La Grande observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1959-1968, December 28, 1959, Page 1, Image 1

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Mostly lair through tuov
day except pitches fea or im
cloudi in valleys; hig'is 31-42
except 25-10 fee areas; low to
night 12-24.
97th tisye 64ih Year
10 Pago
Five Ctntt
Theron Ham, member of Club N'o. 24, Junior Old Timers, passes out candy to lucky
little girl aboard the Streamliner when the La Grande group played the role of San
ta Claus during the Christmas holiday weekend and distributed gifts to every pas
senger and train crew member. The local club is the only such group ever to have
embarked upon such a Christmas program.
Ike Agrees To May
Meeting At Summit
Al Ol'STA. Ca. LTI - Presi
dent Eisenhower agreed today to
join ia a proKsal for a summit
conference at Paris in mid-May.
He also summoned 10 high gov officials to a coherence
lier Tuesday to discuss the gov
ernment's nuclearprogram in liniO
along with other foreign and de
fense poLcy mallets. This meet
. i big presumably will deal with the
current ban on testing nuclear
weaiM-s, which expires this week.
In the first working day of his
enr-end holiday visit here, the
President conferred wilh Secre
tary of Slate Christian A. llerter
by telephone about dates for the
proposed summit meeting.
The United States. Great Brit
Small Dairy Herd Testing
Changes Affect This Area
Eastern Oregon counties wi'l be
afleetcd by a change in the annual
testing of small dairy herds, the
State Department of Agriculture
has informed The Observer.
Dii- to a cut in funds, the de
pa: tment has ruled that only state
or federal vets will be used in the
annual testing of herds not reached
by the milk ring test.
: Testing of dairying operations
ranging from rne to fiv cows ;nd
all nesting of infected herds must
be done by state or federal veter
inarians. Eastern Oregon counties are
most affected because they are not
designated as primary dairy coun
tis. Previously the minimum
dairy nerd was tested by the pri
vate veterinarirns.
JAKARTA. Indonesia TPI'
The defense attorney for Ameri
can soldier of fortune Allen Law
rence Pope. 29. demanded today
the government try him as a le
gitimate prisoner of war a move
that would eliminate the death
penalty if the government agrees
Pope, of Homestead, Fla., went
on trial today before an air force
military court on cl-.arges of fly
ing bombing missions for the In
donesian rebels against govern
ment forces during Indonesia's re
bellion in l'J58. Conviction on that
charge carries the death penalty.
Pope's attorney, fukarjo. ap
pointed by the cou't. won a five
day's adjournment of the case to
day with a series of legal maneu
vers that included the demand the
government, apply the rules of the
Geneva Convention on prisoners
of war.
If the Geneva Convention rules
were applied to Pope he would
not be subject to the death penal
ty and could be imprisoned only
so long as hostilities exist or un
til there was a legitimate ex
change of prisoners by the two
The opening session in a heavily
guarded courtroom lasted only an
hour until the prosecution asked
the trial be adjourned until Jan. I
The trial itself promised to be
lengthv affair because of the num
ber of witnesses to be beard.
ain and France originally suggest
ed a meeting at Paris to start
Ap-il 27. Soviet Premier Nikita
Khrushchev agreed to a meeting
but suggested April 21 or May 4
instead, dates which conflicted
with plans of the western nations.
White House News Secretary
.James C. H;igerty said Eisenhow
er had advised Herter that a
meeting In Paris in 'Mid May was
satisfactory if Britain and Fiance
also agreed.
liagerty said the proposed date
probably would be May 16. He de
nied reports that agreement on
(hat date already 1 ad been
reached but said "there is no ob
stacle to that date as fur as
we're concerned."
If an emergency exists and it
is impossible .or a state or federal
veterinarian to do the work, own
ers may app'y at the d partment
in Salem fir permission lo have
another veterinarian do the t "st
ing. Dr. L. E. Bodemveiser. strte
vtterinarian. tlso said that any
one wishing to have one cow test
ed on an annual basis, or at the
time of sale or trade, must secure
the services of any pay for a
private vctcrintrian.
Complete testing of small dairy
herds in Union County was com
pleted some three "?ars ago and
the next testing program is not due
until the summer of lsxio.
Previ .us testing was handled by
La Grande Animal Clinic.
TOKYO il'PH Free lance
flier Allen Lawrence Pope is not
the only American facing trial in
Two Califomians Frank C.
Starr. 41. and Wesley Broce. 22.
of Long Beach have been in jail
in Djakarta since last May on
charges of illegally entering the
Like the Pope case, which in
volves a charge of flying bomb
ing missions (or the Indmesian
rebels, the case of the two Cal
ifomians is politically embarrass
ing for the U.S. Slate Depart
ment. The two claimed they were on
an official peace-making mission
seeking to bring a rapprochement
between the Indonesian govern
ment and the rebels when they
were captured in the Borneo jun
gles last May without proper pa
pers. "Peace With Honor"
Both sig ied statements to the
effect they were negotiating a
"peace with honor" for the reb
els. Starr claimed he had a con
tract to sell arms to the rebels
and admitted a number of other
activities which could bring a
death penalty if proved.
However, the chances of any
charges being pressed on these
activates ue e lessened consider
ably when the case was turned
-JT"-' r ' -;. v
d, -.- siy yf
O y-,..7
over to civilian authorities by
the military some time ago.
Their case was called this tall
at the Djakarta District Court.
But it was suddenly postponed
after the judge and most of the
participants except the defend
antshad gathered in the court
room. .
Tlie rearn Efven for the post
ponement was that the prosecutor
was ill and was not able to ap
pear. This was more than three
months a so.
Active But Confined
Starr has been active although
confined. lie has managed to
smuggle hundreds of letters from
Djakarta's Tjipinant prison where
he and Broce are being held.
A largo numlr of the letters
have been to the American Em
bassy and to US. Ambassador
Howard P. Jones. Starr has used
extremely bitter language in as
sailing the Embassy's failure to
get him released. He has threat
ened on several occasions to have
the Ambassador fired once he is
Starr claims close associates in
a number of high places in 4 he
United Slates and Indonesia.
Some of the accusations Starr
has levelled against Indonesian
Defense Minister and Army Chief
of ftaff U. Gen. Abdul Haris
Nasut.on have caused consterna
tion among Embassy officials.
La Grande's Junior Old Tim
or played Santa Claus over
tho weekend to a trainload of
imaud passengers aboird the
Union Pacific Sroamlinor,
handing out 180 sacks to those
aboard, including tho 'crew
Assitted by St. Nick, tho Old
Timers passed completely
through tho Streamliner, thtir
wcrk made a little lighter by
tho traditional Chrittmat carolt
by tho volunteer girl member!
ci tho local high schoool Girli
Some SO girls appeared with
the Junior Old Timers under
tho direction of Mr. Betty
Faulkner. Leonard Knight took
picture 4 the activity for the
yoar book.
Train No: II and No. 12
alto wore on the receiving end
when tho group met those two
passenger trains on Christmas
day and distributed treats to
all aboard.
Honied by Junior Old Tim
ers' President A. W. Halliday
and his wife, those assisting
were Betty Johnson, president
of tho auxiliary, and her hus
band; Jim Gerry, n Franks,
Mr. and Mr. Ivan Herein,
Mrs. L. L. Knight, Los G.
McMahan, Theron Ham, Henry
Bates, Robert McCley and
E. F. Thompson (Santa Claus).
Earl Thompson, dressed as Santa Claus, waves holi
day greetings to all during holiday weekend festivi
ties embarked upon by the Junior Old Timers of La
Grande. Old St. Nick was loaded down with a bag of
goodies which he distributed among passengers and
crew members of the Streamliner here at the UP depot.
His work was made easier with assistance from a large
contingent of Club No. 24 members and their wives
and some 50 members of the Girls Chorus from La
Grande High School.
Lonesome Little
With Gift From
group of Unnn Pacific Riil
road man this week made tho
Christmas et little Gail Atcheff
orenner, Rt. 1, a bit happier.
Cail, only five years old and
on the lonesome side since she
lives in tho country about half
way between Enterprise and
Joseph, breaks up her monoto
ny by waving at tho railway
man whenever the train passes
her houso.
Weekend Quakes Wreck
Town, Kill 10 In Peru
LIMA. Peru (LPH Two week
end earthquakes wrecked the pro-
L'iiwial Inun rJ Pnm.-ahamtia U-V-
eling most of its houses and kill
ing at least 10 residents, it was
reported today.
TVi air fni anf nlanes In
drop food and medicine to survi
vors of the double quase.
! Train Derailed
I By Landslides
j SKATTI.K, Wash H'l'H A
! fain load (if ltttt holiday tr avelers.
1 riding in a train escaped death or
M-nims mjirv lair Sunday as two
j huge landslides cra.-he-d down on
! the Great Northern Hail v ay's
Impire liiaMer on the outskirts
of limn he.e. Nine cars were de
railed. The two slides, which struck 20
minutes apart, knocked the (our
anil iliesi l engine and u combina
tion mail and baggage car into
the waters of I'liuet Sound. Al
least six crew-members and four
passengers were injured but most
of the injuries were considered
(ileal No'lhern officials said (he
first slide halted and partially de
railed the 13-car Chicago bound
streamliner. The second com
pounded Hie damage.
A combination mail and crew
dormitory car was buried to the
w indows on one side by the slides
but it did not follow the mail-
j baggage car into the chill waters.
Girl Happy
Her spirit of friendship for
the railroad men did not pass
unnoticed. Just before Christ
mas, the train stopped and a
roup of UP men hopped off
and presented tho "girl with
tho smiling face" a beautiful
bride doll.
Tho card attached to tho
dell read: "To Mm little girl
In tho window for being so
faithful - from the Railroad
Gail's Christmas was com
plete again this year, same as
on two previous Christmas days
hen tho railrvsd man pre
sented nor gifts.
Tho gift's mother said that
such wonderful Christmas
spirit shouldn't go unnoticed.
"Tho crow on tho train who
always toot tho whittle at Gail
are a fine group of men,"
Mrs. Chet Aschonbromioe said.
Winter Punch
To Holiday
By United Press International
The nation's midlands took a one-two punch from winter
today that stranded holiday motorists along snow-dogged
highways and planted a four-engine airliner on a sod run
way. There was more weather to come. Blizzard conditions are
Death Toll
In Decline
United Press International
Christmas holiday traffic killeel
nearly 500 persons in the I'nited
States but the total was the smal
lest for a three-day yule period
in 10 years, a final count showed
At Chicago, a National Safety
Council spokesman deplored the
heavy toll, but noted that it was
below the estimate of 530 which
the council had feared would be
the death count for the travel pe
riod which started at S p.m
Christmas Eve and ended last
The spokesman paid tribute to
the many law enforcement bodies,
civic and religious leaders who
bod campaigned to appeal to mo
torists for care in driving.
A United Press International
count showed 401 traffic dead in
the 78-hour holiday. Forty persons
died in fires, six in plane crashes.
89 in various other mishaps, for
an over-all total of 616.
New York state had 38 dead in
traffic accidents, California 3e.
Pennsylvania 30. Texas 28. Noith
Carolina 27, Illinois 13, Florida 22.
Michigan 21,
iiuraiuuus unvinE cofiuillims lie-
Set holiday travelers in many
states. .
One of tho worst accidents over
the holiday killed six persons in
a head-on crash Saturday in Va
too City, Miss.
Four high school students were
killed Saturday when their car
plowed into a bridge support near
San Antonio, Tex.
Police Check Theft
Of Television Set
La Grande police today nre in
vestigating the the.t of a portable
television set from Bill Bebout,
1M84 Adams Ave. Bebout to'd
police the set was taken sometime
between 6 p.m. Thursday and
10:30 Sunday night. The set was
valued at $220.
Wallace Ivan MilleT. 2017 Wash
ington, Ave., was cited for a red
light violation at Depot Street and
Adams Avenue at 6:50 Saturday
j night. Miller's bail was set at (10
and a hearing scheduled for Wed
nesday at 3 p.m.
Union has agreed to set up 10
technical centers in Iraq to train
students in the fields of metal
lurgy, oil and textiles it was an
nounced Sunday.
GOP Pressures Rockefeller
To Go For Number
York Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller
was under strong pressure today
to accept the number two spot on
the GOP ticket In 1960 while Dem
ocrats ' viewed his withdrawal
from the presidential race with
hopeful optimism.
Rockefeller became the over
whelming favorite for the Republi
can vice presidential nomination
with his announcement Saturday
that he was bowing out of the
presidential race.
Republican quarters viewed the
move as an open door to the
Whit House for Vice President
Richard M. Nixon.
Democrats claimed Rockefel
ler's withdrawal boosted their
chances for capturing the presi
dency in I960. They said Nixon
would be an easier candidate to
beat than Rockefeller.
Pressure From f arty
A nationwide survey by United
Press International indi
cated Rockefeller would be under
ever increasing pressure from
within the Republican party to
Accept the number two spot on
forecast for eastern Nebraska
ami South Dakota, western Iowa
and southwestern Minnesota. A
storm elunixl eight - inches of
snow in Nebraska and Missouri
and left a trail of winter misery
that dipped into the Texas Pan
A l ulled Air Lines plane with
M pa.senKers alio.nd made an
unscheduled landing ut Council
liluffs. Iowa, ut midnight, when
the pilot lost momentary contact
with tha neighboring Omaha.
Neb., airport. The passengers
wade-el off the fit-Id but the air
line anticipated difficulty in mov
ing Hie DCS off the 3.000-foot sod.
At Maryville, Mo., there were
eight inches of snow on the
ground and it was still snowing
The Highway Patrol brought
stranded motorists into town and
all motels and hotels were
jammed. Kxce-pt for snow plows
and cinder trucks there was no
traffic moving along highways in
the area.
The slorm, packing winds of
nearly, (id miles an hour as it
nioveel into the upper midwest,
whipp ed the snow into huge drifts
that blocked roads and knocked
down utility lines. ,
Hundreds of cars were aban
doned in Nebraska, Iowa, the Da
kotas, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas
and New Mexico. Weary travelers
sought shelter in farm homes and
jammed hotels and motels in the
storm area.
The Weather Bureau said the
storm was centered ia Iowa early
this morning. I.JrnonJ. Iowa, and
Omaha, Neb., had four Miches on
the ground and Lincoln, Neb., six.
As the Sturm pushed eastward,
temperatures dropped sharply and
rain changed to snow in the Ureal
Lake- area. Chicago reported a
record high for today of SI de
grees but the weatherman said
the mercury would drop almost
JO degrees by morning.
Klse-where a'ound the country,
showers were forecast from Flor
ida and eastern Alabama north
ward into the Ohio Valley and
central Atlantic states with snow
changing to freezing rain in most
of New Knglaad. Generally fair
skies and warmer weather were
in store for most of the western
half of the country.
New Mexico, the panhandle re
gion and Nebraska caught the full
lury of the storm Sunday.
The blurard blew into the pan
handle alter dumping S to 10 in
ches of snow in eastern New Mex
ico during a It-hour period. The
panhandle was blanketed by eight
inches and winds of 45 miles an
hour whipped five foot drifts
across highways.
A bus and 30 to 40 cars were
stalled more than two hours near
Clayton, N. M , before snowpluws
could clear a path for them. An
estimated 6U0 travelers sought re
fuge in Vaughn and Kncino, N.M.
the GOP ticket.
Republican strategists believe a
Nixon - Rockefeller ticket would
be almost unbeatable.
However, Rockefeller has re
peatedly stated that he would not
accept a bid to run for the vice
presidency. He stated as recently
as last Saturday that he would
not "at any time entertain any
thought of accepting" the vice
presidential nomination.
Rockefeller's apparently ada
mant stand on the issue could
disrupt hopes for a Nixon-Rockefeller
ticket. Rockefeller has a
reputation for meaning what he
New York State Republican
Chairman Judson Morehouse calls
this Rocky's secret weapon. In a
world of political double talk he
means what he says.
A large proportion of GOP lead
ers have refused to believe Rock
efeller's Saturday declaration.
The UPI survey disclosed that 17
top Republicans in 28 states
named Rockefeller their favorite
choice for the vice presidential
nomination. .
9 Deaths
By United Press International
A car driven by a Waldport
man was Involved in a collision
with one driven by his wife Satur
day. Three persons, Including the
wife, died in the worst accident
of Oregon's Christmas holiday
At least nine persons were
killeel in tralfic from 6 p.m.
Thursday to midnight Sunday, al
though none of the deaths oc
curred on Christmas day Itself. - -
The mishaps brought Oregon's
1959 total to 477, just S short of
the all-time record of 482 set ui
l46. The weekend toll also made
1959 the second worst traffic
dealh year on record in Oregon.
The previous second high was 468
in 1957. Last year's toll was 449.
Victims of the accident near
Waldport were Mrs. Lavone Hyde,
28; a son. Randy. 5, and Mrs.
Jean Townsend, 35. The husband,
Lloyd Hyde, was injured critj;
Other Hurt
Also hurt, but not critically,
were Mrs. Townsend's son, Thom
as, 14; Kathy. another child of the
Hyeles, and Lloyd Hyde's brother,
John, 29, Powers.
State police said the car oecii-,
pied by the Hyde brothers was
going south and apparently went
out of control, veering into toe
northbound lane. The car skidded
l2 feet before striking the one'
driven by Mrs. Hyde, police said.
Honald A. Bell. 27. North Bend,
died Sunday in a one-car accident
on Highway 38 about three miles
west of, Klkton when the car left
the road and overturned. "
Bobby Jones, 16, Pendleton, was -killed
Sunday near Pilot Rock
when the car in which he was
pasnenge-r roiled over after failing
to negotiate a curve. Stanley
Horsman, 20, and his brother,
Gary, 18, received minor injuries.
Car In River
Emery Dennis, IS, Eugene, died
Saturday when the car In which
he was riding left Highway 36 and
plunged into the Siuslaw river.
Four other persons made it safely
to shore.
Dean Austin, 21, Portland. ' a
Marine home on Christmas leave,
was killed early Saturday when
struck by a car just north of Port
land while he was Inspecting a
flat tire.
John Williams. 24, Oswego, was
killed Saturday morning in a two
car accident north of Oswego.
The first victim of the long
weekend was James Mores. 50.
N'yssa, killed Christmas eve when
struck by a car while crossing a
BONN, Germany IUPI) West
German Chancellor Konrad Ade
nauer is recovering quickly from
a bad heaj cold which put hint
in bed last Thursday and prob
ably will be back at work Tues
day, his doctors reported.
Two Spot
o , , i t . . , ,i .
many ignurvu nocKcieuer 8 . ro
lection of the numlwr lurn mm
(ome said they believe be would
accept "if the honor were ot
tered." Other felt that an eve.
whelming demand for the Nuton
Rockrfeller ticket would find ue
New York governor "available.!'
Senate Democratic Leader Lyn
don B. Johnson, (Tex.) summed
up the general reaction of tha
Democratic party when -said
"Rockefeller's announcement
nailed down the GOP presidential
nomination for Nixon.
Other Democrat tmtoimA
Republicans for their lack of
tenaers ana imeioraenrait
ocratic position of having at
live potential preeieMntial
There also n . Vnan.iiu.
Rockefeller, at the age of n, "iff
cided to postpone bia iroooalUl
ambitions until IBM or even ieae
In the meantime, he could di"L""jl
his eoerciea ta hia .
oost while be atnrkiyi.. TuT?7
savvy and centinwa Liij.T
oui on major ritrpat