La Grande observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1959-1968, November 05, 1959, Page 10, Image 10

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MOSCOW (LPI The Soviet
. Union today claimed a world
peed. record for jet planes with
an average speed or 1.45176
mph. '
The official Soviet news agency
,Tass said pilot G. Mosolov set the
rtxurd iu a uudf cugiuol Ml TRIPS. TO. MOSCOW
plane. It said he hit a high speed: MOSCOW 'I'PIi The general
ot 1.553.4 mph but gave no other i manager of the government tour
details. The official world record ; 1st agency lntourist bas report
is 1,404 09 mph. set by U. S Air ed thaC 9.500 Americans visited
Force Cant Walter W. Irwin in "' ' '
the Sm icl I niui in the fust nine'
months of I'.'Vi, the news agency
Tass today. During all of
last!, only 4.300 Americans visited C 4 T Imma
the i .ion oer io uance
Sally Rand
May, 1958.
in a Lockheed F-104
Legal Notict
Legal Notice
At '64 Fair
NOTICE is hereby given that the assessment roll for the im
provement of Improvement District No. 1 -20 within the City of I -a
Grande, t'nion County, Oregon, is now in my hands for 'collection
and thut the same may be paid at any time within ten (10) days
from the fifth (5th) day of November, 19G9, without penally, interest
or cost and each owner is hereby notified that on application to the
undersigned within ten (10) days from the lillh (5th) day-of Novem
ber, 1959. which is the date of the first publication of this notice,
they will be allowid to pay such assessment in twenty semi annual
installments, the first iistallmcnt thereol being due and payable on
fit- hi.lnra thn i.tlh I M I, , ..f Lt limn If i:. i ..
as above specified, the whole amount is due. payable and will b"-' L George D. & Maxine
come delinquent on tne tiltn (a h) dav of December. 1359 The "'n-nn-n
NOTICE is hereby given that the asst-ssnu nt roll for the im- CHICAGO 'IPl' No matter
provement ol Street Improvement District No li4 within the City what a mayor of Ne York City
of La Grande, Union Countv, Oregon, is now in my hands for col-! . . .' c ,.
lection and that tile same niav be vu:i at any Line within ten davslc te a:d :"J0Ut h'r' ' ,,J 10
from the 5th day of November, 19Mt. without ptnalty, interest on will be wili ng and rcaJv to dance
Obierver, La Grande, Ore., Thuri', Nov. 5, 1959 Page 10
cost and each owner is hereby notilnd that on application to the un
dersigned within ten (10) days Irom the filth iSthl day of November,
1059. which is the date of the first publication oi this notice, they
will be allowed to pay such assessment in twenty .semi annual hi-
uf .'illments. thl firvt inctf.lltiii.,,1 lh.i-,i.l h.,nii dl mi tM,u,.l.l, r.n
i.iru ihu f.f,., mi., .i.... n... UK.M k ..i;,...i.n ...i ...i.. un too much of her lime
as above specified, the whole amount is due. pavablo and will be- sully a a 'an dancer ncipeo.
come delinquent on the filth (5th) d;:y of Uct niber, lb5u. The As P-t the Chicago Century of l'rog-
a' the Ne York Wtrld s fair
14. she said today.
Unless, of course, a certain high
school junior her son takes
sessment Roll follows
No. Name
'Assessment Koll follows:
'No. Nme
1. W. K. & Marie II. Wilkins
2. W. E. & Marie II. WilKins
i 3. W. E. & Marie H. Wilkins
; 4. W. E. & Marie II. Wilkins
! S. W. E. & Marie H. Wilkins
! O. W. E. & Marie H. Wilkins
7. Seventh Day Adventists
8. Seventh Day Adventists
9. Seventh Day Adventists
,10. Seventh Day Adventists
'Publish: November 5, 1959.
Description of Property
All in Grendy't 2nd
Lot 1, lilock Hi
l ot 2, Block lti
I-ot 3, Hlock 18 ... .
U)t 4, Hlock 16
Lot 5, Hlock lti
Lot , lilock HJ
I-ot 7, block 16
Lot 8, Block Id
Lot , Block ltl
Lot 10, Hlock IB
K. C. Mi-Shane,
Kolert N. & Delda G.
i Smith
'3. Bechtel Bros.
$78 10 jL Joseph H. & Eleanor II.
78 10 1 Gaiser
' 78 10
78 10 1
78 10' Publish: November 5, 1959
78 101
. 78 10 1
less on I lie worlds entertainment
Amount ; map in KiaJ a .d lto4. and in 1939
Feh- when New York playeJ host to a
S 700 92 i.e.. ... . i. ., if..- m
I i,l c 7 a 111 Hi III.tIc 4 F.h. ," ......
renbach Add 1,401.84 "Z "
Description of Property
Lots 11 & 12. lilock 4,
renuach Add
Lots 7. 8 A . Block 12, W'is-
The late Mayor Fiorello La
dom Adil 1 nst 3H Guardia promotly issued a stale
lots 1(1. 11. & 12. lilock 12. ! nienl saying he would resign if
Wisdom's Add. 1,051.38 ! she appeared there. Supposedly.
F. C. McShane, ! he disapproved of her act and her
Itecorder Treasurer costume. The costume, oversized
fans, was displayed most of the
time between Sally and her au
Sally is no playing at a Chi
NOTICE is hereby given that the asscssnu n'. roll for the im-
711111 nrrtionw.nt .f Cl..t Im. .....n,,nt ll.ttf... V 'A"J u i t It i n lku r,lu
78 10 of La Grande, Union County, Oregon, is now in my hands lor col- du ,cm" d"u P-"-:,H
lection and that the same niav be paid at any time within ten days: l,lem '"n rougniy tne same act
from the 5th day of November, 1959, without penalty, interest or and the same costume, or lack
cost and each owner is hereby notified that on application to the un- ol it.
dersigned within ten (10) days from the fifth (5th) day of November, I And she still maintains it wasn't
1959, which is the date of the first publication of this notice, they
will De allowed to pay such assessment in twenty semi-annual in
I VOTlrP ic herffhv ttivfin th: thn rvtuttment roll fur the im.
provemmt of Improvement District No. 231 within the Cily of I-a stallments, the first installment thereof being due and payable on
(Grande. Union County, Oregon, is now in my hands for collection 'or before the fifth (5th) day of May, 1 UW). If application is not made
and that the same may be paid at anv time within ten (10) days as above specified, the whole amount is due. payable and will be
'from the fifth (5th) day of November, 1959. without penalty, interest come delinquent on the fifth (5lh) day of December, 1959. The As-
'or cost and each owner is hereby notified that on application to tne iscssmeni noil loliows:
l...J..-; .,,.tlt, h lilt A r..M f.ftl. l VUDM.I
uuu I milieu vtitiiiii ten un.t) lauiii (lie iiiil tL,iiif uaj ,i itw.,r
ber, 1959. which is the date of the first publication of this notice,
I hey will be allowed to pay such assessment in twenty semi annual
installments, the first installment thereof being due and payable on
lor before the fifth (5th) day of May, VMM. If application is not made
'as above specified, the whole amount is due, payable and will be
icome delinquent on the fifth (5th) day of December, 1S59. The
(Assessment Koll loliows:
I No. Name
I L' Clarence I.. & Julia E. Gilstrap
12. Clarence L. & Julia E. Gilstrap
3. Clarence L. & Julia E. Gilstrap
, 4. Agnes Gertrude Reynolds
5. Gladvs U Tanner
6. David G. & Patti Wylde
j 7. Ieonard E. & Dorothea A. Good
! a Leonard E. & Dorothea A. Good
I 9. Leonard E, tt Dorothea A. Good
10. Leonard E. & Dorothea A. Good
Description of
lt 1, Hlock 6 $287.00
I-ot 2, Block 6 275 52
U1 3. Block 6 275 52
Lots 4 & 5, Block 6 551 04
Lot 6, Block 6 ... 275 52
Lots 7 & 8, Block 7 .... 551.04
Lot 9. Block 7 275.52
Lot 10, Block 7 275.52
Lot 11. Block 7 275 52
A)l 12. Block 7 ,i. ... 287.00
F. C. McShane,
Recorder Treasurer ' ""
(Publish: November 5, 1959.
i NOTICE is hereby given that the assessment roll for the im-
provement of Improvement District No. 232 within the City of La
'Grande, Union County, Oregon, is now in my hands for collection
land that the same may be paid at any time within ten (10) days
(from the fifth (5th) day of November, 1959. without penalty, interest
lor cost and each owner is hereby notified that on application to the
undersigned within ten (10) davs from the fifth (5th) day of Novem
ber, 1959. which is the date of the first publication of, this notice,
they will be allowed to pay such assessment in twenty semiannual
I installments, the first installment thereof being due and payable on
or before the fifth (5th) day of May, I960. If application is not made
las above specified, the whole amount is due, payable and will bc
jcome delinquent on the fifth (5th) day of December, 1959. The
I Assessment Koll follows:
No. Name
1. John L. & Afton K. Ilendrick
son 2. E. A. & Eva S. DockweiU-r
3. E. A. & Eva S. Dockweiler
4. E. A. & Eva S. Dockweiler
5. Lynden & Lila Marie Top
ping 6. Lynden & Lila Marie Top
ping 7. Theodore E. & Anna May
8. Glen A. & Alice Saling
9 Donald F. & Vera K. Harmon
10. Donald F. & Vera K. Harmon
11. Orvalle L, & LaVelle May
12. Marion & Florence Saling
13. Neva Ann Neil
Publish: November 5, 1959.
Description of Prop
Ixils 1 & 2, Block 20 .
Lot 3, Bock 2(1
UA 4. Block 26
I xit 5. Block 26
Lots 6 & 7, Block 26 344.40
$344 40
. 172 20
... 17220
Lot 8, Block 26
Uits 9 & 10. Block 26
Lots II & 12, Block iff
l-ol.s 13 & 14, Block rru
Mi 15. Block 27
U.ts 16 & 17. Block 27
444 97
344 40
172 20
344 40
Lot 18 and the East of
I ot 19. Block 27 " 258 30
W est H of 1-ot 19 & Lot
20. Block 27 . - 258 30
F. C. McShane,
Recorder-Treasurer 1
NOTICE is hereby given that the assessment roll for the im
provement of Improvement District No. 233 within the City of La
Grande. Union County, Oregon, is now in my hands for collection
and that the same may be paid at any time within ten (10) days
from the fifth (5th) day of November, 1959, without penalty, interest
or cost and each owner is hereby notified that on application to the
I undersigned within ten (10) davs lrom tne mm omi aay ot Novem
ber, 1959. which is the date of the first publication of this notice,
thav mil h allowed to Dav such assessment in twenty semi annual
I installments, the first installment thereof being due and payable on
I or before the fifth (5th) day of May. I960. If application is not made
I as above specified, the whole amount is due, payable and will be
I come delinquent on the fifth (5th) day of December; 1959. The
Assessment Koll follows:
Description or prop
LIN'S AOD. Amount
Lot 1, Block 31 I. 907.W
. til 1. in m nun ufi
No. Name
1. Melvin H. & Audrey S. Bork
2. Frank D. Rohan
3. Ralph W, & Louise K. Rein
ecke 4. Melvin & Rowena Westenskow
5. Don E. & Esther Willmarth
6. St. Joseph Hospital
7. Walter M. & E. Jane Ferger
son 8. Albert R. Spencer
Publish: November 5, 1959.
I-ot 1. Block 32 7. 388 80
Lot 2, Block 32 388.80
Lot 3, Block 32 388.80
Ut 4, Block 32 ' 388.80
Lots S, t, 7, & 8, Block
39 1.555.20
East 50 ft. of Lots 3 4 4,
Block 40 324.00
West 90 ft. of Lot 4.
Block 40 583.20
F. C. McShane.
NOTICE it hereby aiven that the assessment roll for the Im-
provement of Improvement District No. 238 within the City of I-a
Grande. Union County. Oregon, is now in my hands for collection
I and that the same may be paid at any time within ten ltO) days
from the fifth (5th) day of November. 1959, without penalty, interest
or cost and each owner is hereby notified that on application to the
undersigned within ten (10) davs (rum the tilth (nth) day 01 Novem
ber, 1959. which is the date of the first publication of thia notice,
they will be allowed to pay such assessment in twenty semi annual
installments, the first installment thereof being due and payable on
or before the fifth (5th) day of May. 1960. If application rot made
as above ipccuied. the whole amount is due. payable 'and w ill be
come delinquent on the fifth (5th) day of December, 1959. The
Assessment Roll follows: n'"'
Description of Prop
l ots 5 & fl. Block 87 $777.00
South of Lots 7 4 8. "
Block 87 !. 777 60
North rt of Ixits 1 4 2,
Block 90 .. . 777 60
North i? of Lots 3 4 4.
Block 90 777 60
V. C. McShane, i, .
Recorder Treasurer
No. Name
1. L. Rhodes 4 Roberta P. Lewis
2. Glass Drugs
3. Clarence L. 4 Mildred Roe
4. Archie H. 4 Vivian E. Burford
Publish: November S, 1959.
No. Name
1. Raymond M. Cook
2. Merle Becket
3. Robert L. 4 Dorothy
D. Ratliff
4. Mortier L. 4 Vivian
R. Dodge
5. Arthur 4 Tillie Mul
likin 6. George E. 4 Marian
A. Folsom
7. Chirk- J. 4 Marie
8. Mortier L. 4 Vivian
R. Dodge .
9. Louise Marie McNeil
10. Warner L. Stein
Description of Property All
IM 9, Hlock 2
the fans, but civic pride that
made LaGuardia act as he did.
Bccuase she had been such a
success at a world's fair in Chi
cago, Sally said, LaGuardia didn't
want her in New York.
Sally, who called herself an ex-
Amount 1 pert oi world fairs, predicted that
SW-.tbNew York officials wouldn't ban
I her in I9M, on any
All of I.ot 10 & the west 13 ft. of
ii L1I....1. eon ca
Th", ."47 M , ii iv,. -"-"i either moral or civic
10 ft. of Lot 12, Block 2 530.26
East 50 ft. of I.ot 12 and the west 6
. ft. of Lot 13, Block 2 520 96
The east 54 ft. cf un 13, and the
west 3 ft. of Ixt 14, Block 2
The east 57 ft. of Lot 14, Block 2 .
Lot 1, Block 3
Lot 2, Block 3
Lot 3, Block 3
Lot 4, Block 3
F. C. McShane,
1 Recorder-Treasurer
Publish: November 5, 1959.
530 26
544 73
said she had no invitation yet, but
there were indications she would
get one.
She admitted, however, that one
thing might keep her and her fans
from the New York fair, and
that's her soa. He'll be 16 and a
junior in high school in 19C4.
United Builders
Washington, Inc.
3. Gorman
Earl H.
NOTICE is hereby given that the assessment roll for the im
provement of Water Main Improvement District No. 6 within the
City of La Grande, Union County. Oregon, is now in my hands for
n.llec'iim and that flip same niav be oald at any time within ten (10)
davs from the fifth (5th) dav of November. 1939. without penalty, in
terest or cost and each owner is hereby notified that on application i
to the undersigned within ten (10) days from the fitth (am) aay 01
November, 1959, which is the dale ot the lirst publication 01 mis
notice, they will be allowed to pay such assessment in twenty semi
annual Installments, the first installment thereof being due and
payable on or before the fifth (5th) day of May. luoo. 11 application
is not made as above specified, the whole amount is due. payable
and will become delinquent on the fifth (5th) day of December, 1959.
The Assessment Roll Follows:
No. Name Description of Property Amount
1. George W. 4 Ellen C. Beginning at a point from which $129.00
Brooks ' the K. l4 corner of Sec. 7. Twp. 3
S.; R. 38 E.W.M . bears S. 89 07"
E. 176.30 ft. and N. 5-20' K. 658.
45 ft., and cast 1482.83 ft.; thence
N. 89J07' W. 151.00 ft. to the
easterly right-of-way line of the
countv road (commonly called
Alder Street): thence S. 13'49' E.
along said easterly right-of-way
line 129.00 ft.; thence N. 81'03'
E. 130.00 ft.; thence N. 4'35' W.
103.12 ft. to the point of begin
of Beginning at a point from which 412.50
the E. V corner of Sec. 7, Twp. 3
S.. Range 38 E.W.M. bears N.
13 49 W. 25745 ft. and east
2.031.30 ft ; t hi nee S. 13 49' E.
412 50 ft.; theme S. 89 07' E.
1059 ft; thence N. 0' 53' E. 4000
ft.; thence N. 89 07' W. 208 0 ft.
to the point cf beginning.
P. 4 Lela Beginning at a point from which 12330
the E. 4 cor of Sec. 7. Twp. 3
S., R. 38 E.W.M. bears N. 13'49'
W. 134.15 ft. and east 2.031.30 ft;
thence S. 13 49' E. 123 30 ft.;
thence S. 89 07' E. 208.0 ft.;
thence N. 13'4!)' W. 12330 ft.;
thence N. 89 07' W. 208.0 ft. to
the point of beginning.
4 Helen G. The south 529.60 ft. of the fol- 529.60
lowing described property; be
ginning at the southeast corner
of Block 9. Arnolds add. to the
Citv of La Grande. I'nion Co.
Ore., thence N. 5 50' V. 190 26
fL; thence N. 37 35' W. 247 54 ft.;
thence north 32'31 W. 89 50 ft.;
thence N. 13 49' W. 350.50 ft. to
the true point of beginning for
the following described propertv;
thence N. 8925' W. to the west
city limits line of the City of la
Grande; thence north along said
west city limits line to the south
side of II Avenue produced west;
thence east along said south line
of H Avenue to a point on the
west line of the county road
(known as Alder Street); thence
southeasterly along said west line
of said county road to the true
point of beginning.
5. Leslie U 4 Edna A parcel of land described by 200.00
Mae Kef for starting at the southeast corner
of block 9. Arnolds Add. to I-a
Grande. Union County, Oregon,
and running thence N. 550' W.
190.26 ft.; thence N. 37'3.V W.
247 54 ft.; thence N. 32 31' W.
8950 ft.; thence N. 13 49' W.
127.0 ft. to the N. E. corner of
the parcel of land conveyed to
Florence E. Lloyd by deed dated
Oct. 24. 1950 (deed book 138. p.
119); thence N 1349'. W. 10 3 ft.
to the true point of beginning of
the parcel of land herein de
scribed, being a point q the west
line of the county road common
ly called Alder Street; thence N.
13"49' W. along the west line of
said road 213 2 ft. to the N E. cor
ner of a parcel of land conveyed
to Florence E. I.lovd bv deed
dated Sept. 12. 1957 (deed book
139, p. 474); thence following the
north and west lines of said
IJovd tract last mentioned on the
courses of N. 89 2.V W'. 120.0 ft.
thence S.0 35 W. 130 0 ft. thence
S. 38' 32' W. to a point due west
of the point of beginning; thence
east to the true point of begin
ning. F. C. McShane,
Recorder Treasurer
Publish: November 5, 1959.
Pastor Speaks
At Union
UNION ( Special i-Lestr John
son, pastor of the Summerville
Baptist Church, spoke at the eve
ning services of the Union Bap
tist Church. The pastor. Reverend
Douglas Field, filled the pulpit
at the Summerville church in an
exchange service.
Edwards of the Oregon Temper
ance League spoke for a few min
utes in, several of the local church
es Sunday .
The pastor and a number of the
congregation from the Nazarene
Church held services at Hot Lake
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Crampton
and family have been on vacation
for the past two weeks. They spent
most of their time hunting and fish
ing and few days in Spokane and
The Sacred Heart Alter Society
met Tuesday at the home of Mrs.
Charles Haggerty in Cove. A Reg
ular business meeting and social
hour fi'llowvd. They voted to help
with the blood mobile when it
comes to Union Nov. 9. Mrs. Hag
gerty served refreshments. The
next will be Nov. 17, at
the home of Mrs. Roliert Seale.
gic Air Command jet bombers
will make a number of low alti
tude speed dashes over special
routes throughout the United
States starting late Ihis month.
The program to test low alti
tude, all-weather bomber opera
tions will start Nov. 23 and last
about six weeks. Officials said
there would be two flights a day
over the specially designated
routes, probably at altitudes of 500
to 1,000 feet.
' '4
e rw .
1 -a- 'ck--i
5 ON AIR An Army flying saucer-type vehicle scoots across the ground dur
ing a demonstration at the "Symposium on Ground Effect Phenomena at Princeton
Univ., N.Y These Hying machines operate a' few inches above the ground on a
cushion of air. The cushion is created by forcing air downward at great pressure,
providing enough lift to raise the vehicle off the ground. '
Grave Diggers Throw In Picks
At Scene Of Mexican Disaster
The grave diggers gave up today
in Minatitlan.
'What's the use of digging
them out from under 15 feet of
mud only to bury them u:ider six
feet of dirt'.'" asked Maj. Andres
Coamu, commander of the rescue
team sent here by the Mexicai
"The rest cf the dead must lie
in peace where they are."
The smell of death lay every
where in this mountain village
that was almost wiped out in a
grinding roar at 7:30 a.m. a week
ago today when nightlong cloud
bursts loosened the slopes of Los
Copales Mountains.
The living were walking dead.
moving through the sloping
streets like zombies or sleepwalk
ers or little children just awaken
ing after a dream too frightening
to be understood.
Silent and Unsmiling
They were silent and unsmiling
and could give no coherent ac
count of the disaster that struck
while most were sleeping or hud-1 pcared in an instant. Most of the
died awake in their mud and few brick buildings that were the
straw huts awaiting the end of : pride of the village the stores,
the cycltne-borne rairs. the city hall crumbled and
The village of Minatitlan lies , were covered up. The sea of
low on the slopes of Los Copales. mud. as soft as quicksand,
nestled in a ravine formed by poured into the houses that still
two interlocking mountainsides. stood.
Below is a nameless dry river- God Fearirg People
bed that lust Tuesday became a The people of Minatitlan are
great river, swollen and trapping God fearing and they saw mira
the people of Minatitlan. cles all about. The church es-
Village authorities say 1,374 icaped severe damage though
persons were living fcere a week ! houses all about it including the
ago when the sides of the moun
tains trembled, slipped slightly
and then roared downward to
ward the flooded riverbed with
ever-increasing speed.
Almost 900 persons escaped
death, though luo were badly
hurt. They crossed themselves
and said it was a miracle. There
was no warning and no premoni
tion. Another 400 persons were
crushed in their adobe huts or
smothered beneath tons of muck
and mire.
Houses crumbled or d i s a p-
' 1 v i(T 1
- V' " - JR.! k tl
h x - fee "'--
Premier Fidel Castro's police reported
the arrests of more than 30 rebels charged with plot
ting to bomb a bus station and assassinate public of
ficials. The report followed a new leaflet raid on Hava
na, the capital of Cuba.
Legal Notice
NOTICE is hereby given that the assessment roll for the im
provement of Water Main Improvement District No. 7 within the
City of La Grande, Union County, Oregon, is now in my hands for
collection and that the same mav be paid at any time within ten (10)
days from the fifth (5th) day of November, 1959, without penalty, in
terest or cost and each owner is hereby notified that on application
to the undersigned within ten (10) days from the fifth (5th) day of
November, 1959, which is the date of the first publication of this
notice, they will be allowed to pay such assessment in twenty semi
annual installments, the first installment thereof being due and
payable on or before the fifth (5th) day of May, I960. If application
is not made as above specified, the whole amount is due, payable
and will become delinquent on the fifth (5th) day of December, 1959.
The Assessment Roll Follows:
No. 'Name Description of Property Amount
1. Ray B. & Katheryn The vest 208 feet of Tract D. $10500
Komigs Add.
All of Tracts E & F, Romig's
Add.; less the east 4 of the
north 75 feet of Tract F.
Lot 1, Block 1, Foley Addition ...
Ann McFarland.
2. George F. & Marian
S. Nightingale
3. M. J. Jr., and Donna
J. Goss
4. James F. Bohnen-kamp
Commencing at a point 6 ft. 137.90
north of the northwest corner of
Tract H. Romig's Add. to La
Grande, said point being the
northwest corner of Block 2, Fo
ley Add , thence running east
along the north line of said Block
2 of Foley Add. 150 feet; thence
north 137.9 feet more or less to
the south line of the Wise prop
erty as described in Deed Book
114, page 130; thence west 150
feet; thence south 137 9 ft. to the
point of beginning.
Commencing at a point 150 feet 105 40
east of a point which is 143 9 feet
north of the northwest corner of
Tract H. Romig's Add to La
Grande; thence west 150 feet;
thence north 105 4 feet; thence
east ISO feet; thence south to
the point of beginning.
F. C. McShane.
Recorder Treasurc-r
Publish: November 5, 1959.
5. Marvin E. Newby
born Gunther Pcdola. 30. is sched
ulcd to hang Thursday for the
murder of a London detective
after . the failure of an attempt
by the German Embassy to win a
The embassy appealed to the
British government to change Po
dola's sentence lo life imprison
ment because there is no death
penalty in Germany. The Secre
tary Richard A. Butler declined.
home cf th; priest were swept
away. Those who fled to the
church for safety were saved.
The priest was saved because he
was away, praying for a parish
ioner. The army also reported mira
cles. One was a lieutenant found
birred up to his neck but still
alive. Another was a soldier
swept 300 yards from the army
garrison by a sea of mud, but
still living. The other soldiers
were killed in the garrison.
The survivors, stoic and un
smiling Indians, are wracked
with flu and diarrhea and skin
diseases but they do not com
plain. They have never known of
electricity or potable water or of
sewage problems and the lack
does not bother them.
Union Group
At Ontario
IMCW (Special 1 Those from
Union atleiding the student coun
cil regional conference at Ontario
recently were: Mr. a;id Mrs. John
Comisky, Bill Phillips. Henry Mil
ler. Stanley Wilde. Claudia Her
man. Lerice Taylor. Willora Titus
and Bill Cockrell.
Gary Gipson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Reggie Gipson. cut his arm
recently, requiring 30 -stitches.
Word has been received here
that Mr. and Mrs. Larry Markham
of Hermiston are the parents of
a bahy girl. Rose Ann,' born Oct.
17. She weighed six pounds and
four ounces. Mrs. Markham is
from Union. Union grandparents
are Mr. and Mrs. William Webb.
Never Too Old
Mrs. Lena Webb, Wallowa, was
here for the deer season visiting
Mr. and Mrs. William Webb. She
is 81 years old and shot a buck
deer. The Webb's drove her home
Mrs. Grant Wilde and Mrs.RuIon
Edvalcon and daughter, Nadine,
joined a group of ladies from La
Grarde w ho drove to Baker recent
ly to visit the LDS primary of the
Second Ward cf Baker.
Mrs. Carroll Gregory, Sacramen
to, Calif., has left for her home.
She has been here the past two
weeks visiting her sister and family
Mr. an Mrs. Harold Hall, and
brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Harris.
Mrs. Hazel Green is in San
Leandro, Calif., visiting with her
son and family. She expects to be
gone for about two weeks. Mrs.
Cecil Whittig is taking her place
at the library during her absence.
Mrs. Willard Hill and Mrs. Odin
Miller attended the CowBelles'
needing at the Sacajawea hotel.
'! ? K .2 1
Curt Jui gens are currently starring in the 20th Cen-Uiry-Fox
color motion picture. "The Blue Angel."
The film is now being shown at the Granada Theatre
in La Grande.