La Grande observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1959-1968, November 28, 1959, Page 3, Image 3

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    Churches Of The Valley
St. Peter's Episcopal
Rv. C. A. Kopp
Holy Communion 8am Church
school, morning praver sermon at
11. a.m.
Pioneer Park
Church of God
Cedar and Jafferten
Harold w. Ntil, pastor
Sunday school 9 45 a.m. Morn
Ing worship 10 50. 6:30 p.m.. Pre
service prayer meeting. Evening
worship, 7:30. Young p.op'e's
meeting 6:30 pm.
First Baptist Church
Rev. Douslas Field, pastor
Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Morn
ing worship, 11. Evening worship,
7:30 p.m.
Church of God
(Union, Oregon)
Sunday school. 9 45 a.m. Morning
worship 11. Kvening worship 7:
30. Young People's meeting 6 30
First Methodist
Fourth and Spring Avenuo .
C. Koith Mills, paitor
Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morn
intf worship 11. Young people's
fneeting Junior MYF 6:30 p.m.
High school MYF 7.
Assembly Of God
Elgin. Orogon
Rav. D. 0. Johnson, pastor
6unday school 9:45 a.m. Morn
ing worship 11. Evening worship
7:30. Young people's meeting
6 30 p.m.
Gospel Tabernacle
Assemblies of God
' Third and Jefforson Streets
Rav. B. B. Roboton
Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morn
ing worship 11. Evening wor
ship 7:45.
Drinking Workers
A Soviet - Problem
(This is the tenth of series
of twelve articles by the author
of America's most popular hu
man relations column.)
MOSCOW Russia talks dry but
it drinks wet. I discussd al
coholism with lawyers, pro.'essors,
doctors, waiters, maids, taxi driv
ers and factory employes. Every
one says it is "no problem." But
it's apparent they're kidding them
selvesor they were trying to kid
"There are no bars or cocktail
lounges in Russia," my inter
preter boasted. And this is true
but the drunks on the street and
in the restaurants are demonstra
tion enough that the Russians who
want liquor are getting plenty to
While the citizens deny there is
excessive drinking in the Soviet
Union, the government is taking
bold steps to do something about
it. In 1957 a law was passed
limiting each restaurat patron
to 100 grams (about two shots! of
vodka. The ruling does not pre
vent people from going from
restaurant to restaurant, however.
When it was pointed out to a
government official that the 100
gram rule was a farce, he had
this to saj: "'We know it does
not solve, the problem, but the
Swinging Hubbies Create
Problems For 'Weaker1 Sex
Dear Ann: Hooray! I finally
ran across, someone in your column
who has the same problem I have,
prefer Co the wife who complained
because her husband was hitting
her in his sleep. Maybe if I ex
plain the basis for my troubles,
it will help "Back and Blue" under
stand hers.
My husband started poking me
during the night very early in our
marriage. . I, too, had more than
one shiner. At first I used to get
mad and wake him up and ask
what's the big idea. He didn't even
know he had done it. He apolo
gized and felt terrible.
Then I got to the bottom of the
problem. Before we were married
my husband shared a bed with his
brother Leonard. Leonard was
always socking my husband and
kicking him in the back. Leonard
was bigger. SO my husband used
to wait 'until Leonard fell asleep
before he'd clobber him.
Now, after all these years, it's
hard for my husband to get these
old memories out cf his mind.
When he hits me at night he does
not mean anything. He just thinks
he's back -sleeping with Leonard.
Don't Mind.
Dear Don't Mind: Thanks for
your noble effort to help Black
nd Blue understand her prob
lem. When you et tired of buy
in, beefsteak for that eye, why
not toll your husband if he dot
net stop baiting yxi he could
find himself back sleeping with
Leonard. 'I'll bet this will cut
Elgin Church of the
Volney A. Johnson, pastor
Sunday school ;45 a m. Morning
worship 11. Eveuing worship 7 j
p.m. Young people s meeting 6 45
p.m. NYPS. 6:45 p m.
Our Lady of the Valley
Catholic Church '
Sunday Masses. 810 a m. Ben
ediction with the Most Blessed
Sacrament immediately after the
10 a m. Mass.
Elgin: Mass every Sunday at
8 a.m.
Union: Mass Sundays at 9 30.
North Powder: Mass on Sun
days at 8:00.
Assembly of God
James McCauley, pastor
t 45 a.m. Sunday S. hnni
a.m. Morning Worship. Evening
worship, 7:30 p.m.
Church of the Nazarene
Birch and Y
Rev. Lawrence Abla
Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Morn
ning worship, 10:50. Evening
worship 7:30. Young peoples meet
ing 6:45 p.m.
Zion Lutheran
I Ave. on 4th
E. W. Kasten
Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morn
ing worship 11.
Union Assembly of God
R. L. CRAMPTON, pastor
Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morn
ing worship 11. Evening worship
7:30 p.m.
Church of Christ,
Cor. First and Washington
Sunday school 9:30 a.m.. Sun.
day morning service 11. Nursery
at 1707 teoar M. Heading room
at 429 Adams Ave.
walk, between drinks helps a lot."
A popular gimmick to get around
the gram law is to bring a bottle
of vodka from home to celebrate
a birthday. I saw an unbelievable
number of Russian "birthday
Vodka is 80 per cent alcohol
and packs a mean wallop. The
government has steadily raised
the price to discourage drinkers
and vodka is now expensive. A
liter (which is a generous quart)
cost $3.10. As the price of vodka
rises the price of wine drops.
Four vodka plants have been
closed in the last 18 months and
the penalty of operating home
stills has been doubled. Anyone
caught making vodka in the bath
tub must spend two years in jail
I learned from a Russian lawyer
that the government was forced to
clamp down on the vodka drinkers
because factory absenteeism due
to hangovers was increasing. He
also pointed out there were too
many "vodka soaked" court cases
involving crimes of passion 'and
family problems.
Moscow has seven sobering up
stations. Russian winters are so
bitter a drunk would freeze to
death in a matter of a few hours
if he were left lying in the street
down on the nocturnal casualties.
Dear Ann: My mother consider
ed me the perfect child. She always
Knew i a marry rnnce Charming.
Well, five year's ago I married the
only man I ever loved and the only
one she hated.
After our marriage she refused
to see him or even speak his name.
For over a year I tried 'without
success) to get her to accept him.
When she became furious because
he came to pick me up at her
home I could no longer tolerate it,
so I broke with her completely.
For two years we did not se
each other. Then the family doctor
phoned to tell me Mother had had
a heart attack end should not be
left alone. My husband insisted
we take her into our home.
Since she's been with us we have
not had one dinner in peace. She
constantly ridicules my husband,
corrects his Eng'ish. and tells me
how I disappointed her by marry
ing a man beneath my social level.
I'm a nervous wreck and leave the
dinner table in tears almost every
night. What shall I do? Ran p.
Dear Rene: Your first obliga
tion it to your husband, and
from your letter ho sounds like
a gem worth hanging en to.
Malta plans immediately ta
move Mama out, and contribute
te her support if necessary. If
she managed two years without
you I assume she has seme in
dependent income. The alterna
tive may be a brake marriage
or a monstrous doctor bill to re
store your own shattered health.
St. Margaret's Catholic
' Church
Sunday Mass, 9 am. Holy days,
St. (Catherine's
Catholic Churches
Sunday Masses, 7 and 10:30 a m
lolv days. 7 a.m. and 6 p.m.
St. Mary's Catholic
Sunday Mass 8 a in.
Elgin Christian Church
Rev. Lester Wells, pastor
Sunday school 9:45 a m. Morning
worship 11. 2 P m. Sunday school
teachers and officers meet. Even
ing worship 7:30 p.m.
Emmanuel Baptist
(Pythian Hall, 90S M. Avenue)
Sunday school, 9 45 a.m. Morn
ing worship 11. Baptist Training
Union, 8:30 p.m. Evening worship
7:30. Cooperating with Southern
Baptist Convention.
Salvation Army
211 Fir St.
Lt. Oakley Summers
Sunday school 9:45 a m Mnrninf
worship 11. Holiness meeting: Sun
day morning. Evening worship
7:30. balvation meeting: bunday
Church of Nazarene
(Union, Oregon)
REV. A. R. MACDONALD, pastor
Sunday school 10 a.m. Morn
ing worship 11 a.m. Evening
worship 7:30 p.m.
First Baptist Church
- Sixth and Spring
Rev. Victor Zacharias
Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morn
ing worship 11. Evening worship
7:30 Young people's meeting 6:30.
There are four age groups meet
ing. Jr. High BY, 6:30.
Hendrix Methodist
2103 North Fir
Rev. Neal van Loon, pastor
Sunday school, 9.45 a.m. Morn
ing worship, 11 a.m. Evening
worship, 7:30 p m. Young people's
meeting, 7 p m.
Methodist Church
Elgin, Oregon
Rev. V. A. Bolen, pastor
Sunday school, 10 a.m. Morning
worship, 11 a.m. Young people's
meeting. Youth Choir, 6 p.m.
M.Y.F., 7 p m.
Full Gospel Pentecostal
Elder ZEDELL JACKSON, paster
Sunday School 10 a m. Morning
worship 11:15 YPCW 7 p.m. Even
worship 8 p.m.
Union Methodist
Rev. Dwight Williams
Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning
worship 11. Young people's meet
ing 6:30 Youth Fellowship and
Junior Youth Fellowship.
Cove Methodist
Rev. Dwight Williams
Sunday school 9 a.m. Morning
worshin9:45. Youne Deonle's meet
ing Sunday evening, 6:30, Methodist
Youth Fellowship.
First Baptist Church
Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning
worship 11. Baptist Training Union
7 p.m. Evening worship 8. Cooper
ating with Southern Baptist conven
tion. Summerville
Baptist Church
Mr. Lester Johnson, pastor
Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Morn
ing worship, 11 a.m. Evening wor
ship, 7:30 p m. Young people's
meeting, 7 p.m.. Training Union.
Church of Christ
Corner X and Spruce
. Bible study, 10 a m. Morning
Worship, 11. Lord's Supper, 11:45.
Evening service, 7:30.
L.D.S. Church
Walter A. Bean, bishop
Sunday: 8 45 a.m.. Priesthood
meeting. 10 a.m., Sunday school:
t-30 p.m. Sacrament meeting.
Metvin Westenskow, bishop
Sunday Services: Priesthood
meeting 9 30 a.m.; Sunday School
11 a.m.: Sacrament service 6:30
p.m. in lower chapel.
First Presbyterian
Sixth and Washington
Rev. Louis M. Samson, pastor
Suday School, 9:45 a.m. Morn
ing worship 11.
Kingdom Hall of
Jehovah's Witnesses
Residing Minister, M. Burling
Morning service, 9 a.m. 3 p.m.,
Public talk.
Calvary Baptist
Rev. M. Murl Gaseoway, pastor
Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning
worship II. Evening worship 8
Young people's meeting 7 p.m.;
training union, 7 pm.
Assembly of God
' Reverend Frank N. Crane
Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morn
ing worship. 11. Evening Worship,
7:30 pm.
i ma a pc- Mm mm
Theta Chapter. Those
cheid, Jackie rune
New AAembers
Join Sorority
Kive n w members were wel
comed into Ikla Theta Chapter.
Epsilon Simula Alpha, Nov. 10.
Betty Drummund, chapter presi
dent, conducted the Pledge Pin
Ceremony assisted by Norma Hunt
and Betty Bohnenkamp. The hus
band and wife banquet followed
immediately at The Wheel.
Those receiving their pledge pins
at this time were Marjorie Ber
scheid. Maria Williams. Donna
Hill, Jackie Punches, and Javene
Decorations of dry materials
and fresh flowers were cleverly
done in the sorority's co'ors of
blue and gold. Marilyn Wylam
and Betty Drummend were in
charge of the decorations.
After the banquet all members
and honored guests spent the re
mainder of the evening dancing.
Lutheran Church
Starts New Year
Zion Lutheran Church will ob
serve th? beginning of the new
church year this Sunday at its
Advent Sunday service befjinning
at 11 a.m. The Bev. E. W. Kasten
will speak on the theme, "A New
Day a ChaMcnge fur Christians"
'Komuns 13:11141, and the s"nior
choir, directed by Mrs. Leona Ire
ten, "will sing the anthem. "O
Come. O Come, Emmanuel."
Mrs. E. W. Kasten will serve as
the organist.
New violet altar and pulpit
paraments for th? Advent season,
made possible by the Ladies' Aid.
will be dedicated at this service.
The Board of Parish Education
will meet at the usual time.
The Lutheran Coll"ge Students'
group will meet Thursday at 5:30
p.m. beginning with a dinner, at
the home of Dr. and Mrs. W. D.
Spear, 208 Spring Avenue. Dr.
Spear will lead in the discussion
of the topic, "Communism and
First Christian
901 Pennsylvania
Rev. Wallace N. Hastings, pastor
Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morn
ing worship 11. Communion of
the Lord's Supper. 6:45 p.m. Dis
ciple Student Fellowship, 7 p.m.
in the church.
Haines Methodist Church
Tom Foster, Minister
Church School, classes for all
ages, 9 a.m. Morning worship at
10. Methodist Youth Fellowship
7 p m.
Faith Lutheran
(Missouri Synod)
6'h and N '
(Neighborhood House)
Rev. W. F. Biel, pastor
Adult Bible class and Sunday
school at 4 p.m. Worship at 5 p.
Faith brightens the lives of men
and through the ages has given
new purpose to their existence.
Faith brings us consolation in
time of sorrow . . . hope in time
of despair. Show your faith, at
tend the Church of your choice
every Sunday.
This Space Contributed In Behalf Of Churches Of The Area
"ew members were honored at a banquet here recently, by Beta
lose receiving pins (left to rich! I Donna Hill. Marjorie Bers
hes, Maria Williams and Javene Lohaugh. (Observer Photo)
Rockwall Orange will hold a,
tnnlm.- Tie., benefit dance at
their hall. Saturday evening be
ginning at 9 o'clock.
La Grande High School Band
Alumni are planning a "Get
together." Any interested band
alumni from the year 1955 through
'59, please contact Wendell See
or .Margaret Skaggs.
Merry Mixers will hold a square
dance in the Inibler Legion hall.
Saturday at 8 p.m. All square
dancers welcome.
Blue Mountain Gem Club will
meet Monday at 8 p.m. in the
Woman's Clubhouse at I'nion.
Potluck at 7 p.m. Brine, own
To Speak Here
The Itev. and Mrs. Forrest
Travaille, Presbyterian mission
aries on furlough, will seak to
the Womens Association at their
regular monthly luncheon next
Thursday, 1 p.m. at the church.
Rev. Travaill" is director of a
cooper;. live farm at Chiengrai,
Thailand. A unique experiment in
rural Christian work, unused land
obtained from the government is
being farmed by 511 selected
Christian fanii'ies with marked
Kev. Travaille will also speak to
the Geneva Fellowship group
Thursday, at their dinner meeting
at the Manse at 5 30 p m.
The Kev. Louis M. Samson will
preach on "The Princ of Peace"
at the 11 a.m. worship service
Sunday in the Sanctuary of the
Presbyterian Church. The choir
under the direction of K. I.yle
U Mullen wi'l sine as their an
them. "Rejoice Today" 'Darst
solo by Max McGlassen. Friendly
club will meet at the Manse Mon
day, 6:30 p.m. for a polluck sup
per. Boy Scout groups at the
regular times at the church. Junior
High Fellowship Thursday 7 p m
at the church. Choir practice 7:30
L.D.S. Church
Elgin Ward
Priesthood Mtg., 9:15 a.m., Sun
day school, 10:30a.m. Sacrament
Mtg. 11:45 a.m.
L.D.S. Church
Union, Oregon
Bishop Arnold Kohler
Sunday school 10:30 a.m. Young
peoples' meeting. Sacrament meet
ig Sunday, 7:33 p in.
North Powder
Community Church
Tom Foster, Minister
Church school 10 a m. Classes
for all ages. Morning worship 11.
table service and rock for auc-
lion. .
Youth Activities teen-age dance I
will be held in the Armory, Sat
urday between 8:30 and 11:30 p.
m. Music will be by disc jockey, j
Small nominal charge.
Neighborhood Club will hold a
regular meeting. Tuesday at 2
p.m. in the clubhouse. Mrs. Louis
Samson will have the program, i
theme "Keeping Old Traditions,"
also musical numbers. v ,
Mr. and Mrs. Churchill Smith,
2112 Walnut Street, have a son
born Nov. 24. in the St. Joseph
Hospital. They have named him
Kiindall Lee and he weighs seven
pounds, 12 'ounces.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thompson,
Elgin, have a daughter born.
Nov. 24. in the St. Joseph Hos
pital. They have named her Al-:
berta Carrie and she weighs seven
pounds three ounces. J
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Kirkland,
2003 Greenwood Street, have a son
horn Nov. 25, in the St. Joseph
Hospital. They have named him
Jeffrey David arid he wieghs eight
pounds, 14 ounces. j
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Eckstein,
Elgin, have a son born Nov. 25. '
in (he St. Joseph Hospital. They
have named him Mark Leland and
he weighs six pounds and six
Eagles Auxiliary drill team end
officers will hold a practice in tluir
hall, Tuesday evening at 7:.T.
A Drivers License Examiner
will be on duty in La Grande on
Tuesday at 106 Depot Street be
tween the hours of 9 a.m. and
5 p.m. Persons wishing original
licenses or permits to drive are
asked to (ile applications well
ahead of the. scheduled rlosinc
hour in order t'o assure time (or
completion of the required license
Celebrating birthdays today are
Margaret Elmer, Alicel, Nancy
Voruz, and Glen Muilenbiirg. La
Grande. Tomorrow will be .lark
Bicker, Leland Hardy and JnAnn
Douglas A. Abbott, seaman ap
prentice, USX, son of Mr. anil
Mrs. James If. Abbott of 2708 N.
Birch, La Grande, is serving wilh
Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squad
ron Four at the Ream Field Naval
Auxiliary Air Station, Imperial
Beach, Culif.
The mission of helicopters as
used in Anti-Submarine Warlare
is to seek, find, and destroy enemy
submarines with the aid of sonar,
a sort of "underwater ear."
10c Tube Glue
Now 'til Christmas
Olvert , Grande, Ore.. Sat., Nov. 28, 1959 Page j
Woman s World
MAXIXK NTKMI, Woman's Editor
Churches Start
Thar 'Christmas
Re!t?ioi ii America
CPI Si H Writer
' l:-i' Ii l.( Sx'.Imv In
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"ton luw , ., hcrt.sini; fur
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Advert, t!,.. ,lllr W(,lk
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Reci. LiiVe Emphasis
1.1.1. IV !';,. Iv-lVntuI a-H'l Is Of
' ie li:.!i- ..inuliasii T.
sea.soa has 1hV:,,,(. ., .,.t ll,u.h
rally r. M;iu fr ,.,. ,tiiii. ',v ,.f.
furl I" nia,.i;ai.i ,, s,.,Mai'ee
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hcavm riiiiii,M.,i,.d eh. ist-
J-Witp Aaaira
v - ib ' ' r
3 ROLL BOX 360"x20"
Siway JBiiilder? (
SfK iV. SET )
'- 1 M This set Includes !6'4" power
A ' '-- shovel. I iV dump truck, deluxe
f tif 'ti"""Vx 1831B" road gradrr and two f
I l'i m- road birrirrs. All steel I I
V! r W . fl, nniiructicn with rubber
Xt A 'Cw' aj" tjwhefU mil treads. Bright T
JI.Cr"V. enamel finish. I
or ?s?Rc9-iio
$mP L99H l
j'Ji? C'tjf THIS SUNDAY ( (
Is Coming7
This Sunday ami throughout Ad
vent, churches will tie telling their
members that it's simply not pos
sible to "keep Cltnst in Christ
mas" with a few last minute ges
iures like reading Die second chap
ter of St. Luke's Gospel to the chil--dren
on Christmas Eve.
I'nless professing Ch-istiais
start thinking about Christ and
the awesome signilic ince h:ch
they attach to his birth as early
as they start planning menus and
Kifl lists, the churches will say.
the r.'ligious assets of the holli
day will remain a suit of embar
rassing appciulagc.
Many Cfer Suggestions
Many dencniina'.ioiis will otter
their inemlwrs sxcific sugges
tions on how the Advent season
can lie made a time of spiritual
preparation for Christmas. In ad
dition to the obvious prescription
of regular attendance at church
services, the typical program pro
vides for informal family worship
activities, built around ancient
.symbols like the Advent wreath
and the Creche.
TO 5 P.H.
REG. 87c
Sunday Only
10 lb. Box Fancy Grade
:y Grade
Red Delicious
Reg. 1.49...