9MT OUR WAY By J. R. Wjlli.im TMtKfc a l 3RECAWS IlLtS J J7rt' ,S OUR BOARDING HOUSE With Major Hoople "V U't-T.Tl 1 TC-kcN. P?EShJTATiOM CP tHi5 50N&,M.A0ZARTMErt Ke4-.SiNC& VJ'(? A TiSTArlT KiNS.MAM Of A..-- .1-.,-, itjri? UiSviW flArc(7 TCJThPiCKS T'l I 6.'VI 1 cash ; I By Wilton Scruggs I III !M XAt-" 2OM6 V i LL PA-. wJl.' I OH. PAW. II 'il l III JOITE ASPELL J WELLR N SOM6 Ml II II !fl,l ACK, BUT 1 JUST tm'ltuH ) AWPBO" H:'L:I!I lAM'T 'MEMBER L 1O6tT05 . POWW 111 '1 I'll " A-1- - r-4 VC V-y I'USM i '.' W" I1 li. "Ti-T.V- - O ,s . r LlMESS fill I 1 ' ; BORM TMIBTV rIW TOO SOPH . U T00 IT , J.jf J, Jj 0 jj THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE p YtS, I KWOW. ) i A6WCS, DO XJ i you CM WOP OvrK AMY TOEUEYT.'f HIS WAL, Hl x -v V 7, y SUPPOSE I COULD YIME, M?S. WUV5. CCOuKE, WV... HE IS CHKISTOPHt?.' -ICAkl'T GST OVER IT.' BILLY ) f! MEiT TMH BEAUTIFUL,) BiaV 0Ofc?NiT 6tT MOME Cir -r77T ,w' -VUAYWf IS THE VERY IMA6E f. v CHILD? FROM SCHOOL TILL ABOliT g & ACMKISTOPHER.'W 1 SrPllJ I 7 F0UR...STOPS BV WS MOTHERS SHOI' rl HS WAS JUST ABOUT t'-fj V-ljLj?1 TSiV FlT- je.-Ar !' Fv ' T ill 1 cLP7 r Xs xl L 1 FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Merrill B loner :;dW I I MR. -SMITM.TWIS I --DO WE HAVE h mas he domf T Yfes HE'S FALLEN ASLEEP 5r f j IS MR.WILSOJ TtXJE. PERMISSION ) ' SOMETHIJQ I V&nti'r ' JMX ) POWNATTHE TO 6IVE LABD A AWK PRETTY BAD? I f '7-Z-S I Ei ''J r CAPTAIN EASY E By Leslie Turner RUT IT WA4WT E, 1 HOPE 10UR WITWE4S6 FASY1 I CAN PK0VS;CAN BE SPECIF C ABOUT CCBHMkAiyTIMbl LET5 HUN OVER MlP FINP OUT EARLY TOW0RROW!, your lie DErecTOR test By V. T. Hamlin 1 r M. Maf V I hi Oil. By Edgar Martin Hi . HO. BUT THEV CAN T SP.6 HOW I I THEY'D REALLY QUESTION YOUR ALIBI IF I f ljT 4 ANYONE ELSE COULD E PONE IT THEY KNErt THAT PAM THOUGHT SURE SHE 1M 5URBLV THE- V. WITHOUT HELP! FRANkLV, I DON'T SAM VOU IN TOWN AT NOON! THE ONLY I W POLICE DON'T TTEITHEK...YET; BUTSOmEONE 9V TIWE ROHWCH WASN'T HO SkSHT 0 HIS SAFE , , 1 . , ACTUALLY THINK IiTii,. 1 VA6 WHEN HE STEPPEP OUT FOR A flUIOtl H n N V ' I II ALLEY OOP ' AM IVMI Va4 '$ TU" TtHEVP COME KUNNIN' 3 pFTHEY'LL FOLLOW US FAR IT WON'T V.THEV VON'T RISK 66T lljlVJlt5fl WHEM THEY FOUNPYOUt) TURNED FINE) 1 ENOJGH, WE CAM CIRCLE W3RK,COOlATINLi CAUGHT OUT HECE IMlLV'4Tayi; NNr iHhr i let em batx and liberate our its too late in th' jungle after lj Tsrr ua - t,.l.li7Hmirk lhi. BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES A OO- . I T EI WN - 1 1 THEM I bJ-jK--T (sfl CM CCOUIt4T OV- TOV TC7UP E ' I dcxone.'s 6ofrTPABj? 'm oti &otTes vjsscxo, I I i got cxpeW. hewwsh v; I ... Ci' Efcfc UP Knar TWlU. W! VOV'S L GUT "TO St. EVtVSOCN tss- 1 1 01 i wavoew. to... , Im. PRISCILLA'S POP u-.t f'' W TOLD ) HAPPENED JeSS? 'PICKED) 1 ( PRISCILLA! ) JCTS. ? YOU THERE vxT UP FOR ' ' ' l "-r -BUGS BUNNY a,. " - ' By Al Vermeer ROBINSON FORFEITS BAIL charge. The yoiiiijji-r Itobinsoii, WKST LOS ANQtLKS il'I'I' 26. had bvei arrestini on the Edward G. Hubinson Jr.. ton ot charge Tuesday. Lait January, he the famed actur. turfeiti'd $21 bail u as given a JO-day suspended Friday by (ailing to appear in sentence and fined $100 for dis Municipal Court on a plain drunk turbing the peace. j NEW Savings for I Two-Car Families! 1CZ inj 1 i7TTe on bodily Injury and property Damage collision coverage e medical payment FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP AUTO t LIFE FIRE TRUCK Plua e 10 Extra Discount to Accldent-Frte Oriversl Clt thtrt tf no unmvrita' mtl trlvtrt undtr it yw.) Doug Holman Insurance 1011 ADAMS AVENUE (Across Street From Post Office) WO 3-3711 SATURDAY Observer, La Grande, Ore., Sat., Oct. 17, 1959 Page 4 Medley Answer to Previous Puzzle DAILY JV L0G 2KREM A KXLY f KHQ TV f TV O TV "t 'hiinipion IfouTiiiir Annla Oukley Thf I'liiiiiHinun :15 :iO " Slurllt Stalrnrny Fllflit 6:45 ' " 7 Hi) CdI. Klufk llolil Wiilum Death Valley Day T:1S ' t 7::io Ilck Clark IVrry Mason ' llonnnza 7:5 " l lliirh Itoad " " :15 " k '-W Leuve It To Reaver Wanted Dead or Challonga 45 Alive ' !':lill Lawrence Welk l'1''1 Silvt-ra Tim Deputy 9:15 5 30 , Have Oun Will Five Flneera 46 - Travel I". "it Oleii.niiiioii Ounsmoke " 111:15 - " lit 4S r,,a!lneI Theatre 4 Moat Feature " Could Ba Tou !! !'" m " Lata MoTla. 11:15" m m 11.30 - . 11:45 " - . 1:011 NlKhlnip Xeww SUNDAY 9 .10 " 11:45 III fill " - i.MJ " ;' '-.!''" ' ,ro,v'!,i- 10:45 11:00 r. 11:1". 11:30 11:45 12:00 T. 13:15 11.10 12:45 1:00 Ci.lleB.. NVwa llral li..l..rt.4 Chrlatophar Gerlea 1 : 1 nn Terence " 1:J0 Anierl. iin LeRend Thla la the Life Time: 1'rei.ent 2:00 Telecourae Cio Kid Christian Science V VA - " flreatest Drama Z:30 U. or Washlneton Knrlv Show Mission at Football " Miilcentury i,:,050 I QTnl J .to Champ. Hriilite llrave Stallion 1:45 4 00 I'aul Winchcll " Hichard Diamond 4:15 - - - 4:30 Broken Arrow TIl.V Wrld Serlea of Golf 4:S " 5:00 Matty's Kuiulay News Commentary ' 5:15 Funnies ' " 5:30 Lone Hanger College Howl Weeks neat Movie 6:00 20th Cent. Presents Small world " :15 :30 soth Century 6:45 - 7:00 Colt 4.1 Lassie niverboat T:15 7:30 Maverick Dennla the Menace " 7:45 ' 00 " Kd Sullivan Sunday Showcase 8:15 " S:30 Lawman " " 8:45 S:00 The Rebel O R. Theater Chvv Show 9:15 9:30 The Alaskans Alfred Hitchcock " 9:45 " " - 10:00 " Jaek lienny Slrnwherrv nionde t0:15 " 10:.10 World of Talent WhaCa My Lin " 10:46 " " 11:011 Suniltiy Special Sun. News Featura Late Movla 11:15 Moat Feature " 11:30 " ... 11:45 " " MONDAY 8:00 i'ont. Claaaroom 8:15 8:10 Ding Dona School 8:45 " :00 On The tio Douh Re Ml 9:15 :30 December lirlda Traaaura Hunt 9:45 - " 10:09 " I Love Lucy Price la Rlfbt 10:15 - 10:30 Top Dollar Concentratlop 10:45 - 11:00 l.i.ve or l.ile Tic Tao Douih 11:15 Vrevlew S " 1 1130 ltomper Itoom Search for Tomorrow It Could B Ton 11.46 " Uni, ling l.inht : 11:00 Uestlesa Oun It's A C.reat Life Queen For a Day 13:15 13:30 Love That Ilob Staire 4 The Thin Man H:48 - " 1 mo Music liingo Take 4 Young Dr. Malona 1:15 - I SO lltirna & Allen Aa the World Tumi From Tbea Root 1:48 " " 9:00 Day In Court For Better or House on High St. 1:15 " Wort J .10 Onle Storm Show llouseparty Split Personality 1:45 " " 8 00 Heat The Clock Big Tayoff Matlnea on Bll 8:16 " " 3 :m Am. Bandstand Verdict la Tour " I 9:45 " ! 4 00 " BrlKhter Day " ' 4:16 " Secret Storm " i 4:30 Vopeya Edge ot Night 4:46 " Palnt-O-Pele 6 00 " , lis mar Five O'clock Movli 1:16 " 6 .10 Rln Tin Tin Rohin Hood I 6:46 - " Acmos 1 Penny 1 Fixed looks 13 Pantry 14 Formal show 15 Small ipace 18 Kettle tripod 17 Born 18 Eait in Paris 20 Adolescent yean 21 Everlasting 23 Go 28 Auricle 27 Philippine peasant 30 Tuscany river SI Adder II Curve 33 Small weight 34 Way (ab.) 33 Inner (comb. form) 38 Letup 37 State (ab.) 38 Onus of geese 3 Gobi and Sahara 41 Milk whey 44 Toper 43 Feminine appellation 48 Musical Instruments 80 Seal-hunting mariner 52 Short aria var.) 53 Respect 54 Made rigid 53 Western cattle DOWN 1 Wolfhound 2 Uncommon 3 Indian 4 Bustle 5 Take out 8 Obliterate 7 Seaport (ab.) 8 Incrustation jg E on teeth 0 Gazelle 10 Rant 11 Paradise 12 Hardens 10 Horses 21 Bacchic cry 22 Neck bacK 23 Halt 24 Goddess 25 Emmets 27 Number (pi. 28 Poker stake 29 Smell 31 Aphrodite's lover 32Jonson and Franklin 31 Reduce in grade 38 Authenticate 30 Sand hills 40 Flowers 41 Petty quarrel 42 Ireland 43 Precipitation 45 Nautical term 46 Forest creature 47 Weapons 40 Sorrowful 51 Dined I 12. 15 14 15 lb I 1 tfl 19 I0 ll IZ 15 5 s i? i5 S 50 3r il w w 35 : 5S 57 " ""38 r W 40 I 4Z m "51 JH5 1 147 H8 41) 50 51 1 I I 11 hi 1 1 1 1 . KBA SEUVICK, I.VO. Men Into Space Soon, Say Soviets WASHINGTON UPI A Rus sian scientist has predicted that pilots' and scientific workers will be sent into space aboard recoverable satellites "in the near future." Space authorities here would not be surprised if the Russians sent up a manned satellite next year. The United States does not expect to "put a man In space be fore late 1961. The Soviet prediction was made by Prof. V. Dobranravov, doctor of physicomathematical sciences. Moscow, in an article distributed by the Commerce Department's office of technical services. ' Foresees Other Actions Discussing Lunik II. which he said was fully guided and tracked all the way to the moon Sept. 12 13, Dobranravov foresaw "other far-reaching actions."" "In particular, he said, the creation of controlled and recover able artificial earth satellites in the near future is already fully poiuie. 11 is aiso aireauy possi-j ble to dispatch pilots and scien tific workers in such satellites for training them for distant inter planetary flights." Officials in charge of the U.S. manned satellite program. Proj ect Mercury, concede that Russia may well be the first nation to put a man in space. , Disclose Astronauts Names In Moscow, the names of Rus sia's first three prospective riders to the moon were revealed in twe magazines today. The magazines "Soviet Union" and "Ogonek" broke a long So viet silence on the nation's high altitude training program with ar ticles dealing with simulated space flights in which the blood of piosoectve astronauts was made to "boil." Named as Russia's first astro nauts were Ivan Kachur. Alexei Grachev, and Alexei Belokonev. ', The articles failed to answer the big question of when Russia wilt attempt to fling a human into space in a rocket or possibly a space exploration plane such as the American X-15. It had been reported in the West that the Soviet Union had 5 to 20 astronauts in training. The articles published today did not say whether the three astro nauts named were the only ones in training. inia leg is rnaov va iiwn larermanon Dy Television aranens accuracy cannot be guaranteed by the La Grande Observer. I its HOME BUYERS ANNOUNCING Quality H0MES For LESS f BY HUGHES HOMES BASIC HOUSES 2- BEDR00M MODELS "2486.00 AuT 3- BEDR00M MODELS '3240.00 AuT FACTORY BUILT UNION MADE QUALITY MATERIALS ALL KILN DRIED LUMBER ROOF and CEILING 2x6 rafters 2x6 ceiling joists; Winch plywood sheathing; 21(Mb. thick butt shingles; 2-in. rock wool insulation. DOORS and WINDOWS Mahogany doors throughout Glider or Awning win dows, 4x6 picture windows; Nail and hardware; In side and outside trim. FLOORS 2x8 on 16-inch centers; 2x10 on 16-inch centers; Va inch plywood sub-floor. WALLS 2x4 studs on 16-inch center; Plywood sheathing; Cali fornia redwood siding; Vi-inch sheetrock for ceiling and walls; Double Insulated. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY OCT. 18th FACTORY REPRESENTATIVES WILL BE PRESENT AT CORNER OF 1ST & Z AVENUES WHERE FIRST HUSHES HOME IN THIS AREA IS BEING ERECTED STICKNEY & SONS FOR MANY YEARS-BUILDERS OF FINE HOMES " LN THE LA GRANDE AREA