The Observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1968-current, February 20, 2019, Page 20, Image 20

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Durkee community apprehend trespassers
Continued from Page 1A
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An alert Durkee resident
who noticed a car parked in
the driveway of a home that
was supposed to be empty,
and then went to the house
armed with a shotgun, led
to the arrest of two Idaho
residents on trespassing
and other charges Monday
Olive Phillips, a com-
mercial truck driver,
noticed the car in the
driveway when he exited
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unincorporated commu-
nity about 23 miles south-
east of Baker City.
The house belongs to a
relative of Phillips’ wife,
Cindy Fortin, who is the
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“to warn them.”
Fortin said a woman
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She said a man then
walked out of the house.
“He was real lippy” to
Phillips when Phillips or-
dered the man to sit on the
ground next to the woman.
Fortin’s husband, Mike,
arrived soon after, also
armed with a shotgun.
Eric Colton of the Baker
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that nobody was supposed
to be in the home.
Cindy Fortin then re-
turned to the home with
Olive Phillips, who had a
Fortin said Phillips yelled
for the people inside to
come out of the home, after
then arrived.
Cindy Fortin said the
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Continued from Page 1A
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to Colton but eventually
emptied his pockets as
Colton ordered him to do.
Both Loos and the wom-
“I started feeling like I was getting
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Deylen Scott Loos, 33, of
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recommends children receive their
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La Grande resident Kathy Mc-
Guire, a retired quality control me-
chanical inspector, recalls her ex-
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Phillipses’ neighbor, said
Lessie called her and asked
her to drive her to the home,
which is just across the free-
way, on Vandecar Road.
Fortin said they jotted
down the car’s license num-
ber and also saw at least one
person, a man, inside the
home, which was dimly lit.
They returned to their
homes, and Phillips called
Baker County Dispatch.
Phillips also called her
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ects, etc., until $200,000
was distributed. Those
projects that do not re-
ceive their requested
funds will have the op-
tion of withdrawing their
projects for that year and
resubmitting an applica-
tion for a future CFP or
taking the money that
was given to them.
Another big change
would be to give extra
points to business applica-
tions that provide actual
bids of their projects from
licensed contractors in-
stead of just estimates and
applications with actual
proof of capital.
This new proposal would
were arrested and taken to
the Baker County Jail.
They were originally
charged with burglary and
theft, but District Attor-
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require that prosecutors be
able to prove that a person
entered a building with the
intent to commit burglary.
Loos and Adair are
✠ ✪ ✞✂ ✡ ★ ☎ ✶ ✲ ✠✄☎ ❅ ✂✞ ✪ ✠✞✞
trespassing, as well as
theft and criminal mis-
chief. They were released
from the jail.
Fortin said Durkee is a
“real tight-knit community.”
“Everybody here watches
out for each other,” she
arthritis, which she began to develop
when she was 20 years old.
“I don’t see these childhood dis-
eases as being harmless, because
they aren’t,” she said.
In fact, complications of measles
can sometimes have life-altering, or
sometimes even life-threatening, ef-
fects on the children who contract it.
“The part that people don’t under-
stand is it’s not just about the disease
itself, it’s also about the complications
that go along with having the disease,”
said Amy Miles, infection prevention-
ist at GRH, in a previous interview.
Measles complications include
also take away the need for
applicants to present their
projects at URA meet-
ings. Instead, they would
submit their applications
✁✂ ✄☎ ✆ ✝✞✝✟✞✠ ✡☛☞✌✂
present them to the URA.
The decision and more
discussion will occur at
the next URA meeting on
March 6.
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of age, and the second dose at 4 catching a cold, but I had a fever. A
through 6 years of age. Measles, a day or so later, I still wasn’t feeling
highly contagious airborne disease, better, and that’s when I developed
according to CDC, can sit for up to the rash,” said McGuire, who is now
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two hours in an airspace where an 63. “I don’t remember if I went to
infected person coughed or sneezed. the doctor or not. My parents were
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“If other people breathe the con- both nurses so they would’ve known
taminated air or touch the infect- (it was the measles).”
⑥⑦⑧ ⑨⑦⑩❶ ❶❷❸❹❺❻ ❼⑦❺⑧❷⑩ ❽❹⑩⑩❾ ❷❺❼
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ed surface, then touch their eyes,
A few days later, her symptoms
noses, or mouths, they can become worsened, causing her to miss al- ✮ ✁✞☞✝☛✁ ★ ✫ ☎ ✶ ✞ ✾ ☛ ✯ ✳ ✧ ☞✄✞ ☛ ✷ ✂✞ ☎ ✶
infected,” the CDC website states. most two weeks of work and school. for children who contract measles,
“Measles is so contagious that if one
“I was extremely sensitive to light and encephalitis, which is the swell- ❈★✩✪✫✬✭✪ ♥★✮ ✬✩✬❛✯✬✰✯✪ ❛♥ ✬✯✯ s✮✬✮✪s✱ ✲✳✳✪✴✮✬♥✳✪ ✭❣✬✫✬♥✮✪✪✵ ❢★✫ ★♥✪ ❛♥s❣✫✬♥✳✪ ✴★✯❛✳♣✶✳✪✫✮❛✷✳✬✮✪ ★❢ ✮t❛s ✮♣✴✪✱ ❈★♥✮✬✳✮
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person has it, 90 percent of the peo- so I had to stay inside all day with the ing of the brain. CDC reports chil- ✸❖■ P✼❅✿✸❖✻
ple close to that person who are not drapes pulled in a darkened room,” ✂✠✞✁ ✽ ☛☞✁ ✪ ✞✠ ☎ ✶ ✁ ✵ ✁✂ ✂☞✌☎✄ ☛✌✂ -
immune will also become infected.” she recalled. “Several days into it is ✞✠ ☎ ✶ ✁ ✴✿ ✠✞ ✝☛✄☎ ✌ ★✹ ✞✌ ✽ ☎☛ ✄☞✆✞✠
Measles symptoms include high fe- when I started to notice my joints from measles complications.
reaching ver, cough, runny nose, watery eyes, getting achy, especially my hands.
“The measles vaccine is a phenom-
resident small white spots inside the mouth ✼✽ ✲ ✁ ✪ ✞✠✄ ✡✞✠✞ ✪ ✞☎☎ ★ ✁ ✪ ✠✞ ✌✌ ✽ ✄☎ ★ ✆ ✫ enal vaccine,” Miles said, and add
and, most noticeably, a red rash that swollen and sore.”
that the unfounded fear of it causing
ntinuing ✲ ✠✄☎ ✮✮ ✞ ✠✄ ☛✁ ☎ ✶ ✞ ✷ ✧ ✞ ✁✂ ✝☛ ✩ ✞✄
McGuire believes the measles may autism is “really unfortunate, be-
the dis- down the neck to the rest of the body. have contributed to her long-term ✧ ☞✄✞ ☎ ✶★ ✄ ✩ ✧✧★ ✁✞ ★ ✄ ✄☛ ✞✆✞ ✧ ☎ ★✩ ✞ ✯❀
ty as the
te. “This ❱❖❚●❍■
❃ ✞ ✂✞✄ ✧ ✠ ★ ✟✞✄ ✳❊ ✄ ☎ ✶ ✞ vised. Sixteen is not an age ✄ ★✪ ✁ ★✲✧ ✁☎✌ ✽✯
perfect age to begin voting. of accountability,” he said.
“People (are still in) high
e) MMR Continued from Page 1A
“Voting is a serious issue.
On the plus side, Knop ✄ ✧✶ ☛☛✌ ✡ ✶ ✞✁ ☎ ✶ ✞ ✽ ✠✞ ✳❄✫❀
RH and ❃ ✞ ✄ ★ ✂ ☎ ✶ ☎ ✳❄❅✽ ✞ ✠ ❅ ☛✌✂✄ It needs deep thought,” said said, he likes the idea that said MacLeod, adding that
often do not have the judg- Morrison, who served on Is- the measure will get peo- ✝ ✁ ✽ ✳❄❅✽ ✞ ✠ ❅ ☛✌✂✄ ✠✞ ✁☛☎
informed politically and
e Control ment necessary to make land City’s city council about ple talking about voting.
doses of sound decisions as voters.
three years before stepping
“I certainly welcome the need more life experiences
before they are ready to vote.
mps and LHS senior Ashley Mar- down last summer when he discussion,” he said.
Doug Hislop of La
percent tinez voiced a similar sen- moved to Baker City.
Colleen MacLeod, a
Randy Knop, an active member of the Union Grande, a longtime edu-
❆✻ ✂☛✁ ❇ ☎ ☎ ✶★ ✁ ✹ ❈✳❄❅✽ ✞ ✠ ❅ community volunteer in County Republicans, did cator who retired as the
olds) are old enough to Union who is also vice not hesitate when asked Imbler School District’s
understand what is going chair of the Union County her opinion on the propos- ✄☞ ✮ ✞✠ ★ ✁☎✞✁✂✞✁☎ ★ ✁ ✴✿✳❋
on,” Martinez said.
Democrats, is all for mak- al to lower the voting age. and is now Imbler High
LHS social studies ing the democratic process
“It is ridiculous,” said School’s wrestling coach,
teacher Josh White said more accessible, yet he MacLeod, a former Union opposes lowering the vot-
he recently asked the stu- said it would be unfortu- County
Commissioner ing age because teenagers
dents in two of his history nate if Fagan’s proposed who lives in Summerville.
✠✞ ✝☛✠✞ ★ ✁ ✺ ☞✞✁ ✧ ✞✂ ✟ ✽
classes what they thought change becomes law.
MacLeod, a business others.
✟☛☞☎ ✌✌☛✡ ★ ✁ ✪ ✳❄❅✽ ✞ ✠ ❅
“As people get older they
“I support the expan- owner, said teenagers are
olds to vote.
sion of voting rights, but still evolving when they do more thinking for them-
“The vast majority lowering the voting age to
✠✞ ✳❄ ✁✂ ☎ ✶ ☎ ✷ ☎✞✠ ✶★✪✶ selves,” Hislop said.
thought it was a bad idea,” ✳❄ ✡☛☞✌✂ ✄✞✞✝ ☎☛ ✟✞ ★ ✌✌ ✂ - school they often change
he said.
❦❧♠♥♦♣qrs❧t ✉♥♠✈♦✇①♣sr ②q♥t①♦❧
The LHS teacher said
a number of students be-
③♥④ ⑤♣⑥⑦ ⑧①s⑨s❧t①♥
lieved they would be too
★ ✁ ✺ ☞✞✁ ✧ ✞✂ ✟ ✽ ☎ ✶ ✞ ★ ✠ ✮
when voting. Some said
they would be afraid their
parents would be upset
with them if they voted for
a candidate from a party
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parents are members of.
Larry Morrison, a former
science teacher who taught
for more than 30 years, in-
cluding two decades at La
Grande High School, be-
❙✚✛✜ ✢✣✤✥ ✦✧★✩✤✣✜✧
❢❤✐❥❦❧ ♠✐❥ ♥♠♣❧ qr❥♠s
✰✴❃ ✰ ✺❅❆❆❂✺✵✰✻❅✷✵❃ ❁✲❇✵ ✶❁✲✴✵
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☎ ✳❄ ★ ✄ ❉ ☞✄☎
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touch too young. They are
more impressionable and
pressure,” he said.
➜➝➞ ➟➠➡➢➡➤➥➠➝ ➦➡➧➧ ➨➠ ➢➠➠➡➤➥ ➩➫➭➡➠➤➭➢ ➫➭ ➯➫➧➧➲➦➫
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➫➤➾ ➢➸➝➥➠➝➺➞ ➚➢➪ ➺➲➸➝ ➩➶➺➢➡➼➡➫➤ ➻➲➝ ➫ ➝➠➻➠➝➝➫➧ ➭➲➾➫➺➞
✪✩✤✜✧✩✜✤ ✫✬✩✭✮✜✯
P✰✱ ✲✴✵ ✶✷✸✹✵ ✺✲✷ ✻✼✲ ✽✷✵✰✻ ✾✵✷✿✸✹✵✾❀ ❁✸✽❁❂✾✶✵✵❃ ❄✴✻✵✷✴✵✻
t✉✈✇①② ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑥⑨⑦ ⑩⑥❶
quite ready to vote.
✝☛✠✞ ★ ✁ ✺ ☞✞✁ ✧ ✞✂ ✟ ✽ ✮ ✞✞✠
⑩ ➉➆❹❾❺➆❽➁➅❿ ➀➆➋ ➌❾❽➅➋❾➆❸➂ ❸❷➍❿➎❾❹❾➋
➅➆ ❷❺❹➁❷❿❾➋➅❸ ❽➏❺➐❾❺➂ ➀❹ ➑❻➒➆➅❹➂
➄❾➋➅❸➀➎ ➓❾➆❹❾❺➃ ❼➁➅❷➔ →❾➎➎❷➊❽➁➅❿ ➅➆
❽❿❷❺❹❽ ➍❾➋➅❸➅➆❾ ❸❷➍❿➎❾❹❾➋ ➀❹ ❼❺❹➁❷❿❾➋➅❸
➌❾❽❾➀❺❸➁ ❷❻ ➣➅❺➐➅➆➅➀➃ ➌➅❸➁➍❷➆➋
⑩ ↔❾❺➈❾➋ ❻❷➏❺ ➂❾➀❺❽ ➀❽ ↕➅➐➁❹ ❽➏❺➐❾❷➆➃
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✌ ★ ✞ ✩ ✞✄ ✳❄❅✽ ✞ ✠ ❅ ☛✌✂✄ ✠✞ ✁☛☎
❆✻ ☎ ✶★ ✁ ✹ ☎ ✶
⑩ ❶❷❸❹❷❺ ❷❻ ❼❽❹❾❷❿➀❹➁➂➃
❶❾❽ ➄❷➅➆❾❽ ➇➆➅➈❾❺❽➅❹➂➃ ➉❷➊➀
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