Observer,' La Grande, Ore., Thurs.,' Oct. 29,' 1959 Page 10 ' '. f -"-. 'V 0,1 ' QUINTUPLETS PARENTS Lt. and Mrs. Charles G. Hannan became the parents of America's third .sot oi quintuplets with the birth oi live girls in Lackland Air Force l!ae Hospital at San Antonio, Tex. The quintuplets, horn prematurely, have all -lied. Survey Reveals Bonds Superior To Common Stock For Investing By ELMER C. WALZER I UPI Staff Wri'er NKW YOKK i CHI Two imcs'nvnt experta have explored the field of iH-nsion (iiikIs and! arrived at a conclusion that bonds lit Into those funds better than common stoiks. . This is a Mow to what has he conic a general belief in Wall Street. The caliber of the experts lends wciglit to their stalenvnt that "a drx-)ier annljsis of the sur.'fce record of cilinnnn : locks! shows they 'do rot meit the day today living retuirements of the liensinn fund wiilio.t possible li tiidation at nnfavurnblo times." Dennis N. Warlers, presided, and William M. liae. second vice president and actuary of the Hankers Life Cor.ipany of lies Blonde Teen-Age Girl Friend Of FSynn Fights 'By" ROBERT FLICK United Prets International HOLLYWOOD "ITI Seventeen year old Bwerly Aadlnnd says shis very sni ry she isn't going to have rr child by Krrol llynn, but ie- definitely plans to have one third of his estate "I'm very sorry that I am not pregnant," said the b'o:i,l. wiile eyed teen-ir'cr at a p ess confer ence Tuesday. "We lovid each o'lier very much. Wo wa'.teil u W.iy I a lly." Her attorney, Melvin Belli, ad ded: "She learned Only today she was not piegn.rit " . Miss Aadlnnd. Mynn's compan ion for the two years before Ins death at the age of 50 Oct. tl. told reixirters she had written on; 'Space Ferry' For Shuttling Men Out There LOS for' a AXCEI.KS 'I'PI' Plans! well as the signed Version. He "space feny" to ahultleisaid tlie oilier unsigned document men and .supplies from ea'th to! orbiting salellit 'S were revealed Tuesday by lickheed and Hughes aircraft companion. The craft w;u!d have the fea tures of a sn;i!-e ship, ballistic missile ard conventio-al airplane, said the firms, t w.iuld be Inunchcd ninp a three stn';e m k ct generating 1KI0.0('II pounds of till list The "snace fi rrv" would have folding wings which would be foiti- h ed back at laurelling and then, "Voti sec," Miss Aadiand ad spread out when it attained its 'I'd, "this is the same dress I 300 lo 500 mile altitude operational had on the other day " area. LockhccHl and Hughes estimated the giant ferry could lie ready for use alxnit Bairn. Its design has been presented to "appropriate envernment ni?encies. said thei ..;- I. f.. nn ,.,...r.,. mental action has Leon taken. The vehicle could carry M.thW pounds of payload and three per sons besides the pilot, according to the comnnnies - Trey said re search on the craft was financed independently. 13 i m t. NOT SAYING farnh Dibah. 23, of Tehran. Ir an left for l'aris without saving whether shir m-teiiik-d to- ni:.rr- Mnh Mohammed Rtaa Pahh vi even though friends sav she is cnrniitc to hnv her Irotiwati .IVs;ilo all ' rtiPmrs the- beatili' " IMrah (let lines' tn rotn- mi Moines, Iowa, arrive at these conclusions in a joint paer re leased to mcmltcrshin' of the So ciety of Actuaries fur discussion at its animal meetiii- Nor. 11 The study shows that since Congress enacted legislation in l!Mt! encouraging establishment ol pension plans, move than 50 WKI qualified plans hate come into being" Total funds in these- plans at the end of 133H are estimated at $.'i7 b llion against $i billion in Itlll. ' About Sl.'i billion of Ibis total is n the hnnds of Hi insurance companies coverins' benefits promised under insured plais ard about $22 billion represents assets of self-insured pens.o l plans administered by trusts. I'(r a long lime pension funds For Her Cut three wills at Flvnn's dirtatiot last year. Only One Signed Two of the wills were marred by her spelling errors and there fore tinsiciu'd by the nctnr. she soul. Hut the thu 1 a.d eorreit ver-inn was signed, she said It lelt her one third of his es tale, s.ud Miss Aadiand. Belli said they were prepared to fight in the courts lor "years" to see th;t she gets her share. An unsigned Will was hied in New York Monday by the late at tor s u'.lori.ey, Justin Golden bock, lie said the document was filed "for information only" and that it had no bearing on the pre viously filed Klynn will. Left Out Of Earlier W II The earlier will made out in l!.V)--leit Flvnn's estate to his widow. Patrice Wymote1,' and his luuf children by three wives. Belli said Coldenbcck was i (isHssi;n of oie of the u isigned I'Uun wills i which was filed as was m storage along with Miss A.i'll. mil s clothing in New i.ork under l-'lynn's name Miss Aadiand said she was un able to get her clothing and other hehrgmgs from New York lie leaese they were under Flvnn's ran.e. I "Kriol tin tight he was providing (or the girl he loved very dearly I and now she c.m't even get her clothes from N York," said BeJ- YANK GETS BOOT IIONti KONG dpi'. Ameri- an citie'i Charles Garland llop- ' -ki to enter Com- munisi Cluna last wek. was or- "" ong Rung uioay. Enter Procter & Gamble's $50,000 GWlWi gMEPSTAKES IS" . ,1 i- f M IVOPA' ' 3 IVflRY Li5uid IT Ulll Detergent CHEER Blue OXYDOL Laundry Dslergenl CASCADE For Dishwashers Get Contest 'Details Here " Price efffttive thru Sun., Nov. V at Se' wy in l Crnd. We lfctrve iHiht to limit. rmaK were almost entirely in fixed in come securities. Hilt since the war an attempt to hedge against inllation has changed the picture, the experts assert. The experts' paper asked what will happen if employment de clines instead of rising1; if ' the business fails to 1 prosper. Auto mation may bring the former and' merger or termination, the latter. ' "No business can lie assumed to have ncrpctual life let alone perpetual growth," say the actuaries. ' They condlude that a fixed in come security such as a bord fits into the Cash requirement of a pension fund promising benefits m fixed dollar amounts more easly than a common stock "The -bend," Ihe experts assert, "gtarantees the payment of i Mer est and principal on specified dates and the guaranteed amounts can be programmed to cash needs." . ' . They cite a study by the Cowles commission covering all slocks listed on the New York Stock Fxehange. llcsulu of that study showed an averago dividend yield of 5 per cer.t anil an aunage prjee in c"rae of 1 8 per cent or a total trend of fi.U er cent annually for the period lt.Tl to rr.!7. Study Extended Through 194 The Lde Insurance Association of America extended the study through IM9 The actuaries esti mated Ihe 6H tier cent figure, unchanged in the extension, pro bably would bo increased if car ried tn the present date because 06 Ihe market rise to a new high A comparable study on bonds showed an average yield of 5li per cent. The exports held that this was in favor of common stocks but they carried on their thesis by citing the spending on consumer credit and other items, including mortgage debt to what may he an artificially high and perhaps insupportable in Ihe luture. "It is obvious that the increase in lMiiriiv.ini; cannot continue in definitely since eventually charges on debt would exceed available income." says the actuaries "It is almost inconceivable that tftal consumer credit can in crease at the rate ol the past years as this would bring such debt to nhont si per cent of con sumer di-pnsnble income "Thus we have to (itiestion whether business activity can duplicate" the rale of increase of recent years with a commensu rate effect on the common stock market" SEEKS DIVORCE LOS ANG1XKS 'll'l' - Hilly Daniels' third wife filed for di vorce Tuesday charging that Ihe Negro singer choked and threat - W Large Bars 12 oz. can Deiergenl Rough, Tough, Stormy Looms Due To High By JOSEPH U. MYLCR i nrohahly would be for the better. Uniti Prt InUrnafienl j The northern half of the country WASIIIN(.TDN 'I i'l' The hiKii ifrom the Hockies eastward was t:i.t iln' hii.e Kcl their cli cc-; too h'.t for comfort chirrR the litrw mixc 1 i.. a:ii il s-jMethini. j summer. II also wa hot in Cali decsn't put thtin h:ic on norm .1 (ornia and the southern plateau icuise wi 're ;n fcr a rouh. ! sl:i'es. It was comparatively cool 'ciidi, sturdy winter D: Jerome Sa:ma. cue! ' the Weather Bureau's cx'.e.itli-d loiccasts section, p-lu-ej today to I.udic! whether thes- winds Willi fiitnt tiekre winter toniA. hut he did offer this possibly ri-ussurini; bit ol wea'.her lore idcaiied from experience: Weath er patterns o.'ltn change between October a-id November. In fact, cha'ws In "weather regimes" oc cur more oflci in that period than any o'her, so it doesn't nay to predict what the winter will be like until you see what the No vcmher pattern is. As things stand, any change Big Business On Insuring Small Fry LOWESTOFT. Kngland 'l'PH Geoffrey Small, 13, president of the Middle School Insurance So ciety, reported today he is doing a "whacking good business" in in suring his schoolmates against spankings and other schooltimc accidents. Small and his board of 13-year-old directors operate at Lowestoft Grammar School. They charge their clients three cents a week and pays up to four shillings (56 cent si for a major disaster such as a caning by a teacher. Detention after school pays 42 cents, but some minor happen stance as having to write 100 lines of poetry on the blackboard brings the client only 14 cents. "We started it as a joke, but it has worked out rather well. Luckily, the chaps haven't got up to too many pranks or we would have been crippled by now," President Small said. Terry Wilt jn, 12, said. "I joined and made one shilling '14 cents' out of it in five weeks. I laughed at the start hut 0 lines of black board poetry brought me in eigh: pence.' '" "Then Ihe boys found out how easy it was lo get lines and made money. That. 0 course. Ihe insur ance rrganizatiot didn't like." Picsident Small stopned that lackct. He punched out new poli cies on his father's typewriter, in serting a clause excluding pay ments for "accidents" engineered by policy holder. "I had to make honesty pay," he said. Bedell Smith Is III WASHINGTON 'I'PI Walter lledcll Smith, retired four-star general and former ambassador to liussia. is reixrted critically ill at Walter Heed Army Hospi tal. A hospital spokesman said Wednesday the 64-year-old former diplomat and military leader was "critically ill from pneumonia and iung abscess." He was ad mitted to the hospital Oct. 13. ened her. Mrs. Pierrette Daniels. 27, also sought a restraining or der to prevent Daniels, 44, from "molesting, annoying or abusing her." PITTSBURGH PAINTS! Stay Brighter . . . Longerl Pitttburgh For All Purposes ie!i 1 . - OB.!' Miller's Cabinet Shop Greenwood end Jefferson 439c 39c BBC ... King 1.33 package Siie pig.1 34e Vkg.1' o ily in the far Pacific Northwest' I a:d the southern plains states such as Text Louisiana, and 'Arkansas. Then the current pattern began to emerge in the fall. The high westerlies, great rivers of air v Inch normally flow mainly west Penney'j FULL- FASHIOJNEJ H M E JS - . 1 NYLO SGQOFt; SAVE! GO GAUGE FULL FASHIONED NYLONS One of our lowest prices ever for first quality 15 denier. 60 - gauge sheers! Fashion's favorite neutral tone. Dark seams. Sizes 8V to 11. JR. BOYS' WARM COTTON CORD PILE-LINED PARKAS! Extra-Warm Orion Pile Lining Easy Zip-Off Hoods Colors Red, Charcoal, Blue, Brown. Washable Too! N SEW NOW AND SAVE! PRINTED COTTON FLANNEL! Neats, Noverties, Juveniles Sanforized, Machine Wash. Perfect For Sleepwear!. Yd. FULLY LINED DENIM BOXERS! Jr. Boys' Sizes 2-8 . 1.00 Red cotton flannel warms the insides of his rugged 10 -ounce. Sanforized ni) denims! They're reinforc ed at points of strain. Ma chine washable, too' Winter Westerlies to east, developed a rortn-soutn tendencv Successive shafts of co'd Kia- air began invading the Y'cstcrit r. :1 c.? njrts of the country. Wh-n the h:i!h westerlies get mixed up this way. forth-south channels are opened which, Na'ni as said. caue "stronger injection of pdar ar southward and strong er injection of tropical air north ward." Activt Winter Unlets... A situation like that, with strong temperature contrasts, breeds Are you an roping bargains? Save during W - -' '.'r W t "j tD 1 mm n mm & ' i& fca. .:3 419' PAIR 444 i SPECIAL COTTCN FLANNEL BUY! Sizes . 6-i6 ;. 1.00 Warm, completely San forized r sport shirts in a wide range of deep, rich plaids! Yes, specially Penney priced so 'you'd better' hurry - . they'll be going fast! -ww t. "2 J lf i storm. and it nothiiijr happens correct it. we're going to have v..rv iive u inter with a lot oi st .rmiisess and vigorous weather i changes, he added. The disordered westerlies pro- duced some intense storms on the pifif ri a week or so ago ! They were responsible for heavy rains from New Kngland south- ward just last week end. The pat i tern may change come Novem-1 ber. but it Icoks wctty set in its! ways right now. . ' N annas reviewed his data lor ai moment. The latest f torm bred by ; the pattern, he told hi' ' t 'trited 1 Press . International it..'- .iew' i , I should be afflicting Great flnu n "with strong winds off the Atlai. tic." -"Have you looked at your wire old hand at 1 1 v l - i ; f t jf LUXURY LOOK SUBURBAN AT. A LOW. PENNEY PRICE A solid Penney speotaj The rich wool, nylon, cskjmere blend is tops foriinter warmth. Extras, too . .. ray on quilt lining, pocket flaps, side vents . . more! 2 colors. MEN'S WARM COTTON FLANNEL SHIRTS Smart, Bright Plaids Sport Or Dress Styles. MEN'S HEAVY WOOLNYLON KERSEY PANTS Perfect For Cold Weather! 9 1C" Nylon For Added Wear! Pr. MEN'S NYLON INSULATED Long-Wearing Men's Fleece Lined! Wcrm, Comfort., Low Priced Pr. WINTER BLANKETS! PLAIDS OR PLAIN Select from Bright Plaids - Solid Colors OrionRayon Blend! 3'4 Lb. Wash.! Ea. MEN'S WOOL & COTTON THERMAL SOCKS Art Season Thermal Socks! 54 Cotton, 46 Wool 10-13 Pr. Nylon Reinforced Hee) Ait" oe! MEN'S , EXTRA-WARM, EXTRA LIGHT Vv klVI Mill Ff"k IIIPI II I u. UUILICU iriJUUHILU UINUCKW K. y 100 Dacron Insulation Machine Washable ' Quick Dryirg! S-M-L-XL IS? MISSES' Aftt S.TREJCHABLE TIGHTS! SMART-WARM! 100 Stretch. Nylon Sleek, Smart Fitting! Hand Washable!. . BOYS', LONG-WEAR'rJ COTTON SLAC" SOCKS . Bright, -Colorful Patterns Sizes 6-10"j. Save Now! j'Pacif ic Wonderland' C Slogan On State Tags SALEM L'FI Oregon licence plates coming out in January wiU bear the slogan I'acilic Vion-ler- land." the Stale Motor Vehicle Department said today: The slogan was adopted by the 1M7 Legislature. New plates wiH have rellectorized 'nbs instead o) metal ones that will lie fastenej with adhesive. The color and mint- beving system of Oregon plutej, i will be tnu same untu mj. - - recently he asked. "I'd be sun there . wasn't an itein 1" . i atiout it." The reporter koked. He fou:id a 'li'patch from London. It said -a stiff gale battered Britain dur- inn the night. . . - STORE1 HOURS: MON.-SAT. :3O5:30 12 00 Sizes 36-46 S-M-L . . 1.98 7.S5 LEATHER BOOTS 13.95 5.00 69c tl ATPrt llkHSniii.K xl S 12 9a GIRLS' NYLON 79.229 I. iris' misses' ' 4 for 1.00 M , Set .