D I f 1 1 D -L pffev'mnnm Ll Grand, Or- Mon' Nv. 16, 1959 sv ar v v ar ax at ar w ar m it ar -m ri w vm .... t . . j - . . ... . , - . j ,- -, j . .n . i BOISE. Maho -ITI- -Backer, het Sunday' night ard earlier in fef-"4?' i 'f2S I C, iJ . 1 s PORTLAND DAIRY o' New York Gov. Nelson A. the day in Seattle. liwxefeller . 7 V'--; '$'' '"jf'Z- 7 $ I ''-' " -. -' N roHTl.ANI) H'l'lPairy mar- UskeleUer w,d today they loel Mwrjed ery much like a candi- I i-- jT'Of.tk V;-1Y""M . '.iLi : - - he accomuUh, H h.s muMon 03 date aid a mau uh. is.. i,. v.. f V ,' ' -ViJS. '-A - , ,,..;i. end. AA tour of the Far West Lut Ihiry v. dimply conceded thai if the gmernur decides to ea ler the p.-esileitial sweepstakes, e st II has a lor.fi way to to in California, Oregon. Washington fid lilaao to match the strenslh of Vice l'riMjc.u Jiiehard M. Nix i for the Republican nomina tion. Neither Nioi nor Rockefeller as yet is an announced candidate but Nixon has been reKarded as Ihe COP's logical choice to suc ceed President Eisenhower. Kock elriler admits he is testing seati ment to see what his chances would be if he ran. The Hockefvller camn expressed these conclusion at the end of a four-day swing: The Koveruor made a good im pression with people he met and he attracted larger crowds, par ticularly in Oregon und Washing ton, than they had expected. Nixon holds a commanding edj-e in strength within the formal OOP party organization, particu larly in his home state of Califor nia. In his final public appearances t Giant Holding Company Set For Taste Of Own' Medicine NEW YORK 1 t'PP Alleghany 1 Corp. today appeared headed for a taste of some of the medicine it has been dishing out for the past 20 years a proxy fight all its own. Alleghany and its chief execu tive Allan P. Kirbv have been be hind some of the biggest financial j . ... . , ,. ., , clashes, in history, including the 1 famous tM batUe for control of . the New ork Central Railroad. Now, developments of late last week indicate that the giant hold ing company will be on the re ceiving end of a proxy contest that could possibly rival the New York Central battle ii notoriety. Accused Of Bad Faith Millionaire Kirby has been ac cused of acting in "bad faith" by Boston financier Abraham M. Sonnabend, who. together with a small group of associates, recent ly acquired 700.000 shares of Al leghany common stock, or about 14 per cent of the total common shares outstanding. Kirby holds about a 10 per cent common stock interest, but has rights to purchase a substan tial amount of additional common shares. He also holds a big sum of preferred stock. Sonnabend made his charge when informed of the discharge of David Wallace as Alleghany vice president, and of Kirby 's in tention to recommend Sonnabend's NEWS CHUCKLES United Press International VICAR TAKEN LITERALLY LONDON UPI The Daily Mail reported that the Anglican , vicar of Watford Friday placed a j wneeinarrow tun oi apples out side his door with a sign reading: "Help yourself." Today the vicar was looking for his wheelbarrow. BELL ASKED TO STAY MILWAUKEE. Wis. (UPD Vernon D. Bell, 41, went to the house of correction to visit a friend and was asked to stay. Deputy Sheriff Edward Kot norowski said he recognized Bell as a tavern keeper wanted on charges of refilling used liquor bottles at his bar. HERRING HUNTS NUTS RODNEY. Miss. (UPI Passers-by heard the calls and spot ted 73-year-old Charlie Herring hanging upside down, his foot caught in the limb ot a tree 70 feet above the ground. They lowered him down with a rope and he walked away unin jured explaining, "I was after nuts." ATLAS WORKSHOP POWER TOOLS For Shop & Home . . . Planers & Jointer. Drill Presses Tilting Arbor Saw. Band Saw. Grinder-Hone. Saw-Jointer. JIG SAWS AUTHORIZED DEALER INDUSTRIAL Machinery & Supply 1410 Adm, Ph. WO 413 i - - . i i i 4 l J I v I viuiin n . cn by t o inea t! ,. has the ronuiation so.wd u.i a tit,. 'JOJ convrntiua on July 25 in Chicago next year. At cue point ii Boise during news c nfererce. ho was asked l comment on reports that the So Viet news agency, Tass. haJ a' tacked him lor his stai.l 0i Jul eigi policy. "I think the people ate t:ul goi 'i to be pushed arou.id by fureij;.. comments on their candidates," Kcckefeller said. Oualifies Hit Sta'eir.tnt Another reporter startid to ask a question on a diflerent subject. "But " I don't want to leave it there," the 51-year-old multi-millionaire said. "1 have gut tq qual ify it so you, don't think I am talking about myself in this case.'' Kocktdeller did tell newsmen in Seattle that "nobody said it Uhe nomination) was sewed up" for Nixon, and that he "assumes" it is not. And he added hp had r,-,.ivt I some encouraament fn.m l!..nnhli. 1 cans to enter the race His formal decision, he said, would not be male before the first of the year. election to the Alleghany board of directors. Prilt Is Big "I consider this an act of bad faith in violation of what I un derstood to be a eentleman's agreement between Mr. Kirby nnA mAir ' CnnnaluuiJ Cn,Arl sonnabend is holding an informal UV'UIUWVU4 W IIV1UUI. tltl UltVI IItl conference in New York (od at whicn time ,an of action mnt iiklv will h H,inoi most likely will be disclosed The prize is a big one. AI- leghany. in effect, controls the $2,500,000,000 New York Central system through a 17 per cent in terest, and the 3 billion dollar In vestors Diversified Services, lnc investment firm, through a 25 perlments and they sampled the cent interest. .Jt also has a substantial inter est in the Missouri Pacific Rail road and in the giant real estate firm of Webb & Knapp. i t.: 1 J w ' hi.- f W A I'm buying and with "With my BMA Preferred 30-Pay Life Plan I'm buying a service that I can enjoy for 30 years and then get back all the money I paid for it . . . and then some." "I get peace of mind from knowing my family haa $10,000 of life insur ance protection for the next 30 years. What's more, I get the satisfaction of knowing I'll have a comfortable cush ion of cash for retirement." Polky Issued At Age Grant K. Saunders, P.O. Box 183, Clyde C. Robinson, P.O. Box "J,", CAR JUMPS DIVIDER Vincent Eria, 35. lies on the ground after his car jumped the (iivitier on the San Bei nardino Freeway. Eria's ear hit heail on with that of bandlead er Sam Tiippi', 3(3. Trippe and his wife, Dorothy, 33, were hoth killed and their three children and another boy passenger weie injured. Don't Panic, Skywatchers; Yellow Lights Not Saucers WALLOPS ISLAND. Va il'Plii Nule to skywatchers: If you see a yellow glow ligilt up the sky over the Kastem coast tonight, have no fear, lt s not a flying saucer. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA is planning another sodium vapor experiment . The last ore on Au. 17 creat ed a sensation when people from Birmingham. Ala. to Dayton. Ohio, saw it light up the night sky. Yeast Breads j Topic Of Unit UNION (Special) The Union 'Home Extension unit met Tues H.'lV eVfnill .'it th hfllllP llf M 1S. iGlenn Bates, with Mrs. Dalles Co: per as co-hostess. The project "foreign Yeast Breads" was under the direction ot Mrs. Ted Uradfield. and Mrs. Fred Pembrook; they made bread from various countries. The business meeting was con ducted by Mrs. Robert Sealc. The hostesses served refresh- French bread. The other breads were auctioned off. Next meeting will be Dec. 1. The project will be Buying. Consumer I ""- je N. ,. ... . the same dollar!" "I'm 25 years old. I deposit $171.70 each year for the next 30 years. At the end of that time I'll have put in $5,151.00. The cash value of my pol icy will then be $5,821.20, which is $670.20 more than my premium de- ' posits." . How's that for a combined life in surance and savings program! Pro tection for today. Money for retire ment tomorrow. Here's how much you save (based on $10,000 contracts) Annual Cash Value In 30 Years Deposit $171.70 $5,821.20 I $670.20 30 194.80 6,402.00 558.00 35 224.00 6,971.90 251.90 Educational funds, additional retirement income, accident and health benefits can be included with your BMA 30-Pay Life Plan. Ask your BMA representative. Husiness Men's Assurach Home Officei Union Station Plata Life Insurance Accident Health Hospitalization Major Medical Group Annuities Call your nearest BMA representative 1 JU3k. asa uhi.'h hnix's tn launch the experiment about 5:00 p.m. e s t. if weather conditions arc right, saiu tne ciouas win nave a yellow glow and last up to 20 minutes. Tonight's high altitude wind test with the sodium cloud and two others like it at dawn and dusk Tuesday are billed as American contributions ta the observance ol 1 International Rocket Week. The three shots will be de signed to gie visual indication oi.i Lull wind activity between 50 and 150.V.IUD HoluS Meet miles up in Ihe sky. The rockets will be launched from NASA's test station here. Officials said the clouds and va por trails can be photographed with the camera lens opening set at F2.8. Exposure should be five seconds, using tri-X film. Union Women Guests At Elgin Luncheon UNION (Special) A group of women of the Union Womans m.ih t. nra c.nutc at 1 1 - in luncheon and exchange meeting, with Elgin Womans Club Thurs day at Elgin. Mrs. Jim Jarnagin j dressed in Mexican clothes, showed movies and told of her I trip to Mexico. The Union women gave a door j prize tq thee last one leaving the kitchen after serving. saving Cain Over Total Annual Deposits Kansas City 41, Missouri Cove Phone: 431 Cove Phone; 223 f r v ' Wr-'-"SjiS;w, First Meet Held By Jaycee-ettes The local Javeit'tt- s held their '""st fall iiHet.ng in the home ol r--iyn Jordon. Nori eig and liy Elder were hostesses to the ; iuuik amner Members made plans for the Ihristmas party. Th rcmainder of the mining was spent plaving cards. Uolia Beck and Mar jorie Btrscheid were winners ol prizes. 1 1 I II - ;UniOn PinOChle UNION i Special) The I'inoch le club met Monday afte'rnoon in the home, ol Mrs. Letha Tidball Nns. Vernon parent won the hiuh prize. Mrs. B..b Wells the second. Mrs. Ida nine the low. and Mrs. Neia C.reenwood won the float ing prize. Hefreshments were served by the hostess. The next meeting will be a t hnstmaj party at the home of .Mrs. Cline. THE $14X00 ROLLER AND DOING PRECISION WORK. ALL ROLLERS ARE GROUND TO RIGID SPECIFICATIONS AFTER BUILD UP. tm .f jeiiM tiim--4WWaap., i iHm an m GROUSER BARS BEING INSTALLED . . . THE CUSTOMER SAVED OVER 60 OF NEW GROUSER. PRICE YET WILL GET 8C OF NEW LIFEI . ) vim l.-iri 47.4m.-- AA large. '7c; A large. 42 4-ttft A A medium ki-37c; AA small, 26 28c; artw l-3c additional. Butler To retailers: AA atw grade A prints. 70o' lb.; carton, lc higher; B prints 68c. - ' Cheese mod urn cured To retailers: A grade cheddar single laisies,' 41'v-jlc; processed Amer '.a.i cheese, ".-lb. loaf, 4jM2c,- PORTLAND LIVESTOCK PORTLAND 'UPI (USDA Livestock: ' Cattle IB."; two leads low to average choice 1078 and U(1 'D fed steers 27.50; load choice 1236 lb. 26 25 and accompanying load 1356 lb. 25.50; few Utility Uot tcins 1035 1245 lb. 20 21; standard good ! lb. heifers 23; utility cows 14 15; canner-cillter 10.50-12; llolstein cutters to 13.50. ' Calves 250; good-choice vcnlers 2832; utility-standard 18-27; culls 12-17. Hogs lbOO: around 500 late ar rivals not offered; slow; butch ers around 25c lower, sow. steady: 1 and 2 butchers 180-235 lb 14 75-15; mixed 1. 2 and 3 lots 13 75-14 50: 1 and 2 sows 300-365 lb. 12.50 13; mixed 1. 2 and J foU 400-500 lb. 11.50-12. ' Sheep 2250: few lots high good choice w ooled and shorn . lambs 17-17.50; good-choice 70-86 lb. feed er lambs 16; few 89 lb. utility ewes 3.75. PORTLAND GRAIN Coast Delivery Bafi. White wheat 1.99. Soft white hard applicable 1.99. White club I S Hard red winter, ordinary, 2.06 Hard white baart, ordinary 2 05. Oats no bid Barley no bid . IDLER REBUILDING MACHINE "NEW" ROLLER :'l -::?.:, I I I Paga 3 Quotations NEW YORK STOtKS NEW YORK ilTl - Stocks ruled narrow and mixed in mod erate trading today. Steels continued to sag despite thu rapid rsmnption of steel pro duction under Court decree. YoU'iRntimn. Bethlehem, Hepubl'C and l b Meul were down uiotint a half or more Jones & Lauglilin dropped iVi. , The etatrwici, pace-setters in recent sestiais, had some good gainers Motorola jumped more Uian 4. Zenith I1 fend Texas In struments . major traction. Brunswick-Balke opened late on a 2.ono-shtrc block at 46 up I'luvcrsal Match also came in strong with a gain of more Uian 4 Alleghany, which appears head ed fur a proxy battle, was up a fraction. New York Central also eased. In the motors, American lost more than . point, while Chrysler liriiKd. General Motors held at its previous dose. Tot Suffocates When Trapped In Hope Chest MOONACIIIE. N.J. UPH - A 4-year-old girl suffocated Satur day when she and her older sis ter became trapped in their moth er's hope chest in the attic of their home. Police said the victim, Marga ret Ferdon, and her sister Ber nice, 7, climbed into the chest to pee what the inside looked like. The lid slammed shut and locked the girls inside. Their brother, Raymond, 11 discovered the girls in the chest police said. Neighbors tried to re vive both girls by mouth-to-moutb breathing. Police later applied ox- Another DMC Cost-Saving Service CCKPLE1E UNDEECAERIAGE REBUILDING FACILITIES Track Rollers Completely Rebuilt To Rigid New Roller Specifications Grppser Bars Installed Idlers Rebuilt Diagonal Braces Reinforced Save Up To 60 Gel 80 More Life! When any of your track components become worn, call our Service Department for a FREB INSl'KCTON of your ma chine. Our skilled mechanic will call at your job location to give your machine a thorough Inspection. He will tell you what should be done and give you an estimate of the cost. all at no eatra charge to you. Should you want to get your equipment reconditioned, ha will make an appointment and schedule your work. Take advantage of this cost saving service. Call to day for a FREE INSPECTION of your machine .' . . just phone W6 3-3101. Iff AND HACHI.NIRY CO. ''ybirrCAftniUM. Jffron Greenwood WO 3-3101 QUOTES IN THE NEWS United Prass International HKVERLY HILLS. Calif. -John i l ike the Barber' Factor, victim of the 193 kidnaping for which Roger Touny was semencea to 99 years in prisun, i-uiiiiiitiiiing on Touhy'. parole: have no oriei ior any gang. cers ye "ere s a man inai t bean. In prison lor 26 years. I'm sure he s teamen ins lesson. AUGUSTA. (Ja. President Eisenhower, in a 70lh birthday ii lecram to Indian Prime Minis ter Jawaharlal Nehru: vYou have devoted your lite to the realization oi a jusi and lienceful worm oruer; mil many problems remain to be solved be fore this goal- can be reached." HOLLYWOOD Russian movie actor-director Nikolai Cherkasov, admitting that in the Soviet Un ion movie stars are paid more than scientists: . "You know movie stars they always set more than other peo ple." PARIS A French aimy spokes man, announcing that iashion de signer Yves St. Laurent was de ferred from the drafti "The case of St. Laurent can be compared to that of the deep pit coal miners who could ask ex ceptional deferments after the war when France needed coal so badly." ygen and revived Bern ice. but ef forts to save Margaret failed. Their mother, Mrs. Margaret Ferdon, 29, was washing clothes at the time of the accident. Now . . . Pittsburgh Wallhlda In RUBBERIZED Satin Finish Texture White MILLER CABINET SHOP I