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About La Grande observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1959-1968 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1959)
Observer, La Grande, Or., Wed., Oct. 21, 1959 i: r --is 1 V -f 1 il MOVIELAND MURDER LaJean Ethriclge deft), 23 professinally known as LaJean Guye was stabbed and killed in a house rented by her and fellow actors near Brackettville, Texas. LaJean was working as an extra ' in the film "The Alamo." Chester Harvey Smith, anoth er of the extras for the film, is being held without char ge in the case. Miss Ethridge is pictured above with John Wayne, star and producer of the picture. Good News For Men: Girls Coming Back To Pictures By VERNON SCOTT UPI Staff Writtr HOLLYWOOD 'UPI' Here's good news, men girls are com ing back! To movies, that is. During the past decade Holly wood has been a man's world. The big pictures, the fat roles, the razzle-dazzle publicity cam paigns all were written for lead ing men. Adventure dramas, westerns The , British Farthing Is Worthless? LONDON l?PH The British farthing isn't worth. . .well, it isn't even worth a farthing. Queen Elizabeth's royal mint issued a report that sneered at the little coin of the realm as a "sporadic irritant" and one that wasn't worth Die bronze it was minted in. J. H. James, the Queen's secre tary of the treasury, also hinted the farthing may not be long, for a world in which it can buy ab solutely nothing. Cannot Buy Anything A farthing is worth one-fourth of a British penny, and a British penny is worth about the same as an American cent. Before World War II a farthing could purchase up to two matches. Now it cannot even buy a toothpick. .."Farthings may have finished their useful life," the treasury secretary said. The 203,590,000 farthings jan gling uselessly in British pockets may meet their doomsday along with Britain's entire, mixed-up coinage system. James said once again Britain is humming with plans to sweep away Die pound, shilling and pence system that complicates adding machines and taxi meters, annoys bookkeepers and frightens tourists. - Studying Decimal System He said the British Assn. for the Advancement of Science and the Assn. cf British Chambers of Commerce were studying the pos sibility of adopting the decimal rnjjjage system. ' James noted that "nearly every important nation'' in the world has followed the American exam ple of using the decimal system of coinage. Canada and India went over to the decimal system and South Africa is toying with the idea. NEWS CHUCKLES United Press International HOPPING CARGO SAN FRANCISCO fUPU -Things were hopping Monday at San Francisco international Air port. Twenty-six kangaroos ar rived from Australia as gifts for the hometowns of 13 newsboys who- visited Australia last year. FIRST TIME LONDON (UPI ' After his car was towed away for over parking, Labor Pnrty Leader Hugh Gaitskell ruefully told po lice: "Oh my goodness, I've never been punched before." SHOW WITHOUT PROPS LONDON (UPI i The Twick enham Arts Club performed th play "Venus Observed" on a bare stage Friday night, without props or sets. But it wasn't an experi ment in modernistic theater, t Producer Alan Lyne explained that a club member had gotten argry and carted away all the props, furniture and sets. LAW S STRONG ARM KYOTO. Japan 'I'I'I' Japa nese policemen are noted for their rigid interpretation of the law. Five vegetable peddlers flipping coins to see who paid an 83-cent check were arrested on (..imMlng'-. .111.1 kept fier niqrht In jail. Page 7 - - r -- ...3 tr hp mi f '..-CI. .-Si and detective stories with occa sional biblical epics were the order of the day. Actresses had a ( difficult time of it, becoming almost extinct in the lists of box (ffice attractions, r ' Actress Exp'eint Change But the cycle is moving again, and nice, round, sexy, beautiful women are corning back and one such luscious creature knows the reason why. She's Angie Dickinson, a daz zling blonde, plaving her first leading role in a new movie taking top billing away from co- star Peter Finch. Five years ago this event could never have ta ken place. , . "The answer is simple,:,' Angie said, a twinkle in her dark brown cyes.,"Telcvision has come to the rescue of movie actresses. "All the westerns and detec tive thrillers have moved to TV. and the men who make movies realize they can't compete with the- television versions -of adven ture dramas. So they're, return ing to what used to be called 'women's pictures." " Theory Holds Ue Angi's - theory holds up. . New titles are reflecting the change "The Nun's Story," "It Happened to Jane. 'Cleopatra, and An gie.'s new Warner Brothers pic ture.. "Rachel Cade.' I m very lucky this counter revolution is taking place right now. the curvesome beauty went on. The poor girls who were 25 years old 10 years ago didn't have a chance. I'm 25 now and feminine roles are getting better and more important every day Until now there were so few good leading lady roles available they went only to the top stars. "As a movie-goer I much pre fer seeing relationships betweer. people to action stories." Angie concluded. "I think people who want action can watch TV. Those who want good stories and acting win ga 10 movies. La Grande Observer Established 1896 Entered Second Claee HUr tne vo orric ol L Orande Pron Under the ict of Uircb k By Carrier Month -I l.M By Motor Route Tear .. aloDtb ..1IH - 1.4 .11 l.M . (.to . I 60 . l.K By Mall Tear Montha . i Muntha . Montb CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING INFORMATION All (') aalf ti-ri A ii u . i . . . c-ptiJ aubjec to th rula -an6 regulation, of .th. L Orand. Puollshlns Company, which will not ba reaponalble for any arrori after the firm Inaertton and te I.PVM thtt lvh n . . . - .... . . "pony oiarai- ry. all adyertlaementa. objectionable worda or sentence! . w .....ot uveruaeeueni. ,CABH RATES Minimum Charce II. OS dee The ' ' PAROAI RAT8 4 day a tor the Price of 4 Tou STOP the COST -when you Kill, the ad. t tlma for day . a i f I llnea for S days n .oa 4 llnea for S daya ,,n, , a do I llnea for 4 daya , (Too 4 llnea for S daya -lim t'aa 1 Inch for daya m f'ee t loch for a. Booth , nit CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE 5:00 p.m. Day Proceeding Publication. Phone ti6 3-31 Si 7 Personals - 7 ANY GIRL in trouble, or needing a friendly adviser- write, tele phone or stop in at the Salvation Army, til Fit SL WO 3-241.-. i Special Notice 111 M.MAGK SALE -Social Club. O E.S.. Sat.. a m.. IOOF Hall GLOVES. Good Assortment of Sizes & Color. . BSI IIKU S APPARHL S;icf jawea Annex 10 Lot t & Found 10 LOST: 1 goldslene cross earring in downtown l.a Or. WO 8-4203 LOST: White Sold Wallham watch, downtown. WO 3-3006. Hewnrd. LOST: Female Beagle, above Cove. Collar, no license. Answers to Sniffer.-1 Reward. Bob Blank. Cove. 72 Baby Sitters 12 ADULT Care, Children, my home, reasonable, references. W03-37UI 17 Help" Wanted 17 WANTED: Good ranch typ? cook Good living quarters. Rood salary. Hot Lake Sanitorium. 18 Help Wtd., Male 18 LIKE PEOPLE? Our friendly neighborhood of fice needs a man who can quickly develop into the Assist ant Manager. Rapid advance ment, outstanding salary oppor tunities and employe benefits. Must be at least a High School graduate and have a car. Phone Mr. Barnes at WO 3 4072 for appointment. Citv Finance Co. lit Kim St. La Grande, Ore. 26 Money To Loan -26 LOANS Salary Furniture One Call Service SECURITY I-oan & Finance WO 3 3134 116 Depot FOR Federal Land Bank Loans! CONTACT Nat'l. Farm Loan Assoc. Sew Foley Bide. La Grande 29 Building Material 29 NOW AVAILABLE. DL'PONT blis ter resistant WOOD PRIMER and Dl'PONT "Lucite" Acrylic House Paint DIPONT is Quality for Less. COLEMAN'S HARDWARE 30 Misc. For Sale 30 PUSH button GE range and Deluxe Gfc. refrigerator, 3 baby cribs, all excellent condition. Security Loan & Finance 116 Depot WO 3 3134 HUNTING rifle, stock saddle, ac cordion, '49 Pont Sed. WO 3-3351. 32 Appliances, Etc 32 ' SINGER Sewing Machines . A 1 m o 8 t New Singer Slant - o - matic. Pay ments may be taken over by Responsible Party after small down payment. Singer Gear driven heavy-dutv con solo plus Singer Golden Glide Vacuum only $7.15 per mo. SINGER Sewing Machine Co. 1102 Adams WO 3-5311 La Grande, Ore. 20 Service Directory 20 SERVICE DIRECTORY When you need p specialized service call one the firms or individuals listed here! THE FIXIT SHOP 1e repair bikes, washing ma chines, all appliances. Schwinn Bicycles. IN TROUBLE CALL: WO S 2604. Special Coverage Policies REYNOLDS INS. Reynolds Bldg. WO 3 3121 STAN'S TREE SERVICE Sow is the time to set those trees rimmed. Trimming, removing shrubbery. Expert work. Insured. Free estimate. WO 3-3601. ELECTRONICS TV Radio k TV Repairs eland Ctnr Hiwn wn -! JONES BROS. Heating Certified LENNOX Dealer sland City Hiwar WO 3-2421 BULLDOZING LAND LEVELING ROAD BUILDING CAT D-8 V. P. Christ ens en WO 8-4252 eves. Observer Want Ads Get Results 40 Farmer Column 40 .LUMBER SURFACED bk ROUGH From The Mill To You THQREN Lumber Company Elgin Ph. HE 7-2231 PRODUCERS OF:.. . . .. HI-STRrSS LUMBER Strange As FR03.VLOJTH COUK'XY IT CAM E5 UPTWFiWfA ITS rE-KCh W.ThOoT SMALL KIMBALL PLAYER PIANO in liood Condition. Terms $20 down, $10. per mo. RADIO Ml"SIC SUPPLY 1213 Adams WO 3-1232 MAKE OFFER 1 ton coal, auto matic stoker and furnace com plete. Phone Friday, WO 3-3397. BEAUTIFUL, Smokeless, Dripless SPIRAL CANDLES. New ship ment just arrived good color selection. LA GRANDE HARDWARE .. 31 Home Furnishings 31 THRIFTERRIF1CS GLOBE THRIFT MART 32 Appliances, Etc. 32 FOR SALE: Large refrigerator. $75, excellent cond. WO 3-2687 34 Market Basket 34 Mexican Banana Squash 102 Walnut APPLES: Winter Banana. De licious, Rome and York. Walker place near Island City.-WO 3-2791 POTATOES FOR SALE At Schrocder's 39 Pets, Ken'ls., Etc. 39 AKC Registered Springer Spaniel Puppies, 1317 W Ave. REGISTERED English Springer Spaniel pups. Jess Johnson, west end Spring St. WO 3-39(19. 40 Farmers Column 40 STILL available. FREE sawdust & wood chips. We load, you haul, all you want. Access to yard off Island City Hi way, open Won. thru Fri., 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. MOUNT EMILY LUMBER CO. 41 Livestock Wtd. II La Grande Livestock Comm. Co. Sale Every Thursday Phone Office WO 3-2660 Bob Green 20 Service Directory 20 A LOVELY Gree Gift with AIRWAY Sanitizing d?monstra tion. Phone WO 3-3323. METERED DELIVERY Union 76 Heatinp; Oils Prompt, Friendly Service . Lynn Anderson WO 3-467G FREE Gift worth $5.00 wi!h AIRWAY Sanitizing Demonstra tion. Phone WO 3-3323. RUST PROOF RICH HEAT With Solarite So you get clean even heat WO 3 2821. Burleigh Hyde's Richfield: LA GRANDE READY MIX, PH. WO 3-2031 FRIGID AIRE - MAYTAG Appliance Sales & Service DOLVEN'S WO J-3327 WATKINS QUALITY PRODUCTS Vitamins. Mary King Cosmetics, Spices. Extracts, Household Items. WO S-271S 809 C Ave. FOR your roofing, siding & re modeling CALL L. A. JAMES CO. Free est. WO 3-3454. FOR rug and furniture cleaning at its best and service that is prompt call WO 8-3250. LA GRANDE MATTRESS AND UP HOLSTERY 40 Farmers Column 40 1 VJ w 30 Misc. For Sale 30 49 It Seems closer miK . IT '.:srfe$ Ml DTntRS... ILames vjhitcomb RIUEY-- fS-WXJS POST.- MEfiSSR EDUCFfTlOM, Spevt 10 YEARS iRhVEUKS UP ftSJD DOWN "THE OHIO VALLEY PAWTAtS SIGNS on -Livestock 42 FOR SALE. Pa'imino mare, saddle horse. Postmaster. Lostine, I'h. 192. GENTLE Jersey milk cow giving 4 gal. call lmbler 716. 45 Sportsman's Col. 45 SPECIAL BARGAIN PRICES! For The Sportsmen CAI.'S r.OAT SHOP has a New Line of Sporting Goods . . . Sleeping IJags, Fishing equipment, Shells, etc. SEE SHOP SAVE NEW HOURS Open Friday Eves .'til 8 p.m. WATCH for Friday Specials NEW r0 Glasspar Boats & Scott Motors are in. . . . Be sure to see them now. CAL'S BOAT SHOP 1702 Adams WO 3-5683 SEE the New Coltman Rifle. COLEMAN HARDWARE 47 Wanted To Buy 47 TOP PRICE'S! FOR Used Bicycles Girl's & Boy's 21" Girl's 26" Girl's & Boy's 20" Liberal trades on the New Schwinn The Fixit Shop 218 N. Fir WO 3-2(1(11 C.WI ED: Ferte posts. Call lni 2736 -or we l.vman Baker. 50 Fuel Supplie 50 14" MILL WOOD Call WO 3-5642 or Union 3651. Bos 185, Union, Ore. 51 Wanted To Rent 51 LOCKABLE. one car garaKc from October 29 until November 25. Contact C. Wonslcy, 54 Park Terrace, C'orvallis, Oregon. FAMILY of "b needs 2 or 3 bed room unfurnished or partly fur nished home, preferably in country. Willing to pay gcod rent. Have excellent references. WO 3 222 or WO 3-5720. 56 Apt. Rentals 56 APARTMENTS FOR RENT Weekly and Monthly Rales LANE'S MOTEL WO 3-2S22 FOR RENT: 5 room partly furnish ed duplex. WO 3-54i3. FURNISHED bedroom apartment. C'ean, priv. ent., close in. Adults, small baby. Res WOMTifl. VERY attractive small furnished apartment, bedroom, priv. bath, man .and wife only. U0H Main. BACHELOR apt., steam heK, cl-an, close in. 1903 2nd. WO 3 228. CONVENIENT bachelor apart ment. Inquire 1!4 3rd. CLEAN sleeping rooms, close in WO 3-4862. Call eves. APT., light housekeeping room 4 sleeping room, 1303 10th St. GROUNp floor furnished 5 room apt. Private bath. , Pennsyl vania Apts.. 902 Penn. VERY DESIRABLE furnishe. apartment, 3 rooms and bath, stedrn. hruL Adults. .MEL VILLES. I4.TJ Adams Ave. ; SMALL furnished apartment, lady preferred. 1712 Cedar. WO 8 5340 Downtown Apt. for information inquire ; at Zlmmmnanj " CLEAN' 2 rixim furnished apt. 1st floor, steam heat. 1502 Wash ington. Gregory Apts. 57-ApH.. Unfttm. - -57 rMiVvNST.MMS 3 r.Min tialh Adults, 1711 2nd. WO 84401. 58 Houses For Rent 58 tAKUtNlsTlKI) IKU Si: with gar den. I'ets welcome. WO 3-SI2j- rHKDKOOM duplexTfurnished. For information call WO 3-2050 5 ROOMS & bath, partly furnish ed house. 1405 7th. NEW 2 bedroom duplex, $75 mo. Water furnished WO 3-4412. ROOM house in Cove. See Fred linstow. I'll. Cove 3HI. 4 ROOM Duplex unfurnished 1707 Washington 3 KM. duplex. hnM-ment. garage, stove, refng. Close in WO 3-3271. 62 Insurance i2 OUCH! Does That Insurance Premium Hurt? then investigate our monthly payment plan on your home, car, personal property You can avoid that Big Lump Sum Payment on our plan It's wondeiful. Makes it easy to cany full auto irsurance as we'l as adequate home or business property insurance. CALL NOW! REYNOLDS Insurance Agency Reynolds lildg. W O 3-3121 70 Business Opps. 70 FOR lease by RICHFIELD OIL CORPORATION, exclusive mar keters of Boron gasoline, weU located service station in La Grande. Fine opportunity for conscientious young man. Finan cial helps available to qualiifed person. Training in engine tune up and brake work given if de sired. Also Insurance and other benefits. Phone WO 3-2K21. 78 Farms & Ranches 78 BILL THOMAS REAL ESTATE 207 Depot WO 3-3173 Dl'KEK REALTY Benny Hicks - - WO 3-2423 Ben Dalo - - - WO 3 4057 La Grande. Ore. FOR SALE: 140 acres & stock also house furnishings. See Otto Nelson. Summerville, Rt. 1. 100 Autos For Sale 100 3 DAY SALE a . OCTOBER 22-23 & 24 BECAUSE OF: High New Car Sales ... WE'RE LOADED WITH USED CARS! 1957 BUICK 1957 MERC. Montclair Hardtop ,i 1956 PONT. Hardtop Sedan 1956 PONTIAC Hardtop Cpe. 1955 OLDSMOBILE 98;&dan 1955 PONTIAC Wagon f: IS: $1375 1953 MERC- WAS: $795 .IS: $550 1953 LINCOLN Sedan- , WAS: $695 IS: $550 it. 1952 CHRYSLER fCpe.vf, WAS: $595 IS: $495 1951 MERC. Sedan-,:: WAS: $395 IS: $245 1952 BUICK Sedan-J't WAS: $595 JS: $495 1946 WILLYS JEEP WAS: $695 (Metal Cab) IS: $599 . TERMS TO SUIT YOU! Gettings Lynch Motor Pontiac 75 PASTURE lor rent, (all 273t. l "'un or we Lyman Baker. 80 HbuMTFoTSale 80 WILLIAMSON'S Real Estate t, Ins. Sen. WO S-4311 WESTENSKOW-NEIIEKEK Real Estate k Ins. Serv. Foley Bldg. WO 3-5321 OR Rent: 2 bedroom modern house, close in. south side. Inq. 1W5 Oak, evenings after 5. W. E. WILKINS Real Estate & Insurance Sac Annex Ph. WO 3-2136 BURLING REAL ESTATE ACCY. 103 Adams WO 3-5450 87 Irrigation, Pumps 87 Welli & Pumpt CORRIEUL'S Island City Hy. WO S-45S. O. C. TANDY. WELL DRILLING Thief Valley Road Box 223. North Powder Ph. 24.1 90 Trailer Houses V0 HEATERS. Kool Seal & all Trailer Supplies k equip. Chub's Trailer Sales 1109 V St. WO 3-596 91 Trailers For Sale 91 ALL STATE one wheel trailv See at Hal's C'hvron Station. 95 Logging Equip't. 95 NEW Homelite "Buz" Chain Saw S1.10..10 Weight 16 lbs. ... 5 Hp. 2 Gl's FREE! 3 I960 FORD PICKUPS McCulloch's 'Truck-O-Luck' . Contest For Details and Free Entry Blank .N SEE ILO V. FIELDS AUTHORIZED McCulloch Sales & Serv. 215V4 Fir St. WO 3-5609 100 Autos For Sale 100 4-Door Buick - Cadil lotornrtlinnctl ac 75 Patturelands 98 Truck, Auto Ren? 9 NEW-LOW PRK-eT on RIVERSIDE Nylon '64' Tires. Free mounting WARD'S MOTOR ThOUBLE? . Call: WO 8-6506 LkS TRUCK REPAIR, truck, auto, tractor Trucks for rent you drive Move yourself save half MAC'S MOBILE SERVICE 1434 Adams Phone WO 3-44ftt 97 Truck, Trailer 97 57 CIIEV. 2 ton truik. (iuod condi tion. WO 3-35M or mi C Ave. 100 Autos For Sale 100 Full Price! $595 1953 DODGE Coronet Sedan Radio - Heater - Automatic HAND Ford Sales Chestnut & Jefferson WO 3-2161 FOR SALE. '55. 165 Harley David son, 8175. Call 397 Cove. 50 Ford 2 door, good rubber $175. 1910 Cedar Apt. 4. 58 MERC. 9 passenger station wagon, power steering, power brakes, radio, heater. Make of fer. WO 8-4338 a.ter p m. - 52 C11EV. T. pickup. 4 speed trans. Nearly new nylon 6 ply tires, good condition throughout. Fred Williams, Box 444, Wallowa. FOR SALE or trade equity '56 Jeep. Ph. 3092. Union. 46 INT. ' Ion p.ckup. heavy duty rear end, $245. WO 3-4072 days or 3-4856 evenings. FOR SALE OR TRADE for older model car. equity In '58 Hillman Station Wagon. 1501 X Ave. See the I960 Pontiacs Buicks Cadillacs GETTINGS LYNCH Motor Company HAND FORD SALES Chestnut & Jefferson WO 3 2181 OK USED CARS M. J. GOSS Motor Company 100 Auto For Sale 100 WAS: $1995 IS: $1845 WAS: IS: $2195 $1995 WAS: $1895 IS: $1745 WAS: $1695 . IS: $1545 . WAS: $1595 IS: $1495 WAS: $1495 IS: $1395 Co. Vauxhall.; mm ''Vr.'-fi a Pi St- -.v '