Observer, La Grande, Ore., Mon., Sept. 28, 1959 page 7 Give Up Hopes For New Farm Measures T WASHINGTON UPH - The Democratic National Committee Apparently ha given up hope that ,the 86th Congress can write any .new farm laws. Irs magazine. Democratic Di fgest. aaid "Any legislation offer ing substantial help to agriculture must, obviously, wait for another president..." Earlier this year. Democratic party leaders listed new farm legislation as one of their major goals. But in the first session of Congress President Eisenhower ve toed three farm bills, including price support measures for wheut and tobacco. Democratic congressmen also felt that the threat of a veto kept many other farm- bi'ls o!f the House and Senate floors. The Diegest indicated that Dem jbcrats believe the same situation will prevail in the second session of congress which convenes next 'January. ; WASHINGTON lUPIi-The Ag- (iculture Department sa d today hat supplies of edible fats, oils and oilseeds will hit a record high Seeing Eye Dog Stands In With Master At Nuptial SOUTH PASADENA, Calif. UPI A blind "Navy sweet heart" honeymooned today with her Marine husband and seeing eye dog. Jolene Gaither, 21, and Cpl. Sterling Ellison, 22, were married Sunday in simple Latter Day Saint ceremonies at the home of rts 'Sister. Mrs. Marge Trimbath. ' About 35 friends and members 4f the families attended the cere monies officiated by Bishop Wit Jiam M. Raddatz of the Pasadena Ward. J- Asked where they were going on Vtheir honeymoon, Jolene said: ' -'We're going to try to keep it a secret." They did. Jolene was accompanied down the aisle Sunday by her stepfa- ther, Richard Tate, and Barry her two-year-old German Shepherd seeing eye dog. Commie Chinese " To Ease Shelling TOKYO UPI Communist China today announced a five-day ., respite from shelling Nationalist China's offshore island of Quemoy. ' Radio Peiping said Red guns t- would be silent Sept. 29 and Oct. ; 1 in honor of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Red Chinese government. MARKETS By United Prtss International !- ' PORTLAND LIVESTOCK PORTLAND lUPIi (USDAl "' Livestock: Cattle 1700; 10-head lot average 'choice 1043 lb. fed steers 28.75: '' two loads and small lot low and average choice 990-1188 lb. 28.25: 36-head load 888 lb. good -choice " fed heifers 26; few head choice 950 lb. 27.25; load around 800 lb. ; "standard grass heifers 23.25; few canner-cutter cows 12 - 13.50; few '"';cutter bulls 17-20. w' Calves 250; few good - choice '"vcalers 27-32; utility-standard 19- 26. j ifl- Hogs 1250; holdover 100; 1 and -' 2 butchers 185-230 lb. 15.25-15.50: " around 50 head at 15.75: mixed L 1, 2 and 3 lots 14.50-15; few around 240 lb. 14; 1 and 2 sows 2bu-3au id. 1 11.50-13; 350-450 lb. sows 9.50-10.50. "' Sheen 1500: holdover 250: most- ' ly choice 1 and fall shorn pelt 104 lb. fed lambs 19; small lot "'Vooled 99 lb. 20; few good-choice ' ' No. 1 and 2 pelt lambs 17.50-18.50; 'good-choice 65-85 lb. feeders 15-16; 1 cull-good ewes 2-4. PORTLAND DAIRY PORTLAND (UPI) Dairy market: " Eggs To retailers: Grade AA extra large, 53-55C doz.; AA large, r.,50-51c; A large, 46-48c; AA rae , drum, 40-41c; AA small. 26 - 28c, '. cartons l-3c additional. Butter To retailers: AA and ".grade A prints, 70c lb.; carton, 1c higher; B prints, 68c. - ttoeese (medium cured' To re ' "fillers: A grade Cheddar single daisies, 41-51c; ' processed Ameri can cheese, 5-lb. loaf, 40-43c. NEW YORK STOCKS NEW YORK (UPH-A handful of stocks made substantial gains in a generally easier, moderately active stock market early today. Standing out on the upside were Vick Chomiral Polaroid. Kenne- cott Copper, ' American Home Products, Coca-Cola, up arouna a point to more than 2 points. DiiPnnl nacori the losers with a drop of 14 points, and Ameri can Motors, a sharp gainer iasi week,' reacted with a loss of 1H points. National Lead lost 2 points. U. S. Gypsum nearly 2 points. Elsewhere price changes were of the fractional variety. Motors. generally lost fractions although Studcbaker managed a small gain, uus were mixed, with Standard ot t-aiuor- nia rimm to tuvim. TpraM 4 DOint higher. Utilities were firm with Coiiuiioiiuwtlth fcdixin up nearly a point. Rails eased, I the marketing year owning tt. I. Supplies will be nhmii I ivr cent over last year's record mark of 13 billion pounds on an oil equivalent basis. The Department said also that k new marketing nmh. ably will be another banner year r exports ol soybeans, edible Is and lard. Department exDcris nrerili.ied that farm prices for soybeans will erase close to the national sup port Price Of tl XS huchnl through the harvest season. WASHINGTON (UPIiThe Ae- riculture. Department has an nounced the purchase of 4,380.000 pounds of frozen turkey for school lunchrooms. The cost was about $1,500,000. The present buyine nroeram. now totaling 18 million pounds and about six million dnll.irs. will be suspended after one more purchase next week, officials said. WASHINGTON' irpiTh A. riculture Department has named three new members to its Re search Policy Adviso-y Committee. Appointed for three-year terms ere: Charles Marshall ukui and livestock producer from Elm- wooa. Neb.; Ken E. Geyer, of Hartford. Conn . Connecticut .Milk, Producers Asso ciation; and Louis Ratzesberger. of Hoopeston, 111., president of the Illinois tanning Co. WASHINGTON (I'PIi-The Ae. riculture Department said today it' Was COnsiflprina a manlalmn limiting imports of most types of cucumbers to those grading U.S. No. ' 2 or better. The action was hemp woicrhaH because shipments of Florida cu- cumners win be subject to grade restrictions from (Vi i thrm.oh July 31. The proposed import con trols would go into effect Oct. 19. WASHINGTON IITPI) Ton !. Cal units of the National Grange Dave been named as finalists in the $60,000 community service con test sponsored by the Grange and the Sears-Roebuck Foundation. Chosen from 5.000 entries in the competition which features tin nnn for first place were grange units in: toio.ia. Colo.; Glastonbury, Conn.; Divide. Mont- Reaver Crossing, Neb- Shelbv. Ohio- Vale, Ore.; Kersey, Pa.; Murfrees boro, Tenn.; Converse. Tex.; and Kenna. W. Va. Teamster Brass Ready To Approve Political Monev WASHINGTON ( UPI ) Leaders of the Teamsters Union were re ported ready today to approve a new, multi-million dollar political action program to fight their congressional enemies at the polls. The program was one of a num ber of issues listed for discussion at the fall meeting of the union's general executive board starting this afternoon. It envisions a national political fund of from one to two million dollars, volunteered by rank-and-file members, for lobbying and election campaign contributions. Similar funds would be estab lished at the state and local level by Teamsters' locals and joint councils. The anticipated plunge into poli tics was a reaction to the stiff new labor reform law approved by Congress over the bitter op position of Teamsters' President James R. Hoffa. - - In other sessions, 30 lawyers were scheduled to tell the Teams ters' high command what they must do and what they can't do under terms of the new law. La Grande Observer Established 1896 Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post Office of La Orsnds Oregon Under the ct of March 8. 1897. By Carrier Month 1.26 Tear 1'0' By Motor Route Tear f " " Month 1.48 By Mall Tear , 6 Months . 8 Months . Month .11100 6.60 . 8.60 . 1.26 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING INFORMATION All Classified Adrertlslnr Is ac- ceptfl subject to the rules and regulations or tne La uranae Publishing Company, which will not be responsible for any effort after the first Insertion and re serves the right to properly classi fy all advertisements, deleU objeetlonsble words or sentences r to recuse any aavertiseaieni. CASH RATES Minimum Charge 11.66 Use The BAROAIN RATA 6 dsys for the Price of 4 Tou STOP the COST when you KILL the ad. 8. lines for 6 days . I 1.(0 I lines for days 8.00 . 4 lines for dsys 4 00 i lines for S dsys t 00 lines for ( dsys , f I Inch for 6 days , f 00 1 Inch for a Booth 11. 69 CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE S:M p.m. Day Proceeding' Publication. Phone WO 3-3161 Limey Scientists Say Pack A Day Not Harmful . ' BIRMINGHAM. England tl'Pl A team of Birmingham Uni versity scientists today reported iniokmg especially a pack or more a day may help health. The scientists, led by Dr. Thom as McKcown. said research in dicated cigarette smoking keeps blood pressure down. They said survey of 1.000 men over 60 years of age revealed that life long non-smokers had the highest blood pressures. McKeown and his fellow scien tists reported chain smokers had the lowest blood pressures among the men interviewed. These were men smoking 20 or more cigar ettes a day. Pipe smokers generally regis tered blood pressures between the non-smokers and the chain smok ers. McKeown's report said con sumption of alcoholic beverages tended to raise blood pressure. However he said drinking does not raise blood pressure to the ex tent that smoking lowers it. CLASSIFIED DIRECTOHT 11 Appllincea. Etc 6 Apartment Rental! 67 Apartments, Unfurnished 64 Auto Courts Auto Parts. Service S Autos Kor Trads 100 Autos For Sale Auction Salsa 2 Aviation 12 Baby B Iters 44 Hosts slid Motors tl IlulldlliK MaterlM 67 Business Property 65 HusinsMS fcpav 70 Business Opportunities 71 Business Investments I Card of Thanks IS Contracts 14 Contracting, Building I Death Notices 40 Farmers Column 85 Farm Equipment 75 Farms, Itanches 77 Farms Wanted S7 Ve.-ds 15 Fertilisers. Chemicals S3 Flowers, Bhrubs SO Fuel Supplies S Funeral Directors S3 harden Supplies 17 Help Wanted It Help Wanted, Male IS Help Wanted. Female 81 Home Furnishings 6S Hotels, Motels 68 Houses for Bent 80 Houses For Sale 4 In Memorlam 62 Insurance 87 Irrigation, Pumps 41 Livestock Wantod 42 Livestock Lodges and Societies 6 Logging Equipment 10 Lost and Found 76 Lots. Building Site 4 Machinery 34 Market Basket 1 Masonic Notices 80 Miscellaneous for Sate 68 Miscellaneous for Kent 36 Money To Loan 14 Moving. Trucking 28 Musical Column 76 Pasturelanda 7 Personals 89 Pets. Kennels, Etc. 43 Poultry, Babbits 81 Iroperty Trades 79 Iteal Estate Wanted 84 tiding Equipment 63 Boom and Board 16 ftalea People, Agents 20 Hervlce Directory 11 Schools Instruction 86 Seeds and Plants 13 Shoe Repair 21 Situation Wanted 15 Stornge, Transportation 45 Sportsman's Column 6 Special Notices 46 Swap Column 74 Tlmberlands 60 Trailer Courts 86 Tractors and Equipment SO Trailer Houses . 91 Trailers For Ssle 97 Trucks. Trsllers 98 Truck. -Auto Rental 25 Wsnted to Borrow 47 Wanted to Buy tl Wanted to Rent 61 Wanted Room Board 7 Personals 7 ANY GIRL in trouble, or needing a friendly adviser write, tele phone or stop in at the Salvation Army, 211 Fir St. WO 3-2941. ft Special Notices 8 ATTENTION! Duarte & Rayette Budget Waves VAN S BEAUTY SALON across from Post Office WO 3-5811 BERLOU . . . ? Call NU-WAY CLEANERS RIVERS HOTEL, La Grande, Ore.. 221 Fir St. WO 3-4233, Under New Management. Air condition ed rooms. Dorm beds. Reasonable rates, comfortable and clean. 10 Lost A Found 10 LOST: Blue Parakeet "Riley," talks. Reward. 1001 11th., WO 3 3260 or WO 3-4144. LOST: Yellow tiger stripe half grown male cat. White belly, yellow eyes. 1704 2nd St., Apt. 1. Reward. 1 1 Schools, Instrw'n 1 1 AIRLINK ENJOY FKEE TRAVEL GOOD PAY SECURITY MEN AND WOMEN WILL BE SELECTED FROM THIS VICIN ITY TO TRAIN IMMEDfTELY FOP ATTRACTIVE AIRLINE POSITIONS AS HOSTESS, RESER VATIONS, TICKET AGENT. COMMUNICATIONS. STATION AGENT AND OPERATIONS. Short low cost training can qualify you. Will not interfere with present employment. Women will be trained in charm and beauty techniques. Must have pleasant personality, high school graduate, age 17 to 39. Inquiries confidential. Accredited by NHSC. Write for qualifying details, be sure to include your age, phone number to: Airline Training NA TIONAL SCHOOL OF AERO NAUTICS, Box, 7, Co Observer, La Grande. 12 Baby Sitter 12 ADULT Care, Children, my home, reasonable, references. WOS-3701 GOOD care for children at any time. WOJ-264L ' . "l 7 Help Wanted 17 SALESMAN Eastern Oregon, away from home I doys a week. Guarantee and bonus. WO J 2071, Saturdays. Strange As WE FWlTCf OsJTi P&LMCrPUKTDK-.. rs praTtcret) RCA RTS AND LMOCRMS Trtt TREE TRUNK-. k AW tCjRIMM& NWU FAIRY TALES WERE NOT WRITTEN BY.THC 6RMy RR(7ThKC 1HCY WERS r C0M-6CTI0KI Cf klEii 6ATHEBCD BYTriE BROTHER CSER A PERIOD Of- YEftRS, (ARNY OP WHICH wERe Told To THti ev an cbscuk. pftRM WOMftN KNOWN AS . GAMMER 6RBTdEL ( v tv 17 Help Wanted 17 WANTED: YOU! TO started earning $125.00 a week. Steady work, over 200 items m Clothing for entire family. $1,000 samples furnished. No invest ment or exp. Part or full time. Northwestern Woolen, 403 Nicol let, Minneapolis, Minn. $50 Investment A CHANCE to enter a business of your own with a small invest ment. Our mvn aversge $3 an hour commission. No lay-offs, no strikes, it's your own busi ness. Call for appointment from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. WO 3-2715. SALES experience not required. Niagara Cyclo Massage, 210 Chestnut, WO 3-5205. 19 Help Wd., Female 19 WOMEN Start now for big Christmas earnings as an Avon Representative. Reserve terri tory now! Write Mrs. Martina Marshall, Box 26, Lawen, Ore. GRADUATE NURSES for duty in psychiatric hospital. Forty hour week, paid vacation, holiday and sick leave. Range $.'U0-$360 with $15 night differential. Eastern Oregon State Hospital, Pendle ton. 26 Money To Loan 26 LOANS Salary Furniture , One Call Service c SECURITY Loan & Finance WO 3-3134 . 116 Depot FOR Federal Land Bank Loans CONTACT Mat'l. Farm Loan Assoc. New Foley Bldg. - . La Grande 29 Building Material 29 FOR SALE: 18 x 20 bldg.. suitable for garage or barn, delivered. Also used brick and cement. Call WO 3-4508. 30 Misc. For Sale 30 USED stoker, good condition with new motor. WO 3 3392. NO TOIL really cleans walls, woodwork, floors, etc. Easy as ABC to use. Get yours now! ... at: LA GRANDE HARDWARE SET of Collier's encyclopedia, ex cellent condition; ladies bowl ing shoes, 8' narrow, WO 3-2220. HAMMOND Chord Organ, only slightly used. Priced reason ably. Terms- RADIO MUSIC SUPPLY Observer Want Ads Get Results 20 Service Directory 20 SERVICE DIRECTORY When you need a specialized service call one the firms or individuals listed here! CARPENTRY Roofing Concrete Remodeling WO 3-5070 between 6 p.m. to 8 a m. RUGS and furniture cleaned, recov ered, repaired. Free estimates. BLUE MOUNTAIN UPHOLSTERY 309 Fir WO 3-5780 MOTORS Rebuilt, rewound. Prompt ' Serv. LA GRANDE ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE. WO 3 5423 THE FIXIT SHOP . We repair bikes, washing ma chines, all appliances. Schwinn Bicycles. 1 IN TROUBLE CALL: WO J 1604. BULLDOZING LANb LEVELING ROAD BUILDING CAT D 8 S. P. Christensen WO 3-4252 eves BERLOU Call NU-WAY CLEANERS STAN'S TREE SERVICE ' Now is the time to get those trees trimmed. Trimming, removing shrubbery. Expert work. Insured. Free estimate. WO 3-3601. ; LA GRANDE SHELL SERV. where you get the best service on your car. WO 3-5933. ELECTRONICS TV Radio TV hepalrs Island City Uiwaj WQ It Seems CROCODILE CM $W&LLOW CONSUME "ZOO LBS. OF M.EAT OR 5ftST- THE CARCMS IS TCKN fcPftRT fctfORf $nftUWN3. ' J ST0Rit& 1 30 Misc. For Sale 30 CKKAM1C COFFEE MUGS, large size, smooth finish, REGULAR VALUE 29c . . . NOW 19c ea.. 5 for 93c. SEE Our wide selec tion of Ceramic Gifts for just $100. PAYLESS DRUG r.KRLOli . . . ? Call NU WAY CLEANERS . SPECIAL! Thro Sept. 28 Only 10 OFF! THEY'RE NEW! Chests of Drawers. S sizes. Ward robes. Book-cases, 3-Draw-er Nite Stands, - Desks, Book Case Headboards, Finished & Unfinished. Ready for the magic touch of paint . . to add a pretty touch of color and utility to your storage space! USED Youngstown Dish washer, like new . . . This week only . . . $65.00. Was priced at: $78.50. The Fixit Shop 218 N. Fir WO 3-2604 DAVENPORT, chair, desk, rcfrig, 1!KI4 E. N, Apt. 5, WO 3-2709. 31 Home Furnishings 31 ' BEFORE You Buy a TV Set Be Sure to STOP la at ELECTRONICS TV on the Island City Hiway and SEE the Exclusive New 1960 HOFFMAN TV Sets with the fabulous New Square Picture Tube 23" diagonal and 21" across the screen. These tubes are a Truly Great Advance in TV view ing. Be sure to See and Deal with ELECTRONICS TV Phone WO 3-3251. 32 Appliances, Etc. 32 FREE Gift worth $5X0 with AIRWAY Sanitizing Demonstra tion. Phone WO 3 3323. Deluxe HOTPOINT IRONER, used very little. Phon Imbler 736. 33 Garden Supplies 33 FOR SALE: Top soil, 4 yd. load $6.00. WO 3-4602. 34 Market Basket 34 FRUIT Stand next to Knight's Tire Service. Island City Highway. Peaches, Pears, $2.75 an apple box. Fresh produce, etc. Prunes, Tomatoes and Apples. Potatoes 20 Service Directory 20 FOR your roofing, siding & re modeling CALL L. A. JAMES CO. Free est. WO 3 3454. JONES BROS. Heating Certified LENNOX Dealer Island City Hiway WO 3-2421 Special Coverage " Policies REYNOLDS INS. 1 Reynolds Bldg. WO 3 3121 FEIK'S BOAT SHOP Mercury Sales fc Service 1608 Adams WO 3-2405 Eagle Cap Laundry & Cleaners WO 3-2606 ' J. Goodman C. Keefer LA GRANDE READY MIX PH. WO S 3031 FRIGIDAIRE - MAYTAG Annlinnr Rale It Service DOLVEN S WO 3 3327 CHECK your radio k TV tubes on our "Do-It-Yourself" Tube Tester . . AT . . PAYLESS W ATKINS QUALITY PRODUCTS Vitamins. Mary King Cosmetics. Spices. Extracts, Household items. WO J 2715 809 C Ave. FOR . Rug & Furniture cleaning - that really pleases service that is prompt, call WO 3-3250. LA GRANDE MATTRESS It IPIIOISTERY Observer Want Ads Get Results 38 Fertilizers, Chem. 38 LAWNS and gardens. Rotted ma nure and top soil, $10 3-yard load. WO 3 2852. 39 Pets, Ken'ls., Etc. 39 FOR SALE: Pekinese pups & year- old male. WO 3-3354. 40 Farmers Column I EXTRA heavy used wooden vats. steel wrought bound. Will make excellent water tanks for cattle or horses. ELDRIDGE PACKING CO. WO 3-2166. 41 Livestock Wtd. La Grande Livestock Comm. Co. Sale Every Thursday Phone Office WO J 2660 Bob Green Observer Want Ads Get Results 42 Livestock 42 3 GUERNSEY Heifers, one will freshen soon. WO 3-5334. 45 Sportsman's Col. HUNTER'S lot Down fc Up to 2 yrs. to pay for new Guns and Scopes, on ap proval of credit. See the new RED HOT 3 to 7 power variable Scope on Sale for $34.50. Heavy Duty Sleeping Bags with canvas cover, 5 lbs. Virgin in sulation; keeps you warm with out blankets. Reg. $27.00 on sale for $19 85. ! Complete selection of Rifles. Shotguns, Binoculars, Wall Tents, Umbrella Tents. Tarns. Winter Jackets. Rain Gear, Everything for the Outdoors. OUTDOOR SUPPLY Purchase Your NEW GUN HERE! ONLY 10 DOWN 2 YEARS TO PAY! Select from ... REMINGTON WINCHESTER HUSQVARNA FRESH' AMMO All Calibres Stock Up And Register In Our 2 BIG BUCK CONTESTS CHOATES CIGAR STORE 204 DEPOT ST. HUNTERS . BONANZA REMINGTON Shot Gun Shells, 12 ga. Express, Long range, Sizes: 2; 4; 6; 7V4, Box of 25, REGULAR LY $3.45 . . . NOW $3.19. ALSO Special Prices on 410; 20 & 16. SEE Our Wide Selection of Remington Rifle Ammuni- -tion at: PAYLESS PRICES! SLEEPING BAGS. 4 lb. Celacloud, 36 x 80. Two lip together, quality flannel lining. REGULAR VALUE $19 95 PAYLESS PRICED NOW . . . JUST: $12 .88. SHOP SAVE . PAYLESS DRUG 46 Swap Column 46 WILL SELL OR TRADE: 21" TV for smaller set. WO 3 3354. 50 Fuel Supplies 50 ..14" MILL WOOD Call WO 3-5642 or Union 3651. Box 185, Union, Ore. 56 Apt. Rentals 56 t ROOM heated apt. 1306 O Ave. Vl'U 5-Z3H8. BASEMENT apartment. 2 furn. rooms and shower. 1602 M Ave. A CUTE furnished apartment, bed room, kitchen and bath. Ideal for one or a couple. Washing facili ties. $3S a month. WO 3 2050. LIGHT housekeeping - room, all facilities furnished, $35. per mo 1501 Adams. LT.-Housekeeping room k sleeping room. Close to college. 1601 Wash CLEAN 2 room furnished apt 1st floor. Steam heat. 1502 Wash ' mglon, Gregory Apts. MODERN downstairs suit near college. Adults. 1107 6th St. kMALL furnished apartment, lady preferred. 1713 Cedar, wg 3 satu 56 Apt. Rentals 56 UNFURNISHED 2 b-drrom. new ones duplex. Call atlr r 6, 3-4t8. Downtown Apt. (or information inquire at Zimmermans FURNISHED bachelor apartments. neai, lights, water lurnishl. Close in, 190! 2nd St. CLEAN 1 room apt., sleeping room, garage. Close in. 1607 6th. 1 FURNISHED apt., 1 Sleeping room, close to college. 13U3 101 h. REDECORATED 3 room apart ment across from Chris I'ood. AJter 8 p m. WO 3 5244. 1 ROOMS bath, adults, 1702 2nd. . . WO 3-4402. FURNISHED 3 room apt., private uiun. isu second si. FURNISHED 3 rooms bath. steam hfat, laundry facilities, adults. 1311 O Ave WO 3-3766. COZY 2 room furnished apt., fur nace neat, ground floor, adults, no pets. 10115 13th. WO 3-5548. ONE of the finest, popular rates. tnree room apt. Exceptional ser vices, choice location and envir onment. Furnished. Adults. 1307 Sixth. Phone 3-3677. NICELY furnished 3 room apart ment, private entrance. See at 1702 Oak or Phone WO 3 3270. CLEAN furnished apt., plenty storage hrat and hot water 1904 Third Street. 57 Apts., Unfurn. 57 5 ROOM unfurnished apartment. Hot water heat, range and re frigerator, garage furnished. Available Oct. 1. Adults only. 1433 Adams or WO 3-4595. DOWNSTAIRS 3 rooms & bath. Adults. 1702 2nd. WO 3-4402. 58 Houses For Rent 58 3 ROOM furn. house, $H a month. Inquire 2004 1st., WO 3-3602. )NE bedroom modern house, 1 miles out. WO 3 5652. 1 BEDROOM furn. trailer house for rent, 1916 1st. WO 3-5213. 403 S Ave., $30 a month. Harry R. Pattison, 340 Sacajawea Annex. iMALL furnished cottage 2 blocks from P.O., suitable 1 or 2 persons. Complete kitchen, bath. No pets. Inquire 912 Main. 70 Business Opps. 70 "OR lease bv RICHFIELD OIL CORPORATION, exclusive mar keters of Boron gasoline, well located service station in La Grande. - Fine opportunity for conscientious young man. Finan cial helps available to qualiifed person. Training in engine tune up and .Drake work given if de sired. Also Insurance and other benefits". Phone WO 3-2821. I . . 78 Farms & Ranches 78 ! OR MORE 60 ft. lots. WO 3 -2628 or see at 707 Grandy. DUKEK REALTY Benny Hicks. Salesman VO 3-2423 La Grande, Oregon BILL THOMAS REAL ESTATE 107 Depot WO 3-8173 80 Houses For Sale 80 'YOU'LL Get Setter Looking When you look at this list ing. Three bedroom Ranch Style home. Family rcom. utility xoom, patio, attach ed garage, window -wall dining area, nice yard, fenced Located near new high scheol. ' Burling Real Estate AGENCY , Merle Burling. Broker Marvin Moe, Salesman 1103 Adams WO 3 -5450 WHY NOT . Mix Business With Pleasure Business is a pleasure when business js good! And busi ness is good when you use OBSERVER Classified - to attract customers, hire good help sell equipment you don't need, find lost articles etc. Get the Classified Habit. It will help make nesa a pleasure ! and at a . .: - ' Low Coat too! OBSERVER WQ 3-3161 80 Houses For Sale 80 Homes For Sale TWO 5 Room hemes. Stucco. Full basement. Need painting and decorat ing. Sidewalks in. Paved street. Greenwood school area. Tot. l price for 2 com bined S7.51HI. T ike one or boih. T'.rms available. TWO bt drroni home Base ment. Furnace. Central school area. SI0.0UO. Will consider trade for good laie mndil trailer house or will trade for home in Baker. FOUR bidroom horn? on Vi acre in Union, Cheap! , , For Farm 4 Acrcanes Be sure to Call: Benny Hicks, Salesman. DUKEK REALTY WO 3 -2423 La Grande, Ore. FOR RENT: 2 bedroom house, good location in Union fall Jerry Posey, 23t;2 or 28J2 Un ion. TWO modern homes in Union, Sec Glen Aldnch. BURLING REAL ESTATE AGCY. ' 1103 Adams WO 3-5450 3 BEDROOM home, plus 2 lots. stoker, well. sio.WX). 1005 Y Ave. WILLIAMSON'S Real Estate k Ins. Serv. WO 3-4311 WESTKNSKOW-NEREXER Real Estate & Ins. Serv. Foley Bldg. WO 3-5321 W. E. WILKINS Real Estate & Insurance I Sac Annex Ph. WO 3-2136 two acres; Owner MUST Sell Reasonable down payment and monthly payments. : Thre? bed rooms, modern kitchen, basement, garage and irrigation well. Locat ed May Park ,-t 1901 Z Ave nue PRICE $6500 , W. E. WILKiNS Ral Estate & Insurance t WO 3-2136 101 Fir Street 85 Farm Equipment 85 LARGE bear cat hammer mill. meuntrd on rubber, good condi tion. See at 708 A'der or Ph. WO 3-2051. 87 Irrigation, Pumps 87 0. C. TANDY, WELL DRILLING. Thief Valley Road I Box 223, North Powder Ph. 2438 Well & Pumps CORRIELL'S I Island City Hy. WO S-4S24 90 Trailer Houses 90 HEATERS, Kool Seal & all Trailer Supplies & equip. Chub's Trailer Sales t 1109 V St. WO 3-5960 Observer Want Ads Get Results 91 Trailers For Sale 91 '56, 42 FT. 2 bedroom trailer, $2,700. 2310 East M Ave. ! 95 Logging Equip't. 95 IIO.MKL1TE CHAIN SAWS The man who thinks for himself . . . USES IIOMELITE G.I.'S THERE'S a McCULLOCH SAW for every need. 1-40; 1-50; 1-80; 1-70; & 180. Light as: 17 lbs. Low as: $157.45. McCULLOCH SAWS, Sales & Service, 215ft Fir. WO 3-5609. I 98 Truck, Auto Rent. 98 REBUILT engines as low es $169.95 Installed Free, 10 down, bal, low mo. terms. WARDS ' MOTOR ThOUBI.ET Call: WO 3-5506 L k S TRUCK REPAIR, truck, auto, tractor Trucks for rent you drive Move yourself save half MAC'S MOBILE SERVICE I 1434 Adams Phcne WO 3-440t 100 Autos For Sale 100 1954 CHEV. Bel Air, 4 door. Standard tranmission. WO 3-3729. OR TRADE. '53 Chrysler, sec at 2007 E. Penn. j FOR SALE or trade '53 Chev. 4 T. Pickiirj. Will consider small trailer or small ' car. 1615 Jefferson, WO 3-2755. ' j . '49 JEEP pickup, good shape, good tires. Phone 2403 Union. '38 CHRYSLER, good tires, over drive. Cheap. Doug Post. Imb ler. ' Year End Clearance! , PONTIAC BUICK CADILLAC . i GOODWILL USED CARS f GETTINGS - LYNCH i Motor Co. ! HAND FORD SALES. Chestnut ft Jefferson WO S-2181 OK USED CARS M. J. GOSS Motor Company ' OR TRADE Customized '55 Merc good shap WO 3 4482. j '47 JEEP, cloth cabi Inquire HEmlock 7-3133. Elgin. Classified Advertising Can Increase Your Business y