n BOARDING HOUSE 7" With Major Hoeptt LEGAL NOTIC1 NOTICE OF STREET AND ' ALLEY VACATION NOTIU; IS HIJItKBV CIVEN that the Cily Commission o( the Ciiy uf l (irande, Oregon, will en lh Uih day of January, 19). at the huur ol tt.ou P.M. in the City Commission Hoom in the City Hall in 1.0 Grande. Oregon, hold a lie;.rin; in connection with Its resolution and the vacation pro ctidiiiK iiiitiuted by the City ol I.u (irande thereby on the 2nd day ol LiecembtT, 19SS, whereby it is proposed to vacate the alleyway In Hloc-k 3 of O'Connor's Addition to the City of La Grande. Or cuon. and said City Commis sion will at that lime hear and consider all objections, remon strances or claims for damages as Hie result of said proposed vacation which may be presented and filed with the City Recorder in writing prior to the time li.aiiii. ATi:i) and Pl'IILISIIKD this Till day of December, l'JS'j. K. C. Mi-Shane Hecoi der-Treasurer of the City of l a Grande. Oregon I'tib. Dec. 7, 14. 21, & 28. l'J5 Power Drill Owners! Here's the new tool for you . . . SUPREME'S NEW $VJ OUR WAY By J. R. William, I y -.nor r4H x i r. " . j?, ' ' THiyrv vgioo sfri' 4 Hff STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE By Wilton Scruggs w - - - '. Vnvtwiv- 1 wuy.THiu (wai uaawKY -d f ... oe i jcrivre totuw id. J pAwo if you ins to tot or. me cos r I YC'vs- WOUl'PtOrMUtM4oeE: caftfrSTOONWrVMitSADM'i.-' (iCOp MOftoife, WS. I L BUT-1 OuVrTH'SiWN,aC yl r- n c. Hj6iM.'ii rFr!ce A ' -fBp?f itrfwtAMCscwwmcnx) I ,J uJirX ' " . ieFiw:TewTvi,' t-r-.J. KKKM... X.I'') V 'rt-i ?f fE 1. Tn J mm Un: rrr'-H . t-jcH-i x H-QL,A- W ' I fCKLE$ AND Hi? FRIENDS r ' ' By Morrill Blower I "vffls - , i Ivoub fterre. NdTsfry T hm J -,1 I Xk.fls.'that Does rr I A CApijb'Tt . ur mli '- eii Downs of EverydaUses CAPTAIN EASY ' " ' " ' -' BV " Tornor A QP ' IT SH0H.PJKEE1 TMel I f 9 NOW K NHC. CtWUCf XHA Al I - AND FURTHERM0B6. THIS I 0n'y 5I.5J5J At K1 - TOAim MB 3 IWAMCMTOdVISVjAWOtW X TWEVIMa, "N08L6" ANCESTOR OP VOUR tWasurs ov u;.-(ceTt. r f twausn apuium. who kp I Monoesiwa was hahgep ev V ancestor, f.-ilT TT5 J 5?,U:.M'eyB" M ' Vi ftRAWT FBWA THB KINO TO SCOONPftiL LOTO PETTIFER, AS V FCRTH- fmintf flipni t WE.CEPKIC! W4T UNScruPULOU 4 ATTCX MIW SHIPS'. J WHO AmCKKP COMINS BOOK nUCUW(tf STATEl INDUSTRIAL r-A McnauARP TOivm "in ZS eknenoiish -l . , - ntsmi r.': i V -V?Jf Kjaj il) 1410 Adams0" WO 3-413 i mWtJ? 11 ' f "MO, NO, MO, ALLEY OOP , " By V. T. Hamlin MA . 3TfciA. ? J?drTSA JLFSSSP-4 KAfi&lrtoiiz W I when he said he hapnt ; o g jri tsOOTt AMD HER BUWii "'""17 in ' ISSLi w 0tv wkk. cx uacrcVo? f J. WM i J "vx VPIR-V.' ' -nfj 1 a v yrj farr"!fe Smart man . . . won t settle ! J VO'VWa.vW Sv-O B6. J A JA11 V 'jr5 VV- (or a substitute . . . knows . ic Cce.W,' fl rf l-" 1 i'QQnr- that coal good enough to ' 1 JSPhP '-&ry-pk l v AnZ brand must be something ' 1, I . ( Jlf t SPeCi3L t I .SSwM jtjll ppSif ABC COAL " RltCILLA3 POP , " " By Al?nT.,r !i0wes, as.h-h!hs, hea1- I .I v r-t seROUS.'SVVS' . that serious?' 'T f of them est firing. fiF72J rffe v'TE)ir- lM STITCHES? Jr - S were 7 Cs x Free of ,ramP me,al - rViS? f'Zi ctttIuScT kil-r-::-7 wi5 ...T1!?? . ne-ver a stalled SfeOO P5- (V. -Duspruf for cleaner homes. X S.,.5 look rolrTHt foil BUSS BUNNY ' .. : 1 lpiscs scTifRCD thw Evtfw ton (ABERDEEM COAL) Ph. WO 34113 SMITH BEOS. Moving Service (BLl'E BLAZE COAL) Ph. WO 3-2331 Obiervar, La Grand, Oro., Mon., Dec. 28, 1959 Pago ( HYDE'S o Island City FOOD I; I i ii i : H f fL-.li i We'll PAY YOU To Help Us Move Into Our Big, New Super Market Building. Yes Ma'am; It Will Be Worth What We Pay To Keep From Moving Our Large Stock Of Food stuffs Into The New Building. FOR ALL THIS WEEK On AH Cash Purchases Of Foods In Our Store .EXCEPTING CANNED miK SUGAR o TOBACCO AIID CIGARETTES FRESH IIEK, BUTTER AND CREAM Purchases Must Bq CASH In Order To Qualify For 10 Discount. 10 CASH DISCOUNT 'APPLIES" - . to Produce... Meats. . . Staples. . . Frozen Foods. . . Bottled Goods 1 i I t - SlUKt MUUK5 23 7.-0 AJA. to 6:30 PJrt Wookdayt; 8.:00 A.M. to 1:00 PAL SymUyt . ' -