The Observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1968-current, February 18, 2019, Page 5, Image 5

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learn the show, practice fo-
cus and gain stamina.
“We worked hard for what
we wanted to do and we had
fun while doing it,” said
Adams. “This whole experi-
ence has opened my mind
to knowing I can do theater
while having fun with some-
thing that I love without feel-
ing like I’m working hard,
but knowing that I am.”
Terry said he hopes to
take OHYA to JTF again
next year, but it might be
óô ✏✑✁ ÿù ùû ✎✄✒ ö ùú ✄ ù ú ✄ -
pen without grant money.
“It’s a lot of work. It’s
very challenging from both
the artistic perspective
and the logistical one,” he
❈✖✗✘t❡✙✚ ✛✜✖t✖ said. “At the very end (of
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ùúö ý ✁ øó÷ ✄ ôüôø ✂ öõû÷ù ýû÷
the 2019 trip), we received
a grant for $10,000 from
sponsible for getting him emphasize enough how “ex- Cycle Oregon. It was really
Continued from Page 1A
ùû ☎ ûôø ✆✝✞✟ ôø ùúö ✠ ÷üù traordinary” it was for Abi- an amazing gift. We’ll have
old sophomore at La Grande place at the group’s con- gail, Adams and the entire to send them a big thank-
High School, won best per- ception two years ago, and group to win these awards. you and show them what
formance by a male actor he is thankful for Terry
“These kids really do put they were able to do with
for his performance as the “giving (him) the chance their entire heart and soul that money.”
“Guys and Dolls” charac- to show what (he) can do into their art,” he said.
OHYA features actors
ter Sky Masterson and was and to prove (himself).”
“It’s not something they from cities across Union
praised by adjudicators for
Adams has always known do just for fun. It’s some- County and surrounding ar-
his “old school musical the- he wanted to do something thing they do because they eas including Baker City and
ater charm.” Adams dreams with music, but he didn’t have a passion and a disci- Pendleton. The ability to
of starring on Broadway one know what exactly until his pline for the art form.”
bring people to Elgin from
day, and judges agreed he grandmother took him to see
In the middle of working the entire Northeast Oregon
has the potential to get there. ✡✟ øøôö ☛☞ úôü ✌ ö÷ ✍ ✠ ÷üù ✎✁ üô - on “Guys and Dolls Jr.” for area is something special in-
“Winning the award for cal, at the Elgin Opera House JTF, OHYA put together a deed, according to Terry.
best male actor at JTF made when he was 5 or 6 years old. holiday musical show as a
✡✓ úö ✆ ö÷ ✄ ✝ û ✁ üö ôü óö ✠ -
me feel like I accomplished
“Everything from the fundraiser. Each member nitely a beacon for Elgin it-
something that would re- set to the music, to the of the 22-person group self,” he said. “The Friends
ally help me do what I want acting, to the choreogra- had to raise about $2,000 of the Opera House, our arts
to do in my future,” he phy… everything about the to cover the cost of the trip program, is a beacon for the
said. “After our adjudica- stage felt right to me,” he to Sacramento.
greater community at large.”
In preparation for JTF,
Terry sees the Opera
tion, Steven G. Kennedy, a said. “The Opera House
broadway choreographer, (now) means family to they rehearsed from 10 a.m. House as a large part of El-
came up to me and told me me. I wouldn’t want to be to 4 p.m. every Saturday in gin’s identity. Adams agrees
that I have what it takes to anywhere else even in the December and January at that, without it, the local arts
roughest of times.”
the Elgin Opera House to scene would be missing out.
make it on Broadway.”
Continued from Page 1A
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than private companies, hir-
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ü ö ✑ ùû÷ þ ✄ ü óô ✏✑✁ ÿù ✼ ✟✑✑ û÷ó -
ing to the job posting website
Zip Recruiter, the average
annual salary for an electrical
inspector is $65,211.
“Without the option of
contracting out the services,
we were not sure we would
be able to continue to pro-
vide electrical inspections
for La Grande and Union
Continued from Page 1A
hard to describe how great
an honor it is.”
Skramstad, 23, is the
eldest child of Scott and
Kelly Skramstad of Umap-
ine, a rural community
about 10 miles northwest
of Milton-Freewater. She
and her younger siblings,
a brother and two sisters,
have enjoyed ranch life on
the Lazy SK Quarter Horse
Ranch, where they raise
and train performance
quarter horses. One chest-
nut quarter horse born on
the ranch has been her
loyal mount through much
of her rodeo career.
“My quarter horse’s
registered name with the
American Quarter Horse
Association is SK Zans
‘Foxy’ Command,” said
Skramstad. “She’s out of
our first crop of horses on
our ranch, so we’ve had
her since she was born.
She’s 19 now, and she’s
been my horse since I was
10 years old.”
She and Foxy have com-
peted in countless rodeos
over the years and won
more than 20 belt buckles
together in junior events
and at the collegiate level.
As a member of the Wal-
la Walla Community Col-
lege’s rodeo team, Skrams-
tad and Foxy competed in
team roping, barrel racing
and breakaway roping.
“It is not typical for one
horse to do so many events,”
she said. “You usually have
óôõö÷öøù úû÷üöü ýû÷ óôõö÷ -
ent events, but Foxy is a
rock star. She was my main
mount in the grand entry
County,” Strope said.
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searching for a new electri-
cal inspector and also hop-
ing the state law would soon
change, La Grande received
some help from the state.
“The Building Codes Di-
vision was able to help us by
providing inspection servic-
es for a number of months,
but that was only a tempo-
rary solution,” Strope said.
Last month, Hansell’s
SB 314 was referred to the
Senate Committee on Busi-
ness and General Govern-
ment. Hansell said the bill
is important for helping ru-
ral cities and counties.
“In rural Oregon, there
isn’t a big enough commu-
øôù ✍ ùû ú ✄✌ ö ✄ ý ✁ ÿÿ ✽✿ öó ✂ öó
department for all the
electrical and plumbing
inspections,” Hansell said.
Strope has high praise
for the bill.
“The bill proposed by Sen-
ator Hansell would resolve
the issue and provide the
✿ ö ❀ ô ❁ ôÿôù ✍ ýû÷ ü ✎✄ ÿÿö÷ ✑ û ✎ -
munities to continue to pro-
vide needed inspection ser-
when I was a Pendleton
Roundup princess in 2017.”
Growing up in rural East-
ern Oregon, Skramstad has
participated in 4-H and
Future Farmers of America
and represented her local
riding organizations and
PRCA rodeos. She was
elected as the Milton-Free-
water Pioneer Posse Prin-
cess in 2010 and as their
queen the following year.
Her accolades also in-
clude representing two of
the Big Four Rodeos at the
Walla Walla Fair, plus serv-
ing as the 2012 Frontier Days
Queen and as the 2017 Pend-
leton Round-Up Princess.
These achievements led
to her August 2018 partici-
pation in the Miss Rodeo
Oregon Pageant, held in
conjunction with the Clacka-
mas County Fair and Canby
Rodeo. There she won in the
categories of horsemanship,
personality, appearance and
photogenic qualities.
“The night of my corona-
tion at the pageant was the
most memorable,” she said.
“I was having fun and felt
relaxed, and I knew I had
done the best I could do.”
Presently, Skramstad is
a junior at Eastern Oregon
University with a dual en-
rollment at Oregon State
University. She is majoring
in agricultural science and
minoring in political science.
As a collegiate athlete,
she is on the EOU Spirit
Squad and is a member
of both the cheerleading
squad and dance team.
Her extracurricular activi-
ties also include member-
ship in the Agricultural
Technical Club.
Skramstad anticipates
graduating from EOU in
2020, but if she wins Miss
Rodeo America, her duties
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another year. Following
graduation, she aspires to
attend the University of
Idaho College of Law in
Moscow to obtain a law
degree. Her long-term
goals include running for
a seat on the Oregon State
Senate to advocate for
Oregon agriculture and
Eastern Oregon.
“The Opera House brings
üû ✎ öùúôø ✂ øöþ ✄ øó óôõö÷ -
ent to the community. Sure,
the high school(s) and the
college have theater, but
the Opera House brings the
whole community together,
not just students,” he said.
“I believe that without the
Opera House, a lot of kids
like me wouldn’t even try
to audition or would even
have a love for theater.”
vices with either an employee
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Strope told The Observer.
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To join OHYA, actors ages
8-18 must attend the Opera
House’s summer camp. In-
formation can be found at
The Opera House’s next
production, “Mamma Mia!,”
will take place from April
5-27. Purchase tickets at the
website above or contact
Carol Buckley at 541-663-
6324 or tickets@elginopera-
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