La Grande observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1959-1968, September 16, 1959, Page 8, Image 8

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    Observer, La Grande, Ore., Wed., Sept. 16, 1959 Page 8
Market Quotations
market :
Ekks To retailers: Grale AA
extra large, 52-51c eloz.; A A lariie.
48-50c; A large, 44-47c; AA medi
um, 38-40c; AA small, 26-28e.
cartons 1 3c additional.
Butler To retailers: AA and
grade A prints, 70c II).; carton,
lc higher; B prints, 68c.
Cheese (medium cured i To
retailers: A grade Cheddar single
daisies. 41-Mc; processed Ameri
can cheese, S-lb. loaf, 40-43C.
NEW YORK I'HI (-Stocks re
gained virtually all of Tuesday's
losses In moderate trading today
Most sections took part in the
rise. Electronics featured with
gains of around 2 points in Texas
Instruments, IBM and Litton.
Shares of the steel firms firmed
Bethlehem rose a point and U.S.
Steel and Youngstown large frac
tions. Motors held steady as did oils,
rails and utilities. Strong spots in
the metals were Reynolds, up
and Alcoa, up m. Rubbers were
good with Goodyear and Firestone
both up more than a point. Al
lied Chemical lost l' in the
chemicals while buPont aid I n
ion Carbide added fractions. Bell
it Howell and Polaroid both
jumped nearly 2 in the cameras.
Steelmen Stage
Another Meeting
NEW YORK (UrI '-Steel con
tract negotiators meet again to
day in an attempt to break the
deadlock in the 64-day-oJd nation
wide steel strike.
Negotiators representing 12 ma
jor steel producers and the Unit
ed Steclworkers union met for
two hours Tuesday, but there was
no indication that they made prog
ress toward settlement o( the
About 3,000 members of the
USW went on strike at fou- Wor
tliington Corp. plants in New Jer
sey Tuesday as the result of dead
locked contract talks. The plants
at Harrison, Plainficld, East Or
ange and Newark have individual
contracts with the union.
The union continued its negotiations-
here with the American Can
and Continental Can Companies
for a new contract to replace one
that will expire Sept. 30. The talks
affect 50,000 employes of the companies.
Cattle 300: truck lot low to av
erage choice MM) lb. fed stit-rs
28.75 with one head out at 27 50;
good-choice 120) lb. 27.50. sorted
at 2li; few utility cows Ki-17.50;
young cows up to 19; ca'ine s
cutters 13 14 50; heavy llolslein
cutters to 10; few fat dairy tyH
cows 1213.
Calves 100: good-choice vealers
27-31: odd he-.d 32; cull-utility
calves and vealers 13-22.
Hugs 350; few 1, 2 and 3 butch
ers around 25 cents lower at
1525; some 1 and 2 lots held up
to 16; few sows 280 385 lb. 12-
Sheep 600; several lots high
good choice central Oregon spring
lambs 1850; No. 1 pelt shorn
lambs good 17.50; cull-good ewes
Research Center Getting
Ready For Visit From 'K'
WASHINGTON L'I'I The elude demonstrations on research
Agriculture Department's big re
search center ut Beltsville, Md.,
was getting ready for an
imiiortant visitor Soviet Premier
Nikita Khrushchev.
The Soviet chief was scheduled to
visit the center Wednesday morn
ing with Agriculture Secretary
Ezra T. Benson.
Khrushchev won't see much of
the Beltsville research
station. The visit is to last one
hour and 40 minutes. It will in-
in .fields like animal breeding,
weed control, and the effect of
light on plant development.
electric co-op leadere were re
ported today making a study of
the administration's proposal to
set up a bank for Rural Electrifi
cation adminii tration co-ops
along the lines of banks in the
farm credit system.
The credit system banks were
formed originally with federal
capital. Their ownership, however
is moving into the hands of farm
ers. The farmer-borrowers grad
ually paid back the federal cap
ital. Clyde T. Ellis, general mana
ger of the National Rural Elec
tric Co-operative Association, dis
closed in his group's magazine
that REA co-op leaders now are
studying this plan.
days remain for producers of
sheep and wool to cast an im
portant ballot.
The Agriculture Department is
conducting a month-long referen
dum to find out if the sheep and
wool producers want to co itinue
the check off from their govern-
Ernest Borgnine,
Katy Jurado Give
Marriage Plans
actress Katy Jurado, 33, and
Academy Award winning actor
Krnest Borgnine announced Mon
day they plan to be married at
the end of this month or early
in October.
Borgnine, 44 met the actress at
ment support payments. The
checkoff funds go into a research
and promotion program.
The only major opposition to
continuing the program came
from the American Farm Bureau
International Airport on her ar
rival here Monday from Cuerna
vaca, Mexico. He said they would
be wed in a civil marriage here
followed by a church ceremony in
Mexico. "
Borgnine recently received f
final divorce decree from hi
wife. Rhoda, 34. He agreed to pay
her 1360.000 during a 15-year per-,
iod. They have a daughter, Nancy
10. '
This crippling invader takes the forms of strokes,
post-polio conditions, facial, traumatic spastic and ,
flaccid -paralysis; multiple sclerosis, paralysis agi-,
tans, muscular dystrophy, progressive muscular
airophy, multiple neuritis, etc. Our research has J
revealed that correctible causes of many of these ,
manifestations exist in the spine and the treatment ,
developed as a result of these findings has brought .
.i;( , ahniKunds who had lost hope of recovery. 1
See your focof chiropractor, end write for free litttatvr: i
Spears Chiropractic Hospital :
Dept. P-S0 . Denver 20, Colorado '
Typhoon Kills
Six Persons,
Injures 33
NAIIA, Okinawa UJPIl six
persons were reported killed and
33 injured today when typhoon
Sarah slammed into tiny Miyako
Island with winds up to 150 miles
an hou-.
Ityukyus Island police reported
1,460 homes on Miyako were de
stroyed by the typhoon, which hit
with full fury Tuesday night. An
other 1,464 houses on the island
were dumaged.
Four five-ton fishing boats were
reported sunk and seven dam
aged. ln Tokyo, weather forecasters
said the intensity of typhoon
Sarah was decreasing as it raced
up toward the western coast o(
Korea, which it was cxcctcd to
strike tonight. Japan was also
U.S. military installations on
Okinawa remained shuttered fur
the third straight duy today in
the wake of Sarah's fringe winds,
which whipped heavy ra.ns across
the Ryukus.
Okinawa was qui of danger of
being directly hit, however.
star Rock Hudson was awarded
a final divorce decree Tuesday
from his wile, Phyllis Gates. Hud
son and Miss Gates, both 33. were
married Nov. 9, 1S55.
You've never seen
such wonderful bedding
buys! For a real dream
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Now. ..give your skin a
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SAVE 322
Helena Rubinstein's
Now your skin can look more beautiful at a beau
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Dew Cream regularly 3.00 is yours w'.tcn you pur
chase Skin Dew F.muWion. This 21-hour deep beauty
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SKIN nF.W EMI'I.SION an invisible dewy veil under
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skin bfw's extra rich emollient work in
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Start your skin on this deep beauty treatment tod.iv
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Reg. 8o, now 522
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SAVE 3.00
Skin Dew Liquid Emulsion reg. 5.00
Skin Dew Cream reg. 3.00
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lDtrlit' u , ,
1 ' 1 I Hi .'l
For That Superb Slumber Sleep!
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Golden Bisque...
Silver Mist.:...
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2 Piece Sets Bookcase Bed and Dresser
Many Others To Choose From
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It's Just Like Finding Money When Yon Shop At
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