La Grande observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1959-1968, September 30, 1959, Page 5, Image 5

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Woman s World
MAXINE NURMI, Woman's Editor
Xi Alpha Mu Will Decorate
For Annual Christmas Formal
Xi Alpha Mu Chapter of Beta
Sigma Phi held their regular
meeting Tuesday evening at the
home of Mrs. Earl Thibeau. Mrs,
Wayne Bartron presided over
the business meeting.
It was announced that the
chapter would be in charge of
the decorations for the Christ
mas Formal to be held Dec. 19.
Mrs. Bartron appointed the fol
lowing committees for the year;
publicity, Martha Jane Colvin and
Mrs. James Klein; Ways and
Means, Mrs. John Bernhardt,
Mrs. Harold Hearing and Mrs.
Mark Cunningham; hostess, Mrs.
Robert Hagcrman; telephone,
i Mrs. llagerman and Mrs. Joe
Estcs; program, Mrs. Lcland
fams, Mrs. Glen Nice and Mrs.
Thibeau; membership, Mrs. Es-
Mrs. W. Hard wick
Feted At Shower
ISLAND CITY (Special Mrs.
Orville Lents was hostess for a
pink and blue shower Tuesday
night, in honor cf M.S. Wendell
Hardwlck, with Mrs. Bud Sander
son as co-hostess.
The evening was spent In play
ing games after which refresh
ments were served.
Those present besides the hos
tess, co-hostess and honored guest,
were: Mesdames; Edward Ogilvie,
Bob Blackman, Walt Blackman,
Tom Blackman, Pratt, H. S.
Hardwick, Bud Watkins, Burleigh
Hyde, Lewis Phillips, Fred Bee
man, Emma Van Blokland,, Ray
Fackler, Edwin Meek, Eleanor
Hensely, George Kleng, Albert Lil
ly, Harold Hillary, and Misses Lin
da Lentz and Sharron Smith.
Prizes for games were won by
Mesdames, Pratt, Hardwick. and
Blackman. Mrs. Hardwick re
ceived many gifts.
Blooms all year 'round!
Tiny, vari-eolored! flowers glow like jewels on this silk-look
cotton print! The tuckedfront dress-one of L'Aiglon's
smart transitionali to wear on mild days four seasons of
the year! Blue, green or brpwn. Size 10 to 20. $1 7.94
$m JehitJcit
"Correct Apparel for Women"
tcs, Mrs. Mark Cunningham and
m.i. uariron; social, Mrs. Will
Drown, Mrs. Thomas Faulknei
and Mrs. V.c Tarter; and cour
lesy, Mrs. Roy Byron and Mrs
Plans were made for the Ex
cmplcr Degree to be given Oct
13. Guest for the evening was
Mrs. Mary E. Coffey.
The program committee an
nounced that the program chos
en for this year is "Kamouc Wo
men of the Past."
Mrs. Klein gave the program
on "Madame Curie, World Fam
ous Woman Scientist."
Mrs. llagerman was awarded
the prize for the game ef the
Mrs. Thibeau served refresh
ments during the social hour. The
next meeting will be held in the
home of Mrs. Joe Estos.
Country Club
Serves 60
At Luncheon
The La Grande Country Club
women held a luncheon Wednes
day, at the clubhouse. There were
60 members and guests attending.
Guests for the day were Mrs.
Lydia King and Mrs. Grace Heine-
man of Beverly Hills, Calif., house
guests of Mrs. August Stange; Mrs.
Millie Rodgers, also of Beverly
Hills, Calif., house guest of Mrs.
Charles Kinzel; and Mrs. Francis
Barock of Portland, guest of her
daughter, Mrs. Ed Wheaton.
Afternoon bridge winners were
Mrs. Jack Denny and Mrs. Donald
Committee consisted of Mrs.
Earl Bensel, Mrs. Carl Erickson,
Mrs. Dwight Mahoney and Mrs.
Jack Denny.
Observer. La Granrln. Ore.. Wed.. Seor. 30. 1959 Paqe 5
I '. v - ... ........ .,w- 1 1 1
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"T r --- tor
EC-.-' ' J
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Married In A Boise Ceremony
Cake Decorating
Given At Sorority
Mrs. tvereu Abbott demon
strated to the group how to
decorate a cake when Gamma
Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi met in
the home of Mrs. Phil Preston on
Tuesday evening. In addition,
she showed the group how to
make the individual flowers and
explained tiic uses of the various
tips included in a decorating set.
Mrs. Joe Frederick introduced
the speaker and explained while
the theme of the year is "Hap
piness," the program topic for
the evening was "Amateur," and
the members would learn how a
hobby leads to happiness.
Mrs. Koland Gorham, presi
dent, was in charge of the busi
ness meeting. The most im
portant item of business was an
nouncement of times and places
for the ru.shina. program. The
invitational rush party will be
held on Oct. 13 at the home of
Mrs. C. W. Ramcy, the Model
meeting the following week at
the Ik me of Mrs. F.arl Bensel,
and the banquet and pledging
ritual taking place the last
week in October.
Mrs. Robert Mitchell, chair
man of the Wavs and Means
committee, announced that the
annual rummage sale will be
held on Oct. 3 at the Odd Fel
lows hall.
Appointment of the following
committees was confirmed: So
tial, Mrs. Hal Hermann, chair
man, Mrs. Itill Henderson, Mrs.
Ixiuis Statler and Miss Vna Mae
Stnyka; program, Mrs. Frederick.
chairman. Mis. King I.each. Mrs.
Dnrotha Voruz, Mrs. Max D. Mc-
Glasson. Mrs. Bruce Ryan and
Mrs. Glen McKcnzic, director;
membership. Mrs. R. D. Ruther
ford, chairman, Mrs. Preston,
Mrs. Allen Courtrifiht, and Mrs.
(Ion Ewen; Ways and Means,
Iis. Mitchell, chairman, Mrs.
Bcrglund, Mrs. Kelly Moore, and
Mrs. Katherinc Thomas; hostess.
Mrs. Geo. McClune. chairman,
Mrs. Ken Lillard and Mrs. Ben-
.cl; publicity, Mrs. McGlasson.
chairman, and Mrs. Ewen; Cour-
esv. Mrs. Hermann .. and cotton
;sndy machine, Mrs. Bcrglund.
Co-hostess with Mrs. Preston,
was Mrs. I.each.
Scrane and rinse dishes as soon
as you take them from the table.
rhis speeds dushwasning. u you
et such things as milk and egg
set, it is harder to clean them
,ff dishes and from utensils.
o Pom Pom
Many Hew
Colorful Designs
1113 Adam
Late Summer
Wedding Told
Mrs. Lena Marshall is announc
ing the marriage of her daughter,
Dolores Jean YVinburn, to Loren
Ross Davidson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. R. E. Davidson, La Grande.
The couple were married Aug. 31,
at Boise, Idaho. The bride will
complete her senior year at La
Grande High School, and the
groom is employed by Mt. Emily
mill, at Elgin.
The newlyweds honeymooned to
parts of Idaho, visiting some of
the bride's relatives and then on
to Pendleton to visit the groom's
brother and sister-in-law.
They returned here the first part
cf Septcmb-r and are residing at
18(17 Adams Avenue.
Jo Ann GarcL
Elected To
Head Rainbow
Faith Assembly 54, Order of Rain
bow for girls met for their first
regular meeting this fall, on Mon
day evening in the Masonic hall.
Denece McCanse, worthy advisor,
Girls reported on a Rainbow
party which was held earlier this
summer, and the visit of the
Assembly to La Grande for an
official visit of the grand worthy
I'nder new business, election of
officers was held and Jo Ann Card
was elected as the new worthy
Installation of the new officers
will be held Monday night at the
Masonic hall. This is an open
meeting and the public is being
invited to attend.
Beta Theta Holds
Rushing Program
The first fall rushing program
for Beta Theta Chapter, Epsilon
Sigma Alpha was held recently in
the home of Mrs. John E. Turner.
Mrs. Clint Smithe conducted the
introduction of guests and mem
bers in a clever and humorous
Mrs, Don Hunt, chapter rush
captain, then presented a tour cf
La Grande and its surrounding
area. She used colored slides to
highlight her talk.
The remainder of the evening
was spent visiting with the guests
present. Guests for the evening
were, Audrey Carey, Jackie
Punches, Mary Hartig, Maria
Williams, Donna Hill, Marjorie
Berschcid, Virginia Widman, and
Javene Lobaugh.
Refreshments were reserved by
the executive board, Betty Drum
mond, Norma Hunt, Janice Haas,
Dee Ann Smutz and Marilyn Wy
lam. The next meeting will be a Cof
fee Hour, Oct. 3, to be held
in the home of Mrs. Bob Wylam.
Merchandise Awards
THURSDAY, OCT. 1ST. 1 Lorraine Gown or Slip
FRIDAY, OCT. 2ND 1 Osgood Dress and
1 Park Lane Dress
See Our Ad ESTHER'S In th9
In Last Night's ADD A B FT Sacajawea
Observer ArrAHLL Annex
Patty Parker, daughter of Mr.
2nd Mrs. Walt Parker, and Nancy
Harrison, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Clyde Harrison, both of La
Grande, graduates of l.HS in '59.
have entered the Good Samari
tan Nurses training school at
There will be a round table
meeting Wednesday night at 7.30
in the La Grande High School
library for unit leaders and com
mitteemen of the Boy Scouts of
The meeting includes those
working in cubbing, scouting and
Eagles Auxiliary will hold their
meeting in the hall, Thursday at
8 p.m. Shower for a family who
had their home burned.
Associated Women of the First
Presbyterian church will hold a
luncheon, Thursday at 1 p.m.
Oregon Trail Extension unit
will meet at the home of Alice
llcrrman, Rt. 2. Thursday at 10:30
am. Potluck dinner. Bring tap
estry needle, embroidery floss
Answers Your Problems
Dear Ann: You hear a lot about
husbands who snore. Well, I've got
a wife who snores and I don't
know what to do about it.
She's the dainty type and to
look at her you'd never suspect
it but her snoring sounds like a
200 pound man. I hate to tell her
she snores because she's sensitive
(and vain) and this would be a
blow to her ego.
I haven't had a good night's
sleep in the four months we've
been married. Don't suggest ear
plugs, please. I've tried them and
was up all night worrying that
I might not hear an emergency
telephone call.
If you can help me solve this
one you're a genius. Beat Nick.
Dear Beatnik: Snoring is an
Invelutary act ever which we
have no central. A person should
not be ashamed of snoring any
mere than he should be proud
that he does not.
Stop sacrificing yourself on
the altar of her vanity and tell
the dainty one that her nocturnal
wood-sawing is preventing you
from getting badly needed rest.
Suggest that she see a doctor.
Sometimes an obstruction In the
nasal passage At the' cause for
snoring and can be easily rem
edied. For tonight I suggeset you move
her head tenderly to the side
when the snoring begins. A
change In the position of the
head often helps for a while.
Dear Ann: I have a very nice
steady boy friend but I m afraid
if things don't change at our house
I II lose him.
I was 16 in May and am allowed
two evenings a week with Monty.
He doesn't have any spare money
so he can't take me any place. I
don't mind staying home, but an
elderly aunt who lives with us
won t let us alone for five min
utes. Auntie plants herself in the liv
ing room and listens to every
word we" say. I've complained to
Mom but she says Auntie has so
little happiness in life that it
would be cruel to deprive her of
this small pleasure.
My Mom is a tender-hearted
person who wouldn't hurt a fly.
She's usually right about every
thing. Is she right about this?
Dear Alva: It's admirable that
your mother is so considerate
of your elderly aunt, but she's
Students On Pledge List
(Special) University of Oregon's
16 sororities pledged 324 new
members at the conclusion of a
week-lcng rush period which
ended Sept 22.
On the pledge list from La
Grande were Pal Stoner, Alpha
Gamma Delta; Rcgina Quaint
ance; Delta Delta Delta; and
Marilee Meppcn, Sigma Kappa.
Dating and identifying food in
the freezer saves much head
scratching about what Is in a
container and how long it has
been there. Now there arc ton
tainers with a calender dial on
the cover to make the task easier.
and yard of huck toweling for
project on huck towel weaving.
Chapter I ef PEO will meet in
the home of Mrs. II. A. Zurbhck.
307 Washington Avenue Friday at
1 p.m. Mrs. Lynn Wright as
sistant hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Can
had her nephew and wife, Mr.
and Mrs. Ionard tlilson of Bel
.ingham, Wash., as houvc guests
over the weekend. (
Edward Ray Quebbeman. son of
Mrs. Maybelle Quebbeman of
Grande, is here viMtinn He i
being transferred from Scaltli
to San Francsco where he will
drive a Greyhound Semi-cruiser
He is accompanied by Kenneth
Delluff, from Salem, who is also
being transferred to San Francis
Celebrating birthdays today
are Hubert Brazillc, Cove ami
Dick Bloom, La Grande.
Odd Fellows Lodge 16, La
Grande, will meet Friday at 8 p.
m. In their hall.
being unfair to you.
You should not have to enter
tain your boy friend In the pres
ence of a third party. No bey
in his right mind will put up
with this for very long.
It's your mother's responsibil
ity to suggest that auntie give
you privacy when your boy
friend calls. And hero's a P S.
to Mom: Teenagers who can't
entertain comfortably at home
arrange to meet friends else
where. And this can be bad.
Dear Ann: For 20 years my hus
band and I worked hard together
in a business. I raised four chil
dren and believe me it wasn't
For 15 years my husband and
I never went to a movie together
One of us always had to be on
the job. We were slaves to the
Three years ago. we invested
all our savings in a venture which
I was against. We lost it.. Now
we've saved a little money again
and he wants to invest in the
same thing. I say no. He's so
angry he hardly speaks to me.
Shall I give in to keep peace
and take a chance on losing every
thing? We're too old to start over.
i- Too Tiroo" To Fight.; -
Dear Tired: The only good
thing about mistakes Is what we
can learn from them. Tell your
husband to tack this motto in
his hat band and " keep your
savings for the evening of your
Lyle Riggs Talks
To Riveria PTA
Lyle Riggs, school superint end
ent, was the guest speaker at the
first meeting of the Riveria PTA
held in the school gym. Riggs
gave as his topic "Difficult D--cisions,"
in discusssing the re
vision of the remodeling plans for
Riveria School.
New officers and chairmen for
the year were introduced.
Oct. 12, was the date given for
the school's first mon"y making
project. Room count was won by
Knight's room.
Following the meeting a wel
come in verse was given by Rosa
lie Neiderer to the teach?rs. Each
teacher was presented with a cor
sage, drapes and spread for the
teachers room.
Refreshments were served by
the executive board.
Year Round Colors And
From Heals, Wedges, And
Colors or Pastels.
Reg. to 13.95. Now .
width 4 -5 - 6- 7 8 9
aaa ZI II Zl " A X X X A A
aa X 3 7 LA1 A A
a 12" 9 5 3 1 4 3 J
1 1 7 2Tp2 6 5 7 3 5
e i
Outstanding Shoo
Evant ef th Yaarl
Two Rock Unit
Elects Chairman
Two Kin k Kxtcnsion I'nit hi Id
a business and social mct'tinij in
the home of Mrs. Herbert Wicden
ut Kumnimillt". Mrs. Wrclin
served a disseit to the grouo, be
fore the main order of business.
The iiiinilxis oruanicd and
el'ctid a new chairman to re
place Nnimji;m llallir. who re
cenl'y muted t Wallowa. Mrs.
Clio Ihmih was un inimously
elect ed.
Vice ( Ili um n .luli.i Weslen
skow. Iinlcr and Secretary-Ir-aMiriT
Audrey Johnston. Sum
mi-mil , were clivtiit I'V the
group ami in? tailed Immallv la.-t
The new thairiiuri u.kcd for
vojtinteers to ill the slaading
committees and Hry were listed
as fo'lnws. Mis. Alice Baker, hos
pitality; .Mejfle Pugh, lunche-n: V'inlen, recreation rnd
tye opi ne s; .lean Mi Ken. citi
zenship, these are all of Sumnier-
ville; and llctta lloxie. La Grande,
4 H cluh.
Next ipr ling topic will !'
Swedish ,Wiaiug. Oct. n. and
the group will be guests of Mrs
llaller ul Wallowa. A ear pool
wi'l be turmrd by Audrey John
ston. 9 a.m oh the d ile mentioned.
Project leaders are M's. Haller,
Mrs. Baker;. end Mrs. Wicden.
There 'were 14 members and
several guests present. Thes ex
ti nsion units Ihreughoiit the county
lire sponsored by Oregon State
v.- 72xatt PRODUCTS
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"Be a Millionaire''
WIH on of 1,033 FREE PRIZtS!
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OO D i M E ALT H T timmJ
Styles. Crioose
Flats t Dark
Rushing Party '
Held At Park
The First Hush function of
Delta Epsilon, Kpsilon Sigma Al
pha was held Wednesday eve
ning at Riverside park. This was
a Hobo Party and the girls came
dressed in costume with Mary
Keith Carnes winning the pri
lur the best costume.
Intri diietimis were made witp
ach giii introducing and tell
ing about herself.
Each giii brought herself a
holm bundle made of a large red
work hinitkerchef and equioicd
with a tin ran an'! sporn which
she ate out of. The hanky was
umiI for a napkin.
Hot clogs were roasted in the
big fireplace in the pavilion at
;he park.
Thirty one members and guests
were present f(.r the evening.
Unshoes attending were Beth
tyi'Ciilliim. Shirley Howard. Bel
ly Turley, Judy Simonis, Ivalee
Itodda, Faye Keller, Sharon Beck
and Verna Carroll.
Itush captain and vice presi
dent of the scrorily, Louise Young
welcomed the girls and invited
l hem to the next ruh function
which will be the Model Meet
ing, Oct. 7 at the home of Jan
A Ccchran.
Nadine Dekalb was chairman
of the committee serving as hos
tesses, assisted by Shirley Todd
and Mary Ruth Carnes.
College and I'nion County Agents
and are o-ien to the public.
Ms) lUNUT NttttMHM
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frtiMim, aUisltx
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Ukliwni I si
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Arntricj's largfit stlling multaW
vitamins MOTttlNB TO IUTI