❋ ✁✂❆❨✱ ✄☎✆❨ ✝✞✱ ✝✟✶✽ ❚✠✡ ☛☞✌✡✍✎✡✍ Debate in the Era of Social Media ❡✥✑✕✖✗✖✣✛ ✢✘✔✏✜✓✚✔ ✔✖✥✘❡✚✘❡✔✫ ✯✑❡ ✘✕✧❡✕✚✘✖✕ ✖✦ ✚✑❡ ✓✏✘✕✚✘✕✣ ✓✏❡✔✔ ✘✕ ✚✑❡ ✷➧✚✑ ✥❡✕✚✜✏✛ ❡✕✒✙✗❡✢ ✚✑❡ ✏✒✓✘✢ ✔✓✏❡✒✢ ✖✦ ✕❡✇ ✘✢❡✒✔✫ ■✚ ✑❡✗✓❡✢ ✜✔✑❡✏ ✘✕ ✚✑❡ ✤❡✦✖✏✪✒✚✘✖✕ ✒✕✢ ✚✑❡ ✤❡✕✒✘✔✔✒✕✥❡✮ ✜✓❡✕✢✲ ✘✕✣ ❡✳✘✔✚✘✕✣ ✘✕✔✚✘✚✜✚✘✖✕✔✫ ✯✑❡ ■✕✚❡✏✕❡✚ ✒✕✢ ✔✖✥✘✒✗ ✪❡✢✘✒ ✓✗✒✚✦✖✏✪✔ ✒✏❡ ✚❡✥✑✕✖✗✖✣✘❡✔ ✒✔ ✢✘✔✏✜✓✚✘✧❡ ✒✔ ✿✜✚❡✕✲ ✙❡✏✣✼✔ ✓✏❡✔✔✫ ★✒✥❡✙✖✖✬✮ ➨✖✜✯✜✙❡✮ ■✕✔✚✒✣✏✒✪✮ ✯✜✪✲ ✙✗✏ ✒✕✢ ✯✇✘✚✚❡✏ ✑✒✧❡ ✙❡❡✕ ✒✏✖✜✕✢ ✦✖✏ ✖✕✗✛ ✒ ✢✖✰❡✕ ✖✏ ✔✖ ✛❡✒✏✔✫ ➩✜✚ ✚✒✬❡ ✒ ✪✖✲ ✪❡✕✚ ✚✖ ✏❡t❡✥✚ ✑✖✇ ✚✑❡✔❡ ✚✖✖✗✔ ✒✗✏❡✒✢✛ ✘✪✓✒✥✚ ✧✘✏✚✜✒✗✗✛ ❡✧❡✏✛ ✒✔✓❡✥✚ ✖✦ ✛✖✜✏ ✢✒✛✲✚✖✲✢✒✛ ✗✘✦❡✫ ✯✑❡ ➫✜✒✕✚✘✚✛✮ ✔✓❡❡✢ ✒✕✢ ❡✒✔❡ ✖✦ ✘✕✦✖✏✪✒✚✘✖✕ t✖✇ ✒✏❡ ✒✔✚✖✕✘✔✑✘✕✣✫ ■✕✢❡❡✢✮ ✘✚✼✔ ✇✑✛ ✇❡ ✑✒✧❡ ❡✪✙✏✒✥❡✢ ✚✑❡✔❡ ✕❡✇ ✚❡✥✑✕✖✗✖✣✘❡✔ ❤ ✚✖ ❡✒✔✘✗✛ ✥✖✕✕❡✥✚ ✒✕✢ ✥✖✗✗✒✙✖✏✒✚❡ ✇✘✚✑ ✦✏✘❡✕✢✔✮ ✦✒✪✘✗✛ ✒✕✢ ✥✖✗✗❡✒✣✜❡✔✫ ✻✕✦✖✏✚✜✕✒✚❡✗✛✮ ✚✑❡✏❡ ✒✏❡ ✗❡✔✔ ✢❡✔✘✏✒✙✗❡ ✥✖✕✔❡➫✜❡✕✥❡✔ ✖✦ ✚✑✘✔ ✓✖✇❡✏✫ ▼✒✏✬ ✯✇✒✘✕ ✔✒✘✢✮➇✩ ✗✘❡ ✥✒✕ ✚✏✒✧❡✗ ✒✏✖✜✕✢ ✚✑❡ ✇✖✏✗✢ ✒✕✢ ✙✒✥✬ ✒✣✒✘✕ ✇✑✘✗❡ ✚✑❡ ✚✏✜✚✑ ✘✔ ✗✒✥✘✕✣ ✜✓ ✘✚✔ ✙✖✖✚✔✫➈❲✘✚✑ ✚✑❡ ■✕✚❡✏✕❡✚✮ ✚✑✒✚ ✗✘❡ ✥✒✕ ✚✏✒✧❡✗ ✒✚ ✚✑❡ ✔✓❡❡✢ ✖✦ ✗✘✣✑✚ ✒✕✢ ✙❡ ✓✖✔✚❡✢ ✒✕✢ ✏❡✓✖✔✚❡✢ ✚❡✕✔ ✖✦ ✚✑✖✜✔✒✕✢✔ ✖✦ ✚✘✪❡✔ ✘✕ ✚✑❡ ✙✗✘✕✬ ✖✦ ✒✕ ❡✛❡✫ ■✕ ✦✒✥✚✮ ✇❡ ✑✒✧❡ ✒ ✇✑✖✗❡ ✕❡✇ ✗❡✳✘✥✖✕ ✚✖ ✢❡✔✥✏✘✙❡ ✚✑❡ ✜✕✔✒✧✖✏✛ ✒✔✓❡✥✚✔ ✖✦ ✚✑❡ ✘✕✚❡✏✕❡✚ ✒✕✢ ✔✖✥✘✒✗ ✪❡✢✘✒ ❤ ✑✒✥✬✘✕✣✮ ✔✓✒✪✮ ✏✒✣❡✲✚✇❡❡✚✘✕✣✮ ✓✑✘✔✑✘✕✣✮ ✥✗✘✥✬✙✒✘✚✮ t✒✪❡ ✇✒✏✔✮ ✚✏✖✗✗ ✦✒✏✪✔ ❤ ✚✖ ✕✒✪❡ ✒ ✦❡✇✫ ❲❡ ✒✏❡ ✔❡❡✘✕✣ ✚✑❡ ✢✘✔✏✜✓✚✘✖✕ ✖✦ ✔✖✲ ✥✘✒✗ ✪❡✢✘✒ ✓✗✒✛✘✕✣ ✖✜✚ ✘✕ ✏❡✒✗ ✚✘✪❡✫ ★✖✏ ❡✳✒✪✓✗❡✮ ✇❡ ✕✖✇ ✬✕✖✇ ■✕✚❡✏✕❡✚ ✚✏✖✗✗✔ ✢❡✗✘✙❡✏✒✚❡✗✛ ✓✗✒✕✚❡✢ ✦✒✗✔❡ ✕❡✇✔ ✔✚✖✏✘❡✔ ✜✔✘✕✣ ✦✒✬❡ ✔✖✥✘✒✗ ✪❡✢✘✒ ✒✥✥✖✜✕✚✔ ✘✕ ✒ ✇✘✢❡✲ ✏✒✕✣✘✕✣ ✒✕✢ ✥✖✕✥❡✏✚❡✢ ❡✦✦✖✏✚ ✚✖ ✢❡✏✒✘✗ ✖✜✏ ✥✘✧✘✥ ✢✘✔✥✖✜✏✔❡✫ ✭❡✕✫ ❉✒✕✘❡✗ ➭✒✚✏✘✥✬ ▼✖✛✕✘✑✒✕ ✖✕✥❡ ✔✒✘✢✮ ➇➨✖✜ ✒✏❡ ❡✕✚✘✚✗❡✢ ✚✖ ✛✖✜✏ ✖✓✘✕✘✖✕✫ ➩✜✚ ✛✖✜ ✒✏❡ ✕✖✚ ❡✕✚✘✚✗❡✢ ✚✖ ✛✖✜✏ ✖✇✕ ✦✒✥✚✔✫➈✯✖✢✒✛✮ ✔✖✪❡✖✕❡ ✪✒✛ ✜✕✬✕✖✇✘✕✣✗✛ ✥✗✒✘✪ ➇✦✒✥✚✔➈ ✦✏✖✪ ✇✑✒✚ ✘✔ ✢✘✔✣✜✘✔❡✢ ✒✔ ✒ ✗❡✣✘✚✘✪✒✚❡ ✔✖✜✏✥❡✮ ✙✜✚ ✘✔ ✒✕✛✚✑✘✕✣ ✙✜✚✫ ✯✑❡ ✒✕✖✕✛✪✘✚✛ ✖✦ ✚✑❡ ■✕✚❡✏✕❡✚ ✢✖❡✔✕✼✚ ✖✕✗✛ ✪✒✔✬ ✘✕✦✖✏✪✒✚✘✖✕ ✔✖✜✏✥❡✔✫ ■✚ ✥✒✕ ❡✪✙✖✗✢❡✕ ✘✕✢✘✧✘✢✜✒✗✔ ✚✖ ✙❡ ✙❡✗✗✘✣❡✏❡✕✚ ✒✕✢ ✢✘✔✏❡✔✓❡✥✚✦✜✗✫✯✑✘✔ ✓✗✒✛✔ ✑✒✧✖✥ ✘✕ ✖✕✗✘✕❡ ✢✘✔✥✜✔✔✘✖✕✔✫✯✏✖✗✗✔ ✇✘✗✗ ✓✖✔✚ ✘✕t✒✪✪✒✚✖✏✛ ✪❡✔✔✒✣❡✔ ✚✖ ✢❡✗✘✙❡✏✒✚❡✗✛ ✔✚✒✏✚ ➫✜✒✏✏❡✗✔✮ ✢❡✏✒✘✗ ✏❡✒✔✖✕✒✙✗❡ ✢❡✙✒✚❡✮ ✒✕✢ ✓✏✖✧✖✬❡ ❡✪✖✚✘✖✕✒✗ ✏❡✒✥✚✘✖✕✔✫ ✯✑❡ ✙✏❡✒✬✢✖✇✕ ✖✦ ✏❡✒✔✖✕✒✙✗❡ ✖✕✲ ✗✘✕❡ ✢✘✔✥✜✔✔✘✖✕ ✘✕ ❡✒✏✗✛ ✻✔❡✕❡✚ ✣✏✖✜✓✔ ×➽➶➮ ➴➹Ø➶➶➽➶ ➱✃❐❒✃ ❮❒➱✃❰Ï ÒÐ❒ÙÐÑÖÖ❐ÚÑÖÛÜÑÝ❒❮ÐÕ❰Ö ✓✏✖✪✓✚❡✢ ✒✚✚✖✏✕❡✛ ✒✕✢ ✒✜✚✑✖✏ ▼✘✬❡ ✿✖✢✇✘✕ ✘✕ ✷➯➯✵ ✚✖ ✓✏✖✓✖✔❡ ✿✖✢✇✘✕✼✔ ▲✒✇➲ ➇✩✔ ✒✕ ✖✕✗✘✕❡ ✢✘✔✥✜✔✔✘✖✕ ✣✏✖✇✔ ✗✖✕✣❡✏✮ ✚✑❡ ✓✏✖✙✒✙✘✗✘✚✛ ✖✦ ✒ ✥✖✪✓✒✏✘✔✖✕ ✘✕✧✖✗✧✲ ✘✕✣ ➳✘✚✗❡✏ ✒✓✓✏✖✒✥✑❡✔ ✷✫➈ ➳❡ ✔✒✇ ✘✕ ✗✖✕✣ ✢✘✔✥✜✔✔✘✖✕✔✮ ✔✖✖✕❡✏ ✖✏ ✗✒✚❡✏✮ ✔✖✪❡✖✕❡ ✖✏ ✔✖✪❡✚✑✘✕✣ ✇✖✜✗✢ ✙❡ ✥✖✪✓✒✏❡✢ ✚✖ ➳✘✚✗❡✏ ✖✏ ✑✘✔ ✢❡❡✢✔✫ ✿✖✢✇✘✕ ✢✘✢ ✕✖✚ ✚✑✘✕✬ ✔✜✥✑ ✥✖✪✓✒✏✘✔✖✕✔ ✇❡✏❡ ✒✗✇✒✛✔ ✇✏✖✕✣✫ ➳❡ ✇✒✔ ✔✘✪✓✗✛ ✖✓✓✖✔❡✢ ✚✖ ✗✒✰✛✮ ✑✛✓❡✏✙✖✗✘✥ ✥✖✪✲ ✓✒✏✘✔✖✕✔ ✚✑✒✚ ✦✏✜✔✚✏✒✚❡✢ ✢❡✙✒✚❡✫ ➇✩✗✚✑✖✜✣✑ ✢❡✗✘✙❡✏✒✚❡✗✛ ✦✏✒✪❡✢ ✒✔ ✘✦ ✘✚ ✇❡✏❡ ✒ ✗✒✇ ✖✦ ✕✒✚✜✏❡ ✖✏ ✖✦ ✪✒✚✑❡✪✒✚✘✥✔✮➈ ✿✖✢✇✘✕ ✇✏✖✚❡✮➇✘✚✔ ✓✜✏✓✖✔❡ ✑✒✔ ✒✗✇✒✛✔ ✙❡❡✕ ✏✑❡✚✖✏✘✥✒✗ ✒✕✢ ✓❡✢✒✣✖✣✘✥✒✗➲ ■ ✇✒✕✚❡✢ ✦✖✗✬✔ ✇✑✖ ✣✗✘✙✗✛ ✥✖✪✓✒✏❡✢ ✔✖✪❡✖✕❡ ❡✗✔❡ ✚✖ ➳✘✚✗❡✏ ✚✖ ✚✑✘✕✬ ✒ ✙✘✚ ✑✒✏✢❡✏ ✒✙✖✜✚ ✚✑❡ ➳✖✗✖✥✒✜✔✚✫➈ ✯✑❡✔❡ ✦❡✇ ❡✳✒✪✓✗❡✔ ✔✑✖✇ ✑✖✇ ✪✜✥✑ ✪✖✏❡ ✢✘✦❞✥✜✗✚ ✖✓❡✕ ✒✕✢ ✑✖✕❡✔✚ ✢❡✙✒✚❡ ✥✒✕ ✙❡ ✘✕ ✚✑❡ ❡✏✒ ✖✦ ✔✖✥✘✒✗ ✪❡✢✘✒✫✯✑❡ ✢✘✦❞✥✜✗✲ ✚✘❡✔ ✥✒✕ ✥✒✜✔❡ ✪✒✕✛ ✓❡✖✓✗❡ ✚✖ ✢✘✔❡✕✣✒✣❡✫ ■✕ ✦✒✥✚✮ ✒✥✥✖✏✢✘✕✣ ✚✖ ✒ ➭❡✇ ✤❡✔❡✒✏✥✑ ♠❡✕✚❡✏ ✔✚✜✢✛✮ ➵➸ ✓❡✏✥❡✕✚ ✖✦ ✔✖✥✘✒✗ ✪❡✢✘✒ ✜✔❡✏✔ ✒✏❡ ➇✇✖✏✕ ✖✜✚➈ ✙✛ ✚✑❡ ✒✪✖✜✕✚ ✖✦ ✓✖✗✘✚✘✥✒✗ ✥✖✕✚❡✕✚➺ ➧➯ ✓❡✏✥❡✕✚ ❞✕✢ ✘✕✚❡✏✒✥✲ ✚✘✖✕✔ ✇✘✚✑ ✖✚✑❡✏✔ ✑✖✗✢✘✕✣ ✖✓✓✖✔✘✕✣ ✓✖✗✘✚✘✲ ✥✒✗ ✧✘❡✇✔ ➇✔✚✏❡✔✔✦✜✗ ✒✕✢ ✦✏✜✔✚✏✒✚✘✕✣➈➺ ✸➻ ✓❡✏✥❡✕✚ ✔✒✛ ✔✜✥✑ ❡✕✥✖✜✕✚❡✏✔ ➇✗❡✒✧❡ ✚✑❡✪ ✦❡❡✗✘✕✣ ✒✔ ✘✦ ✚✑❡✛ ✑✒✧❡ ❡✧❡✕ ✗❡✔✔ ✘✕ ✥✖✪✪✖✕ ✚✑✒✕ ✚✑❡✛ ✚✑✖✜✣✑✚✫➈ ■✦ ✓❡✖✓✗❡ ✢✘✔❡✕✣✒✣❡ ✦✏✖✪ ✖✚✑❡✏✔ ✇✑✖ ✑✖✗✢ ✖✓✓✖✔✘✕✣ ✧✘❡✇✔✮ ✇❡ ✒✗✗ ✙❡✥✖✪❡ ✪✖✏❡ ✘✔✖✗✒✚❡✢✫✩✔ ✪✖✏❡ ✓❡✖✓✗❡ ✣❡✚ ✚✑❡✘✏ ✕❡✇✔ ✦✏✖✪ ✔❡✗✦✲✔❡✗❡✥✚❡✢ ✔✖✥✘✒✗ ✪❡✢✘✒ ✖✜✚✗❡✚✔ ✚✑✒✕ ✦✏✖✪ ✓✏✘✕✚ ✪❡✢✘✒✮ ✇❡ ✑✒✧❡ ✕✒✏✏✖✇❡✏ ✥✖✪✪✖✕ ✣✏✖✜✕✢ ✚✖ ✔✚✒✕✢ ✖✕✫ ■✦ ✇❡ ✔❡❡ ✚✑❡✪✔❡✗✧❡✔ ✒✔ ✑✒✧✘✕✣ ✗❡✔✔ ✘✕ ✥✖✪✪✖✕ ✇✘✚✑ ✖✚✑❡✏✔✮ ✚✑❡✕ ✇❡ ✙❡✥✖✪❡ ✪✖✏❡ ✦✏✒✣✪❡✕✚❡✢ ✒✔ ✒ ✔✖✥✘❡✚✛✫ ■ ✢✖✕✼✚ ✑✒✧❡ ✒✕ ✒✕✔✇❡✏ ✦✖✏ ✚✑❡ ✜✓✑❡✒✧✲ ✒✗✔ ✇❡ ✒✏❡ ❡✳✓❡✏✘❡✕✥✘✕✣ ✒✔ ✒ ✔✖✥✘❡✚✛✫ ➩✜✚ ■ ✚✑✘✕✬ ✇❡ ✥✒✕ ✔✑✒✏❡ ✔✖✪❡ ✙✒✔✘✥ ✏✜✗❡✔ ✖✦ ✚✑❡ ✏✖✒✢ ✚✖ ✪✖✧❡ ✦✖✏✇✒✏✢➲ ➩❡ ✏❡✔✓❡✥✚✦✜✗✫ ➼✕✖✇ ✛✖✜✏ ✔✖✜✏✥❡✔✫ ➩❡ ✔✬❡✓✚✘✥✒✗✫ ➼❡❡✓ ✒✕ ✖✓❡✕ ✪✘✕✢✫✩✣✏❡❡ ✚✖ ✢✘✔✒✣✏❡❡✫ ❲❡ ✪✜✔✚ ✒✗✗ ✏❡✪❡✪✙❡✏ ✚✑❡ ✔✜✥✥❡✔✔ ✖✦ ✖✜✏ ✴➻✵✲✓✗✜✔ ✛❡✒✏✲✗✖✕✣ ❡✳✓❡✏✘✪❡✕✚ ✘✕ ✔❡✗✦✲✣✖✧❡✏✕✒✕✥❡ ✢❡✓❡✕✢✔ ✜✓✖✕ ✒✕ ✘✕✦✖✏✪❡✢ ✥✘✚✘✰❡✕✏✛ ✇✘✗✗✘✕✣ ✚✖ ✥✖✪❡ ✚✖✣❡✚✑❡✏ ✒✕✢ ✢❡✙✒✚❡✫ ❡✏✑✒✓✔ ✕✖ ✗✘✙❡✏✚✛ ✔✖ ✏❡✔✖✜✕✢✘✕✣✗✛ ✢❡❞✕❡✔ ✖✜✏ ✤❡✓✜✙✗✘✥ ✚✑✒✕ ✚✑✒✚ ✖✦ ✦✏❡❡ ✔✓❡❡✥✑ ❤ ✒ ✏✘✣✑✚ ✔✖ ✧✘✚✒✗ ✚✖ ✖✜✏ ★✖✜✕✢❡✏✔ ✚✑✒✚ ✚✑❡✛ ❡✕✔✑✏✘✕❡✢ ✘✚ ✘✕ ✚✑❡ ★✘✏✔✚ ✩✪❡✕✢✲ ✪❡✕✚ ✚✖ ✚✑❡ ♠✖✕✔✚✘✚✜✚✘✖✕✫❲❡ ✚✒✬❡ ✦✖✏ ✣✏✒✕✚❡✢ ✚✑✒✚ ➇♠✖✕✣✏❡✔✔ ✔✑✒✗✗ ✪✒✬❡ ✕✖ ✗✒✇ ✫ ✫ ✫ ✒✙✏✘✢✣✘✕✣ ✚✑❡ ✦✏❡❡✢✖✪ ✖✦ ✔✓❡❡✥✑✫➈ ✭✒✢✗✛✮ ✘✕ ✚✑❡ ✏❡✒✥✚✘✖✕✒✏✛ ✚✘✪❡ ✘✕ ✇✑✘✥✑ ✇❡ ✗✘✧❡✮ ✚✑✘✔ ✦✜✕✢✒✪❡✕✚✒✗ ✦✏❡❡✢✖✪ ✘✔ ✧❡✏✛ ✪✜✥✑ ✒✚ ✏✘✔✬✮ ✒✕✢ ✦✏✖✪ ✦✖✏✥❡✔ ✚✑✒✚ ✖✕✥❡ ✑❡✗✢ ✚✑❡ ✔✒✪❡ ✒✔ ✘✕✧✘✖✗✒✚❡✫ ❖✕✥❡ ❞❡✏✥❡✗✛ ✢❡✦❡✕✢❡✢ ✘✕ ✒✗✗ ✙✜✚ ✚✑❡ ✪✖✔✚ ❡✣✏❡✣✘✖✜✔ ✖✦ ✥✘✏✥✜✪✔✚✒✕✥❡✔✮ ✦✏❡❡ ✔✓❡❡✥✑ ✑✒✔ ✙❡✥✖✪❡ ✇✘✢❡✗✛ ✒✥✥❡✓✚❡✢ ✙✛ ✦✒✏ ✚✖✖ ✪✒✕✛ ✒✔ ✙❡✘✕✣ ✥✖✕✢✘✚✘✖✕✒✗ ✜✓✖✕ ✔✜✙✲ ❥❡✥✚✘✧❡ ✘✕✚❡✏✓✏❡✚✒✚✘✖✕✔ ✖✦ ✇✑✒✚ ✔✓❡❡✥✑ ✘✔ ✒✓✓✏✖✓✏✘✒✚❡ ✖✏ ✕✖✕✲✖✦✦❡✕✔✘✧❡ ❤ ✒ ✥✖✕✥❡✓✚ ✚✑✒✚ t✘❡✔ ✢✘✏❡✥✚✗✛ ✘✕ ✚✑❡ ✦✒✥❡ ✖✦ ✚✑❡ ✦✖✜✕✢✒✲ ✚✘✖✕✔ ✖✦ ✚✑❡ ★✘✏✔✚ ✩✪❡✕✢✪❡✕✚ ✓✏✖✚❡✥✚✘✖✕ ✘✚✔❡✗✦✫ ✯✑✘✔ ✘✔ ✔❡❡✕ ✥✗❡✒✏✗✛ ✘✕ ✚✑❡ ✢✒✘✗✛ ✢❡✙✒✚❡ ✖✦ ✓✜✙✗✘✥ ✢✘✔✥✖✜✏✔❡✫ ✤❡✗✒✚✘✧❡✗✛ ✕❡✇ ✚❡✏✪✔ ✗✘✬❡ ➇✑✒✚❡ ✔✓❡❡✥✑✮➈➇✚✏✘✣✣❡✏ ✇✒✏✕✘✕✣✔➈ ✒✕✢ ➇✔✒✦❡ 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✒✕✖✕✛✪✘✚✛ ✓✏✖✧✘✢❡✢ ✙✛ ✢✘✣✘✚✒✗ ✪❡✢✘✒✫ ❉✜✏✘✕✣ ✚✑❡ ✴✵✷✸ ❡✗❡✥✚✘✖✕✮ ✪✛ ✕❡✇✗✛✲ ✷✹✲✛❡✒✏✲✖✗✢ ✥✑✘✗✢ ❡✕✣✒✣❡✢ ✘✕ ✒✕ ❡✒✏✕❡✔✚ ❡✦✦✖✏✚ ✚✖ ✦✜✗✗✛ ✘✕✦✖✏✪ ✑❡✏ ✔✖✖✕✲✚✖✲✙❡ ❞✏✔✚ ✧✖✚❡✫ ✭✑❡ ✖✙✔❡✏✧❡✢ ✒ ✣✏✖✜✓ ✖✦ ✘✕✢✘✧✘✢✜✒✗✔ SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION Phone: ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑥⑨⑤⑧⑤ NEWSSTAND PRICE: $1.00 Subscription rates per month: q② ❂❃♣♣P❇♣❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩✐rs❩❦s q② ❱❃P❘✉ ❃❘❘ ♦❊❑❇♣ ①❩❣❩ ❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩❩ ✐r❦ An independent newspaper founded in 1896 ➜➝➞➟➞ ➠➡➡➢➠➤➥➦ ❾❑❇ ❿❝❅❇♣✈❇♣ ♣❇❅❇♣✈❇❅ ❊❑❇ ♣P◗❑❊ ❊♦ ❃❳➒❁❅❊ ❅❁❝❅❂♣P❈❊P♦❄ ♣❃❊❇❅ ❝② ◗P✈P❄◗ ❈♣❇❈❃P❳ ❃❄❳ ❱❃P❘ ❅❁❝❅❂♣P❝❇♣❅ ●s ❳❃②❅ ❄♦❊P❂❇❩ ➓❇♣P♦❳P❂❃❘❅ ❈♦❅❊❃◗❇ ❈❃P❳ ❃❊ ❼❃ ❽♣❃❄❳❇✉ ❿♣❇◗♦❄ ❷❹⑩❦s❩ ➓❁❝❘P❅❑❇❳ ➔♦❄❳❃②❅✉ →❇❳❄❇❅❳❃②❅ ❃❄❳ ❻♣P❳❃②❅ ➣❇↔❂❇❈❊ ↕❇❂❩ ❶❦➙ ❝② →❇❅❊❇♣❄ ❬♦❱❱❁❄P❂❃❊P♦❄❅ ➛❄❂❩✉ r❍s❸ ❻P❢❊❑ ❣❊❩✉ ❼❃ ❽♣❃❄❳❇✉ ❿➀ ❷❹⑩❦s ➣①❣➓❣ ❶❷❷❙❶❸s➙ COPYRIGHT © 2018 A division of ➁➂➃➄➂➅➆ ➉➊➋➋➌➆➍➎➏➄➍➊➆➃ ➐➆➎➑ ✖✕✗✘✕❡ ✙❡✏✒✚✘✕✣ ✒✕ ✒✏✚✘✔✚ ✒✕✢ ✢❡✪✒✕✢✘✕✣ ✚✑✒✚ ✚✑❡ ✒✏✚✘✔✚ ✚✒✬❡ ✢✖✇✕ ✑❡✏ ✒✏✚✮ ✇✑✘✥✑ ✥✖✕✔✘✔✚❡✢ ✖✦ ✓✑✖✚✖✣✏✒✓✑✔ ✖✦ ✒ ✪✖✢❡✗ ✏❡✓✏❡✲ ✔❡✕✚✘✕✣ ✚✑❡ ✙❡✒✜✚✛ ✖✦ ✥✜✗✚✜✏❡✔ 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✦✏❡❡✢✖✪ ✖✦ ❡✳✓✏❡✔✔✘✖✕✫ ✯✑✘✔ ✣✏❡✒✚ ✥✖✜✕✚✏✛ ✖✦ ✖✜✏✔ ✇✒✔ ✦✖✜✕✢❡✢ ✜✓✖✕ ✚✑❡ ✥✖✕✥❡✓✚ ✖✦ ✒ ➇✦✏❡❡ ✪✒✏✬❡✚✓✗✒✥❡ ✖✦ ✘✢❡✒✔✫➈ ✯✑❡ ✦✏❡❡ ❡✳❡✏✥✘✔❡ ✖✦ ✔✓❡❡✥✑ ✘✕ ✓✜✙✗✘✥ ✢✘✔✥✖✜✏✔❡ ✘✔ ✒✙✔✖✗✜✚❡✗✛ ✧✘✚✒✗ ✚✖ ✒ ✦✜✗✗✛ ✦✜✕✥✚✘✖✕✘✕✣ ✦✏❡❡ ✔✖✥✘❡✚✛✮ ✒✕✢ ✒✏✚✘❞✥✘✒✗✮ ✔✜✙❥❡✥✚✘✧❡ ✔✑✒✥✬✗❡✔ ✜✓✖✕ ❡✳✓✏❡✔✔✘✖✕ ✔❡✏✧❡ ✖✕✗✛ ✚✖ ✏❡✢✜✥❡ ✖✜✏ ✗✘✙❡✏✚✛✮ ✜✗✚✘✪✒✚❡✗✛ ✑✜✏✚✲ ✘✕✣ ❡✧❡✏✛ ✪✒✕✮ ✇✖✪✒✕ ✒✕✢ ✥✑✘✗✢✮ ✒✕✢ ✖✜✏ ✕✒✚✘✖✕ ✒✔ ✒ ✇✑✖✗❡✫ ✿✖✧❡✏✕✪❡✕✚✒✗ ✓✖✇❡✏ ✢❡✏✘✧❡✔ ✖✕✗✛ ✙✛ ✚✑❡ ❡✳❡✏✥✘✔❡ ✖✦ ✥✖❡✏✥✘✖✕✮ ✒✕✢ ✗✘✙❡✏✚✘❡✔✮ ✖✕✥❡ ✗✖✔✚✮ ✔✗✘✓ ✘✕✚✖ ✚✑❡ ✓✒✣❡✔ ✖✦ ✑✘✔✚✖✏✛ ✇✘✚✑✖✜✚ ✦✜✏✚✑❡✏ ✔✚✏✜✣✣✗❡ ✚✖ ✏❡✘✕✔✚✒✚❡ ✚✑❡✪✫ ❖✜✏ ✥✖✜✕✚✏✛ ✘✔ ✔✚✏✖✕✣❡✏ ✚✑✒✕ ✚✑✘✔ ✕❡✇✲ ✦✖✜✕✢ ✦✏✒✣✘✗✘✚✛ ✘✪✓✖✔❡✢ ✙✛ ✚✑❡ ✪✘✕✖✏✘✚✛✫ ▲❡✚✼✔ ✏❡✪❡✪✙❡✏ ✚✑✒✚ ✒✕✢ ✔✓❡✒✬ ✖✜✏ ✪✘✕✢✔ ✇✘✚✑ ✏❡✔✓❡✥✚✮ ✇✑✘✗❡ ✦✜✗✗✛ ✒✗✗✖✇✘✕✣ ✖✚✑❡✏✔ ✚✑❡ ✔✒✪❡ ✏✘✣✑✚✫ STAFF SUBSCRIBE AND SAVE ❀♦❁ ❂❃❄ ❅❃✈❇ ❁❈ ❊♦ ●❍❏ ♦❢❢ ❊❑❇ ❅P❄◗❘❇❙❂♦❈② ❈♣P❂❇ ❯P❊❑ ❑♦❱❇ ❳❇❘P✈❇♣②❩ ❬❃❘❘ ❭❪❫❴❵❛❜❴❜❫❛❫ ❊♦ ❅❁❝❅❂♣P❝❇❩ ❣❊♦❈❈❇❳ ❃❂❂♦❁❄❊ ❝❃❘❃❄❂❇❅ ❘❇❅❅ ❊❑❃❄ ✐❦ ❯P❘❘ ❝❇ ♣❇❢❁❄❳❇❳ ❁❈♦❄ ♣❇❧❁❇❅❊❩ ➽➾➚➪➾ ➶➹➘➴➷➶➬➮ ➱✃❐❒✃ ❮❒➱✃❰Ï ÐÑÒ➱ÓÔ❐❮Õ✃Ö THE OBSERVER ❾❑❇ ❿❝❅❇♣✈❇♣ ♣❇❊❃P❄❅ ♦❯❄❇♣❅❑P❈ 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