La Grande observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1959-1968, December 09, 1959, Page 5, Image 5

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    Observer, La Grande. Ore., Wed., De., 1959 Page 5
I ;
WoifianV World
MAXLNE NURMI, .Woman's Editor
Mrs. Nellie Stewart was Install
ed as president of the La Graidfr
American Legion Auxiliary, at the
Legion hall, recently. Mrs. Lucy
Mosher, district president from
Baker, acted as installing officer.
Officers serving with Mrs. Stew
art are, Mrs. Betty Lou Johnson,
second vice president; Mrs. Lois
Hogers, secretary; Mrs. Lucille
Burke, treasurer; Mrs. Ella Zunj
walt, chaplain; Mrs. Jemie How
ell, historian, and Mrs. Irene Hamj
ilton, serbeant at arms.
Mrs. Magdeleiie Buckley, past
unit president, cpened the meet
ing in regular form. Applications
were voted upon five candidates,
followed by initiation of four mem
bers who were ready for initia
tion. They were Ella Zumwalr,
Gertrude Lovely, Lois Rogers, and
Mamie Severns. The Past Presi
dents Parley, under the direction
of Bea Burrows, initiated the new
One of the highlights of the ev
ening, was the surprise, visit pf
the Department president, Mrs.
Delphene George, Eugene. She ex
pressed the appreciation of the De
partment of Oregon, that the La
Grande unit was not going to give
up, their charter. She also stressed
l& work that is being carried 0:1
right now in the hosoitals, espec
ially at Portland and Iloseburg.
The gift shop at the Veterans
Hospital at Portland will be opened
Pec. 9. All hospitalized veterans
are priviledged to select gifts for
a!T members of his family. These
Christmas gifts are labeled, wrap
'pei, and mailed to all parts of the
ftition, free of charge. Donations
to the two gift shops last year am
ounted to almost $tj.(MK).
'Following the adjournment of
the meeting by the new president,
a joint meeting with the Legion
was held. Fred Bennett, depart
ment commander. Nyssa. briefed
the work that is being done by the
American Legion in Oregon. Bud
Johnson, Bellevue, Wash., nation
al field representative of the Am
erican Legion in charge of Alaska,
Washington and Oregjn, gave an
informative account on Legion uf
us. .j. Myrtle Hansen and Marie Wil
kSna had charge of the refresh
ments for the evening.
t ,1 . '
Advice Given to Tell Mother
Of Good Groojning Essentials
Dear Ann: If you say so I'll
keep out of it. My neighbors mov
ed here recently from a foreign
country. They have two attrac
tive daughters 16 and 18. The
girls have become friendly with
our daughter.
Both neighbor girt have
excessively hairy legs. Appar
ently in their country it is ignor
ed. They have noticed it is dif
ferent in the U.S. They have
asked permission to shave their
legs. Their mother said no. Now
I've been asked by the girls to
speak to their mother. Would
you? No Butter-In.
Dear No Butter: Certainly.
Explain t0 the mother that in
this country It is one of the es
sentials of fcood grooming. You
would be doing the young girls
a big favor.
Confidential to Rain-In-The
Face: Your boy friend sounds as
subtle as a sailor on a three houi
pass. Tell him you have reviewed
all his "logical" reasons, but the
answer is still no.
Confidential to Smoked Out: If
the smoke bothers you, sit off in
Summerville Unit
Discusses Buying
Of Garments
Two Rock Extension Unit of
SummerviPe m"t recently for an
all day session in the home of
Mrs. L. R. Hoxie. Consumer Edu
cation in buying clothing was the
demonstration .given for the day.
Retta Hoxie and Janet Hanson
were leaders fcr the project. They
discussed labels and hang taes.
justifiable consumer complaints,
and what to expect of dresses in
the different price ranges.
Following a potluck . luncheon,
th? group gathered for a business
meeting. Plans were made for
the December Christmas party.
They will be the guests of Mrs.
Grant Henderson, Summerville, for
a unit planned day. Mirriam
Wieden and Jean McKenzie, co
chairmen. There will be a gift
exchange and a Christmas Goody
buffet to highlight the afternoon.
, Bonnie Arnoldus received the
p.ize and Mirriam Wieden pre
sented the Eye Opener.
Country Club Scores
La Grande Country Club mem
bers held bridge play recently
with winners being: North-south,
Lucille Lumsden and Madge Kid
dle, 38 points; Margaret Ingle and
Kay Snider, 30 points; Wells and
Royes with 27 points. East-West,
Susie Lee and Lydia McCanse,
30 points; Dr. and Mrs. Ray Mur
phy, 25 points; Mr. and Mrs.
Steve Kinzel, 24 points.
The next session of bridge will
be held Dec. 18 at the clubhouse.
corner away from the human
JDar Ann: You and your pat
nswers. It sounds so simple when
you reel off those high-sounding
phrases, but putting them into
practice is another story.
' I've been married to a cake of
Ice for 12 years. We have three
Children. They are here only be
eause my wife's sister-in-law had
three and she wasn't going to be
I've threatened to get affection
plsewhere and her reply is "It
Jould be a relief. Just leave ME
mart dresser, wonderful house
Steeper and 100 per cent all-out
Hither. Of course I can't discuss
llus with anyone we know, but I
Heed outside help. Tell me what
do about a woman who is
Dear Z-Ro: Many are cold-
lb ut few are frozen. This story
is an old one. Unfortunately
'your wife is probably a chip
ijoff the old glacier. A woman
who tellt her husband to find
Iremance elsewhere and leave
her alone, knows vrv wi.ll
Sshe's inviting trouble and
she'd probably collaoi if von
Stsok her up on it.
You both should have a frank
Stalk with the family doctor.
This is "strictly business" to
Jlhim. Perhaps something in
Jyour approach has frozen her
,up. She owes it to you to dis-
Icuss this problem with a pro-
essianal and be a full-time
Dear Arm Landers: Please don't
irow this letter away because
's not earthshaking. Y'our an-
,wer could mean a lot to millions
f girls my ag?. .
I am IS too young for this and
io old for that. In other words.
m a nothing.
How old should a girl be before
he wears hose and heels? Mom
ij-s I'm too young but some girls
i my class have been doing it
nee they were" 12. Whatever you
jay is law. Socks or Stockings.
Dear Socks: High school (about
115) is time enough to change
jifrom socks to sinkings and
J from fists to heels. Of course
ithts means special ovontna atm.
jj ion, only. AND it also means
Tum, mutt u- l: l . - i :t
Murine Pfe.
Pfc. Hambelton
In 'Eagle Eye7
Marine Pfc. F.ancis M. llamhle
ton, son or Mr. and Mrs. Le
Ilumbli'ton of 311 Leban street,
Enterprise, participated in an am
phibious exercise. Oct. 24, on the
beaches of Camp Pend'eton, Calif.
while s'Tving with the First Ma
rine Division.
Known as Operation "Eagle," and involving Navy ships
and Marine air groups, called for
tro'ips to land on the beaches and
assist the mythical country of "Pen
tcnia" in destroying guerilla forces
and restoring law and order in
the province of "Campon."
Helicopters of Marin? Aircraft
group 30 transported troops from
aircraft carriers to landing zones
behind "enemy" lines employing
the Corps' new doctrine of "ver
tical envelepment."
you expect Mom to let
Cdresi like one.
Union Three Links Will
Hold Christmas Party
UNION (Special) The Three
Links Club will meet Thursday.
for a Christmas party with ex
change of gifts not to exceed 50
cents. It will also be the in
stallation of officers night.
Imbler Brownies met Thursday
in the home of Sally Fn?zell.
Needle cases were completed. This
was their first 4 II piojcct. Ke
nee Hopkins served refreshments
Soroptimitt Club u ill meet
Thursday at 12 noon in the Saca
jawea, for a program meeting.
Circlet 2 and 3 of the First
Presbyterian Church will hold a
joint potluck luncheon at the
Manse, Thursday at 1 p m. Christ
mas program planned.
Three Links Club will meet
Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the club
room at the Odd Fellows tem
ple, Christmas party, gift ex
change 50 to 75 cents, doners
name to be included inside pack-
aye. Election of officers.
American Legion and Auxili
ary will hold their Christmas pot-
luck dinner, Wednesday at 6:30
p. m. in the legion building. Bring
table service.. Ham, rotfec and
rolls to be furnished. Also bring
canned goods for the Christmas
baskets for needy families. Meet
ing to follow at 8 p.m.
Band Alumni, l.a Grande High
School, 11155 59, will hold a re
union at the hand room. Wednes
day at 7 p.m. Thu-e attemliing
are to bring an item of food for
the potluck dinner to lollow.
Free Square Dance practice at
1209 lourth Strut. Wednesday
at 7 p.m. Jerry ami Artie Can
non, callers.
St. Peter's Episcopal Guild will
hold a Silver Tea, Wednesday at
2 p.m., in the Parish hall, coiner
fourtn and O Streets. Ther w 11
be a gift table, mince -meal and
candy for sale. Open to the pub
Odd Fellows Lodg; 16, l.a
Grande, will meet Friday at 8 p.m.
in their hall.
Kilchen Wares
Well Known Makes
La Grande Hardware
You can save 40 percent with a new
pre manufactured home
Manv plans to choose from, al- custom built to your plans.
Inquire for cabins, bunk houses and motels. Write today for
full information to ' ' ' '
8811 N. E. Sandy Blvd. - Portland,
. . .. 4
No one but Elizabeth Arden.
with her incomparable knowl
edge ol skin care, could have
created such superb products,
so handsomely pqekaged, so
suavely masculine! Be one ol
the Brit to know what the dis
tinguished name of Elizabeth
Arden can mean to a man's
sense of well-being.
Attar Shav Lotion
Eau d Cologne
Bath Soap (21 Hand Soap (2)
Gill Set: All.r Shan lotion.
Talcum, Foam Sharing Creara
prici plus lax
C-r.-nde Ronde Chapter nf the
l)aujli',.r ,, u, American Hcw
l'"'ii has cam . -lied its December
Dvn. Huston, son of Mrs Ko-
herla II, .m t.,,4 Ji erstm Street.,.. recently home on
U.e att.r completi.iK reciuit
tr.i;n:ni; in Dietto. Calif., is
new 'aiii!in aboard t!ie super
oirei :itt carri-r I'SS Ranker, at
A'aimd:!. t alif. Seaman Huston
attendul l.a Cr.ind-; School is a Inrmer member of the
On &'ti X. tit rial Guatd. His ship
is expect, d Id l.ave in the near
.u'lire '.ir a six m.intlis'toiir some
where in the western I'acilic.
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Robinette,
17m .le"n'Min. sold their home
here and ninw d to Salt Lake with
their family. Tin y are purchasing.
3 home I her- where he is em
p!oed Uf'.-n Pacific Old Timers Cluh
IT ;nd auxiliary will meet Friday
ut 7 ;la p.m. in McAllister hall.
Installation of officers and Christ
mas par'y. Cilt exchatlKe not to
exceed 7 cents.
Bhck Raide-s, 4 II horse cluh
wi'l hold a politick dinner for
members anil their families to
niitht ;.t i;.::n pn'i. in the I'leasant
drove (iran-e lial1.
Celpbrjtins birthdays twlay lire
David Lawrence Garrett, lianild
Laurence. M.ul.o llilibs and Kve
I; n Mi I 'In i Mm, La Grand .'.
Pcl'y Anna Club will meet Fri
day at 2 in in the home of Mrs
Hazel Can Ch.istmas party and
dollar vjft exehanije.
Miss Boone Will I
Work In Montana
Miss Joan Boone, daughter of
.Mrs. Georgia Boone of 120n
Fourth Street. 1j Grande, has ac
cepted a position with KXLF TV
in Helena, Mont. Miss Boone s
duties will include, film, continu-
l. traffic and sonic camera
The position was secured short
ly after Miss Boone graduated
from the Television Division of
.Northwest Schools.
Range Riders Set Party
t'MO.N i Special) The KaitRC
Riders will have a Christmas par
ty Saturday at the Sportsmen's
Clubhouse at 8 :!() p.m. There will
he a Kilt exchange with a limit
of Si for an adult and 50 cents for
children. There will be a dance
following the party for members
and their gnosis.
Polly Leal Land
Rites Thursday
'":V Leal Land, 64. an Klgin
housewife, died in a local hos
pital. Tue.Ml.iy.
Funeral senies will be held in
the Klein I.DS church, Thursday
it - P"i Hi-Imp K. Henry will of
ficiate Burial tll H, j ,P j.;ij;in
cemetery. Arrangements by the
Don l)mpi,.y4 Kuneral Chapel.
Mis. l and as h 'rn at Melville,
I'tah. .tune 1). IK15, and had
been a resident of Klftin for 40
years .she was a member of the
l.DS chureli.
SuiMvors are four sons. Kil-
ward and lla Land. F.lgin, Jesper
land. Leavenworth. Kan., and
Delbeit ()rien land, Taroma,
Wash ; three danuhlers. Melvint
Uainott. Cve, wanoa Hug, .
ain, and Viola Cox, Las Vegu,
Nev.; a sister, Ella Land, J
:nh 34 erandcnituren, one grest
grandchild, and numerous nieces
and nephews.
Best upkeep for a wardrobe
i.-. to make repairs right awiy.
1 This
Week's Special
3-Pc. Sectional
WE WlfcL
for your old
living room set, regardless of conditionl
La Grande Furniture Warehouse
m East Adams Avenue . . . Plenty of Free Parking Space
Santa t a n't wail but Wards will!
No monthly payments 'til Feb.!
Reg. $249.95
$5 DOWN $10 a montl,
W7MI 23 - .
y.s ", -T ffi
- MS- UTT-- ' 11
war : mmmsmm
NJVl rr " " l . if i .... y I 1
Z Z &''irV UOWn ,10 A MONTH
i wHEnE imm (am
airline 4 -speaker
self contained stereo
Four.12'1 stereo records freel
two tpeakar-tyttemt
4 speakers in all)
2 8-watts peak power '
Dual channel amplifier has
power to spare. Separate
bass, treble and balance
controls; V-M changer plays
all records. Mahogany finish
lo-boy cabinet. . ,
21-inch console television uhf
new thin-line cabinet
locked-in picture
aluminized TV tube
Ideal for sharp local and
suburban viewing. Front
safety glass. Full-toned core,
sole sound. Mahogany finish
cabinet. Blond $10 more.
stereo tape recorder
Record and play manau
ral tapes. 2 speakers.
porlable TV VHF
Perfect 2nd set for local and suburban
viewing, lite-weight, locked-in pie
ture. Aluminiied V CQ95
picture tube. awSl
$S down $5 month
stereo portable
Complete with snap-out speaker in the
Ed I 4-speed automatic changer. Vol- '
him, tone controls. m
Two-tone case. fSJ
$S down SS a month
Wards 3-speed
portable phono
Perfect fun-time gift! Has
4-in. speaker ond volume
control Slim, two-tonecase.
deluxe portable
3-speed phono
Styled with front mounted
speaker for rich sound. Has
tone control) dual-needle.
Wad to muticl Appli
ance outlet. n
Color choko. 25.75
4-lubos, roctiflr, Sidf
tuning, 4-ln. q oe
spoakor, 1 0.753
Rtf. flrt on
179,95 33.00
it tin,