The Observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1968-current, February 22, 2019, WEEKEND EDITION, Page 7, Image 7

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EOU men bounced from tourney
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The third time wasn’t a charm for the
Eastern Oregon men’s basketball team.
After defeating Corban twice during the
regular season, the Mountaineers fell short
in their attempt at a third victory over the
Warriors, losing in the Cascade Collegiate
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day in Salem.
The back-and-forth contest featured
eight ties and four lead changes. Corban
took the lead for good, though, on two free
throws and a dunk by Joel Johnson to go
ahead 70-66 with 5:28 to play.
The lead reached nine with less than
three minutes to play before EOU put to-
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alive. Three-pointers by Kobi Gardea and
Zane Wright brought the Mountaineers
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It’s been a decade since
the La Grande Tigers
wrestling team made it to
the podium.
This weekend looks to be
the team’s best opportuni-
ty to end that spell.
The Tigers are taking
16 wrestlers to the Class
4A state tournament Fri-
day and Saturday at Port-
land’s Memorial Coliseum,
and Head Coach Klel Car-
son said La Grande will
need wrestlers to step up
throughout the lineup if
the team wants to get back
into the top four and home
a tournament trophy.
“I was asked (Wednes-
day) what it’s going to take
to (earn a) trophy, and we
need everyone to contrib-
ute,” he said.
The Tigers last garnered
a trophy in 2009, when
they took third at state.
Before the season start-
ed, Carson considered his
Tigers as a team that could
potentially be in conten-
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state championship since
1996. La Grande still has
the numbers and the tal-
ent to be in the mix, but
it will be harder after los-
ing Nathan Reed — a state
runner-up a year ago — to
a midseason leg injury
and Alex Kehr — who took
third a year ago — to a
shoulder injury during the
district tournament.
“It’s a lot of potential
points (that are lost),” Car-
son said.
Even with the losses,
the Tigers still have two
wrestlers on the team who
placed high at state a year
ago — Parker Robinson
(second) and Christopher
Woodworth (third) — and
half of the 16 headed to
Portland made the trip a
year ago, so the squad is not
lacking state experience.
The team is also highly
touted, and the individ-
ual seeding received by
La Grande’s wrestlers
show that fact. Ten of the
grapplers competing this
weekend are seeded eighth
or higher.
“I feel like we’ve got sev-
en or eight guys that if we
got a great weekend (out
of them) we could be in the
top four,” Carson said.
Six of the Tigers are a top-
three seed. Robinson is the
top seed in his 160-pound
weight class, and Gray-
son Livingston (170) and
Woodworth (195) are both
seeded second.
“All three of them are
really focused on (con-
within 76-72, and Peter Hamilton drained
a triple after a Corban turnover to make
it 76-75 with 34 seconds to play. Tyler
Wadleigh made two free throws to push
the margin back to three, then iced the
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nal seconds after Said Hersi’s tying 3-point
attempt missed.
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half, going ahead 27-22 on a Jordan May
layup, and went into the half tied at 40-40
after a Hamilton 3-pointer. The Mountain-
eers, though, never led in the second half.
May led EOU with 18 points and three
steals. Hamilton added 14 points and Gar-
dea, Wright and Landon Jones all had
eight points.
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Eagles roll into second round
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The Joseph Eagles girls
basketball team netted 30
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alone and cruised from
there on its way to a 62-24
home victory over the Ione
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Sabrina Albee, who led
Joseph with 28 points, had
12 in the opening quarter as
the Eagles jumped out to a
30-12 lead after one. Mad-
elyn Nelson, who added 15
points for Joseph, had eight
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The Eagles held a 39-21
lead at the half, then out-
scored Ione 23-3 in the
second half to complete the
Haley Miller added eight
points and Emma Hite
scored seven for Joseph.
The Eagles (24-3 overall)
travel to Mohawk for the
second round of the state
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the winner advancing to
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week in Baker City.
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The Wallowa Cougars
girls basketball team saw
its best season in four years
come to an end with a 67-
31 road loss to the Crane
Mustangs Wednesday in
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Shanna Rae Tillery led
Wallowa in the loss with 13
points, and three players —
Kyla Hook, Ashlyn Young
and Jamie Johnston —
scored four points apiece.
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a record of 14-12, and
matched its win total from
the 2014-15 year, when
the Cougars also won 14
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The Powder Valley Bad- ➸
gers girls basketball team
will host the Southwest
Christian Wildcats, who
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round, 37-22, in the sec-
ond round of the Class
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The winner will advance
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next week in Baker City.
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tending for a state title),”
Carson said. “They put in
a lot of hard work the last
couple of weeks. They’re
in a really good spot. I
wouldn’t want to wrestle
them this weekend, that’s
for sure.”
Carson considered Til-
lamook as the favorite for
the state title, but believes
several teams, including
his Tigers, are top-four
“They’re the favorite
because of the number of
kids,” Carson said of Tilla-
mook. “They won the Ore-
gon Classic. Sweet Home is
going to be in there. We’re
in there. Cascade doesn’t
have the numbers that we
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are capable of winning it.
Baker is sending quite a
few kids to state. Wood-
burn is going to be in the
conversation, (as well as)
Eagles likely are not in
range to contend for a
team trophy at the 2A/1A
level, but one of their
wrestlers has an oppor-
tunity to etch his name
among the all-time greats,
as Steven Beckman guns
for a third consecutive
state title. He won the last
two years at 106 pounds,
and this year looks to add
on as the top seed at 113. If
he accomplishes the feat,
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three-time state champion
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tri-county region.
Joining him is Zeb
Ramsden, the third seed
at 132, Austin Brockamp
(170) and Jonah Staigle
(195), both of whom are
unseeded. Ramsden and
Brockamp are both mak-
ing their second straight
trips to Portland, while
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Local state
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The Enterprise Outlaws
are taking two wrestlers,
both unseeded, in Trace
Evans (138) and Klint Nor-
ton (285). Evans reached
state a year ago, while
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Logan Butcher (145) is
the lone representative for
the Imbler Panthers and is
making his second straight
trip to state. If he places,
See Wrestling / Page 8A
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Valley Christi
7 p.m.
5 p.m.
7 p.m.
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6 p.m.
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