OUT OUR WAY By J. K. Williams I WHAT! WNy I OlST Y7 Wa.U-.FOR PRACT IC Mc -V J HAUTEO TO M7 IN V I FI-VUG TACKLE 6, PCW'T SI ' ;i, , SOME EARLV 5rTA$O0 VtXi THIMK THE HELMET' ) V I ''I I PRACTICE. 'OOPPOSM, I, V ON THE WROW3 i'lljl" 1 V caw't vousee it J' puMMrf . 1 -A TACKLIW p- ' V Pummy( y 7 raffed f'l I . IT" 71 Jj , . - ) n. " . Tut J'-' l;t.I.U- THE WORRY WART OUR BOARDING HOUSE 77 With Major Hoople LOWNINS LIKE A I FSAki ICAMP'aV 7 FAT-H5T AIT DER V THSLAQt CsJTC .( TURKEY IN DEK 6TRAVJ7 CTTAe SCALES L'ND RAJS f' ',' J JJ V t THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE By Wilson Scruggs SI ---7 t'LL FIND ME? If IMIUU7E,- tf ' Xlk I WTu,S HOUSE ItLCAU THE FO.ICE J HEUPME.' .1 lltllt TO-y MK.PDerHfJ pi' 3 6OO0ljl(5HT,Me.R-X!TEK M-iP 'J.L f'U if m i' w heke fwtmer) riff ftiT AnlRStw.. ifcB Tt! '. V? 8 . Si F ii i mMm , FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Merrill Blosser MeW RULE THIS SEMES-I leOSH.' IMS UP- I ll JUSr HAVE lb I IWHAT DOES YOUR. PROTHER. ThB HOME- tatlA Tee ' NO TV WHlLE SEVS 1HE W3 HAVE A PICruRE THIM1 HE'S D0IM6? J. Z(ly, YOU'RE DCHNle HOME- TEMPO Or W BEFORE ME W rinwiw.yy . jrTfT" s.g P CAPTAIN EASY ' By Letli Turner '' "" ' "V IT5 pANrASTIC! WORO FOR I W5& BUKK6 COULPI V FIWAL TEST I 1 1 EJCftWINEO THEW. THEV RB'i THANK. WOW I i in ( WORP A HE CWtir TWEWe ) HAVB FAK6P NEK CAM'T BE FAKER ALL IPEJTlCAL..TWEWTy I WAKE A TIWV POT . ("tiTMiu iur , VEAR5 A601 -r' HALLUCINATION TEST1. OLaA! WHILE I PERFECTLY BLANK CARPSiON THE SACK OF- 1 W o tub tiuj? lr-Ti , ' : MU5T Be SURE WAKE CLIV6, HAVE- nuc. so YOU CAN HtWAS TOLOTO C FIvFrC' J " SMB PIP NOT! j( A GUE5T EXAWIkie V IPENTIFV IT LATER THE SPEECH HB f 4 J 'f I vZP jL Av' : C ? f iiV?- l F0R60TTBM frmJ .f- ffi&b f't'V Lj '( jLff' . . , ra"-vr-v ra -,'i jAan;, .i.j,'. . t ithWj r'- , t..,r...o... .. ALLEY OOP ' By V. T. Hamlin ' WO .,; ty THEY PQ ...BJT NOT BY MAKING) BUT THEY'RE I ..THEY'KE CIR J PON T TELL 1 I OH.YF ?. 1 : N"5t"ES5ARV f " " XJ:I VVAWT YOU I MECHANICAL MEN THE BASIC WORKERS... WHAT ME THEY HAVE THE BEST M'JWAL 'iV'V WOULONT YOU THINm TO USE K j THAT CO AROUNO UNITS OF OJR EVER WE WANT MECHANICAL APPARATUS Vu P, P THEVP WANT ME TO V OXY!.. AMNOYTK4G r LUNA CULTURE- THEY 6UPFLY 1 BRAINS, TOO? CAN DEVISE.' V. AS"!, USE MY SCIENTIFIC AV lV-E " -?-" HPTr! T5 ' yl BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES By Edgar Martin Cv CX5WPCAVW CVXCV. 0 TVE C.-K .,. CO. VCAA'VX. Vt. ,1 j ViWOOS.'? PRISCILLA'S POP y K&aJ'-V Sd TMATl- n I 'F:ND M By Al Varmeor '7-low.cioo?N sA Know?) She didn't oc, nore till 1 3 I IOWA Vv'AS 1 ( POO I ff T WtNl, as "Wrj s rovFBFny r,wi' tui- irp- 7 happ THERE v"s'vVN'M WITH ICE S U RliCEDEL A V 3QOOO YEARS f HAVE BEEN i HALF-MILE ) " A J IT FOPMHD ) I AGO.'; THREE ICE (A' -iTHCK-.'t (THE GkAT - HEY, 2i4lTINST5A?!l HOW WOULPYlT'S TPiTtf:) ( SORRY. IM UNABLE ' SVl.VESTES YOU Lire TO K ELA-iEi?i V T1 PLAY IT FSONA Ae SUTPOSSV V) AV ( VE?y WELL HEAR one or j 1 r 1 vV mEMOr AS VET! 7 ( B5 PLAYiN' FESTHy v CSUV NOR! THE LATEST vYv l jiWcusTOMERs; I'iroSr 7 TUNE9' V x V 3 v BUGS BUNNY 86th Congress Near Closing Date; Civil Rights Dangles WASHINGTON' '1 IT The ttilh Congress was ready to close the books on its first sesion with a civil rights ervry left over for r.txt year. Aiijouinment lale tonight or ear ly Tuesday was the Boal of Dem ocratic leaders seeking to wind up the longest session in eiijht yeari after more than eiiiht months of lialing with 1'resident Eisen hower. Maiy mcmbcis were coimtini; on the House and the Senate get ting out of town before Soviet Premier N:kita Klirushcliev ar rives in Washingtoi shortly lo lore noon Tuesday. The St'nate was called to meei d!-9 a m today f'r closing debate on a two-year extension of the controversial Civil Rights Com mission. Action on this measure was to be accompanied by a g'.'n tleman's agreement assuring that major civil rights legislation will he considered early next year. The Civil Bights Commission extension was being attached as a rider to the last big bill ot me session a 3.6ill.2e!l.WU caitn all money bill ca-rying 13.281.8U3. WJO in foreign aid appropriations. Without the extension, the Civil lights Commission would expire Nov. 8. Southern senators were set to denounce its continuation but no filibuster was expected be cause of the gentleman's agree ment. ' While the Senate tackled the civil rights issue the House maiked time. It l:aJ finished all of its business cxct-pl acting on the foreign aid-civil rights meas ure. Sen. Wayne Morse 'D-Ore. I, nro r.f tlui tfu frt'Mir who thought Congress should stay in session nuring at least pan oi k'h. iiuh.!t,.u'u iiii GfiiH ho in tended to continue "transacting ine people s uusi::ess as long as the Senate met but would not fili buster. DAILY JV LOG 2KKtM A KXLY X KH3 TV H TV TV WEDNESDAY 0:00 Klb-hla SVw port .Silent K.Tvku :l.r ' Douir hilwardr :.10 u !: witiifMB to tllBt. Front Pag fi:4j IffinnilnRWay iw " M 7Too N'wtwat Kf. p TalklnK U.S. Marahal 7:15 7 :li) rourt of Trnrkdowa Price Ii Rlht 7:15 I.nt ItHx.irt " " 8 ol Ai JUrrlct Mllli.uialro Dave King :I5 " - 8:30 Donna Reed Shotr I've Got a Secret Bat Maateraon S:45 :00 Kliriilu li.-v x Visit Arthur Goilfroy This ia Vour Lite 9.15 9:.I0 How To Marry " Wagon Train :r, A .Millionaire " " 10:00 NiKhlhJat ' Nluht Killtlun HI 15 Ja. k l'aar 4 Most Feature " 10:30 " Newa 10:45 " Late Movie 11:00 11:15 - - 11:.I0 Channel 2 Theatre " 11:45 m ' THURSDAY :00 on The Cio Dough Ha Ml 8:15 8:30 Sam Levenson Treaaura Hunt 8:45 9 00 1 Love Lucy Price Ia Right 9:15 " '0 Top Dollar Concentration 9:45 - 10 00 Love or Life Tic Tae Dough 10:15 10:30 Search for Tomorrow It Could Be You 10:45 Uiildlne Light ll:ou Acr'tfH the Hoard Col'fce Club Theatre Queen For a Day 11:15 11:30 Pantomime Quia ' niondle . 11:45 ' , 12:00 Music Bingo I)an Pmoot Vounij Dr. Malone 12:ir, Industry on Parade I5 .10 Itomper Room A 1,16 W'orld Turns From These Root 12:43 " " 1:00 Day In Court Women Truth or Couseq. 1:15 " 1.30 Gale Storm Show County Fair 1:45 " " 2:00 Heat The Clock ,JiK Payoff Matinee on Six 2:15 " 2.30 who Do Tou Trust Verdict Is Toura " 2:45 " 3:00 Am. Handstand Brighter Day " 3:15 " Secret Storm - 3 30 Kdiro of Night :45 " - Palnt-O-Pcte 4:00 Popeye Cliff Carl Show I Led Three Uvea 4:15 4:30 " Tea Time Matinee Four Thirty Movie 4:45 " 5:00 Supcrmao " 6:15 " - - in Mickey Mouse Club Song Shop " 5 15 - - Huntley-Brlnkley This log is made up from information by Television Stations and its ccuracy cannot be guaranteed by the La Grand Observer. Observer, La Grande, Ore., Wed.. Sept. 16, 1959 Page 6 Bible Tale ACROSS 1 Herdsman of Tekoa 5 Nephew of Abraham 8 He lived 90S years 12 Pedestal part 13 Mother of Ciiin and Abel 14 Sweet , serration 15 Prayer ending 1G Son of Jacob and Uilhah 17 Small island 18 Billiard stroke 20 Perched 22 Jesus walked on the 25 Blunted 2S Mother-in-law of Hum 34 Cry ot bacchanals 35 Naval officer (ab.) 37 Wading bird 38 Is sick 39 Burmese wood sprite 40 Anglo-Saxon theow 41 Schemes 43 Writes dow n 45 Cronus or Hhea. for instance 1 47 Mother of Joseph and Benjamin 51 Drinks excessively 56 Ireland ' 67 Trim twits 60 Human emperor Gl Hebrew month 62 Preposition 63 Snare 64 Crippled'" 65 Musical notes 66 Lubricants DOWN 1 Rib loser 2 Mother 3 Poems 4 Seth was one of the of Adam 5 Moses Answer to Previout Puzzle l3TfVfcl ITIl IM S LJA KM tho Israelites to the Promised Land 6 Knii 7 Kiiiid 8 Pen name of Charles Lamb 9 Bird's home 10 Shield bearing 11 Kan 19 Female sheep 21 Sea eagle 23 Solar disk 24 pecupant 25 "As ye sow, so shall ye " 20 Wicked 27 Horseback game 28 for fear that 30 Range 31 Hops' kilo 32 Pronoun 33 Islands (Fr.) 36 Greek porti 42 Female saint (ab.) 44 Explosive 40 Sicker 47 Genuine 48 Opera by Verdi 49 Stuff 5U At this plaae 52 Prepositiigi ' 53 Persian fairy 54 Pertaining to ' an age 55 Soft foods 58 Swedish coin 59 Foollike part 1 Z ) i) I 7 , 7 8 1 IQ H , is i) Ta zi ii n n p ' : "WWWWW j7r"" jr pr io ir ft mmWWW a Iz t 4T ?T u TELEVISION IN REVIEW: 'Fibber' And Molly Arrive On TV In Masterful Style Non-Surgical Method Cures Hemorrhoids Painlessly A relatively painless, non surgical method of treating hemorrhoids (piles) is work ing therapeutic miracles for thousands who suffer from rectal and colon disorders. A recently developed elec tronic treatment is proving more effective than surgery, with none of the after effects of surgery. The treatment requires no hospitalization or confine ment Patients show marked improvement almost im mediately, and uncompli cated cases can be frequent ly corrected in as little as 10 days. Descriptive booklet yours free without obligation by writing the Deaa Clinic, Chiropractic Physicians, 2026 N. E. Sandy Blvd,' Portland 12, Oregon. ' Advert isamenf By FRED DANZIG UPI Staff Writer NEW YORK (UPI I Fibber Mc- Gee and Molly arrived Tuesday night on NBC-TV and all signs in dicate we have a worthy succes sor to such classic TV comedy shows as I Love Lucy and the Phil Silvers-Bilko scries. Frankly, I didn't think it would come off. Because of some mys tical faith in the indestructibility of the imagination, I harbor re- NEWS CHUCKLES United Press International JUSTIFIES ASSAULT APPLETON, WIS. lUPIt Mre. Louella Voight told a judge Tues day that her husband, Alvin, called her a "rebel" and beat her. Voight, a southerner, charged with assult and battery, coun tered by saying that his wife had called him a "Yankee." THAT'S LOGICAL LONDON i UPI i A memoran dum about a cycle rally in Europe circulated today by British Euro pean Airways gives this fuller ex planation: "For the purpose o: freight accounting, tricycles may be regarded as three-wheeled bi cycles." AHEAD BY A WHISKER LONDON iUPIi John Todl of San Diego, Calif., came to town with an 18-inch mustache in search of a.i Englishmai with a 19-inch mustache. Todd said . he had heard there was an Eiglish man with a bigger mustache tha i his but that he is not worried be cause his own mustache' expan sion program is heading toward the 19-inch mark. JUDICIAL REVERSAL NOTTINGHAM, England UPI Robert Tait, 22. was disqualified Tuesday from driving1 for two years. When he told the magis trate's court ho did pot have tra:n fare home, the court postponed his susoension until he drove the 156 miles back to Newcastle. n : i mm NOW to CHICAGO via DENVER AT NO EXTRA FARE GITV OF PORTLAND DOME DINER DOME LOUNGE DOME COACH Finest Rail Service from the Pacific Northwest to DENVER and CHICAGO KANSAS CITY and ST. LOUIS. Early morning arrival in Chicago. Convenient connections East and South. UNION PACIFIC Local Union Pacific Agent, WO 3-4613 or j. M. Landau, General Traffic Agent, Walla Walla, Wash. JA 9-1610. servations about the fate of a suc cessful non-visual show when it is brought to TV. Many successful transfers to the visual fields of motion pictures and TV should have destroyed this silly attitude by now but there it was. iiapnily. Bob Sweeney turned into Fibber McGee in my mind within minutes. And Cathy Lewis became Molly equally fast. I thought the success of Tues day night's opener was mainly due to Sweeney and his superb sense of timing, his masterful control of movement. The way he tried to conceal a block-long house trailer from Molly by jumping around before it with his coattails held out was a delight to behold. My only quibble comes with the appearance of Mayor Latrivia, played by Hal Peary. Decked out in a slapstick vaudeville costume the only player not dressed realistically Peary's scene was irrelevant, unfunny and slowed the show. I suppose he was in serted in order to keep the faith with those who listened to the radio version of this show. But it was an unprofess'onal touch. Just keep feeding Sweeney and Lewis scripts that permit them to cut loose and forget about sentimen tal detours that slow down the I fast pace that such zany comedy requires: That s my advice to the producer. v At one point in Laramie, the new hour long Western that comes into our homes via NBC-TV Tues day night, John Smith said to Rob ert Fuller, "There's a real future here." If he meant the Wyoming city yes. For Laramie, the TV show no. Besides Smith and Fuller, the regular cast includes Hoagy Car michael and young Bobby Craw ford Jr. Tuesday night's guest stars were Everett Some, who had little to do, and Dan Duryea, who had his troubles with the role of sadistic gunman. The plot was right out of the sausage fac tory but some of the acting was from hunger. Wyatt Earp, now in the real es- ' tale business, began a new sea son on ABC-TV Tuesday night by taking off h's guns and entering the untamed town of Tombstone. Before the half-hour ended, Wyatt played by Hugh O'Brian was wearing guns again and about 15 men were wearing bandages, thaiks to his fists and bullets. Just like the good old days in Dodge City. And here we go again. The season starter for Alcoa presents on ABC-TV was a good I .nit little drama .iSomi a kui do:ror who wont ruts because the rec;p:cnts met violent deaths. Su zanne Plcshette and Norman Lloyd performed in believable style. Lloyd was the blood donor. The Cr-axnJ Swim: There will be only 21 categories when the 19".9-0 Emmy Awards are hand ed cut half the number that chit teied up last year's voting. Sepa rale awards will bo givci for hu mor, drama, music. v.i-iiv - news land public affairs shows. u