T Observer, La r,r,nde.Qre., Thurs., Nov. 12. 1959 Page 10 OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams OUR BOARDING HOUSE With Major Hoopla PLAN SIMULATED MISS.ONS WASHINGTON l l'l i-S!ra!w Air CoiimiatiU i.t liuiiil;cri will ily oer scvt-n air routes in mnu luted bciiiht:; mis.iu.,s a! alti tude's tl i.ojii k-(i "liTtin; Xav 23. DEVELOP NEW COMPUTER ' V u.t HAve on& Wfl NKW VOUK ai'l-(oyal Pre cision Corp. Thursday announced 'U c!i.M!u"it of a L'''iiral purpose. Iidiy tra-sist'-nt-d digital t!ec trc i:c minputer for both busiress a';d sca-ntilif data prwesMiis APPROVES STOCK INCREASE BKM.W(M)I). til. . I S" k-hold.-rs of (.'Imago ltiet i chine Co haie upproved an in-m-a-e in autlunicd common slock from one million shares of M par to to million shares of $; par paving the way for a two (or one stock split. HAMILTON GAINS CONTROL LANCASTKH. Ia. il'I'I '-Hamilton Watch Co. has bought coiv tiol oi Wallace SiKersniiths Ind., Wa!ht';fonl. Conn., for about $;.3"o,H'. The company said II paid I8 a share for of the 3U5.106 oulslatMling shares of Wa. lace common stock. .-AP.' IM This. .W GREAT rSruTi .el LEFT.' I -J 11 j V SM ALU SPErJD ITCrJ . l.'AL; ' WA.'FS y iKiUWFH.L M A PROF4ET HCMOR.AnDVMelL r-JlC FnjnJ;less.' chomp -CrtoHPFt Sot if- the Sn will aoanj, Tut CP Hc-mli I t A pUrXLATW , :T f-f-PP. t AJT KOi 1IIU V1. a.hj r c-oi im' y A ELL M&A SMALL SUM OaJTHE ci-vvv LUNiKACT VMiTW UMISC WMO WASOICKTO SEE THE Answer to Previous Puzzle v. Crosrword Quiz ' J I SM A WAM"JL ce..u..PluP5 I LISAS COC AAV Jt V l BANKER All aV .IT y i i i .1 : y-:iAac?ArTg J htfv THF HAVl OFT t v 1 1 k ' i-- SOIN& TO H-yf' SMOKE lH STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE By Wilson Scruggs THE NEXtII HAWS VP, TODtiER' (hOW, BIU-V. n SBEEn'il Ir I Gwiy A5 VOU TO BE KfcA)NAliE. I aujno IIMh VNCE- HOW VJOJLy YCU FEEL IF X WEvfcK WV... TVE COT T WHOSt.ESHOT TOCiAV, VOt) VEAJl, WOV, IfAHT60lt'VE FLATLV FOPSiDDEMl IL MAO TIM.6 TOK 'OUV w I 3 SA5XE0 UP.' OJW S MKS. w fy AHifLAtC W.KS.NU'?V, YOU TO DO IPltTifc. .-"Ti ( H1TTIM6 T30L Wild ME.' 7( WUVS.'AY s. , "--ill S0METHIM6 r UA'B?r-?,;1 SlZf pJ-WU FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Merrill Blossar y1- sfmd irio " I IWiver this pipf to k f Smart Bcjf 1 ru5HA.JorHER and 1 cant sfand f MRS.SWTMP r MR SWEMPAT3ko W.ELW.' DAISYS MOM SWELL PIPE J TD BE IN THE SAMET ' V AT 3IG N-ELM ' J L,Tm( r-r n f j r AND POP WILL v I I I gOOM WITH FLOWERS k - ; M I hiteM......flr CAPTAIN EASY By Loslis Turnar " ; we cau Re oJwe wis zt liw euD i wuldn t kcsist V he w& a I H ! ' '. , : : T j a nporvvmion By wCRjikia, callino oh shawpu. pam. bit anwoyed: , ', r MOW CLEVEKLV AND NO Out WILL HJfitCT It i I WloHTVE MIASEP StEIN9HIAl HE J BCEN-EK- ' t t .ijMwS'.'V nou nno out wot evem fewwy suKkE: asaipo; hembnaokino.... cau.eo cut f; mOW MEH ALL W& - ,-yi EVEN INVtTCO (rE TC SKEAKfASTll C TOWHi BUT -wtriTTT. jtf'lIVU JJ . I NEEDTOkUOW, JSil xT'l KjjJ I HOPE EA5Y UN,EKVOOO..y (MILL BC BACK VfrTPi VVT SJ Jrr ALLEY OOP By V T- Hmlin tl ; Yf;-P-' 11 1 I klNo WUR? NfcZZIR'jJk. I pAic? ) ' " i tlfl """ ' "' 1 Tf 11 '' "S TcH-tttlJKS WHtl SHALL IiTTI- 'ATS RIGHT, T'fiW KIMfi OJZ VXPH THAT TAKES CARE fWLAfE... ANNOUNCE AT, ..T7- y ( MXJ HAMMER f.jS L Ml VI AN' H I OF TH' LEMIANS I THAT'S WAN1 S TO ,c"Ji 1,1 V HEAP.... -i HI'j FIRS7-STRIN(5 ff 'JyW I FIRST LINE OF V rWHVLV IT tLE 'IM? A A,f ' "7 Htt 1 ' '-,, '!'. A EXECUTtONtR.' A" T-'il mm4 imml m$ei -Mmm Boo I AND rlfck BUDOItS by bdgar Martin SWO, TOW! TV,vW TV OV-C?: pO' "VO ,-,-J - . hVTi PKIiCILLA S POP by Al Varmaor 1 1 SAY SOME! MING FOR) I I Jpipp V I , RATWER " THE LITTLE QIRL,p (TWLJCK GO ) - V U-,MITEC)y ' BU&S RUNN. . I Tilll I PETUNIA SAID TO GET N I a) ,f A I THIS JERSEY FEELS A Unm nnce T, ' 111 CNE THAT 7: W 10 Urtn fl LITTLE TCAr WHEN ) (r&m '1 T$ ' BETTER MAXE SUBE1, W J I TACKLE... SETTER DAILY 1 V LOG 2KREM KXLY KHQ TV 4 TV O TV " THURSDAY , 6 li'l lluikli li. rry IfounJ .V.-- SM.ri. M..ir K'.,nl) ! t, i:. " i:.iw:irdi front Pag I li 1 Ni.v.-'j(Ut Arm- - 'll A'nly C ! " MIC 7.00 Tlti" Mun iJMUsuti lii I. I i iUnhwmy rairol " ::o T:ilo Ktorm .T. T- II TIm- Truth Rtutn TrooDt-r l.ii " - hit I4ir..t Sliow l:.ny liutlon .liiteriton :I5 .... 8 :i0 Ural li-('iya Jtilinny ItinijO Johnny Stao'Kto l:S " " - I'D I'ut lluohu Z-itw firay Thratrii 8a Hunt 16 " - - 9:30 I'ntnui-huhloB J 'toy Iioimi- tie Tenn. Krnle Ford 5:45 " ' "I" " Tou Hit Your I.ir 1 0 : ) T. " 10 D.-i-oy " X.-w ' S " " l-n't- Mnvlf 11:110 N'lKlill-ul M"-l Kmtiiro ll:ir Jurk I'uar " ll:.tO - - 11:46 - FRIDAY ' ""L' ,'''""'r""" 5 5? DlnB Oonic School 14S trniv. rlty l fllo 'l0 . MornliiK I'lity Iiiiuhi' Douvh H Ml 9:15 m ' SO On Tin' :o Treasure Hunt 9:4 6 " '"J I Uvi I.uoy I 'rice la Right 10:15 - 10 30 Di-c riiih.-r Itriilt- Conrntrtloo 10:45 11:00 l.tv Of I.if Truth or '.ti!.i- 11:15 Prfvlw J 11:30 Itompcr ICoom 8. arrh for Tomorro It Could Be You 1145 " Ci.kImik l.li;ht " 12:00 U...tlc.-a I in It'a A ;r-at I.lft guero For a Bay 12:1" - ll'::iO lxiv That Hob Htniro 4 Thff Thin Man :2:45 - 1 00 Jluaii- lilliiio ' "'i." Youiitt I'r. Mnlolie 1 :i llunm & Allen As Hi.- World Tumi From Theae noota 1:45 2 oo Iuy In Court ForBetter or Won. Huu e On Hifc-h St. Onlt'Storin Show TIoii?.-party Split l'..ronality 3:00 lI.-atThtj Clock M 1 1 1 1011.-1 irt- latltifV on Six 3:30 Who Pu Vou Trurft Wrilic-t Ia Voura 3:(T, ' 4:00 Am. l;,,mll;,ii: l!rii;lit.-r D.iy ' 4:l-r' " S.-.-r.-t .storm " 4:30 roprya IOiIk of Night " '5 " " l'aint-O-IVte 5 00 " Itaioar i (H'l.x k Movie A:15 - 5:30 P.ln Tin Tin llohln Hood " 5:45 ACROSS J What If the fastest type of airplane? 4 Simple -- 8 Who is the present Pope? 12 Before 13 Angers 14 Song 13 What Is Churchill's title? f 16 Unpleasant in sound 15 What was a feature ol the Hanging Gardens of Babylon? 20 Doctrine 21 Exclamations 22 What do union members pay? 24 Who was beaten by a tortoise? 21 What does a batter like? 27 Who was the "fairy queen?" 30 What is heroin? 32 Newcomer 34 Who was half horse, half man? 35 Makes amends i6 Superlative sullix 37 Shakespeare wiote a play about what king? 39 Essential meaning 40 What do wrestlers use? 41 What is the genus of mice? 42 Quivering 43 More saccharine 49 Choice piece of fowl 61 What was , actress Tanguay's first name? 52 Part of face 53 What is writer Gardner's first name? 54 Decay 55 Health resorts 50 One who (suffix) 57 Watch DOWV 1 Quip "a 0 jiAMTpHE Si ai i icrs 2 On which Great Lake is Toledo? 3 Hitler, for instance 4 What mythological king loved gold? 5 What was actor Portnun's first name? 6 What plant was used in a charmV 7 Worm bone 24 Whet 25 Primates 26 Assail 27 Gives aid 28 Cards 29 Defeat 31 What university Is in New Orleans? 33 Fashion 38 State 40 Allots 41 Race measure 42 Wheat beards 8 What god was 43 Store two-faced? 44 Where Is the 9 Spoken 10 Suggest 1 1 Burmese demons 17 Large cat 19 Ostriches 23 Of an arm leaning tower? 40 Stripe 47 Bacchic cry 48 Grade SO Middle (prefix) This log is mad up from information by Television Stations and its accuracy cannot be guaranteed by the La Grande Observer. I 12 13 I p 15 lb 17 I ij 9 1)0 III ii" 3 H 15 lb 17 13 19 "3 I L-3 r-p-b" ' Z4 IZ5 2b '7?i n U W ' - s F laoi I ill stJ HZ Hi 145 4fc H7 148 52 5 55 Sb I 57 I'll I I I I I I I 13 E aKKVIC'K. INC. s 2D lanes rnoe Wfflu In Announcing A food centers Great .Encyclopedia Offer! TODAY! OUR STORES bring you an amazing GOOD-WILL Offer! - YOUR OPPORTUNITY to own a valuable ENCYCLOPEDIA SET . . . The world-honored FUNK & WAGNALLS Universal Standard Encyclopedia - on our BOOK-A-WEEK Plan... at a mere fraction of its true worth! 3KB mMYMXB32i 4MMMMWasm .MMtf BesVaaMt. aMMaHsWsfi 0JK&t4Vl .si I 339 UVJ ti a I WORTH $4.00 A VOLUME 25 VOLUMES... 9,446 PAGES . . . 5,850,000 WORDS 30,000 SUBJECTS... 5,750 ILLUSTRATIONS, MAPS, DRAWINGS and DIAGRAMS...Each Volume Contains Approximately 200,000 Words on 375 double columned Pages Covering Subjects on Science, History, Nature, Geography, Inventions, Medicine, Engineering, Industry, Sports, Music, Art, Drama, etc. Easy to Own on Our BOOK-A-WE EK Plan! 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