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Now, 25 years later, the greater regional commu- ➨➩➫➭ ➩➯ ➲➳➵➸➩➨➺ ➫➻➳ ➼➳➨➳➽➫ ñÕæä ÔÕ ÜÏÕÏÛØÓä Ò❰Ï áÐØÓÔÒÔÐÕ ÛÏíÛÏÖÏÕÒØÝ ❋ ÔÕØÓÓâä ‘Tip of the bow’ to Carla Arnold for her dedication áÛØÒÖ ❰ØÚÏ Ò❰Ï ÕÏáÏÖÖØÛâ Ò❰ÛÏÏÝ×Ô×Ò❰Ö ãØÝ ✁ ÐÛÔÒÔÏÖ ÒÐ ÏÕØáÒ ÛÏÚÏÕÑÏ ÔÕáÛÏØÖÏÖ ßÔÒ❰ÐÑÒ Ø ÖÔÕÜÓÏ ÚÐÒÏ ×ÛÐã Ø ÿÏíÑÞÓÔáØÕç ëÑÒ ÔÒ ãÔÜ❰Ò ÕÐÒ ÒØàÏ ãÑá❰ ÒÐ íÛâ ØßØâ ÐÕÏ ÐÛ ÒßÐ ❉ ÏãÝ ÐáÛØÒÖ ×ÛÐã Ò❰Ï íØÛÒâ ÓÔÕÏä ØÕæ Ò❰ØÒ áÐÑÓæ æÐÐã ØÕâ ÒØÙ íÛÐíÐÖØÓç of her vision, along with well over 600 children who now enjoy a deep ap- preciation for music. Carla Arnold grew up in Salem, where her parents fostered her natural love of music and channeled it by allowing her to pursue the cello and violin at a young age. She moved on to the violin and piano in mid- dle school through high school and into college. While the music was the driving force, Carla end- ed up with a degree in business, and it was some time later that she was certified as a music edu- cator. Carla’s background could be said to be more on the “classical” side, but things changed when she met her future husband who was involved with all types of music genres. He played the banjo, among other instruments, and pulled Carla toward what would become a lifelong love of bluegrass and old- time contra dancing. Carla was also fortunate to take lessons while learning to play the guitar from a gentleman who suggested she learn in a more tradi- tional folk method — a less structured way that didn’t utilize the reading of notes on paper. This method fostered listening, being bold enough to jump in and just jam with other musicians. Learning these common folk melodies, Carla was My Voice ③④⑤⑥⑦⑦⑧⑨ ③⑥⑦⑧⑤⑩ ❶❷❸❹❺❻❼❸❽❾❷❺ ❸❿ ➀➁❺ ➂❼❺❿❸❾❺❽➀ ➃➄ ➀➁❺ ➅❼➆❽❾❺ ➇➃❽❾❺ ➈➉➊➂➁➃❽➉ ❶❿❿➃❹❸➆➀❸➃❽➋ ➌➆❿❺❾ ❸❽ ➍➆ ➅❼➆❽❾❺➎ ➏➉ ➐➃❸❹❺ ❹➃❷➑➊❽❿ ❼❺➒❺❹➀ ➀➁❺ ➓❸❺➔❿ ➃➄ ➀➁❺ ➆➑➀➁➃❼ ➃❽❷➉➎ ➏➉ ➐➃❸❹❺ ❹➃❷➑➊❽❿ ❿➁➃➑❷❾ ➌❺ →➣➣↔↕➣➣ ➔➃❼❾❿➎ ❶➑➀➁➃❼❿ ➆❷❿➃ ❿➁➃➑❷❾ ❸❽❹❷➑❾❺ ➀➁❺❸❼ ➄➑❷❷ ❽➆➊❺➋ ➆➙❺➋ ➃❹❹➑➂➆➀❸➃❽ ➆❽❾ ❼❺❷❺➓➆❽➀ ➃❼➙➆❽❸➛➆➀❸➃❽➆❷ ➊❺➊➌❺❼❿➁❸➂❿➎ ➜❺ ❺❾❸➀ ❿➑➌➊❸❿❿❸➃❽❿ ➄➃❼ ➌❼❺➓❸➀➉➋ ➙❼➆➊➊➆❼➋ ➀➆❿➀❺ ➆❽❾ ❷❺➙➆❷ ❼❺➆❿➃❽❿➎ ➜❺ ❼❺➝❺❹➀ ➀➁➃❿❺ ➂➑➌❷❸❿➁❺❾ ❺❷❿❺➔➁❺❼❺➎ ➈❺❽❾ ❹➃❷➑➊❽❿ ➀➃ ➍➆ ➅❼➆❽❾❺ ➞➌❿❺❼➓❺❼➋ ➟➠➣➡ →➀➁ ➈➀➎➋ ➍➆ ➅❼➆❽❾❺➋ ➞❼❺➎➋ ➢↕➤→➣➋ ➄➆➥ ➀➁❺➊ ➀➃ →➠➟↔➢➡➦↔↕➤➣➠ ➃❼ ❺➊➆❸❷ ➀➁❺➊ ➀➃ ❽❺➔❿➧ ❷➆➙❼➆❽❾❺➃➌❿❺❼➓❺❼➎❹➃➊➎ from the defunct string program at the La Grande Middle School,” comment- ➳➹ ➬➵➲➘➵➴ ➶➮➻➳ ➽➹➹➘➳➲➯ ➪➳➫ one afternoon a week, and schools. The threesome of instructors use a com- bination of methods in- corporating kaleidoscope, classical, and traditional ➼➳➾➚➪➩➨➺ ➵ ➶➽➹➹➘➳➲➴➷ ➵➱➫➳➲ ➫➻➳ ➽➲➯➫ ➽✃➳ ➭➳➵➲➯❐ ➩➫ ➽➹➹➘➩➨➺❐ ❒➩➫➻ ➫➻➳ ➺➚➵➘ ➚➱ Perhaps it was this com- bination of styles — plus seeing and feeling the fun of playing these com- monly known pieces in an informal group as they are passed down through the eras — that led to Carla to start an afterschool strings program at Central School in La Grande some 15 years ago. “We were given a few smaller violins that came was clear it was going to grow, as more students wanted to join and many students were returning year after year.” Today, in conjunction with the Grande Ronde Symphony Association’s Fiddle Club, Carla, along with Denise Hutton and Kathy Thimmes, are work- ing with nearly 60 children at Central, Greenwood and Island City elementary ➩➨➯➸➩➲➩➨➺ ➾➻➩➘➹➲➳➨ ➫➚ ➽➲➯➫ ✎❖✌❚✟✎❚✍❖✂✞ ✏✂❆✠✝✎ ❖✡✡✝✎✝✟✠☎ ❈✑✒✓ ✔✕ ✖❛ ✗✘❛✙✚✛✜ ➏➆➉➃❼ ❹➃➑❽❹❸❷➃❼➦➧❹❸➀➉➃➄❺❷➙❸❽➃❼➎ ➊➆❸❷ ➀➃ ❙ ❸➀➉ ➃➄ ★ ❽➀❺❼➂❼❸❿❺➋ ➟➣➤ ➈➀❺➓❺ ❙ ❷❺➊❺❽➀❿➋ ❙ ❸➀➉ ➏➆❽➆➙❺❼ ➃❼➙ t ✵ ➆➀➁➉ ➜➆❼❼❺❽➋ ✢ ➞ ♦ ➎ ★ ➎ ➟❿➀ ➈➀❼❺❺➀➋ ★ ❽➀❺❼➂❼❸❿❺➋ ➞➇ ➇➃➌❺❼➀ ➈➀❼➃➂❺ t ✢ ➎➞➎ ✳ ➃➥ ➡↕➣➋ ✳ ➃➥ ➡➢↕➋ →➠➟↔↕➤➡↔➢➡➟➟➋ ➢↕➤ ✾ ➤ ➍➆ ➅❼➆❽❾❺➋ ➞➇ ➢↕➤→➣ t →➠➟↔ ❹➃➑❽❹❸❷➃❼➡➧❹❸➀➉➃➄❺❷➙❸❽➃❼➎ ■✣✫✦✛✘ ❈✑✒✓ ❈✔❯✙✩✑✦✔✘✤✜ ➢➡ ✾ ↔➟➦➣➢ t ➄➆➥ →➠➟↔➢➡➦↔➦➦➦➦➎ ➃❼➙ t ➇❸❿➆ ❍ ➆❷➙➆❼➀➁➋ ✢ ➞ ➏➆➉➃❼ ➏❸ ❦ ❺ ➏❹➍❺➆❽➋ ❙ ➃❼❼❸❽❺ ⑥ ✙✑✔✙ ❈✔❯✙✒✓ ✳ ➃➥ → ✾ →➋ →➠➟↔➠➦↕↔➢➠➡ ✾ ➋ ➜❸❷➄➃❽➙➋ ❍ ❺❼➊➆❽ ➞❼➀➊➆❽❽➋ ❈✔✣✣✑✤✤✑✔✙✛✘✤✜ ✥ ➃❽❽➆ ❹➃➑❽❹❸❷➃❼ ✾ ➧❹❸➀➉➃➄❺❷➙❸❽➃❼➎ ➏➆❼ ❦ ❍ ➃➔❺❷❷➋ ➇❸❹ ❦ ➐❸❹❺ ❦ ➋ ✧ ➃➆❽ ✳ ❺➓❺❼➆➙❺➋ ➏➆➀➀ ➈❹➆❼➄➃ ➆❽❾ ➃❼➙ t ➇➃❹ ❦ ➉ ✳ ➑❼➙❺❿❿➋ ➤➣➣ ❍ ➆❼❾❸❽➙➋ ✧ ➆❿➃❽ ✳ ❺❼➙❷➑❽❾ t ➟➤➣ ✢ ➆➑❷ ❶❽❾❺❼❺❿ t ➟➟➣➡ ✵ ❶➓❺➎➋ ➍➆ ♦ ➟➠➀➁ ➈➀➎➋ ✢ ➎➞➎ ✳ ➃➥ ➤→➠➋ ➇➑❹ ❦ ➊➆❽ ❶➓❺➎ t ✢ ➎➞➎ ✳ ➃➥ ➠➣➋ ➅❼➆❽❾❺➋ ➞➇ ➢↕➤→➣ t →➠➟↔➢➡➦↔ →➠➟↔↕➤➡↔ ✾ ➠➟↕➋ ❹➃➑❽❹❸❷➃❼➟➧ ✬ ➊➌❷❺❼ ➞➇ ➢↕➤➠➟ t →➠➟↔→➦➠↔ ➟➣➣➟ t ➄➆➥ →➠➟↔➢➡➦↔➟➣↕➢➎ ❹❸➀➉➃➄❺❷➙❸❽➃❼➎➃❼➙ t ✥ ➆➓❸❾ ➡➣➢→ ❲❛✦✦✔✇❛ ❈✔❯✙✒✓ ➇❺❺❾➋ ➟➣➟➟ ✥ ❺➀❼➃❸➀ ➈➀➎➋ ✢ ➞ ❏✔✤✛✪✭ ❈✑✒✓ ❈✔❯✙✩✑✦✔✘✤✜ ❈✔✣✣✑✤✤✑✔✙✛✘✤✜ ✧ ➃➁❽ ✳ ➃➥ ➦➡➤ t →➠➟↔➢↕→↔➦➦➣➡➋ ➏➆➉➃❼❻❺❼❺❿➆ ➈➆➝➃❽❸➆ t ➏➆❼➀❸❽ ❍ ❸❷❷➃❹ ❦ ➋❻➃❾❾ ♦ ➆❿➁ ➆❽❾ ➈➑❿➆❽ ❹➃➑❽❹❸❷➃❼➠➧❹❸➀➉➃➄❺❷➙❸❽➃❼➎ ❍ ➆➊❸❷➀➃❽ t ✢ ❺➆❼❷ ➈➀❼➑➊ t ❻➆❽➉➆ ➇➃➌❺❼➀❿ t ➟➣➟ ➈➎ ➇❸➓❺❼ ➈➀➎➋ ➃❼➙ t ➇➉➆❽ ➏➆❼➀❸❽➋ ❙ ➃❷❷❸❺❼ t ➏❸❹➁➆❺❷ ✧ ➍➃❹ ❦ ➁➆❼➀ t ➇➃➃➊ ✾ ➣ ✾ ➋ ★ ❽➀❺❼➂❼❸❿❺➋ ➞➇ ❹➃➑❽❹❸❷➃❼→➧❹❸➀➉➃➄❺❷➙❸❽➃❼➎➃❼➙ ✢ ➆➀➀➉ ✳ ➑➄➄➃❼❾ →➠➟↔➠➦ ✾ ↔➦➤➦ ✾t ➢↕➤ ✾ ➤ t →➠➟↔➠ ✾ ➡↔➠→➠➦➋ ❺➥➀➎ ➟➟ t ⑨ ✙✒✛✘✪✘✑✤✛ ❈✑✒✓ ❈✔❯✙✩✑✦✔✘✤✜ ✢ ➎➞➎ ✳ ➃➥ ➟→➋ ✧ ➃❿❺➂➁➋ ➞❼❺➙➃❽ ➄➆➥ →➠➟↔➠ ✾ ➡↔➣→➤ ✾ ➎ ➏➆➉➃❼ ➈➀➆❹❺➉ ✵ ➆❼➓➃❿ ❦ ❸➋ ➢↕➤➠➡ t ✾ ➣➟ ♦ ➃❼➀➁ ➏➆❸❽ ➈➀➎ t ⑨ ✦❊✑✙ ❈✑✒✓ ❈✔❯✙✩✑✦✔✘✤✜ ➊➆➉➃❼➃➄❺❽➀❺❼➂❼❸❿❺➧➙➊➆❸❷➎ ❹❸➀➉➃➄➝➃❿❺➂➁➃❼❺➙➃❽➧➙➊➆❸❷➎ ➏➆➉➃❼ ❶❷❷➆❽ ✥ ➑➄➄➉➋ →➣➟ ♦ ➟➟➀➁ ❹➃➊ t ✧ ❺❽❽❸ ➜➃❼❾ t ✥ ➆➓❺ ❹➃➊ ➈➀➎➋ →➠➟↔➠➦↕↔➟➣➟➡➋ ➊➆➉➃❼➧ ★ ❷❷❸➃➀➀ t ❶❿➁❷❺➉ ➈➑❷❷❸➓➆❽ t ➏❸❹➆➁ ✖❛ ✗✘❛✙✚✛ ❈✑✒✓ ❹❸➀➉➃➄❺❷➙❸❽➃❼➎➃❼➙ t ➏➆❼➉ ➜❺❿➀➋ ❶➙❽❺➔ t ➍➆❼❼➉ ❙ ➁❼❸❿➀➊➆❽ t ❈✔❯✙✩✑✦✔✘✤✜ ➏➆➉➃❼ ➈➀❺➓❺ ✾ ➡➣ ♦ →➀➁ ❶➓❺➎➋ →➠➟↔➤➣→↔➣➠➠➦➋ ❙ ➁❼❸❿ ✢ ❼❸➀❹➁➆❼❾ t →➠➟↔➠ ✾ ➡↔➠➟➢➡ t ❙ ❷❺➊❺❽➀❿➋ ➅➆❼➉ ➍❸❷❷➆❼❾➋ ♦ ❸❹➃❷❺ SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION enjoy music, and second to continue on with an in- strument to make it a life- long pursuit. The greater community owes Carla Arnold a great debt of gratitude in foster- ing this love of music in so many of the youth in Union County. For that, the Grande Ronde Sym- phony Association tips our bow and salutes her. ❍ ➃➔➆❼❾➋ ❙ ➃❼❼❸❽❺ ✥ ➑➀➀➃➋ ➏➆❼➉ ✧ ❦ ✧ ➑❿➀❸❽ ➇➃❹ ❦t ➀➁❼➃➑➙➁ ➀➁❺ ❙ ❸➀➉ ➏➆❽➆➙❺❼ ➆ ❿ ➃➄ s ❹❺➋ →➠➟↔➢➡ ✾ ↔ ❶❽❽ ➏❸❺❿❽❺❼➋ ❸➊ ➜➁❸➀➌❺❹ ➋ ➟➦➣➢ ✙✑✔✙ ❈✑✒✓ ❈✔❯✙✩✑✦✔✘✤✜ ✮ ➍❺➃❽➆❼❾ ✮ ❷❸❽➀➧❹❸➀➉➃➄➑❽❸➃❽➎ ❹➃➊ t ✧ ➃➁❽ ✮ ➆❼➊❺❼➋ ⑥ ➏➆➉➃❼ ➍❺➃❽➆❼❾ ❷❸❽➀➋ ➝➃➁❽➄➆❼➊❺❼➧❹❸➀➉➃➄➑❽❸➃❽➎ t t ❍ ➆➔ ❦ ❸❽❿➋ ❿➑❿➆❽➁➆➔ ❦ ❸❽❿➧ ❹❸➀➉➃➄➑❽❸➃❽➎❹➃➊ t ➏➆➀➀ ➍➆➀❺❼➋ ❹➃➊ ➍❺❿❷❸❺ ➏❹➏❸❷❷➆❽ ➈➑❺ ➊➆➀➀❷➆➀❺❼➧❹❸➀➉➃➄➑❽❸➃❽➎ t ✧ ➆➉ ✳ ❷➆❹ ❦ ➌➑❼❽➋ ❦ ❹➃➊ t ➜➆❷➀ ✳ ❼➃➃ ❦ ❿➁❸❼❺➋ ➔➆❷➀➌❼➃➃ ❦ ❿➁❸❼❺➧❹❸➀➉➃➄➑❽❸➃❽➎ ❹➃➊ ➝➆➉➌❷➆❹ ➌➑❼❽➧❹❸➀➉➃➄➑❽❸➃❽➎ ❹➃➊ ❈✑✒✓ ✔✕ ❈✔✯✛✜ ➏➆➉➃❼ ✥ ❺❷ ➍❸➀➀❷❺➋ ✰ →➣➦ ✱ ↔→➣➤↔➡↕ ✾ ↕ →➣➠ ❶❷❾❺❼ ➈➀❼❺❺➀ ✢ ➎➞➎ ✳ ➃➥ ➤ ❙ ➃➓❺➋ ➞➇ ➢↕➤ ✾ ➠ ❙ ❸➀➉ ➏➆❽➆➙❺❼ ✥ ➃❽❽➆ ➍❺➔❸❿➋ ✰ →➠➟ ✱ →➡➤↔➠→➡➡ STAFF SUBSCRIBE AND SAVE Phone: Regional publisher.........................Karrine Brogoitti Home delivery advisor.................Amanda Fredrick NEWSSTAND PRICE: $1.50 ✚✛✜✢✣✤✥✢✥✜✤✜ Regional audience development director...............................Kelli Craft Customer service rep ......................... 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