The Observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1968-current, February 27, 2019, Page 2, Image 2

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    ✷☛ ➋☞✌ ❖✆✄ ✝❱ ✝
Baker County citizens weigh in on cap-and-trade
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❲❣❡♣❡ ❨♣❡ q❦❞ ❳❨❩❭ r❡❥❢ ❬❫
❢❣❡ ❩❡❨♣❜
Baker County citizens on
Monday evening had what’s
likely their only face-to-face
chance to comment on Ore-
gon’s proposed carbon cap-
and-trade bill.
Between 200 and 300
people gathered at the
Baker Community Events
Center for the hour-long
hearing with the Legisla-
ture’s Joint Committee for
Carbon Reduction.
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❵❜ ❿❡❢❢❡♣❬❫⑨ ❳❡⑥♦❫❭❢♣❨❢❡❳
❣❬❭ ❡r❡❸❢♣❬❸ ❨⑧❢♦⑥♦❛❬r❡
❭❢❨♣❢❡♣ ❬❫ ❼❡❢♣♦❬❢ ❛❩ ❭❢❨♣❢❬❫⑨
❨ ⑦❨❳❬rr❨❸➀❭ ⑥♦❢♦♣ ❶❬❢❣
❽⑧❭❢ ❢❣❡ ⑩♣❡❭❭ ♦❥ ❨ ❭❶❬❢❸❣❴
❬❫❭❢❡❨❳ ♦❥ ❣❨❫❳➁❸♣❨❫➂❬❫⑨❜
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to the committee by video
connection, most express-
ing concerns about how the
bill could harm the local
and state economy.
Monday’s event was one
✳❁ ✿❂✹ ✸✴✰✻✾❃ ❄✹❅❈✾❉❋✼ ✵❄✹
committee has scheduled
to gather comments about
House Bill 2020, which
would cap limits on car-
bon emissions in the state
and also create a system
by which companies that
exceed the limit could buy
credits — the “trade” part of
the bill — with companies
that don’t.
✯✵✵✹❉❀✹✹✼ ✿✻✻✹❀ ❅ ❃✳❉❁✹❈ -
seating in the larger section
of the Events Center. Those
standing in the back of the
conference room reported
❀✾▼❃✴✻✵❖ ❄✹❅❈✾❉❋ ❏❄✾✻✹ ✾❉
✵❄✹ ✳❂✹❈❑✳❏ ❅❈✹❅ ❖✳✴ ❃✳✴✻❀
not hear anything from the
hearing for the majority of
the time.
Some people resorted to
live streaming the hearing
on their cellphones.
“I had 300 more people
out there that couldn’t even
begin to talk to you or hear
you, so we would like anoth-
er venue to do this better,”
Baker County Commission
Chairman Bill Harvey said
as the hearing closed.
P❅❈❂✹❖ ❏❅✼
✵❄✹ ✿❈✼✵ ✵✳
testify. Speakers were given
two minutes each.
The committee has had
two public hearings on the
bill in Salem, where most
people supported the bill.
That was not the case
Monday in Baker City. All
but one speaker opposed
the bill. Most said they’re
concerned that Ash Grove
Cement, which owns a
plant near Durkee that
employs 115 people, would
not be able to comply with
the carbon limit and would
have to close.
Terry Kerby, who man-
ages Ash Grove’s Durkee
plant, said 65 percent of the
carbon the plant produces
comes from the resources
they mine when making ce-
ment, and this would pre-
vent the plant from meet-
ing the carbon reduction
benchmarks in the current
version of the bill.
“In the event that this bill
passes and results in the
shuttering (of the Durkee
plant), the irony would be
the (carbon dioxide) emis-
sions would globally in-
crease,” Kerby said.
Several other speakers
repeated Kerby’s claim that
the closure of the Durkee
plant would result in more
cement being made in Chi-
na, which has less stringent
emissions laws.
❙❅✻❄✹✴❈ ❯✳✴❉✵❖ ✳▼❃✾❅✻✼
said they’re concerned the
passage of the bill would
prompt businesses to move
from Ontario to Fruitland,
Idaho, just across the Snake
River. Idaho is not propos-
ing a carbon cap-and-trade
Several speakers also ex-
pressed concerns about in-
creases in the cost of gaso-
line and natural gas some
lawmakers say would result
if the bill passes.
❘❊❢❣◆ ■◆
Suzanne Fouty of Baker
City was the only person
❏❄✳ ✵✹✼✵✾✿✹❀ ✾❉ ✼✴✸✸✳❈✵ ✳❁
the bill.
However, Fouty empha-
sized she favors a version
of the bill that doesn’t
lead to Ash Grove closing
its Durkee plant, or that
threatens local farmers
and ranchers.
“I support the strong
Clean Energy Jobs Bill (the
✳▼❃✾❅✻ ❉❅●✹ ✳❁ P❱ ✶❳✶❳❩❬
one that brings funds and
jobs to rural Oregon, one
that jump-starts innovation
by leveling the economic
Friday in The Dalles and
Saturday in Bend.
Those who wish to com-
ment on the bill but weren’t
able to give testimony Mon-
day can submit comments
by email at jccr.exhibits@
❝❄✳✼✹ ❏❄✳ ✵✹✼✵✾✿✹❀ ❅❈✹ ❅✻✼✳
able to submit additional
comments via email.
The Baker City Council
also discussed the bill dur-
ing its Tuesday meeting.
Near the end of Mon-
day’s hearing, state Sen.
❯✻✾❴ ❱✹❉✵❞❬ ❏❄✳✼✹ ❀✾✼✵❈✾❃✵
includes Baker County and
who is a vice chair of the
Joint Committee for Car-
bon Reduction, announced
Gov. Kate Brown will be vis-
iting the Ash Grove Durkee
plant on Friday afternoon.
Brown’s visit to the plant is
a private tour.
Brown will be making
an appearance with the
Baker City Chamber of
Commerce at the Baker
Heritage Museum, 2480
Grove St., at 3:30 p.m. Fri-
day, which is open to the
✸✻❅❖✾❉❋ ✿✹✻❀❬❭ ❪✳✴✵❖ ✼❅✾❀❫
Although Monday’s event
was the only public hearing
scheduled in Baker City,
residents could also sub-
mit testimony prior to the
Ten Ash Grove employ-
ees submitted letters, as did
Fred Warner Jr., Baker City
Warner’s letter also ex-
pressed concern about how
✵❄✹ ✰✾✻✻ ❃✳✴✻❀ ❅❴✹❃✵ ✵❄✹ ✯✼❄
Grove facility.
❵❅❉ ❜❄❅❴✹❈❬ ✵❄✹ ●❅❉ -
ager of Dykman Electrical
in Boise, which does work at
Ash Grove, also submitted a
letter, writing if Ash Grove
closes the Durkee plant, his
company would have to lay
✳❴ ✼✳●✹ ✹●✸✻✳❖✹✹✼❫
If the bill passes, Oregon
would become the second
state to pass a statewide
carbon emissions law. Cali-
fornia is the only other state
that has passed multi-sector
cap-and-trade legislation.
Some states have cap-and-
➴➷ ➬➮➱➷ ✃➮❐❒❮ ❰ÏÐ ➮ÑÑ Ï❰ ÒÏÓÐ
❐❒❮➷Ð❐ÏÐ ❒➷➷ÔÕ ➮❒Ô ÖÓÔ×➷❮
➤➥➦ ➧➨➩➫➭ ➧➯➲➳➵ ➸➩ ➺➻➩➼➨➲
for power companies
The virtual hearing was
split between Baker City
and Newport. The hearing
in Newport started just af-
ter the Baker hearing.
Hearings are scheduled
❥r❦❧ ♠♥r♣ r♣q❦rs✉
Dennis Richardson,
Oregon secretary of
state, dies
SALEM — Oregon Sec-
retary of State Dennis
Richardson, who last year
announced he had been di-
agnosed with brain cancer,
has died.
in a statement he died at
home Tuesday night sur-
rounded by family and
The 69-year-old Repub-
lican was a six-term mem-
ber of the Oregon House
before being elected sec-
retary of state in 2016. He
was the only Republican
❄✳✻❀✾❉❋ ✼✵❅✵✹❏✾❀✹ ✳▼❃✹ ✾❉
Gov. Kate Brown or-
their outside ballistic vests,
noting they are “easily acces-
sible by suspects.”
The new rule comes af-
✵✹❈ ❅❉ ✳▼❃✹❈ ✳❉ ⑤❅❉❫ ⑥ ❁❅ -
tally shot Andre Gladen, a
36-year-old legally blind
man with schizophrenia
who ran inside a stranger’s
Several law enforcement
sources told The Oregonian/
OregonLive that Gladen was
found holding a dagger-type
knife that he had grabbed
❁❈✳● ✵❄✹ ❂✹✼✵ ✳❁ ✵❄✹ ✳▼❃✹❈
who killed him.
The Portland Police Bu-
reau has not said whether
the knife Gladen dropped
after he was shot belonged to
❄❅✻❁④✼✵❅❴ ✾❉ ❄✳❉✳❈ ✳❁ ①✾❃❄
Brown will appoint Rich-
ardson’s successor. In a
Police Chief Danielle
Outlaw signed the rule last
week, saying it was created
after proactively identifying a
shortcoming in policy.
A Multnomah County
grand jury found no criminal
❏❈✳❉❋❀✳✾❉❋ ✰❖ ⑧✳✼✴ ✾❉ ✵❄✹
she would make a choice
in the coming weeks and
would consider a Repub-
lican who commits to not
entering the 2020 election.
The grand jury transcripts
are expected to be made pub-
lic in coming weeks.
✾❉✼✵✾✵✴✵✾✳❉✼ ✵✳ ✰✹ ❑✳❏❉ ❅✵
Portland cops to no
longer carry knives
on outer vests
a $1.1 million lawsuit against
the Port of Portland for al-
legedly letting a dangerous
“emotional support animal”
into the airport without a
The Oregonian/Orego-
nian reports the lawsuit
lists two other defendants:
the dog’s owner, Michelle
Brannan, and Alaska Air-
The suit claims Brannan
should have known that
her dog had “vicious pro-
⑦▼❃✹❈ ❯✳❉✼✾❀✹❈ ⑧✳✼✴❫
ðñòò óô õö÷ ôøó ùôú
ûôø üñö ýñþÿ ② ✁✁✁
óù t ý ûÿñ ✂✳
Owner of emotional
support dog sued for
airport mauling
➋ ❍☎✆✝✞ ✟❛✠✡☛☞✝t✌
PORTLAND — Portland
▲☞✆♦✍☎✎✎☞☛ ✏✑☞✝✆ t✌✒✡ ✠❛t☎
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PORTLAND — The moth-
er of a 5-year-old girl mauled
by a pit bull at Portland In-
✒✆ ✐✽✓✔✱ ✠✒☎✠ ✒✆ ✐✽✽✕✖
from carrying open knives in
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❲ ✁✂ ✄✁❆❨✱ ☎ ✆✝✞❆✝❨ ✟✠✱ ✟✡✶✾
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➓➔→➣ ↔↕➙➛↔
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ØÙÚÛ ÜÝÞÝßÝà áâã ä áå ÜàåâæÝ
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