La Grande observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1959-1968, October 21, 1959, Page 5, Image 5

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    Observer, la Grande, Ore., Wed., Oct. 21, 1959 pane 51 1 . 11 . 1
. HMrs. Jiartsock
Hosts' Valley
Extension Unit
Woman's World
MAX1NE NURMI, Woman's Editor
f'J' M
5 :0 v V.
fc- sv
United In Home Ceremony
i -, . . (Marshall-Neilson)
Veiva Riding Bride
Of Charles Myers.
. Viva Hartsock was hostess to
the La Grande Valley Extension
1 unit recently, for an all day meet
ing. Mrs. Hartsock, chairman,
of the group presided.
I Resignation cf Mrs. Alice Eddy
was received and accepted. Louise
Reinecke was unanimously elected
f:om the floor to fill the vacancy
ol vice chairman of the unit.
Eva Briggs pr-sented the new
officers with, handkerchief cor-
1 sages.
I A potluck was held at noon.
I Project for the day was tin craft,
led by Susie Lee and Louise
Choate. They displayed many
interesting examples of tin craft
'articles they had previously made.
I Three guests and 14 members
! were present for the day.
j The next meeting will be held
Nov. 13, with Mrs. Claude Anson.
Project will be on Consumer Education.
The local Soroptimlst Club met
Thursday for a luncheon in the
Sacajawea. Raema Laurence,
president, presided over the meet
Several guests were in'.rcduced.
Mi'dred Tiss int:oduced her guest,
Rae Sinclair, Civic Music repre
sentative from New York. She an
nounced the membership campaign
being held this week, Margaret
Morris introduced Sally Stein, who
told of the Dorothy Cassill holiday
demonstration to be held Oct. 27.
Fern Roth introduced Dr. Roy
Skeen of EOC a.s the main speaker
of the day. He talked on unii-g
Nations problems, prospect and
Margaret Weaver, a soroptimisi
from Enterprise, was a guest.
Ava Miller announced the club
would bo'd a rummage sale
Nov. 7.
Miss Veiva Riding, daughter of
the lafc Mr. and Mrs. Harry and
Irma tiding, and Charles Myers,
were inited in marriage Sept. 27.
Miss tiding has been living with
an ultle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs
Dave Rose, cf La Grande. The
grooti is the son of Mr. and
Mrs.C. A. Myerj of Payette, la-
no. ..
Th? ceremony was performed
by , he Reverend Louis M. Sam
son in the home cf the bride's
unce and aunt, Mr. and Mrs
Roe. The home was decorated
wiri an arch, flanked with bas
kes of pink and white gladioli
anl white asters. Mrs. Casey
Huzenga, aunt-of the bride.
pliyed the organ.
The bride was given in marri
age by her uncle. Dave Rose. She
wore a waltz length gown topped
with a Chantilly lace yoke. A
white satin bow held her veil in
place. She carried a white Bible
tupped with a bouquet cf pink
rose buds, tied with a white sat
in bov and cascading white stre
amers. Mrs. Orvill Myers, sister
in law of the bride, made the
wedding gown.
Mrs Garv Rose was the matron
of lienor. She were a pink bro
caded faille princess line dress,
and carried a nosegay of yellow
afAjint chrysanthemums,
urville Myers, brother of the
Croon, was the best man.
The Hint of the bride wore a
cream colored brocaded sheath,
end a corsage of yellow chrysan
themiins. A inception was held following
the aremony in the Rose home.
The ISride's table was covered
with pink taffeta and topped
withtthite net tied with pink rose
VfW Auxiliary
Of Elgin Given
Post Inspection
3LGIN iSpeciaD - The VFW
Auxiliary 0f Post 4399 met recent
ly with Cecile Loy of Enterprise
a-, inspecting officer. Mrs. J?an
Ibys and Mis. Mary Hanson ac
ornpanied Mrs. Loy from Enter
prise. Following the meeting. Mrs.
Cladys Culp and Mrs. Rosie Town
lend served doughnuts and
to the members present.
Mrs. H len Trump made her
ifflcial visit to the Huntington
VFW Auxiliary. Accompanying her
were Mrs. Jaunita Clum, Mrs.
Betty Goyen. Mrs. Susie Tracy
and Mrs. Lois Phillips of Baker.
Larry Gilliam and P. Coe ar
rived lome recently from Brook
ings waere they have been work
ing. !
Mrs. Stan Rob-rtson and daugh
ter are visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Halsey.
Mr and Mrs. Robertson are
movig torn The Dalles to Eter-prise.
buds. A three tiered wedding
cake, placed on a mirror, was
centered on the table. Mrs. E.
Abbott baked and decorated the
.-ako with, white bells and pink
rostbuds. . Mrs. Earl Larison,
sister of the groom, served the
cake. Mrs.OrvilIe JUyers poured
eoflc-and. Mrs., ScolUm CribeeJ
lorveit ar tnr punch bcrwt
Sherryl Myers had charge of
the guest book and Orvetla My-
-rs and Jordyce Tameris were in
charge; of gifts.
The newlywcds honeymooned
for a week at Tamoca. Wash. For
her traveling the bride wore a
rcyW. blue sheath with matching
ooicfp, wnite accessories and
he.Jjidal corsage.
The ' couple is at home at
27liHpruce Street. The bride is
a graduate of La Grande High
School and the eroom a eradu-
ati c New Plymouth, Idaho. He
is employed by the La Grande
Kriit and Produce Co.
Out of town guests were: Mr
anof Mrs. Earl Larison, Tacoma,
Wash.; Ray Myers. Payette, Idaho:
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Baum; Mr.
and Mrs. Orville Myers, Orvetta
and Mike; Mr. and Mrs. Dallas
Price; Mrs. Loeta Grabecl and
Barbara Crawford, all of Pendle
ton; Sherryl and Tommy Myers,
Joseph; Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rose,
Mark and Susan. Enterprise; Mr.
and Mrs. Eldridge Tameris, Jor
dyce and Kimmie, Elgin; Mrs.
Daisy Tameris; Mr. and Mrs. Jer
ry, Evans, Delmcnt and Pamila,
Crescent City, Calif.
Festival Items
Made By Circle
Wcsleyan Circle of the First
Methodist Church held a work
night for completing items for the
Harvest Festival. There were 26
members and three guests who
met in the home of Mrs. Polly
Scott, president of the group.
During tne regular order of
business, Mrs. Betty Chatwood
presented the devotions, "Mak
ing The Most of Our Lives."
The evening was spent makine
original novelty items and handi
work' for the anniial Fall Festi
val. Nov. 5. to be held in the
hunch. Mrs. Gerd Brownton was
n charge of the projects.
Guests for the day were Mrs
Dorothy Evans, Mrs. Opal Chap
man and Mrs. Lorene Malone.
Hostess committee under the
chairmanship of Mrs. Gladys Gar
dner, were, Mrs. Christine Court
wrfWiV Mrs. Lou' Dc Lashmutt,,
Mrij Phyllis Taylor and Mrs.
Howard Hunter
Named One
Of 12 Apostles
Howard W. Hunter, prominent
Los Angeles attorney and busi
nessman, has been named a mem
ber of the Council of Twelve Ap
ostles of the Church of Jesus
Christ "of Latter-day Saints (Mor
mon). Hunter, a native of Boise, Ida
ho, was approved in his new posi
tion by a vote of the church in its
three-day ,, semi-annual cenfer-
etiec; Oct.' d, 10, "arid HT"in the
historic domed Tabernacle on
Temple Square.
The new apostle fills a vacancy
in the Council of the Twelve oc
casioned by. the advancement last
June of llenry D. Moyle to the
position of second counselor tc
President David O. McKay, 86-year-old
spiritual head of the one
and a half million Mormons
throughout the world.
Extension Group
Views Pictures
The Blue Mt. Seniors Exten
sion Unit met Friday in the home
of Mrs. Guy Spencer. The 15
members present spent an en
joyable afternoon.
Mrs. Spencer and the ACWW
chairman showed slide pictures
cf a recent trip she and her hus
band took to Canada. Their iten
erary covered a large area, by
way of Lake Louise, Edmonton
and Calgary. Many interesting
scenes were portrayed and the
descriptions well given by Mrs.
The business meeting, at which
President, Mrs. Wray McCory,
presided, followed. Standing com
mittees were, appointed and
demonstrators for the year's pro
jects chosen.
Refreshments were served late
in the afternoon.
The November meeting will be
held with Mrs. Wray McCory,
topic, Consumer Buying of Dres
ses, leaders, Mrs. Albert Hamann
and Mrs. Ray Crossen.
Evening Circle
Elects Officers
UNION ISpeciaD The Even
ing Circle of the WSCS met Wed
nesday eveing, in the Fellowship
hall of the Methodist Church. Busi
ness for the evening was the el
ection of officers; Barbara Wil
liams, chairman; Justine Parks,
vice chairman ; J'fearl Todd, secretary-treasurer;
and Emma Bell,
missionary secretary.
Mrs. Rodney Miller and Mrs.
Emma Bell were in charge of the
Pearl Shaw.
November meeting will be held
in the home of Mrs. Harvey Car
ter. 706 N Avenue.
Flans To Wed
Eldeen Johanson,
Darrell Wagoner
Engagement Told
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johanscn ol
Hermiston are announcing the
engagement of their daughter
Eldeen, to Darrell Wagoner, sor
of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wagoner
La Grande.
Miss Johanson is a graduate ol
Hermiston High School in the
Class of 58. She is now employed
by Sears and Roebuck at llermis
ton. Wagoner is a graduate of
Iji Grande High School in the
Class of 54. He is now working
for the Union Pacific Railroad.
An early spring wedding is
being planned.
Auxiliary Will
Give Adopted
Boy Present
Ladies Auxiliary of the FOE
met recently with Rebah Huff,
madam president, opening the
meeting. A letter was read from
the auxiliarie's adopted boy at
Camp Columbia. Enclosed was a
picture of himself. The members
voled to send him a wrist watch
fur his birthday.
The sick committee gave their
reports. Irepe Hamilton was in
Portland for surgery, and Donny
Battrick is home following a slay
in a hospital. r
A wedding gift was to be'tent
to Mr. and Mrs. AlbertLcwij; at
Milton Krcewatcr." t
The lbdv.e voted to' send Mrs
Huff, and M. s. Steele. madaiH sec
"etary. to Bend, Nov. 14 and 15.
or the mid-winter conference.
Clara Leavitt received the spe
cial prize for the evening. A
card paily was announced for
Friday at 8 p.m., in the hall.
There will be a spaghetti meat
ball supper held Nov. 14. Edna
Milbert is the chairman.
billie Wilson, Erma Howard
Dorothy Brown, Jessie Gregory.
Margaret Blake and Ethel Her
ron are on the refreshment com
mittce for the Nov. 5 meeting.
Sorcptimijf club will hold a
board mi.,Hlm! m (le Sacajawea
Hovl. TIiuimI.iv ,t a 12 noon
Vtlcomt Wjgon Newcomer's
'lu!' rm,i Wednesday at 8
.in. 111 the .N.ihhmhood Club-ioum-.
linn; white elephant.
Presbyterian Womeni Associ
ticn iMTutr,,. ,a,() lm.,,t
n the heme ( ,s. jlK. Ruh
:rdMn i(iiM ,,,k str,,t.ti Thills
lay at 1 3( p m.
Frantei Brown Auxiliary will
iret TI111rMl.1v at 2 p m. in the
veiKhtuitho ( i hihhouse for a hiiMiics and program
M-. and Mrs. C. E. Worthington
of La Hr.mde h.,w had as guests
n l-'i' ir lium,. ,, pilt w,.,,k
their m,;, , !;,,,( ., dcniyhtor. Mr
and Mrs. Tr,- Fleet, and son
Mitchell. Th flew here from home in San Dieso. Ca'if.
for a visit. Th y left Tuesday for
other points bemre returning to
their home.
Mrs. Veda Cojitns was honored
;-t a hnak at nice' ing of the
Elgin Fdiieaiu n il Association.
Tuesday niormn- at the Elgin
School, (lertnide Geraets. super
vising teacher at EOC. was the
guest speaker.
Crystal Robckah lodgt members
will hold a plantnd imtlikk dinner.
Wednesday at 6 :ui p in in th"
(Wd Fellows hall. I'r, -ulent Ruth
Ycse to In honored.
Crystal Rebckih Ir!g3 wi'l hold
a rigular m-vting. Wednesday a'
7 30 p m. in the IOOE hall. 1'resi
dint Until Vos". to make her of
I cial visit.
Sw and So Club will meet
Wednesday at 7 :ui p in. in the
home of Gent va Westi rskow,
1710 First Streit.
J 7 well Rebtkah Lodge H, will
hold a Halloween dress up party
for members in their hall, Wed
nesday at Summerville.
University of Oregon Mothers
club, will meet in the hr-me of
Mrs. Elmer Hansen. Wednesday
at 8 p m. Dutch auction to be
held. All mothers of students
and former members are invited.
Odd Fellows Lodge H, La
Grand", will meet Friday at 8
p m. in their hall.
Business and Professional Wo
men will hold a business meeting.
Thursday, beginning with a pol
lock at 6:30 p in in the horn- o'.
Nora Bradley. 1005 13th Street.
Bring own table service.
Turkey Dinner Held By Club
t.lailiolns Society held their
annual Turkey ti,ii,.r Mon.lav in
the (.aiilen ( lub house. There
wi re 5 no 'nhei , present.
Table ilceoi at;,,:,, w ejads.
ilah.ilias ns. Mrs.
Celeb-ini a bidhday today is
Toiniry !'., : . i ., cir.ide.
Mr. and M.,. w. H. Kirkmfn
rute their ,t u;: . r ,i:id Tamily.
Mr- anil V - (' .1 !arton i nil
Hobm t.lyi:r.t. Wash, as
guests m tt, r ...;,.. this week.
P" Mjtrc-is i-l Efs'ern Star
will hold an ,i :ri.; :,ot'uik dinner.
Fuday ;t 6 p,, I'has;. hring
own table e
Eaglfs Lixhe w.! hold a card
par y. Friday, at ;: n in. in their
Junior Art Rcsaa-cS will meet
Friday lor .: I p . n:u i,e, n. in
th homo of II Zurli iek.
307 V;isiiii.:'. ,, John
Evans of I m is ,r ranuing the
program e.n on-eini...r;'ry art.
Social Club o! the Onler of East
ern Star wdl luld a rummage
sale. Sahud.iv st-irtm ;.t am.
in the Odd 1'e'l , hasmu-nt.
Members are a k.d to bring
rummage on Fnday Sif'.t'rnoon
end assist
Polly Anna Club will nu-1 in
the home of Mis Wallace lass.
IMS Washington Awihic. Friday
at 2 pin.
Calhoun of Caldwell, Idaho.
brought a large bouquet of gladj
and dahalias.
The business meeting was pre
sided over by Zilla Carlson,
officers were elected for the,
coining year, as follows; Zillaf
Carlson, president; Ralph Camp
bell, vice president; and Rose
Gettle, secretary and treasurer.
A discussion on digging, treat
ing, and storing glads, was dis
cussed. Mrs. Edith Masten was
awarded the door prize. The eve
ning was spent playing games.
Mrs. Elma Tovrea and Rose Get
tle were on the serving commit
tee. :
Loom 69c
Loops pkg. 39c
1113 ADAMS
4-H Club News
Mt. Glen Homemakcrs 4 II clul
held a meeting recently. Regular
business was followed by a show
ing of favorite recipes, for nev
Mary Virginia Speckhart gavt
a demonstration on beef cuts.
In completing the meeting thej
played a game called Sharades
The meeting was adjourned.
Mt. Glen Homemakcrs 4-H
club held their third business
meeting at the Hoxie home.
They held a birthday party foi
their secretary. Ruth Hoxie. Caki
and ice cream were served. Fol
lowing this they p'ayed some
games. I
The meeting was adjourned 1
and the next set for Oct. 19, at
the Speckhart home.
The first meeting of the Flying
Needles, 4-H sewing club, was
held Wednesday in the home of
Mrs. Homer Case.
They organized the club and
elected officers as follows. Mary-
Ellen Cose, president; Susie
Peyron, vice president; lienef
Bates, sec.ctaryi and Gjiil Fuller,
news reporter. ' '
Refreshmen's wire served by
the hostess, Mary Ellin. Case.
Nrxt meeting will be held in the
home of Mrs. Homer Case. Oct. 21.
program "Religion and the Family'
Refreshments were served hy
Mrs. Parks and Mary Alice Votow.
Modern Sfida Glas
Made To Order Any Silt
Miller's Cabinet
CHAPTER: CO., P. E. 0.
Mrs. Scoil K. Cassill
with her
Holiday Decorating Ideas
Grand Ballroom 2 and 8 p.m., Tuesday
Sacajawea Hotel t , October 27
Admission $1
Loom Set
1.50 Complete-
1113 ADAMS
Announcing: La Grande Furniture Warehouse The Hew
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NEW SHIPMENT TV Just Arrived! Lay-A-Way For Chris mas And SAVtl $179.95 to $249.95
Also Fine Selection Sterso-Hi-Fi $39.95 Radios And Admiral 7 Transistor Radios At '.. $29.95
La Grande Furniture Warehouse: