OUT OUR WAY en By J. R. William OUR BOARDING HOUSE With Major Hoopla ssj ins m -Y CALL IT I w OEE.vniw wmtmek 1, if hb comes imto n -VIA I i . : - : 1 """V CAW SUKE PUNCH THIS FAMILY, THI& LL MU ? TV- I ' - - ' , c' t . ) Pl' L2i Bate 1 V--llZr-? fSS? V V 3V TH INTKICACES 03 V- i te'f . rfN ft Nl-'p paTHEvjuysFF rr1 w. v; u per s v - ISSijii Hill "drj5- . i - i r v.,;.;,:..t.lt.t. " """"t! THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE - . By Wilton Scruggs Till I1 h I 'LErMETAliaO0ONWA.IlLL ) I rT WOW'T DOAMV 6CO0, BUT V I Hf HELLO, D0WHA...7 W. 'C . r: I TELL UEK WAT IF SHE ELOPES 1 I AN AV TO r- J - -,. &?Z JgJLz I'MfiOiwS -! TM ; L5 TO--f-DISHERIT HE? l M73 I IK' tl'W 7 ALREAWTOlD A "S f I N V 3!" FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS - By Merrill Blotter i CANT STANDTHE H HERE GET YOUR. 1 fllL HAVE tM T f'SKVAjA I STILL GANY STAND ) f .ca-f SIGHT OF FPECKLPS' UM - CAR A NEW PAINT REALLY 6IVE IT" -THE SI6HT OF IT' ' A ffsSieHTLy JALOPY AM UyjJCNJI V ,TME WORKS te rsfLP 7tp SriTE v v TlJS; CAPTAIN EASY : By Leli. Turnw rlFv-T-foUJ IT NONSEN&. KOeeRi TH6E I I HE SMP IT WOULP V 50 0U KEEP I I LITTL& TlWB LEFT TO PREPARE MISl SHE VYOWr : I U1---A17tH N0THIM4 BEHIND YOU'. IT ALL FOLLOW YOU TILL HE &W51 WELL, BURKE FOR ZE TAKl HB KU5T NOT I OLfiAl I'M I TELL VOU. VOuR UPW-0 Wf,PLMITEO REOVEP A KJST- WftYBE I CAN 6Ef FAIL TO OSEY YOUR P05T-HYPW0TIC SURE SHE'S1 THAT BIA BLACK. 7fiES5JL BY THAT HVPWOTIST'. y KYPHOTIC U69e3Ti0H IT OFF WY WIWP SUdflESTIOM. TO MEET U TO0RROW!A FROFOUNP 1 BOa 010 FOLLOW 1L I n-irrr- ll rTTS OR SOME SOCH ROH WITH THAT MUTT "mm . I 1 I ll ! " rrfllll'T ALLEY OOP By V. T. Hamlin j k imi-r SO WERE 13QINV'c SURE! WHMSTnl I ESPECIALLY WHtM lvES...BUT IN THfc I -U j.1 - BACK TO IHS9 VXl 1 SENSE LETIIN' WE NEE IT TO MEANTIME, WHAT m"9mm ' .f CV?P AND I HAN-E PECIPED N AN' LOOK I ARE? A A MILLION GO MEET EmfeE3 ) AM I SUPfUSEP J fV:V; WE CAN R&T0VER1HE GOLPk. FJR IT.' -O Tl IVAtSTE:'', HERE IN THE TO DO ABOUT Li'! ' 1 HE LOST IN THE AKkANSAS S; 1 -- LABOKATDKYyVJL?r I p BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES By Edgar Martin ' If"- 1 wo;vwr, K Irr- ra x I... II ,,, tiWO A? Jrt,-' OO S UCWXViG, ril I i" TOWtOft ft. - UOOOO "bUWP- jCliiC K'rVrtH' -CkCfiJE!LJ, $gSj , ' U if I I 1 ' 'INN ' ' ' I - :. ' I - nr !w,... ut. TM w.u.t.Nt off. PRISCILLA'S POP By Al Varmear I ( WELL. ( GOOD! I MI WHAT KINO OF UA O'CLOCK, '. T ' s "N. VlHEY J IPBOUD OFj TaM A6REEMENTy AFT ER' SCHOOL, YOU f JUST TMEM.' V c WAS ITT t- BEHIND THE J KNOW1 ri h f CAME j IT . ' 7 OLD ICE 1 THAT BOY Cfc' ft TO AN .-HSl " l V HOUSE BUGS BUNNY ' - , ' - - - " ' i Side Glances 1 i neea a pair pi warning snoes. we ve moved into a . nu8a with an unattached garage!" DAILY JV L0G 2 KREM yj KXLY m KHQ TV H TV O TV SATURDAY 6:00 Bowling ConL Annl Oakley Medio :lt " " " r 6:30 Dick Clark Starllte Stairway Bonanza :4S ' 7:00 Huckleberry Hound Cisco Kid " 7:15 " . . . i ' 7:30 Jubilee USA Wanted Dead or Challenge 7:5 Alive - 8:00 Lawrence Well! Brenner The Deputy 8:15 " t I ' . -V i 8:30 " Have dun Will Trar. The VIP Report 8:45 .-hi. - - - 9:00 Pro Football Gunsmoke " 9:16 " " " 9:80 M Iteckoning It Could Be Tou 9:45 " - Oj00. ",. 1 Death Valley Day ':S 4 Most Feature Lata Morle. 10:45 " . 11:00 Channel 2 Theatre ' 11:16 " 11.30 " - 11:46 " ; - . . SUNDAY - 9:00 ! 9:15 Baseball Gam 9:30 " 9:46 - - - . 10:00 Hytlro Plane llaces " MJ. League Baseball 10:15 " " " 10:30 " " ' ' 10:45 " ...... -" 11:00 " " " " 11:15 " 11:30 ll:4,- " " 12:00 " HlnKside Hasslera M 12:15 " " " . 12:30 " " I Led t Llvea 12:45 " " ; - ! 1:00 Early Show Medio 1:15 " " " -1:30 " " Christopher Berlea 1:45 " " 2.00 Tvlrrourse " This la the Answer 2:K. " " 2:30 L'. of Wnxlilngton " The Rival World 2:45 Font ha 1 1 " " 3:d0 This la the Life Woodrow Wilson J:t5 " " - 3:30 Aim-Mean l-Bfiid r' Roberta Silent Service i:45 " 4:00 Paris Precinct Son Sh0P Clrcua Boy 4:16 " " " . . 4-.10 Sword of Freedom Face The Nation Week's Best Movlea 4:45 " ' ' ' 6:00 Scarlet Plmpcrnal Newa Commentary " 6' 16 " : 6:30 Lone Ranger 20th Century ., . . ;. 5:46 . . ' 4:00 Tou Asked For It Lassla Rivcrboat :16 , " :S0 Maverick Ed Sullivan " :45 - - ... 7-00 " ' " Sunday Showcase 7:15 " . " 7:S0 Lawman " 7:45 " : . , 6:00 Colt .46 O.K. Theater Cnev.s' Bbow :S0 Deadline for Action Alfred Hitchcock " 1:45 " - " ; 9:00 ' E ewilneas to Hint. Special Agent 7 9:15 " " " 9:30 Meet McOraw What'a My Line State Trooper 9.46 " ,. - .. 10:00 Nlghtcourt Sun. News Feature Loretta Young 10:16 " 4 Most Feature - 10:30 Sunday Spectacular " Late Jtovla 10:45 . - - ' - lt:00 " " 11:18 " " " 11:30 " " " t:4 " - ' . ' MONDAY . . b , n 00 On The Go Dough Re Ml 1:15 " ' 8 30 Sam Levenaon Treasure Hunt 9 46 - " ", 12. 9:00 I Love Lucy price la Right :15 " ' ' " t:S 1 Top Dollar Concentration 9:45 " , 10 00 Love Of Life Tic Tao Dough 10:15 " " 10:30 Search for Tomorrow It Could Be Ton 10:46 ' Guiding Light - - . . 11:00 Across the board Coffee Club Theatre Quern For a Day 11:15 " . " 11:30 Pantomime Quia " Blondla tI-46 . .". -. t 1S 00 Musle Bingo " Pr.eat L",e.. Toung Dr. Malona 1 ?:S Romper Room A orld Turns From Theaa Rootn . H:4t j 1:00 Day In Court ForBetter or Tffuth or Conaeq. . - worse - l!0 Oale Storm Show Houaeparty County Pair " " - -1 1:00 lte.t The Clock Big Payoff Matihe on Six 1:15 ! " 1:30 Who Do Tou Truat Verdict la Toura - 1:45 " . ... . . - 1:00 Am. Bandatand Brighter Pay 1-15 " Secret Storm- t l0 m Edge of Night 1 ')' 1:46 - " Palnt-O-Pete 4:00 Popeya Cliff Carl Show I Le j Ivea 41:16 " " ... 4:90 Tea Time Matinee Four Thirty Movie 4:46 " ; . ' - 5:00 Flash Gordon " 1:15 - 6:10 MIcLey Kouaa Club " I 6 46 I Huntley-Brlnkley l nil ivy is 111 iw war ii "in inrarmsuenBf imiiMgn arflKjotaa a urcy cannot ba oorntd by Tt La 9rnd Obttrvar,- 6tw4)r'ar; Grande, Ora., Sat., Sept. 19, 959 Page 4 Olsen Family Spends Sunday Wfth Nbrth PoWder PcirtinfS By BAR3ARA ERWINi 04)Mrver Staff Writar -NORTH. POWER Special) Mr. and Mr. Clifford Olsen and childran, Gary, carl, .and Evon of Pendleton, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Carries, j Sunday evening they went to Baker where they visitd his mother, Mrs. Daisy Olsen. , f.Mrs. Dick Froman of Boise, vis ited her sister, Mrs. Frank Gu lick, Sunday. , . , , . Mr. and Mrs. , Bill Pearson visited Sunday :. with Mr. and Mrs. frank Gulick. m ...Mr., and Mrs.. Harold Hansen and son, Bates, visited Mr. and Mrs. .Henry McClure Sunday : , Henry Taylor is staying for awhile with his sister, Mrs. Mutts Nice. -. . ,.. .... Visit Relatives . . Mi's. Gary Erwin and daughter, Lori Lynn, accompanied by Mrs. Erwin's mother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rorden of Union, drove to Joseph Sunday to visit friends and relatives. i, Mr. and Mrs. David Cropp haw purchased a new car. . Howard : Tally , visited the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Tally. . . -i Monita and Ann Higley, daugh ters of Mr. and Mrs. Nolen Hig ley of Burns, are staying with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Nantz. Monita is at tending business college and Ann is attending the St. Francis Acad demy. - The girls plan to move to Baker soon. . Mr. and Mrs. Malcom Nice and family spent the weekend in Portland visiting the centennial and the zoo. -They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nice, i Me. and Mrs. Paul Nice of La Grande, did their chores while they were gone, i - -, ' On i. Teeth Worked On bn! ,, Malts Nice has been;-making frequent trip to Baker to have his teeth pulled, ,,... ;t..,4 Mr. ani Mrs. .Norman Records and son, Milton-Freewater, --visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Isaac, and Judy, Sunday, i! Lorn Henderson, . Judy . Chad wick of Hilgartle,- and George AHenburg cf La Grande visited at the Leonard Hjnderson home Sunday. .. '. . , , i vi. ''ail. :! Mrs. Ruby ... Sloan .of McCall, Idaho, is visiting at the home of her father, Matts.Nice(. .,, ,; ,j , Mr. and Mrs, Bryee,, PowelV Of John Day visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur. Powell and his sister and brother-in-law, sMr. and Mrs. Clifford Culver, Sun day. : ' J ''t ., Mr. and Mrs. Otto Karrels and children, Linda, Teddy and Alex of Imbler, visited at the Charles Isaac home Sunday..- , . i;,.,h 4 Mr. and Mrs. , Keith Simonts traveled to Portland Tuesday 'On business. Mrs. Ernest Simonis took care of the children.., Mrs. Gene Hammond has. been called to Minnesota by the death of her mother, .r Mrs. Tom Boyd is substituting for her at school. NEWS CHUCKLES United Press International BACK TO SPITTIN' RANGE . CHtCAGO (L'PH City officials promised today that Deputy Sew er Commissioner Thomas D. Gar ry will get back his cuspidor. Garry protested when officials hauled off his private spittoon along with those owned by the city. Authorities said Garry's cus pidor was found intact on a junk pile and would be back within spitting distance shortly. A SURE BET CULVER CITY. Calif. (UPH Clayton Cooper landed in jail and therewith won his bet. Cooper was found in a parking lot Friday swinging a scythe, which he admitted- he had stolen. Cooper told authorities he'd made a bet he'd. be in jail by 8 a.m. today.' He was. ' ; HONESTY BEST POLICY PITTSBURGH UPI Honesty paid off for Charles A. Lupine, 31, when he admitted Friday in an accident case that he'd had six or seven bottles of beer and was "too drunk to drive." Judge Lo ran L. Lewis, noting it was the first time he'd heard anyone. ad mit to more than "one or two beers," suspended Lupine's 30-day jail term and put him on proba tion for a year. DOG DIDN'T WATCH NEW YORK lUPIi A Brooklyn watchdog got his cops and rob bers mixed up Friday. Police said the dog merely wagged his tail when two armed .bandits ran sacked a home of $3,000 worth of silver and terrorized three wom en occupants. Later, when two de tectives arrived on the scene, the dog jumped into action, biting both detectives in the legs. Richmond Family Of Imbler . Takes Trip To Eugene IMBLEK 'Special i cnaries Richmond and daughter, Sue, left for . Eugene on Friday. Sue is entering the University of Oregon again this fall and will be a Sopno more. Richmond returned home on Sunday. .... A birthday picnic dinner was held last Sunday at the Riverside Park honoring Chris Hunt. Mr. and Mrs. Hunt and son Fred, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Feik and child ren, Mr. and Mrs. Herchel Queb beman and daughter, Mrs. Olin Hopkins and children, were pre sent. - Mrs. John Roman and children left recently for New Jersey by car. They will await clearance there to join Roman who has been sent to Germany for 18 months by the Army. They have rented their house here, to Mr. and Mrs. Cone. . Miss Kay Ruckman spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ruckman. She flew in on Friday, to be honor attendant to Miss Shirley McKinnis, at her wed ding Saturday evening. Sunday af ternoon, Kay and her parents drove to Pendleton, where she took the plane back to Reedsport, where she is teaching this year. Powder Students. In Special Wheat Experiment Class NORTH POWDER (Special) The North Powder third grade class took wheat, given to them by Chris Johnson Tuesday, to the home of Mrs. Louis Jones. Mrs. Jones showed the youngsters how to grind it into flour. . Each child h?lped to make bread Wednesday from the flour that had been ground in the mill. The class also planted wheat to determine how the important crop grows in different types of soil as part of their wheat study project. Mrs. Jake Flowers is the teacher for the class. - Travel Talk Answer to Previous Punl ACROSS 1 Maine harbor 4 Dutch city 8 Nation 12 Custom 13 Monster 14 Eager 15 Cover i 16 Fungus : : growth 18 Water animals 20 Irritable 21 Tree 22 Pitcher 24 Destroy 2 Journey 27 Cut SO F.stcr 32 Flat key 34 Kind of window 35 Goober f 3 Defeated st bridge 37 Love god 39 Throw 40 Western state 41 Favorite . 42 Sheriffs men 45 Repeat 48 Put between 61 Free nation (ab.) . 52 Foreteller 53 Travel by boat 54 Rodent 85 Vipers . 58 Taverns 57 Elders (ab.) DOWN 1 Tuber 2 Continent SNefud ' .(2 woris) - 1 4 Kind of bole - 5 Russian name 28 6 Rubber 7 Guided 8 Father 9 Selves -10 Plant part 11 Not pleasing 17 Russian plain 42 19 Shine 43 23 Straws 44 24 Fishing gear 46 25 Century plant.47 26 Land (Latin) 48 87 Monsters- "-'-80 Burden Moistens Sway " Tardier r ' Mid westerner Employers Pares Italian city Numbers Pace - - i Chinese clta Russian ruler Consumes -Greek letter1 I l p I 4 7 b 7 3 9 I0 l . 15 - " - iTTT7 IT""" iT "TTTT ?o.. ... sr.. " . . .. 7r y , r Z. vttt H I I I ftt; iihiiii x 1 ' I i l i i