La Grande observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1959-1968, November 27, 1959, Page 1, Image 1

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Fair through Saturday;
h'9hi 37-44; lows 1218.
74th Issue 64th Year
Dr. John Ferdinandsen checks ears of German Shorthair at the La Grande Animal
Clinic operated by Dr. Ferdinandsen and Dr. Jeff Kovach. Note the look of con
centration on the dog's face. He's interested in the diagnosis too. After all, it's his
ear. Additional pictures on the work of Union County's two veterinarians can be
found on today's farm page in The Observer. (Observer Photo)
Local Vet' Medics Key Men
In Livestock Production Here
Observer Staff Writer
Dr. Jeff Kovach and Dr. John
Ferdinandsen are key figures in
the development of Union Coun
ty livestock production. Their
concern is the health of the coun
ty's livestock. That concern is
paying .off tor the ranchers and
farmers of the Grande Rondo Val
ley. The two veterinarians, both
graduates of Washington State
University, own and operate the
La Grande Animal Clinic. Located
on the Island City Highway, the
clinic was opened by Dr. Kovach
in 1946.
In 1953. Ferdinandsen joined Ko
vach at the clinic and a program
to expand facilities to better meet
the needs of county livestock pro
ducers was started.
The clinic today boasts modern,
sanitary facilities for the care of
animals in the valley. Some 60
per cent of the cases handled by
the hard working pair of doctors
arc the big animals cattle,
horses, sheep and pigs. The bal
ance of their practice consists of
dogs and cats and occasionally a
Outside Calls
Most of the larger animals are
cared for outside the clinic in
the barns and fields of valley
ranchers. The veterinarians are
Trials, Executions Continue
From 1956 Freedom Revolt'
Sir Leslie Munro of New Zea
land, special U. N. representative
on the Hungarian question, report
ed today that trials and execu
tions resulting from the 1956 free
dom revolt in Hungary still are
being carried out.
Munro, In a formal report to
the General Assembly, said Rus
sian troops remained in H e coin
try an assurance by Hungar
ian Prime Minister Janos Kadar
that "the time will come when
Soviet troops will be withdrawn."
Both the Hungarian a"d Soviet
authorities, Munro said, had re
fused him pernvsslon to visit Hun
gary in his capacity as a U. N
representative and had returned
his correspondence to Secretary
general Dag Hammarskjold with
out reply.
Trials and Executions
"It would seem reasonable to
regard agreement by the Hungar
ian authorities to a visit by my
self to that country in my capa
city as U. N. representative as the
indispensable preliminary acknow
ledgement on the part of Hungary
of its willingness to fulfill its ob
ligations as a memler of the
United Nations. - - .
'Five nrisin sentences were
handed dov-n between last March
I 1 ' ' '-
on call 24 hours a day, seven days
a week to care for the sick live
stock and pets of area residents.
A corral and chute for the
handling of the big animals was
constructed at the clinic in 1954
and an operating room for large
animal surgery has also been
built and fully equipped. . -'
"The most important phase of
our work in the county is in the
prevention of diseases in live
Diplomat In
Firing On
barked and the winds stirred the
fallen autumn leaves along a
woodland bridle path.
In this "rustic, peaceful scene
a tall, graying Danish diplomat,
who two years earlier had let
flutter from his hands atop the
United Nations Building the
charred bits of a list he burned
to protect families of Hungary's
freedom fighters from Commu
nist reprisals, was found dead.
In his right hand was the pearl
handled .25 caliber pistol he had
bought years ago for protection
from Nazi intrigue. There were
powder burns around the small.
round hole in his right temple
24 and April 1 to defendants
charged with conspiring to over
throw the people's democratic
state order." acco-ding to the
Hungarian Telegraph Agency.
Munro reported.
On Oct. 17, a Hungarian spokes
man told weslcrn newsmen in Bu
dapest that sentences had been
carried out in connection with al
leged crimes committed during
the 1956 revolt, he said. Ten death
sentences w?rc reported and eight
executions were said to have been
performed on or about Aug. 13
Some 26 prison sentences were re
ported. "In February and March," Mon
ro's report said, "the trial took
place of a large group of young
people accused of, according to
the statement of an official Hun-ga-ian
spokesman on 13 March,
'political crirrcs committed in
1958.' As to the sentences imposed,
definitive information is not avail
able." , Kadar Claims Slanders
Munro cited a statement made
by Kadar on Oct. 31:
" in recent weeks, for exam
ple, two extremely vile slanders
have been spread through the col
umns of the western press, with
a tendency obviously hostile to the
Hungarian Peoples Republic.
stock," Dr. Kovach pointed out.
Programs of vaccination to pre
vent serious diseases from ravag
ing herds of cattle are carried out
throughout the year. These pro
grams have shown positive re
sults, according to Chuck Gavin,
Union County Extension agent
and""livft,tock specialist for the
Two diseases in livestock are
Stt MEDICS Paga 3
Suicide, Blames UN
'Top Secret'
and a suicide note tucked into
the breast pocket of the once
neat blue suit.
Dismissed from Pest
Pvol Bang-Jensen died at 50, a
year and one-half after he had
been dismissed from a high ad
ministrative post in the U N. for
refusing to turn over to the
world organization a list of 81
Hungarian names.
He had gone to Austria in
1956 after the Hungarian uprising
to make an official U.N. investi
gation of the revolt that left a
mark on history. He brought
back the story of the uprising
from 81 refugees, but he refused
to give their names to the U.N.
First, they published a list of 31
people who they claimed had re
cently been executed in Hungary.
Naturally, all the names were fic
tit ons. . .
" 'They invented the story re
cently that there are quite a few
young men in prison in Hungary.
According to them, the govern
ment is waiting for them to be
come 18 years old and then they
will ho hanged. Of course, every.
hotly in Hungary knows that news
items of this kind are untrue and
constitute vile and dastardly pro
vocations ...
Munro, rejecting the Communist
contention that the U. N., being
prohibited by its charter from
dealing with domestic affairs,
cannot legally deal with the Hun
garian situation.
Soviets Fired Shots
He accused the Hungarian au
thor.tics of "constructing a fanci
ful version" of the freedom revolt.
"But. in fact, what happened in
Hungary in October and in the
early days of November. 1956. is
no mystery. Not even the Hun
garian authorities have sought to
maintain that tanks other than
Soviet tanks shot at the Hungarian
workers in 1956 when they were
endeavoring to set up a govern
ment controlled by the Hungarian
people themselves.
Holiday Auto Death
Toll Climbs To 119
By United Pr International
A blanket of snow and sidf
dishes of "clean" cranlierries
combined to make Thanksgiving
lS9, reminiscent irf an old-fash
ioned. bob-sled turkey day.
But the automotive one was
etched into the accidental death
The final highway fatality toll
soared far beyond the 90 dead
expected by National Safety
Counc I experts.
I'nited I'ress International fig
ures for the 30-hour holiday show
ed 119 persons killed in auto ac
New Savings,
Loan Opening
Planned Here
The new La Grande effice of
the Pioneer Federal Savings and
Loan Association, headquarters in
Baker, will be opened shortly after
; the first of December.
" . J Bill Thomas. La Grande, chair
. , man of the board of the loan
lirm, said that the building, for
merly occupied Dy Moae-u-uay
dress shop, had been leased by his
group. ' -
The bui'ding is being completely
renovated, with a new front
added, a lobby for the Interior and
large office space with two teller
windows, a reception room and
conference facilities.
Nam Manager
Donald R. Guyer, an employe
of the loan firm since 1946, will
manage the La Grande office. He
and his wife, FJva, and 12-year-old
daughter, Ellen, will move
here shortly .
Guyer, an Oregon State College
man, served as a captain in the
Marine Corps as a naval flier
during World War II and the
Korean conflict. He Is a member
of the Masonic lodge. Elks and is
affiliated with the Methodist
Guyer will be assisted locally by
Mrs. Katherine Hadden, La
Grande. Mrs. Hadden, a 1951
Union High School graduate, is the
wife of Boyd Hadden. They have'
two children. Gregory. 7,. an4'
Pamela, 6. They reside at 1615
Washington St.
in fear their relatives or friends
still in Hungary would face re
prisals. He was fired for insubordina
tion, and when he destroyed the
list tlie secret names were locked
in his memory.
Bang-Jensen was not a man to
give up easily, although his dis
missal from the U.N. cut him off
from the diplomatic field in
which he had excelled for 20
years. He had spoken out against
Discouraged About Treatment
"This is a senseless, useless
sort of thing," he had told his
American wife, Helen Noland
He and his wife continued to
live in the nine-room, two-story
home at Lake Success. N. Y.
with their five children after his
"He had no choice about the
list and he had no regrets.' 'his
wife said. "Pe.haps this is an
old-fashioned code of hovor."
But he was discouraged about
his treatment at the U.N. He
took a job with CARE, an inter
national relef agency at less
than half of his $17,500 yearly
U.N. salary.
Biggest Bank Swindle
'Ends' In Tragic Saga
one else is involved in this terri
ble mess but Johnnie Her.drick
son." Soon after writing those words
in a suicde note. Long Beach
banker George A. Hewlrtt shot
himself th'ough the heart and
ended his part in what may have
been the biggest bank cmticzzlc-
ment ever perpetrated in tne
United Sta'es.
Nearly four million dollars is
involved in the swindle.
Once Bankrupt Plumber
John R. Hendrickson. 40. who
rose in five years from a once
bankrupt plumber to a business
tycoon, was indicted Wednesday
by a federal grand jury for his
part in the scheme which asscrt
edly bilked the East Long Beach
branch of the U. S. Bank of San
Diego of 13.714.710.
"We hacn't used any of this
ourselves." Hewlett's note con
tinued "H has all gone to
OREGOkicdiii av NOVEMBER 37, 1959
''lents. m in flIl.Si 7 ilir.
i n j 'illal"ll's anii 1! persons
'u" in miscellaneous uce'dents
ur tal of 155.
(alifurnia led the nation in
"May with 16. fol
lowed by :hi with 9. Michigan
Pennsylvania wi:h 8 each. Ok
lahoma nh 7 New York with 6
"nd Alabaira. Florida and Texas
with 5 oath
01i fashioned turkey dinners
were spiced by old fashioned
cranberry sallces tai,Ke(j wjtn a
new-fangled government seal of
Discovery that some cranberry
crors had been sprayed with a
IHwsible cancer-producing weed
k"W had sparked fears (hat
cranberries uotild be taboo this
ihanksgiiirj: But government in
Mctors orked day and night to
clear thousands of pounds of the
little red berries in lime for dis-
Oregort Boasts Clean
Slate For Highways
SALEM; ITU - Oregon ap
parently made it through the
Thnaksgiving dav holiday with
out a traffic fatality.
The State Motor Vehicle Depart
ment said no fatalities were re
ported between the hours of 6
Pm. Wednesday and midnight
piay on grocers' shelves and
consumption around Thanksgiving
Much of the nation had a white
Thanksgiving. A snow storm
swirled out of the Rockies to
dump 14 inches on Boulder. Colo.,
then moved eastward to western
ew York state with fluffy lev
els up to a half foot.
thanksgiving, which began 338
years ago with the Pilgrim Fath
ers of Plymouth, Mass., reached
the nation's western frontier
about 5.OH0 miles away-with Ha
waii's gala statehood celebration
U.S. Planning
New Moon Try
After Failure
L'P1 American space scien
tists today swallowed the disap
pointment of their Thanksgiving
Day moonshot failure and pushed
ahead with plans for the next U.S.
moon probe.
Informed sources sa'd another
payload already was available
but that no specific vehicle had
been chosen for the attempt to
orbit the moon. It could be an
other Atlas-Able, biggest rocket
ever built in the free world, but
an Air Force Thor-Ahlc or an
Army Juno II appeared more
The next "ideal" time for a
moonshot would be a four-day pe
riod around Christmas when the
moon makes a comparatively
close approach of 221,000 miles
from earth. But sources indicated
a mid-January date might be
more feasible.
U S. space emuhasis meanwhile
shifted to an expected mid-December
launching of a Thor-Able
to hurl a sun-satellite toward the
orbit of the planet Venus. That
probe will carry a transmitter
capable of radiating signals back
to earth from 50 million miles in
U was a 98-foot At las-Able that
was aimed toward the moon
Thursday in an effort roughly
equivalent to hitting a fly in the
left eye with a rifle at a distance
of six miles.
The bullet was a 372 iou:id ball
of electronic equipment lucked
away in the rocket's bulging top.
' But Hendrickson.- who filed
bankruptcy proceedings in 1H55
and now owns six California bus
iness firms and lives in a pala
$75,000 bayside home with
h's wife and seven children in
San Rafael, Calif., claimed he
knew nothing about the embez
zlement when taken into custody.
Find Cathier Checks
Federal investigators, however,
found 83 cashiers checks totaling
.MO in Hewlett's ga'agc, all
me out to Hendrickson.
Also found were five checks
"jwied by Hendrickson totaling
"5,000 and marked "unsufficient
funds," pius a half million dol
lars more in checks made out to
one of Ilcndrickson's seven firms.
Today the wealthy manufactur
" await, a Dec. 7 hearing to an
swer charges in connection with
-what US. Atty. Laughlin E.
Waters termed the largest em
""Element in this country's
inking history.
N. McRae bashed hit wifa in
the htad with a table la
Thursday when she complained
she had no money to buy
anything for a Thanksgiving
Twa hours later. Municipal
Judge Andrew J. Howard sent
the l-ytr-old unemployed
plasterer to the district jail for
JO days.
Ha got there just in time
to have a Thanksgiving dinner
of turkey and all the trimmings.
Meanwhile, hit wife Wilma,
with 10 ttitchet in her head,
want home to her 7-year-old
ton. Their icebox was empty.
Cubans Demand Death
Penalty For
HAVANA U'Pli A govern
ment attorney has demanded
death by firing squad for "Col.'1
Austin Young, of Miami, alleged
leader of an anti - government
band in western Cuba, and 30
years' imprisonment for "Maj
Peter J. Lambton, a British
born American said to be
Young's chief lieutenant.
Aldo Prielo Morales also urged
that 36 Cubans arrested with the
two Americans after a skirmish
in Pinar del Itio Province two
months ago be imprisoned for 30
years. The 38 men were charged
with plotting against Premier Fi
del ( astro and murdering a sol
dier killed in a clash with the
Young is a former resident of
IndianaiHilis, hut he left his wife
and three children in Miami
wheir ha cam Cu'ux Lumhton
lives in Nassau, capital of the
Government demands for .the
punishment of the two Ameri
cans came on the heels of the
announcement that Argentine-
Two Motorists
Draw Citations
Two La Grande motorists were
cited for violations of the basic
rule Thursday.
Bruce Le Roy Beanun, 2806 N.
Maple St., was cited for traveling
48 miles per hour in a 25 mile
zone on Spruce Street at 525 p.m.
His bail was set at 123.
Charlotte Ann Long, 2001 Sec
ond St., was issued a citation for
traveling 35 miles per hour in a
25 mile zone near the Second
Street overpass at 4:31 p.m.
Miss Long was released on $10
Hearings on both cases were
scheduled for 3 p.m. today.
W 1 rs
Wjtl I7J. J:..L. J
Jean Wick second from left, was honored this week by Mt. Emily Lumber Company
for her achievements in Union County 4-H Club work. Jean recently was selected as
one of 12 sectional winners in national 411 forestry competition. She will receive an
all-expense trip to the National 4-H Club Congress in Chicago, Nov. 29 through Dec.
3. Jean is shown here chatting with a Mt. Emily representative and her parents
prior to the recognition banquet in her honor. From left are Mrs. John Wick, Jean,
John Wick, and Glenn Parsons, Mt. Emily Forester. (Observer Photo)
8 Pg
BOMBAY, India (LTD The U.S. consulate general re
ported today that U.S. Marino Corps Sgt. Robert Armstrong
was seized by the Chinese Communists and beaten during
five hours as a prisoner in the Red Chinese Consulate. '
Armstrong, of Martinez, Calif., assigned to the consulate
general staff, finally was rescued by Indian police after a
complaint was lodged by the U.s.
consulate general
A consulate general official said
in a statement issued tonight that
Armstrong was held for five
hours in the Chinese Communist
Consulate garage and beaten with
his hands tied behind his back.
After his release, the bruised
Armstrong was taken to the con
sulate general housing area
called Lincoln House, about a hall
mile from the lied Consulate
born Maj. Ernesto "Che" Gue
vara, a vehement critic of the
United States, has been appoint
ed president of the Cuban Na
tional Bank.
Guevara, a physician with lit
tle or no experience of banking
or finance, replaced Felipe Pa
zos, a moderate who had been
regarded as one of the most re
sponsible officials of the Castro
Cuban and fore:gn businessmen
expressed amazement over the
choice of Guevara to replace Pa
zos, who was one of the (minders
and first president of the Na
tional Bank when it was set up
about 10 years ago by ousted
ex-President Carlos Prio. He
resigned when Trio was over
thrown in 1U52.
Jean Wick Receives' Honors
From Mt. Emily Lumber Co.
Jean Wick, daughter of Mr.
md Mrs. John Wick, l a Grande,
was honored this week by Mt.
Emiiy Lumber Company for her
.ichicvements in 4-H work this
Jean was Oregon State 4 11
forestry champion and is one of
12 national winners in 411 for
She left today with the Oregon
delegation to attend the Nation
al 4-H Club Congress in Chicago.
Nov. 29 to Dec. 3.
Allen Courtright, president of
the Union County 4-H Leaders'
Association, presented Jean with
a travel iron, and Lanetta Carter
played flute selections, accom-
panied by her mother.
Jean gave a report on her ex -
Fiva Cent
w 1
Armstrong's beating came as t
sequel to the action (if a Commu
nist Chinese Consulate official
who defected and asked the U S.
consulate general here for politic
cal asylum. '
Sought Tape Recording
In Washington, the State De
partment said Armstrong had
been kidnaped while guarding the
Communist General official. -J
Officials here identified the de
fector as Chang Chien-yuh. ;
' He apparently sought asylum
with the Americans first, and thea
changed his mind.
He had made a statement about
his views on a tape recorder and
apparently took that back with
him when he returned to the Com
munist Consulate General. "
Armstrong followed, thinking
that Chang had stolen the tape re
cording, and apparently was at
tempting to recover it.
When Armstrong entered the
gate of the Chinese Communist
Consulate General compound, oU
fit-fiils said he was "grabbed by1
many Chinese, dragged inside;
taken to the carage and detained
there with his hands tied."
Bombay police confirmed they
rescued Armstrong from the Chi
nese Reds after a complaint front
the U. S. Consulate general.
The police refused further clar
ification. ' '.
In Washington, State Depart
ment press officer Joseph W.
Heap described the incident as
"high-handed, outrageous thing"
on the part of the Chinese Reds.
periences in 4-H forestry and re
sponses were also given by Mr.
and Mrs. John Wick. '
Ron Walk, principal of the La
Grande High School, and two of
her teachers, Mrs. Opal Chapman
and Mrs. Bob Quinn, reported on
her school activities.
Talks were also given by Mrs.
Arthur Gulzow. Carol Brownton,
Margaret Huber. Ted Sidor. Ber
nal Hug. Sr., and Glenn Parson.
James Huber was master of
ceremonies for the dinner. Others
in attendance included Mr. and
Mrs. Milo Blokland, Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce Morehcad, and Mrs. Glenn
Parsons, all of Mt. Emily Lum-
ber Company; Don White, state
farm forester; William Peacock,
4 II forestry leader, and Harold
ana Jimmy Wick.