La Grande observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1959-1968, September 28, 1959, Page 4, Image 4

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    We Launched Ours horn a
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Ilagrande observer
I Monday, September 28, 1959
"Without or with friend or fee, we print your daily world as it goes" Byron.
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A recent issue of the Oregon I.alor
Press reprinted an article which has
been of interest to many newspapers in '
the state. It should be interesting to
every union official and every militant
member, too. And it holds a few words
of wisdom for some politicians we know.
The article was by a fellow named
Abbott of the United Rubber Workers
Union. He told about being sent into n
neighboring state to conduct a school
on , labor problems for a local union.
He dropped by the daily newspaper to
supply a story about the school.
An amazed reporter soon had Alilmtt
in the publisher's office, where the pult
lisher, to quote Abbott, said :
"You know, you're the first lalmr man who
hat ever been in here in all these years
and you have to come all the way from Ohio.
Tell me something, do we have B.O.?
"Our reporters call up the union wlvn
there's a strike on, and the union says: 'No
comment.' So we print management's side
of the story and the union gets mad. ll:id the
union said something, we would have printed
. that too."
Abbott went on to detail the solution,
which is to stop hiding out. He said:
"Even the most conservative newspapers
will print your side of the slory if you give
them the facts."
He doesn't overdraw the picture. 1
Nohru Takes Considerable Convincing
i. ii i. itxt r.. ........ i a.. ,..!., ., 1, ..),.,, i
At me openiiiK oi me
sembly one question that
placed on the agenda is
nition of Red China. And India is ex
pected to press the hardest for China's
membership despite her current border
squabble with the Communist nation.
This apparent exercise in inconsisten
cy by India can be explained. It is
thought in New Delhi that Red China
would be more manageable within the
UN than outside it.
In a letter this summer India request
ed the China question be included on the
Assembly agenda "not only from the
point of view of the legitimate rights
of the Chinese people and their govern
ment but also from the point of view
of the effectiveness of the organization
itself." '
The United States has been successful
since 1950 in blocking Indian attempts
to have Red China seated and Soviet
Russia's and the Soviet Union's attempts
to have Nationalist China ousted.
In 1950 after the Korean War broke
out but two months before Red China
intervened in force India moved to seat
the Peipinir delegates in the Assembly.
The resolution was voted down 33. to 16
withJQ abstentions. Last year 41 nations;
voted for postponement of the question:
28 were against postponement and there
V3 f. r
uMJKiir, S. 11AUJS
Causes 'Bad Press7
were nine abstentions.
vi-m-i.u .i.i
is certain t
to lie
possible recog
tting its
ship, for the
i' to ret nt
is that only
Pork Barrel
Adv. Director
Circulation Mgr.
(letting news from the union side, with
some exceptions, in a labor dispute is
like pulling a cow's upper front teeth.
Some management people are just as
had. Some are good. Some are worse,
if possible. '
The same thing is true of some poli
ticians. They send in reams of copy on
their schedules, including listing of stops
in this and other towns. Most news
papers slay way from politicians' state
ments, and prefer to write their own
stories. Hut, with rare exceptions, it's
hard to find these fellows when they
do come to (own.
The rare exceptions who come imnio-diab-ly
to mind are Monroe Sweetland
and hick Neulterger. And no one hears
tlierti complaining nlaiut a "one-party"
pres either.
Newspapers are not perfect, far from
it. lint in general they are conscientious,
and trying to do the best job they can,
within the limits of the manpower avail
able to them.
They're most happy to get the stories
they don't have time to cover them
selves, and they need help in digging
out information sometimes. More often
than not, the story which is left out is
one they've tried to get. and have been
unable to find a source.
The slow buildup of support for Com
munist China in the UN General Assem
bly is considered not great enough to be
alarming, and it is virtually certain our
official opinion on this question will not
change soon.
The U. S. House of Representatives
scd its llth resolution in August re
opposition to UN member
Chinese Reds. The Senate
gone on record time and
l'erhaps the weakest argument ad
vanced by India in its support of the
People's Government of China and the
the United States will be
p as tne neuiue is renewed
the Red Chinese government
is in a position to comply with U.N de
cisions and recommendations which af
fect the Chinese specifically.
As it is presently constituted the Tei
ping regime is in no position to comply
witli I N' decisions and recommendations.
Recent violence in Tibet, Ijios and India
indicates the regime is anything but the
lending force in a "peace-loving nation,"
our- rhr-asure of UN membership.
It is hojwd that India essentially a
neutralist and peace-loving nation will
reexamine its caso for Red China's ad
mission to the UN.
he Khrushchev visit nobody no
(iced it, but some significant
backstage jockeying has been
taking place at the White House
fleeting the economy of the na
The jockeyiing was between
bin Mitchell, Ike's hard-working
but sometimes fruistrated secre-
ury of labor on one side, and
.omc of Ike's closest advisers on
he other, each pulling in oppo
ite directions regarding the
iteel strike.
Mitchell had persuaded the
President to propose that both
labor and liig Steel agree to a
factfinding board. Ex-secretary
f tiie Treasury George Humph
ey, now head of National Steel.
advised Ike not to propose it.
Cut the President sided with his
secretary of labor and wrote let
ters to both the United Steel
Workers and the industry propos
ing it.
The steel industry doesn't want
factfinding board because it
would have the power to make
pecif ic recommendations o n
wat;es for the strike settlement.
So steel industry spokesmen
promptly voiced objection. "
Secretary Mitchell was out of
town at the time and in no po
ll ion to persuade the President.
So the President immediately an
nounced in press conference that
lie was dropping the fact-finding
The man who killed it in this
case was not Kx-sccretary Hum
ilirey, but the No. 2 man on the
White House staff, Gerald Mor
gan. Morgan sold the President
on dropping the idea and even
halted the letter withdrawing
his proposal for a fact-finding
Hut what most people don't
know is that Morgan used to work
lor U.S. Steel. Furthermore, he
worked directly under Roger
dough when Blough was soli
citor for the Giant Steel com
pany. Today, Blough is head of
U. S. Steel and some claim that
Morgan is still indirectly work
ing for him. At any rate, there
would be a terrific outcry from
business if a former labor-union
representative, while serving on
the White House staff, wrote a
letter lor the President of the
United States vitally affecting an
all-important labor dispute.
Author of Taft-Hartley Act
There's another interesting bit
of history in Jerry Morgan's back
ground. He was the real author
of the Taft-Hartley Act. Though
the late Sen. Bob Taft and ex-
Congressman Fred Hartley of
New Jersey put the act through
Congress, Morgan admitted under
oath before the House Labor Ed
ucation Committee on March 18,
194!) that he was paid $7,500 by
the Republican national commit
tee to draft the act.
He made the further amazing
admission that he was the only
outsider who sat in on all exe
cutive sessions' of the House com
mittee during the drafting of the
act. He got assistance, he said,
from Jerry Riley, $3,000 a month
consultant for General Electric
and from Theordore Iserman of
It is highly unusual for any
congressional committee to per
mit an interested party to at
tend an executive session, and
the late Sen. Hiram Bingham of
Connecticut was once officially
censored by the Senate for per
mitting this.
However, Morgan had worked
for 10 years under the Demo
crats as legislative counsel of the
House of Representatives and
knew how to draft laws. He was
also considered a Democrat. But
United Press International
United Press International
LONDON A shoeshine boy in
Hyde Park has expanded his busi
ness by offering a new service to
women customers.
Pat Downs said he's offering
toenail polish in eight colors.
son, 34, of Blountstown, Fla., has
two griios against Federal Reve
nue agents.
The "revenooers" who arrested
Johnson for operating an illegal
still didn't move in until he'd
worked all day dismantling it to
move to a new location.
CHICAGO tUPD A mail order
house Unlay sent out a catalog
that smells of something besides
printer's ink.
One page of (he Christmas book
mailed by Spiegel, Inc., was scent
ed with a perfume called "Dan
SIDNEY. Australia (UPD-Nick
Jones today had proof that Billy
Graham's recent crusade here
was at least partially successful.
Jones lost his wallet several
days ago. Sunday night he got
back his driver's license plus a
Billy Graham tract but there was
no sign of his wallet or his mon
Greyhound bus skidded out of con
trol and crashed into utility pole
here Sunday killing one woman
and injuring IS other persons.
Politics Over
Steel Strike
in 1945 he left the Democrats
to set up a highly lucrative law
practice and In 1947 was paid by
the Republican national commit
tee to write the Taft-Hartley Act.
The Biff Christmas Frttie
Eisenhower is now taking pre
liminary steps to invoke the Taft
Hartley Act which his assistant
drafted. This requires that the
President appoint a board of in
quiry to see whether continuation
of the strike is hurting the na
tion's economy. Unlike a fact
finding board, the board of in
quiry cannot make recommenda
tions for settling the strike.
There is no objection to this
from the steel industry. In fact,
it very much wants the Taft
Hartley Act invoked.
Reason why it wants the Taft-
Hartley Act invoked is quite sim
If the steel workers are forced
to go back to work for 80 days,
tne industry can get its ore boats
running on the Great Lakes until
the winter freeze sets in. The
boat crews, also members of the
United Steel Workers, are on
strike too. But if the boats can
operate for 80 days, this brings
the industry right up to Christ
mas bve, and enough ore can
be piled up to last the mills
the rest of the winter. After
Christmas the lakes freeze over.
It was expected that there
would be enough steel on hand
to last the auto industry and
most other key industries through
October. However, Big Steel
wants the ore boats to begin
running by October 8 so as to
pile up plenty of ore before the
freeze. And this is what the
White House plans to do.
Note The strike will begin
all over again after the 80-day
Taft-Hartley moratorium. But
Steel executives figure there will
be great rank-and-file resistance
to Union President Dave Mc
Donald against renewing the
strike on Christmas Eve. They
hope by that time union morale
will be broken. Then they will
have plenty of ore on hand to
operate through the winter.
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United Press International
Plouff, 45. after spending the
night in the ocean when his small
boat capsized:
"The water was cold and small
fish nibbled at me. It was the
longest night of my life."
bert H. Humphrey (D-Minn.) on
civil rights:
"I think we need a civil rights
bill which will recognize the de
cision of the Supreme Court and
that will empower the attorney
general to protect the rights of
citizens." -
Gov. Nelson Rockefeller when
asked what he had accomplished
on his two-day trip into New Eng
land: "I found a lot of friends."
Nikita Khrushchev just before he
boarded his plane for the return
trip' to Moscow:
"The Soviet people want friend
ly relations. We are convinced the
American people also want
Khrushchev, favoring internation
al woman-to-woman talks, but not
tween herself and Mrs. Eisen
"After all, less depends on us."
Wayne Morse (D-Ore.) replying to
an Arab charge that Jewish in
terests pressured him into deny
ing foreign aid to nations, such
as Saudi Arabia, which discrimi
nate against American nationals:
The whole Congress passed the
foreign aid-bill, so he had better
attack the whole Congress, hadn't
NORWICH, England Labor
Party leader Hugh Gaitskell, aft
er squelching hecklers at a politi
cal rally:
I like political meetings to be
lively. I like a straightforward
bit of heckling."
1 gf 1 ' i
... 23 years ago the city com
mission election was scheduled
for November, and a new aspir
ant had been added to the list
of five previously entering the
race. Hs was Arthur Bremer.:;
Howard B. Smith, Union Coun
ty school superintendent, bagged
a deer on his first big game hunt
ing trip in Oregon. He sho the
buck, a 4-pointer that weighed
200 pounds, In the Looking Glass
Ray Lynch of La Grande, how
ever, reported in with the larg
est buck- of the young season, a
ix point hefty animal.
It was still Detroit and the
New York Yankees in the Am
erican League pennant race that
was drawing to a close.
... 15 years ago the annual
Union County Horseshow was
being staged by the Mavericks
Riding Club here.
Tribute was paid to Pvt. Ed
ward McKline, son of Mr. and
Mrs. John McKline, 2005 Cove
Ave., and husband of the for
mer Miss Phyllis Cambo. He
was serving with the paratroop
ers in Italy.
The Browns and Tiger's were
deadlocked in the waning Ameri
can League pennant chase.
Locally, in sports, the bowling
season opened with Service
Wholesale and Shell Oil splitting
even in the first match.
one handle does the
, work of two i"1
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United Press International
WASHINGTON Edgar Turling
ton, 67, an international lawyer
and former State Department of
ficial, died here Sunday.
TRFVISO. Italv Antonio Fer-
rarese, former Italian parliamen
tary deputy and mayor of Tre-
viso, died here tooay at ii.
ROSTOV Robert Livermore Sr.
83, former vice president of North
American Mines, Inc., died Satur
day at the Phillips House, Mas
sachusetts General Hospital.
GREENWICH, Conn. Allen
Dean Converse, 79, a 'New York
City investment banker, died Sun
day in Greenwich Hospital.
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