰✦✱✤✮✪✥✯ ❴✜✬✷✮✤ ❦✮✪✪✣✸✹
in fact, is the only team along with
meanwhile, allow only 25.7 points
and have held all but four oppo-
✴✵✮✤ ❞❊ ✽✩✥✴ ✴✵✬✣✣ ✴✦✰✣✥ ♠ ✮✪✪ ✪✜✥✥ -
es, and all, interestingly, games in
which it gave up 44 points.
per game and allowing 36.1 Ver-
nonia, meanwhile, had netted
43.3 points and given up 32.6.
Both teams have had success in
close games, with Enterprise post-
ing a 5-3 record in games decided
✭✸ ❉❊ ❄✜✦✤✴✥ ✜✬ ✪✣✥✥✹ ✮✤✷ ✴✵✣ ❱✜✲ -
gers going 5-4 in such contests.
Enterprise and Vernonia tip at
8:15 p.m. Thursday in Pendleton.
✺✻✼✽ ✾✿❀❁❂ ✾✈❃❄❅ ❆❀ ❇❈❀❉✿❃
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