La Grande observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1959-1968, October 21, 1959, Page 3, Image 3

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Observer, La Grand, Or-, Wed., Oct. 21, 1959 Page 3
Colorful Nickname
i Inspires Syracuse
Gridders To Win
UPI Staff Writer
NEW YOHK i ITI i Syracuse
' is out today to ride o nickname
up the gridiron glory road in the
' manner successful from the days
: of the "Four Horsemen" to the
: "Chinese Bandits."
There is a theory that the
modern college athlete is a blase
young man who refuses to .be
driven to inspired heights by the
"corny" melodramatics of the
"pep talk." Yet, somehow, ' an
appealing nickname gets them to
"put out" on their own.
The "Four Horsemen" of No
tre Dame are even greater in
memory, instead of remembered
merely as another fine Irish
team, because of the tag which
the late Grantland Kice, hung on
them. And down at LSU, Paul
Dietzel transformed an ordinary
defensive unit into a battling
band which fought with the feroc-
ity of their namesakes by label
i ing- them the "Chinese Bandits."
Deny Move
To Coast
nancial adviser to - Washington
Senators owner Calvin Griffith
has suggested that another Amer
icanLeague club president will
try to move his team to the West
Coast in 1861.
Attorney C. Leo Deorsey, a for
mer director of the Washington
club and Griffith's adviser, made
it clear that he was talking about
Arnold Johnson, owner of the
Kansas City Athletics.
Deorsey made his statement in
charging that American League
club owners "buckled" under the
threat of baseball anti-trust legis
lation and blocked Griffith's at
tempt to move the Senators to
, Johnson, contacted in New York
City, immediately tried to knock
down Deorsey's intimation that he
wanted to take the Athletics ' to
the Pacific Coast.
."I'd have to. pay rent in
two stadiums,'' he said. "We've
agreed to a renewal c( our lease
in Kansas-City through 1S64. I
certainly couldn't pay rent for
two ballparks.
. . "As baseball expands, it will
"have to be to large cities like
New 'York and Los Angeles which
can support two clubs. But I'm
not one of them. '
Maybe the designation isn't as
pho'.etic or colorful, but Syra
cuse is shooting fur the football
heights with a massive and mus
cular line which has become
known as the "Sizeable Seven."
They are sizeable, averaging 6
feet, 3 inches and 216 pounds
an average dissipated considera
bly by one "midget" of a mere
Ittl pounds. But t h r o u g h the
tackle to tackle middle the
weights read like this: 228, 202.
230. 230 and 22G.
"It is,'.' says line coach Dick
Beyer, "the best line we've ever
had at Syracuse and one of the
best I've ever seen.''
Beyer is a man accustomed to
dealing in beef on the hoof. He
does it himself four or five
nights a week as a professional
"rassler" while trying to earn
enough money "to be able to &f
ford to teach."
If this seems a bit incongru
ous, considering that he deals
during football hours with col
lege students, it must be accept
ed that the 230-pound Beyer is a
'good guy on the rassling cir
cuit. It wouldn't do to pulverize
a mat opponent with foul and
dastardly tricks and then attempt
to teach undergrads the tenets of
fair play and sportsmanship.
Can Handle "Babies"
So it is that his "babies," fel
lows like 228-pound guard Roger
i Hound Dog) Davis, can look up
to him, and he can handle 6-foot,
4-inch Jack Bemiller. th center
who hopes to be a mortician and
currently is interring rival ball
w . COLTS KttPtK
I OiQti'T J09T r. h -. . -' i
M 1 )J
Unitad prttl International
Tbe Baltimore Colls. San Fran
cisco Forty-Niners and New York
Giants are favored to retain their
Krips on first place in three of
Sunday National Football
League features.
The Colts are heavy. 13 point
choices to whip the Green Bay
Packers at Baltimore although
they share the Western Division
lead with the Packers and Forty
Niners. The Forty-Niners enter
tain the Chicago Bears (1-3) and
are slim, one-point favorites. The
Western leaders have 3-1 records.
The oddsmakers also made New
Yo:k '3-1 1 a one-point choice to
retain its one-game Eastern Divi
sion lead by defeating the Steel
e's at Pittsburg. The Steelers.
Cleveland Browns. Washington
Redskins and Philadelphia Eagles
'each 2-2 1 arc tied for second be
hind the Giants.
Browns Over Redskins
Cleveland plays host to the
c:ippled Redskins and. is a 94
point favorite. Philadelnhia is fa
vored over the Chicago Cardinals
" J1 at Minneapolis. The Cardi
nais scneouled two of their six
home games at Minneapolis this
year. They will play the Giant
mere .ov. 22. . .
The Rams 2-2 are two-point
choices to defeat the Detroit
Lions iO-i at Los Angeles in
oundu.v s oilier game.
Wallowa WSC Hears Talk,
Sees Slides By Missionary
eowPPCD too tu choos N5.
Lake Mead Cup
Race Starts
For Hydros :
LAS VEGAS (UPI) Unlimited
hydroplanes took to the calm sur
face penned up behind Hoover
Dam today in the first annual
bake- Mead Cup Race.
' Capable of straightaway speeds
approaching 200 miles' an hour, 10
of the fastest . propeller, driven
boats in the world will be out to
make their final showing of 1959
in nationally recognized competi
tion. Despite an accident Monday
whpn a crane dropped her into
the water too quickly and dam
aged an oil tank and rudder, the
Leke Mead-base. Maverick was
the favorite. Maverick holds the
prized Gold Cup Trophy and the
national championship in point
Trojans Lead Big
Statistical Race
Southern California Trojans hold
the statistical lead in five out of
six departments in Big Five com
petition, according to official stat
istics released today.
Only in passing offense do the
Trojans fail, ranking third behind
Vikings Add Two
On Injured List
State, which meets Eastern Ore
gon at La Grande Saturday, put
two more players on the injured
list today. ,
The two, hurt in the Lewis and
Clark game, are freshmen re
serves Gary Curtis and Phil
Vaughn. Vaughn plays reserve
flanker for the Vikings.
Stanford and Washington. The
Trojans lead in rushing offense
ard defense, total defense, total
offense and passing defense.
In the yidividual statistics, Dick
Norman of Stanford, participating
in 36 plays, leads in total offense
and passing; Jerry Traynham of
L'SC is tops in rushing and Chris
Burford. Stanford, leads in pass
receptions. Bill Killmer, L'CLA,
leads the punters.' , .
Isaac Logart
Battles For
ous" Isaac Logart of Camaguey,
Cuba, tangles with unbeaten
hometowner Luis Rodriguez to
night in a nationally-televised 10-
round welterweight fight at M
ami Beach Auditorium.
' For Logart, 26, the battle could
mean a return to the, ranks of the
top 10 contenders.
He once was ranked as the
leading challenger for the welter
crown and his overall record in
75 fights is 55-13-7. But he has
been dropped from the top 10 list
or me urst time in three years
ana has lost his last -three starts,
to Charley Scott (twice) and Gar
net (Sugar) Hart..
Green Rav svwnt Its (fames
against the Bears. Lions jind I
Forty-Niners but has been weak
ened by injuries and took a 45-6
whipping' from the Rams last
Sunday. The Cults appealed slutf
gish in their early games but
showed the form that carried
them to the VXA championship
during lust Sunday's 21-7 triumph
over the Bears. Ray Berry and
.enny Moore, two of Baltimore's
top pass receivers, have recovered
from injuries. . . ,
The Giants may sicnd a rugged
afternoon at Forbes Field. The
Stjeelers have been esiecially ef
fective against the Giants at Pitts
burgh. They were the only team
that run amok against the. New
York defense in li).'8. hammering
out a 31-10 victory in Pittsburgh.
4frs Wtll-Balanced .. .,
San Francisco will throw a
balanced club against' the. Bears.
The Forty-Niners have scored -J12
points.-more than any other club.
They have allowed 48. a defen
sive, mark . bettered only by the
Browns, who have allowed 41..,. .
The Redskins invade Cleveland
with a club' that fumbled seven
times while dropping a 27-6 deci
sion to Pittsburgh last Sunday.
Coach - Paul Brown appears to
havo developed another of the
strong defensive units that have
helped make his Browns so sue
cessful. But his offense has pro
duced only 64 points in four
I he lardmals may have a
quarterback problem when they
face the Eaiilcs. King Hill nnd
M. -C, Reynolds, the Cardinal sig
nal-callers. were injured in last
Sunday's 17-7 loss to the Browns
The Lions, only team w ithout vic
tory, face a formidable task at
Los Angeles. The. Rams always
are hard to beat at home and
scored road victories In their last
Bears and Packers in their Inst
two starts. . ,
MALLOW A 'Special' - Miss
Celia Cowan. Ilonudalr, ld:i .
lecently sinike t memb rs and
visiters of the Women's Society
of Christian Scrvico at the Wal
Iowa Methodic church. She tuM
of missionary work i the Bi-lgbn
Concu and showed s'icles of the
people, lh"ir costumes, churches
and homes, alonj; with an art dis
play of things the natives make.
Miss Cowan was a missionary in
China fcr many years before she
was driveu out by the Commun
ists. She has visited in W.llowa
cinnati Reds have purchased the
contract of third baseman Tom
Dotterer from Nashville of the
Southern Association.
Dotterer, a brother of Reds
catcher Dutch Dotterer. batted
.260 with Nashville last season
and hit eight home runs.
several I lines, me nrs'. visit in
I!i2(i. Ladies from th? WSCS of
.loocph, Kl!!iu, Alicel and La
Grange were present.
Mr. , nnd Mrs. IliJI Wolfe left
Satuiiiay fy Portland to attend
the Pitcilic-Inteniatiravil Livestock
Exposition. -The Wolfe's grand
champion Hereford at the Oregon
Slate Flr will be on display
along with three junior bull calves
mid one heifer calf. Hryan Wolfe's
grand, champion stier will lie
judged tl0.
s'lan ll 'nt.v b : ought in two
Mongolian phta-ant cocks aft-r
a hunt recently, which is unusual.
I'lai.ted by the game commission,
their survival was not good. Chi
nese pheasants are much mere
common, and uow Chukkars are
showing up. Golden pheasants ap
pear to have disappeared.
About 25 rn-mb rs of Jessna
chi'pter, OES. at'end-d a district
meeting at Enterprise recently.
The officers wore new gowns of
white nylon lace- over white taf
feta, with wide pink sash"s and
large bows. A smorgasbord din
ner preceded the meeting and was
held at the Community church.
Attending from Walloa were
Mosdumes Maude Marvin, C. A.
Hunter, John Bra'ton, Jennie
('(.nklin. Charles Fisher. J. R.
1): vldson, Jennie Ashhy. James
Celeste ' Dickenson, ol lorvams,
worthy grand matron, and Ron
Gil.-on of Lebanon, worthy grand
were present.
Dick Clark Denies
Rock 'N Roll Unit
Caused Big Riot
NEW YOHK H l'l' Dick Clark
denied Tuesday night that his
rock 'n roll "Caravan of Stars"
was responsible for a riot last
Saturday night in Kansas City
whore 49 persons wive arrested.
."The show was over when the
ncident took place." Clark said.
Clark, a 29-year-old idol of the
nation's tccn-asers. told reporters
at a news conference that there
were three different versions, ol
what hanpesed" in Kansas City
What happened was certainly
unfo: lunate, but it only reflects
tl,A nlliln.l., nl ......, f..... ,,r th..
thousands of people'there." Clark ! Lambert nnd J. R. Morton
As a result of the riot. Minne
apolis Police Chief Milton E
Wlpslow ca-ieelle;! a scheduled ! patron
Oct. 28 performance of the "Cara- .
van of Stars'' in the Minr.eaiMilis nnlw SuS Firm
Auditorium. Winslow said he look I
the action "for Hie peace aid
well being of Ihe city."
Clark, who hooks the talent for
the show but does not appear per
sonally, would only say that "the
police chief requested that the
show not gj to Minneapolis and
we will honor his request."
Young Robinson Faces
Drunk., Charge Trial
Edward G. licbinson Jr., 26, faces
trial Km. 20 on a misdemeanor
drunk charge.
The sor, of the famed actor won
reinstatement of $21 bail Tuesday
D a legal move to avoid being
sent to jail for violation of pro
bation, lie was arrested on the
plain drunk charge Oct. 12.
Robinson forfeited the bail last
Friday, but had it reinstated when
he learned the forfeiture micht
be taken as an admission of guilt
San Francisco Forty-Niners have
claimed halfback Lenny Lylcs on
waivers from the Baltimore Colts.
Lyles, a former University of
Louisville star, was Baltimore's
first draft choice in 1958.
For 1960 -Mercury announces
important price reductions
on every model!
v loud on oWM'i vggaiKd jlelinrad pka for a Monlaw 3-or 5do, lM .
I960 Mciht Monltttj Z-tfoor Sdo witli dtluu lirltrtw Md conaUtt enptHnl tl "rt.
as radio, tiratr, and automatic tranrmVn'on).
- Rriwir.lM-r,trii excitinn price nrws applica to
Amrrica's he t-b"ilt rarnnw your bet buy, too.
aloi n -WtvVif'i 914 4,wmA the for lfAO
Mwf7olr Sm eomporobl.1960 mdl at
M irKn rod-a I ciw 0. vtj.d dalr prporotxn
end hctrxl -- &i'9
The new lower Mercury prices now mske it
po'sihle for you to own this truly beautiful
car for practically the same amount of money
you would puv for a car with a low-price name.
And we mean prire comparisons the
same body (yte, equipped the wme waywith
typical equipment mnsMriyen want (urh
Qutkty ml0H'ltr
row iMiewr """
On Rain Making
KKI.SO. Wash. il'PI' Cowlitz
cmmlv Tuesday filed suit in Su
perior Court here auainst Water
Ik-source Development Company
charsins the firm with illegally
making rain.
The unusual action, believed
first of its kind, came after pro
tests by formers and other citi
zens that extra rainfall in - the
louity swelled creeks and dam
aged crops.
Wayne Hncthler. county prose
cuting attorney, signed the com
ulau.t. The cjniuny is charged
wilh cloud seeding on six occa
sions, cacti tune wunoui a periim
required by a 1H57 Washington
state law.
Hocthlor said the company had
secured a permit to operate until
May 1, l!l.W but continued to seed
clouds at Ostrar.der and Kalama
after that.
'V v
4 i i
.. i; i .1 i
Largest Ironrile shipment
In history arrives . . .
We're sell-a-brating! "
Yes, we're celebrating because right
now more than 100,000 happy house
wives in the intermountaiil area own
Ironrite Automatic Ironers. As,a direct
result of this fantastic acceptance, we
placed the largest single order for
Ironrites ever received in the history
of the Ironrite Company. Close to one
thousand Ironrites arrived this week
on this special eight car sell-a-train-load
shipment. ' ,'
So now is the time for you to join the
other 100,000 , happy housewives!
Throw away that old fashioned hand
iron ... sit. dow n and relax.;.. , make
all your ironinK days holidays w ith an
Ironrite Automatic Irene)1. .
km.. Jf
) I L ,
' :
PvrcLate ooy model Ironrite (or lay
owoy tor ynmtmot) between now
and. October 3 1st and receive an
Ironrite health chair absolutely FREE!
. i k .
La Grande
Adems & Hemlock
Ph. WO 3-4144
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La Grande, Oregon
PH WO 3-2161