COUP. L IBRARY U OF 0 EU3E.NE, ORE. WEATHER Parly cloudv through Tues day; hi oh it-it' low tonight K 21 except IS torn hiah valleys. LA GRANDE OBSERVER TEMPERATURE Sunday maximum 47; night low It. Sunset today 5:71 p.m.; sunrise Tuttday :40 a.m. Winds variable. 144th l-rte o4th Year LA GRANDE, OREGON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 77. 1960 8 Paget Fiv Cant Demonstration For uerto Rican Arrival WW triers dly n P ike L mi ; r.t : Lrrrs n F... 1 Convoy truck bearing small-sized trailer houses occu pied five aiul one half parking spaces on Elm Street ear ly .Monday morinig. The California truck apparently developed battery trouble and the driver pulled it off the truck route so he could go on foot after a new bat Throe Europeans Win Olympic Gold Medals SQt'AW VALLEY. Calf 1 1 ' I 1 1 , Viiurnet. who runs a hotel in Tu- A German n.a Imnn. a Russia i -lis. cantiired the men's glamour school teacher and a Kre eh hotel , event, the downhill ski title, man won gold medals in tie Win ) cHv Miss Ileiss kept the day tor Olympics today w hile Carol i ft om being a complete European llei.-v of New York all but clinch-1 triumph. She had piled up such el tin' women's luii e skating a commanding leal at the finish championship. j,.f the five e mpulso y figures George Tnoma. who p rciices that she would liy.e to fall down, while he wcrl s beau -;e lie deliv-1 perhaps several iini"s, in Tues eis mail on skis duing the w inter ' day's free skating to lose out tuv.e. w,n the Net-die combined ; And the petty blonde is rated a skiing t.tle; Kiara C.uscva won be't r free skater than conipul tlf l.i'ii.-s 1 (iilo-P'i t r S( e-t skat ', sory i to give Ilusi-ia its second gold, Thcma fieih-M first in the "!":'L 1:1 's"'r;' a-,lJean-j,n,,i..g portot ol tie Nordic cemlii- e'l .Sundav. a;.d then sur- John Deoro Day Slated Wednesday , Obsi nance i.l John tier? Day I: 're i. -tl In. Wednesday al In la ri Xtachinen- Co.-. according to Ned denes, manager. J nts said thai p'enty or r.aeks can be hud lor tiios:' .n liend tnc1. as w II ; s available seating lor the'i of lilms. lieport on the new .toiin Deere 435 Diesei lr:'. tor hv lilm is ex pecte to cr ae a favorable re action, .lore, said oth r ma chin ': y to be s'"ow n by tilm in- 'udes the Brow farming, and in drier TV enmrm nia!cr Wal ter Kronk.te will 'onure"' Ihe tilm presentation. Another film !hat is rXp(.ct(d , to a'tracl the crowd is Oddities , in Farniinc " This piitur will j take the audience ft cm Arkansas to Minnesota to see types of agri- culture as unusual and varied , as these states are far apart. Door prizes will be presented at j the conclusion of the show, .(ones i added. I Slick Pavement Causes Collision Slic k n2vcmt nt was blamed fo: a twocar crash en Highway 3c1 WASHINGTON 'l'PI - Demo about rine mil-s wesi ol I.a C.rande , """c '-cater Lyndon B. Johnson Monday morning. ' Tex . i faid today he had no State Police said a car driven Present plans for setting aside Kenneth Dale Cornell IK ol liln Itrw-lr cliH rru. th. hinh- u hiln rnnr-Hin" rnrve The ! ni . ai, . nViww. ' by Frank M. Moier. 56. of Siatlle. No one was injur' d in the acci dent. The collision occurred about 9 'm' T ""l debate temporarily to pass im- cover.d with packed snow and ice LK,rlan, appropriation bills. But he q said a decision would not br PlQnO DOrnDS jmarie until the money bills are Castro House Chairman Carl Ilayden 'D- IIAVANA 't-'PI' An unidenti-1 Ariz i cf the appropriations com fied small plane dropped four ' mittee has said he does not think bombs near Premier Fidel Cas tro's beach villa at Cojimar Sun day and escaped. Castro apparent ly was not in his beach house at the time. At least three of the bombs were believed to nave laneii in the sea. Four loud explosions were j heard and a petty officer at the navy radio station in Cojimar Castle jaid it was believed the bombs" were mortar shells of the type that explode on contact, i OVERPARKED ' I. -lav wh'.t h? M wished o'.et'i in the !ii-k:l ;m t'' 'ahcut Ml ni K's' cross-country event. Tla! finish easily won him the mull i'H-d gold nuiia!. Miss Cus va was the first to race to!ay aid she sjK'd t!ie dis lai'ce in one minute. S4.1 seconds And no one in the field of 22 could i heat that ti ne Tb'igi Ilaase of Ce-niany fi , Ished second in l:ot3. folloved by Tan.aia Iiylava aid Lidya ' ,skohlikoa. hntn of Hussia. Tl o "moil Kunts'n e.f Norway i finished sv'oTid in the Nordic coin-1 hiiKi!. wi'h Nikolai Gnsakov of! Husia. whose wife wen tile la lie.-1 lii-kilumetcr cross c .untry run Sun day, finished thud Ted Farweli. Montague City. Mass . toppli the I. S. entries' in the coss country portion, fin islung 21st in the lield of 31 in l.0.)3. That gave him 27th pace m lhe over.aj evem PASSAGE HOPED Controversial Civil Legislation Will Be senate lieoaie on civil I ignis. Johnson told newsmen, "Our decision now IS to pass civil rignts oi and the Senate will - stay on the subject and not await I House action. I The Senate Wader did not close the door on sidetracking of the I the civil rights debate should be allowed to block action on the all important money bills. The likelihood of an interrup tion in (he hot and heavy Senate civil rights debates arose on the in oi a mnvm mu nie noose r, . . n A would pass its own bill by.veaas 3Ia'8 rTeSS MSSn March 1j. Assistant House Republican Leader Leslie C. Arends 111. has predicted that the House would U-at down Southern opposition - AND HOWL tery. In the interval an alert police officer dutifully placed a "restricted zone" ticket ou the windshield (see upper left I. The department said the ticket was paid be fore the truck departed. (Observer Photo) Attractive Carole Cochran, center, was selected as Teen-Queen Saturday night and crowned in regal cer emonies held at Sacajawea ballroom by La Grande High School court participants. Supporting Carole, as FOR mil approve what he called meaningful" civil rights legisla tion by mid-March. Arends' statement strenthened the strategy adopted by Senate Democratic Leader Lyndon B Johnson 'Tex i of waiting for the House to act first an the touchy election-year issue. Senate GOP Leader Everett M Di.ksen till..), however, has urged that the Senate beat the House to the punch by approving its own bill. In spile of his apparent wishes to sidetrack the civil rights ac tion in Ihe Senate until next month, Johnson has announced the Senate would continue the de bate, which has bogged down the upper chamber tor a week, today despite the usual procedure of recessing after a Washington's East Oregonian Editor El'GKXK 'ITI' - J W. For rester Jr.. editor of the Pendleton East Oreir'onian. Saturday was elected president of the Oregon Trtss Con.'e. ence here. J 11 TIT UkA TEEN-QUEEN CHOSEN Rights Debated mrthday reading of the first pres ident's Farewell Address. The House met at nor.n to hear Rep. Charles II. Brown iD-Mo. i read the address on the 228th onni versary of Washington's birth. Other congressional news: Taxes: It looked as if self-employed persons stood a 50-50 chance of getting a permanent break on their income taxes to help them save toward retire ment. Ptospects rose with the di closure that the Treasury is mod dying its strong stand against a House-passed bill which would permit the sef-emplojcd to deler payments on income taxes on cer tain amounts placed in retirement funds. Committees: Senate appropria tions subcommittees met to con sider vote-catchipg public works appropriations and! he budget for the Commerce Department. A House appropriations group mil appropriations and the budget for the State and Justice departments and the judiciary branch And a House space subcommittee sched uled hearings on the appropria tion for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Take Of 16 Persons Untied Press International Hi toll h.u; hom ! fire took a heavy t.'.iay in areas whee III In i were healing their nrr.iirist the l;ite winter 1 write children ttrn anionc tl.. i,; ,.r ,..;, t,.wi,...l ictims of major tragedies " slates. in thr M i M-e. Iin. Ohio, fire t:ik only l'i minutes lo spread th ough a Iraii'e home. apparently from the I ei!iivii(n of a defective oil hcatc K u-n cjwi.lron died in Ihe s'nokc an.l Haines, one of them Sheila Is opi. It. who leil two ehiKlren to s. id ly .".r.d iienshed tryiiiK to res cue six more trapped hv a wall of Maine in a rear room. At Harrisonburg. Va.. a pre dawn fire took Ihe lives of live persons, including two children, aid uiiuretl nine other persons. At Blulf Springs. Fla . a gas explosion blasted a small frame home, killing Mrs tattle Mae Merchant. M, giandehildren and three of her I Fires Lives members of her court are, left to right, Sandi Boyd, Pat Kisk, male escort Hill Hermann, Kay Allen and Shir ley Ann Smurthwaite. Little flower girl at bottom left is Cathie Knouse. Crown bearer is Ronnie Koopman. (Observer Photo by Joe Diehl) t in i.iii i.j.j lias i tt : " V 1 CONTROVERSIAL As a result of the Caryl Chessman reprieve, Gov. Kdmuntl G. Brown has become the focal point of heated national con troversy on the question of capital punishment in California. CHANTING CROWDS HELD BACK BY POLICE GUARD SAN Jl'AX. Puerto Rico tUPl) Hival factions shout ing "We like Ike" a'nd others demanding Puerto Rican in dependence greeted President Eisenhower today on com pletion (it the first leg of his 15. 000-mile Latin America tour. A strong police guard separated the rival demonstrators and kept them four to five hundred feet distant from the landing strip at Sal Juan s ultra- modern airpo:t where the presiden tial TU7 jet put down. The President arrived in perfect weather and he was refreshed by a nap of an hour a half en- rouU' Eisenhower sent 49 minutes at International Airport and then took oil lor Kamcy Air Force Base on the other side of the island to send the night. In his remarks her-e. the Presi dent cued I 'uerto Kico as an out stand nig example of the benelits to be gained in coopeiation with the United Stales, lie praised the island commonwealth in the Caribbean as having blended the best of two economic and cultural systems which makes it a symbol for other peoples seeking to raise their status. Fast Trip In Jot In reply. Gov. Luis Munoz- Marin told the President that while Puerto Rico has the right ODDS AGAINST CONVICT CALIFORNIA SOLONS AGAINST CAPITAL PUNISHMENT BAN SAN FRANCISCO UPI Members of the California Leg islature indicated today that con vict author Caryl Chessman, 38. will face heavy odds in his efforts to escape the gas chamber for the ninth lime. The robber-rapist was granted a reprieve by Gov. Edmund G. Brown early Friday, just 10 hours before Chessman's eighth sched uled execution at San Quentin prison. Blown said he granted the AO Jay reprieve to allow the people of California, through the Legis lature, to decide whether capital punishment should be abolished The governor said his action was partly motivated by a State Department message concerning the possible effect of Chessman's execution on President Eisenhow er's good will trip to South America. Both reasons touched off im mediate controvei sies. The Legislature has defeated eight hills to ban the death pen alty in the past 27 years the latest in l!i5. Poll Opposes Clemency A survey conducted by United Press International during the weekend showed that the Legis lature again would vote down any attempt to abolish capital punish to change its commonwealth rela tionship with the I'nited States, the great majority of its people do not want to change the present status. Alton! 10 minutes before the President landed. reM-esentatives of opposing oliticat factious shout ed at each other across the road leading to Ihe airport wheie they had been kept at a safe distance Smiling and Rtlaiad Kach group darted across the read occasionally and threw- pam phlets at the opposing faction- one of which wanted to continue Puerto Hico's commonwealth sta tus and the other which wanted immediate freedom. But prompt police action separated the groups each time. Kisenhower. smiling and re laxed. iipteared to be unaware of the demonstrations as he told Ihe crowd in his arrival remarks that he brought Puerto Kieo "greet ings from your fellow citizens of the SO states of the republic." Part of the crowd burst into a chant of "We like Ike" after lie had inspected the gua d of honor and ttceiveil formal greetings from Gov. Munoz-Marin. lint there was no applause dur ing the President's speech lor the simple reason that the crowd could not hear him. There was no public address system installed Sunday Night Spaah Sunday night in Washington, the President pictured the I'nited States as "ai anchor oi Kiw World security" and" a "t: list worthy shield of peace." lie said the Communists were guilty of "blatant falsehood'" in claiming that the I'nited States "has held Latin America in a i loninl relationship." 47 Algerians Killed During Mountain Quake SKTIF Algeria Jl'PH Al least 47 persons were known dead today in the eaitlniuake which shook the rugged mountains ol eastern Algeria ea' ly Sunday. The violent earthquake, which was preceded by several minor tremors, toppled hundreds of huts and buried scores of victims in the debris. At least Ml persons were injured. Arab villagers said they "heard 'he mountains roar and saw a blinding flash of light" when the quake started. The terrifying sound of the tiembling mountains was the "roar" they heard, but French officials believed the "blinding light" may have been the effects of fear. ment. A majority of the members also was overwhelmingly against clemency for Chessman. The UPI survey, with 85 pet cent of the state's 118 legislator! contacted, showed: Abolishing capital punishment: Senate HO members' 21 against. 9 for and 7 no stand. Assembly 78 members and two vacancies i 37 against, 20 for and 7 no stand. Brown's move also brought a threat of his impeachment and started an investigation into how the State Department became in volved in the case. Chief Deputy Stale Attorney Richard Rogan disclosed he was involved in discussions that led to the State Department message Rogan said he was "put in touch" with George V. Allen, di rector of the U.S. Information Agency, on Wednesday and ex pressed concern "as a citizen" over the effects of the execution on the President's reception in Latin America. The State Department telegram was delivered to the governor the following night. The threat of impeachment came from Bruce V. Regan, a conservative Republican from Pasadena. He said be was seri ously considering introducing an New Snow Storm Is Building Up United Press International A new snow storm churned up in the ltockics today, threatening the nation with a fresh onslaught of winter. It has all the markings of an other national storm,'' the Chica go Weather llureau said. "But it's too ea'ly to tell where the heavy snow will be." . For the second Sunday in a row La Grande and Hie Grand Ronde Valley have been ayeef. ed by new snow. A fall estimat ed at two to three Inches was recorded this Sunday. Accom panied by strong winds, snow piled up to as much as a toot in higher areas surroundinf the valley. California Pacific Utilities Co. said two power poles war blown over in the Alicel area Sunday moning. They were re paired the same day. Miner line trouble occurred In La Grande as a result of the win ter weather. The new snow warning came as the Midwest and Kast struggled lo dig out from under successive storms that swept across the coun try over the weekend. 1 The Middle West and Plains states were hit by eight Inches of snow Sunday. The storm center moved into Canada today but some fresh snow was expected in the Northeast. Despite 2-6 inches of new snow, highway crews In Pennsylvania kept the Pennsylvania Turnpike open. A storm last week dumped up to two feet of snow on the state and forced the closing of the turnpike for Ihe first! ime since it oencd in 1140. A 170 mile section of the turn pike from Irwin to Gettysburg was closed for 36 hours, strand ing thousands of travelers. Last week's storm also closed 131) mile stretch of the New York Stale Thruway between Buf falo and Syracuse when wind fanned drifts reached IS feet. Moie than 100 persons were still stranded at the thruway's lunius Ponds service area Sunday until the superhighway was re oier.ed to traffic. They spent two nights sleeping on tables, chairs and floors. The new storm building up in the West caused two private plane crashes. The body of Paul Noble. 28. was found in the wreckage of his light plane Sunday about 16 miles west of St. Cieorge. Utah. A four-place Cessna airHane was missing and presumed to have clashed nea Bozeman, Mont., with four alioard. impeachment bill at a special leg islative session starting Feb. 2tt. Biown said he would call a special session, concurrent with a scheduled March budget session to consider the capital punish ment issue. Chessman plans no new legal maneuvers for the present, ac cording to his attorney, George T. Davis. He said they would await the outcome of the legis lative session. Deputy Attorney General Arlo E. Smith said he plans as soon as possible to ask the Los An geles Superior Court, which con victed and condemned Chessman in 1948, lo set a new execution date. California Attorney General Stanley Mosk predicted In Los Angeles Sunday night that Chess man would be executed at the end of his 60 day reprieve. "Some people are under the Im pression Gov. Brown has altered Chessman's sentence." Mosk said. "He has not done so. but has mere ly postponed the date of execution for 60 days." "In the meantime," he added, "international tensions will have eased and the people of Califor nia will have spoken on the issue of capital punishment through their legislature."