Obu-ivei, la Gr.mt'c, Ore., Fii., Due. 4, 1959 pago 3 ct, v-v v- u -v--- American Farm Scene Changes As Federal Government Takes (Editor's Noli; This i$ ! firtr in srrici of six rtic!s in the Observer farm section on ht Union Ccur.ly Agricul ture Stabilixetion and Corner vation office end the five pro grams odmin.sitrtd by the office.) By BILL BEBOUT Observer StaH Writer The American farm seene ha changed drama. ieully since the mid-thirties. No lunger is the far mer's economic cor.'liiiun deier mined solely by the law of supply and demand. Markets, glutted with surpluses, sent prices plummeting to the cellar. The (aimers were in trou ble. Attempting to relieve the nation's farmers, the federul government i.i:- V.' MAPS- FOR ACREAGE MEASUREMENTS Yiriia Ft rrinc, wheat allotment and price support clerk, measures wheat acreages lrom aerial imoiograuns. fane aiso r.iaKes loans at me cuumy uiulu m t-a Grande. (Observer Photos) i i.-suos in itiM esulential Camia.n. the farm si-ene is a I "iilusc.l ulay as it was 30 years s,osl Air.ei icans have heard a J 'XM Price supjiorts. w heat allot JiiHuis ami the soil bank. The la jhels i)i a;lm nistration farm pro-1 iams ail olicies are bandic.li buut daily in th? nation's uress : a d iiu Hll-respectiny politician ''0'.,1J ie caught without an "an swer tu the prob'ems of the far mer. What are the farm policies o( ihe a lmi isdat on? What are thev s"PPos(d to do and who is re spo'sible for the carrying out of those pro(!r.itns at the local lever.' I here are cu ently f ,ve programs .n force in I'nion county. Ad ministered hy the county Agrieul- s:eDoed in with Drograms designed ,ure Stabili:itioi a d Coaserva- to stiffen the agricultural backbone j,lun offke, the programs ore de- , Ihs economy. I MC -,e' 'o cut surpluses and aid No simple sclution has been found ,ne farmers, or is likely to be found to the com-1 Federal Funds plex problems which face the far- Funds for wheat allotments, mers. The farm question has been M '1 bank, price supports, incen exploited for political purposes and l,lve wool program and the agri and administration farm policies culture conservation program are have been criticised by nearly supplied by the federal govern everyone connected with agricul- ment. ture including the farmers. Although the ASC is a branch Major Issue of the U.S. Department of Agri- Shaping up as one of the major culture, it is operated by county :-:... . e farmers who put the govern ment's policies to work at th? lo cal level. A' county election board, ap pointed by the secretary of ag- licullure, handles tho election of the community and county .ommittecs. This election board is composed cf Ihe chairman of 1 lie county Kxtemion Service, the L oil l onservution Service, a rep .esenfative of the K.U.A., and the4 county beads of the Farm Bur- tau, the Grange,, and the' NS' i onnl farmers L'nion. Xj Nominating committees are ap oinlcd by the election board in ,'.ich cemmunity in the county Nominating committees pick a slate of 10 farmers to run for 1 la; community committees of the ASC. Farmers cast their ballots fur three members and twa al ternatives. The man receiving the highest number of votes is .hairman. Make Decisions C hairmen of community com mittees meet following their elec tion to select a county commit tee from their membership. The county Extension oyent is an ex 1 fficio member of the county committee. The county committee holds Valley Farm-Ranch-Home d:ii n.t t- Bill Bebout, Editor J t s 9 v.. .- ; -' 'J "V ' I monthly meetings to censider the agricultural problems of the county and to review the day to day operations of the ASC office. The committee hires the office manager, makes all major deci sions on the programs (Including indicated vi-hitions) and makes .ccominemlations to the govern ment concerning the programs. Cotuuy committees of the ASC 'hrouyhout the nation, composed )f farmers and elected by farm ers, are key figures in helping development of national farm "olicies. The recommendations of the committees and farm organiza tions are considered by depart ment of agriculture upecialists. viewed by the administration and if accepted are incorporated into the national farm policy. Exprets Needs The farm policy (s based on what the farmers themselves want as they express their needs through the committees of the SC and their respective farm organizations. Ai farm policies are put into ;ffect, the county committee and the ASC office must sec that they are carried cut. The I'nion County ASC office, inder the direction of Lloyd Ger man, cooperates with other agen cies of the government in admin istering the ASC program. Tech- Dramatically Bigger Role n:cal assistance is received from Ihe Soil Conservation Service, the Service, the the Game county Extensirn Forest Service and Commission Acreage measurements on all wheat farms and acreage checks for the soil bank program are made periodically by the office staff. prccots Loins The processing of government 1 ans under the price support :?ram for grain and storage fa cility loans are also handled by German and his .staff. Records and reports are filed for each program on an indivi dual basis. It is on these reports ihat the county committee makes ts decisions on the problems of armers participating in the pro grams cf the ASC. The operations of the ASC of fice and staff will be covered in more detail In future articles dealing with the individual pro rams of the ASC. The next article will be an ex amination of the soil bank pro-am In Union County. I OPEN SATURDAY MORNING FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Paint Products, Accessories Class, Builders Hardware W'LLER CABINET SHOP Jefferton and Greenwood 1 COMPUTING ACRSAGE ON FARMS from aerial photo inaps at the ASC office in La Grande. She is one of three clerks i'i , ; who handle administrative work under direction of Lloyd German, office manager. ?j':yr; 'f '. 4 great streamliners to CALIF URMIA -n.. f cm 3' . -. ". ft . - 'J New Hormone For Cattle Considered WASHINGTON (UPD The goxernment is about to take a "new look" at the widespread use of a synthetic female sex hor mone to fatten up cattle and poul try, it was lea ned tcday. ' The hormone drug, diethylstil bestrol or more commonly called "sLlbcstrol," is known to cause ca icer of the breast in man when !aie.i in large doses, Food and Drug Commissioner George P. Larrick said. Arthur S. Flemming. sec etary of health, education and welfare, .vill announce the new study of the scientific and legal aspects :,'S:LiILJ ALL RECORDS FILED FOR FUTURE Lena Hix, administrative and' agriculture conservation program clerk, files records for future reference at the county ASC office. Complete and accurate records are kept on all programs administered by the ASC. involved in its use in animal feeding at a news conference Thursday. Flemming kicked off the recent cranberry controversy by ai r.cjncing that some of the crop had been contaminated by weed killer that has caused cancer in rats. The FDA stopped issuing aiy new pc"mits for use of stilbestrol after the last session of Congress passed the so - called Dclaney .Arre;r!m"nt which bans food ad ditives found to induce cancer. However, the law makes no pro vision for rescinding permits of those with pror sanction to use stilbestrol. Larrick said there was no cause for alarm. He said he was still eating meat and chicken, and "feeding it to my children and I g'andchildrei. The FDA chie." said th?re still was much "conflicting evidence" 01 the effects cf stilbestrol. He said FDA plained to "marshal the world's literature" on the subject and the agency's experts have started a new invesitgation "to fird out whore we stand." He reported that about 80 per cent of the livestock raised today are fed stilbcs'.roi. . Larrick said that recent scien tific tests have turned up minute quantities of stilbestrol residue in the skin and liver of the chick en. He said no such residue has been found in meat tissue. Cattle men, usually stop using stilbestrol 110 to 48 hours before slaughter. BOUNDARIES CHANGED Leonard Grimes, field supervisor and farm stored grain inspector of the ASC, points out community boundary changes. Grimes han dles all field work for the Lmon County Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation; office. FOR HIS CHaiSTHAS I XII LIFTS . PULLS PUSHES (.003 lbs. Capacity IBt Vm-l.ttt ap lri-l" "''"' WafOM. ontn., prl't- bo-"'; 'V" p.it. ptp. ronu. , turei rrn or hrt-4 mm f"--. H mr r.WbtMMt. clomp. pTMl'r Abm,ij ut Uint ch. Oaf by 1trmT. lotrrr,. cty n. kisk, in. 7 it. liUAFAK rtno r a 2 CI's "Your Homclite Dealer" f Get HEW ADMIRAL APPLIANCES & FURNITURE . fcr Prices As LOW AS USED La Grande FUKHITlffiE Warehouse East Adams Ave. Eaum Insurance Agency EVERYONE NEEDS AUTO INSURANCE A WRECK COULD WIPE OUT YOUR SAVINGS. Don't take chances. Accidents are not planned. We can arrange a program of auto insurance, nidi win give you complete protect iuii cost you can afford. Call us NOW! at a FAST, EFFICIENT CLAIM SERVICE . . 105 Depot WO 3-2125 Better Industrial Equipment for FARM PRODUCERS A.M. SPRINKLER IRRIGATION SYSTEMS RAINBIRD SPRINKLERS Atla Workshop POWER TOOLS Phillips Red Head Concrete Fasteners BoltsChains Steel Steel Cable GATES BELTS & PULLEYS All Size GE Electric Motors VICTOR Welding Supplies Portable Perm Acetylene Welding Units PACIFIC CENTRIFUGAL IRRIGATION PUMPS Industrial Machinery H10 Adams and SUPPLY WO ?-4623 SHASTA DAYLIGHT by day1 Low fares, no cares just a do-as-you-plcasa day of vacation fun while the engineer drives you to California! Unique Dome Lounge Car for refreshments and super-sightseeing. Coffee Shop for delicious food. And your own reclin ing Chair Car scat, for relaxing, snoozing, read- ' ing, and letting the hours and scenery whiz by. TYi-weekly tervice through December 14. Southbound Monday, Thursday, Saturday. DAILY SERVICE DURING THE HOLI. DAYS, December 15 through January 14. Make reservations now! CASCADE by night Your choice of spacious Pullman rooms or deep-cushion Chair Car seat for a night of pure comfort and composure on this swift, luxurious streamliner. Famous Cascade Cluh-tvo car lengths, for good food, refreshments, convivial gathering. In winter, especially, you'll appre ciate the safety and dependability the train alone provides. ' $19 From Portland to San Francisco ONE WAY $ 344 ROUNDTRIP IN CHAIR CAR SEATS RESERVED SEAT INCLUDED TAX EXTRA outhern Pacific St your loe.l r4i gtnt or writ, B. $. 0vU, Mgr. p. 4 OrsJUb"e R,l,ion DeP- 42 P'ei,it d Porlfnd .!