T Observer, La Grind, Ort.. Wed., March 30, W60 Page 8 Farmers Home Administration Accused Of 'Dragging Feet WASHINGTON flTl'-A House Democrat has charged the Farm' er Home Administration with "dragging it feet" at a time when haid-presst-d ta mers have the greatest need (or federal loans. Rep. Jjmle Whiltcn D- Miss.) chairman of a House agriculture appropriations subcommittee, said "it looks to me like sometody is trying to dry up-' the Fa:m Crei! it Agency. Whitten's remarks were made public Sunday night when his sub committee released a transcript of closed-door testimony on agri culture department budget needs. The Farmers Home Administ a tlon helps farmers finance homes, farm land purchases and fu ni operations. Buy Pike Seamans Drive-In Hut At Cove COVE (Special) Mr. and Mrs. Pike Seaman have purchased the Drive-In Hut from Mr. and Mrs Charles Haggerty. They have xpened it for business. The senior class held a car vash it the school on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hughes and family moved into the F.arl Smith house Saturday. They have sold their store. Associated Gas Company will take over the store on April 1. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Chadwick have purchased the Earl Smith j.Uce and have been busy the past few days cleaning. Idaho People Hero Mr. and Mrs. Ed Campbell have sold their place in Idaho and are living here with her parents, Mr. end Mrs. Muriel Rundall. They .-ill be here until school is out and they find a place to locate. Bob McKinney and Leon Need ham were laid off work on Fri day. They were employed by ML Emily and worked in the box factory which closed down at tha end of the week. Jim Puckett returned to the t'nlversity of Oregon on Snday after spending spring vacation in Covo. While here, he did some running each day in track with his brother Rax Futkett He will have his first track meet on April 2 in Eugene. lis overall load program budget for next fiscal year, starting July 1, calls for $203,349,000, compared with a current estimated spending this year of $2M.305,0Ou. Cong est gave the agency $279,044,613 last fiscal year. The Canadian American Com mittee warns that barter of U S wheat surpluses could become a source of controversy in Canada United Stutes telalions. "La ce increases in U. S. sur plus wheat stocks are leading to stronger pressures for enlarged V. S. wheat surplus disposal pro grams," the committee said. The group said that ba ter is a useful device in wheat surplus disposal. But because of the "flex ibilities arising from employing th skills of private traders the job of disposing of surplus wheat," it said, "barter trans actions have important limita tions as a surplus disiiosal tech nique and must be subject to re strictions. The committee is an offshoot of the National Planning Associa tion, a private group, and the private Planning Association of Canada. Its aims U to study va rious aspects of Canadian Amer ican relations. The Foreign Agricultural Ser vice (FAS i reports the Guate malan government h a i es tablished new meat inspection regulations In order to export beef to the United States. Formal approval by the Agriculture De partment is necessary before shipments can begin. rAs said the wholesale price of carcass beef in .Guatemala City has been averaging 21 or 22 cents per pound. ' v BUT NOW! Bolens Roiary Tillers Pea! Moss Orbit Air New leader in rotary about this one! Lawn and Garden Tools ORTHO Lawn & Garden Feed Grass Seeds Weed Killers ORTHO Lawn Green Planting Mix Rom Guards Lent Offers Opportunities By The Most Rev. ARTHUR LICH1 ENBERGER Presiding Bishop, Protestait Episcopal Church Lent offers an Opportunity lor renewal and growth. It is a time for emphasizing those things which i t basic for us as Chris tians, which we need throughout the year, in every season. It is a period of special training so that we may pray and worship and practice our Chrisiianltv more acceptably, not simply for lony oiys ami forty nights but . lor many months to come. If this ' is the purpose of Lent then some i oi our trivial observances a: e of I lit ;ie use. I do not know who wrote the following lines, but they suggest now we can make our Lenten observance an offering to God. Fast from criticism, and feast on praise Fast from ill-temper, and feast on peace Fast fiom resentment, and feast on contentment Fast from Jealousy, and feast on love Fast from pride, and feast on humility Fast from selfishness, and feast on service Fast from fear, and feast on faith. THE X-15 CHANGES HANDS The missile-like aircraft X-13 nestles beneath the wing of its B-02 mother ship shortly before the drop. It was the first flight for National Aeronautics and Space Administration pilot Joe Walker in the rocket plane that he may take to the edge of space. Previous flights of the X-l" have been made with North American Aviation pilot Scott Crossfield at the controls. West Berlin Mayor Says German City Is Just Tiny World Problem EDITOR'S NOTE: With the approach of the East-West sum mit meeting, now less than two months away, the question of Berlin again comes Into the spotlight. In the following inter view with a UPI vice president, the mayor of West Berlin soys me dispute over his city can be solved only in the context of other cold war problems. By LEROY KELLER UPI Staff Writer BERLIN i UPI i Mayor Willy Brandt said today that Be lin ac tually is a "minor" world prob lem and useless as a key for solving the basic issues which di vkle Kast and West. He stresNed that the "Berlin is sue cannot be solved by itself. The East-West dispute over West ern Allied occupation rights in the city is not the cause of the cold wa only a symptom of it, he declared. "There can be no separate so lution for Berlin because this problem is a result of the split of Europe and of Germany," brandt said. In an exclusive United Press GETS DIVORCE DECREE LOS ANGELES t UPI 'Actress Irish McCalla, 30 -awarded an in ter loculory divorce from Patrick H. Mclntyre, 33, nearly three years ago. Monday picked up her final divorce decree. Penny-Sue Shop Holds Opening At Elgin KLGIN i Special I The Penny- sue hnop neld a Grand Opening on Saturday. Coffee and dough nuts were served all day. The shop is owned by Mrs. Margaret Hall, who also has a shop in En terprise. Her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Betty Hall, is manager. Many beautiful plants and bouquets o.' flowers were sent for th opening. The Lone Star Motel held open house Saturday. It is owned by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dillingham. It is the former Hurt Apartments on the Tollgate read. Hank Snow To Show At Elgin Playland ELGIN (Special i Hrnk Snow and his Rainbow Ranch Bevs will he seen here from 8 30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. on April 5. The event will be held at the Playland und t the hall's sponsor ship. It was said. International interview in his well-appointed but business-like office in the huite old Schoene- berg rathaus, Mayor Brapdt stressed this point. "If the fiee powers could solve the more important problems, then the proper atmosphere will exist far the solution of such minor problems as Berlin," he declared. Unions Will Study Strike In Portland WASHINGTON 1LTI1 Offi cials of newspaper craft unions have scheduled a meeting Thurs day in Portland, Ore., to study progress of the 4 1-2 month old strike which has idled some 800 of their membe s in that city. William J. Fa-son, executive vice president of the America i Newspaper Guild, said one pur pose of the meeting is to "imple ment pluns already made and to make further plans for the suc cessful conclusion of the strike." The Guild representing editori al, cdvertising and business em ployes, is among unions whose members have lefused to cross picket lines since the Stereotypes Union- struck Portland's two dailies, the Oregonian and the Oregon Journal, last Nov. 10 in a dispute over contract renewal terms. However, some Guild members have returned to work. Those scheduled to attend the March 31 meeting in Portland are Farson, President James II. Sampson of the International Un ion of Stereotypers and Electro type: s. President Anthony J. Deandrarie of the International Printing Pressmen & Assistants Union, President Elmer Brown of the International Typographical Union, and President Wilfrid T Connell of the International Photo Engravers Union. The union executives ag:ecd at a meeting in Phoenix. Ariz., last week to consider combining al! newspuper unions in a "fede ated organization for mutual benefit and protection." Brandt smiled when he was asked if he really thought Berlin is a minor problem. "Berlin is the most important thing in the world to me, but tak en in the whole context of world problems, Berlin is a minor one." Brandt listed as major prob lems disarmament, Kast W e s t trade, and aid to underdeveloped nations. Solution Takes Time The mayor was asked if he thouclit these la. ger issues could be solved. "Certainly not at a first sum mit conference, which probably will not last much longer than a week." he said. "But there we should be able to find out wheth er the lime is rie now to start real negotiations. "Khrushchev must know that aiy new dramatized crisis about Berlin will poisjn the a!mosphe:e for the discussion of the real, larger problems." B' a nil was pessimistic over the possibility of unifying either Ber lin or Germany at this tme. "There are no g:eat chances ot unifying Berlin much before the Germany problem is settled, an.1" I don't exect that soon." he said U.S. Population Still Growing, Pacing Nation's Huge Economy NEW YORK (UPI) The nation's economy is growing more than a half trillion dollars in size in I960 and so are its people. Makers of latex foam cores for super-sized mattresses reported a six-fold rise in big mattress demand since 1947. and wondered why. The Latex Foam Rubber Coun cil thereupon launched a survey which showed that while in 1900 only one out of every 25 Amer ican men measured 6 feet, today in the 20-29 year age bracket, one of every five is 6 feet tall. Also it showed that more than 18 per cent of the American wo men between the ages of 20 and 29 are 5 feet 7 inches tail. At the turn of the century fewer than 4 per cent of the American women attained S feet, 7 inches. Edward Welch, chairman of the Latex Foam Rubber Council cited a speci.ic case of a hotel trying to cater to its taller guests. The new Denver-Hilton speci fied that 10 per cent of its 1.200 foam rubber mattresses be made 60 inches by 80 inches in size. Purchases of home makers con firm this trend of the hotels. Large-sized sleeping equipment, once only available on custom order, can now b? found in most bedding departments and in many standard brands. On The Move Welch also related an Interest ing finding of his council's sur vey. The average sleeper changes position 20 to 45 limes a night and hence needs more room for normal body shifting. Skep experts, he says, recom mend that mattresses be six inches longer than the height of the user and provide at least 36 inches of width for each sleeper. The latex council found the de mand rising also fo" longer sofas. FORFEITS BAIL HOLLYWOOD lUPH Mrs. Florence Adland, 42. mother of the late Eriol Flynn's 17-year-old girl fiiend. Beverly Adland. for feited $20 bail Monday by failing to show up for trial on a drunk cha ge. Mrs. Adland was arrested Feb. 28 outside the home of Jack An drew Dulin, 32, demanding to see her daughter. She pleaded inno cent to the charge and requested a jury t:ial Her failure to ap pear and subsequent bail forfei ture closed the case. Where the six-foot sofa once was pretty much standard, today's orders are for king-size installa tions tor hotels sofas 8-feet, 10 feel. and even 12-feet long. Big people need big towels. A large hotel chain is substituting bath towels of 26 inches by 52 inches for ones that measured 24 inches by 44 inches. Architects report that homes also a e being made larger for big people. They find new homo owners demanding higher door ways, elevated sinks, and longer baihtubs. . . f To accommodate the lariror di mensions of students, schools, ac cording to a recent study of the U.S. Office of Education, are having to install wider desks and wo k benches as well as loftier washroom facilities. On the collegiate level, new dormitories at Co-nell, University of California and several other institutions of higher learning are being equipped with beds 7 feet long. The Male Is Crowing The international institute of clothing designers brirgs in an other dimension in which Ameri-' can males are g owing. It finds; that the average suit now sold ranges between size 41 and size 42, against a 38 some 30 years ago. Women's dress manufacturers report a rise in extra-length orders. A department store esti mates that 10 per cent of Ameri can women now fall into the 5 foot. 8-inch or taller category. In other words, production sights of manufacturing and service companies are being raised vertically to keep the cot. fort of a "growing' America in focus. They are adjusting their pro duction planning and purchasing to the change in the national stature and to the additional fact that children already are or will be at least one inch taller on the avers Re than their parents. One place where the length of ihe citizens doesn't seem to be considered important is the new trend towa'd automobile building. However, die makers of the com pacts stress llieir roominess space for long-legged drivers and passengers. But a big guy still has tn do a lot of winding up to get aboa:d a New York laxicab. And the commuting trains, while allowing fair space for length of the pat'ons. apparently havent considered their width in the seating arrangements. DOGS Of The World ASSEMBLE And Paint A Model OF YOUR DOG only 98c hobby sk:p NOTICE - The following oil distributors of Union County WILL BE CLOSED SATURDAY AFTERNOONS AFTER APRIL 1ST Lynn Andersen Burleigh Hyde Veryl Smith Buck Hermann Lisle Smith Carl Erickson Jim Voeli Jiggs Laird Orville Lee Ben Jordan Ralph Taylor Marvin Moo Jai i Studebaker Lark Sation Wagon See these beautiful cars at the Outdoor Living Show La Grande Armory Oregon Tractor is proud to announce their dealership of the Hillman line. These economy, cars are made for you. OREGON TRACTOR CO. 9 Depot Studebaker ' Hillman New Holland Allis Chalmers . La Grande' Only COMPLETE Garden Store INLAND Poultry & Feed 34101 ALL TOeI OMALITY-BU ILT V j i S mm r Per month This greet buy gives added safety end mileage to any make or model car. FORD'S TIRE SERVICE "Your General Tire Dealer" TIDE 4th & Jefferson WO 3-2887 iii ia ma si-iejfjs. V J