La Grande observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1959-1968, December 04, 1959, Page 5, Image 5

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CAMPUS GUEST Dr. Hester Turner (left) director of professional services for the
Oregon Education Association, chats with Eastern Oregon College personnel. From
left, Linda Kane, senior and president of the campus chapter of Student OEA; Dr.
Martha Addy, and Dr. Carlos Easley, co-sponsors. Dr. Turner, who is also state ad
vi or and coordinator for SOEA, addressed a recent meeting of the student
tion EOC ihoto)
One Woman's Version To Fight
Off Boredom, 'Do For Others'
Dear Ann: The letter signed
"Looie Ends" by the bored wo
man gave me a pain I can't lecate.
Did ou notice in the lonn list of
tilings she did to fisht off bore
dom, that every activity was de
signed for sclf-amusomcnt?
I'm no ancel, but I learned long
ago real pleasure ccmcs from do
inij something for someone else.
Here's a good example:
My neighbor has a large fam-
Mt. Fannie Grange
Entertains Local
Blue Mountain
Elue Mountain Grange met Sat
urday evening with Cove's Mt
Fannie grangers presenting the
program for the meeting. There
were about 20 persons from Cove
The evening began with a pot
luck supper, followed by the pro
gram and meeting.
The program was introduced by
Mrs. Roy Comstock. Eddie and
Nancy Knofnagle sang "I Love
the Way You Say Goodnight,'
and a humorous number, "Bill
board Song."
The Chorale-Its" of Cove, then
s;ing "Hlue Moon" and "Now Is
the Hour. ' Taking part were
l.ouic Overton, Cathy Flick, Del
ta llutinwin, Chene Martin, Car
olvn Morris, Margaret Morris and
Hetty Burnett. They were ac
rompaniod by Jacki Goodson, and
led by Nancy Iloofnaglc.
Miss Goodson then played sev
eral piano solos. Helen Boswell
g;ne a reading about a fire.
Joyce and Nancy Comstock sang
a Thanksgiving sorg. J. W. Tur
ner followed wit1! a reading
"Prayer of Silas Brow n." In clos
ing Mrs. Lenora Obrndorf gave
a reading "Good Night." Those
intending san "When You and
I Were Young Maggie." and
Rw verses of "Church in the
Vildwocd." Mrs. Comstock sang
a solo, "Bless This House," ac
companied by Arlene Goodson
During the meeting a new
member was given the third and
fourth degrees. All were invited
to the Thanksgiving dinner which
was held in the hall, starting at
1 p.m. Members were also ask
cd to save coffee bands.
The next regular meeting will
be held Dec. 5, with a potluck
(iinnor honoring birthdays for
October, November and Decern
Grange Will Hold
Potluck, Meeting
The Pleasant Grcve Grange met
recentlv for their annual Thans
giving dinner. Turkey and all
the trimmings was served to 85
members and guests. The at
tractive tables were decorated by
Thelma Patrick. Turkeys, horns
of plenty and candles were used
as center pieces with Thansgiv
ing napkins and nut cups as ad
ditional decorations.
Guests were welcomed by Mas
ter Hugh Hul;e and the follow
ing dinner program was present
ed: Piano numbeis by Myrtle
Hamilton; History of Thanksgiv
ing Thelma Patrick; Devotions.
"Thanks for People'' Vclma
McKinnis; Thansgiving Prayer
Marriam Weiden: Sacred Songs
Birdie Stewart; Skit. "Turkey and
the Rooster' I.citha Hoover and
Veta Behrens; and a poem
"ThanVsiiiving With Grandma"
Irene Fitzgerald.
After a short' grange meeting,
dancing and visiting war, enjoy
ed by all.
The next gramre meeting will
be Dec. 5, beginning with a pot
liick supper at 6:30 p.m.
!y of boys and one small girl
.vho was somew hat neglected. It
oU'.'hed my heart one day to see
her dressing ar.d undressing her
doll in its one and only dress. So.
I f;ct busy and made her doll a
The child was thrilled and wc
;ecame good friends. Now we
aktt long walks together and I'm
teaching her the names of flow
ers, plants and trees. She has
become acquainted with other lit
tle girls in the park and is learn
ing to play nicely with them un
ucr my supervision.
Her mother tells me the girl's
personality has blossomed since I
l interest in her. She
says I have been a Godsend.
Please pass this on to others who
are bored trying to amuse them
selves. Contented.
Dean Ann Landers: My blood
pressure is really up there as a
result of that letter from "In
terested Family." So they did
n't want their socially prominent
mother, age 52, to marry a gar
age mechanic because it might
injure her social standing, eh?
Well. I am a widow. 54, who
has 'social standings", too, what
ever that means. I also own s
lovely home, a car, and I have the
means to travel, entertain and do
as I please. My children are
through college, married and on
their own.
I live alcne and it's an empty,
unsatisfying life. Please tell "In
terested Family" to let Mother
do as she wishes. And while
you're at it, ask them if that gar
age mechanic has a friend. I'm
an Interested Widow.
Dear Interested- Widaw: You
sound like a living doll, and I
wish I could pluck a man out
of my reading audience, just for
you. I'm sure there are many
who would qualify. But this
isn't that kind of a column.
(Ann Landers will be glad to
help you with your problems
Send them to her in care of this
newspaper enclosing a stamped.
sell-addressed envelope.)
Dear Ann: That man who sign
ed himself "Superior Sex" really
made me mad. He sounded just
like my old man. In fact if my
husband could SDell decent I
would swear he wrote that let
ter. So men are the "strong sex"
are they? Since when? I always
said if the men had to have ba-
I.U. tkn..A .. 1.1-.. .
mans on earth in 100 years only 'Make HoHOr Roll
fish and squirrels. The average f.LGIM .Sprc'ali The Klgir
woman, if shes a wife and mcth-',,: Sthooi pupils rcccived tndr
cr is on her feet all day and roprts with four making perfect
half-the night. Show me a man nl;irks. Thry wcre two s no.
with varicose veins and I II showjmoreSi a jumor and a slnior.
ou i 10 women. Ask any doctor. Scniors on lhe honor roll werc
When a woman marries she, Marie ciuni-4. Larry Hurst-3.83
takes a man for better or worse jean Gordon-3.59. Bud Wade
but a man always tries to make 3 53, Eva Blinkenstaff-3.41. Jane
his wife over so she'll be like o-burn-3 40, Donna Follett-3.33
ms moiner, sister or an old girl Juniors Ce'ia Colclasure 4..
inen,d' Wavne Cross 3 77, Jo.'f Watkins-
AU the articles today tell us 3.3a, Fred Sayre 3.50.
How to Keep Him Happy." Youj Sophomores Lynn Blinkensta'
would think every slugger wcar-4., Larry Kuehn 4., Barbara
ing pants was the Prince of Bennett 3 80. Linda Kuehn-3.53
Wales or something. 1 Mary Anne Townsend 3.39.
When my husband had a bad Freshmen Sandra Hallgarth
cold last winter I was up half the1 3 73. Doc Ann Scouhcs 3.73. Susar
right m.ibing his chest and Parsons 3 CO, and Dolores Adam;
"""o'"t; hoi iea. I had ani
operation in June. Who do you;
think was up at night with me"1
The dog. Typical American
All Transient Guesta. All
those who come, return.
Rates not high, Dot low.
Free Garage, TV's and Ra
dios'. We have a reputation
for cleanliness.
Children under
seven no charge
1217 SW Merrlsoa
Portland, Ore.
r" ' 1 '" -1 . 1 1 i
Vvv 3
Two Coiples
To Be Honored
At Reception
An open hcuse reception wil
be held honoring two couples or
their anniversaries, Sunday. Mr
and Mrs. Jim Fleet will be cclc
brating their golden wedding an
niversary, and Mr. and Mrs. Du
;ne Fleet will celebrate 25 years
Friends and relatives are invit
cd to call between the hours ol
2 until 5 p.m., Sunday, in the
home of the Jim Fleets, on Cov
Brownie Leaders
Training Meets
Brownie Scout leaders have
been been taking advantage of
training sessions being offered
by Mrs. Marge Nicosen, each
Wednesday at the public library
Mrs. Nicoson recently complet
ed three meetings of basic train
ing. During these meetings lead
ers have had an opportunity to
learn about the aims andpurpose
of the Girl Scout organization
They received ideas about what
their meetings should consist of
and what the girls should gain
from the program. There was al
so a question and answer per
iod during each session.
The first workshop was held
Nov. IS, when Arts and Crafts
was studied and will be continu
ed on Dee. 2. Many good ideas
were shown or discussed at this
time. It was decided to have a
demonstration in raffia work, at
the next session.
Other workshops planned for
the future, are "Songs and Gam
es" and "Introduction to the Out
doors." Leaders attending the meetings
?rc the Mesdames Bill Cummings.
W. C. Howe, Bernard Swart, Em
erson Smock, Richard Jepsen, Ar
tie Pierce, John Sullivan, Ed
Russell, Howard Petersen, Robert
Sherburne, and Dan McKenney
who have troops from Central
school and Mrs. Peyron who
leads a troop in Island City.
Mrs. McKenney is also troop
consultant and reports a need
for a leader of fifth and sixth
grade girls in the Central dis
trict. Anyone interested in fill
ing this need, please call Mrs
Elgin Students
I I Vz Off 1
I Troiier's
rviL 9
Woman's World
MAXIN'E NURMI, Woman's Editor
Dime Dinner Reports Given
Imbler PTA Meeting
The Imblrr T met in Wailiy'aiol Von IVruhc. Certificate's of
all Nov. 12. The mot'ling ws, achievement were presented to
penca Dy I'resioem iris tiyenry
he opening prayer was Riven d
amar Westenskow, ful owed by
ledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Gien Pfiftcikorn. Ann McDon-
Id, Dick Iioyes, and Becky Wan
ner, dressed in appropriate cos
jme. sang "Little Red School
touso" fnd "Sippin" Cider
nrough a Straw."
Minutes of the last meeting
ere read and approved. The
reasurer. Aria Bingaman, repor-
d $113 27 was turned in from
he Dime Dinner.' Membership
hairman, Veta Behrens, report-
d there are now 112 members
lural service chairman, Celeste
ampkin, reported that several 4
I clubs are being started. It was
nnounced that the Home Ec
:ir!s would have a Smorgasbord
lso there would be an executive
neeting Dec. 4 at 4:30 p.m.
Audrey Jonhston introduced
lorle Becket of the First Na
ional Bank who presented 4-H
awards to the following: First
ear pins Russell Bingaman.
,'harlcs Caswell, Gale Culver,
ierry Doud, Pamela Goshorn,
)avid Hopkins, Linda Sue Young,
econd year Steve Craig, Lynn
Johnston, Ronald Long. Wayne
.ong, Tommy Severns, Patty Gos
horn, Bruce Rollins. Third year
Donna Hallbarth, Sammy Michel.
vatheiine Johnson. Fourth year-
Donald Starr, David Wyland, Lin
da Yates.
A seventh year card was award
d to Beverly Starr. Among
hose who were not present to
eceive awards were Skipper
Royes, Bruce Berry, Marilyn Teet
er, Linda price, Maureen Beck,
David Tuck, Carlene Culver,
Club Will Donate
To United Fund .
Mrs. Charles Andrews was
hostess .to the Parkdale club
meeting Wednesday with nine
members present.
Eva Shafer, vice president,
presided in the absence of the
president. The members voted
to donate to the United Fund,
and are also making plans to
bring some Christmas cheer to
some elderly persons. ,
The afternoon was spent visit
ing and playing games. Fay
Howell won high, Zoe Carpenter
second, and Eva Shafer low,
You're the man on top
when your bin is filled
with perfectly prepared
ABC Coal! Processed in
a million-dollar refining
plant with laboratory
control that eliminates
excessive ash and mois
ture provides the bal
anced blend for trouble
free stoker operation
and clear-flame firing.
For tlemlmess. comfort and conwmenci
iraiiers: jaie Berry. Audrey
.Johnston. Howard Bingaman.
Mary Michel
Thelma Rollins introduced the
following speakers: Bcrnal Hut:
'..ho gave a comparison of homes
100 years ago and now; Leonard
Uillinta, who cave the historv of
'he lmhler srhiml- onrl I am :ip
Wcstenskow, who Rave the gen--ral
history uf Imbler.
Dry creek served refreshments.
Mrs. Hoffman's room won the
room count.
Build Outfits
Not Misfits
In Wardrobe
"Build a ward.obe of outfits,
and not misfits" was the recom
mondation left wi;h the Wahanka
Home ExtenMon t'nit members
when they met at the home ot
Mrs. Marge Furguson for the
projet "Consumer Buying ol
Leaders Mrs. Ruth Roe and
Mrs. Elma Sherwood advised the
group to read "the labels on ar
ticle s of clothing to check on
shrinkage, washahilily. fiber con-
"ni ana special linishes. Several
dresses were examined for manv
things, including seam width, hem
width, darts, buttonholes and fit
of sleeves. To be a better shopper,
emphasis was placed on the im
portance of selecting well made
and well-fitted garments.
After a Dotluck dinner, a short
business meeting was conducted
Dy tne chairman, Mrs. Reta Gaert
nor. New members of this unit
are Mrs. Eloise Ingerson, Mrs.
Elma Sherwood, Mrs. Elaine Han
son, and Mrs. Marge Ledridge.
The next meeting will be a
Christmas party with Mrs. Vivian
Burford. Mrs. Ruth Roe and Mrs.
Elma Sherwood as hostesses.
There will be a gift exchange
and each member is to bring an
example of a Christmas decora
tion or gift id?a.
age poll on favorite singers, con
ducted by the United Church of
Christ's Youth magazine, today
showed Pat . Boone as the top
cnoice ot tne young set.
Let Bohnenkamp's Be Your Santa Claus
1 t Sr
Mad In Virginia of Exquisite Walnut and rubbed to
Satiny Smooth Finish. A Real Scandanavian Master
piece at Bohnenkamp's Low, Low Prices.
Fine Assortment of Colors and
Color Combinations.
Chairs Come In: Eggshell Coral
Turquoise Striped
Black Plastic White Plastic
Love Seat $96.50
Graduates Recently
G. King Graduate
Of Officers School
Graduated Ncv. 20 , from the
Navy's Officer Candidate School
in Newport, R I., w as Ens. Gary'
E. King, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe
B. Price of 1508 L Avenue, La
Grande, and husband of the for
mer Miss Joann Knighten of 1100
G Avenue, La Grande.
He is a graduate of Eastern
Oregon College.
He was one cf 722 Officer Can
didates, college graduates and
outstanding personnel from the
fleet to complete the 18 weeks of
intensive training in the Naval
Graduates of the school are
qualified to meet not only the
technical problems facing a jun
ior officer in today's modern
fleet, but also, the special leader
ship problems posed by our fleet's
world wide committments.
The new officers, heard as
guest speaker for their gradua
tion. Admiral Jerauld Wright, Su
preme Allied Commander, Atlan
tic and Commander in Chief, U.
S. Atlantic Fleet.
Elgin Seventh Day
Adventist Church
Rev. Fred Wagoner
Sabbath school 9.30 a m. Morninp
worship 11 a.m.
Cove Seventh Day
Adventist Church
Pastor Edward C. Harms
Sabbath School 9:30 a m. Sat -
urday. Morning worship 11 a.m.
seventh Day Adventist
Church, La Grande
Pastor Edward C Harms '-
Third and M Street , lin La Grande visiting at the home
; Sabbath School 9:30-a m' Sat of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Col
urday. Morning worship 11 a.m.' on R. Eberhard.
Double Your Savings
Obierver, La Grande, n ,
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Johan-!
sen have ju-t returned from
Portland, whore they spent the
Thanksgiving holidays with his
britlior. Timor .Inh.msrn and
family. Tne men wer.t to the
coa-t fishing, returning with a
gor.d ci'li h.
Odd FeMowi Lodge 16, La, will meet i i nlay at B p
Ml. in their hall.
Mr. ard M-s. J m Fleet will be
honoiod nn riuth anniversary, and
ir. ar.d Mr.. Duane Fleet. :Mh
umivei ..ii y. Sunday from 2 to 5
?.m., iii the Jo Fleet home on
;:oe Ami.uo.
Celebratirq birthdays today
are Maria Anno Marshall. La
Grande; and Mack Reese, Cove.
Whir'away Square Dance club
will moot Saturday at the Union
Sportsman's club. All square
dancers welcome. Members urg
ed io attend a turkey dinner
Sunday at 2 p in Bring potkick
dish and table soimcl".
Woman's Benefit Association
w ill meet M: nday at 8 p.m. in the
IOOF hall for regular business.
New officers for l!i:i0 to be elect
ed and initiated in their respec
tive chairs.
Blue Mt. Gem club received an
invitation from the Stonecraft
ers of End rprise. to attend a
Christmas party meeting, Mon
day at 6:30 pin. in the Clinic
basement at Enterprise. Those
attending are asked to bring a
salad, dessert or cold dish for a
potluck. their own table service
and rock for gift bux.
The Rev. L. C. Hapkins, evan
gelist. will be special speaker at
the Sunday morning and eve
ning service of the Elgin Church
of the Nazarine. He will show
slides on Alaska at the young
people's mooting at 6:30 p.m. Re
vival services will be hold each
evening through Dec. 6. Christ
mas program practice Saturday
at 2 p.m.
Blue Mountain Grange will hold
a meeting Saturday, beginning
with a potluck at 7 P m. Meeting
to follow.
l iir.;nn r,.i.,i.r. f ih'
Nil,. t-iub will meet Monday fur
3 m,on luncheon in the Masonic
1 Mrs. Jim Busch of Ashland, is
Chairs & Sofas
1 1 .
j m 1 sr - f- r t "
With S.&H. Green Siaraps
Prt.. Pf
Pg S
Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Fenn spent
Thanksgiving in La Grande with
their son Leroy Churchill and
wife. Both couples went to Pend
leton to visit Mrs. Fenn's sister,
tf.s. Ruth Conant. Mr. and Mrs.
-Ynn left Saturday to return to
their home ut Nyssa.
Pythian Sisters will meet in
'he KP hall at 8 p.m. Friday Bus
iness events of the evening will
include reopening of nominations
-,iid election of officers for the
coming year. All members please
try to attend.
Three Links club cf Jewel Re-
bekah Lodge, win noia a Dazaar
Friday, starting at ;:jo p.m. in
the Odd Fellows hall at Sum
inerville. Union County Shrine Auxiliary
will hold th-ir annual Christmas
dinner. Friday at 6:30 p.m., in
the Masonic hall, for members and
families. Bring table service and
potluck dish.
Chili, Hamburger Feed, will be
hold Friday in the Hendrix
Methodist church, beginniing at
3 p.m. This will be a free will
offering feed, sponsored by the
church basketball team.
Eagles Auxiliary will hold a
rummage sale Saturday, beginn
ing at 9 a.m. in their hall.
Thanksgiving visitors in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Billings of Imbler, included Mr.
and Mrs. Carl (Wilma Billings)
Rhoades and children, Bclva and
Bruce, Clearfield, Utah; and Mrs.
Blanche Lively and son, Leonard
of Portland.
Pythian Sisters will hold a ba
zaar and cooked food sale in the
Sprouse Rietz Store, Saturday",
starting at 9 45Vm.
Knights of Pythias and Pythian
Sisters will hold another card
ptrty at the KP hall, Saturday
evening at 8 o'clock. The public
is invited.
Gifts and Toys
1431 Adams Ave.
- A..T 7 - - - " - J
1301 ADAMS
PH. WO 34146
Ph. WO 3-3651
Li Grande