' OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams OUR BOARDING HOUSE With Major HoepU EtoAO,TVia.jS,'rt.,U UMCANNV IhlT J.TiONl HAS LED VXI T0TH6 I r-i -GART OP MY PLAlsl.'- HEH- I 1 TV I PUNT Llkt THIS V .-0-M,WH- V lOO I A rE - WOUVt I HfMl II , " ",' I I'M IPSAOPDFceiVlMr. PIPW I VOtl OUTFOXfcC VDUR- l fclJi:JUllmll.J.A. BWP VOU MOTHI-R JU-jT 1 TMIMK OF SELF SHE'S COMIW I f,DJU-, patTTV U Iff pOMCHOBE&AkjvAV,werr6 J POOR mow am' -rfr ,1 IF SHE TrlWKS YOU HAVE 1 CLOSE TO ( VOO CiOT TO GO . '. ,? , J; HIS TV AGAIN, . ASPRAIMCPAkJltLE.yOU THE HOUSE t - THROcJ&H AFTER "AY T2,X AT SOT-i . t'l L SEAL THE SCENlE LIKfe i SlWTBEAW tlOOO (JollCK.I.FTOOl I WITH IT AND VARD O?. AR E vSJ r. ( " ' " 1 ( ROLLt-K -KATIMO xf OF ME BfcF-ORF N -" AMM.N& TJ COMP JS- ' p pp ET Hi' lioT A V VZ-womRf6" ' rJ.r: J- rwoRO "prowess THE STOBY OP MARTHA WAYNE By WILSON SCRUGGS K'J . ' JJ HcLLO, MK.WATN6. JUST IT BUT 00 VOO TMIWK iOU CAW Tf ACH US AMV-' I WITH THE EXCEPTION OF 1CUK61.F, WW. 2 yjl j! J I UOntDBY TOPWD OUT HOW THIMS,MK. AMKH? It ClOMPEDATOUWD , vttVME. TO HAVE 50 MUCH PKOMISS TWT fcj"fl fOtie CTOWD IIKEB THEie I VOUK STUDIO LIKE SrAMPWW65r I IWWT TOSSfcYOU TAKE IVWATe lEOLji." pocrvi e a tun MK PPiewn Bv Mtwrlll Rlottar T"' N I 1 1 SHORT worps.That II and i cam take I f.7S II FT I CAMTPf FOKV ' k IS BUT I. DONT DICTATION TUAT 1W I' k VVCXDS AMUTC.y PART-TIME MAKE AS MAW MIS - Vf 1 le Ti h 1 s7T1YeMplj0YMeNr TAKES AS I USED TO( SLOW rFeS? CAPTAIN EASY By Ltuli Turnr 1 WfctLi fcKE EA5V AMP THK . "1 vt.TBE QNb VOU T"""! I-1 WAWTEP TO PUT THE BULLET WHERE IT I ' If eoyf.SKOuaMT the tiqek y Ikilep wa uwt " wouldn't stww when the sum puessew WNOKuma vpvER from the ilanpi quite mv taki twelve feet from i even consipeked cHowua the seast1.. I A ISHTi M THEY'RE IM05E TO TA1L-1IPI VOU KUOW THAT T ALLEY OOP By V. T. Hamlin PCP?!.'- :. If hooey.' A what rrCM THINK SO HE C OULP WLU... YES, RJT Ht 1 E5Bl,!!ifri X- I PllNT I HE BUILT THE TIME SE WHAT WENT I FAILEP TO AK EVF ...TO TURM t.r, I ARE VOU TRYIN' TO I I SURE ) BELIEVE MACHINE FOR IN ON A LONt-1 'THE ONE TWNiJ HE THE CVXk. " JT" --J . J TtLL ME PiX" WOULP I AM! 1 IT.' THE FIRST PLACE? TIME; kGO? f KEALLY WAN1EP... SACK ON X,f1 V TRY T SNEAK A SMUi V , zZZr-, . ' ' HlMaELF.' . B tL BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Bv FHo.r Martin i i i hi"1 i i. ii fl Of I II II mm II 1 A PRISCILLA'S POP i.ici . rvO. -f n i i itUlfnw I By Al Varmear WWAt'VVOLJLDll YOU LIKE?J MOT SOUP? TOAST AMD MILK? . y-N- THAT'S ; Wuj -v 1 GOOD v I Kmom-'im newJVl I f . .. . l i nu II 131- AV ' 1 f luil II U'T . S BUGS BUNNY r 6mt HFee, I . v ( SVLVESTER' V5CAN-MASA2INE,- R BilAjAp VWJ r II " ' ' 1 V. II S "CT. ,L I I , I Mi I I y i 1 imi.,i,i iv h ( DON'T WE I H SHE'S K'' OH, A WAVE ANY S BETTER? MOTHER J" I I CHOCOLATE ; can r mas A THAT'LL 8E fftfn c&vrr. POC 1 UNFOBTUSATELY AM FINANCIALLY INSOLVENT AT THE MOVENT 1 Bre ?ES, I JUST WANTEP TO 1 'N;sh The STOev I 4"9 !EA?IN6 WHEN EJECTE? F?OM ANOTHER E.'SSTA:Pi vy .- Fess Parker Cast In TV Role About Civil War Era HOLLYWOOD UPI' - Wanna sneak a peek at a new television series before it's even an nounced? If so, tune in Suiday night and catch Fess Parker playing a Civil War veteran trying to rebuild the South. Parker, the hero of Disney's "Davy Crockett" splurge five years ago, could rocket back to national adulation in the new show, titled "Aftermath." The prcgram will debut as a segment of CBS TV's "G.E. Theater." in what is becoming standard procedure for anthology series. Many such programs accept a story and star combination which later makes the grade as a sep al ate series. This is what Parker and company hope will happen with "Aftermath." Lilies Soutl'OTi Here Role A native of Texas, the tall, an gular Fess is anxious to play a Southern hero in another series. "I believe I'd just as Soon play this kind of role as any," he said in a soft drawl. "If I were completely candid I'd say I've been playing the same role for eight and a half years. I sorta slip from cne character into an other without changing myself much." Since zooming to fame as Crockett, Parker has made six pictures for Disney, two for Para mount and a handful of TV shows. This comparative inactivity left the big guy somewhat restive. Tm not a bit worried about the hard work involved in a se ries," he said. "I've had four years ot doing too litue work. I d be mighty happy to end that sort of life. "Time is the only thing you can't replace. When you have a lot of time on your hands you NEWS CHUCKLES United Press Intematianal TICKET COSTS CITY DENVR IUPI) Keith Fuller today planned to appeal the de cision of a six-man jury which found him guilty of a $2 parking violation. The trial thus far has cost the citv $250. GOODNIGHT TO ALLKNIGHT NEW ORLEANS UPI) New Orleans radio station WJBW to day was reported contemplating promoting its all-night disc jockey to days. The all-night disc jockey is Da vid Allknight. LITTLE GODS TOYOHASHI, Japan UPI -Imp: essionist painter Susumu Fu kuyama, taking to heart the Or iental saying that a 3-year-old child has the "perceptive eyes of God." enrolled at a kindergarten here Wednesday to see for himself. learn to spend it recklessly, as if it was a large sum of money that came too easily. "This gives you time to com pound the normal mistakes of human nature. Believe me, I know." Actually, Parker's entire ca reer was built on the three hour long "Davy Crockett" TV shows. To a lesser actor, being so close ly Identified with a single char acter might have spelled dis aster. "It hasn't worked as a detri ment to me." he said. "Matter of fact it was pure luck. "It's not generally known, but Jim Amess, who plays the mar shal on 'Gunsmoke.' was being considered for the Crockett role, and at the same time I was be ing sought for the 'Gunsmoke' part. "Funny, the way things turned out. I guess neither Jim nor I have anything to complain about." Catholic Magazine Claims Religion Wisconsin Factor WASHINGTON (UPI)-A lead ing Catholic magazine said today Sen. John F. Kennedy's religion "obviously was a factor" In the Wisconsin primary "but how big a factor is not yet clear." The Jesuit-edited weekly review America commented eriitnrtallv that Kennedy's Catholic faith "ap peals to nave neipea much more than hurt him" in urban districts of Wisconsin. "But in rural nrn the opposite seems to have been true. It concluded that "the hard headed DOliticos who will rhniM the Democratic nominee in Los Angeles may therefore have to look beyond the Wisconsin pri mary to learn whether Srn Kan. nedy'i religion dooms his candi dacy or gives it special appeal." La Grande Man Pleads Guilty To Embezzlement Elmer R. Swart, 40, of La Grande, has waived indictment and pleaded guilty to two charges of embezzlement in circuit court. Swart was given two year peni tentiary sentences on each charge, to be served consecutively. The sentences were suspended and Swart was placed on probation for fcur years on these conditions: that he served two months in the county jail, and that he make restitution of all money involved by monthly payments to the county clerk. Swart admitted embezzling $530.10 from the Western Bowling Lcagu; and $165 from ' the La Grande Bowling Association. DAILY XV LG 2KREM M KXLY 0 KHQ TV f TV O TV FRIDAY t:Ad Burns & Allen Star !tPrt CunL Movie ConL C:1S - Dona Edwmrd Front Pave S:Si Newsbeai Amos n' Andy :4fl " NBC Scw 7:00 Square Dance Tarty Johnny MiUnishl Cavalcade of Sport 7:15 - 7:0 Disney Prenenta rtawhlde " 7:11 " Bona- Shop 8:00 " " Troubleahooter 8:15 " 8:311 Man From Hotel de Paree Jerry Iewla Show ;t.". lilarkhnwk " - !;lil) 77 Suiii-cl Klrip lrllu I'lHyhoiifu " 9:U " 9:30 " Council Candidates :4S " - " 10:00 rtobert Taylor Twilight Zone l.lfe of Klley 10:15 10:20 Black Saddle Person to Person News ": " Late Movie 11:00 NiKlilheat NrWM 1'laylmy M ll:ir, t'luinnel X Theatre Penthouse " 11:30 " 11:45 " " 12:00 - 12:15 " . . - SATURDAY -j ' :"0 I'OMt tirmluitti; Tl'i Medicine 7:.'lll . I 7:1.1 .- :00 Empire on Parade S:15 J 'J Bread Basket " . '4B " Farm Snininarv J "2 Captain Kangaroo Ruff and Reddy 9:15 " m 111 ' : - - JJ 00 Heekle ft Jeckle Howdy Doody ' Tn. MJ. League Ball '0: l:ael.all It 00 .. .. 11:15 ... HMO -.... . - ' ' ' - m . ... 11:1.1 Puck To Ooil Pro. m 12:00' Kouity 8alea 12:15" '- iS:::o Farmer Teitay , i 12:4.1 " - 1:00 MJ. la-HKtir lUel.atl - Vol.inel llllnip' 1:15 , I SO - !:' TIM 3 00 l-uliln IIuikI t-15 - :0 J,.fr rollle " ' 2:45 " 3:00 .Coin. Performance 1 l4ve Lucy i ll " - . 3 30 Spoken l!u-.mn Mlsjhtv Mouse S45 - . - 4 ill "'"J ' Lone lUnn. r. True Story 4:30 Three stooges sky King Detective tiigry 1:15 . 5 00 Clianip. lloing l;n-lrr Roy Roger 5: ," - Union Peeirie :4 " ' - . - This lea is mede up from Informstien by Television StHwm and Is) Muracy cannot be ausrantted by the La Grande Obearver. DBiirvir, Li Grand-, Ori FrI., April 15, 1960 Pag 6 Side Glances SECOMD HANt r ifl -" j "jT f INOkftica tne Y H. I " really don't need another cookbook, but do you mind if I jot down tniS recipe Tor oiueoerry muumsr Latest Land Grab By China Commies Is Mt. Everest By PHIL NEWSOM UPI Staff Writer Red China put the land grub on Mt. Everest the other day. This latest was against the tiny kingly state of Nepal, wedged be tween India and Ked China on the slopes of the Himalayas. Mt. Everest and the Abomin able Snowman said to wander its snowy heights have been Nepal's chief claim to fame. And since ML Everest is known to every schoolboy, it served to dramatize Red China's unceasing efforts to extend its frontiers at the expense of its neighbors. Trouble Conrroll ng Land . To the north of Mt. Everest stretches Red China's "wild west" and the real reason for this discussion. For while Red China moves in DA To Attend Interim Meet District Attorney George An derson will be in Pendleton Sat urday to appear before the leg islative interim committee on criminal law. Anderson said he would advo cate some adequate replacement for the contribution to. the de linquency of a minor law. The l.'.w was abandoned by passage of the new state juvenile code. Two Teachers Offered Contracts Two additional teachers for the junior high school were elect ed by the La Grande school board this week. Le Roy Cbildcrs. Cove, will be offered a contract to teach Eng lish and social studies. Jack Ved e'ers, who will be graduated from Eastern Oregon College this year. will be offered a contract to teach eighth grade science. on th:usands cf square miles of territory on a border line extend ing from Iidia's no'lhwcst lerri tcry of Burma, evidence con tinues to accumulate that she still has plenty of trouble con trolling the land she already has. Recently it was disclosed that what previously hart been dis missed as a minor uprising in Tsirghai Province of northwest China in late 1958 actually was of such massive proportions that the red Army had to be called in to put it down. Is Sinkiane Upr'sing Prior to that there had been the 1957 uprising in neighboring Sinkiang Province, and, immedi ately after, the revolt in Tibet which reached its height in March, 1959. Other outbreaks were reported in the province of Chinghai and in Mongolia. Here are wild streams, arid lam.s, towering mountains and a people who never have bowed to the Chinese will. In the region are more Tibetans than there arc in Tibet, and more Turkestani than there are Chinese. As in Tibet, the Tsinghai rebel lion centered around the BuiUihist monasteries. Reports on Rebels Kao Feng, first secretary of the Tsinghai Communist Party committee, reirorletl to the rebels: "Under the guise of protecting the interests of national religion, they occupied monasteries as bases of operation, attacked the people's government, murdered revolutionary cadres and activ ists, destroyed pastures and live stock, burner! down duelling houses." Kao Feng concluded: "...The heroic fighting of the rebellion-suppressing units of the Chinese people's army. ..quelled the revolt." These ae rugged individualists fighting a losing battle, but still determined to preserve their right to decide. "Wolverine Store" Answer to Preous Pu?il ACROSS 32 Mariner's 1 7riin. direction e.rly visitor. 38 to Michigan 39Srt ercuplne 40 Umpire (ab.) Mountains are 42KlUed on Its - 44 common law peninsula procedure 11 Withdraw 13 Guarantee 45 indebtcd -or 14 Penetrates 4g Brazilian 15 Condescends macaw 16 Sault 47 College Mario graduates 17 Also SO Idolized It Obtain 63 Dormant 20 Biblical weed 54 Hydrocarbon 22 Cloth measure 55 Mountain spur 23 fewer M Fashions 24 Boats of a type M Turn aside 28 Help 30 Energy (coll.) 31 Priority (prefix) BEjTlH BA;aB MA T al- 5Ts riaq 1 eg aTg se ,JIli-li.l- MJTbTe p j 1 tela CIplL-lsl maTIIm1a g I f, L:NWA V 6 fcJ U E gtelT I " 'U ' -I'M T gTg 'sIlTis O MHA MBi-3-r-yiS o a t m i-b plfetvTs m t p 1 Itel a i a! si p p a DOWN 1 French naval ' station 2 Form of lease 3 Discloses 4 Prevarication 5 Make a mistake 6 One (Fr.) 7 Greek letter 8 Worker with bricks 9 Man's name 10 Pauses 12 Royal Italian family name 13 Adoro 18 Aged 21 Storehouses 23 Victims ot leprosy 25 Knights 27 Holding device 29 "Auto capital" 33 Basement 34 Public esteem 35 Stitch 37 Shone brightly 38 Unruffled 39 Spiral canal ot the cochlea 41 Great frifiht 43 Walks in water 48 Encountered 49 Compass point St Political party (ab.) S2 Siouan Indian 1 i U 15 I 16 17 18 19 110 fi fF" JiT n ts : 16 TP 18 ' 19 3J iTi S 23 5? 25 26 27 7 2l 29 30 31 3T- SEPTS" 35 3o 37 138 5T - ij- Ijj -Jy- ' Isrr rr' rrw ?r rw" 5T ' 0 W jrr-r-t f-rf. " J A ti liiii 1 1 ii 111 k i .Lr.ri-rR r-NTrnrmsN -, - -