WEATHER Partly cloudy through Wed- netdey; lew showers ovor mouifc tain tonight; high Wednesday 32. 5; low tonight 2S-34. ', LA GRAND OBSERVER E 24th Issue 64th Year h4 . -..,y nri -i crSi-r' v. . e,eli .. all "' "tin " 4-H HOMEMAKERS ORGANIZE The first club of 4-H Homemakers have organized for 1959-60. From left to right are Beverly Hoxie, news reporter; Eloise McCoy, vice prcsident;-Joanne Speckhart, pres ident; Mary Virginia Speckhart, song leader; Mrs. L. R. Hoxie, leader, and Ruth Hoxie, secretary. Mrs. Harlow Speckhart, assistant leader, is now shown in the pic ture. (Observer Photo) Ike Calls Together WASHINGTON (I'PD Presi dent Eisenhower, putting aside his hands off policy toward labor management disputes, today pre pared to try to melt some of the ice in the frozen steel negotia tions. The Chief Executive made his most startling move in the 77-day-old steel strike Monday by sum- Destruction, Many Deaths From Typhoon NAGOYA, Japan (UPI) End less rows of wooden coffins and sodden straw mats for the dying. Stricken peasants moving past in never-ending search for their fam ilies in this twice dead city. The story of typhoon Vera, most destructive sto-m to hit Japan in centuries, could be outlined in sta tistics: 1,799 dead. 1.953 missing, 8,073 injured, 970.000 homeless. But its horror lay in the faces of the people, their struggle for food arid water, the dysentery which ravaged their bodies, the glazed look on their faces as they searched the rubble for those who were lost. It lay in the face of an old woman dressed in threadbare ki mono, her lips pressed tightly against toothless gums, watching intently as the lid of a coffin-like box was raised. ' She steeled herself aid then peered within. Wordlessly and with a slight shake of head she moved on to the next box and the next and the next. There were not even enough of the wooden boxes to hold the bodies in this city which suffered more than dead. Some of the bodies lay on straw tatami mats, their faces covered with scraps of cloth. Local, Area Girls Recommended For State Scholarship Sena'or Dwight Hopkins, Di Im bier, and Representative Don Mc- Kinnis, Di Summerville. today an nounced that they haJ recommend ed to the State Scholarship Com mission at Eugene, that Janet Ruth Bond of La Grande, and Denece 'Alene McCanse of North Powder, be awarded four-year scholarships to Eastern Oregon College. They were also notified that Miss Sue Richmond, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Richmond of Imbler, would be continued on a scholarship basis for Oregon State College. Miss Richmond had been recommended before by Senator Hopkins and former Representative . Harry Wells for scholarship on a four-year basis. Under the new law. recommenda tions are made by the college, and by the state senator, and state rep resentative for each legislative seal in the state.- Also under the new law, recommendations for scholar ships can be made for any state college or university, while before. it was only Oregon State College. The final decision is made by the State Scholarship Commission. Steel Union Heads In Settlement Talks moning industry and union lead ers to separate White House talks Wednesday morning. It was the first time that Ei senhower has intervened so per sonally in a labor dispute since he took office nearly seven years ago. But it recalled many similar instances during the Roosevelt and Truman administrations. The President acted after de nouncing the delay in reaching a settlement - as "intolerable." He declared the walkout by 500,000 members of the United Steelwork)- ers "must not continue. But at least one high govern ment official said he doubted Convocation Set Tomorrow At College The first convocation of the year on the Eastern Oregon Col lege campus will be held tomor row at 10 a.m. Faculty members, in full regalia, will be introduced to the students. - For many students, it will be their first look at the entire fac ulty. Dr. Ernest Anderson, pro fessor of biological science, will explain the robes worn by the faculty. An organ, prelude will be played by Carol Veddcr and Neil Wilson, assistant professor of vo cal music, will sing a solo. Wilson will be accompanied by Lyle Mc Mullen, associate professor of piano. Dr. Virgil Bohlen., professor of physical science will give the in vocation. , Dr. Bennett Presides Dr. Frank Bennett, president of Eastern Oregon College will pre side over the morning assembly, introducing department chairmen who will in turn introduce mem bers of their departments. About 700 students are expect ed to be on hand for the assem bly. Enrollment at EOC is up 10.4 per cent over last year as the sec ond day of fall term got under way today. The nuumber of stu dents is expected to pass the 800 mark when registration is com peted this week. Dr. Lyle Johnson, EOC regis trar, said the greatest Increase was noted in the sophomore class with 202 students registered, compared with 135 last year, s 49 5 per cent jump. Suspend Students In Mayor's Stunt LONG BEACH. Calif. (UPI Three high school students were under suspension today for hang ing Los Angeles Mayor Norris Poulson in effigy for his remarks to visiting Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev. The suspensions were disclosed Monday by Long Beach Polytech nic High School officials who said a conference with parents would be required for the youths' read-mission. whether these new negotiations would break the deadlock that led to last Friday's collapse of con tract talks. The possibility that he might invoke the Taft-Hartley law to halt the steel strike for 80 days abated temporarily. The White House indicated he would not seek a back-to-work injunction before he consulted with the spokesmen for eteel labor and management Ro&er Mr Bbugh, board dw man of U.b. Meet, and union president David J. McDonald both have accepted the President's personally telephoned invitation to come to Washington. In addition, the union will be represented by I. W. Abel, secretary-treasurer, Howard R. Hague, vice president and Arthur J. Gold berg, general counsel. It was not disclosed what other industry of ficials would accompany Blough. Union County 4-H Unit Plates Second The Union County 4-H Live stock Judging Team placed se cond in competition at the Pendleton Armory Saturday. Some (0 youngsters in 4-H work compered at the show. Team members are Lanetta Carter, Jim Thompson, Rus sell Bowman, and Pat Gavin, all of La Grande. Harvey Car ter Is the team leader. New and out-going officers of the Oregon State Bar held a last-minute conference Saturday in Bend at the bar's silver anniversary meeting. They were from left: C. S. "Pat" Emmons, Albany, and Clarence D. Phillips, Portland, newly-elected president and vice president; LA GRANDE, OREGON, Wallowa Tax Drop Reported ENTERPRISE (Special! Wal- llowa County taxpayers will find a slight decrees? in taxes for the year 1959-1960. The total tax for the county last year was $906,521 -68, while this year the total to be raised is $857,257.68, or a decrease of 5.4 per cent. This drop in taxes is account - i for by a lower budget and an in crease in assessed valuations. The real property In the county is as sessed at $9,408,475: the personal property at $4,009,450: and pub'ir utilities at $1,227,999. Veterans' ex emptions of $39,005 lowers the total valuation to $14,606,919. Total taxable valuation for last year was $14,095,441: distribu ted as fellows: $9,241.9(10 real properly: personal, $3,625,505: public utilities a $1,260,606: less Veterans' exemptions of $32,600 Public utilities have been low ered this year by the State Tax Commission in order to bring them into a more equal basis with other classes of property. Enterprise Leads A study of the statement of taxes levied for the four incorpor ated towns of the county shows that Enterprise tops the list with 21.7 mills, with Wallowa following with 17 mills, Joseph with 5.9 mills, and Lostine with 2.4 mills. The 1959-1960 tax rolls have been turned over by S. W. Begley, county assessor, to Mark Marks. sheriff and tax collector, and yes terday morning, a crew of girls started on the preparation of tax notices to be mailed the taxpay ers. On the day crew is Dorothy Gorsline and Billie Dunn who will assist the sheriff, and Kirsten Wil son, deputy. On the night crew is Laura Jean Locke. Betty Jones. Janet Homan, and Marjorie Pit houd. Free China Scores Red Atrocities1 UNITED NATIONS. N.Y. (UPI) Nationalist China condemned the Communist Peiping regime to day for its atrocities in Tibet and the slave labor commune system on the Red-held mainland. Nationalist Ambassador Tingfu F. Tsiang said his government welcomed the opportunity for a full debate in the U.N. General Assembly on the Communist ex cesses. Tsiang also formally repeated for the U.N. record Generalissi mo Chiang Kai-shek's pledge of last March 26 that Tibetans will be granted the right of self-determination if and when the Na tionalists recapture the China mainland. "The atrocities committed by the Communists in Tibet are even more abhorrent to the Chinese people than they are to the inter national committee of jurists,' - 1 BARRISTERS HOLD CONFERENCE TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1959 BEATNIK SPOT 'OFF LIMITS' NEW YORK UPI Green, wich Villi" a favor it retort tor the out-of-town tourist, hat become a battlefield for young hoodlums, police report ed today. "The situation is very ex plosive," Mid Deputy Police Commissioner Walter Arm. "The police are trying to con trol the situation before there is an outburst of maior vio lence." Police have closed the foun tain area of Washington Squire after 4 p.m. to eliminate trouble there. Until recently, this area provided the tourist with a pleasantly biiarre spec tacle of bearded beatnik guit arists and bongo drummers. County Plans NEPH Week' I'niun Cointy will observe Na tional Employ the Physically Han dicapped Week Oct. 4 thiounh 10 with sxviu! efforts planned to fo cus public attention on the need to devrlep suitable job opportunities for handicapped workers in the area. Members of the Union County group are Lenn 1). Allen, Elgin; Clarence Doth, Union; Francis Snodgrass, Otis Palmer, Alvin W. Berry, Hiley 1). 'Allen, lister Kingsley, Ken Lilliard. William Herrmann, Jess Kosenbaum, Milo Stewart and Ernest Burrows, chairman, all of La Grande. Farm Bureau Plans Marketing WASHINGTON UPI The Farm Bureau Federation today announced plans to set up a na tional marketing and bargaining organization for farm commodi ties. Bureau president Charles B. Shuman said the new organization will help the area market ing and bargaining groups co ordinate their efforts. It also will help . them find the appropriate prices for commodities based on supply-demand conditions, he said. Shuman sjiid .the new. sulisuliary won't try to set prices or to es tablish a monopoly. He said it al also won't bargain at the national level. Farm Bureau officials said the first activity of their new group will be in the fruit and vegetable field. WASHINGTON (UPD The Agriculture minister of Poland arrives for a 14-day visit to the United Stales Thursday and is ex pected to negotiate for a shipment of American feed grains. Edward Ochah, the Polish of ficial, wants to buy feed grains for Polish currency under the farm surplus program. The same kind of agreement has been made by the Polish government on four previous occasions. WASHINGTON UPI Agri culture Department economists reported today that the fairest method to base turkey prices to Carl G. Helm Jr., La Grande, and George L. Hibbard, Oregon City retiring vice president and president Helm presided over the first business session of the four-day convention Wednesday. H urricane Thunders nfo Dixie Regions Nikita Faces Clash With Commie China TOKYO UPI Diplomatic sources said today a bitter behind-the-scenes political clash be tween the Soviet Union and Com munist China was a distinct pos sibility when Soviet Premier Ni kita Khrushchev arrives in Pei ping Wednesday. Khrushchev was leaving Mos cow today, fresh from his historic trip to the United States, and could be expected to try to sell Asian Communists on Hie idea of a cold war thaw in the Far East. And the Asian Reds were up to their neck in Laos, Tibet and the Indian border. The occasion for the big con clave was the 10th anniversary celebration Thursday of the founding of the Chinese Commun ist Government under Mao Tse Tung, the chief rival for power w ith Khrushchev within the Com munist camp. There could be fireworks over Khrushchev's new-found "friend- Combine growers is on the ready-to-cook grade and yield of the birds. The economists said this meth od generally avoids both under estimates and over-estimates of the value of live flocks. The de partment said four-fifths of the mistakes in pricing live flocks are big enough to be important to growers. As fur as processors are con cerned, the department said the under and over-estimates general ly average out during a season. WASUmGT,ON.(UPI) - Agri culture Department grain market reporters said today that a num ber of country elevators have been moving their wheat stocks to make room for grain sorghums and soybeans. But the market reporters added there was plenty of storage space in most areas. Very few elevators were reporting shortages of space, they said. WASHINGTON (UPI) Under secretary of Agriculture True Morse says rural poverty is caus ing human resources to be ne glected and wasted. Morse, addressing the annual fall workshop of the National Capital Area Council of Church es here Monday, said more than one million American farm -families have incomes of $1,000 a year or less. He praised the help that church es have given to the rural devel opment program. 8 Pagoe ship" with the United States al though Communist China has as sumed a holiday air as it awaited Khrushchev's arrival. Some dip lomats thought Peiping had been deliberately embarrassing Mos cow with Indian border incidents. "Eternal Friendship" Khrushchev attempted to head off any fireworks by telegraphing in advance his warmest greetings to Mao and his pledge of "eternal friendship" with Red China. But on his last visit to Peiping In 158, Mao is believed to have ve toed Khrushchev's presence at a summit meeting in New York and to have shown his displeasure by launching a heavy bombardment of the Nationalist offshore islands. Khrushchev is expected to re port on his visit to the United States and his historic talks with President Eisenhower. He arrived Wednesday and will face a bat tery of Communist leaders who have spent the week denouncing "U.S. imperialism" and threaten ing Formosa. It is the first top level Com munist conclave since 1957 when the world's Red leaders met in Moscow to celebrate the 40th an niversary of the Bolshevik Revo lution. They were expected to re view the ideological problems of the Red camp and the cold war in Europe and the Far East. UPI diplomatic correspondent Karol Thaler reported from Lon don that the Soviet team reflect ed the importance of the gather ing. With Khrushchev will be Sov iet Foreign Minister Andrei Gro myko and Mikhail A. Suslov, the party theoretician, once a hard core Stalinist and now the secre tary of the) Central Committee of the Soviet Communist party. Suttoy First Arrival, k Suslov already has arrived in Peiping to hob nob with such Communist leaders as Ho Chi Minh of Communist North Viet Nam, currently accused of ag gression against Laos, and Pre mier Kim II Sung of Communist North Korea. Also present were the premiers or Communist Party bosses of the satellites and of Communist par ties throughout the world. Peiping Radio has not mentioned a U.S. delegate, however. Thaler, quoting diplomatic sources in London, said fireworks could be expected despite repeat ed assurances that all is well in the Sino-Soviet axis. Recent re ports have indicated considerable causes for friction though talks are to be secret and any debate may be some time leaking out. ASKS POSTAL BAN MEMPHIS, Tenn. (UPI) New York City Postmaster Robert K. Christenberry said Monday "it ought to be just as illegal to sell youngsters smut as to sell them alcoholic drinks." Christenberry said Congress should immediately pass legislation against the send ing of smut through the mails. Wedemeyer Report On China Was 'Held Up' EDITOR'S NOTE: ' Earnest Hoberecht, United Press Inter national vice president and gen eral far Asia, was the only cor respondent to follow Gen. Albert C. Wedemeyer throughout his 147 fact-finding tour of China. In the following dispatch he points out that tome of the Wedemeyer mission's recom mendations for bringing peace to China were similar te subse quent programs brought out by the United Nations. By EARNEST HOBERECHT United Press International TOKYO (UPD In the summer of 1947, President Truman sent Gen. Albert C. Wedemeyer on a fact-finding tour of China. It generally was expected at the time that the report and recom mendations were to be made pub lic soon. However, they were not and the results of that mission did not become known until much later when the State Department white paper of 1949 was published. Surpressod As the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Chinese Com munist regime approaches this week, tt is interesting to look back and see what Wedemeyer recom mended. In many ways his recommenda tions for aiding and support Five Cantt 'GRACE' CREATES HAVOC CHARLESTON, S. C. (UPI) - Hurricane Grace, packing a punch of up to 140 mile an hour, bulfdoied Its way In to the U.S. mainland lust south of here today, killing at least on person and causing widespread damage. Charleston streets were a dan gerous no-man's land of slivered glass and a crazy network of fal len power lines. Some streets held two feet of water. The city wm without electricity. Hospitals and emergency rescue units switched to standby generators. 10 a.m. p.d.t. weather bulletin placed the storm a short distance inland from Charleston on the southwest side of town. That was between Hunting Island and EdU to Beach. It was moving toward the northwest at 14 miles an hour in the direction of Walterboro, Orangeburg and the South Caro lina state capital of Columbia. The wind velocity, as expected, dropped somewhat as the storm hit the U.S. land mass. It waa down to a steady 120 miles an hour but still highly dangerous.'' Heavy Rains Expected - Hurricane emergency warnings were flying from Savannah to Wil mington and gale warnings from Morehead City, N.C., to Bruns wick, Ga. , " By 9 a.m. p.d.t. winds In Charleston were down to SO miles an hour and Savannah had gusts at that hour of 65 miles an hour. Tides in Charleston were nine feet above normal. The Weather Bureau said rain of up to 15 inches would fall over the eastern two-thirds of the Caro- Unas late today. Local flood irut conditions were anticipated. -- -An unidentified man was killed at Beaufort, S.C., when a limb smashed down on his car but no other deaths or injuries were re ported. Plenty of advance warn ing was the life-saving keynote. Beaches for hundreds of miles up and down the shoreline between Savannah, Ga., and Wilmington, N.C., had been evacuated. So vicious was the storm's fury that parts of buildings in this old port city crumbled and masonry crashed to the streets. Roofs were peeled back like the tops of sar dine cans. Cars were picked up by the winds and tossed about. Governor Directs Activities The Charleston chief of police asked for the' National Guard to do patrol duty and Gov. Ernest F. Hollings, personally directing activities from headquarters In the Francis Marion Hotel, immed iately released the necessary men. Highest steady winds, as report ed by the Weather Bureau on the basis of information from Navy planes and surface radar, were 125 miles an hour. But the Navy said gusts were up to 140 miles an hour. For 10. Years ing me recognized regime arc similar to methods used else where in the world in later years. The key point called for the United Nations to take immediate action to bring an end to hostili ties in Manchuria as a prelude to the establishment of a guardian ship or trusteeship. He said if the step was not taken, "Manchuria may be drawn into the Soviet orbit, despite Unit ed States aid, and lost, perhaps permanently, to China.'' - Wasn't Yelling Wolf " It turned out that Wedemeyer was not yelling "wolf" and, U anything, was too conservative on his prediction of impending disaster in the report Wedemeyer made to President Truman in 1947. fa 1949, the year the report finally was made public, the Chinese Communists announced the for mation of their government. Wedemeyer has said that he worked to obtain the release of his report but it was buried until dug up by Senate committee in vestigators who were alarmed by the imminent loss of China to the Communists. -f- He had said he wanted the re port made public as soon aa poe sible because he knew that aqy delay in implementing his rutin mendations was serving the pur. pose of the Communists.