W - - . . r Woman's World ''Iris' Garden Club Subject MAXIXE NURMI, Woman's Editor local Hope Chapter 13 Holds OES School Of Instruction Order of Eastern Slar, Hope chapter 13, members recently held a dinner at The Wheel, pri or to their meeting. Virginia Kubler, worthy matron and Dr. William Kubler, worthy patron, presided. A school of instruction was held by Florence Jaeger, of Con don. associate grand conductor of the grand chapter of Oregon. Guests , were present from , Cherry Chapter if Cove and Blue Mountain lhapter of Elgin. An addenda was given honor MR. AND MRS. DALE CAMPBELL Married In Elgin Church Church Rites Unite Simmons, Campbell Miss Marvalene Jean Simmons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rolin C. Simmons of Elgin, and Dale W. Campbell, son of Alvin Camp bell and Mrs. Joan Bright, both of La Grande, were united in mar riage Aug. 23. The Rev. Volney Johnson per formed the ceremony in the Church of the Nazarene at El gin. The church was decorated with bouquets of gladioli. Mrs. Wnevieve McCall was the organist, she also accompanied foloist, Mrs. Ethel Smith, who sang -"God-Gave, Me You," and then kneeling at the altar, "Hear Our Prayer." The bride was given in marri age by her father. She wore a princess style gown of white flocked nylon over satin, with a a floor length skirt. The neck line was sweetheart and the sleeves were long and pointed at the wrist. Her veil was finger-tip length. She carried an or chid on a white Bible. The bride made her own wedding dress Miss Sandra White was the maid of honor. She wore an or chid dress, fashioned after the bride except it was sleeveless and street length. She carried a lavender rose nosegay. The Misses Kathy Gollihar and Connie Spikes were brides maids. They were dressed in or thid dresses same as the maid of honor, and carried the same kind of nosegays. Kim Taylor, a cousin of the groom, was the flower girl. Her dress was pink nylon and she carried a basket of rose petals. Judith Simmcns, sister of the tt bride, and Donna I.ou White, were Dunhams Are Parents UNION (Special) Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dunham are the parents of a sen born at the Grande Ronde hospital, Sept. 28. He weighed eight pounds, 6 ounces and is named Ramon Dean. He is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Renclds Baxter and great grand son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baum. YARN SALE FLEISHER'S SUPERIOR KNITTING WORSTED Reg. $1.39 2)S)C iSt All Colors This Week Only HOBBY SHOP 1113 Adams the candle lighters. They also wore orchid dresses. Larry Campbell, brother of the groom, was the best man, and .eland Fager, David Harman and Bruce Beaman were ushers. For the occasion the mother of the bride wore a pink brocaded Wo piece dress. lavender rose corsage and white accessories. The groom's mother wore a blue dress, white accessories and a lavender rose corsage A reception was held following the ceremony in the church. The four tiered wedding .cake was made by Ethel Smith. It was topped -with sugar bells and- a lavender r ribbon. Mrs. Judith Hunt and l'alricia Renecke serv ed the cake, and Marilyn Sher wood poured. Janice Simmons, sister of the bride, was in charge of the guest book. Judith Campbell, sister of the groom, Jackie Kuykendall and Sharon ColcUisure were in charge of gifts. The newlyweds honeymooned to Seaside and . Portland. For her traveling the bride wore a rust brown suit and the orchid from her Bible bouquet. They are at home in the Eo cene Courts of La Grande. The bride is a graduate of Elgin High School and the grcom a graduate of La Grande High School. Ik is attending EOC and is employ ed by the V.'S. Forest Service. Witnesses Will Hold Training Meet In Idaho About 68 Jehovah's witnesses from the La Grande congregation are leaving this week to attend the three-day Bible training con vention to be held in Caldwell. Idaho Oct. 9 11, M. Burling, presid ing mini.sl r, said today. Approximated oo ministers and guests are expected to attend dur ing the peak of the sessions. Assemblies of this type are h"ld semi-annually to train the Witnesst s in their ministry work and to teach them how to more clearly adapt Bible principles to their daily living. In line with this, the convention program will be present d around the theme. "Do The Divine Will." A special baptism service wiM be held on Saturday sfternoon. and the first showing in this vicini'y of the Watchtower So ciety's new lilm, "Divine Will Inte. rrjlional Assembly of Jeho vah's Witnesses" wi'l be presented lha'. evening. The highlight of the convention will b? the public talk Sunday afternoon. M. M. Kolar. con vention chairman and district supervisor of the Witnesses, will speak on the subject, "When Is God's Will to Be Done on Earth?" The meeting will be hMd at the Jefferson Junior High School. The public is invited to attend any or all sessions. lii kjn the flower subject l"i the (Kt iher iiicilm,: of the Garden dull when they met ill 'l.e eliilihiin-e Friday. Tie meeting was called to or iel In Hie president. Mi's Ge.r la Milium .v A s'lort Imsiiii'm meeting !,!!, the salute to the Ha. ing the associate grand conduc j Mi , liny and Mrs. Grace tress, by officers and courtesy Tin . the ennmiitlee in charue sisters. A gift of money was! thru (,,. an informatvie ' talk rjiven to Mrs. Jaeger, for the land ih-nisMcin on the ii is. The worthy grand matrons project. 'ii.ni iluieient species and how Mr. and Mrs. U'ster Johnft.n jto cultivate and grow them in worthy patron anal matron of .our local inn. Cherry Chapter, were escorted t(. The lea table was centered with the Fast and welcomed. Past a centerpiece if autumn (towers Observer, La Grande, Ore., Wed., Oct. 7, 1959 Page 5 LOCAL EVENTS i irand matrons also honored were mil ether arrangements were placed about the room. 4-H Club News t'earl McC'lay and l.aurose llib beid. Refreshments were served from a table centered with a bouquet of red and while dahlias The Ml. ;: n Homemakers. 4 II Committee for the evening was club m jmiiia d their IMfin1 g.oiip Helen Cash and Juanita Olson. Elected were the billowing of chairmen: Mr. and Mrs. Bert ; .iccis. Jeanne Socvkhart. mesi- llamnton. Mr. and Mis. Avery (, t; j .-U1M. vf,,, v;ie prtsi llarris.n, Jim ( ash. I.ila Mc-'0 .. i, ,, s(H.r,,,.1Iv. Donald and Gertrude McVey, av. M.,rv lmn,., Siickhart. sone ""n- .,. , , . ;Kader: and It' verlv Hoxie, re- The next meeting will be a dis , ..,,.,. trict meeting at Union. Ot. .14. .. .... .,., hnsin.. in the Masonic temple. 1 his will mu , cd be a four chapter meeting with Grande Ronde Valley nK W . s ,(j k , lakmg part w . II be Blue M uo . 4 (.,M,llltil,n. I'me; ll'pi? Chapter. l a Grande;: ..rr.,1 !,.. twt.t I'h'llltlrr I ' Mrs. C'clesie Dickinson of Cor-!(i'v,'n b' I:lu ' MV vallis, worthy grand matron, will pay her official visit at this time. The iiutliiiu was completed with :i bread molding dem-nstr .lion. Mrs. Arthur May has as guilts in her hum", her elder son, Hich . id. and his wife l avon. They are here visiting from their home in l.uwndale, Calif. A family re union has been held while thiy ;'re her-!. They have visited wilh Ctlen and I.ila May, Mr. and Mrs Tom Givens, Mrs. Jean Graham and daughters, and other rela tives, including a pair of live moil I) old twins. Ciystal Rtbekah Lodge will n.cct this evening at 7:30 in the Jdd Fellows hall. Charier to be ir aped. WhirUway Dane club will huld a dance in the I nion Sports nan's Club, Saturday evening. Odd Fellows Lodge 16, La Grande, will meet Friday at H p.m. in their hall. M Sgt. W. F. Lillis, United States Army Hecrulter, will be in l a Grande two days a week. Tuesdays and Fridays, from 10 a m. until tl p.m. He will be in the Selective Sot vice office lo cated in the Fust Office building. DAV Auxiliary and Chapter will hold their regular monthly meet ing, Wednesday at 8 p in. ill the Armory. First Methodist Woman's So- city of Christian Service will ..,',.. uvdneMlav at 7:30 o.m. in Central PT A will hold a Back hnme 0( Mrs. Worth Eoling. iu .-.no i ev ti, vveonesoay ai!,,,.. i.nnn an p iu. Mrorl DiiMiiess meet and loo'n pients to be ; tatioil. ci v e(l. Itefrc-h Imbler PTA will inc. I Thursday at S p in in V;idt. hall. Theme will be 'l.-t I s Keep a lle;rl'hy Home." fiuci speakers will he the County Health Nurse, i.nd a representative fiom the Amei ican Bed l ioss. Soroptimijt Club will hold a pro gram iin et ins and luncheon. Thursday ;i y mHm in the Saca javvea. Presbyterian Church, Circle i. will meet iii lie church parlor liuirsdav at 'J p m. This w.ll be a r ead ir nmnilily ineetiiiL'. M.s Joel KicliaiiKiin in charge of pro grain. LS tc B of LF and E will ill et in the lot il' hall Thursday at 8 pin Onicers lo we;r fornials for iiiiliatinn of candidates. All members inviled lo attend. Business and Proftsison.il Wom en will in .1 llui sday at 8 p m. Coneral meeting of the women ct the Zion Lutheran Church, a ill be held Wednesday at 8 p. m., in the church. Bring thank of iering boxes (or a special pro gram. Riverside Ladies Aid will meet Thursday at 2 p.m. in the heme of Flizab'.th Knute. Members ask ed to bring while elephants. Celebrating birthdays today will be F.nc Laurence, Mrs. Hel en Owl. I all. (ilenn-i MllilenllUI'l! I and Mrs. Mary Gi!la-pic, all ofi'" "'' SlK'-'J ' Hotel. Finest La Grande. l!irro.vs to li gu;st speaker. REX Theatre ELGIN, OREGON Siarling Today For 5 Days THE WORLD'S MOST HONORED SHOW! Michael Todd's "Around The World In 80 Days" Box Office Opens At 7 p.m. Knights, Sisters Hold Card Party The Knights of Pythias and Pythian Sisters held their (irst card party of the season at the K.P. hall Saturday evening. In spite of the hunting season, a nice group attended for the eve ning. Prizes went to the following; Margaret Hoover, ladies' ficst; Flossie Sehwebke, ladies' (ourth Alfred Iliatt, mens' first; Jack Nickschinske, men's fourth. Bill Kirkman. 300 pinochle and Eva Dunham five nines. The door prize went to Rose Gettle. Refreshments were served by Gladys Gardner and Martha Fowler. The next card party will be held at the K.P. hall at 8 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 17. lfM AMP'S Fall Shipment Has Just Arrived! DANCE Eastern Oregon Playland FBI., OCT. 9ih . . . Mnsic by KALE & KERR Slars THE CASCADE TRCUBADORS Northwest's Finest String Band $1.00 Pen Person ELGIN, OREGON Now! the first self -timing cream hair tint! ttii ir?- Gives natural-looking, even color automatically Helena Rubinstein's new CROWNING COLOR H Now . . . givt yourself hair color as even as nature everytime, , and do it automatically I Helena Rubinstein's thrilling new Crowning Color Cream Hair Tint times Itself. You read a book. You watch TV as rich color beautifies. Coloring action atops when exactly the right even shade is reached. No dark ends. No patchy look. The color is so natural-looking no one will ever believe you did it yourself at home! And new Crowning Color conditions as it colors. Never, never fades. You get a perfect match retouch after retouch. 12 beautiful shades give any color effect you wish. Cover gray completely. Ask for Helena Rubinstein's new Crowning Color. Only 1.50 plus tax. GLASS j&Kcugg DRUGS PrtHripiitmi . " - J - Cfr,ri.rrrf ClU IWNIKC ; COLOR v "j Helena . I ill i - 4Htr"r f Ml ; JN w ; . Davenporl & Chair Seis j:'- Sold Exclusively at Bohnenkamp' if trade N 0N Y0UR 0LD SET ft ' X$& ''."Hl f( '5!? Vjf REGARDLESS OF CONDITION jj v 3 - 4 Piece Sectionals Sec The All New Covers! 100 TYCORA Extra Durable Lustrous Colors Luxurious Feel Mildew Proof Soil Resistant Truly Resilent Green Rose Brown Beige Toast Turquoise The uphosterv fillrr in this fine furniture is HUX'hSOM'S Nature's Green l'aratex . . . San itized fur scaled in llynienic Protection. Gives you n freshing comfort. ' Inhibits growth of Becteria end Germs Antitepticaliy cleen .' Inhibit the growth of mold, mildew, fungi end rot Hygienicelly clean Retard! perspiration odors Laboratory Tested and Approved The unique characteristics of Nature's Green l'aratex make it the most versatile upholstery filler ever. Thousands of rubberized spring curls make it permanently resilient! 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