La Grande observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1959-1968, September 18, 1959, Page 4, Image 4

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    ''Well, Motherhood Means 'Something to ME!"
"Without or with friend
Danger! Fire Hazards
With cool weather almost a reality here
and in many other sections of the nation,
the danger of house fires is pointed up.
There were nearly 80,000 fires in U.S.
cities during last vear, many of them oc
curring in early fall and throughout the
winter months.
Fires were everywhere in businesses,
churches, schools, industrial plants, hos
pitalsand in the homes.
An average of 800 home fires large
and small and with deaths and injuries
a day was the toll in American house dwel
lings last year, almost 300,000 such fires
The death trap number totaled 11,500,
with main victims being youngsters
Red Cross Invaluable In Disasters
j It is fashionable, and money-saving, too,
to criticize the Red Cross at this time of
J the year. For the Red Cross is an essential
, ingredient of the various United Fund or
I ganizaztions. And criticism of the Red
Cross or some other UF component
frequently precedes a complete turndown
of the UF solicitor.
And, although the Red Cross on the
whole is an extremely fine organization,
. it is not altogether without blame in some
This doesn't apply to the ARC's fine
disaster relief program, however, as bank
er Harold Schmeer from Roscburg told an
audience a few days ago.
Schmeer described the work of the Red
' Cross in his home town, hit early in Aug
ust by a gigantic explosion which levelled
eight downtown blocks and caused dam
age in the millions of dollars.
How About Rooseveltville, Oregon?
The Dalles Chronicle recently took a
man-in-the-street poll to see what resi
dents of that city thought about the sug
gestion of a Portland labor union official
that The Dalles Dam be named Franklin
D. Roosevelt Dam.
As was to be expected, residents of
the city didn't like the idea. The dam
sort of puts their fair village on the
map, now that the Indians no longer can
Gun Is Good
Some time back a news item told about
a new "gun" that enables doctors to shoot
a dose of serum into a person without
. breaking the skin, as is the case with a
hypodermic needle. The Army was using
A reader wanted to know why some
thing so obviously good wasn't put into
, use right away for the benefit of the pub-
- lie generally.
We couldn't find out why and heard no
more about the gun until last week when
news came that the "Multidose Hydro
spray Jet Injector," as It is called, is to be
'put into production soon to make painless
shots possible for polio and other diseases.
By eliminating the psychological fear
many .have!. ol. tb. doctor's needle, it
Friday, September 18, 1959
or foe, we print your daily world as it goes" Byron.
(school children) and the aged and infirm
ed. And that's not all. Fire destroyed a bil
lion dollars worth of property for an av
erage of $2,890,000 damage a day. ''That's
equal to $6 a year for every man, woman
and child in this country.
Fire underwriters claim that three
fourths of the fires could have been pre
vented. They cite carelessness as the un
derlying cause for the blazes.
La Grande home owners, now stoking
the furnaces and laying in wood for the
fireplace, or possibly overloading electri
cal circuits, best take heed of this fire haz
ard ahead.
The Red Cross , had special disaster
teams on the job within a very few hours,
Schmeer said. Specially-trained personnel
took over relief leadership at a time when
the entire community was dazed and grief
stricken, he said.
The same was true in the big Yuba City,
Calif., flood less than four years ago, when
hundreds were homeless when the Feath
er river burst its levees. The Red Cross
took care of people, and helped them get
back in their homes.
Some of the Red Cross programs are
not so widely known. But the disaster re
lief program is a good one, and gains
much favorable attention.
Those who have made up their minds
not to give to the United Fund should use
some excuse other than the Red Cross this
fish at Celilo, and becomes the biggest
tourist attraction in the area.
Even if it fights the Idea, The Dalles
might find the name changed in spite of
community wishes.
In which case, the only "out" would be
to change the name of the town.
How about Rooseveltville, Oregon, for
a starter? (The Bend Bulletin)
But Name Painful
should be a great help in controlling dis
ease. Still unanswered, however, is why this
device, used to combat a cholera epidemic
several years ago in far away Thailand, is
not yet in the hands of doctors generally
in our own country.
An Indiana farmer in the honey busi
ness was stunjr 20 times when a hive
tipped over. Risky bees-ness!
The time saved by crashing traffic
lights or trying to beat a train is often
lost waiting for an ambulance.
..... Publisher
Managing Editor
Adv. Director
Circulation Mgr.
Argentina's President Has
Weathered Political Crisis
WASHINGTON Argentina's
President Arturo Frondizi weath
ered hii latest military-political
crisis by (ar the most serious of
his 16th month administration-
thanks in part to a warning giv
cn rebellious army leaders by
u. 5. Ambassador willard Beau
When Gen. Carlos Toranzo, dis
missed Sept. 2 as army chief of
staff, holed up with a group of
supporters at a military schoel
in the heart of Buenos Aires
and defied the government, open
civil war seemed unavoidable.
Frondizi ordered an armored
cilumn from Camp DeMayo, the
big military installation 25 miles
south of the capital, to move in
and capture the rebels. But from
other army headquarters all over
the country, word came that 90
per cent of the officers corDs
would back Toranzo.
The dismissed chief of staff
had publicly disclaimed any po
litical motives for his defiance,
but as messages of support from
military colleagues poured in
friends urged him to demand
rronaizrs resignation and pro
claim himself provisional presi
frondizi, seeking to avert
bloodshed, beat him to the punch
by offering to quit and let
Toranzo take over. While the
general was considering this
proposal, four pro-Toranzo offic
ers paid a late-night call on Am
bassador Beaulac at his gurbur-
ban home.
Top Mediator
Heading the visitors was re
tired Gen. Rodolfo Larcher, who
had been trying to mediate be
tween Frondizi and Toranzo, both
his good friends. Larcher told
Beaulac that the rebel movement
was not aimed directly at the
president, but against his minis
ter of war. Gen. Elibio Anaya,
who had fired Toranzo.
Anaya, Larcher said, was too
friendly toward members of the
Green Dragon Lodge" a secret
organization of younger officers
who are hand in glove with fol
lowers of ousted dictator Juan D.
Peron. ;
But now that Frondizi was
standing behind the war minister,
he added, and had sent tanks
to combat Toranzo's forces, it
might be "best for the country"
to accept the president's resigna
tion and let Toranzo form a new
military junta to govern tempor
. . . 25 years ago Nome, Alaska
burned to the ground and left prac
tically the entire population home
less. Son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Dal Hudspeth. Youngster was
named John Dal, and came into
world at Grande Ronde Hospital.
Now nfirprs were elected bv the
women of Our Lady Of The Valley
Catholic Church. They were Mrs.
DeLile Green, Mrs. A. Mcnillians
and Mrs. Bern ice Rauwolf.
Mercury climbed to 89 degrees
as local citizens sweated.
. . . 15 years ago Enterprise led
the state in safety contest sponsor
ed by Oregon Highway Depart
ment; Imbler youth, Earl G. Hop
kins, was wounded at the front
while fighting with U.S. Marines
He was son of Mr. and Mrs. B. F.
American airborne troops invad
ed Holland, and Nazis were losing
heavily on the Italian front; Still
well's forces were in contact with
Chinese troops battling Japanese in
Southwest Pacific.
Special tribute was accorded Pfc.
Howard Franklyn Blakeney, son
of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Blakeney.
503 Lane Street, I.a Grande, in
Observer column devoted to ser
vicemen and women.
Itol Roberst, Imbler. married
Weldon Downing in the Zion Evan
Lutheran Church here.
United Press International
PERRY. Fla. UPI State
Road Department employes were
in a pickle today ankle deep. A
truck dropped 80 cases of pickles
on a highway near here Thursday,
snarling traffic until state troop
ers could re-route motorists. Road
Department workers are cleaning
up the mess.
OAKLAND. Calif. (UPD -Carlos
P. Romulo, Philippine am
bassador to the United States,
told an audience Thursday night
that if Russia published a "Who's
Who" it probably would have to
be in two volumes: "Who Is Still
Who" and "Who Was Who."
LONDON (UPD Strip tease
artist Thelma Smith, 18, is exotic
even when executing a crime.
Thelma, who is billed as Silma
Ahmet the Turkish delight, was
jailed for three months Thursday
for holding up a friend's rich un
cle", using a long, bamboo cigarct
holder as a make-believe gun.
il'PD Terry Gargon, 14. ran
away from home, leaving this
note to his- parents: "'Don't cU
police. I'll be the first 'man on
the moon." Police found Gargon
about 45 miles from home. 238.857
miles short oCtua declination.
What would be the reaction of
United States authorities to such
i move. General Larcher inquir
cd? Beaulac replied firmly that
while he could not speak for the
State Department, it was his op
inion Washington would refuse
to recognize any regime which
seized power from the constitu
tional government.
Forgot Coup
When this warning was relayed
to Toranzo, he quickly decided
against any coup. Back went
Larcher to the presidential of
tiers (Frondizi had remained
there throughout the nigl.t) to re
port that Toranzo had "no per
sonal ambitions but only wished
to preserve public order.
Frondizi, realizing then that
Anaya had to go as minister of
war. asked Larcher:
"Will you accept the post of
war minister?'
The retired general agreed. The
tank column was then stopped
at the outskirts of the city and
the crisis was over. Toranzo, a
57 year-old naturalized Argen
tine born in Turin, Italy, was
sworn in again as chief of staff
and emerged as the new "strong
man" in that country's turbulent
Note? Next target of the vic
torious generals is likely to be
Alvaro Alsogaray, Frondizi's min
ister of economy and labor. Tor
anzo and other military leaders
of the revolt that toppled Peron
four years ago distrust Alsogar
ay because he collaborated with
United Press International
NEW YORK Omer Simeon.
57, famed New Orleans jazz clar
inetist, died Thursday of cancer.
NEW YORK Charles H. Hall.
85. board chairman of Charles
Hall, Inc., importers of antiques
and giftwares, died Wednesday.
LOUVAIN. Belgium Bery Ley
sen, 39, director of the Flemish
section of the Belgian television,
was killed Thursday when his car
hit a tree.
Many Hollywood Stars Want
With Nikita When He Visits
a .. UCBfclAhl CmTT I i.:. :: - r .
UPI Staff Writer
Premier, Nikif a. .Khrushchev's vis
it to the United States, including
his junket to movieland, brought
forth two reactions from the
A battle royal to have lunch
with the Communist mogul Satur
day, and a dread of being quoted
about his visit.
, 20th Century-Fox Studios has
been inundated by TV and film
stars demanding invitations to the
lunch, reminiscent of what most
stars encounter when they tour
the boondocks. It wouldn't be sur
prising to find some of the celeb
rities equipped with autograph
Despite their curiosity, the gla
mour folk are afraid to state their
opinions, not wanting to go on
record one way or the other.
Stars Speak Minds
Somo, however, did speak their
Danny Thomas "Let us con
duct ourselves in such a manner
that when Mr. Khrushchev de
parts he is shaken in the knowl
edge that among these happy,
prosperous and strong people he
will find no converts to his god
less cause."
Natalie Wood "The President
has invited him, and I'm sure the
President knows what he is
Burt Lancaster "Mr. Khru
shchev's visit is a wonderful idea.
Everyone can't just stay in his
own backyard and expect to find
Ann Sothrrn "I hope Mr. K.
likes the U.S. as much as I do."
Glenn Ford "Mr. Khrushchev
will be here as the guest of our
President and government, and it
is anticipated he will be extended
the same courtesies and consider
ations we expect our President to
receive when he visits Russia.
Refuses to Attend
Ronald Reagon (who refused
to attend the luncheon) "The
President erred in asking Ameri
cans to accept Khrushchev's visit
as a friendly gesture. This nation
docs not have the moral obliga
tion to repay the courtesy extend
ed Vice President Nixon in Rus
sia." Jimmy Durante "I'm always
happy to see somebody with less
hair than I got."
Art Linkletter "I'm glad Khru
shchev is visiting this country be
cause I think he's a' shrewd man
and will see for himself what
others can only tell him."
Janet Leigh "I'm for any
thing that's going lo make the
world a safer place in which to
Joel McCrca "I hope Mr. K s
visit will be without incident that
would have a derogatory effect on ;
MOSCOW (l'PI A "big color
film" of Premier Nikita Khrush
chev's visit to the United States
is being made by the Central
Studio of Documentary Films, the
Tass news agency reported Thurs
day. . ...
Worldwide Feeling That Ike,
Nikita Talks To Ease Crisis
UPI Staff Writer
Despite all notes of warning,
there seems to be on all sides a
rising note of optimism that the
talks between President Eisen
hower and Soviet Premier Nikita
Khrushchev actually will herald
the beginning of the end of the
cold war.
Official Washington seems to
have maintained its equilibrium.
Many newspaper editorials have
pointed out that on the basis of
Khrushchev's record alone, any
broad meeting of the minds seems
United Prats International
NEW YORK F. Dell-Agnese.
manager of the tower section of
the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, de
scribing how Soviet Premier Ni
kita S. Khrushchev reacted to an
elevator breakdown that forced
him to walk five flights of stairs:
"Khrushchev took it in excellent
humor. He joked."
NEW YORK Arthur Canton,
publicity manager for the Ma
jestic Theatre commenting on
the sellout that resulted from Mrs.
Nina Khrushchev's decision to see
"The Music Man":
"She sold out the house. She
should come here every night."
Kenneth Lewis, of Denver, Colo.,
pilot and only survivor of the B-58
Hustler that crashed and burned
on takeoff Wednesday night, siz
ing up the supersonic jet bomber:
"It's a good ship and I'm
ready to fly it again."
F. Shelley (D-Calif.). urging labor
leaders at the opening session of
the AFL-CIO convention to op
pose vigorously any congressmen
who supported strong labor re
form measures:
"Chase out of the halls of Con
gress everybody who worked for
the Landrum-Griffin Bill."
his opinion of the U.S. I personal-
ly am opt enthusiastic or optimis
tic about the visit.
n- v.-i -Hopes Far-Good
Raymond Burr "If any of this
gets back to the Russian people
through Mr. Khrushchev it will be
all to the good."
Milton Berle "Considering the
speed with which the Russians
reached the moon, how come
Khrushchev was a half-hour late
arriving in Washington?"
Most outspoken of the stars was
crusty Ward Bond of the TV's
"Wagon Train" series, who
"I cannot understand how so
many actors and producers whom
I've known for 25 years can break
bread with this man Khrushchev.
I can't understand what's in their
minds. The State Department
must have coerced some of them
Ordering your coal now before the real
cold weather hits will pay big divi
dends in ease of mind, convenience and
prompt delivery! Assure your heating
comfort by ordering your coal and Pres
to-Logs needs now!
Yet the optimism persists.
Outside the United States, it is
especially notable.
In Britain, Prime Minister Har
old Macmillan bases pa-t of his
chance for success in the forth
coming general elections on the
fact that he went to Moscow first
and thus can lay claim to estab
lishing the groundwork for the
present Eisenhower Khrushchev
Float en Clouds
United Press International dis
patches from Moscow tell of Mus
covites floating on rosy clouds of
UPI correspondent Robert J.
Korengold reported:
"Soviet citizens seemed to be
sure that Khrushchev's trip and
the return visit of President Ei
senhower were steps toward in
creased cooperation and peace...
"The difference between the. at
mosphere in Moscow today and at
the height of the Berlin .crisis, a
few short months ago was breath
taking." i:
Since the sentiments of the So
viet man-in-the-street largely are
under control of the state, his
present feeling of optimism obvi
ously has been whipped up by the
state. And that should constitute
a real warning against over-optimism
among the Western nations.
Khrushchev has taken out a sort
of double-indemnity insurance.
If a better understanding docs
Queen Elizabeth
Formally Dissolves
Parliament Body
zabeth formally dissolved Parlia
ment today, and most members
of the House of Commons headed
for their home districts to cam
paign for the Oct. 8 election.
The Queen returned from her
Scottish castle at Balmoral to
preside at a meeting of the Privy
Council and issue a proclamation
ending the 4"-year life of the
present Legislature.
The proclamation was read in
the Houses of Lords and Com
mons by the Lord Chamberlain.
Luncheon Date
Film Colony
into doing this. The flag on my
house flies at half-mast as 'of
Tuesday morning, and will-"fti-main
that "way until he leaves."
All Transient Guests. AU
those who come, return.
Rates not high, cot low.
Free Garage, TV's and Ra
dios'. We have a reputation
for cleanliness.
Children under
seven no charge
1217 SW MorrUoa
Portland, Ore. '
Phone WO 3 3113
develop, it will have been accom
plished by Khrushchev, the man
of peace. If disappointment is the
only'outcome, it will be because
the war planners of the West once
again have blocked international
Communism's drive toward world
Major Issued Discussed
Basically. Khrushchev must
come to the United States with
three things in mind. They are
Germany and the question of Ber
lin, disarmament and increased
U.S.-Soviet trade.
Eisenhower already has an
nounced the West will not aban
don two million West Berliners.
Since it is unlikely the Commu
nists will give up their bargaining
point on Berlin, the best that
seems likely is a stalemate.
Disarmament presents a possi
bility, in that East and West
might come together on the point
of an inspection system connected
with a ban on nuclear tests. But
so far as abandonment of Western
bases around Russia is concerned,
there is no chance at all.
So far as trade is concerned,
the Soviets principally need our
help in such industries as chemi
cals and heavy goods. The Soviets
recognize neither copyright nor
patent laws. Give them one ma
chine and they can produce thou
sands. U.S. industry won't buy
that either.
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Packing Service
Experience & Dependability
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