(.lift OUT OUR WAY tlTHf (t HE TMAToUV L OUT OK PULL Mian cx.". . IM--VVXV S Ht THLKEf. I I , I.. .1 iLj-'nl'.hJ-N " 1 V 1 V By J. R.. William HiS 0KAk PROMT HALF WAWTS rTPJlT--I'M Jl&T WAITW TD &EE t-VWCH ENP WIN PUT.' 1 a "V -v r l THT WOKRV WART U II y.- r. ut w . .. i jAJ.AMeN MARTHA .CH ASS, hK v.f?TW -iJME, FELLOW CALS tf J WMO KelOW& SO-AE OV DESIROUS OP VACrti0E PCK A h F:SE CRSAN OUR BOARDING HOUSE 3 n A3 k.2 CAN'T J COM WEK INTO THE OKSAM A MUSICAL , 30CiC&V?i With Major Hoopla TABT HE CW 0 Sew tA Mio' If URB,lfTABT iOJ CAN I HER CW 1 INTO H HICB I jiBT 1 I.S61D& lio-xiaus. 1 L AND 1 AND I V W6NOV0 EW 1 I-' -' KX - rl HE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE By Wilton Scruggs ' 1 9H DOt9.T THiJ MUCH- .W- PJ ( U5TEM C0NMIB,OK!S Pfcg'OD A RCPUTATOK k JSJj 1 -l A ISC0F THE fisr c AUBOlE DCJfTSOCMf 1 J Btiufl Kmrg- YFf 1 ---kt OOCTOES WTMSODUViTRV. U4ttji6HT.f ooesT 5k f HAfpv lAjir! l "wn ' r 1V 'i "(l "rjjWUWOS LIKE "l ?sflfJ f:'Vwk( I r- 57 C SOAAETHIUG MADDlB HM Lk cS-rT D I ' SJi-- f WOULD SAY.' li'itjfl TO 1 V I v Y 11 I BpEX v J ZZ:yliKi Jty- FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Morrill Motif Tcome in cjuicx'. wny . (utry vour cot is lit me take it.val.so Kt honestly, Nurry..-voufc Wc I HLVALERiE.' X IfS COLO Our r 1 AnUAUy WARM r lOW LOCATE IT I OMLV Boy I KNOW WMOWeAPtS L--:Vlv THEKE.' yrr; lL 1 Tr r STEAM CLoThCS.' CAPTAIN EASY By LmII) Turnr "1 I 7 11 1 HAD KKIOWM 50CH THIU6lMEKC LIKI IMST THJU6A HVPWO' N AT LEA5TJ PTTnS' NOW WE'U. MAKE UP FOR T THEM WE ' " t P0SIBL THRU MVPM03I9. WITH TI4M CAM tS MIUe.. Ht PIO V" T"& l-"1 PURINE JwTVWRK FTt AN IKWe- I RARB UBJECT LIKS A6,rP HAVE BUT TH6RE3 16S DAUSeR HELP WvV v, 'fc THI4 0RPeAL,EA6Vl MkittTy PAST, TIGAT10N, AWO WTnBEEMON (AV OUARPlTTn IPT' 0ETTEK LM6iT00P! PAEMOH-V! VrV--""- .'vTM PeNNV. iM testhaowv bv I LT7" riTtf V&T? T can po far aoke nowiv. Keep I . Pe HOaab TOP HVPUOTISTS, I Iyil' jM Wi' (.IW W! 1 OP THB TFtPT . JL "2?. TOMORROW ALLEY OOP Bv V T H.mlin I , Av" Ll"T ' MCXI1T I I ...BUT lOIJ L.N BfcT OU I h OKAY, CHNNV. ? Ul ,A il, W VlHAT HAVING AUEAW WaV, T WVT X GRAN'PAP WWIdKERS NOUR LE 3 30, BOY yf ilJ "J' I OKAY.SOMDU L06T A 6QUA0 Or tX) iSURE KW. ) E'SHT VEfAL MAKE IT .V IT ITT I CUDN'T MEAN TO MY ROMS TO TH' FLL CVME OUT BACK Ifsl C-CCO ORPER f vS) llh I tUL.T ME, IT JUST J ir.MIA.NS, I CAMT ON TH'S DEAL WMETV'ER I CO OR il" "V7A- iSV Jit Isuppep out yw rLOst jVrjaltc njote?-' Vj.0T I BOUia MNU ItrH OULKf ' tnq. Martin "MVS -xvcvci UV3i 1 ACXX WOU, V ANA'S. CSC TVWa G.ca,-!ovi prom m h tnr What iov th r I must confess f And yet it's true, r As .JettirHj too " nw snows do brirK). v, I love it... I thera's such a thin; much of it.. s JJLi J -tt- rv BUGS BUNNY - ' ' I ( cweat: ) I Iill'uhat cheaper! ( lemme ktnow whcm) I - 1 1 4 yf L ; I'LL USe MV 'HOSE X T VOU KaPvlwBK! VjD f I I J " ' I s:ni jtu He it for yol'r I iT y -"Sys i -0?sr), HT1 T5 Lucille Ball Hopes To Star On Broadway No Matter What By VERNON SCOTT UPI Sta Writer HOLLYWOOD 'ITI' - Amid iumora ol separation, divorce and financiul problems, Lucille Bull calmly ia making plans to star on Broadway next season no matter what occur In her personal lite. Lucy cut a zig zag course 'from her dressing room at Desilu to Paramount studios t w o blocks down the street' on an electric golf cart blithely ignoring traffic and gaping tou'ists. Once ensconded in the Para mount commissary the rebellious redhead announced her intentions for 1960. Til move to New York no later than September to put the children in school," she said. "Then I'll start work on my life's ambition, a Broadway show. It's something I've always wanted to do." How About Deii? What of rumors that Dcsi Arnaz uill join her to produce a show of his own? "I don't know about that," Lucy said without a flicker of humor. "But I don't think Broadway can take both of us at the same time. And don't ask me to explain that statement, either." Lucille is so sure of making the Broadway scene she hasn't settled on which show she will do. Best bet is that the TV star will be seen in a stage version of Dorothy Parker's "The Big Blonde." "I haven't decided for sure," she said. "There have been many offers, including a couple of musi cals." Why is she giving up the soft life of an occasional video pro gram for the rigors of a Broad- AIRPLANES Ready To Fly PIPER TRI PACER With Gas Engine $7.95 HOBBY SHOP , OPEN SATURDAYS wuv show? "I'm not about to retire, and my contract with Westinghouse is over. I've been committed to sponsors for the past 10 years. Now I'm free for the first time and I'm anxious to do as I please. "People asked me how I'll ft el playing before a 'live' audience," she laughed. "For the past 12 years three o.i radio and nine on TV I've appeared before audi er.ies oa every one cf my shows "As for hard work, that's all I've known for the past 10 years. I ani not afraid of working too haici." Lucy said she would keep her homes in Palm Springs aud Bev erly Hills 'next door to Jack Benny) but refused to discuss how long she would remain on the East Coast. MOBILE FASHION SHOW NEW VOItK 'LP1' Male com muters go a chance Tuesday to choose a Christmas present for their wives on a 7 a.m. train from Philadelphia to New York. The Pennsylvania Railroad add ed a special club car to the train and a department store lent clothes to help two female com muters Catherine Woolston of Trenton, N.J., and Susan Wilson of Yardley, Pa. put on a fash ion show during the trip. OhBTvw, La Grand, OraV, Wad., Dc. 9, 1959 Page 6 Side Glances : T.U L. i, ... u i'wihuiw. 12-10 "Now, dear, let's not say a word until I've warmed you up some dinner!" Western Union Unveils Machine For Sending By FRANK ELEAZER UPI Staff Writer WASHINGTON L'PI) - Word was passed that a new communi cations marvel was to be un veiled. Wondering what hath Western I'nion wrought, I hurried over for the historic event. Sure enough, the publicity re lease said a wondrous machine called Wircfax was ready to start transmitting messages coast to coast, exactly as we scribbled them out. No more blaming West ern I'nion operators for errors, it said, becuuse Wirefax messages, handwritten or typed, are moved intact like a picture. For years now I've been pass ing a plaque in the Capital base ment marking the date and place of Samuel F. B. Morse's ' first NOTICE- The Skaie-Arena Will Open Friday, Dec. 11th 1423 WASHINGTON Redecorated Enlarged Floor Improved Sound 7:C0 to 9:30 50c with skates 75c rent DAILY J V LOG 2KREM m KXLY , KHQ TV q TV O TV I : WEDNESDAY :U0 Col. lll.p NVwe Spuria Movie (Cont ) :I8 " Pouir KHwurds Front Pair 6:0 Nevbct Amn X Andy . ,:i " , XBC Kewa 7:00 VVtiL Night KikIUk This U Ali. u WlWilta Town 19 .. " Llni'up "Oner t'pnn .V i :o Hemingway N, . - fhrlmmn." :n Sst. Hllko - " 8:13 " " S 30 Ollir & Harriet Men Into Space ITIce I Right 8:46 " - m , 9:00 Hawaiian Eye Millionaire IVrrv Como 9:15 " :30 " I've Rot a Secret - J :S - - " - 10:00 ChRrlie Weaver I'm li' Thealre Thin In Your 10:1.', !:; (ilenrannnn Xewa 10:,'. " l.ate Movie 11:00 Nightlieat Moat Feature " I 11:15 Jack faar 11:10 11:45' ' ' THURSDAY : i ; 1 8:00 font. Claasroom 8:15 " 8:S0 fnlvrrsltv Profile Dlnp Dong- School 8:45 - - Sonir Shop " ' :0 li' l Itoae DnuRh Re Ml :IS :1 On The Co Play Tour Hunch :4S " " ' 10:00 I.ove l.ucy Price la V.ighl ID-M " 1 II). 3 December Prlile 4'oncenlratlon 10:4,1 " " 11:00 Love of Life Truth or Conacq. 11.15 Preview S " 11:30 Itomper Uooin Sean h for Totnorroi It Could He Toil 11:45 dihllnir IJKht ' ti.V Hemleaa (Sun It " a !reat Life (jueen For A Pay 11.11 12 .10 Iive That Hob Man 4 The Thin Man 11:45 ,' 1:00 Muaic Lilniio Take 4 Toun Dr. Malone I . IH Ian Smoot " il:a Burn" ft Allen A The WorM Turn From Theae Ttootl 1:45 " " I 00 T)ay In Court lietier Or Worae Houe on Hih St. 1:15 ! no dale Storm Show Houaa Party Split Peraonaltty l:is - " " I II Heat The I" look Millionaire Uallne on 81s .:1S J:o Who To You Trupt V ,lict l Toura 1:45 " ; 4 no Am. r..indtanil ISriKhlcr Pay 4tH . . Secret Storm " 4.10 Popeye Kitire of Night " 4.45 " ' Paint-O-Pete tree . " llamar 5 O Clock Movla Alt " 5 JO Itork A Krlenda P.ohln Hood " ,- . -. - :: : : - telegram to Baltimore on May 24 1844. The electrical impulses lie- sent over the wire weren't too different from those that now transmit millions of words every day, although the key he used has been replaced by the teletype 'and his dot and dash code has been mostly forgotten. A Bible-minded lady wrote out Morse's first messag?, and if there is anybody left who doesn't know what it was, he can go look it up in the World Almanac. Twe First Metsages Western Union was row ready with another historic transmis sion, this one to Los Angeles. It' had two first messages ready to go one from J. Russell Wiggins, president pf the American Society of Newspaper Editors and execu tive editor of the Washington Post, to Norman Chandler, pub lisher of the Los Angeles Times; aud another from Howard Kacy. president of the Acacia Mutual" Life Insii'nnce Co., to his firm's Los Angeles branch. Each of these typed o-.e-page letters was snapped into place o r a drum: When the machine was turned on. the drum revolved., Il took six minutes for each page to be scanned, transmitted, and re produced in Los Angles. Wiggins told cna idler nc wasj sure mast press copy some day j would travel by Wircfax rather! than teletype. And. in as neat a I plug as I've seen for a favorite theme, he said this won't help much unless the press is free to get at the rows iu the first place. Chandler, in a Wirefax replv. said the West Coast welcomes the I Sends Sales Plcg j Kacy, next at bat. pointed out. to his La Angeles helpers that' his words were reaching them in a matter of minutes, and said ho New Type Messages honed this would help to remind them that "every minute counts'' if they are to reach their 193U quota of sales. Acacia's man, in Los Angeles, whose name came back on the Wirefax as La Noue Matta, so it must be right, replied he was happy to take part in the day's historic event and also to assure the boss "that by Dec. 24 our placed quota of $12,134,000 will be exceedVd." As far as I know. Western I'n ion got nothing for all these com mercials. However, Robert T. Hartmann. Washington bureau chief for the Los Angeles Times, stepped up helpfully with a piece of paid capy. The first news dispatch trans mitted hy Wirefax ran 250 words, double-spaced on the tyoewriter aid filling a page. It cost $7 90. Hartinann could have squeezed 600 words into the same space lor the same price by single-spacing. To seid 600 words by teletype, a! day press rates, would have cost him $22.10. Wha. Hartma 1 said in his story was that reporters hercafler will have to brush up on their spell ing. And, he sa d, X-ing out er rors uses up space just like words. Worse, I guess we'll also have to learn to type. TO SEEK TRADE ROUTES KNCXWLLE. Tenn. L'PI' An attempt to lora'e one-time trade routes between ,'o:th and South America by recovery of Central American relics will be male by an archeol: gical expedition to Costa Rica. The expedition is scheduled tc leave here Dec. 17. Rivers Answer to Previous Puzzle Ton ACROSS 32 Unit of 1 Prussian riv- reluctance 5 River in M Malarial fever J4 urac (dial.) 36 Genus of shrubs 37 Reverberate 39 Explosive 40 Succumb 44 Morsel 46 Jewish month 48 Hnrem room 49 Continent 50 Decoy , SI Marry Poland 8 Moravian stream 12 It flows into the Mississippi IJ cuckoo blackbird 14 African river 15 Talon 16 Sesame 17 Feminine 18 Arabian hn,K 52 Cease 19 Flower part S3 Essential 21 City in The being Netherlands 54 At all 22 Second king 55 Theow 24 Ireland DOWN 26 Withered 1 River In 28 Hops' kilns Wisconsin 29 Naval (ab ) '2 Tartarian 30 King of Judah lancer 31 Since 1 Chasm AID A A&lUjgl gtr" l. E IJ.nL KTvT-rAtg uT E" s.y. Tin p.feM&.EitMT ml I t j NJT EIJoWililijfxrl a l rvkaj & e a tSwrtr,-)!-t.:t CU- ElAgptt, C 1 Ni!'gl gg M iTsiSi noNTlt?TOL, 1 AjP I T- I 3 lfe lrNl Tier Mitigate Distinct part New Mexican river Individual Eaters . Ipnore Interpret Brazilian river Abated Household Type style Bacchic cry Boat paddles Perfumes 3." Phantomi 36 Indian river 38 Constellation 39 Story 41 Midwestern river 42 Paradise ' 43 Knight's spouse 45 Indian from headwaters of the Uruguay River 47 Scottish sheepfold 49 Peer Gynt's ' mother 1 2 3 U I !5 : 14 (7 I 8 19 110 111 re - IT" il is 17 1 1 55 zT t 7T 25 I-1 ;2B 27 IT 29 " 315 31 35 p 31 35 36 38 39 - W 41 K2 143 a il TT is 4 50 51 52 51 zr 35 I I I fill 1 1 1 I accuracy cannot be guaranteed by the Is Grande 0t4ervrA k icavii s, lie.