Observer, L.i Grande, Oic, Th us., D..-c. 3, 1959 P,v,p 7 Market Quotation By United Prtu International PORTLAND LIVESTOCK I'OHTLAMJ (L'P1 1 I'SDA ' -Cattle 50, holdover 80; supply in cludes 2 loads holdover stws; no test on fed cattle hut rlcmand nairow; few utility cows 13-13.50: caircr cutters 10-12. few beef type u.til IIuNein cutters 12.50 13, including or.e load .at 12.65. Calves 25; good-choice vealers Z.-32. Ho(;s 150; holdover ill; slow; few early sales around 5)c luwer, 1 aid 2 butchers IW-220 lb. M; one lot 23ti II). 13. ."li; no early sales sows, Fheen market stealy; gotd-cnoice shor.i lambs earlic; mostly 17-17.50, PCRTLAND DAIRY POHTIWO l-'l'-ra.r nri -kct: Kj.8 To reta.ieiv: Grade A A e :tra la' ee. 43-"k-. A I :i - . 47e; A lai-RP 4:M4c; AA mediu:n .TtM'te; A A smnll 27-32c l-.ii- add tio ial. Butler To ro';ii!eri grade A print-;. 71; It) I le higher. D fruits, wtc I Cheese 'ir.clium ecmd' 'in I retailers: A prate Cheddar siirio ! daisies, 43-5Ic: proceseil Ameri ca 1 cheese, 51b. loaf, i2'i-43luc. n-t.i -. A rn l la-to,: PORTLAND GRAM Coast Delivery Basis White wheat 2(H). Soft white hard applicable 2 00. White club 2.00. Hard red winter, ordinary, no bid Hard white baart, ordinary 2 03 Oats 51.50. 1 Barley 45.50. ' NEW Y03K STOCKS ! new voi:k ieimi so.ks ! moved up todav from thei- opei-, iinj; levels to advance irregularly. ' Small ):aiiis prej-minatrj in the jib tint liie advaice wai raeJ i rnd lacked conviction. SUt-1 issues finned for the 11.0 !"' part. l.ukens. s'ill aided by its move to operate during aiy re-i cuirenee of the steel strike I Jumped nearly Vi. Youngstown, tirrtiDue aid Hethlehem tacked on :rae:ions, while l .S. Sccl Union County Fcnm Suretiy Unit To Bend T- n I'mon 'i-m:y Kai n I'm-eau numbers will alund a iuo-d.iv uueting in lVn.l Thir-dey and Friday to plan tin annual state wide Jueaibr.-liio drive of the drcKn Fjim Bu e: u. Ralph Robinson. I.a Grande. I ..ion County n eniiii rsiiip chair man will be In charge o' th Iccj! dr'ieaticn. They wi'l tr.-ncl bv chartered bus. CONFERS WITH KA3FM ! I'.ACHOA!) 'I'l'Ii - Hep. Ccorp.o Kasern '! Calif.', the 1. ;!y I S ei)!!;-c .s-,i;ni el Ara!ic vl -..cent, coaterre I lor nr. ire thai an hour Thar-dav with Pre mier A'.kIc! Karim Ka. sein which rcse . ;ti t!-.. e lenin. ea-cl 1:1 t')se'pie'it trades. Gains of a Kii"t or mere ap peared in rcme ol the tvrpitly volatile eieeiro'iies. General Time, mined up more thai a point each. IBM I. st arum.d 1. American Mc'.ns fame.1 as did ''hiyskr. (Scleral Minors and Studebake- held a' their previous close. Carter prod-acts more thai a ixint ia th? drtigs. Vick Chemical (iroppe.l a pomi in tin-chemicals. Union's 4-H Club Members 1 levied At Special Party T''i S.-e.-iali "lore loan ends irinpli 173 r,- :le atie dr.f the 411 ach- Ai-a Bushy, . vrrnt n s-,insored by the It e 1 Carm, Fn st Year Pins Norma Collins, t'ath Wavae Cockrell, Vic roiti year cards: Rose MarieJ l.iali iiae ttnrnhiirt, Donna Iroi I'TA last week. Yen White, , ki Prnkt. Roer Evans, Judy Full er, fcheriy (iree:iwoe:l, Dianne Gip- it, Detiais Mahruil. Cathy Milter iedper Orto 1, ,h4iiin'e Mae Hark, Bnrhaia Peterson. Hill liizo". Kath- hy. Joyce Suilbrock, Bev erly Shukl.-. Annie Tarter, Cinda Titus. Kay Whittle Sonja Wheeler, lire 'da Younce Secoi A.- hr.u.i. Do ma Fuller. Joy Hurt Jit. Janice Hughes. Dean Kohler, Koa ald!u d. Priseilla Morrison. Beverly Moullo.1. I.iada McCrae, ke th Ortoa, James Porks. Bar bara l'a:k. Keith Pumphrev, San dy Ka.i U-rs. Cindy Scale, I'atdoee Sti-Aar:, .Stitel. Mike Vo t iw. Terri l.ou Votaw, Margie Watts. Third Year Pins: Siiaron Bauer, Randy lilaek. Wanda Cox, Billy Hill. Anna lluuhes. Barha-a Hut- .1 a-a ,-'r. linioi Urane.i. hirst ia- lira' Ba.-k, pieetetl achieve 1: e .t pins a-.d car ls. Jamas Hit-l.-.r. 1 1 unty Kxtenr'on ascit. show ed c;lnr?d slide; o' 4-'l activities, flre.i hc l.eailers in the I'-ii.-n a ea elude: Mrs. 11:1 .loll -so:-,, Mis. Geo j if- ruts. ,',U". l.!'o Berry. Mrs. riai:k s'c!iroe;i.-r. J.'rs. Virgil 81 inock. Mrs. Walter Tartir.Mr.aid M:s. P.eul.dl Black. Mrs. Hod ley Mi'Lv. Morry Pyatt and Mr. and Mi:-.. Vance I'umphrey. (Tub, mer.i'.iers tecriving pins and IKE PLANS CHURCH WASHINGTON H'PIi Presi det Eisenhower will attend Prot estant church services in Rome next Sunday before going to the Vatican for an audience v.iih Pope John XXIII. Kifenl.o-.vvi will attend 8 a.m. services at St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church in Rome aid I chinsoa, Joseph LoVerdure go to the Vatican at 9:25 a.m. lor his audiorce with the Pop;, the White House itinerary showed. Shop T7J O f T T f fun -V" 1 i nese special Values 1 omorrow ivipht Found eur Cards: Jackie Ber i.v. Judy Edvalsoa, Colleite Elli ott. Cheryl llaefer, Joyce' Nagy. No Progress In " PorMcnd Strike POKTI.AM) III Kederal Mediator Elmer U.lhams met with both skies in I'o-Hand's 23 cay old iiewsp:,.;,.!- s-,;ke day but rrimrted "ro real prog ress was m,: le." The Stereotymrs (' n ion has been on strike a :nm-.t the- morn ir.g Oregoniai and alieriwon Ore gon Jotunnl Mice N..v. It) illiams nu-: wi'h both sides for 2 12 hours af'er two joint nefjotiatiiif. p;v,!K Tuesday. Al thcugh he -aid n real progress was 'made -bmh eon-initlecs ap proaehed their mutual problem. with gmid I, mli :m mtentioa to bargai i." . He said ro fmihi-r ijint meet ings weif solx- ,ii... nti ,;,. w-k. The two r Msr;, ,,. s ,.,v0 publishing eomh.nel editions in the Oregonian plant r-1 I Fia-.ces Sclmiciler, ,lay Potter. Conn'e Witherriu-. Fifth Year Pins: Duma Kerry. Hazel Sudbroek. Sharron Stanford, Ri'a Tarler, Sara Jane White. Sixth Year Card: John I.a Ver dure. Seventh Year Card: Mau reen Miller. The Illack Sea is dilU re it from most seas. There are al most no tides. In the Black Sea all forms of lish and mu rine animals are absent In-low a depth of 480 feet (it is more than COOt) feet deep) because of the presence of poisonous hydrogen sulphide gas. Despite the .salty undercurrent that romes into the Black Sea throii'th a narrow outlet to the Mediterranean Sen, it is only half as salty as the Mediter ranean because several groat rivers supply fresh water w hiih dilutes the salt. (i i:i:.'v. l(iii .lla llrttnnnlca Proposed Dunes Park Considered By U.S. Interior PORTLAND 'CPD - Interior Secretary Fred Seal on Wednesday told Sen. Richard Neub-rger D Ore. 1 that the Oregon Dunes near Flo-enee "ine.-i.'s special consid eration as a ntit onal shoreline." The Oregon senator Said Seaton Homed him that the Budget Bu lean has auvise! enactment of Neulu-rger's p.-o'tosed legislation .iiil l he in accord with the pro p,r;rm ol the President. Nei.hcrs'T sa d this indicates that l-li.-.enhower's administratioi is friendly to his Oregon Dunes Sa'ioial Seashore park plan. Seaton set donii his views in a ;i ,".;:t comoiled for the Senate In-ic-ier Cii''ee m various bills m "or l,:i'! r-':ahli.-nmeai of nat'on ..I st-o-h-a'c parks. The :-'ecr:ta:y's repo-t recom mended against authorization of the (-reiion Danes as a national paik in separate legislation, and requested instead, passage of Neubergcr's bill, introduced at the . icipiesl of the administration, to sane. ion three parks, the senator said. 1 W U 5 i 5AMTA & PAYLESS J i . i PRESENT f CeVEfiEB CMEHBIES ii REG. 69e 2m 2 'iiX miM w ?5 MISS MARVEL LEE & FIRST UOJ ftWf HA QUALITY M IJtUilJ 55 PAYLCSS DRUG URGES YCU TOC? TRY THESE NEW LONGER WEAR nylon: in gm "Si FRIDAY KISIIT soys' mun ' 'La. BEAUTIFUL FASHIONS SMf'llS li 111 UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED it PRICES GOOD FRIDAY NITE 6 TO 9 PjM. 2 .1 ni.iJ I . JLzaiauTvs r Yes. PcniK'v's haves vou plenty oti praetital, good looking spurt shuts! ?m S Warm 4.6 ounce cotton flannel in colorful plaids! SanforizedifV, of coflrse! mi - CANDI CANE LANE Friday Night Special FROM THE STORE THAT OFFERS YOU MORE1 Modern Style, Beige Colored LONE COUCH -Reg. $269.95- SALE " SjiJ-9 F.Il. 00 ONLY SIZES 6 TO 16 SAVE $100.00. C OQS FRIDAY NIGHT I fcfc 8 1 J SPEiiAL AT. 0 At The Store With The Complete Selection JSUBUUIEMBttsS WARDS M O N T C OMERV WARD 1A 100 Acrilan Blankel Reg. 7.98 ON CANDY CANE LANE . . . SHOP THE STORE OF VALUES AND SELECTION GALORE T7. Virgin acrilan Acrylie, machine washes, resists moths, stains and mildew. Pink, blue, green and yellow. (twin size only) 7 13 9 Friday Nile Cnly Friday Night Special BIG. COMFORTABLE EASY CHAIR and MMCIIII15 G1T0MAH Eeg. $149.95 SAVE $50.00 C Q FBI3AY HIGH! xf J) SPECIAL AT & 2 GLOBE FURNITURE Adams & Hemlock Coffee & Donuts To Our Visitors Saturday FURNITURE Adams and Hemlock COFFEE & DONUTS TOOUR VISITORS SATURDAY WARDSllS" MONTGOMERY WARD IT CHENILLE BEDSPREAD Reg. 7.S8 Wedding Ring, Cotton, Chenille Bedspread. Machine wahable, no ironing is needed. (twin size only) 7 to 9 Friday -HUe Cnly Arm Johnson "Correct Apparel for Women" Friday Night t Special! SPECIAL PRICE FROM 7 TO 9 P.M. One Group of Better Sweaters While They Last 5 Good Selection. Choose Earlyl FAMOUS NAME BRAND 3 ftnhr Re3- $225 N0W ? UlUy Eeg $295, NOW ? SPECIAL FRIDAY NITE PRICES HEH'S HAHD TOOLED BliLLFOLBS . Reg. 5.50, Fri. Nile Only -.$3.50 LAURENCE'S JEWELRY CcwtempoMm hp 107 Depot Street FBIDAY SiGBT- SPECIALS 3-Specd PHONOGRAPHS $ ONLY FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY Decca $ Stereo Console. 95 90 PPPI $5 Worth of ' 1 JlilJUStereo Records USED 45 RPM Records 179 8 SAVE 30.00 end receive . FBEE GIFT, TOO! La Gi ciice Fum'iurc Warehouse Friday Night Special r 9'j 3-Pc. Reg. $199.50 Blonde. Spe- ji Plastic Ton rial For Fri- "t BEDROOM SET Nite Only With Purchase You Rectiv Reg. $39.95 Electric Blanket ' La Grande Furniture Warehouse . . . EAST ADAMS For the First Time in History . ' . "amana - Allows a slash in price! ! Cu. Ft. AMANA FREEZER Reg. 619.95 We Give "S.4H." GREEN STAMPS -4 95 NO TRADE-IN FRIDAY NITE SPECIAL ZIMMERMAN'S Zip-Off Hood, Heavy Duty Zipper. Grey, lirown & Tan Sizes 4 to 10. REG. 14.98 FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL! Boys' Washable 6 11 w r4 (AS FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY! 8 p.m. Friday Night We Will Award 2 Turkeys! ADAMS and DEPOT