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About La Grande observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1959-1968 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1959)
Chicago Firm Publishes Record Bound To Anger FDR Worshipers WASHINGTON l l'l Th.- Hen-he the more offensive to FDHs ry Regnery Co. of fhirafo has iiefemlers heeause it challenges published a book with u prmevn tive title which is likely to ti'' up some angry tJis;ni!f in the United States. ':The title is: 'ituosevell's Ha I To Russia." Tlie an nor is t;-or;; N. Crrcker. The price mt copy is 15. That is a hish price lor ;i book of 312 pag"s. anil il ma.. discourage some reader More diseouraui i(J tu rea"ler. could be a trend in hook rev.e.v tag which the right-in-er. i.l American politics declare they ea i discern and identify Tliu. is a trend toward shniKginii oil a ha I manners, or worse, llio.-e honki and pamphlets in cireiila'ioi which fiercely chalierge r'r.i..kli . D. Roosevelt's lfia-45 slcAaiiKlnp of the America I destiny Crocker's honk is a tierce a id heir lie o as the architect of World War II strategies which left the w- rlil in the condition now pre n lii:, wh en is a mess. The i heme of docker's book is tha" HH was a tjullible stooge for J. V Sialin's master plan to domin ate the post war world or us much f it a possible. 'Itoosevell's Roi To Russia'' ,s a chronicle of the men around i'" 1 1 it a id of the g eat wartime conferences at which these men and the President matched wits aid wisdom with the Allied teams a id nolalily with Stalin and V. l. Mol tov. Crocker documents his cl.a'ge that the U.S. team was jvei -mulched and out-played, lie especially tajs the late Harry Hopkins as a safety man who for cver was dropping the ball lor bluntly worded challei se. It will 'luck of the will to catch it. Tillamook Mayor Given Nod As Oregon City League Prexy PORTLAND UH'- T.llarnook Mayor Loren McKir.ley was to he installed today as president ol the League of Oregon Cities as the annual meeting of mayurs, city managers and other municipal of ficials ended here. McKinley suc ceeds Springfield Mayor Kdward Harms Jr. Tuesday the slate included dis cussion of tm'fic and parking. Community development, housing, law enforcement and comine cial center developments. The chief FBI agents in fort land, Joseph Thornton, urged del egates to put fore life into polite work. Vern Hill, head of the Slate De partment of Motor Vehicles, dis cussed with de'egat s a tiio o traffic law amendments to he submitted to the It I Legislature They include a fixed maximum League's hacking of annexation as Sjjeed on highways but at the same time retaining the basic rule law; changing the chemical; test regulation to permit or Implied consent f r U sis lor alcohol in the blood in cases of i enic:i l i cities within the 18 coun- Kour resolutions were scheduled for action today. These included i, e by the mayor of Medford asking the State Highhay Com mission to establish an office to deal with city problems from throughout the stale. Mayor John Snyder told delegates Tuesday that there is some dissatisfaction among officiuls "with highway decisions which result in no prog ress of interest to their cities." Snyder urged a smoother co ordinating system between the Department and cities as a way to work out many current "trou l.lesome problems."'. Another resolution calls for larger sha es of Oregin Liquor Control Commission revenues for cities. The OLCC now parcels out III or cent to cities hut the l eague wants 15 per cent. .eg'slalio.n in 12 to aflirm the a desirable way of dealing with invite area problems is provided in a third resolution. The fourth (siilutioi asks that timber sale money on federal lands he alio- "That a web of subversion was spun over Washington in Itoose vell's administration is now be yond question." Crocker writes "J. Kdgar flower's '.Masters of Deceit' is but one of ma iy auth oritative sources which verify that the government was infiltrated by both Communist sympa'.hicrs a d Soviet agents and that I S po'i cies, plans and official attitude were not on'y Influenced by these infiltrations but also p o.npMy re ported to Moscow. "If Franklin D. Roosevelt he came, as war went on. Stalin's favorite fellow traveller, it was not necessarily because any iile ological conversion occurred. Galling To Forrtstal "Vhe pro-Russian utmosphe e in Washington was galling to many, including the frustrate J Secretary of Navy, James V. Kor restal. Ilis diaries reveal that in September, 1044, he had written to a friend that If any American suggests that we act in accord witn our own interests, he is apt to be called a . . . Fascist or Im perialist, while if uncle Joe ' Stal in i suggests that he needs the Kallic provinces, half of 1'olond, all of Bessarabia and access to the Mediterranean, all hands in Wash ington agree that he is a fine, frank, candid and generally de lightful fellow.' Such was the frame of mind Roosevelt took to Yalta." The dust cover of "Roosevelt's Road to Russia" says: "Many people will be made angry by this book." That is a sound and reasonable prediction, especially if the ques tions raised by Crocker become involved in next year's president ial campaign. Observer, La Grande, Ore., Wed., Oct. 21, 1959 Page 8 Market Quotations By Unittd Press International PORTLAND DAIRY i ., I'OHTLANI) ai'H Dairv! NEW YORK STOCKS market: NKW YORK U'1 - SI eel To retailem- r:r,i.. At shares turned up today after reii- extra large, 51 .'-lie: AA large. 4' !'ic: A large. 4.V4HC: A A medium :,y ll.c ; AA small, 2G-2HC; carton.-l-:ic a idnio ai. Butter To retailers giaie A prii.Ls. ice Ih. W highe-; I! p. liit.i, fiitc. Cheese 'medium cured) To re 'adcrs: A grade cheddar singl da.siis, 41-ale: processed Amen ca I cheese. 3 lb. loaf, 4'J-43c. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK PORTLAND 'I'PH-'CSDAi --Livestock: Cattle 250: holdover 12."); fed iteeis and heifers weak to 50c lower: high standard and good 1(1!!! II). led steers 23.50; short load standard 1180 lb. 2:!; truck lot good loo!) Ih. fed heifers 22: utility ciws 13 10; canners-cutte-s 11-13. Calves 75: choice vealers 30-32: one head 33: standard-good 22-29 Hogs 200 ; 40 head 1 and 2 butchers WO-230 lb. 15; mixed 1. 2 and 3 14 14 50; No. 2 and 3 250 2i'i3 lb. butchers 12 13.50; sows Sheeo 3511; good-choice 1 pelt ' q,''"""1 siioi ii laiiios w.ou; iew wooic-d lambs IH; cull-good ewes 2.30-5. ,1 ll.Mticrt horii gi alli ed ai injunction that will end the st. el strike at least for HO d;.ys Shorly alter the injunction J' AA and anrou ced steels showed gams carton, ranging to 2 points. 1 Other sections of Lie iva.Ket displayed st e.iglh. Aiiiomobiie -hares v.ere in demand especially aticlehaker and America i Motors These made new highs. rVd ral bed from a loss of more t'an a I Dint, (ieneral Motors firmed to a small gain. Klectiomcs rallied with late :ains ranging to more than 4 Pot-Luck Dinner Features Meeting At Island City ISLAM) CITY (Special) -The La Grande Farm Bureau Centei held its monthly meeting at the Island City hall recently with a pot luck dinner. Mrs. Silla Carl son was chairman. The (I, vntiniuil was led hy Frank Young. The p ogram plan ned Ly Mrs. Orville Lent., chair man. include d piano selections by liar.:!.! Hi;!.' rci. Mrs. Joe Milliard san:: spiritual numbers, accom panied by her s .11, Harold. Lr. Spea'S. of KOC, spoke on Inter national Relations. F.lcction of officers was held. Named were: Ben Robinson, nresident; Harlow Speckhart, vice president, and Sylvan Rass m i.ien and Kcnne Sands, direc- mints in Texas Instruments. Mo id ola rega:ned some ol a loss of 2 points. Others were at point or more above the previous QcadvCOCl LOSSS close. i t i I Thiokol ran up 3 points in Hie Qng ShcdV LCSGV rocket fuel issues. American Ship ' Building rose 3 in its section. U li- versal Match rise nearly 5 points Oil issues held in a nai.ov range with gains and losses lalancieg each o'.he-. Aircrafts were mostly higher, except Douglas which set a new low. CASH GRAIN CHICAGO U'PI) Cash grain: Wheat: 2 red 1!I9N. Corn: 2 yellow 109-110; 3 yellow I08 l(l8:,i; 4 yellow 101-lli3'l4; 4 yel low local 102; 5 yellow 97-100. Oats: 1 exit a heavy white 7"'-i Rye: 2 plump 143N. Barley: Malting 1I5-120N; feed 88-I05N. Soybeans: 1 yellow 212-213. track sales. DKADWOOD, S I). U PP-They ordered Babe out of town Monday a id that l :t Dead'.vood the dead est frontier town si::ce the end of the Gold Rush. La V'er'a 'Babei Snell. 42. was ore of 18 allege 1 prostitutes hares firmed with the ruu.ulcii up in a rani tasi inuis- lay. liawily Houses v.ere ctosen for the first time in this town where, Wild Bill Hickock and oth er gunmen roamed before the turn of the century. Like the other giris she was re leased on hail, but promptly showed up Saturday night at a bar to thumb her nose at the au thorities. Dcadwood police arrest ed her again, but not until slit "used foul and abusive language and kicked and bit," the ollicer said. Thin she S"t fire to the mat tresses in her jail cell in fur- MAC EXPRESSES REGRET COLOMBO, Ceylon HTD -Prime Minister Harold Macinillan has expressed regret to Premier W. Dahanayake over a political commentary broadcast by the British Broadcasting Corp. which said among other things that Cey lon was "led by an inexperienced eccentric" it was reported today. Dahanayake protested to Macinil lan at the broadcast made on Oct. . National Convention Draws 2,000 Women New frontiers in human and ' out losing sight of the principles international relatiors rr. seilll"' freedom and justice that have note of a chi.Uen. c. today than ;, a(k' ,ls V' T.1 U ViUl ui..uen. c lou.iy tnan !frutl.:or t,ut needs conquering, the physical frontiers of yester-h(. el,!)ha$ll..d. lay, over 2.WJ women frcm overj .. f ttt haven't smse enough the L'nited States were toid at alio believe history can be repeat meeting in Portland last week. cd, that our present civilization Delegates to the National Home Uan fall if " llun't work and Demonstration Council meeting ! sacrifice ff r it. we aren't good heard Dr. U. G. Duback, proles sor of political science at Lewis and Clark College. Portland, say, What we used to call fr.nliers are gone there are no new material frontiers on our earth. However, there are tremendous new frontiers in the areas of ornduction of goods, social and nlernalioiiji n-lati.r.s, and the heme and family." Automation and increasing ef ficimcy in production are creat ing problems in the labor field. Dubach pointed out. If automa tion creates a 30-hour work week, what will workers do with the rest of the week, he questioned. This is a real new frontier facing us today, he dcc!a-od. International eMail's ere com plicated today by problems' of race, religion, and communism. Dubach reminded the group. This is creating another crucial front ier facing us today. "Are we going to be smart enoufih to compromise on pro cess without compromising on principle," Dubach asked? As we deal with communism, we are constantly faced with the need to compromise, he explain ed. But can we do this with out losing our way of life, with- thcr protest of law and order's ar rival in Deadwood. enough ta be trusted with our country," he challenged the gicup. Maintaining real family life when 22 million of our workers are women is another challeng ing frontier facing us today,, he dulaiid. Our American way of 'i'e las d ve'oned around the idea that the woman is more im po.lant in the home than the man. . Can we maintain our traditional idea of "home and mother" with iiu iiy women working. Dubach j-red. This a frontier where real effort v. ii! need to he .exerted. Vast new frontiers are also opining ,n areas of human re ntiers. "Is it g:ing to be possible in i his tremendous concentration of population today to keep the individual ireprrtant, to give him i sense of belonging and of val ue." Dubach as!:ed. "This is a real issue. Is it pos sible to preserve individualism in a world like this, or are we going to become merely cogs on wheels in a giant machne that turns on'y when the govern ment pushes a button?" These are just a few of the new frontiers that are in your luture today, Dubach concluded. They are areas lhat need explora tion, definition, and conquering. BOHNENKAMP'S drunken driving, ail "piobahle cause" arcst authority for tiu.iic policemen. At present, the law states the violate n must l.e wit r.esstd. t:s which now take, a cut of O&C la!,d benelits. Principle speaker scheduled for the League's banquet was Don Hum r el. mayor of Tucson, Ariz. Irish Playwright Loads Up On Whiskey; Flails Actors LONDON U'Pli Vv.iiskcy lovuig Irish playwright Brendan Behan. shouting, si'gng. rolling in the aisles and swearing lit the audience, "stopped the show" for 20 minutes Mo day night at a erformancc cf his play here No one present at Monday night's presentation of "The llos tage" was able to think of any way to make the frolicsome Irish man shut up until at last he sub sided into slumber of his own accord. "Why don't you th ovv him out?" one irate theatergoer asked the manager during liehan's ev- Union Families On Vacation And Visiting Friends UNION (Fpecinl) Mr and Mrs. Arlie Umphrey and family motored to Yakima over the weekend to visit his father. Clif ford Umphrey, whom he hadn't seen for 32 years, and his twin sisters and their families. Mrs. A. R Maclloniild has left by train for Salt I-ake City w here she will stay for a criiple of days and then come back hy way of I'oratello and Ulaekfoot. Ida, where she will visit friends. The Rev. A. R. MacPonald was pastor of the Nazarene Church there prior to coming to Union. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Ollis left Monday for a three-week vaca tion trip through the central states. Home Game Dorthy, Sandra and Mike Tim py, Pendleton, spent the week end here with Mr. and Mrs. An dy Timpy and Mr. and Mrs. Don llaefer. and lamlly. The Ilaefers drove them back to Pendleton. The Range Riders will h: Id a cooked food sale at Nele Morri sons building Oct. 17 beginning at 10 a in The .lunior Women's Club will meet Thursday at the club hull -e at 8 p m. The first home game, Union vs. Wallowa, will he Saturday at 2 p in. bibition Ho the hell can 1?" the man nger snapped back. "He's the au thor." It was the second time that Behan haJ interrupted a perfor mance c f "The Hostage" since il opened here. The first time, he was hauled into court on charges ol drunkenness, but Monday night he managed to avoid the police He went into action aliout half way through the first act with a hell w to the cast "Why don't you do the play nroHrly? "Oh. my God!" one actor g:oaned "He's back again." "Why don't you shut up?" other members of the cast shouted at Behan. He retaliated by shouting out several lines just before they were spoken by the actors and then liegan to drone out a mournful Irish ballad. In lielween times, he swore nt the audience and at one point, for r.n appn ent reason, lay down and rolled in the aisle I 'resent. y, he dropped off to rleep When he awoke some time later, he managed to make his way nut of the theater with the help of the d.orman and got into a cab. Members of the cast said today they had !een apprehensive ever sine they heard a few days ago mat Kenan was in town "How long can we keep this up one actor asked. "Kvery performance while Brendan is in town is nervew racking. You never know whe he's going t0 pop in AUSTRIA PAYS REPARATIONS Ii:NA 'I'PI. Austria has paid more than ino million dol bus in World War II reparations to the Soviet I'nion, o" two-thirds of her total obligations, it was aaroiP'Ced Mondav ASMY ISSUES CALL WASHINGTON' t P.The Ar my has issued a call for 9.000 .bailees in December, the same number as in October and No vemher. It said all will be al lowed to spend Christmas at home. 3D IjMI "33iiitt-ii-' r"333I' GET m$3358SEL "Willis-" 01YMPIA tUWINa COMPANY, 0LYMPIA. WASHIKStON. U. . A.. W MT S 1 Igrfl & carpet yarn &f ? - wWk fi EVER MADE S' the CARPET m$EkMli that has EVERYTHINH& asttng&tar bv LEES vMi made of DU PONT MSr '50V CARPET NYLON Never before has there boon a c.irpot like Loos Lasting 'IcV; wC?i?iJi' V. - Star-anywhere nt any prieo. Ixvs Lusting Star is a SSjJ'yi IT WFAFJQ "SS? genuine breakthrouKh in car(Ht enginetTing, ZSTJh Tl-t 11 flLHllO a cariH-t with performance designers used to f$,'W&T3t JV 14l'.'T7 wZ$s dreani about. And now its here in V , &&!nt iP&i&SZ HIT A TO ft VX fe.Ha WEARS SEE FOR YOURSELF! feM , ISfCADC The stain test 3110 IfM C" f 1 K V Adjo W RESISTS pl SHEDDING lj FUZZINGy The wire brush tost iK The wwir test PRICED RIGHT for YOU! S1A95 pir iq. yd. pay by th month) Annual Carpet Brent 4 rolls left lo choose from to show we care . . . every LEES carpet Is registered BOHNENKAMP'S Store Honrs 3:00 To 5:30 CALL WO 3-3 148 We'll bring samples to your horns. I.'o cl!i;::ici.