La Grande observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1959-1968, November 27, 1959, Page 3, Image 3

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Changing Profession,
Challenges for Union
Ccn'inued From P9 '
pa.ticulary troublesome tc tho
,o vols.
Difi Troublctomt
One el the diseases is pulmon
ary emphysema. Ine di.sease is
respiratory ailment with asthma
:ic smptums and oftm results in
New Diseases Provide
County Veterinarians
Observer, La Crunc'j, (j.r
a I1 cf the anii:'a! under critical prohlrm in Baker and
It i iilii in:iiinuniejlle Wallowa mtmtuN and is expect- that rupid aains made by beef
ii.l'ow iir.roduction ed to sprt ..d thmnli I'nion ("turn- cattle, due to improvenunts in
. to h; :. i . , stui e. liv in ihe iiture. . breedin( and nutrition, seem to
";r lui b of cattle in I'nion ; lie-oarch is now being carried ;hne made the animals less re-
;it't.'r!r'l In- the li- on to dcveloii M anti-toxin for situnt to this particular illness.
m .r;, .ltl(j lU, A.rt waj tin'Oiseasc. i he v tt rinrians say
1,1 '" li l. is ti.-co.n? a the disease .iiip.ireiitly s un
t r.-n&
Msv. 27, 1959 PagS 3
Valley Farm-Ranch-Home
Bill Dcbouf, Editor
1 i .t ..r-'S
In k "3
.,, CONFERRING ON A SPECIAL CASE Dr. Jeff Kovath, left, and Dr. John Ferdi
,; nandsen, both cf La Grande, check reference volume during conference on a spec-t-
ial case (Observer Photos by Bill Bebout)
:i rS--'i,.V v.-'Vi.:' wjJ
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r" fit---
. rtrfA t'irv:: ' : ' , rT-
a few decades alio anoiinc . j.
Cat Xi.nis. iiiey saiu.
As new ehallenKes face the vet
erinarian, they work constantly
to keep pace with new develoo-
mcnts to meet the challenges.
They are aware of the problems
which face the livestock produc
ers nd they strive to find the
answers which will improve liv
slock production. 1 '
Ttry tre now doing more
pregnancy testing in cattle than
ever before. Through examina
tions in the fall, the vets can tell
whether a cow will calve in the
spring. This saves the rancher or
farmer the expense of wintering
a dry cow.
They al..o are checking bulls
for fertility in the spring. Some
eight per cent of the bulls in Urf
ion County are sterile, they said.
Carries Supplies
The Clinic carries a full line of
veterinary supplies and medi
cine to be sure that all livestock
and pet needs can be taken eare
of promptly. Modern equipment
is on hand to assure effective
treatment of the animals with an
X Ray machine and surgery facil
ities. -
The Clinic also has pens and
runs for dogs and cats which are
boarded at the Clinic for area
residents who need a place to
leave their pets while on vaca
tion. ' ' ' ' .
Keeping in close contact with
the loe-al Extension office, the
veterinary department of Ore
gon Sinte College and Washing
ton State University, the D3ir
work to keep abreast of their
ever-changing profession.
The work they do with Union
County livestock aids in the de
velopment of livestock produetin
through better breeding and ''nu
trition and as a result, a sounder
agricultural economy for the
Dr. FfciUr.atulson pietisms switches, left, a Dr. Kovath handlts X-ray rqachine dur
ing treatment of horse. X-ray machine is part of the modern' equipment "available to
'the veterinarians at their La Grande Animal Ciii.ic.
it-;- ff-lfW
Union County r " - ; mf 3
Wheat' League BT, $
Holds Meeting pmfi .fL I P
rt - - - t - - . ' . -T, t
Dr. Kovach is "floating" Tinker's teeth in the above photo. Tinker is owned by
Sam Kinzer. Dr. Kovach explains thau horse's teeth grow out to needle sharp points
which cut the gums and make it painful or impossible for the animal to eat. The
points must be filed off periodically. Holding the horses for the veterinarian is
Chuck Gavin, Union County agent.
'Rigging' Hit j
By Officiates
At Stock Show
temptei "riagg" of the Inter-'
national Livestock Exposition here
may lead to jitiffcr measire?
aaainst caeang at the nation'?
11 major cattle shows, expos tio.i 1
officials said today. '
Fourteei stcrs were kicked ou
of the show Wednesdav because :
someone had injected liquid, air j y-r.
or irritant in their flanks to fill ; .' I
them out and make the aiimals
look bctt?r. -v-
ine steers were cnminaieu u..
e'.er a rulo. banning any trick to
change an animal's natural ap
pearance. Arlie Muchs, exposition vice
president, said it was the first
time such action had been taken
in a-.v major livestock show.
But' Mucks said all 11 major
livestock shows now have acreed
to enforce the nr.ti-chcatmg rules.
Mucks said the r.a.'iCS of the
exhibitors of Uie difeiualifwi cat-
tie would not be releal because
the rigging could have happened
before tne prese it o r.ers bought
the steers.
However, exposition rti:es state
that exhibitors.. herdsmen r man
agers of aitered steers may be
banned for life from the '
Ihc disqualification of the H
steers cut Ihe field to 3-'' Junior
contest judging opencJ tiilay an"
was to end Friday
v :
better public relati.n- f . y ..J 1 fa
he wheat Rrowers and j i -L . t C ,', -Tho
nle Helm indieatr-1 that IV f v ;. -l " " " ' ? 1 ne
A W-.-.-ii 1 " . . .'
' .Hssri--; . -,-;:f.
Tublic relations counsel, frei "ht
ate problems, and a labelinr
ion at the annual I'nirn conn-
y Wheat league meeting h.'ld
aruer inis liio.iui.
i.ari iieim, union Louniy w neai ' ff
grower, iea oiscusion on u"
needs for
hetween the
srban people. Helm indicated that . v
t. nop nu-n enmmunitieQ. till . tT tii3' ir
veiage citizen does not und
land the problems faced by the
Aheat grower. The group ex
ressed the desire to hire a pub
-c Telatirns counsel to better in
'orm the public and passed thei-
eeommendation on the Oreron
'.Vhoat League for
Tne State Industrial
"nmmi'sion came
ilon during the
rs in at'etidance
d over the hi
-harped and were concerned
il out Indicated hiither rates. TV
-mtip also nronos"d a letter' to
lov. Hatfield asking that a farm
preppntative be anpointed on
he present board that is' review
ng the State Industrial Accident
"ommisson's potieio1!.' The- n!so
I'Ved that the anrr.lnled bnnrd
-li'dv naricultural rates now in
Roland Srhaad. Rt. 1, U.
Grande, asked that the group con
iidor a labeling act on all;
-eeds. ASchaad indicated th?
wed bemg sown on Soil Bank
'ands were from countries outside
the U.S. He indicated that grass
seed was a natural crop for those
with insufficient
md Indicated that foreign pro
duced seed Was trikintr over our
Tiarkets. Those assembled ag'eed
nd the rerue?t will be sent to
the state meeting for statewide
Election of officers found Syl
van Rasmussen as president; Phil
Cuthbert, vice president, and Ted
Sidor reelected secretary.
Tilts Art Mad
Selwu-d groups of cattle ln(
Oregon hae receiveul the anti
toxin imioculation this year and
r' cords and observations arc
being made by Oregon vctoririar- '
ians on the results of these ex
periments, they said.
I 'Mil more effoctive remedies
can be developed, a gradual re
adjustment of Ihe animal to less
feed or less pasture is suggested
as one method of reducing cat
tle susceptibility to pulmonary
emphysema, the two veterinar
ians said.
The other disease is leptospiro--is
The disease causes abortions
and late pregnancies in cattle and
'irst became a threat t o I'n
on County livestock production
in 1952. Since then it has spread
throughout the valley.
The disease Is a critical prob
lem throughout the nation and
las; year cost livrs'ock producers
tliirt.w.n M.:!t:
i IMIIIUU iiuuai a,
A vaccine is available to pre-
i vent the disease and rs best given
; in the late fall the pair stated.
. Sprina Routine
In the spring the veterinarians
are called on to perform many
caesarean sections in ctrws in Ihc
county. It is a routine operation,
they said, which is also pcrform
. d on dogs and cats.
Amputation is one of the rarer
tortus of surgery which the pair
occasionally must perform. Am
putations are usually made on
ogs which have been caught in
traps and the bones are too badly
broken to successfully "set."
v "The animals adjust vory rap
idly aftir an amputation and a
dog or cat can run just as fast on
three legs as it can on four," Dr.
Kovach said.
' Both doctors pointed out that
bones can he set so successfully
today that a case of amputation is
very rare.
Changing Rapidly
Veterinary medicine is chang
ing rapidly through basic re
search in the colleges and univer
sities and the clinical research of
Senator Says I
Farmers Can't
Beat The GOP
C.eorge D. Aikei iR-Vt.) said to
day the Kepuhlica-s can't be heat
"n in I90 on the farm issue alone
even though there is no 'prospect I
of passing major fat in legislation j
-ext year.
Aiken, ranking Republican ;
member of th? Senate Agricul
ture Committee, said in an ir.te"
'iew that uiy "'farm revolt"
otild not have Ihe severe politi--al
impact of a deca.le ago.
"The number of ihhviIc engaged
in agriculTUve is not over 10 per
cent "of the total nopulation," Ai-j
ten explained. "And while agri
culture is losing people, the rest
population is growing by
id bounds.
Republicans can't be bent-
V j 11 o: mat issue alone n;xt
r action. t . . i . ji-vj-i' '7 ..,--i."
ustrial Accident I-'-V' J" -,T -C '1 vV ,-"' -t i . ,
e under discus- h C, -VJ
meeting. Farm- .,; J .., ",' .1 - n
e were concern- J . AT " - , A..' -J.T i.
,-h rates binc 1 1 1 ' JT"."'. "I"
t f'
t V.
'avy Mondhy decorated Rear
Adm. George J. Dure, who has
,iayed a leading role in U. S.
....'arctic expeditiois during the
1 nst 20 years.
On behalf of Preside it Eisen
hower, Adm. Arlcigh A. Furke,
chtef of naval operations, present
vd Duftk his second Distinguished
Service Medal. Dufek commando!
"Vavy forqes in the antarctic dur
ing the ,9S7-1!8 International
Geophysical Year.
We Have It!
Everj' Power Drill
Owner Should Have One!
For Screw Driving
O For Nut Running . . .
On Or Off
For Heavy Duty Drill
ing For Power Tapping
4100 .
. lLm m complete
1410 Adams
WO 3-4423
. . :.r . - - x
Dr. Kovach examines slides in modern laboratory at the
La Grande Animal Clinic. Full lines of veterinary drugs
and supplies ire handled at the Clinic for Grande
Konde Valley residents.
Compltt Units To Your OriUr
Killer's Cabincl
TAKING X-KA Or HORStS FOOT This is a close-up
rhotograrh of the horse's foot from the view of ihc
X-ray machine. Film plate is attached to the opposite
side of the foot and the machine's eye is pointed at the
foot to gitt the picture.
wheat acreage i Sfcti0uli2iW'7ffJii!4jlETT!Zl
You can save 40 percent with a new
pre manufactured home :
ARCHITECTS ' I - , . "
Many plans to choose from, al o rtist. m built to you' fja.n'''
'nouire for cabins, bunk houses' and moteli. Write ,ul
full infoimation to
8811 N. E, Sandy Blvd. ' Portitnd, Ore.
T.ese Are
Most Essential!
Be certain you have all of the
right kind of insurant protec
tion. ' ' ' '''
make sure your coverage 1g
ways up-to-date. We - process
yor claims!
7 We handle only old line and
proven concerns. Call tbo'ay.-'
105 Depot La Orinde WQ