La Grande observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1959-1968, November 23, 1959, Page 10, Image 10

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    for your Thanksgiving Feast!
Safeway Stores will be
CLOSED Thanksgiving
Have an extra lupply of milk ar.d bread!
Philadelphia Cheese
Famous Kraft Cream Choose.
Creamy, delicate flavor.
Cream or 3-oi.
Pimento. A pgs.
Observer, La Grande, Ore., Mon., Nov. 23, 1959 Page 11
News Reporter Dresses Like One
And Covers International Meet
By FRANK ELEAZER II was determined In Ut nothing
UPI Start Writer deter me In spoils coat and
WASHINGTON il'I'I' Nowhere slacks 1 approac hcl Ihe maliog
in the house could I lay hands any doors to the big caucus room
on spats or a cane, and the brief
case 1 got (or graduation from
college, what with the mold and
all. was coming apart at the
Hut they don't hold bis diplo
matic talks here every day, and
in me House oilice Building,
where the 5th annual NATO par
liamentary is' i-oiiterence w as as
sembled. Well, you until I lue thought
this was the Harris ruiiimitlee in
vestigaling rigged qui, shows on
More Ideas For Your Holiday Table
Green Peas rrem'um,- fn.n 5 'X. $100
Candied Yams
Paper Napkins X"kun.
Heavy Foil wrap
Sweel Potatoes ?X'S
Blue Plate
for dressing .
of SO
Cove Oysters
IB in.
.... roll
No. 3
... can
8 or.
one cent.
65c 3 Pair
29c 3 Pair
49c 3 Pair
Here's a Grand Offer!
TRULY FINE First Quality
Buy two pair at the regular price. Get a third pair for only
5115 for only .
6015 for only
stretch for only
seamless for only.
$1 OA
si cn
Pumpkin 2 35
Spiced Peaches
S.O.S Pads
Cove 4-H Clubbers Receive
Special Awards At Meeting
lOt (special The multi pur
pose room at the Cove High
School was filled to capacity for
the 4 H Achievement and ITA
.meeting last week. Jack Brown.
First National Bank, La Grande,
presented 411 pins and cards and
.lames Huber showed colored
slides of 4 11 activities. Refresh
ments were served courtesy of
the Cove ITA and the Cove
Farm Bureau.
j Club members receiving pins
and cards include: First Year
I'ins: Linda Bowman, Michael
Becker, Randall Botham, Terrine
i Botham, Donna Brunson, David
jCumstock, Judy Denning, Leon
ard Doramus, Katherine Fite,
Kalhy Flick, Patty Fruitts, Billy
Huffman, Steve Huffman, Larry
Hoffelmeyer, Brian Haggerty,
Marjorie Hoffman, Delta Ray
Huffman, Terry James, Lois
Kaseberg. Frank Michael, Mina
Morris, Sharon Millman, Regina ley, Linda F.lmer, Jackie Good
Hood River. Finest
tree ripened apples
Jack 'n
Royal Satin all
vegetable. Reg. 79c
Clean pots, pans and
oven racks easily.
2- 25"
- 69
gle, Alan Hill. Rav Ingram. Bon
nie James. Judv .lames, Vickie
James. Domiett Miller, Dennis
Millman. Linda Noble. Cecil No
ble, Jerry Obendorf. Kenny Rich
ardson, Keith Richardson, Delor
ene -Seaman. Jack Saunders, Da
vid Stahl. David Thew.
Third Year Pins: Sally Brc
shears. Dennis Borkgrcn, Robert
Briggs, Kenneth I'.ristow, Sherry
Doramus. Marian Huffman, Judy
Lbmpkins. Irene 1 ampkins. Rob
ert Martin. James Murchison,
Jerry Nrcdham, and LcRay Kan-dall.
cards: Robert
Bloom, Deanna
Kaseberg, John
Overton, Terry
Fourth year
Baker, Dwight
Brunson, Lee
Loree, Louise
Fifth year pins: Carolyn Mor
ris, Cherie Martin, Kathy Miller
Six year cards: Jay Breshears.
Robert Childers, Mary Jane Con-
TV They let mo right in.
And in some oilier ways it was
just like a lew weeks ago. when
in tins some room 1.41 ol us nun
diplomatic it pollers watched
t hai li s Van Doi en and triends
mopping their brows for prizes
like sr.n ifon
Show it Live
My. the show tle'i was on
film, fla-hed on a screen. Now it
was real 'IVti isolation booths
domino I ilii' Inirit right corner
ol Iho ho. I. Ihe liig"csl bearing
room Confess lias In the let!
:nn,i i inner tu more booths
were installed. And with some
tniily in ccry o:ie, hea.lihones
plastered to ears.
Nobi: ly -eemcd to be sweatrig
though, a pretty good clue Ihese
weren't contestants at all They
were tnteiprelers. With 1.10 law
makers on hand Irom H Western
nations including our own, each
sroken word was being translated
and broadcast ihunigh the room
Atlcd cis passed out xicket
sie radios with earphones and
cords lor Ihe lack, ami I said to
myself, this sitdown diplomatic
rejNii tit g is maybe lor mo.
A Frenchman idcntilicd in the
program a Gen. Anionic Beth-
ouart (I never heard anybtKly pro
nounce that, let alone translate it1
stood at the inike, and I switched
to channel 2 iF.nglish tu see
what he had on bis mind.
Right away. 1 learned my first
lesson in international reporting
Overton, Doreen Richardson, San
dra Riedlinger, Daniel Seaman,
Karen Sadler, Tim Saunders.
Second year cards: John Bar
nett. Gale Baker, Melody Born.
Anne Briggs, John Comstock,
Tannis Dickenson, Howard Elm
er, Trudy Elmer, John Gassoway,
Daniel Haggerty, Eddie Hoofna-
son, Nola Ilohstadt, Sharon l.or
ec, Sharon Morris, Alice Smith,
Martin Thimmes.
Seventh year cards: Nancy
Hoofnagle, Delia Murchison.
Eighth year cards: Mary Ann
Seaman. Ninth year card: Ruth
Leaders in the Cove area in
elude: Mrs. Since Hoofnagle, Mrs.
Verona liundall, Mrs. Claude
Baker, Mrs. E. A. Bloom, Mrs.
Lloyd Briggs, Waller Obendorf,
Mrs. Walter obendorf. Mrs. Rich
ard Overton. Mrs. Robert Beck
er. Mrs. Bill File. Mrs. Dean
Tuckett. Mis. Burton Hill, Mrs.
l.ce Rolen, Burton Hill, Dick
Rogers, Mrs. Dewey Lovelace and
Henry Thew.
EOC Thanksgiving
Assembly Tuesday
........ n n a SI,.M.
"Land oi ifpc sjivij u
ii. ih,.me of the Eastern Oregon
College Thanksgiving assembly
scheduled Tuesday, according to
Dr. Virgil Bolen, chairman of the
Interfailh Council, sponsoring or
ganization. The program is scheduled for
10 a m. in the college auditori-
um. , , , .
The program will include Don
ald Nelson, vocalist; the EOC
choir, under the direction of Neil
E. Wilson; an Interpretive dance,
oncler the direction of Christine
Nicoloff; and a pictorial presen
tation of the Ncrthwest wonder
Boston Ked Sox meet the Wash
ington Senators in the American
League's traditional opener here
next April 18. It will mark the
lath time these two clubs have
met in opening season ceremon
Th niher six teams in the
circuit play their inaugural games
the following day.
At meetings like this they al
ways have broadcast channels for
English and French, and often for
Spanish, Russian, and maybe Chi
nese1, depending on who's there.
Listening and talking at the same
time, and in different languages,
is much too tough even for the
average wife. So the few experts
w ho can do this are busy all over
the world most of the time.
Traveling with the international
set like they do, it's probably not
so surprising that they tend to
sieak the Queen's English instead
of the American kind,
Of the nine interpreters taking
turns on the radio here, three
each are from the United States
and France and one each from
England, Brazil, and Peru. May
be 1 didn't catch the Americans.
Anyway, with the noise 'and all,
I never did learn exactly what
the general was saying, but it had
something to do with adjourning
for lunch.
"Farm fresh", produce featured in ihe Garden Rooms!
Fancy Yams
Gold Rush
Crisp, straight stalks of
finest Oregon Pascal celery
U.S. No. 1 Oregon grown.
Medium size, mild flavored.
Rome Apples
Extra fancy. The
finest for baking. II I DC
Thin-skinned Texas
5 fr
Price in thi advertisement are effective through Wednesday, November 25,
at gateway in La Grande. We reserve the right to limit.
6 Day Ad
2 Line Ad
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