Woman's MAXIXE XL'RMI, Mrs. Hastings Gives Report On International Convention The program fur tlie meeting of the Christian Church's Christian Worn n's Fellowship was a graphic Account by M s. Wallice Hastings of ht-r trip to the Int'Tintiontl Convention o. CWK in Denver. Colo. Sh- also srxike concerning the Quadrennial aisombly at Pur due I nivcrsi y in I.a'avet'e, Ind., and of the coming World's Con vention in Scotland. A special worship service, em phasizing world unitv, was pre sented by .Marie Lester. Partici pating w"re A: line Cace, I.ois Di'Lorg. and Dorothy Peacock A birthday cake. wi.h four lighted cand'es. was symbolic of the feurth anniversary of the organiza tion of World's Christian Women's Fellowship. The cake was cut and served by Mrs. l.es'er. The women wcr served brunch by a committee, who were d:essed with sprcial hats assembled from kitchen articles. The committee serving 45 persons, were Laura ANN LANDERS Answers Your Problems Dear Ann: My husband's ex wi'e is a lush and she won't leave him alone. They are separated by 700 mil'.'S but apparently it's not enough. She phones him at least twice a week ecl'ect and rambles on and on about their two kids. She never has much to say except that they miss him something terrible and why doesn't he come home for t few days. We both work so my husband can keep this boozer in bourbon and the kids in fancy clothes and voice lessons. She doesn't work but she has a Buick convertible and a sheared beaver coat. We ride the bus, and my coat is jt smart tweed. The phone bill in July was $67.70 and in August it was $74.20. Since I'm working and doing without things for his children I think iff unfair for his wife to soak us with outrageaus phone bills. How about it'.' Busted and Boiling. Dear B and B: A collect call . an only be completed if some one accepts . the charges so . don't blame her, blame him. Since you are working to help your husband foot the alimony and support bills you have a right to complain. It's unfair of him to sock the household with big bills for his ex's bourbon babbling. Dear Ann: I've been nominated 4-H Club News The Need'es and Thread. 4-H club, m?t recently in the after norn, at Ladd Canyon. During the business meeting, officers were elected as follows: Sharon Carpenter. president: Nancy Stockhoff, vice president; Linda Hill, secretary; Jcanny Simonis. song and game leader; and Milelred Timmons. reporter. The 4-H leader is Mrs. Clinton Hi'l of Ladd Canyon and Jean Hill is the junior 1-ader. The second meeting of the 4-H Blue Mountain Trail Gang was held at the home of Dave Wy'and on Nov. 3. The meeting was called to order by President Linda Yates and the usual order of business was con ducted. Donnie Starr, scrap drive chair man, reported to the club that th" scrap drive rece-ntly completed was very successful and that they made $31.09. A committee consisting of Don nie Starr. Maureen Beck and Suzy Michel was appoint "-d by the presi dent to d aw up a point systerr by which the club member ac cumulating the most p?inis t th end of the year will be awardei a special prize to be presented a th Achievement Day Program. The meeting was concluded wit' games, and cider and cupcake served by the host. Dave Wy'and The club junior leaders will hoi their meeting at the home o Suzy Mich' l to pUn the club's yea program on Nov. 2t. at 7 30. The next reguUr club meelin will he held at the home of Beverl' and Donnie Starr on Dec. 1, a 7:30. V Toyland now OPEN Melvillcs MCI Adams I World Woman's Editor H.icfer. chairman, (iertrude Lcntz. Marie Klmer. Ann Uraillev. Audrey Bo k, and Lou Hubert son. J President Phyllis !tus,U con- ducted the busin ss meeting. If Co-kies will he ,s .,,( t0 ne bo.s lho are in colSee- and in the Jasm-d services. Newsletters are r-cularly sent. Six'cin bote's of clothing have been recntlv s-nt W Japan, s well as cluihing to iRffia. A work nijht in the Nurs-ry Rooms will be he'd Friday eve nins. The FiTousliin noiin- 'roohe-y for teiys A birthday card, hono.-ing Mrs. JYsm? Morris- birthday, was sign ed by the women. Housing will be n.-ed d for th Chi Hho district nice mq Nov. 20 and 21. Lclia Miller is to be con tacted. A feature of th? afternoon was a gift items table at which pur chases were nude. by the girls in this elfice to write to you about a fel'ow employe. We are a group of r'fined young women who have been brought up in decent homes. This one odd ball is upsetting everyone. First, let me tell you she's no kid she's a grandmother, and the oldest woman in this office by 15 years. Yesterday she walked in with a T shirt that had a picture of Mr. Magoo on the back. On it was printed "Member of Mr. Magoo's Drinking Team." She must have got it in a gag shop. A few days ago she sat at her desk with a paper sack over her head. Friday she wore pedal pushers made out of mattress ticking. What shall we do about this batty old dame? Memphis Belles. Dear Belles: Six-year-old boys Stand on their heads and turn handsprings to attract attention. This poor old dear isn't up to such antics so she wear gag : shirts, perhaps if .you gals gave this woman little' recognition it might help her to overcome that inferiority complex. Include her in your conversation and coffee breaks. It could do a world of good. Isaac S. Hill, 95, Services Saturday Isaac S. Hill, 95, a retired steam engineer, died at his home Wed nesday, following an extended ill ness. Graveside services will be he'd Saturday at 10 a.m., in the Odd Fellows cemetery. The R?v. Wal lace Hastings will officiate. Ar rangements by the Daniels Funeral Home. Mr. Hill was born at Boston Mass., July 25, 18M and had been!35 several students concerned a resident of La Grande for 35 years. He leaves many friends in this area. Cove Lodge Holds Special Meeting COVE (Special) The Rebckahlcnr ha(i bePn collected when the lodge of Cove held a special .thank offering boxes were called neeting on Oct. 27. The presi- hn lent of Rcbekah Assembly of. Junior Lutherans chairman told Oregon, Mrs. Ruth Vose, paid an'0f meeting with the youngsters tlicial visit. Miss Corvin otlcverv other Saturdav afternoon. laines, inside guardian of Rcbc ah Assembly was present. After the meeting, the local , been made depicting early books. embers served a light lunch. At the close cf the meeting re 'here were visitors foom La freshments were served by the rande and Union, attending. i hostess. Come In Qui 01 The Cold And Wind Saturday and Dunk With Us! FREE . COFFEE & DOUGHNUTS TO ALL Our Visitors Saturday SERVING ALL DAY GLOBE fURNITUBE Adam A Hemlock I i ; :,f ml I i Wi I III Sill iifi IS IT? IS IT NOT? Vclma Cribbs models while Betty Rogers demonstrates how to tell when a sleeve is properly set in a garment. This was part of the project of the Blue mi. Juniors r.xiension Blue Mt. Juniors Extension Holds Project, "Consumer Buying of Clothes, was the project of the Blue Moun tain Juniors, Extension I'nit, at their recent meeting. Betty Rogers and Velma Cribbs were leaders for the project. They explained terms used on labels attached to garments. Care of the garment and various things that go to make a garment well made. There were 22 pe'rsons atte-nding the meeting, including two guests, Elvamae Ontko and Bonnie Benzel. During the business meeting, a Christmas party was planned There will be a home made gift exchange, and each member is to bring a food representing the holi day season in a foreign land, and the story behind it if possrble. This will be held at the regular meet ing date, Dec. 2, at 7:45 p.m. in the home of Mary Lou Wilson Loise ' Rogers reported on the ACWW work that is being done in cQtland. , - -y j Mary Ann DeVore received the Mrs. Tuveson Gives Report On Meeting A report of the general meet ing of the women of the church held earlier in the month, was given by Mrs. Tuveson, at the reg u'ar monthly meeting of the Dcr cas Circle of the Zion Lutheran church, held in October at the home of Mrs. Hasten. It was decided at the meeting to continue on with the dinners jrcr the college students as had jticen done last year. It was ex plained that Baker has voluntcer- d financial help with the project are trom tnat area. India and New Guinea missions chairman, explained the need there for 1960 would be blankets. Missionary education chairman1 again called attention to the reading list that had been cir culated, and told of books avail able to the group. The Thanks offering chairman reported that t which time a study of the Bible is being conducted. Scrolls had vfv cum meeting. Shower Meet prize for the word game, played by the group. They also decided to send a card to Irene DcLash mutt, who has been ill. At the clee of the meeting Mrs. Betty Rogers was honored at a surprise earring and hankie show er. She will be moving to Peadle ton in the near future. Hostesses for the evening were Artie Thiclen; Ernestene Baker. Delpha Hamann and Mary Ann DeVore. Pythians Hold Potluck Dinner The Pythian Sisters met at the KP hall Friday evening for a potluck dinner at 6:30 p.m. Be tween 50 and 60 Knights, Sisters and their families attended The tables, covered with white cloths and decorated wjth."fall J.owcri.' were loaded" with food. I wu Browning. Flossie Schwebke and Lena Hicks we-re in charge of the dinner. After the dinner the Sisters met for a busine-ss meeting with roll call of all members. A sol"mn event of the meeting was draping the charter for one of their de ceased members. James D. Oncal, w ho died Nov. 2. The next meeting will be he'd at 8 p.m. Friday, Nov. 20 with nomination of olficers. State Visits President At Cove COVE (Special) Mrs. Ruth Voso, president of Rebekah As sembly, was an overnight guest of Mrs. Holcn Boswell Tuesday evening. Wednesday, members of the Re bckah lodge went to Summervil 1c for the convention. A work shop day was held. Little Leo Anderson had his appendix removed Thursday night. He is in the Grande Rondc hospital. Each of the classrooms of the Cove grade school had a Hallo- 41 wt' liiPL5 b BOTH - one wears CONTACTS! Actually, both picture are of Dr. Noles' 13-yetr old daughter who h worn contact Unset 16 hour a day for the pat two year. And . ; . the wears dark green tinted contact Unset for swimming and skiing. A dramatic illustration of the cosmetic & psychological benefits fo be derived from wearing contact lenses. why not .end tht WHOLE gr back to ichool? 225 J. DrkOmer J. Noltt ,''' - : ' 'i"'"ir-'r I Observer Photo) WBA Members Report Drive A Success Woman's Benefit Association held a regular business meeting Monday evening at the Odd Fel low's hall, with Mrs. Bill Living ston, vice-president, presiding in the absence of Mrs. W. E. Gar rett. Mrs. Livingston opened the meeting with prayer and saluta tion to the United States flag. She heard reports from her offic ers and committee members. A letter from Frank Bennett, pres ident of the Eastern Oregon Col lege, was read by the recording secretary, Mrs. James Ingerson. thanking the local association for supporting the scholarship fund for a worthy student for another year. Mrs. Leo Hansen, State Field director, reported the member ship drive activity a success, and also gave a report em the junior activities. Twenty-four members ttended the. .Halloween . party held at the Knights "of Pythias hall. Two rooms were used with age grouping in the rooms Five mothers assisted with games and treats and a great time was reported by the kiddies who at tended. Plans are being arranged for ancthcr meeting of the juniors som.. Mrs. Hansen also reported on the TB seals and reported five cr six ladies were at her home Oct. 30, to stuff envelopes and seal them ready for mailing. At the close of the meeting. these present went out to the home of Mrs. Hansen and finish ed that phase of the TU seals project. Those present were served cake, ice cream and cot fee by Mrs. Hansen before de parting for their homes. Vivian Engle received the attendance award. The election of officers will be the first meeting in December. The annual Christmas program is also being arranged. ween party on Friday. Room mothers had charge of refresh ments. Mrs. Fred Bristow was taken to the Grande Rcnde hospital on Wednesday. Convenient Credit We givt jfrOrton Stsmp COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO. Main CR 6-71 24 PiNDLITON and Larry f, Crewell . LOCAL EVENTS Union Pacific Old Timers 17, 1 and auxiliary will ho'd their an nual Thanksgiving dinner, Fri day at 6 30 p in. in McA'list-r hall. Euch member to bring a sulud or vegetable unless so'iciled by co:n lilitteH?. Grnwood Caictitt will b? held Fr day in the Greenwood gym. The chili .eed wilt start at 5:30 p.m. in the school ccfi teria. Union Pacific Jr. Old Timi's will hold their annual Thanks giving dinner Sunday at 4 p.m.. in McAllister hall. Bring own table se'rvic -, vegetable or sabd. Blu Mountain Squaro Danct Association will hold a dance' nl North Powder. Saturday .eveninij Callers from the floor. Christmas party planned. AU square dancer." nvitenJ. Spaghetti feed will be held bv the Eagles Aux.liary Saturday, in their hall. Central School PTA will spono. a carnival, Saturday evening. Dinner will begin at 5:30 and the concession booths will be open from 6 until 8 o'clock, with enter ainment for all ages. Minuetters of North Powder will night at the Minu?tters hall. All square dancers welcome. American Association of Univer sity Women will meet for a des sert,' Saturday at 1:30 p.m. in the Sacajawea. Dr. Douglas Senr will speak on "Congress at the Crossroads". ' Celebrating birthdays today are Sheree McKinzie, Enterprise, and Sandra Lee Klein, La Grande. Ackerman PTA will meet Mon day at 2:30 p.m. in the school au ditorium. "Schools Days in Vien na by Miss Camilla Oerley. Henry F. Bennett Services Monday Henry Franklin Bennett, 64, a retired railroader and rancher living on Star Remte, died Wed nesday at his home. Funeral services will be held at the Don Dempsey Funeral lhapel, Monday at 2 p.m. The Hev. clarence Kopp will officiate. Burial will be in the City,cem etery. Mr. Bennett was born at Wes ton, Jan. 17, 1895, and had been a resident cf La Grande for the past 35 years: ""i, - . Survivors are the widow, Alice Bennettt, La Grande; one son, Henry F. Bennett Jr., Cotton wood, Ariz.; a sister, Dora Man ville, Eugene; a brother, J. J. Bennet, Corvalils; and a half brother, John L. Campbell, Eugene. - Who's calling the cidnalc? X ou are. When il comes to future happiness of your dren, they must depend on to guide them, to help grow up straight and And most of all, to give peaceful world to grow up in. What can you do about peace? Keep in mind that peace costs money. Money for military and industrial strength. Money for science and education. Any money saved by individuals like you to keep our economy healthy. You can help pay America's peace bills." How? By buy ing U.S. Savings Bonds. Your Bond money not only brings you a good return; it helps strengthen America's Peace Power, too. Are you buying as many Bonds as you might? Help Strciigtlxn America's Race Pomr BUY U.S. SAVINGS BONDS Tht US. Government does not ' pay for this advertising. The Treasury Department I thanks, for their patriotic donation. The Advertising Council and ' Observer, La Grance, Ore., Ritual Conferred On New Alpha I'iKilon (banter of It ta XiiJ'iu I Mil m, t i; iu. I',, v.vt"ri:in church on v. , t,,r ;, ()nn il I'll "Ice banquet. I'reeeeiln: (I nner I'uhdi a served in the 1! c!iard- 'i par or The prii.iam commcne-e'd with mcn.b is r. eitnm th in nini! iilii.il and w.is lo'tm.d ly tie ISit.i Sisnri I hi (.'raie. whi.-!i was lul hy V.r I-,,,, An Plinth. Mrs Irma Zim:i' nn.ei -p ke ii w, limne te the p', ,!:, s and Mis Kclieri S yre in;.,l t e in trediietiuns. Mrs. ,.,mi n lioop man tix.ke on cent i't:,ms she had attend,,! ir Beta Sun. i I'hi and s:rcss,d the wa intli and pl'iiMire de.ivid from attending the state and reeiim.,! cinvn- tioni. A ler the b.mnu-t the numbers and iiWws adumrncd to the home o" Mrs Z.iiimer-ii n where the formal lliiu.il of Je-A,l cr moiiy wns. c, r,,.d on pluses.' Bit's 1 leek (Ii. in II evi.l. ill read the niual :uul u.-is .ivt..H by Mrs Zimmerman, soeinl spon sor, and Iks. M.ihel MeCov nro- gram director. Also assist in in the candlelight ccr-monv were Mrs. Hubert Sax-re and Mrs. Archie Elgin Lodge, 67 Entertains Men ELGIN (Snecial)-The Elgin1 todge ti7 AK ami AM, entertain ed the men school teachers from Klgin dnd lmhler school systems, with a program in observance of National Sehix l Week. The meeting was held in Mc Kenziq'liaU. Wednesday evening. Orville Wayt acted as Master of cereimmtfs and introduced the Master of the ledge. Jack Eck stein. Tom I.ampkins of Ninth Pow der, w hi) is a Past Grand Master of Mans in Oregon, was the main spakear cf the evening. Refreshments were served fol lowing the meeting. CHURCHES Elgin Seventh Day Advfentist Church " Rev. Fred Wagoner Sabbath school 9 30 a m. Morning worship 11 a.m. Cov Seventh Day Adventist Church Pastor Edward C. Harms Sabbath' School '9:30 'a m. Sat urday. Morning xvoiship 11 a m Seventh Day Adventist Church, La Grande Pastor Edward C. Harms Third and M Street Sabbath School Q:3fl a m Sat urday.. Morning worship 11 am 1' 5r j ' f.7- ( 'Iff .fr . J 'V t -"i it chil you them strong. them a; ' - " 1 I t ! ft -,w f A. 1 , ; O-.i iiu 4L- " ' ,y,K '' I U.S. SAVINGS BONDS NOW PAY 33?o INTEREST Three big. new cmh benefits make the Bonds you buy and the Bonds you already own better than ever: 1. All Smi ond H Bondt bought on after June I, 1959 now tarn 3 inltrtit whtn htld to maturity. 2. Your oidr Bondt will olto poy mort-on eatra V4 from Junt 1 on, if you hold rhtm to maturity. 3. All Stritt E Bondt. old or ntw. now carry an auto matic .Rttntion priviltat; tht'tl kttp paying llberol inrtrtti for at long at 10 ytort beyond maturity. LA GRANDE OBSERVER Frl., Nov. 13, 1959 Page J Pledges llornfclt, who escorted pledges. fledges reeeiving the Ritual of Jewels inclmhd Mrs. Harold Ao d -rson, Mrs Harold Carmen, Mrs. C. L. Flink. Mrs. Lloyd German, and Mrs. How a d Peterson. Upon completion of the ceremony pledges were we'eomed and con gratulated by the membership. Following the ritual a short busi ness meeting was held. Secret sis lers for the past year were dis c'oscd, mo t of them being a com plete surpris". New secret sisters for the coming year wer? also diawn at this tune. Under community service, plans were made for members to work at the unt Jemima pancake sup a. the Aunt emima pancake sup per. The traveling p. ize was brought by Mrs. Gavin, who won last time, ar.d was won by Mrs. German. The evening was conc'uded with refreshm nis served by Mrs. Zimnu rmnn. Convenience! Choose From Distinctive' Albums by Hallmark Nor-' cross and others Order NOW, and PAY LATER When delivery is made to suit your convenience McGLASSbirS STATIONERY 1104 Adams i 3 I . '" -' t i kW-jS Deliver At Your ,x -J ar .' TA