La Grande observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1959-1968, November 28, 1959, Page 2, Image 2

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Observer, La Grende, Ore.,
r ilk .
ALLY-OOPS R. C. 0vms. San Frairaifco 49er end,
famous for his Xilv-Cop catches, goes fprawiing one
way and the ball another as he Crops a pajs from his
Quarterback Y. A. Tittle in the second quarter of the
Green Bay Packers 49er game at Green Bay, Wis.
Dan Curri'e (58) of the Packers helps Ovu-ns earthward.
Ski Enthusiasts Eagerly Await
Opening Of Winter Season Here
Winter la; dropped its inowyic.ilaliuns fur i.iore than 100 per-1 weekend bu( recent warm wcath
rtantle ?cro s the : holders of-unt with night skiing possible tnler may have curtailed the plans.
the Blue Mocntai.-iS :.nd more
tkicrs thin ever are amirf out .
the approach of another s--jen I
Where oniy a few years aJo :,
koU.rl, .lr. c li r. ,.. il -,l I Iff-
.1,1 ,.nih ,.; :,'t a naw ihe stale
hiehwav .lenarlmenl lists III ski '
areas in die st ite.
The best knevn n:-.i in Vorth
eastern Or-gr-n is the Tollilat"
f.pout sprlrg. on sti.le hi: h.'.y ,
204, nr.rth of f.a (Jianile ar.d ea t,
of Pendleton. I.a 1. ramie skiers
have t choice w.lii the i.itlle Aip; '
just 2C m.les of: Highway 31 west I
01 noun r..v.HT.
The Little Alps offers skiers a
v,,. ni . ,,, i,-,.,i,
!,nd eating pl::ces.
There are three cable tows al ;
the l.ilt'e Alp area v.ilh one ln'in'4
used as i "bunny low " The ma-
jor low has a ilrop of ai.n leei anj
is 1800 feel long. The s eond low
has a drop of 500 feet and is more
than 15(H) feet lull)'.
Lunch CscMter "
There are no overnight facili
ties available at Little Alps. Dur
ing Ihe day there arc parking
. spaces for more than 125 cars
and a lunch counter where short
order meals are available.
Little Alps also offers a com
plete line of rentals, including
skis, boots and poles.
Tow tickets are $175 a day
with a i educed rate for children
under 12. Season tickets are also
available. An individual member
ship (or persons over 12 is $20
fur Ihe season. A family ticket
can be purchased for $30 for the
Little Alp ski personnel arc un
certain as to when the area will
open. Last week's warm spell all
but caused Ihe eight inches of
snow in the area to disappear.
No special events have been con
firmed at the Little Alp area so
far. A spring frolic has been
held in the past and is tentatively
scheduled for this spring.
The Tollgate - Spout Springs
ares will offer a variety of attra
ctions through the year.
Night Skiing
The area has ovcrni-'ht accom-
On? GfcBnrfaED Gtffcozffl
Here's 10 discount
if you
mf Mf
tit H tin
can say:
ni ytm mtt drivinf intlda 10
Airtional damant-ooaud ye '
bnrSood Pimm Iwutux Crou
1011 Adams (Across Slreei From Posl OHice)
PHONE WO 3-3711
Nell Andersen
Sat., Nov. 28, 1959 Page 2
ve'hcmls. The
is parkin;? spac;
i .r :. C car.
'J'hiv" rope tows operate every
':' t x;-t pt Monday and will be
U ' It ''( nf ( I this VP.'ir Kv n lll'V
li'ail T-bar. The T har i a sbm. -
'.") :):-ojecl.
Blue Mountain. Ski Club
v ill :.i.:i.sor three major Pacific
N nil west juiior ski events al
: ,(:. tiii ; year.
ut ge nerally has 10-12 in
- i ct :n s available for lessons,
ibis year n French National Ski
School ins;riK-t;ir wiil be at Spout
Knrin" -
' , .. , .
l,u' f-yraJds icceived confir
r.iatic.n from immigration offiei
5'n that the instructor will be
leavine. Marseilles within Ihe
week. Me will be at Spoul Springs
EOC Ski Club
The Si-rut Springs area had
planiicd to op! n Thanksgiving
Grande Ronde Valley Leagu
(ila.s lrug
Colonial Hut
B.iums Ins.
Inland Mach.
W. C. Tele.
I' N.W. Pipe.
Hi ynolds. Ins.
I' ai nam's Sup.
21s, 22 'j 27635
1!) 25 2761M
19 25 27177
Ul'i 25'j 25750
Singer Sow. Ma. 16 2)1 27916
Hills Of. Ma.. 14'4 I9'i 27292
Duniels (2571) Cn.wnie Brimm
211. S62.
Cla Drug (2630) Myrna Woodcll
171. Virginia McLaughlin 404.
Colonial Hut (2441) Melba Cater
179. 4titi.
haunts Ins. (24641 Shirley Down
I7H. 433.
Inland Mach. (2477) Elizabeth
.Snyre 168, 490.
West Coast Tel. 2.37) Pat Peter
son 184. 495. '
Falks (2526) Tholma Vaughn 165,
Pac. N.W. Pipeline (2532) Jeanne
Fraser 171. Jessie Fowler 460.
KeynnMs Ins. (25101 Betty Denl-
Jtm f 0 Wt CUm-fra dmuM
jmm Btir aula bwimica pnoiua t jo
m mem tnaund wiih th
mm "ip -
I'OUTI.ANU 'l PI i MeJford
High Schocl won the stale Class
Al football title Friday night by
handing Portland's Jefferson High
k in defeat " 45 games 7
to 6.
The crowd in Multnomah Ma
j: .. 91 .112. the largest ever I
uiuiit ' "
to see
i prep piayoii game w
An 80 yard punt return by sen
ii.r halfback Ken Durkee and Skip
Dennett's run lor the extra point
ihe southern Oregon team
the points it needed to cop its
first prep line since w,
Jefferson naoc a ureal conic
back late in the game in an effort
to pull victory out of the fire. The
ru mutrats were shooting for whal
would have been their third
straight A-l crown.
After holding Medford on its
own six yard line, Jefferson
moved to the 34 on a pass and a
15-ya d persona! foul against Med
ford. Mcdferd Line Holds
Then the Demo ac Mel Ite ifro
la 'ed back and shot a loig pass
that end Herb Washburn took in
the clear on the Medlord 30 and
ra1 for the TU O complete (he
GC-yard drive.
Hut, the big Medford line rose
up to thro Harvey Ja- kson on
his attempted run for Jelfe so.i'r
extra p""1'
A ski instructor's clinic is set for
the weekend
While the ski areas are prepar
ing for the skiers arrival, the
skiers themselves are doing a
I1iI preparing. The ski club at
E" Ore'!on tolle8e 'Wily
held an election of officers.
Jack Hoffman, Pendleton, was
l"cled president; Bob Miller,
Milton - Kreewater, was named presidint, and "Vad" Kelsoe,
I.a Grande, was elected sccretary
t'tasurer. The college ski elub is planning
lo develop a ski team and to par
ticipate in intercollegiate meets.
They will also participate in the
-ki Carnival held annually at Mt.
Hood by Portland State College.
H ?h school officials are plan
ning a trip to an outside ski area
lor members of the senior high
srhrol ski club.
Once the snow gets here,
skiers will be gono.
son 212. 496.
Farnams Sup. 2562 Miriam King
158, 448.
Singer Sew. Mach. (2509) Blanch
Brown 167. Maxine Reed 407
Hills Off Mach (2410) Judy Chad
wick 166, 459.
Flral Standings First Round
Cherry's Florists 32 12
Hall's Typewriters 29 15
Hub City Foods 28 16
Pacific NW. Pipeline 27 17
Fire Dept 25 19
F.Iks No. 1 23 21
Meadow Gold 19 25
Glass Drug 18 26
Armstrong Furnace 16 28
Farnams' Supply 18 28
Laurence's Jewelry 16 28
Lennox Furnace 15 29
Lennox Furnace (2799) Wayne
Jones 198; A. Thompson 526.
Cherry's (2837) Howard Zumwalt
213. 546.
P. NW. Pipeline (2945) Jack
Cochran 204. 597.
Armstrong (2803) Warren Jeder
berg 209, 533.
Meadow Gold (3015) Mel Elder
S52; Bill Cummings 215.
Laurence' (2932) Bob Turner
205; Hal Cochran, 526.
Elk's (2827) Glen Young 180. 496.
Glass 12860) Don Bradshaw 176;
Karl Lacer 477.
Fire Dept. (2868) Bernard Gruis
1P7. 505.
Hub City (2971) John Shephard
244. 672.
Farnam s Supply (2783) Don
Payne 191; Hank Miller 527.
Hall's (28651 D. W. Hall 234, $71.
San Francisco Giants will play
only one home douhleheader next
season memorial day' twin
bill with Ihe Chicago Cubs.
You can save 40 percent with a new
pre manjifactured home
Many plan to choose from, also custom built to your plans
Inquire for cabins, bunk houses and motels. Write todav for
full Information to
8811 N. E. Sandy Blvd. Portland, Ore.
Good Turnout Of
Fans Yearning For Wsnnirsg Season
iji JI Hil I
mmm M mm m m mmm m m m
There is a new league, a new season and new hope beat-
nS the hearts of La Grande
Coach Jack Kainey Greeted
lettermen, for the Tiger hoop
drills. The Tiger crew boast
jnttc spirit. " ,
The Tiger mentor, starting must 01 dim firuuiema in
hand. Jleading the list of vet-
erans is the "Must Valuable
Player," Hay Westenskow .the
man who got the most rebounds,
and also Buck Corey and the man
with the most points, Jirn Mil
liard. The Tigers' most soiious prob
lem, as they rirll for their first
season of competition in the In
termounlain c nference, is their
Hod Chandler
(63) is the tallest member of the
squad likely to see action. Three
more players to? the mark at 6-
Corey, Gary Vol uz. .and Hon
Coleman. From there on it's all
down. Bob Robeson and Erin En
dicott both stand in at 6-0 even.
Many Hopefuls
The list of lettermen inclirles
Westenskow 5-10i. Dave Carman
'5-11, Ken Ilildebrandt '5-llr,
Stevo Smith (5-9), Corey and Bil
liard (5-11), Robeson and Chand
ler. Five more candidates are
senio. s in addition to the I tt r-
men. Tliey include Dale Peterson
(5-10). Rc.n Coleman (6-2), Johni
D?Bolc (5-9', Endicott and Gary
Miller (5-9).
The "core" of the ball club
will come from this solid group
of tested performers. Th- only
three jun'ors who have a chance
to make the ciub at this early
spot are Buddy Milliard, Dick
Marks and Voruz.
Milliard, displaying the same
deft touch employed by brother
Jim, and Marks paced the junior
varsity in scoring last year. Vor
Ui, at 205 pounds, will give some
backboard beef needed to bol
s'.er the varsil squad and provide
relief for the veterans.
The Tiger speed comes from
Carman, Milliard. Corey. Robe
Son and Deboic. Carman is rated
one of the top sprinters in East
em Oregon. Milliard is a football
halfback who had his season cut
short by a broken wrist. Both
boys possess that quick, power
speed. Robeson and Deboie have
the deceptive speed and quick
ness so essential to getting points.
Goad Spirit
The spirit is a carry-over from
the Tigers' successful grid sea
son. The Tiger hoop squad will
have eight members cf the foot
ball squad suited up for their
games. The spirit generated by
the La Grande drive for top con
ference honors is being carried
over to the hardwood and could
be a decisive factor in their suc
cess. Milliard will be the main
threat to the opposition. He has
a quick, cat like grace that fre
quently breaks him loose under
the backboard for lay-ins. He can
also score from the outside with
a variety of shots.
Rebounding duties will fall on
the husky shoulders of Corey.
Coleman, Chandler and Voruz.
Once league play starts, this
quartet will be called on night
r.fter night to control the boards
against teams that possess great
el height. Their ability and suc
cess could very well make or
break the Tigers' chances.
Smith-. Westenskow and Car-
Prep Playoffs Remain
School Activities Association's leg
islative body voted 17-6 Friday in
favor of retaining fcotball play
offs despite an amendment intro
duced ta eliminate them.
The decision will apply to all
high schools in the A-l. A 2. B
11-man and B 6-man classifica
In Aluminum and Wood
Miller's Cabinet Shop
Greenwood and JtfHrton
m Eeu
Staff Writer
High School basketball fans.
4(i candidates, including eitiht
squad on the opening day of
experience, speed and a ter-
his fifth year at the helm,
- '
inan are tluec take-c-harge men.
Rainey can rtly on any one of
,no 10 Pr0VIle ,ne "oor lt'an
trship and capable direction need
ed under pressure on the floor.
Jack Rainey, right, coach
mentor with the most. Ray
the Tigers "Most Valuable
I r ii . . I ,1 lis f " !
illv Hunter Shades Miteff,
Earns Shot Against Machen
NKYV YORK iL'l'I' Heavy- ner of his left eye. wher? he ha J
weight contender Billy Hunter
gets a shut at fourth-ranking
Kddie Machen in Madison
Square Garden, Dec. 18. for ris
ing from the canvas and beating
gory Alex Miteff again Friday
night in their return TV fight at
the Garden.
Machen of redding, Calif., ac
cented the match by telegram.
Tall, slender Hunter of Detroit,
weighing 101-1-2 pounds lo Miteff's
203-1-2. won a split 10-round de
cision over the broad-shouldered
Argentina contender whom he had
stopped in the seventh round al
Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. 25.
Friday night's verdict was
booed by the 3.000 fans.
Billy almost scored another
seventh-round technical knockout
over Mitelf. who suffered two
cuts on the brow and outside cor-
The better your home
of us
when you
think of
is all
we ever
think of
when we
think of
Adams and Hemlock
Tioer RasketeersST'
Th'; littii ti.ra sewing p-R-l .
;!l hi ve to come from Robeson.
. Petersen and Debo.e. with help
l:om liucMy Hillird and .Murks
Still Cripoled
The older Milliard still has his
v. ri.,t taped, and Ilildebrandt re
cently liot off crutches. The vet
'ran'll'ldcbrandt still has lo be
considered a question mark until
lit can shake off the effects of
the long weeks in the cast.
This is potentially a very good
'.all club. Mow we will stack up
with the rest, of the league is
questionable. The potential f"r
the best ball club in years is
here," said Hainey.
t a r.rande finished fourth i"
the now defunct Clue Mountain
eague last year with a 6 10 re -
of the La Grande Tigers is a
Westenskow, left, was voted
Player" last year. Buck Cor
been sliced a: Syracuse. Friday
night's wound on the brow was
more tha t an inch long.
Dr. Samuel Sv.etnick examined
the blo.dy cuis but permitted
Ihe fight to continue and thereby
pi evented
his third
Hunter from scoring
consecutive seventh-
round kr.yo. Li addition to the
Srptemlier victory over Milefi.
Billy had slopped Tony Anlho ly
in the seventh rcuncl a! the Gar
den. Oct. 23.
NEW YORK il'PI) - The New
York Ranger have recalled Jim
Spencer from the Springfield In
dians of Ihe American Hockey
League to aid a defense weakened
by the injury of Bill Gadsby.
Spencer. 21. appeared in nine
games earlier this season.
the better your living
College Opens
With 4 Games
Here Next Week
Coach Bob Quinn's Eastern Oregon
College basketball team opens its
1959-60 season here this week with
4 games at the college coliseum. Op
ening game is with Northwest Naz
arene on Tuesday, followed by Col
lege of Idaho on Wednesday and
University of Nevada on Friday and
Saturday. All games start at 8:15
Phone WO 3-5614
'"u. Ino Tigers were 8 1 "r
:.'ie season but by all indications
-rouiu improve that mark.
Only two players
hare gone
rorn last year's squad. The se
cond leading scorer, Bernie Sim
,sen, and Jim DrUcoU, were lust
..a graduation.
With the large group of can
didates on hand, the Tiyeis will
Mlempt a three team schedule
There will be varsity, junior var
sity and sophomore action sched
uled through the year.
The Tigers open their iyS'
.rhedule against Union I1'. 4.
Their home opener is a seek lat
er. Dec. 12, against the s:iir)e
learn. Tickets for all home games
may uc- ooiaincq iy i-.i
!iigh school.
ey got the most rebounds and Jim Hilliard scored the
most points fr.r La Clw.nde last year. The three veter
ans form a sriltd core for the Tiger hoop team.
(Observer Photo)
Dave Ragen Cops Lead
In Pa!m Beach Open
Tall. Dave linsrn. 22. Orlmdc.
went into the third round of the 'Buffalo 3 Rochesler 2 (overtime)
West Palm B ach Open co'fl lOnly game scheduled"
tournament today with a three- C.llere Basketball Results
stroke lead, knocking seven strokes i Okl.i s Bao. 65 Friends (Kan.) 52
o.f par for a 65 and two-dnv
totrl of 133.
Jay Brewer stood second with a
total card of 138. Arn-ld Palmer
tnot a 75 frica for a 3 wav t'-ird
TWO spine-t;n3lers
TJhiiftfi ON
Fiqures Up
Bt'STON H'l' The Ameri
can U-jimc iittracted 9.U9.454
fans to ea.iie'- during (he 15
Alison, it ,K't yeaT in attend
rmce sine President Joe
Cronin anr.ouaced today.
The total rcrrescnted a net in
crease oi 1 'a 4a'- or anoul W
P"r cent, over the 1!8 season
ri;.-!i drew 7.!.fcH tans.
The New Nork Yankees drew
the laiK' st crowds last season,
i.i2.03il. and seven of (he eight
clubs sho.'.e.l ;.tterda:iee increas
es over the i-rcvioiw season. Only
th. Bo.-tr.n iied Sox showed a
The t-Tevel.aid Indians hnl the
Aay in tow ing I1-'.'" totals by
drawing l.-)'..7.!i'.li, an increase of
tM.171 fans. The pennant-winning
Chicago White Sox, by drawing
1 423,144 fans to Comiskey Park,
h.nd a gain of B23.C33.
By United Press International
AHL Results
v'Kia. i
lilnds 7!) St. Joseph's 62
place lie at 139. Pacing him were
i Gardner
Dickirson and Pete
! Coopc r.
Also Sunday,
Monday, Tuesday
: fi j,. ki
I5 il
"Hound Dog Man"