La Grande observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1959-1968, November 26, 1959, Page 1, Image 1

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Fair through Friday; U
tonight 11-25; high Friday-.
73rd issue 64th Year
20 Pages
Five Canti
IP!fPSi!Thani(S9ivin9 DaV Gizzard
Out Of The
Ik ami
Big Area
ii a v w a v i - -. " ... a
Grande Junior High
School ninth grader, pre
sents gift of food, to Lt.
Oakley Sommers, Salva
tion Army officer here,
in behalf of the student
body. The food was gath
ered at an assembly yes
terday. (Observer)
Junior High
Donates Food
Junior high students had the
feel of giving yesterday a! their
ainual Thanksgiving assembly.
Kach room when called passed
in a line adding their contribu
tion, to the growing pile of food
This food, winch was presented
to Lt. Oakley Sommers, is used
to make baskets for needy fam
ilies on Thanksgiving and Christ
mas. The Rev. Wallace Hastings
spoke on the First Thanksgiving
and the true meaning behii.d it.
Lt. Somme:s spoke briefly on
the pleasure derived from giv
ing. Doug Hia't, chairman of the
assembly and a member' of the
student council, presented the
food gi't. He in turn thanked
the student body for the abun
dant gift. Ninth grade boys re
mained to help load the food.
Church Leaders Take Opposite
Positions Over Birth Control
WASHINGTON H'PI Two fore:gi aid funds to promote "ar
noted Protestant leaders today de- tific al birth prevention" in coun
plored a' statement by L'.S. Cath- tries suffering from population
olic bishops opposing a w use of pressures.
rf?fiffl Penut Buttr
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Americans Everywhere Today
Are Observing Thanksgiving
United Press International
In city slums, in stately
mansions, in isolated farm
houses, Americans today
paused for Thanksgiving.
The traditional Thanksgiving
Day feast crowded tables from
coast to coast and for many it
was turkey with all the trimmings,
including cranben ies.
For some, however, there was
death, United Pti' International
counted 34 traffic fatalities since
the holiday began at 6 p.m
Wednesday. In the 16-hour period
there were two fire deaths and one
miscellaneous fatality for a total
of 37.
Ohio led the early parade of
iath with two highway fatalities.
Florida. Michigan, New York,
Virginia and Oklahoma rciwrted
one death each.
The National Safety Council did
not estimate a national traffic
death toll for the 30-hour holiday,
trom 6 p.m., local time, Wedes
day night to midnight tonight. But
the council said the average traf
Will Be Open
9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Mon. thru Sat.
During December
Open Sundays
12 Noon to 5 p.m.
fic toll for a 30-hour period at this
time of year is 90 and predicted
the Thanksgiving casualty count
would go little higher than that,
since the turkey day holiday is
not a time for drinking parties
and "one for the road' drivers.
The weather put a crimp in
many holiday plans by sending a
blizzard howling out of Montana
through Iowa and laying a snow-
26-Member : Ciiizens
Group Studies Sewage
A 26-member citizens committee
was appointed by the city com
mission last night to study the sew
age disposal system problem and
come up with a specific proposal
by Feb. 3.
Commission President Gorden
Clark anounced that committee
members were free to study the
problem in any manner they
wished. He offered the facilities
Fpiscopal Bishop James A.
Pike of San Francisco said the
stand taken by the Catholic hier
archy would "condemn rapidly
increasing millions of people in
less fortunate parts of the world
to starvation, bondage, missery
and despair."
He demanded to know whether
the policy enunciated by the bish
ops is "binding on Roman Cath
olic candidates for public office."
Dr. John C. Bennett, dean of
Unon Theological Seminary in
New York, said it was tragic to
see Catholic leaders pressing "a
point of view on birth control
which has no sound moral or re
ligious basis, and which has been
rejected by most other Christian
Charge "Immoral Policy"
The Catholic statement, issued
hc:e Wednesday night on behalf
of more than 200 U.S. cardinals,
archbishops and bishops, charged
that "pessimistic population pre
dictors" are trying to stampede
the United States into an "immor
al policy' of promoting birth con
trol measures in under-developed
The prelates served notice that
American Catholics would not
suppott any use of pnblic funds
to help establish programs of "ar
tif.cial birth prevention" at home
or abroad.
They reiterated the long-standing
Catholic position that the only
"natural" and therefore "morally
permissible" means of limiting
births was through periodic ab
stinence from sexual relations.
ice mixture on Tennessee highways.
The storm brought eight inches
of snow to Montana, four inches
to parts of Iowa a id Tennessee
and three inches to Colorado. The
snow, accompanied by freezing
temperatures and driving winds,
turned highways to ice and raised
official fears of a traffic
of the city and whatever mutorial
was available to the city for the
commission to study.
Dave Slaght, city manager, was
appointed temporary chairman of
the group until they have time to
meet and elect a permanent head.
The first meeting will be held in
the commission room on Dec. 8.
Large Committee
Citizens appointed to the commit
tee are: Louis R. Blikuey. 1221 X
Ave.; Horace J. Nelson. 703 k
Ave.; M. L. Dodge, 1608 K Ave :
Dr. Douglas Eustace. 2004 I Ave.;
Dr. J. L. Engle. 1507 Second St.;
Eugene Millering. 1904 Adams
Ave.: Mike Lynch. Alder Street;
Robert E. Williamson, 1606 Wal
nut St.; Robert M. Smith. Alder
Street; F. E. Emery. 1304 Alder
St.; Coy C. Hamilton. 1413 Adams
Ave., and John J. Gregory, 205
Main St.
Other members o' th" study
group include: Dr. J. Deatherage,
1302 West St.; Al Long, 2001 Sec
ond St.; Lee Stoner. 1501 Oak St.;
Orville Lee. 1414 Walnut St.;
Robert C. McFarland, 1705 Alder
St.; Gerald Twidwell. 1511 W Ave.;
Herman Skala, 1407 Sixth St.;
Alfcrd H alt. 1807 V Ave.: Harvey
West. 1806 V Ave.; Virgil llolin.
2804 Birch St.; Em-rson Smock,
202 Wa'nut St.; Carlos Easley.
503 Fourth St.; Ken Li'lard. 1(116
Foley St.; and Roy Bechtel. 1110
Aldef St.
Santa Claus Makes Official
Visit To La Grande Friday
Santa Claus makes hit first
ipearance in La Grands tomorrow
for official opening of the Christ
mas season.
Santa, in a special message to
the Observer today, said that he
will arrive at 7:30 p.m. with a
sleigh full of candy canes to carry
out this year's theme of "Candy
Cane Lane."
Fresh from a toy factory at the
North Pole, Santa will greet local
youngsters and spend the night
here for another appearance Sat
urday at 2 p.m.
Band Assists
The La Grande High School
band will be on hand to assist
Santa with the chore of entertain
ing children.
Opens Along Candy Cane
By Snow
United Pres International
A Thanksgiving Day storm
swept ou of the Rockies in
to the Midwest today, bury
ing states from Montana to
Indiana under two to eight
inches of snow.
The snow spread f.'om the Da
kolas, Southern Minnesota and
Iowa through the southern Great
Lakes and into Central Illinois and
liulia-a dur ng the night and was
expected to move into Northern
Missouri and Northern Ohio today.
Meanwhile, Florida recove-ed
from a series of violent thunder
squalls that caused thousands of
dollars damage and Western
I Washington officials watched their
rivers recede toward their banks
and predicted the slate's worst
flood in 2" years "might be over.'
Ihe snows, pushed by strong
winds. duniied eight inches on
Montana, three to five inches on
North Dakota, and two to three
inches in Colorado through Cen
tral Illinois. Lander, Wyo., re
ported an isolated two-inch fall
South of the snow area sleet
put a hard glare on highways
from Arkansas into Kentucky and
Tennessee. Four inches of snow
fell on the Great Smoky Moun
tains National Park, causing driv
ing hazards.
Flood Receding
In Washington
Washington rivers continued their
slow drop today, leading civil de
fense officiuls in all flood-stricken
areas to believe "it might be
There was one flash of trouble
late Wednesday when a 200-foot
break appeared in a dike along
the Green Uiver but Army Engi
neers moved in with big equip
ment and stopped the gap before
any great damage could be done
To Be Shown
owners of 10 disputed paintings
said Tuesday the reputed master
pieces shortly would be offered
for public viewing and examina
tion by experts.
The announcement was made af
ter owners of the paintings and
their agent said they had resolved
their "internal differences" stem
ming from last Thursday's press
conference in which finding of the
paintings was made public. The
owners claimed they weren't told
about the press conference until
it was over.
Disputes about the authenticy
and worth of Ihe paintings raged
in both Europe and the United
States, but attorneys for the own
ers Tony and Alfonso Folio and
Maria Hataburda and their
agent Charles Di Renzo said they
"firmly announce their belief as
to the authenticity of the collec
tion." The announcement also said that
prcparat ons for a public showing
would lake "several days" but
that then they will be available
for export scrutiny.
Stores will remain open until f
p.m. to enable shoppers to s-lect
Christmas gifts early. Full se
lections are available.
Santa returns on Dec. S. 12,
19 and 22, to be sure that he getf
a chance to talk with all of the
children who have special requests
to make.
Stores remain open until 9 p.m
on Dec. 4, 11, 18 and 22.
Workmen completed in.'talla
tion of Christmas decorations on
La Grande streets Wednesday
Merchants decorated store win
dnws with colored lights to cany
out the theme.
Roving choral and instruments
g:oups from the high school will
be featured Friday night.
: Si rv
Dave Baum. La Grande United Fund drive chairman, paints UF thermometer at the
Sacajawea Hotel as contributions to the fund reach 50 per cent of the total goal off?
$39,500. More than 100 businesses are yet to be contacted in the current drive, ?!
Baum said. Holding the paint for the chairman is Florence Hardy, drive secretary.:.
(Observer Photo)';
Super U.S.
With 4 -Stage Rocket Is Flop;
lUl'D An Atlus-Able moon
rocket, America's largest space
vehicle, failed today to put a 372
pou id satellite in orbit around the
lt was the United States' sixth
straight failure to launch a moon
Dr. A. K. Th!el of Space Tech
nology Laboratories said "some
thing went wrong in the upper
stage, and the satellite, including
that beautiful payload, fell into
the ocean."
What at first appeared to sci
entists as an apparent successful
launching to match Russia's
space probes ended in dismal fail
ure when a piece of the rocket
fell flaming minutes after launch
ing. The failure apparently occurred
above the giant Atlas booster,
first of Uie four stages of the iW
foot rocket, which drove the ve
hicle with 3A0.0O0 pounds of thrust
- ... I . p. q . II IIMHIM .1.1 I ! .Hill I lipiUP. IM I
Union County's final 4-H achievement program for 1959 was held at the Central
School recently. More than 800 county 4-H Club members have received recognition v
during the past month. Elmer Bierly is shown presenting cards to two 4-H girl. J?
Bicrly represented the First National Bank at the special awards program. Naomi t?
Harsin smiles as Bierly hands Peggy Flanery her 4-H card. Programs were held ;
throughout the county to honor youngsters who have completed projects during the !
vear in 4-H (Observer Photo) V
Try To Reach Mooni
before separating. The second
stage apparently did not fire.
Thiel said "something apparent
ly happened in the upper stages,"
but added that the Atlas first
stage "functioned perfectly." Dr
John Lindsay of the National Aer
onautics and -Space Administra
lion solar physics program said
the booster "impacted south of
the Africa bulge tin the Gulf of
Guinea) as programmed."
The National Aeronautics and
Space Administration (NASA) in
Washington announced at 3:30
a.m. e s t. "There is no record of
the second stage having fired, and
we must presume that it did not
NASA also said the flaming
piece from the rocket "apparent
ly came from above the liquid
oxygen tank of the Iirsl stage,
and the motion pictures must be
studied to determine what hap
pened." Thiel said a search would be
Lane' Tomorrow
made by boat probably today ,to
recover the part of the missive
that fell into the Atlantic.
Scientists Confident . ..f
A new guidance system and la
facsimile device to get the free
world's first pictures of the lunar
"farside" surface .were feature
of the new Atlas-Able. '
This boosted scientists' confi
dence in either hitting the moon
or orbiting it.
Scientists at Britain's Jodrell
Bank radio-telescope said the
rocket never rose above the BriU
ish horizon. w
Authorities said it was . not
Authorities said it was not
known immediately how toon
America could prepare another
Atlas-Able rocket for a shot at
the moon. y
In the meantime, a Thor-Able
is expected to make a probe tote
deep space toward the orbit . of
the planet Venus about the sec
ond week in December.
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