❖◗❘❱◗❳❘❩❬❭ ❪◗❫❴❵❩❴❬ ❛❞❭ ❛❞❣✐ ❥❦❧ ♠♥q❧rs❧r ①③④⑤⑥ ④⑦⑧⑥⑨⑩⑧❶❷ ⑥❸④ ❶❷❹❶❺❻ ⑦④❼⑨❽⑩❶⑥❾❸④⑩❶❷⑦ A rare victory for open records in Oregon ❿➀➁➀ ➂➃ ➄➅➅➆ ➇➀➈➃ ➉➁➅➊ ➋❿➂➃ ➌➀➄➂➃➌➍➋➂➎➀ ➃➀➃➃➂➅➇ ➁➀➄➍➁➆➂➇➄ ➏➐➑➌➂➒ ➍➒➒➀➃➃ ➋➅ ➏➐➑➌➂➒ ➁➀➒➅➁➆➃➓ ➍➇➆ ➋❿➍➋➔➃ ➍ ➁➍➁➀ ➀➇➅➐➄❿ ➅➒➒➐➁➁➀➇➒➀ ➋❿➀➃➀ ➆➍→➃ ➋❿➍➋ ➈➀ ➋❿➅➐➄❿➋ ➂➋ ➈➍➃ ➈➅➁➋❿ ➇➅➋➂➇➄➣ ↔➀➔➎➀ ➈➁➂➋➋➀➇ ➑➀➉➅➁➀ ➍➑➅➐➋ ↕➀➇➍➋➀ ➙➂➌➌ ➛➜➝➓ ➈❿➂➒❿ ➈➅➐➌➆ ➁➀➞➐➂➁➀ ➍➇→➅➇➀ ➁➀➞➐➀➃➋➂➇➄ ➏➐➑➌➂➒ ➁➀➒➅➁➆➃ ➋➅ ➅➐➋➌➂➇➀➓ ➟➈➂➋❿ ➏➍➁➋➂➒➐➌➍➁➂➋→ ➣➣➣ ❿➅➈ ➋❿➀ ➁➀➞➐➀➃➋➀➁ ➂➇➋➀➇➆➃ ➋➅ ➐➃➀ ➋❿➀ ➁➀➠ ➞➐➀➃➋➀➆ ➁➀➒➅➁➆➃➣➡ ➢➐➁➁➀➇➋ ➌➍➈ ➆➅➀➃ ➇➅➋ ➁➀➞➐➂➁➀ ➏➀➅➏➌➀ ➁➀➞➐➀➃➋➠ ➂➇➄ ➁➀➒➅➁➆➃ ➋➅ ➅➉➉➀➁ ➍➇→ ➤➐➃➋➂➥➒➍➋➂➅➇ ➉➅➁ ➊➍➦➂➇➄ ➋❿➀➂➁ ➁➀➞➐➀➃➋➃➣ ↕➀➇➣ ➙➀➋➃→ ➧➅❿➇➃➅➇➓ ➨➠↕➒➍➏➏➅➅➃➀➓ ➂➇➋➁➅➆➐➒➀➆ ➋❿➀ ➑➂➌➌ ➅➇ ➑➀❿➍➌➉ ➅➉ ➉➅➁➊➀➁ ➩➀➏➣ ➨➀➑➅➁➍❿ ➙➅➅➇➀➣ ➙➅➅➇➀ ➋➅➌➆ ➫❿➀ ➨➍➂➌→ ➭➃➋➅➁➂➍➇ ➇➀➈➃➏➍➠ ➏➀➁ ➃❿➀ ➈➍➇➋➀➆ ➋➅ ➊➍➦➀ ➃➐➁➀ ➅➇➌→ ➟➌➀➄➂➋➂➊➍➋➀➡ ➁➀➞➐➀➃➋➃ ➉➅➁ ➁➀➒➅➁➆➃ ➈➅➐➌➆ ➑➀ ❿➅➇➅➁➀➆➣ ➙➐➋ ➋❿➀ ➑➂➌➌ ➂➋➃➀➌➉ ➆➂➆➇➔➋ ➃➏➀➒➂➉→ ➋❿➍➋ ➯ ➍➇➆ ➂➋ ➆➂➆➇➔➋ ➃➍→ ➈❿➅ ➈➅➐➌➆ ➑➀ ➁➀➃➏➅➇➃➂➑➌➀ ➉➅➁ ➊➍➦➂➇➄ ➋❿➀ ➆➀➒➂➃➂➅➇➃ ➍➑➅➐➋ ➈❿➍➋ ➁➀➞➐➀➃➋➃ ➈➀➁➀ ➌➀➄➂➋➂➊➍➋➀ ➍➇➆ ➈❿➂➒❿ ➅➇➀➃ ➈➀➁➀ ➇➅➋➣ ➙➅➅➇➀ ➌➂➦➀➌→ ➈➍➇➋➀➆ ➋➅ ➒➐➁➑ ➃➅➠➒➍➌➌➀➆ ➟➥➃❿➂➇➄ ➀➲➏➀➆➂➋➂➅➇➃➡ ➑→ ➋❿➀ ➇➀➈➃ ➊➀➆➂➍ ➍➇➆ ➊➀➊➑➀➁➃ ➅➉ ➋❿➀ ➏➐➑➌➂➒ ➯ ➁➀➞➐➀➃➋➃ ➉➅➁ ➄➅➎➠ ➀➁➇➊➀➇➋ ➁➀➒➅➁➆➃ ➋❿➍➋ ➍➁➀ ➇➀➀➆➌➀➃➃➌→ ➑➁➅➍➆ ➍➇➆ ➇➅➋ ➎➀➁→ ➃➏➀➒➂➥➒➣ ➙➐➋ ❿➀➁➀➔➃ ➋❿➀ ➏➁➅➑➌➀➊➳ ➫❿➀ ➄➅➎➀➁➇➊➀➇➋ ❿➍➃ ➇➅ ➑➐➃➂➇➀➃➃ ➈❿➍➋➃➅➀➎➀➁ ➍➃➦➂➇➄ ➏➀➅➏➌➀ ➈❿➅ ➍➁➀ ➊➍➦➂➇➄ ➁➀➞➐➀➃➋➃ ➉➅➁ ➏➐➑➌➂➒ ➁➀➒➅➁➆➃ ➈❿→ ➋❿➀→ ➈➍➇➋ ➍➒➒➀➃➃ ➋➅ ➋❿➅➃➀ ➁➀➒➅➁➆➃➣ ➵➉ ➂➋➔➃ ➏➐➑➠ ➌➂➒➓ ➂➋➔➃ ➏➐➑➌➂➒ ➯ ➍➇➆ ➋❿➍➋ ➃❿➅➐➌➆ ➑➀ ➋❿➀ ➀➇➆ ➅➉ ➋❿➀ ➃➋➅➁→➣ ➵➇ ➒➍➃➀➃ ➈❿➀➁➀ ➍ ➄➅➎➀➁➇➊➀➇➋ ➀➇➋➂➋→ ➊➂➄❿➋ ❿➍➎➀ ➏➁➅➑➌➀➊➃ ➆➀➍➌➂➇➄ ➈➂➋❿ ➍➇ ➅➎➀➁➌→ ➑➁➅➍➆ ➁➀➞➐➀➃➋ ➉➅➁ ➁➀➒➅➁➆➃➓ ➂➋➔➃ ➒➀➁➋➍➂➇➌→ ➈➂➋❿➂➇ ➂➋➃ ➁➂➄❿➋➃ ➋➅ ➃➐➄➄➀➃➋ ➈➍→➃ ➍ ➃➀➍➁➒❿ ➒➅➐➌➆ ➑➀ ➇➍➁➁➅➈➀➆ ➯ ➑➐➋ ➊➀➊➑➀➁➃ ➅➉ ➋❿➀ ➏➐➑➌➂➒ ➊➍➦➂➇➄ ➋❿➅➃➀ ➁➀➞➐➀➃➋➃ ➍➁➀ ➐➇➆➀➁ ➇➅ ➅➑➌➂➄➍➋➂➅➇ ➋➅ ➃➍→ ➈❿→ ➋❿➀→ ➈➍➇➋ ➋❿➀ ➁➀➒➅➁➆➃➣ ➫❿➀ ➄➅➅➆ ➇➀➈➃ ❿➀➁➀ ➂➃ ➋❿➍➋ ➙➅➅➇➀ ❿➍➃ ➍➃➦➀➆ ➧➅❿➇➃➅➇ ➋➅ ➌➀➋ ➋❿➀ ➑➂➌➌ ➆➂➀➓ ➍➇➆ ➋❿➍➋➔➃ ➈❿➍➋ ➃❿➅➐➌➆ ❿➍➏➏➀➇ ❿➀➁➀ ➯ ➍➌➋❿➅➐➄❿ →➅➐ ➇➀➎➀➁ ➦➇➅➈ ➉➅➁ ➃➐➁➀ ➋❿➍➋ ➍ ➏➁➅➏➅➃➍➌ ➂➃ ➒➅➊➏➌➀➋➀➌→ ➆➀➍➆ ➐➇➋➂➌ ➋❿➀ ➸➀➄➂➃➌➍➋➐➁➀ ➍➆➤➅➐➁➇➃ ➌➍➋➀➁ ➋❿➂➃ →➀➍➁➣ ➙➅➅➇➀➓ ➍➃ ➂➋ ➋➐➁➇➃ ➅➐➋➓ ➈➍➃ ➋❿➀ ➃➐➑➤➀➒➋ ➅➉ ➍ ➁➀➒➅➁➆➃ ➁➀➞➐➀➃➋ ➉➁➅➊ ➫❿➀ ➺➁➀➄➅➇➂➍➇ ➇➀➈➃➏➍➏➀➁ ➋❿➍➋ →➂➀➌➆➀➆ ➻➓➼➜➜ ➅➁ ➃➅ ➏➍➄➀➃ ➅➉ ❿➀➁ ➅➈➇ ➒➅➁➁➀➃➏➅➇➆➀➇➒➀➣ ➽➙➅➅➇➀ ➃➍➂➆ ➃❿➀ ❿➍➆ ➍➃➦➀➆ ➉➅➁ ➋❿➀ ➑➂➌➌ ➋➅ ➑➀ ➆➁➍➉➋➀➆ ➍ ➉➀➈ ➆➍→➃ ➑➀➉➅➁➀ ➋❿➀ ➇➀➈➃➏➍➏➀➁ ➊➍➆➀ ➋❿➀ ➁➀➞➐➀➃➋➣➾ ➫❿➀ ➇➀➈➃➏➍➏➀➁➓ ➍➃ ➏➍➁➋ ➅➉ ➍ ➑➁➅➍➆➀➁ ➂➇➎➀➃➋➂➄➍➋➂➅➇ ➂➇➋➅ ➃➋➍➋➀ ➒➍➊➠ ➏➍➂➄➇ ➥➇➍➇➒➀➃➓ ➈➍➃ ➒➐➁➂➅➐➃ ➋➅ ➥➇➆ ➅➐➋ ➈❿→ ➃❿➀ ❿➍➆ ➒➅➇➋➂➇➐➀➆ ➋➅ ➉➐➇➠ ➆➁➍➂➃➀ ➍➉➋➀➁ ➍➇➇➅➐➇➒➂➇➄ ❿➀➁ ➁➀➋➂➁➀➊➀➇➋ ➉➁➅➊ ➋❿➀ ➸➀➄➂➃➌➍➋➐➁➀➣➫❿➀ ➇➀➈➃➠ ➏➍➏➀➁ ➆➂➃➒➅➎➀➁➀➆➓ ➂➇ ➏➍➁➋➓ ➋❿➍➋ ➙➅➅➇➀ ❿➍➆ ➐➃➀➆ ❿➀➁ ➃➋➍➋➀ ➀➊➍➂➌ ➍➒➒➅➐➇➋ ➋➅ ➒➅➇➋➍➒➋ ➃➋➍➋➀ ➍➄➀➇➒➂➀➃ ➍➑➅➐➋ ➂➃➃➐➀➃ ➋❿➍➋ ➂➇➎➅➌➎➀➆ ➉➍➊➂➌→ ➊➀➊➑➀➁➃➣ ➫❿➀ ➺➁➀➄➅➇➂➍➇ ➍➌➃➅ ➐➃➀➆ ➋❿➀ ➁➀➒➅➁➆➃ ➋➅ ➀➲➍➊➂➇➀ ➍ ➒➐➁➂➅➐➃ ➒➍➊➏➍➂➄➇ ➥➇➍➇➒➀ ➏➁➍➒➋➂➒➀ ➂➇ ➺➁➀➄➅➇➳ ➋❿➀ ➃➅➠➒➍➌➌➀➆ ➟➏➍➃➃➠➋❿➁➅➐➄❿➓➡ ➂➇ ➈❿➂➒❿ ➆➅➠ ➇➅➁➃ ➄➂➎➀ ➊➅➇➀→ ➋➅ ➍➇ ➅➉➥➒➀❿➅➌➆➀➁ ➈➂➋❿ ➂➇➃➋➁➐➒➋➂➅➇➃ ➋➅ ➏➍➃➃ ➋❿➀ ➆➅➐➄❿ ➍➌➅➇➄ ➋➅ ➍➇➅➋❿➀➁ ➒➍➇➆➂➆➍➋➀ ➐➇➆➀➁ ➋❿➀ ➅➉➥➒➀❿➅➌➆➀➁➔➃ ➇➍➊➀➣ ➵➇ ➍➇ ➂➇➋➀➁➠ ➎➂➀➈ ➈➂➋❿ ➫❿➀ ➺➁➀➄➅➇➂➍➇➓ ➙➅➅➇➀ ➆➀➃➒➁➂➑➀➆ ➍ ➏➍➂➁ ➅➉ ➆➅➇➍➋➂➅➇➃ ➉➁➅➊ ➌➍➃➋ →➀➍➁ ➋❿➍➋ ➍➏➏➀➍➁➀➆ ➋➅ ➒➅➊➀ ➉➁➅➊ ❿➀➁ ➑➐➋ ➒➍➊➀ ➂➇➃➋➀➍➆ ➉➁➅➊ ➅➋❿➀➁ ➆➅➇➅➁➃➣ ➙➅➅➇➀ ➃➍➂➆ ➋❿➀ ➏➁➍➒➋➂➒➀ ➂➃ ➒➅➊➊➅➇➏➌➍➒➀ ➂➇ ➋❿➀ ➢➍➏➂➋➅➌➣ ➵➋➔➃ ➍ ➏➁➍➒➋➂➒➀ ➋❿➍➋ ➊➍→ ➎➂➅➌➍➋➀ ➃➋➍➋➀ ➌➍➈➣ ➙➐➋ ➀➎➀➇ ➂➉ ➂➋➔➃ ➌➀➄➍➌➓ ➂➋ ➆➅➀➃➇➔➋ ➌➅➅➦ ➄➅➅➆➣ ➸➀➄➂➃➌➍➋➂➎➀ ➌➀➍➆➀➁➃ ➇➀➀➆ ➋➅ ➋➍➦➀ ➍ ➌➅➇➄ ➌➅➇➄ ➍➋ ➁➀➉➅➁➊➂➇➄ ➋❿➂➃ ➏➁➍➒➋➂➒➀➓ ➍➇➆ ➋❿➀ ➃➅➅➇➀➁➓ ➋❿➀ ➑➀➋➋➀➁➣ ➙➐➋ ➊➍➦➂➇➄ ➍ ➒➍➃➀ ➉➅➁ ➒➍➊➏➍➂➄➇➠➥➇➍➇➒➀ ➁➀➉➅➁➊ ➂➇ ➺➁➀➄➅➇ ➂➃ ➇➅➋ ➅➐➁ ➊➍➂➇ ➏➐➁➏➅➃➀ ➋➅➆➍→➣ ➵➇➃➋➀➍➆➓ ➈➀ ➅➉➉➀➁ ➆➀➋➍➂➌➃ ➍➑➅➐➋ ➋❿➂➃ ➑➀➒➍➐➃➀ ➋❿➀ ➂➇➎➀➃➋➂➄➍➋➂➅➇ ➅➉➉➀➁➃ →➀➋ ➍➇➅➋❿➀➁ ➁➀➍➃➅➇ ➈❿→ ➂➋➔➃ ➂➊➏➅➁➋➍➇➋ ➋❿➍➋ ➏➐➑➌➂➒ ➁➀➠ ➒➅➁➆➃ ➁➀➊➍➂➇ ➍➒➒➀➃➃➂➑➌➀ ➋➅ ➋❿➀ ➏➐➑➌➂➒➣ ➚➅➁➒➂➇➄ ➏➀➅➏➌➀ ➃➀➀➦➂➇➄ ➁➀➒➅➁➆➃ ➋➅ ➃➋➍➋➀ ➈❿→ ➋❿➀→ ➈➍➇➋ ➋❿➀ ➁➀➒➅➁➆➃ ➀➍➃➂➌→ ➒➅➐➌➆ ❿➍➎➀ ➒➁➀➍➋➀➆ ➍ ➒❿➂➌➌➂➇➄ ➀➉➉➀➒➋ ➯ ➍➇➆➓ ➂➇ ➋❿➀➅➁→ ➍➋ ➌➀➍➃➋➓ ➒➅➐➌➆ ❿➍➎➀ ➄➂➎➀➇ ➋❿➀ ➄➅➎➀➁➇➊➀➇➋ ➀➇➋➂➠ ➋➂➀➃ ❿➅➌➆➂➇➄ ➋❿➅➃➀ ➁➀➒➅➁➆➃ ➂➇➒➀➇➋➂➎➀➃ ➋➅ ➃➋➅➇➀➈➍➌➌ ➁➀➞➐➀➃➋➃➣ ➺➎➀➁ ➋❿➀ ➌➍➃➋ ➒➅➐➏➌➀ ➅➉ →➀➍➁➃➓ ➺➁➀➄➅➇ ❿➍➃ ➃➋➍➁➋➀➆ ➋➅ ➁➀➄➍➂➇ ➃➅➊➀ ➊➅➊➀➇➋➐➊ ➋➅➈➍➁➆ ➁➀➎➂➋➍➌➂➪➂➇➄ ➂➋➃ ➅➏➀➇ ➁➀➒➅➁➆➃ ➌➍➈➃➓ ➍➉➠ ➋➀➁ ➆➀➒➍➆➀➃ ➂➇ ➈❿➂➒❿ ➍➆➎➅➒➍➋➀➃ ➉➅➁ ➅➏➀➇➇➀➃➃ ➌➅➃➋ ➄➁➅➐➇➆ ➀➎➠ ➀➁→ ➋➂➊➀ ➋❿➀ ➸➀➄➂➃➌➍➋➐➁➀ ➊➀➋➣ ↕➀➇➍➋➀ ➙➂➌➌ ➛➜➝➓ ➂➇ ➍ ➃➂➇➄➌➀ ➃➋➁➅➦➀➓ ➈➅➐➌➆ ❿➍➎➀ ➤➀➅➏➍➁➆➂➪➀➆ ➍➌➌ ➋❿➅➃➀ ➄➍➂➇➃➣ ➵➋➔➃ ➍ ➄➅➅➆ ➋❿➂➇➄ ➋❿➍➋ ➋❿➀ ➊➀➍➃➐➁➀ ➍➏➏➀➍➁➃ ➋➅ ➑➀ ➆➀➍➆➣ ➶➹➘➴➷➶➴ ➬➹➮➱ ✃➮❐❒❮➶ ➹❰❰❮➶❮➷❒Ï ÐÑÒÑÓ ÐÓÔÕ Ö×ØØ×ÒÙ ÐÕ ÚÒÔÛÓØØ ÜÝÞÑß à×ÛÑá×âÑãäÓÔåØÓÑæÔçè éêëìí îïðñìò óôô õîö÷ø éøù úûùü éýþÿ t ü éêëìíü ❛ ó ✁t ô ✶✂ ✄ ô t ýó ☎✆ ý ✶✁ ÿóù ❲ ì ❡✝✞ øìò ✟✟✟ ùî÷ì ✳ î ✠ ëì ✳✞✝ ëêøö÷ìù ✳ î ✈✡☛ ê ✠✝ ìëëù ûíê ✞ ëò ✝ ì ✠ ù ❡✞ ëë ☛ ê ✠✝ ìëë ☞ î÷ì ✳ î ✠ ëì ✳✞✝ ëêøö÷ìù ✳ î ✈ ù ÐÑÒÑÓ ❙ Ó ✌ Õ ✍ áÓ ✎ ✏ ÒááÓÑæ Ü ✑✒ Ñß à×ÛÑá×âÑã ❉ æ ✓ Óçè éêëìí îïðñìò óôô õîö÷ø éøù úûùü ✔ ý t☎ þü éêëìíü ❛ ó ✁t ô ✶✂ ✄ ô t ýó ☎✆ ý ✶ þ ✄☎ ù ❲ ì ❡✝✞ øìò ✟✟✟ ù î÷ì ✳ î ✠ ëì ✳✞✝ ëêøö÷ìù ✳ î ✈✡❡ ê÷÷ìøîù ûíê ✞ ëò ÷ì ♣ ù ✳ ÷ì ✳❡ ê÷÷ìøî ☞ î÷ì ✳ î ✠ ëì ✳✞✝ ëêøö÷ìù ✳ î ✈ ù ❉ ×Ñ ❈ æ ✕ ✖ Ò ✍ áÒÔåÓè ✥ ê ✗ î÷ éøì ✈ ì õëìíì ✠ ø ✝ ü õ ✞ ø ✗ ✥ ê ✠ ê ✳ ì÷ î ❡ ì÷ø éø÷î ♣ ì ✂ ✘ ù ❛ ù ✙ î ① ✆✁ ôü ✚ ê ✛ ÷ê ✠✜ ìü ❛ ó ✁☎✄ ô ✂ ✄ þ ✶ ýó ✆ ÿý ✶t ôó ✂ ïê ① ✄ þ ✶ ýó ✆t ý tttt ù ❯ Ô×æÔ ❉ æ ✢ ÔÑ ❈ ❉ æÙÙ×ÛÛ×æÔÓáÛè ✣ î ✠✠ ê ✙ ì ✈ ì÷ê ✳ ìü ✥ êøø éñê÷ïî ê ✠✜ ✘ êöë ❆✠✜ ì÷ì ✝✂ ✶✶ ô ✆ ✵ ❆✈ ìùü ✚ ê ✛ ÷ê ✠✜ ìü ❛ ó ✁☎✄ ô ✂ ✄ þ ✶ ýó ✆t ý ✶ ôô ✶✂ ïê ① ✄ þ ✶ ýó ✆t ý ✶ ô ✁ óù Working through the 2019 legislative session The 80th Oregon Legislative session is now underway and will end no later than June 30. I have been the Republican Deputy Leader of the House since 2017. When the 2018 short session ended, one of my re- sponsibilities was to raise money for the House Republican cau- cus and help with campaigns. The 2018 elections were tough for Republicans here in Oregon and in most western states. There were many factors that played into the results of last No- vember’s elections. The national partisan politics rippled down to the individual states. In Oregon, the governor’s race collected a record amount of donations, and more Demo- crats than Republicans voted. In November, 81.8 percent of Democrats in Oregon voted, and 81.1 percent of Republi- cans voted. This was the high- est mid-term election results in recent history. But, Democrats have 271,000 more registered voters in the state, which in simple numbers is 799,123 Democrats voted and 572,493 Republicans voted. The combination of under- funding as well as voter turn- out produced an election cycle in Oregon that turned both the Senate and the House into su- permajorities for the Democrat Party, and Kate Brown retained her position as governor. This means the Democrat majority party has all the votes they need to pass any tax increase as well as any other bill they choose with simply a partisan vote. Another way of saying it is: They don’t need a Republican vote to pass any bill — period. The direction of Oregon is totally in their hands. Almost 100 new tax bills alone have been introduced at a time when Oregon has more rev- enue than ever. This biennium, SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION ple to this bill has been incred- ible. It makes a profound dif- ference in the capital when you get active and respond. It is the ✱✪✸✯✧✯✰✷✯ ✾✯✤✩✯✯✰ ✾✪✫✫★ ✾✯✪✰✭ passed or bills being killed. The carbon tax bill under review will increase the cost of living to every Oregonian through fuel cost, electricity cost, transportation costs for goods delivered and on and on. ❄✤✴✯✧ ✾✪✫✫★ ✬✸✯✷✤✪✰✭ ❅✦✾ ✷✧✯ - ators call for 12 weeks of em- ployer-paid family leave; al- ✫✦✩ ✦✸★✪✤✯ ❃✬✧✪❅✮✬✰✬ ✮★✯ ✤✴✬✤ would basically eliminate any drug free workplace (SB 379); increase business taxes, from income tax to a gross receipts tax; and would implement pay equity regulations and employ- er liability for sexual harass- ment (SB 726). We spend more than $1 billion a year in development trying to retain and attract busi- ness to the state and then shoot ourselves in both feet with new regulations and taxes that make ✾✮★✪✰✯★★ ✱✪❇✷✮✫✤❊ ❋✰✾✯✫✪✯❁✬✾✫✯❊ ●✤✤✧✬✷✤✪✦✰ ✴✬★ ✬✫✩✬❍★ ✾✯✯✰ ✱✪❇ - cult. Retention will become the bigger issue in the future. OK, enough of the bad news. The session isn’t over yet. A lot of legislation can be killed, ❃✦✱✪✲✯✱ ✦✧ ✼✬★★✯✱ ✪✰ ✤✴✬✤ ✤✪❃✯ frame. Your voice will make the ✱✪✸✯✧✯✰✷✯❊ I’ll work hard to keep you up to date on what’s coming for the people of Oregon. My ob- jectives are common sense: to represent you in the best way I know how, make informed decisions, look for opportuni- ties to enhance rural life in this district and work for legislation that protects the liberties of each individual. I will continue to be for legislation that is pro- business, pro-life, smaller gov- ernment and lower taxes. Your prayers are appreciated. ▲❖❖■❏❖❑▼◆P ▲◗❘❚❱▲▼❏❚❖❳ ❨❩❬❭ ❪❨❩❪ ❫❴❨❩❵❵❜ the majority party is looking for an additional $1.9 billion for education as well as an ad- ditional billion for health care, public safety and other things. That works out to around an additional $700 per year for every Oregonian. That doesn’t include the carbon tax or the PERS fund that just went up $4.2 billion this year because of poor investment returns. Elected Republican legisla- ✤✦✧★ ✩✪✫✫ ✬✧✭✮✯ ✬✰✱ ✲✭✴✤ ✬✭✬✪✰★✤ legislation that we don’t agree on, but at the end of the day it is in the control of Democrat legislators to decide. This year, you, the people, will need to voice your opinions as loudly as possible in Salem. I will do my best to keep you informed of bills coming forth that will impact your livelihoods and our rural values. I recently attended a meet- ing in Baker City that was focused on our education sys- tem. A woman from Grant County stood up and said she ✷✦✮✫✱ ✰✦✤ ✬✸✦✧✱ ✬✰✦✤✴✯✧ ✹✺✻ ✬ month in property taxes and to ✼✫✯✬★✯ ✲✭✴✤ ✽✦✧ ✴✯✧ ✬✰✱ ✦✤✴✯✧★ like her. For some, that is a tiny amount — for her, it could be ✤✴✯ ✱✪✸✯✧✯✰✷✯ ✾✯✤✩✯✯✰ ✿✯✯✼✪✰✭ and losing her home. Currently, we have seen a ✫✦✤ ✾✪✫✫★ ✤✴✬✤ ✩✯✧✯ ✲✫✯✱ ✼✧✯❀ session, and more are coming in every day. There have been some that have caused a lot of angst with Oregonians, like SB 501 that would require you to get a permit simply to buy a gun, limits guns to no more ✤✴✬✰ ✲❁✯ ✧✦✮✰✱★❂ ✬✰✱ ✫✪❃✪✤★ ✤✴✯ amount of ammunition a per- son can buy. The response from the peo- STAFF SUBSCRIBE AND SAVE Phone: Regional publisher.........................Karrine Brogoitti Home delivery advisor.................Amanda Fredrick NEWSSTAND PRICE: $1.50 ✚✛✜✢✣✤✥✢✥✜✤✜ Regional audience development director...............................Kelli Craft Customer service rep ......................... Mollie Lynch ❨♦ ✁✂✄ ☎✂✈❡ ✆ ✝♦ ✞✟✠ ♦❢❢ ✝✡❡ ☎☛✄☞✌❡✍✁♦✆② ✆♣☛✁❡ ✎☛✝✡ ✡♦✏❡ ✑❡✌☛✈❡♣②✳ ❈✂✌✌ ✺✒✶✲✓✔✕✲✕✶✔✶ ✝♦ ☎ t☎✁♣☛t❡✳ ❙✝♦✆✆❡✑ ✂✁✁♦ ✄✝ t✂✌✂✄✁❡☎ ✌❡☎☎ ✝✡✂✄ ✖✗ ✎☛✌✌ t❡ ♣❡❢ ✄✑❡✑ ✆♦✄ ♣❡❜ ❡☎✝✳ Subscription rates per month: ❇② ✁✂♣♣☛❡♣✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳ ✖✩✘✳✗✘ ❇② ✏✂☛✌✙ ✂✌✌ ♦✝✡❡♣ ❯✳❙✳ ✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳ ✖✩✗ An independent newspaper founded in 1896 ❉❊❋●❋ ❍■■❏❍❑▼◆ Email: ❚✡❡ ❤t☎❡♣✈❡♣ ♣❡☎❡♣✈❡☎ ✝✡❡ ♣☛☞✡✝ ✝♦ ✂✑❁ ☎✝ ☎ t☎✁♣☛✆✝☛♦✄ ♣✂✝❡☎ t② ☞☛✈☛✄☞ ✆♣❡✆✂☛✑ ✂✄✑ ✏✂☛✌ ☎ t☎✁♣☛t❡♣☎ ✞✘ ✑✂②☎ ✄♦✝☛✁❡✳ P❡♣☛♦✑☛✁✂✌☎ ✆♦☎✝✂☞❡ ✆✂☛✑ ✂✝ ✫✂ ✬♣✂✄✑❡✙ ❤♣❡☞♦✄ ✧✪✦✗✘✳ P t✌☛☎✡❡✑ ✉♦✄✑✂②☎✙ ❂❡✑✄❡☎✑✂②☎ ✂✄✑ ✹♣☛✑✂②☎ ❃❡❄✁❡✆✝ ❝❡✁✳ ✵✗❅ t② ❂❡☎✝❡♣✄ ❈♦✏✏ ✄☛✁✂✝☛♦✄☎ ❆✄✁✳✙ ✩✟✘★ ✹☛❢✝✡ ❙✝✳✙ ✫✂ ✬♣✂✄✑❡✙ ❤▲ ✧✪✦✗✘ ❃❯❙P❙ ✵✧✧✍✵★✘❅ COPYRIGHT © 2019 A division of ❲✭✮✯✭✰✱ ✴✷✸✸✻✱✼✽✾✯✼✷✱✮ ✿✱✽❀ Toll free (Oregon): ✩✍✦✘✘✍✟✵✵✍✞✩✩✘ Fax: ✗✟✩✍✧★✞✍✪✦✘✟ THE OBSERVER ❚✡❡ ❤t☎❡♣✈❡♣ ♣❡✝✂☛✄☎ ♦✎✄❡♣☎✡☛✆ ✂✄✑ ✁♦✆②♣☛☞✡✝ ✆♣♦✝❡✁✝☛♦✄ ♦❢ ✂✌✌ ☎✝✂❢❢✍✆♣❡✆✂♣❡✑ ✄❡✎☎ ✁♦✆②✙ ✂✑✈❡♣✝☛☎☛✄☞ ✁♦✆②✙ ✆✡♦✝♦☎ ✂✄✑ ✄❡✎☎ ♦♣ ✂✑ ☛✌✌ ☎✝♣✂✝☛♦✄☎✳ ❚✡❡② ✏✂② ✄♦✝ t❡ ♣❡✆♣♦✑ ✁❡✑ ✎☛✝✡♦ ✝ ❡❄✆✌☛✁☛✝ ✆♣☛♦♣ ✂✆✆♣♦✈✂✌✳ ✄❡✎☎✇✌✂☞♣✂✄✑❡♦t☎❡♣✈❡♣✳✁♦✏ Website: ✎✎✎✳✌✂☞♣✂✄✑❡♦t☎❡♣✈❡♣✳✁♦✏ Street address: ✩✟✘★ ✹☛❢✝✡ ❙✝✳✙ ✫✂ ✬♣✂✄✑❡ Editor ..........................................Cherise Kaechele News clerk....................................Lisa Lester Kelly Sports editor .......................................Ronald Bond Reporter................................................Dick Mason Reporter............................................. 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