OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams OUR BOARDING HOUSE With Major Hoop, , ' ON Tri' ROAD V .' ,;. A . . , , .' .r, , N rVW. itWll9IWFW "Wf il ! H J'" OF THH HOUSE- - anI'h'.'i" HiWHll V! T AWPTWO I Ml OVFRiin vf"i Ivl-UTCAn'L - r-T ! , lJ HF S.-.lAl "II K'l i j '.(C.f. THf FXITP'TFR , iX"T..". , OL leWll I5 ILL-TIMED, MV DEAR 4 C JO FOR A SStAOXS. a, ,T r,iT, ,V7, .,77.,,,.. 7r"cl- A 6VCJ'jIICK, AND JI!1S 3UNK-I - J'?J THiS CHARACTER ,J,6 A rED SUIT TiJi'AMED ,vT PJLAR 6EAR FLJZ V AsD HAD A SACK Ofr Bj TjS.ERHlSf WHEEL SA?- ThAT promptso AK. COKM1J' INilcI UN UK AW INo Ur CONnKCT- fc&AD, HE 5 A SCOT, ANTTHEy THEIR A5TUTEWES AMD FEUSALny. (Tn THEIR ASTUTEWESSrt ; Aisig,eu6ALTy t&tl - - C - 1AS MEARD HE STORY OF MARTHA WAYf!E BILLY, THE TRUTH 15 "VA VOJ MPS. K'JYS QUITE fA'-,:jLLY Of Ht? CMU SOW, WHEN HE tf UUllc f----J-LT - -ck Tn, ' H. Wn ;5T VC-Z Af .Jfl Kt l BEEN 5l,V ' 7 MTU THAT, IF IT NOT FOK Yf B -r fOP I WKES HE? HAPPY CHKISTOWM't Z KM U ,E5 Al(D ME HAPPV? IN HEk" Ul'tCRU rft W IT WILL MAKE IT JV?T TUAT MUTH V HAKDEK FOR HEZ TO YOU UP DOW'T YOU SEE, BILLY. 5..E S T2Y MC3 TO BUY 1 BACK THE PAST AND IT CAU'T Be DONE.' I iWllilfelF?: FRECKLES AND HIS FRIFNDS 1 T " ' : 1 T J SlR.OME THlWQ YEP.' AMD LETS SEE vO I DONT LIKE ABOUf 1 HAD ANOTHER. , ( THIS CHEMISTRy CLASS "-7- GBIPE.TOO -. :J yis W ir SMELLS r w&jf -1 '' SrrcvT now i remember.- its also -Vi:f.',- tis r - UClJ L tyT 'i sr ,,,-fJ.y. ' u ' o "-7; CAPTAIN EASY 3 By Leslie Turner 3 1 1 HkiE HO INTEREST IN THE SECRET I I NEXT PA1- HiiTfc IT F tJhEW VJU'VE BEEN 53 KIND ( IB MUST FlnJD L. PAPEC VU'EE TO TVPE EASLV WWCCKOW. WEWav wr COMPARE WITH ) SHANPL) V TO HELP WE, OIT.f.HAWPU1. TiME FOR AWOTHER 3 ifENNV 15 V EAR'. 6UT I WANT VOU TO TEST THE CK.o'NAL! THEN - 'v. WAKEs tWORRv 0U MUST S?lEF LESSONiWC 1 U UNCER. s-1lJC I'VKEfS BV MEM0KIIIN6 T PE?TRv, T BEFORE ESICAN HEK- VlEAVB TOMORROW 1 BJRKEi WHY NOT J HYPW05I5- '-, I AS VOU TH"E1 j I'g.jj IT Pa INTO OTHER po THAT ft.TH- F J-N HAE BREAKFAST jj FOLLCwiW , lOA? 7 HANiV. j I OUT ANVONE , !l I i WITH USATEiflHT? I HER M-WCk ' f( ' V Vr-EElNlTi A,, J& t2b -r ALL8V OOP By V. T. Hamlin ' SS'fUR J AW y, . , M , HA M.MI1 AFll.li W " ..,(-1 KINi? CiU2, U'-M- llHVf PiMK -U1M.M 3 ,Tjt5 - I MON-NKCM ) HIM k-Ml'A ((Ml H fc'lll uhm wr (11 UILPMT IMTII K'UllilM I F.-vS'N AN R'S wSk'JU-T- v :to .'.:-. THAT'S WHM ,'AlSWi.HT . "S, HF.Y THF-Sfc V YOU THINiK. . UiiT uXJU WWAT X,J,USV:M'T THAT NOVlNI IM'WAV I TH.. : KinPIN'.' KluWT, ASipt: AN , OMv iilT 1 ,-rf BUI WE let us ,,, KNiktpKr I PAS' LIT 1 mm hl SURE AIN'T.' j5jc- eOOlb AN() HEK 8UUUIt By Edgar Martin 3 j V-tT SOU VtsV5 fS .-I &V5 t U.b "1 UCfr.Y! VEOVV-E WORSE 1 LJ-. F--- V sr: ---? YVE vO-CE ?N TO NOV) I til SVi'bV'D "VtVE NM5. P SViVET r,..rui PKISCilLA i huh I'VE WAD THE SAME DREAM FOR THE LAST THREE i NJIGHTS ' ALL ABOUT MORSES UJ VOU'Rt LUCKY.' WHY PONT I DREAM :ki 1 By Al Vermetr YOU STAY COMES ON Am I YOU STAY l N I a. r- ( - C A i ILL'd I I f I T1 - i r a LM.rivi uirvt fc- ill ii f ANir NL) AMCi I SZZ J M AT L C 11-. M fiX 13 BUGS BUNNY DAILY KREM TV If LOG 4KXLY f KHQ TV O TV ' 1, 1?59 Page 6 Planetarium Ariwcr to Pteviou Puzzle WEDNESDAY "ii '!. Illi.i --. s tt. Spot I).. ii- l.,lv. ii nU Mo,,, Ml N'1-n'.'ln-nl !r IN-.. Hi;. II jj " ; MIC NVw- :. i'mi.u " i-s. M-.i-i. 7 it. " " '. " ' I. Ii" '-ip WaKcn Tri : r. ii.-iiuiiiiixv.v N. .- , - sKi.l:Tik.. ; -If, I V III Ozie & Hul l i-t Price la H.flt By Wilson Scruggs C Mi . fe.. t t-4. f M By Merrill Blosser 'Hi H.-iu ;hIiim Kvi- Millioluiif I ' I r , ' : 1 r, li :;o " I've :! :! S. - r. t : " " 10.00 t liarll Wmut "IiS 1 i-1 .-. I.,. in.- .J . -i . i . t 111:1.". lU llll t.lt-IK HIIIIOII " " 111:1.1 " " '11:011 N'iiihtlM-t i Mn.st F.aiure Wwi 11 11 Jmk IM.ir " l.ali- Movlf 11:30 11:45 " " " THURSDAY 00 VliI. CI:,, -I, . in : 1 5 i Iiinir II. i tin I ! - H:45 I ni( '' t - I'r. 1.1.' 9.00 ll'Tiiin; l'li. I...U.-..- I).. UK h lia .Ml ; 9:15 SO mi Th.i (I.. Trtnuuro llur.t 9:45 " - 10 HO I l.i.w J.u.-- Irlr la ir'Khl 1 n : l r, lii ilo Ii. i-. iiiht-i- Priil.- iVirK-i-ntrntlon 10:45 II. no Low. ..I I. if- Tiuih i.r i-..n -1 . 1 1 1 .1 rr.'vinv 2 11:30 H(iinp-r Uiioin S.irch for Totnnrrnw It Cmld !t Yo-l 11:45 " 'liii.liiic l.iuht l;:00 ltftk- Hun ll'.i A iiit-ii I. if.. ouc n Kor a I' . 1 -J : 1 r, IJ:T0 I.ovp Thill :..l St.-iB.. 1 Tin- Thin Mun 12:45 " 1:00 Munle llitiBu 'I'nU.- I Younrf Vr. AInl-.ne 1:15 ' finn Sitioi.t 1:30 riurns A All. n .In Hi.' '..rl.l Turn From TIii-ip Ru.il! 1:45 " 00 Day In c.url l-'.ir llrtu-r i.r W'.u.s. 1Ii.ii.- .m llil. m. :'ir. L':30 dale Storm Show Ilt.n-io I'arlj- :-rht 'crs.niriiilv 2:45 00 livat The ( l.i. k Milli.ii.aii.. M:i'lii.-e on Six 3:15 " , :l 30 Am. I'anil.--tarH1 W-rili. t Is Yuurs 3:45 I 00 ' llrihli-r l.iv 4:15 " s.-ir.-l Storm 110 ropi-ye I-Mri- of Nlifht 45 " " 1'aliit-n-Pi'tp 5-00 " Ilaniar .". D't'l.i. K M.. i.- 5:15 " " : ' My Frit-nl l-'liika li.ihln Hood ACROSS 1 Large-1 pianet 8 lrr.pi r'ant pianet 13 Obliteration 14 Irregular 15 Devour 16 Water rxcurMoru 'S Pretext :'0 Scoria i:l Biiter vetch 2 Greek letter Tiny Share 30 Celestial bonies 34 Particle 3d Collection ot sayings 36 Dismounted 37 Pace 39 HlRhwayj (cb.) 42 Hail! 43 Pertaining to the sun 45 Police 4V mot n 4:1 IIjoI tlmU SO Vehicle 53 Rodent 55 Cay m C-i!'fornia .1.: Study of me stars C: Breach (il (iiass shoot IJ4 P.uers titi Prrtpelty ilelll 67 ilalkrina rxv, 3 Military enicle 2 P.ussi.tn river 3 Top of head 1 Exists 6 Small cask C Stale of wealing away 7 Genuine 8 Ct'PVJar.irjn of L'c-yberry 9 .Much i ' - - Wti cTilATT7fe (eon.li f. nf.) 10 Proltilierann-' 11 Eii.iil.'.v.r 12 Ikr of a so,pn..:is 17. SI., . lei m:ir!:e 1" De l 23 Ki-.wl; ram ! i5.Tr.:::e:c ouL-ni 26 An:-..'.- Oakky S7 F.if.ht (comb, foi'iol 2fl Li-elv d.-ince 29 Ointment SI W.;lihound 32l':oavc ."3 Printer's tern 38 Handle clumsily (coll.) 40 Vi..ionary 41 fcnervattt 4 4 Account tti Snare 4o Switch r0 House (Sp.) M Vipers 2 Routes (ab.) S4 Spanish measure 53 liras 57 P irtion 53 Church part 6!) Sailyard 61 Still 65 Chinese weight - 3l trhr .. tiL;-1 X3I '(7 ityw- 1U , tdu-J-, J MJA ;i t5 ofa o7 I I I . I I I 1 III '? M Hilllll K. INC. This log it made up from information by Television Stations and its jtccuracy cannot be guaranteed by the La Grande Observer. fELEVISION IN REVIEW: Alec Guinness Portrays His Ability In 'Startime' Play By FRED DANZIG UPI Staff Writer T.W YOKK 'UPI i A knislil of the British Empire. Alec Citiin nt'.s, (loininutetl u ni'ht of Aiiht ican telct Nion Tuesday. Cuinness made his TV ilramatli (ielnit here ill an hour play called. "The Wicked Scheme of .lebal Deeks," part of NHC-TV's Slar lime series. Because the part was tailored for dullness' uncanny ahility to utilize a schemiii!". foy-ora:ulta facial expression including Ilia! super!) ueo smile that unlulds a he surt-s the chaos he lias cre ated the play wasn't much el a challe.. nv for htm. He's Int.. unheat.ihie in this soil oi movie, but i! was still a groat treat lo hate him do his stud lor mere TV viewers. Jcbal Deeks, for 27 years, worked in a bank and was con spicuously underpaid and u.iap preciated He thirsts for revenue. He wails Ins revenue to be com plete. And he wants !o lie around to saor it. That rules make good the loss. No. reasons Deeks, em bezzlement "doesn't really humili ate tliem.'' He hits upon a belter idea. He brains putting his own money info the tellers' receipts. Chaos re sults. The bank's antiseptic effi ciency becomes infected with ten sion and i. ear-panic. Next, Deeks mixes up the nay cheeks. A bank guard gets $37.") and I he bank iee president uets $43.18. Chaos results. Deck.-, strps forward with -so.ne suo-noiis and eventually, an cfiirie: cy en gineer expel lly salir:ed by William Hedfield comes along. Dtek; keeps his g,-,.niiini;ii-;. goinji and lucks Hie board c!;air man i.i the vault. There was this five line from tho pr-H'rusteao banker in the vault: "I'm not couniiiu; my money. I'm ir'.ie.v iu ; iiiv Ii. Idiii'fs " Dynamitr frees the banki r and Deeks is on his way up. as the new director ot princilui'i s. He Mops the Willie Sutton - hi - i.wei'se activities im rely by doing nolhing, aid is ahoct to beeo're balk president v- !u n. . .yes. someone else begins adding n oney to the till. A DRY BED FOREVER! Embarrassment and an In feriority complex can easily come to your child through the bed-wetting habit. , Is BHD-WETTING normal? No! If not normal it must be ' abnormal. Can anyone whoVetJ ' the hed live a normal Jife? No! Ucd-wetting can. now be stopped forever through a -V-..! nroven. time-tested i 7v ir?tr.rocess. With your r ft cooPcril,lon W: can VJ I Suaranlce a'Jry r101' f) ) forever, tiet the T r-ALillS nowl Fc ! t'-ifom3':t-iiv.;I'iTHE NITE-DHI CO. A C:.Uion o( Pacific ttioaica LstsralotlM i il WOOLWORTH'S SAVE 51c! COTTQI CARDIGAN a timely saving! O.xiLY A-)dr.ll City I I ChiM'i Aqe V'-t j REO. 2.93 i.-LE TRiCE EFFECTIVE KOV. 12. 13, 14 ONLY H Liohl on-lhe-sl-ou'ders cotton sveater; for a K K special I ohMc-the-puri? prict! Lold, fcsxy style S P( featuies 8 pritty. icarii7?d hulfcris, :rug crew jy iccl'. ". j!l:;e!'. tco! For la.r. rr l.-dy in siies S COTTON iiis Range Bull SALE Saturday, November 1411 a.n. OK Sales Yard, Ca'dwoll, Idalio 200 HEREFORD SHORTHORN ANGUS BULLS 16 (MONTHS OR OLDER at OK SALES YARD CALDWELL Saturday, November 14, 11 a.m. Sponsored by IDAHO CATTLtV.i-N'3 ASSOCIATION Say:-i 3'r.! Aifriicwe Frin's Size; S-M-L-XL RI'. $1.11 to 2iS5 B'.-.i;ifu! 3 i' rami scft Hash able v'pl dsiis with was!.able and curl.-blc arn roofed heir and moving eye. . . . prettily dicssrd in toadler six; clothes! Lr?,W3 Rov! Only A Small Dsposii Required i! ft 1 ; I Sc Candy Special! 1 2c V.7ilMUT mill CLUSTERS . rT"- CARAVEL. ".VrtL.'ILT;, CHOCOLATE COATING 1 SAVt lb. SAVE He ' 9-S.i'-.yiON.-SAT. ADAMS -4 WO 3.2605 HE