OUT OUR WAY By J. R. William Oi 10 ROARDING HOUSE With Major Hoopla Wolf Creek Area Visitors At N. Powder Out After Elk Observer. La Grande, Ore., Fri., N'ov. 13, 1959 Page 6 oh, I, TMrW AM r ( -L PlE"K -' 3ST TnAT OH, I SLt 1 6AV.MV OOQ J ALL I WHAT X LAC IN Side Glances CJlCAMED) TM6 CONTRACT WAN, WkAJl-D VOL) HAIL ME A CAB ? MOST i IS SMfHIiPl R 5C5TOKCOPLE PAPPifcJ' THAT HAR-RLAPU.J Ol MAUL AH Lfc I WA COME lt Of UP J clt to uumch FIGURES LOOKED AS SOLID AS AM OIL. T'M CAKKVINS rOT IMCONSlDea- NOIITH POWDEK (Special) US BRUTALITY I dCRiMMA3.' Ijj MU'al lt Mr I'ete Altenberg and son, George, visited Mr. and Mrs -)-Titi THHNU wunir-. ABLE SUM OP 'WONEY AMD DO A vmO- NOT RELISH 6EIN6 Slatti Nice recently. They also UkL kK'JM' PROSPERITY THIS visaed otners in tne wolf creek SIDE OF TAILOR' tSANUITS r -' r area, and tried their luck at hunt nig. s.. " II i i - 7. we fife Fl.ABBV MJ'jfl e& T If WH 11AM II H ma v i i - v aft i u Klor tO MENTION RELATIVES- HE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE 6UVS I'D FLAY COOT- BALI MTU THEM THiS AFTEOOU, m?s. By Wilton Scruqg ,,y,.;v f 1 ;CV.ED TUE jJ I " VES, HE'S rVL,'.i 3 "0 f.A (W.-. A'-L & J-V, THIS IS WN LAST DM HEK,' PIO lOWM - "X 6UVS I'DPLAyCOOT- K16HT--WITM H'S KC'.'Vt. -t S 'tE I MOTHER T6LL MOD? JT f BIU.V, WHAT'S 0J6? BALL MTU THEM THiS ( OWE IN MIS LINE-W. B.1 f i Ifta ITT I ! , I THOUGHT m c.'EZE AFTEOOU, M?S. ., o -t ift'i i I ! . ! i V jAS3 FRECKLES ANO HlS FRIENDS 8y Merrill .BIomot r 1 THERE.' CW.VES AfJO I MUSfNT TORSt Nun WHERE'S RcAOIMG- Ti-IIS TWPILLER LATE AT NI5Hr ! i s ' I'M NO IM M BOO AeOVE ALL 'r"J r T yOUR DATE? SCARtS ME UNLESS I'M SURROUNDED J ' PROPER. ATTIRE to lTvTTTT VM '-Zt&V1' ( MAr YPTy NaTZX 6y PEOPLE rj CAPTAIN EASY By Lwln Turnor If I'M TRYIN6 TO LOCATE GEOFF Rty I WHV CUFOKO V TmEkE ARE- II I VBuRKEf HE LCT THE 7 6LME5i I'LL TRy! HOWl I D Arc Tmat I fl S... A POW IW THE DEPART- I L)WIVERlTy I COUEflE IN THE QUAD MOMENTS AflO TOVJNIU. J REC06NIZE HJMM libuS-Lr ' MET OEA8N0RMAL f1CHOL0ly f & ALL I KNOW! IT UNIVERSITY, LADi t i imvim wm iu A.in . W ' ! ,;.irlf MAV BE URSENT HMM..I SEEM TO i 101) MI6HT CATCH HA A . 1 IN WW . iffireWViH w f, THAT I SEE HIM CKECT HiM WITH V OW THE SRIP66 fvJljA?. Wii"T JL'a.-- . !? rj fX tcnisht; jiw quad, vou V-M I irTl III P 2M V-r-yXwoHTA&K THERE! VfW ll-'fl ALLEY P By V. T. Hamlin T ""V "'NSGU2 liXTNlSS.IFONLY 7S I VISIT 'VOU BMO AuH-HUH..A Z ' Vt S Jfi I 1 I tv.ftsi..a m..,M.w...,T...t BOOTS AND Hfr BULH)ir 0y Edgar Martin ' ' i PRISCH t ft S POP I By Al Vtwmtor TT (' HERE'S Av v ZStSk I V-1 AND THIS TELLS f WOW COME YOU) - A Apiece about v-r about a man who! never set as ' -1 aMANWHOWAS VS EMBEZZLED MIS , f WRITE-UP IN THE) iCir-llC L CONVICTED OF V avkv) COMPANY'S FUNDS!, N PAPER, POPJ- j BUGS BUNNV . . ', I I PLEA5E. WE-LL.1 I V VOU J I I 77 ( PLEASE MOTH U 4 SlREl U CXAV. y SIRS 1 I'LL DO L-r-rriJI VjHAT ALREADY YA'LL NEVE? FINISH; M h fiiVE ME 1CVA V ANYTHINO YOU iSSXIV8 TAlCEN J f TH' WALL THAT fl L.lj ufl ANOTHER SfVeo) . V vSAYl f2TTD-rS He5 0FC I vyi Yen recth xVj) (J chance... fet.'y fv vnC rfK$3$'nT 1 w J Mr. and Mrs. Fern Lewis are planning to move soon from the Earl O'Bryant ranch to Walla Walla. Virginia Erwin, Carolyn Gor ham and two daughters, Tina and Tanya visited Iriends and rela tives in North Powder and Union recently. They are from Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Huff of Grandview, Wash., visited recent ly at the Earl Green home. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kordice and son, Tony, have moved into the Bill Davis house in I'owder. Many VliitM-t Mr. and Mrs. Fred Newton of Milton Freewateor visited with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Ford ice. Mrs. Bill Widman and son. John, Baker, visited recently with Mrs. Malcolm Nice. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Carnes and sons Duane and Delbert, for mer residents of Myrtle Creek, visited at the Malts Nice home. Billy, Ronnie and K. V. Taylor, Baker, were with the Carnes fam ily- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Addeman and children of Pendleton, visit ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Nice and family. The Addemans also visited at the Matts Nice home. Mrs. Addeman is the former Myrtle Gene Si munis. Hunting Elk Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Taylor and sens. Baker, visited with her fath er, J. A. Nice. Harcld Craig of DeLake is here hunting elk. Mr. and Mrs. Will Kester, La Grande, visited recently with he parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Nice Mr. and M.s. Ed Hall and cliil dren, Haines, spent the day vis iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs Matts Nice. Mrs. Harvey DeMoss, Pendle ton, tpent the weekend visiting her sister and brother -in law, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Galligan. Henry McClurc. Bock Creek, spent the weekend at his home in Powder with his family. When he came out he brought some buttercups with him. Guests Of Cove Family Hunting Elk COVE (Special) Mr. and Mrs. ;teve Anderson and Jim Puckett, f.uucr.e, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Puckett over the weekend. They came to Elk hunt. The women's league started playing volleyball Monday. Murielene Gassoway and Zelda Marshall are taking nurses aid classes at the St. Joseph Hos pital. Mrs. Myrtle Orcutt, Nampa, Ida., was a weekend guest of Mr. nd Mrs. Orville Wright and Ver die Cray. . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Younger, llermiston, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Wright. Fl:rida Persons Visit Mr. and Mrs. John Burnett, Florida, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Richard Miller. Barnett is in the iii vice and will be stationed in Salt Lake City. Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Bamctt are sisters. Mrs. Charles Wilson, La Grande, has been staying with Mr. .and Mrs. Custer Miller. She has been helping care for her lather, John Hunter, who has been ill. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hoadley received a cablegram from Mr. and Mrs. Carlin MacBroom of Spain, of the birth of their first son. They have two little girls. MacBroom is with the Air Force. Several Elgin People In Hospitals ELGIN (Special) Mr. and Mrs. Leo Davis were Spokane visitors through Saturday. They visited her nephew, H. L. Fernald,ho was in a hospital. They also were guests of their son and daughterin-law, Mr. and Mrs Gareth Davis, and family. Kate Lewis was taken to the Grande Ronde hospital in La Grande, Wednesday. Mrs. Lola Stillman has been staying with her. Mrs. Loretta McDaniels re-ent ed the Grande Ronde hospital Thursday. Her mother is care ing for the children. Her par ents are Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Lyons. Mrs. Anna Allen is tak ing Mrs. Lyons place in the post office while she is away. Giil Rysdam was taken to the Grande Ronde Hosiptal in La Grande Thursday evening after suffering a heart attack. Hunting Guests Hunting guests of Mr. and Mrs Herman Stroeber were Father Louis Rodowski, Newport, Fath er Albert Rodowski, The Dalles, Mike Rodowski, Springfield, and Cye Rodowski of Portland.- ExDectcri euests of the Strocb ers this past weekend were Father Vincent Cunniff, Salem, and Mr. nd Mrs. Ben Summers, Salem Mr. and Mrs. Tom Williams accomnanid bv Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Bingaman and Mrs. Alice Eddy. returned Thursday from a vaca tion trip through Canada. DAILY TV L0G KREM TV KXLY TV KHQ TV FRIDAY trfto Hub Itunnv Nfwi a Sports Movie 4'ont, 6:l!i Dour- Edward Front 1'age 6:30 N'ewKbeat Amos n' Andy " 6 5 - " NBC Srwit 7:00 Square Dance Tarty Markencie's Kalderf Muxle from 7:1S - Sduibfrt Alley 7:50 Disney Presents Ftawhlda " 7:5 " - :00 ' " Troubleahootrrs 8:1.1 " " 8:Sa Man From Hotel DeParea Art Carney US lllackhawk " " 9:00 t; Sunel Strip Deailu. Playhouae " :1 :S0 :46 10:00 IUib.-rt Taylor Twilight Zone People Are Funny 10:16 " " 10:0 Black Saddle Person to Person News . " " IJtte MQTla 11:00 N'io-htheat 4-Moat Feature " Jack Paar " 11:S0 " U: " " 12:00 " - U:U " " SATURDAY 7:6 no ' :15 Dread Itaaket Farm Summary Learn to Draw Captain Kangaroo Rutland Redd? :0 Fury :4t i S IB Heckle and Jeckl Howdy Doody ':0 MIctMT Mmiaa Circus Boy JJ ' l-ove Lucy U-Toona " It: SO Lone Ranger U: m 1J:00 Sky King U:15 " " H:S0 Jpff's Collie llli " 1:00 Soupv Sales Capt. David tireif 1 15 1:30 Saturday jrhowcaae AWKtern A Cartoon " 1 ti ' . 3 .00 Si;. i:J " Matinee I 4i " - 3 00 Command IVrf. S30 S.rlet Pimpernel :S . 4 00 Swor.l of Freedom Soldier of Fortune True story :1& '" 4 So Capn. Cys Cartoons So This Is Hlywd. Detectlre Btory 4-4S " - 6 00 Joe Palooka Itlnaaide Raaslera Roy Rogers Sill , " - African Tatrol Union Pacific 6.-4J " . " - Tliia log is mat P frm "omiaMon by Television Station and Its accuracy cannot W gwarant d by the La Grand. Odsc-vm-. T W. II -J It t mt, m.,. " '9 "I'd say these seats are comparable to a six-inch TV screen!" Movie Producer Says Super Film Productions Necessary By VERNON SCOTT UPI Staff Writer HOLLYWOOD UPD King Vidor, who has the distinction of twice refusing to direct "Ben- Hur, ' says the future of motion pictures lies in the multi-million-dollar super -colossals if films are to survive at all. Vidor's paradoxical point of view stems from his own parlicu lar objection to the "Ben-Hur scripts. He first rejected the pic ture in 1924, and again two years ago in the modern version. 'My reasons were personal, he said, "end I'd rather not dis cuss them. I think it will be a very fine film. It is exactly the type of mo vie that must be made to com bat television. We have to pro duce movies that are spectacles, entertainment that cannot possi bly be seen on television." To entice televiewers from the hearthside, Vidor prescribes wide- screen color epics filled with masses of people and spectacular scenery. Fita SnaeiAeulae Lahel His own newest picture, i ftiv THINKS OF RETIREMENT! t NEW YORK (CPU llcl?r Hayes, first lady cf the Broad way stage, indicated Wednesday sne may retire from the theater Turning down a Broadway role in the comedy A Adventure," she said in a telegram to the au thor,- James P. Davis, "I've thought and prayed over this but I don't want to commit myself to yours or any other play until I've come to yearn again for work which may be never." moi a:id Pheba," fits the des- scriptiun. Costing six million dollars, the epic is made in "Super Techni-rama-70,'' a ne.v large screen prcccss tha. dwarfs present b'p screen operations. "The 'drop-in' movie is a thing cf the past," Vidor went on. "The c:st of going out to a theater has made movie-going a special cve .t that must be planned in ad vance. It usually means dinner out. a baby sitter and a group of friends. "There are so many old and wonderful films on TV, -people won't go out to sec new ones." Vidor pointed out spectacles are as fid as movies. "D. W. Grifsitii began the epic .'ilin with 'Birth of a Nation." .radition of giving motion pic ures the symphonic treatment Acmes and movements within .he scope of a' story. Vidor Supports Thesis "I never want to make a pic ture with only two or three peo ple up on the big screen. You must fill it with thousands of performers and action." In support of his thesis, Vidor -nid the biggest box oflice hits in history were jumbo productions "Gone With the Wind," "Ten Comma.uimt'ils." "The Robe," "Duel in the Sun." "Covered Wagon" and "The Big Parade." "Once it was possible to fill the big screen in Hollywood," he said. "Not now. You must go on location to be able to afford the extras. And shoot at actual sites. It is too expensive to reproduce them in Hollywood. "The de mands of TV and movies are aosoiuteiy aitierent. ne con "I've talked of retiring for a long time." her telegram said. I eluded. "Ard mov ie-makers must it may just be I ve finally made i discover this before it is too it without knowing it." 1 ate." Yugoslav Yell Answer to Previous Puzzle ACROSS 1 Yugoslav big wlf, Marshal Is one of its chief crops It produces about 15 million metric tons of -annually 12 French verb 13 Paddle 14 Allowance 15 Malign look 16 English festival 17 Requests 18 Support 19 Cornish town (prefix) 20 Braid of hair 21 Feathered scarves 23 Aries 24 Tropic 2fl Drudge 27 Mariner's direction 30 Captive 32 Sense 33 Shelter 34 Components 36 Drowse (dial.) 37 Deed ' 38 Beings 38 Noah's boat 40 Moslem village Judge 41 Fillet 44 Sesame 45 French pronoun 48 Falsehoods 48 Bridle part 50 Dispatched 51 Rheumatic cure 52 Swedish coin 53 Grafted (her.) 54 Father (Fr.) 55 Couch 56 Whit DOWN 1 Tissue 2 Judicial circuit i F.-r lvifc.g- J -Jlo-M 5TE Jg t21i A SIX TiBg.cA aBaii-iiv-ms sUaTtTon glS ieiitml-M-CS-LI "h TTiK xloi 33 S AsMn1swrt er W a T xlE 31 I "5v a AJ 'Tte:gJ laele 3 Quaking 4 Poetic contraction 5 Bellows 6 Ell 7 Preposition 8 Amulet 9 French stream 10 Clumsy boats 1 1 Fewer 19 Edible rootstock 20 Child's game 22 Hops' kiln 23 Thin 24 Seaports (ab.) 25 Mountain (comb, form) 26 Kind of hat 27 Sensibility 28 Bristle (comb, form) 29 Lohengrin's bride 31 Body part 32 Parry 35 Repast 37 Constellation 39 Bridal path 40 Quoted 41 Slush 42 Ocean movement 43 Erect 44 Weary 46 In addition 47 Ledger entry 49 Masculine nickname 50 Naval I 2 U It I Is jo H I 18 19 110 III 3 3 a ii Us" lab "'p IzS W 55 - y r1 E r- jT " 55 P ' "f" PT'TTT pj "5s m -J jo -M jj 3 IS nea SBnTirat, 10.