r ft 5 e i e With Major Hogply i Cii?6 TO TAk.6 A t-kI :Yp.ANCE OH MO- H h'il Kiiiw vpacti. f .' I t u . I kWiv N Cii?6TO TAK.6 A ) ABFLilNNrK- ami.. 'iwr -noil llu.J MP AT A.WI TOOO? X A N6iTF. Xl " y i ( Jiit.TrxuoFt,)iLn.'l wkHi'Rr ( j-TM - fE fOS A' I tT-XiSriTA rifV.r ' nu iKFiwna A ciar sTuMr I i , ri.e saa Find ATiivEa era iT'ANDif 7 . . -rT..r& Jl !: V ! Kevos:F,?oTr6PeeMisesfT3r& Ilpbiv an 1 111-1?. N-J Jp Ri' bo LtvSv r-v fcfV v -- flrMl---- VrTr--iwEuL ,iV Gor A lOOPS MOM WANTS IT POESNT HMM -IVE I'U. 6r IMF MST-T3lMlD VSV PT'ESEMT FOH Me lb 6tT A STK.NJG OF LOOK LIKE flor AM IDEA SHOPfleA IM TOWN i 2 EVERYDOOy . CHRteTiWAS TKEE LI0HT5 YOU CAM crkcn'e I TA ,1, 15 WU'LEI'MOUr J HAMCXE ?Mrir JtA50N5 lcS ) - y -i ' '' V' n-D- CAriM tASv y Llto Tmwir Kb VH& -.ij TO KVO.l la " AT LijT, "mI)"TacH! WILL AT TC LP I "I M0J6HT GOTCHTMcKefS TKBA?? -h:5 FA'.'ILV BE.-fES. AF'M W TO THSEVE0LKE5. U SEARCH. E 5,-5! MAP. Al40 AN OLP PlAW TT aHT , r I CUm 3IVE I Mli CAKCL teWbH mECi lJ X fm The (!?6 I EECdittllH- FASOKATE9 W TW50 Liaff C T RS IT W T r VV I AGSP T0TK6kl weSE'd THE TK.IU5. Vi i J l'W L0OK1K3 FC, L RASE 61RP&T001 3 j T0..fH0Wfc.V THff tH.MStVWMt KiT WrKR FCR 1 AKP IKS'JIRE AftOJT ll-mT V r-J I -QTiWIU. V few t V V W v wtw: attei 4.SV,' yThi to LOOK WHAT MF- PONE -J AW53HT WIIM Mto KI..VK" V WJIlJtU X taUUtU V- 5 ) W 6C9H.COI? THaWJo MISSILCS. yiSslLE H RUMT KFSES A I .aTT " . V-'1 KUNTKFSE'SA ) r-ii'.? WAR JRiV.INL) y k '-i tO.OTS AND VER B5DOIHS mum ft-- V. K,:Y-'.IA WITH EM M - PAM3 NEAR YCAH, We.kEi- AM AT TH' OUR WW.XE n:E IPl-E HERE' JlME. 1 ...HES COME IIP WITH TH' FIRST ) .M REAL AOWKCG WF-'VE MAPE 7 'jf WITHIN TH' MTRY OfTH' f. OLPE5T MOCVAN ALIVE.' V' ir- by 6fcr AXlll3 By Al Vtrmw PftlSCILLA S POP t wis BAQIf i Kind of a (Too bad , 1-? (Zr-LOAPED with V f cute idea ) -1 thy don't K ! SNM ;V"(CfRESfTS ANDH v at that TV have chimneys) : IcC r Hollywood Husband And Wife Team qnally Get 5ame Kole By VERNON SCOTT UPI Staff Writer HOLLYWOOD UP1 - To Setherness reached its tenith in the celluloid world during the past two mory-hs when Natalie Wood and husband Tilb Wagner co st ar red in a new movie. Natalie and R.J. as the culls him) come to work together in the morning. They act tcgether. They have lunch together in his dressing room. At night they go over the script tugethe: You'd think when two people spend that much time in one an other's company they'd also have some dunJy battles. But no. R.J. and Natalie are all the fan magazines say they are. Between scenes and during lunch the Fair bill and coo llku a ccuple of newlywds. By Holly Wood standards, thfy are an old Harried ccuple. They celebrate thc-ir second welding anniversary atxt week. Natalie has appeared in 33 pic tures, R.J. in 2, but this is the first time they've managed to land in tie same movie. It would be logical to conclude that the Wagner family is es static. However, into this most per fect of movieland worlds there is oi black ncle. The nun' of the ratline is '"Ail The Fine Young Cannibals," a fact which provokes fits ill the handsome young couple. "Han, that title has got to go," K.J. said unhappily. "It's terrlda,"" Nulalic chimed NSttfS CHUCKLES NUKMKV BANS SAMTA WtLLINGrORD, KnaJand -(L'PI Naraery school Princi pal Jutilk Ansteo Thursday ban aad an apiira-ance at the schout k Sart Claiis bocauia "our chil- 4rea era so small we fear he might frighten them." cat, vo am. STARIVILLE. iss. ifPK Van tea crave atoah-ntly "don't ca with drawl." That was the an!j exiianittai Miasisiii)i State University ertomilogist D. K. Pergusw couki give Thursday aAar Mississip) crows failed to ravpo-nl whan ha played record ed calls of Na York crows. UNMOUNTED C0 RKAPV NIW YORK UPI Mounted policeman Jn Ready got a taste of a foot awtrclman's TkuraUay night. Ready had to dkmcut whai a susected purse snatckor h wag galloping after dashed into an apartment build ing. The puffing raountie got his man after a chse up 13 flights of stairs. Ready brought the sus pect down by elevator. We made a personal appear ance last week." R J. went on, giving his wife a kiss on the cheek, "and when I announced the name of the picture everyone broke out laughing. Like lias a joke or something." "Maybe the title would, be all right if the picture was a com edy," Natalie said. "BuQit'a a very serious story." Plcim Both The togetherness aspect of their lives pleases them both. "It's good for our marriage," Bob pointed out. "We're h"Jh in terested In Ihe same things aid cur careers provide us with a common goal." "It's a little bit nerve wrack ing on the set for us to watch one another work." Natalie said. "You know cxactij what the other per son is trying to do, and you sort of apnly foojy e:iglish to help it come off right." "And in the love scenes, we never think of ourselves as beiag married." Bob said. "We let so deeply involved in our characters there isn't any association with out private lives." "Anyway you look at it, we're having fun working together," Natalie concluded. "But I do wish they'd change the title of the picture." Obtarvar, La Grande, QraJ Mori., Dec. 21, 1959 Page 14 Side Glances !2-2i T M m. U.t- Pal- Ott. C 1 r ui tarH. aw. "Don't ait by Jimmereon. Ha anora U.S. Ranks Of World By ELMIR C. WALZIR UPI St Wrttar NgW YORK HJI'Ii-Measurinl nation's p.ospsTity by the number cf telephones in use puts the United States in the super num oer one spot with moe than half 0 all the phonCK in the whole Wcfkl. Authority for the number is the lrT issue of "The World's Tele rfoeiex" published today by Aatetica Telephone TelegreiiB Co. It she as that at the betijiin of 1 we had M.MS.On tele phones out of 124.aa.QOO for the whole world, or 434 per cent. W may have nnt phones but we don't talk as much as seme nations. Our people average 472 call a year. Btt Canada beats tkis with 511. And if you isolate i'arka and Hawaii you'll find these new states use the phonas more than ' anybody Alt.2 calls oar year average for Alaska and 5J for Hawaii. The nearest country to tile U.S. in total phones was United King dom with 7.525.0X10. N'Kt came Canada with 5,123.000 and the German Federal Republic (West Germany) with 5.OHO.00O. Russia has an estimated 3,700,000 tele phones. Italy has more than 3 million a.nd Japan, Sweden, add France, more tlian 2 million each. Right now there 'are nearly 71 millicn telephones in the U.S. But since it takes a year to obtain data f?r publication, the current issue of "The Worlds Tele- Far Ahead Of Rest In Number Of Phonos DAILY YV LPG 2 (KIM A SXLY jr (HQ TV TT '.Off 1 fj'ONDAY J 6:00 - Superman News, Kpnrtu Movie (Cont.) 6:15 " Doug- Edward t-'runt l'a- S:30 Kewnbat Amoa n' Andy " :4S ' " " . NBC Neva 7 Oil Man Without a Gun Cannon Ball Ucu Eight 7:15 - 7:a4, Shirley Temple Manquorade Party Whlrlyblrda 7:g " ( 00 " Tha Texan Le and Marriage :1S " SO BourRr-n 6L Beat Father Knowa neat Talea. Well Fargo 5 - " 9:no - Danny Thorn aa Pete Ounn :IS - " .10 Adventnrea In Ann Southern Goodyear Theatre ?:45 ParadlKe " 10:00 " llenneaey ' Mike Hammer 10:15 " !0:S0 Camera Detective - June Altyson New 10:4S ' " Iite Movie 11:00 NlKhtheat 4 Moat Feature " 11:15 Jack Paar 11:30 " " 11:45 ' " TUESDAY H:00 . CCit. Claaaroom :15 ' :S0 T'nlvernlty Profile lnir Dona School 9:45 Sons' Shop f :00 Red Howe Douirh Re Ml 15 " " SO On The Go Hay Your Hunch 45 " " '0:15 I Lore Lucy rrlea I Rlaht ':J0 " " o-45 December Bride Concentration 10 00 " " 1 00 Loe Of Life Truth or Conaeq. 11:15 Preview J " " ,. '1:50 Romper Room Search for Tomorrow It Could Be Too 11:45 " Ouldlnic Light " l! oo Reatleaa Gun "' A Great Life Queen For a Day U:." " " 'J so Ixjve That Bob Stage 4 The Thin Man '7:45 100 Mualc lllngo Take 4 Toung Dr. Malone 1:15 - " 1 SO Song Shop As the World Turn From These Roots 1:45 " - - ! 00 Day In Court For Better or Worse House on High St. 115 - ! S0 Gale Storm Show Houseparty Split Personality ? 45 " - " S no Beat The Clock Millionaire Matlnc on 8IX S 15 " " 3- so Who Do You Trust Verdict Is Yours " 1:45 " " 4 00 American Uanaland HriKhter Day " 4:13 " Secret Storm 4 S0 Popeye Edge of Night . 4- 41 - Polnt-A-Pete 5 00 " Ramar Five O'clock Movlt III " - 5 30 Rin Tin Tin Rnhln Hood " 5- 45 x 1 " This log It made up (rem Information by Television Stations and Its accuracy cannot be guaranteed by the La Grande Observer. phones" does not include that figure. Pnii'sie T Fiji Abjiut H Americans t,cptiojic1. the Fiji Islands last year. Suva, Fiji, has 3.458 lJsT()!W or 0.3 per cent of. its 37 tkntieaad popMla lation. - ' Amerkm TeVufcone users can call W other countries or areas ano can be connected wlk rteurly M per aeat Of all tha telcphjatte in the workl. We avdraa 31 telephones for each 100 persons; Sweden, 34: Canada, 3D: Switzerland and New Zealand, 2 each, and Australia. . Among cities Washington D. C, ranks first ia tek-plmie density with 71 telephtiu per rgindrW population. New York City tops the list of telephones, ,wilk 4.2M.0I0. Only four nations have mdtff United Kingdom, Canada, West Germany ard Japan. The lists Of nations giving tele phones and conversations is clear proof of the fact that telephones go with national prosperity and standard of living. White Plains, county teat of wealthy Westchester County, N.Y. has 08 telephones per 100 popula tion. - Other Westchester County cities are equally well supplied. Skokie, Illinois has 62.5 per 100. Atlantic City, N".J. has 64.4; Den ver, Colo, 51.6; Detroit, 43.6; Pittsburgh, Pa.. 48.8; L03 Angeles Exchange., 61.3; San Fra '.Cisco. 60.6; Atlanta, Ga.. 43.7; Cincin-r-a'l. 0., 46.4; Cleveland, O.. 48.1; fjallas, Tex., 49.9; Columbus. 0.. 46 6: Chicago. 48.6. Automatic Telephones Switzerland beats all nations in automatic telephones The num ber cf automatics there is 99.9 per cent of the total. In the U.S. it's 91.9 per cent. The Nether lands has 983 per cent auto matics; Austria, 93 per cent; East Germany 93 5 per cent: and West Get many 98 2 per cent. Half of Russia's phones are automatics. All the teleplxes in tha VS. are privately owned In "all of North America 98 9 tier cant are privately owned; Middle America 50 5 per cent: Soutl America M px-r cent: Europe 16.5 par cent; Africa 1.8 per cent; Asia (4.4. Des cent: Oceania 7.2 per cent. Throughout the world 67.4 per cent of all the teleptujae are privately owned. If you want to get away from that ringing monster the tele phone American Telephone obligingly gives you the method. Xove to Aten Protectorate. Bhutan, the Comora Islands, Mal dive Islands, Trucial Oman, Yem en, Nauru, Pitcairn Island 0T the) Tokelau Islands. They haven't a single ding-busted tclaplknc.: Laum:h With 100 Abexircl Mining In Mtteippiitm . MANILA (UPI) The Philip pine News Service today reported that a launch with about 100 per sons abca'd is missing since ty phoon Gilda raged across the mid Philippines Friday night. The agency said the passengers were school teachers scheduled to attnd a convention at Samar Is land in tli.- VLsayan Island chain on Saturday. It said the launch has not beet heard from since Friday when it left Zumarraga Is land. The agency reported that Gilda left 12 perrons known dead and prcperty damage of J2.5O0.000 in ' its wake. - Fratsidwt'sp Answer to Prevloua Paid ACROSS 1 President's tpoure, Sax ton UcKinley 4 Her fat! r waa A.. Sexton, banker Her children died ' In childhood 12 Split pea . 13 Crowing out 14 Lamprey 15 Canticle 16 Burl 17 East Indian timber tree 18 Ontario county 30 Accessory 22 Legal point 24 Scandinavian coin 25 Precise 28 Go 11 term 30 Wander 34 puido's note 35 Winglike part 36 Contend 37 Slight taste 38 Rodent 3 Fruit drink 40 Makes lace 42 Even score 43 Fruit decay 44 Vegetable 4o DronC bee -48 Female 51 Swift 55 Ragweed plant 56 Domesticated 60 Harem room 61 Seine 62 Angry 63 Stitch 64 Mariner's direction 65 Fall flower 66 Light brown DOWN 1 Demigod 2 Florida county S Nautical term 4 Mr. Jamea 5 Pismire 6 Blemish I AjyTj li,pn BItI Av ssjcy atj'fJT T-,ujE. 7 Japanese routcast 8 Drainage conduit , Trial ' 10 Have on 11 Palmyra palm leaf 19 Arid 21 Diwcomb. form) 23 City in Georgia 24 Harangued 25 Sleeveless garment 26 Lamb 27 Enthralled 29 Kizil Su valley 81 Ellipsoidal 12 Military assistant 33 Encounter 41 Mineral spring 43 Feminine undergarment 45 Abstract beings 47 Command 48 Grape drink. 49 Range part 50 Companion 52 Pillar ' 53 Notion 54 Daybreak 87 Art (Latin) 58 Wrestler's cushion St Summer (It.) 72- 4 5 6 17 8 9 110 It) 12 13 3" z3j u" " 25 126 127 28 29 ""ST 31 132 133 5T" 35 36 37 38 39 40 aT T 44" 45 46" 47 48 149 150 51 52 53 154, 55 56 57n585r 60 61 . 3 63 64 eS""""" 66 I I I I LiJa.iaaa-I.walaawJ laawXasa. W ' BA SKKVICE. IPICL V 4 i i I a t Wtil i '"'.! IMLV $ 1 1 t;j