▼ ✁✂❆❨✱ ✄☎✆✝✞❆✝❨ ✟✽✱ ✠✡✟✾ ❚☛☎ ✆☞☎✝❱☎✝ ✌ ✸✍ LOCAL L OCAL B RIEFING ❋r✂✄ ☎✆✝✞✞ r✟✠✂r✆☎ Newspaper delivery join in the discussion at The meeting begins at 5 more information call 541- this free event. Matthew p.m. at the IMESD, 2001 962-9500 ext. 42. may be late Morris, a PhD student at SW Nye Ave., Pendleton. A Due to the inclement the University of Oregon, regular meeting will follow Nominees for 2019 weather, The Observer’s will be discussing the origin OTEC Board of carriers are having trouble of Hells Canyon, North Help kids cope with Directors announced delivering to areas in Cove, America’s deepest canyon, divorce, separation Union, Elgin and Wallowa County. The Observer will do its best to deliver the paper in a timely manner while keeping the carriers as safe as possible. If your paper has not arrived by 5 p.m., expect carriers to attempt delivery the next morning. If you do not receive your paper the next day, please call 541- 963-3161 between 7:30 a.m. and 5 p.m., or leave a message at 541-975-1690 after business hours. and will update Wallowa County residents on an active research project being undertaken by the University of Washington, Indiana University and the University of Oregon. ✡☛☞✌ ✌✍☞✎✏✑☞✒✍ ✑✎✓✔ ✌✎✎✕✌ to unravel the mysteries of the landscape in Northeast ✖✗✎✘✙✏✚ ✛✗✙✔ ✜✓✢✓ ✣✙✤✌ ✑✙ river-carved canyons. Local geologist Ellen Morris Bishop will also weigh in with some interesting information. Origin of Hells Canyon IMESD Board meets is focus of Pub Talk Wednesday ENTERPRISE — Range Rider Saloon, 107 NW First St., Enterprise, is hosting “The Incision of the Hells Canyon,” a Feb. 20 Pub Talk, at 5:30 p.m. The public is welcome to PENDLETON — The Board of Directors of the InterMountain Education Service District will meet for an executive session Feb. 20 to discuss the superintendent evaluation. LA GRANDE — Learn how divorce or separation impacts your children and what you can do to help ✑☛✎✔ ✓✑ ✓ ✤✙✗✕✌☛✙✥ ✙✦✎✗✎✧ from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Feb. 28 in the Misener Conference Room, 1001 Fourth St., La Grande. The workshop is facilitated by Mary Lu Pierce and sponsored by the Family Law Advisory Committee. Cost is $30 per person (cash or check only). The fee may be waived by prior order of the court, or if attendance occurs prior to or within 45 ✧✓★✌ ✙✛ ✒✜☞✏✘ ✛✙✗ ✍✩✌✑✙✧★✚ dissolution, separation ✙✗ ✔✙✧☞✒✍✓✑☞✙✏✪ ✫✩✥✥✙✗✑ persons and community members may attend free of charge. Please do not bring your children. Child care is not provided. For BAKER CITY — The nominating committees for Baker and Union counties have met and nominated candidates for the upcoming OTEC Board of Director elections. The Union County nominating committee has nominated Greg Howard for position No. 7. Howard is the incumbent in the election. The committee has nominated David Baum for position No. 8. Baum is also the incumbent. The nominating committee for Baker County nominated Charlene Chase for position No. 9. Chase is also an incumbent. All candidates are running to serve a three-year term. Additional nominations may be made by petition ✒✜✎✧ ✤☞✑☛ ✑☛✎ ✌✎✍✗✎✑✓✗★ of the cooperative no less than 60 days before the annual meeting, which will be held May 4 in John Day at the Grande County Fairgrounds. For more information and petition forms, call 541-524-2831. Joseph P. Ercolin, 80, of La Grande, died Feb. 3 at St. Alphonsus Medical Center in Boise, Idaho. A memorial ser- vice will be held at 10 a.m. Feb. 22 at the Lutheran Church in Union. An obituary is forth- coming. Loveland Funeral Chapel & Crematory is han- dling the arrangements. ➀➁③❶❶➂ ➃✉③➂❸➄ ➀➂❸➅③⑨② ➆➇❼➈❿❼➉➊➇➋❹❺❻❼❺❽❾❿ Luella “Jean” Landers, 101, of Wilsonville and formerly of La Grande, died Feb. 6 at a care facility. A funeral service will be held at 2 p.m. Feb. 23 at Loveland Funeral Chapel. An obituary is forthcoming. ➌❷❶➅⑨③➅ ➍⑦ ➎➂➏❷② ❹❺❻❼❺❽❾❿ Mildred B. Davis, 92, of La Grande, died Feb. 16. An obit- uary is forthcoming. Loveland Funeral Chapel & Crematory will be handling the arrange- ments. ⑧⑨❷❸ ➀⑦ ⑧❸➅❷⑩✇➐➐ ➑➇➒❿ Erin L. Endicott, 76, of Cove, died Feb. 15 at a local care fa- cility. An obituary is forthcom- ing. Loveland Funeral Chapel & Crematory will be handling the arrangements. ➓➂➔→✇❸➅ ➀⑦ ➓③➂➅ ➆➇❼➈❿❼➉➊➇➋➣❽↔➇❽❺❽❾↕❺➉➉➇➙❺ ➛➇➜❽➝↔❿➞ ➟➠➡➢➤➥➦➟➠ Raymond Leon Read, 81, of Stices Gulch and formerly of Wallowa and La Grande, died Feb. 2. A celebration of his life will be held in May in Stices Gulch. Known as Ray, he was born May 6, 1937, in Wal- lowa, to Clyde Raymond and Aetna (Breshears) Read. He was joined by a sister, Phyl- lis, while the family lived on P UBLIC S AFETY R EPORT ▲✬ ✭✮✬✯✰✱ ✲✳▲✴✵✱ ✰✱✲✬✮❆✶✱✯❆ ✷✸✸✹✺✻✼✽✾ ✿❀❁❀✺❂ ❃❛❄ ✹✼✐❅❇✻✺ ✹✼ ❛ ✽❇❛❈❉✸ ❛✸✸✹✺✻✼✽ ❛✽ ✷✺❛●❄ ✷✈✻✼❅✻ ❛✼✺ ■✻❏❀✽ ❙✽❇✻✻✽ ❑❇✹✺❛❂▼❚◆✻ ❛✸✸✹✺✻✼✽ ❃❛❄ ❇✻❏❀❇✽✻✺ ❃❛❄ ❇✻❏❀❇✽✻✺ ❛✽ t✾❖P ❏▼●▼ ✷✸✸✹✺✻✼✽✾ ✿❀❁❀✺❂ ❃❛❄ ◆❅❇✽ ✹✼ ❛ ●❀✽❀❇ ✈✻◆✹✸◗✻ ❛✸✸✹✺✻✼✽ ❀✼ ❘❄◗❛✼✺ ✷✈✻✼❅✻ ✹✼ ❯❛ ❱❇❛✼✺✻ ❑❇✹❲ ✺❛❂▼❚◆✻ ❛✸✸✹✺✻✼✽ ❃❛❄ ❇✻❏❀❇✽✻✺ ❛✽ ❳✾❨P ❏▼●▼ ✷❇❇✻❄✽✻✺✾ ❩❛❬✹●✹◗◗✹❀✼ ❭✻❛❇◗✺❪ ❨❨❪ ❅✼❫✼❀❃✼ ❛✺✺❇✻❄❄❪ ❃❛❄ ❛❇❇✻❄✽✻✺ ❀✼ ❛ ❴●❛✽✹◗◗❛ ❵❀❅✼✽❂ ❃❛❇❇❛✼✽ ✸◆❛❇❤✹✼❤ ❈❛✹◗❅❇✻ ✽❀ ❛❏❏✻❛❇ ✹✼ ✸❀❅❇✽ ❀✼ ❛ ✸◆❛❇❤✻ ❀❈ ◗❛❇✸✻✼❂▼ ✷✸✸✹✺✻✼✽✾ ✿❀❁❀✺❂ ❃❛❄ ◆❅❇✽ ✹✼ ❛ ✽❇❛❈❉✸ ❛✸✸✹✺✻✼✽ ❀✼ ❑✹❇ ❙✽❇✻✻✽ ❙❛✽❅❇✺❛❂▼ ✷❇❇✻❄✽✻✺✾ ❜❀❁✻❇✽❚◆❀●❛❄ ❑❀❬❪ ①❝❪ ❯❛ ❱❇❛✼✺✻❪ ❃❛❄ ❛❇❇✻❄✽❲ ✻✺ ❀✼ ❛ ❴✼✹❀✼ ❵❀❅✼✽❂ ❃❛❇❇❛✼✽ ✸◆❛❇❤✹✼❤ ❈❛✹◗❅❇✻ ✽❀ ❛❏❏✻❛❇ ✹✼ ✸❀❅❇✽ ❀✼ ✸◆❛❇❤✻❄ ❀❈ ✺❇✹✈✹✼❤ ❅✼❲ ✺✻❇ ✽◆✻ ✹✼❞❅✻✼✸✻ ❀❈ ✹✼✽❀❬✹✸❛✼✽❄ ❛✼✺ ❇✻✸❫◗✻❄❄ ✺❇✹✈✹✼❤▼ ❡✯✴✳✯ ✵✳❡✯❆❢ ❣❥✱✮✴❦❦❧❣ ✳❦❦✴✵✱ ✷✸✸✹✺✻✼✽✾ ✿❀ ✹✼✐❅❇✹✻❄ ❃✻❇✻ ❄❅❈❈✻❇✻✺ ✹✼ ❛ ✽❇❛❈❉✸ ❛✸✸✹✺✻✼✽ ❀✼ ❭❅✼✽✻❇ ❜❀❛✺ ✹✼ ✽◆✻ ❙❅●●✻❇❲ ✈✹◗◗✻ ❛❇✻❛ ❑❇✹✺❛❂▼❚◆✻ ❛✸✸✹✺✻✼✽ ❃❛❄ ❇✻❏❀❇✽✻✺ ❛✽ P ❏▼●▼ ✷❇❇✻❄✽✻✺✾ ❩❛❫❛✻◗❛ ❜✹❛✼ ■❀❅❤◆✻❇✽❂❪ ①❖❪ ❅✼❫✼❀❃✼ ❛✺❲ ✺❇✻❄❄❪ ❃❛❄ ❛❇❇✻❄✽✻✺ ❀✼ ❛ ♠❛❫✻❇ ❵❀❅✼✽❂ ❏❛❇❀◗✻ ❛✼✺ ❏❇❀❁❛✽✹❀✼ ✺✻✽❛✹✼✻❇▼ ✷❇❇✻❄✽✻✺✾ ♥❛●✻❄♦✹◗◗✹❛● ♠❛❇◗✻✽✽❪ ①①❪ ❅✼❫✼❀❃✼ ❛✺✺❇✻❄❄❪ ❃❛❄ ❛❇❇✻❄✽✻✺ ❀✼ ❛ ❏❛❇❀◗✻ ❛✼✺ ❏❇❀❁❛✽✹❀✼ ✺✻✽❛✹✼✻❇▼ ✷✸✸✹✺✻✼✽✾ ✿❀ ✹✼✐❅❇✹✻❄ ❃✻❇✻ ❄❅❈❈✻❇✻✺ ✹✼ ❛ ✽❇❛❈❉✸ ❛✸✸✹✺✻✼✽ ❀✼ ❭✹❤◆❃❛❂ ①❖❨ ✹✼ ✽◆✻ ❯❛ ❱❇❛✼✺✻ ❛❇✻❛ ❙❅✼✺❛❂▼❚◆✻ ❛✸✸✹✺✻✼✽ ❃❛❄ ❇✻❏❀❇✽✻✺ ❛✽ tt✾♣❝ ❏▼●▼ ✷❇❇✻❄✽✻✺✾ ♥❀❄◆❅❛❚❂◗✻❇ ❱❅✼❲ ❄◆❀❇✻❪ ①t❪ ❅✼❫✼❀❃✼ ❛✺✺❇✻❄❄❪ ❃❛❄ ❛❇❇✻❄✽✻✺ ❀✼ ❛ ❏❛❇❀◗✻ ❛✼✺ ❏❇❀❁❛✽✹❀✼ ✺✻✽❛✹✼✻❇▼ ▲✬ ✭✮✬✯✰✱ ❦✴✮✱ ✰✱✲✬✮❆✶✱✯❆ ❯❛ ❱❇❛✼✺✻ ❑✹❇✻ ■✻❏❛❇✽●✻✼✽ ✸❇✻❃❄ ❇✻❄❏❀✼✺✻✺ ✽❀ ✽◆❇✻✻ ✸❛◗◗❄ ❈❀❇ ●✻✺✹✸❛◗ ❛❄❄✹❄✽❛✼✸✻ ❀✼ ❙❅✼❲ ✺❛❂❪ ❄✻✈✻✼ ❀✼ ❙❛✽❅❇✺❛❂ ❛✼✺ ❄✻✈✻✼ ❀✼ ❑❇✹✺❛❂▼ q✼ ❙❅✼✺❛❂ ❉❇✻❉❤◆✽✻❇❄ ❛◗❄❀ ❇✻❄❏❀✼✺✻✺ ✽❀ ❛ ❄●❛◗◗ ✸❀❀❫✹✼❤ ❉❇✻ ❛✽ ❛❁❀❅✽ ❳ ❏▼●▼ ✹✼ ❛ ❯❛ ❱❇❛✼✺✻ ◆❀●✻▼ ❚◆✻ ✸❀❀❫✹✼❤ ❉❇✻ ✸❛❅❄✻✺ ✼❀ ✺❛●❛❤✻▼ ✳✮✱✭✳✯ ❣❆✬❆✱ ✲✳▲✴✵✱ ✷✸✸✹✺✻✼✽✾ ✿❀❁❀✺❂ ❃❛❄ ✹✼❅❇✻✺ ✹✼ ❛ ●❀✽❀❇ ✈✻◆✹✸◗✻ ❛✸✸✹✺✻✼✽ ❙❅✼✺❛❂ ●❀❇✼✹✼❤ ❀✼ ❘✼✽✻❇❄✽❛✽✻ ❳s ❛❁❀❅✽ t① ●✹◗✻❄ ✻❛❄✽ ❀❈ ❯❛ ❱❇❛✼✺✻▼ a farm on Jim Town Road. They later moved to La Grande, where a second sister, Kathleen, was born. Ray was always adventurous. He put up a Tarzan swing, caught crawdads and hooky-bobbed. He loved cars and became a knowledgeable mechanic working in a local garage. Ray graduated from La Grande High School in 1955. Shortly after graduation, Ray enlisted in the U.S. Navy and served from January 1956 to December 1960. Ray mar- ried Cherin Lay, and while in the Navy they lived in San Diego. To this union four chil- dren were born: son, Tony; daughter, Sheri Rae; her twin sister, Terri Dawn, who died at birth; and son, Raymond, who died while a toddler. After his discharge from the Navy, Ray and his family moved to La Grande and then to Emmett, Idaho, where he worked for Albertson’s. Ray and Cherin divorced. In 1970, Ray married Ron- da Griner, and added her daughter, Shelley, to the fami- ly. They moved to Stices Gulch on Dooley Mt. out of Baker City and built a home that displayed Ray’s artistry with nature. Rocks of all sizes were incorporated, forming walls and other features. They later moved up on Stices Gulch, where Ray had many friends who enjoyed each other’s company in work and play. Ray was always ready to help. Ray loved to commune with nature — feeding birds and ➧➨➨➩➫ ➭➯➲➳➵➸➫ ➲➺➵➻➳➵➸➫ ➯➵➼➽ - mobiling and hiking. His fam- ily has many fond memories of hikes into Bucket Lake. After Ray and Ronda di- vorced, he continue to live in Stices Gulch. He reacquainted with a friend from high school, Sylvia, and they developed a special friendship. He en- Truck fire near La Grande closes I-84 Eastbound for several hours Saturday ➾➚➪➶➪ ➹➪➘➴➶➷➬➮➪➱➹✃➴❐➬➬✃ ❒➪➬➷➮ ❮ ❰ÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ× ÖØÕÙÚÓ ÛÔÏ ÙÜÑÝÙ ÏØ❰Ó ÜÝ ÞÝÓÏÔ❰ÓØÓÏÒßà ÜÝ áØÓÕÔâØã ÝÏØÔ ÐÑäÏåÜ❰Ó æçèéê à ÐÑäÏ❰ ÏØ❰Ó Üë ìØ íÔØÝâÏéîÚÏ ÓÔÕÖ× ÖØÕ❰Ïâ ÞÒßà ÏØ❰ÓïÜÕÝâ ëÔÜÐ ðñ æòó ÓÚÔÜÕÙÚ ìØ íÔØÝâÏ ÓÜ ïÏ ÖäÜ❰Ïâ ëÔÜÐ ØååÔÜôÑÒ ÐØÓÏäã òæõö÷ ÓÜ öõ÷÷ åéÐé áØÓÕÔâØãé øÏØâÏÔ ùØÔÑ❰❰Ø úÜ❰Ïã ❰ÏÝÓ îÚÏ ûï❰ÏÔüÏÔ ÓÚÑ❰ åÚÜÓÜ Üë ÓÚÏ ÓÔÕÖ× ÓØ×ÏÝ ØÓ òæõö÷ åéÐé LHS Class of ’57 meets for lunch Scholarship open to GRANDE — The Union County female LA members of the La Grande students High School Class of UNION COUNTY — Applications for the P.E.O. Chapter DK Memorial Scholarship are now available. Eligible applicants must be women who have graduated from a Union County high school, will have sophomore or higher college standing by the fall of 2019 and have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. This is a $1,000 scholarship to be used for educational expenses at the accredited college of the recipient’s choice. To request a scholarship application, contact Teresa Gustafson at tkgustafson@ outlook.com. Applications must be postmarked by April 1 to be accepted for consideration. P.E.O. is a O BITUARIES ✉✇②③④⑤ ⑥⑦ ⑧⑨⑩✇❶❷❸ ❹❺❻❼❺❽❾❿ philanthropic educational organization dedicated to the advancement and education of women. joyed grooming his property and until his death always welcomed visitors. It was his heaven on earth. Survivors include his chil- dren and their spouses, Tony and Nadya Read of Oak Har- bor, Washington, Sheri Rae Read of Bellingham, Wash- ington, and Shelley and John Dollar of Baker City; sisters, Phyllis Rhodig and husband, Russ, of Caldwell, Idaho, and Kathleen Smith of Baker City; and six grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents, Clyde and Aetna Read. Memorial contributions may be made to Best Friends of Baker City in care of Gray’s West & Co. Pioneer Chapel, 1500 Dewey Ave., Baker City 97814. To light a candle in memory of Ray, visit www.grayswest- co.com. ❍✎✏✑ ②✎✒ ❛✓✑ ✑❡✔✎②✕❡✖ ✗✓✑✘✕✙✑❡✚✛✘ ❉❛②✜ ✢✣✤ ✥✣✦✧★ ❙★✩✣✣★ ✕✘ ✎✏✑❡ ❢✎✓ ✚t✕✘ t✎❤✕✙❛② ✘✎ ❝✎✪✑ ✎❡ ✙✎✇❡ ❢✎✓ ❛ ✙✑❤✕❝✕✎✒✘ ✙✕❡❡✑✓ ✚✎❡✕✖t✚ ✎✓ ❛❡② ✎✚t✑✓ ✑✫✑❡✕❡✖ ✚t✕✘ ✇✑✑✬✭ ✮✎❡✕✖t✚ ✕✘ ❇✯✩✰✣✲✳✣ ◆✴✵✶★ ❛❡✙ ✇✑ t❛✫✑ ❈✷✹✺✻ ✼✷✿❀❁❂✺❁❃ ❘❄❀❅ ✇✕✚t ✎✒✓ ✘✏✑❝✕❛❤ t✎✪✑✪❛✙✑ ❊❛✓❋✑❝✒✑ ●❛✒❝✑■ ❛❤❤ ②✎✒ ❝❛❡ ✑❛✚■ ❢✎✓ ✔✒✘✚ ❏❑✭▲❑✭ ❖❤✘✎ Pt✑❢ ❊✕❤❤ ✇✕❤❤ ❋✑ ✏✓✑✏❛✓✕❡✖ ❲❄✐❃ ◗✿❄✐✐❁❃ ◗✺✐❯ ❳❩✿❄❬❭ ❪❄❫❩ ❴❁✿❀ ✼✺❫❫❁✿❵ ❜✎❡✙❛② ✚t✓✎✒✖t ✮t✒✓✘✙❛②✭ ✮✓② ✎❡✑ ✎❢ ✚t✑ ✓✑✖✕✎❡❛❤ ✇✕❡✑✘ ❢✓✎✪ ✎✒✓ ✇✕❡✑ ❤✕✘✚ ✎✓ ✎❡✑ ✎❢ ✎✒✓ ✪❛❡② ✓✎✚❛✚✕❡✖ ✪✕❝✓✎♠❋✓✑✇✘ ✚✎ ✖✎ ✇✕✚t ②✎✒✓ ✙✕❡❡✑✓✭ ❖❡✙ ✇✑ t❛✫✑ ✘✎✪✑ ✖✓✑❛✚ ✪✒✘✕❝ ✚t✕✘ ✇✑✑✬✭ ✮✎✪✎✓✓✎✇ ❡✕✖t✚■ ✮✒✑✘✙❛②■ ❞❣❥❦❧❣♥♦s ♣qr✉❣✈ ✕✘ ✏❤❛②✕❡✖✭ ●✚✓❛✕✖t✚ ✎✒✚ ✎❢ ①❛❤❤✎✇❛ P✎✒❡✚②■ ③❁④❁❀❁✐⑤❅ ⑥⑦❫❩❁✿ ❋❤✑❡✙✘ ✚t✑ ❋✑❛✒✚✕❢✒❤ t❛✓✪✎❡✕♠ ✎✒✘ ✫✎✕❝✑✘ ✎❢ ✘✕❡✖✑✓♠✘✎❡✖✇✓✕✚✑✓✘ ⑧❛❡✕✘ P❛✓✏✑✓ ❛❡✙ P❛✓✎❤②❡ ⑨✎❝t❛✓✚✭ ❊✎✚t 1957 will gather for lunch at noon Feb. 20 at the Flying J restaurant. For more information, call 541-963-2796. ✂✄ ☎✆✄✝✞✟ ✠✡☛☞ ☎✌✝ ✍✎✏✑ ✒✓✔✕✔✖✗✘ ✙✚✛ ✜✢✣✗ ✤✔✥✥ ✦✧★✩ ✪✫✬ ✭✮✯✰ ✱✧✲✴✵✶✲ ✦✷✸✩ ✪✫✬ ✭✹★✺ ✱✧✲✴✮✶✲ ✻✼ ✽✾✼✿❀❁ ❂❃✿❄❁✿❅❆❃✿ ❂❁✿❅❁✾ ❇❈❉ ❉❊❅❋ ●❅✾❁❁❅ ✻✼ ✽✾✼✿❀❁❍ ■❏ ❑▲▼◆❈ ❖P◗❘❙◗❚❯❱ ❲❳ ❨❩❬❭❪❫ ❴❵❛❜ ❝❵❞❪❩ ❴❬❡❢❣ ❴❞❤❵✐❩ ❥❬❡❩❣ ❥✐❤❩❵ ❴❞❬❭❣ ❦❧❵♠❴❞❡❪❛❜ ♥♦❡❵❤♣✐❪❛❣ ❴❞♣♣✐❧q❵❭❬ ❦❵❧✐❣ ❦r❡❪❫✐❧ s✉❣ ♥❬✈r❞❧❪ ✇✐❫❵❭ ①❧❞❡❤❣ ❦r✐ ③❛r✐❧ ①❡❜❩ ④❡❛❞ ⑤❭❬✐❩❣ ④♣✐❧❵⑥❭❩❣ ❴❞❞❤✐❧ ❦❵❧✐❣ ❴⑦✇ ❴❞❡❪❛❧❜ ⑤❛❞❧✐ ⑧◆ ⑨❁✾ ⑨❁✾⑩❃✿ ❶ ❷❸ ❹ ❺❻❼❽❾ ❿➀➁➁ ➂❃✾ ➃✿➄❃ ❂✼➅➅ ➆➇➈➉➊➋➌➉➈➍➎➎ ïðññ òó ôõö ó÷ò øóù úó÷ ûðõ üðýþ ÿ ② òø t ü úþð ✁✳ ×ØÙÚ ÛÜÝÜÞÜß àáâ ã àä ÛßäáåÜ æçèéêëìéçíîî t❛✫✑ ❛ ✒❡✕⑩✒✑ ✘✎✒❡✙ ❛❡✙ ✘✚②❤✑✭ ✮✎✖✑✚t✑✓ ✚t✑② ❛✓✑ ✑✫✑❡ ✪✎✓✑ ❛✪❛❶✕❡✖✭ ❖❡✙ ✚t✑❡ ✮t✒✓✘✙❛② ✑✫✑❡✕❡✖ ❝✎✪✑ ✙❛❡❝✑ ✚✎ ❷r❸❹❺❸✈❺ ❻❣❼❦❸r❦q❹✭ ✮t✕✘ ✕✘ ❛❡ ✑❽❝✑✏✚✕✎❡❛❤ ❋❛❡✙ ✚t❛✚ t❛✘ ❋✑✑❡ ✏❤❛②✕❡✖ ❛✚ ✮✑❡ ❉✑✏✎✚ ❛❡✙ ❛✓✎✒❡✙ ❾❛✘✚✑✓❡ ❿✓✑✖✎❡ ❢✎✓ ❛ ❝✎✒✏❤✑ ✎❢ ✙✑❝❛✙✑✘ ❡✎✇✭ ✮t✑② ✏❤❛② ❋❤✒✑✘ ❛❡✙ ❝❤❛✘✘✕❝ ✓✎❝✬✭ ✮t✑ ✪✒✘✕❝ ✘✚❛✓✚✘ ❛✚ ➀➁➂➂✭ ①✑ t❛✫✑ ❛❡✎✚t✑✓ ➃✴✤✣ ✢✯➄★✴✤✵ ✎❡ ①✑✙❡✑✘✙❛②■ ➅✑❋✓✒❛✓② ➆➇■ ✇✕✚t ✚t✑ ➈⑤➉❂⑦✐❁ ➊➋ ❲❄✻❁✿➌❵ ✎❡✑ ✎❢ ✚t✑ ✑❛✓❤② ✑✘✚❛❋❤✕✘t✑✙ ✇✕❡✑✓✕✑✘ ✕❡ ✚t✑ ①❛❤❤❛ ①❛❤❤❛ ➍❛❤❤✑②✭ ①✑ ✇✕❤❤ ❋✑ ✚❛✘✚✕❡✖ ➎ ✇✕❡✑✘ ✇✕✚t ❢✎✎✙ ✏❛✕✓✕❡✖✘ ✚✎ ✖✎ ✇✕✚t ✑❛❝t ✇✕❡✑✭ ✮t✑ ❝✎✘✚ ❢✎✓ ✚t✑ ✇✕❡✑ ❛❡✙ ❢✎✎✙ ✕✘ ➏➐➂✭ ❜❛✬✑ ✓✑✘✑✓✫❛✚✕✎❡✘ ❋② ❝❛❤❤✕❡✖ ❑➎❏ ▲➑➐♠➀➇➑➑✭ ●✏✑❝✕❛❤ ✚t❛❡✬✘ ✚✎ ✪✒✘✕❝✕❛❡✘ ⑥✷❫❫ ❈⑦⑦❭❁✿ ✷✻❃ ❳❩✷✿⑦✻ ➒⑦✿❫❁✿ ❢✎✓ ✪❛✬✕❡✖ ➍❛❤✑❡✚✕❡✑✛✘ ❉❛② ❉✕❡❡✑✓ ❛✚ ✮✑❡ ❉✑✏✎✚ ✪✑✪✎✓❛❋❤✑✭ ➓➔→➣ ↔➔↕➙➣ ➛➜➣➝➞↕➔ ➟➠➡➢➤➥ ➦➧➨➩➫➭➧➯ ➲➳➵➸➺➫➯ ➻➨➫➧➭➼➽ ➾➚➼➼➫➨➫➪ ➯➶➶➪➹➫➭➽ ➭➘➵➯➧➸➳ ➭➧➹➧➪➽ ➾➨➫➧➪ ➴➷➬➮➱➬✃ ❐❒❮✃❰Ï ÐÑ➮❒ÒÓÑ Ô➮Õ✃❰ÏÖ ➪➶➹➘➴➷ ➬ ➮➶➱➹➴✃ ❐➷➹➷➱✃ ➬ ❒❮❰➴ÏÐ Ñ➱❮Ò ➬ Ó➷✃✃➴Ô❮ Õ❮Ö➷Ò×➱Ø ➬ ❒❮❰➴ÏÐ Ù➴❰❰➴➷ ➬ Ñ➱➷Ø➹ Ú➶ØÒ➷➱✃×Ø ➬ ❒❮❰➴ÏÐ Ñ➱➴ÛØ➷Ð Ú❮➱Ô➴❮ ➬ ❒❮❰➴ÏÐ ÜÏ➴Ô➴❮ ÝÔ➮×ØØ➷ÏÏ ➬ ❒❮❰➴ÏÐ Þßàá âãäåæ çèéãáêå ëìí Ý➴î➷ ❮ØÒ ï➴Ôî➴ Ñ➷Ôî➷➱ ➏➐➑➒➓➔→ ➣↔↕➙➙→ ➛➙➜→➝ →➞➟➐ ➒➙ ➠➐➑➝ ➔ ↕➜➡➐ ➒↕➔➑➟ ➢➙➜ ➒➙ ðèèå ñèòêæ çèéãáêå ëìí Ú➱×Ô➷➱Ð ó➶➹Ï➷➹ ❮ØÒ ➤➐➤➥➐➓➠ ➙➦ ➙➜➓ ➠↔↕➙➙→ ↔➙➤➤➜➑➞➒➢ ➔➑➝ ➙➜➓ ➧➔ ➨➓➔➑➝➐ ➮×ØØ➷Ô➹➷Ò ❐➱×ô➷✃✃➴×Ø❮Ï ÜÔÔ×➶Ø➹❮Ø➹✃ ↔➙➤➤➜➑➞➒➢ ➦➙➓ ➒↕➐ ➡➐➑➐➓➙➜➠ ➡➞➦➒➠ ➒↕➐➢ ➩➓➙➫➞➝➐➝ ➒➙ ➒➛➐➑➒➢ ➦➔➤➞→➞➐➠ ➛➞➒↕➞➑ ➙➜➓ ➠↔↕➙➙→ ➛↕➙ ➛➐➓➐ ➞➑ ➑➐➐➝ öäèàêææßèéã÷ øõõèùéáãéáæí ➙➫➐➓ ➒↕➐ ↕➙→➞➝➔➢➠➭ ➯➛➐➑➒➢ ➦➔➤➞→➞➐➠ ➓➐↔➐➞➫➐➝ ➔ ➦➙➙➝ ➥➙➲ âèééêõáêå úû×ØØ➷ ➬ Ó➷✃✃➷ ➪×ü➷➱➹✃ ➒↕➔➒ ➞➑↔→➜➝➐➝ ➔ ➒➜➓➟➐➢ ➛➞➒↕ ➔→→ ➒↕➐ ➒➓➞➤➤➞➑➡➠➳ ➡➞➦➒➠ ➦➙➓ Ý➴Ô➘➷ÏÏ➷ ➬ Ó❮➱➱➷Ò ý×ØÖ ➒↕➐ ↔↕➞→➝➓➐➑ ➔➑➝ ➔ ➵➸➺ ➻➔➩➔ ➼➜➓➩↕➢➽➠ ➡➞➦➒ ↔➔➓➝➭ ➯↕➞➠ Ù❮➱ÏÐ ÙØ❮þþ ➬ Ó❮Ò×Ø Õ➷➱➱×Ø ➒➓➐➤➐➑➝➙➜➠ ➔↔➒ ➙➦ ➟➞➑➝➑➐➠➠ ➥➓➙➜➡↕➒ ➒↕➐ ➦➔➤➞→➞➐➠ ➔ ➠➐➑➠➐ Ñ➱××î➷ ➬ ➮❮Ïû➴Ø ÿ➹×➶➹ ➙➦ ➩➐➔↔➐ ➔➑➝ ↕➙➩➐➳ ➛↕➞↔↕ ➛➔➠ ➐➫➞➝➐➑➒ ➥➢ ➒↕➐ ➠➤➞→➐➠ ➙➑ ❊ ➱➴Ø ➴Ø➹➷➱➹×Ø ➬ Ñ➱➷➹ ÑÏ❮ØÔ❮ Õ ❍ Ñ➱➷Ø➹ ➬ ÿ➶✃❮Ø ý➷ ✁ ➴✃ ➒↕➐➞➓ ➦➔↔➐➠ ➔➑➝ ➒↕➐ ➤➔➑➢ ↕➜➡➠➭ ➾➒ ➒➔➟➐➠ ➔ →➙➫➞➑➡➳ ↔➔➓➞➑➡ Ý➴î➷ ➬ Ó×✃➷Û➷ ❐×➷ ➔➑➝ ➠➐➓➫➞➑➡ ↔➙➤➤➜➑➞➒➢ ➒➙ ➓➔➞➠➐ ➔ ↔↕➞→➝➭ ➚➐ ➔➓➐ ➠➙ ➮➘➷Ï✃➷❮ ➬ Ó×➷ Õ➷ ✁ ➴Û ➒↕➔➑➟➦➜→ ➦➙➓ ➒↕➐ ➤➐➤➥➐➓➠ ➙➦ ➙➜➓ ↔➙➤➤➜➑➞➒➢➭ ❊ ➱➴Ø ï×✃✃