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About La Grande observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1959-1968 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1959)
Woman s" World MAXLNE NTR1II, Roman's Editor MrxJf-, utn V ' ' 1 1-4 " L J ....;:.Ii.J The Parent Teachers' Associa tion of Central srhool met in the Multi purpose room, Friday aft ernoon, with the double purpose of honoring the teachers with a reception and tea. and starling the program ror the new year. As the teachers and parents entered the room, they were met by the members of the Executive Board who escorted them to the refreshment table where they were served by hostesses, Mrs. Harry Smurthwaite and Mrs. Charles A. Reynolds. From there they were taken to special tables designated for each room teach er. Here the teacher acted as Lhost or hostess, and the parents and teacher became acquainted. Having children in the same JLIM PLAID This wool dress in blue and green is ready for either campus or career. This collarless sheath is cut with careful attention to detail, lends it self to neat leather accessories. It's a Betty Barclay design. New Fa 1 1 Reading By MRS. G. L. GREGORY Librarian ' "Steps in Time," a self-portrait by Fred Astaire, which has recent ly been added to the book collec tion at the La Grande Public Li brary, is as charming and inform a' as one of his seemingly effort less flights of dancing, ft makes highly enjoyable reading. "My Heart Has Seventeen Rooms" by Carol Bartholomew, another new title, is an engaging account of the author's two and a half years in India. Almost all of Carol Bartholomew's days in India included eight hours of rigorous but rewarding work in th seventeen rooms of the crowded local hospital where she met and helped care for a cross-section of India's people, and where she acquired a growing understand i ing and appreciation of the Indian way of life. An extremely timely new book is "Germany and the East-West Crisis" by William S. Schlam. The author seeks the answers to such questions as: What are we doing in Germany? What comes after Adenauer? What are the strategic goals of Communism in Europe? What kind of youth is growing up in Germany? Through the entire year of 1958, the author studies the strengths and weaknesses of West Germany, America's strong est ally on the Continent. "And Four to Grow On," by Frances Palmer, is a touching story of four adopted children who brought new meaning and love into the lives of a young couple. The author writes with warm under standing and tells of her personal philosophy which guided her and her husband through the trials and satisfactions of adoption. Do you ever wonder if you are getting your money's worth when you make a purchase? If so, you will want to read "Kiplinger's Family Buying Guide" by the staff of Changing Times, the Kiplinger magazine. The book gives helpful hints on how to live better on your income, money-saving tips for wiser buying, and how you can increase your purchasing power 10 to 20 per cent. Following 'are other recent ac quisitions at the library: "Fast and Fancy Cookery" by John Phillips Cramwell; "Fire at Sea, the story of the Moro Castle" by Thomas Gallagher; "Kangaroos in the Kitchen the story' 6f Animal Ta'ent Scouts" by Lorrain D'Ss sen; "The Southern Heritage" by James McBride Dabbs; "Richard Nixon" by Earl Mazo; "Day Be fore Yesterday" by Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt, Jr.; "For 2c Plain" by Harry Golden:! and "Chi'ton's Auto Repair Manual for 1959." New fiction titles include "Love and Money" by Noel Clad; "Ad vise and Consent" by Allen Drury; 'The Town House" by Norah Lofts: '"The Mills of Colne" by Robert Neill; "Hard Hearts Are for Cab bages" by Vii Putnam; "Lorena" by Frank Slaughter; and "The Cave" by Robert Penn Warren. Any of these books may be re served by calling the library. nO 3-5621. Some Designers Go To Police, Others 'Grin And Bear It7 NEW YORK lUPD-French de signers go to the police when ' their styles are stolen. American designers just "grin and bear it." But on both sides of the Atlan tic, fashion piracy takes on all the overtones of a cloak and dag ger operation. Designers go to great pains to keep their ideas top secret until the new .collec tions are in production. And the style thieves just as efficiently operate espionage rings specializ ing in the length of a hemline or the curve of a bosom. The root of the whole evil is money, for what woman will pay two to $500 for a top designer label, when within days oz. weeks copies as low as $39.95 may be available? The difference will be in quality of fabric and workman ship. Much Legal Copying Done There is a lot of legal copying of Paris styles. Manufacturer or buyers for department stores and specialty shops are permitted to purchase a particular model or models and mass-produce it. But at least the designer got his mon ey's worth. U's the illegal copying which harasses the style leaders. The French have government protec tion. The police arrested Mrs. IMen Kastner Srubar, a Viennese newspaper woman and charged her with sketching models from tie recent Paris collections and selling them to outlets in New York. "On Sale In U.S. First" "Daniel Gorin of the Paris Fash ion Syndicate, a designer group, said the skulldruggery had been going on for 12 years. "The latest Paris models were on sale in American stores before they were available to our clients,'' he com plained. American designers can take no legal action, although in recent sessions of Congress bills to permit copyright have been of- Central PTA Reception Tea Honors Parents, Teachers room gave the parents much in common so a period of time was allowed for visiting. Mrs. Edwin Craig, president, called the meeting to order and turned the next part of the meet ing over to Mrs. Norman Koop man and Mrs. Emerson Smock, program co-chairmen, who had prepared a telephone skit in which they named each teacher and gave some chatty information concerning each one. Following this breezy chatter, each teach er was identified by Mrs. Koop man and presented with a cor sage or boutonniere. Following this period of intro duction, Mrs. Craig continued the business meeting with the read ing of the minutes and the tress- ANN LANDERS Answers Your Problems Dear Ann: Now I know what the prisoner of Zenda felt like I'm locked in my room and I do mean locked. I went steady with this boy for a month. Last week I met an other fellow I liked so I told my steady we weren t going steady any more. He got nasty and call ed me a vulgar name. I lost my temper and slapped his face. II glasses fell off and broke on the cement sidewalk. He went right to my house. handed the broken glasses to mother and told her I was a maniac. My mother put the glasses in Daddy's dinner plate and boy did I ever catch it! My father has to pay $18 for new glasses and I can't go any place but to church for a month. You'd think my parents would be proud of me, but instead they're treating me like a crimi nal. Is this fair? Behind Bars. Dear Behind Bars: Tha only unfair part of tha story it that you aren't paying tha $18 out of your allowance or money earned. You should not have slap ped tha boy's face. If you had turned on your heel and left tha cad standing there, you'd have maintained your dignity and been a real lady. And a free one instead of a cooped up chicken. Dear Ann: In January, I start ed to go with a man who said he was divorced. ,Thre .weeks ago a woman phoned and said she was Neal's wife. I thought she was a crank so I hung up on her. That evening I told Ncal about the call thinking he'd laugh it Open House Will Honor Birthday An open house will be held honoring Mrs. Eva Monroe of La Grande, on her 90th birthday. It will be held in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jean Ball, 1308 Y Avenue, Sunday from 2 to 5 p. m. Mrs. Monroe's two daughters. Mrs. Ball and Mrs. Mary Ed wards, also of La Grande, will be hostesses to the affair. As sisting them will be granddaugh ters of Mrs. Monroe, who live in this area. fered. None has passed. We have to just grin and bear it," said Norman Norell, veteran designer and winner of just about every fashion award around. But " most American designers have their own methods of pre venting thievery, at least until a dress, coat or suit has gotten to the store. Muslin For Models Some screen all .workroom per sonnel. Some keep all sketches padlocked and available only to the designer and his trusted asso ciates. The Counturicr Mainbo cher keeps muslin bags with drawstring tops to drape over his live models when they're walking around the workroom. off. Instead he told me he was still married but "working on a ilivorce." Last night we were supposed to go to the ball game but he phoned at 6 p.m. to say he had to leave town on business. About 11 p.m. I got suspicious and phon ed his apartment. A woman an swered. I asked who it was and she said, "I'm Neal's wife. What's so odd about a woman living with a woman living with her husband?" What kind of game are these two slobs playing anyway? Baa Wildared. Dear B.: Sounds like a gam of cat and mouse. The mouse seems to be acting like a rat and tha cat doesn't ob ect. Where'd you find this gem anyway? Net time check mora care fully on your playmates. Dear Anp: We live next door to some people who are very diffi cult to figure out. My husband said last night, "Those charact ers are one for Ann Landers." So I'm writing to see if Ann Landers can figure them out. They haven't painted their home in 10 years won't spend the money. I n quite sure they don't own a lawn mower because they always borrow ours. They sit in the dark half the time to "save the juice." Yet, get this, Ann, they drive a 58 Chrysler imperial ana last weeic met bought a boat for $6,000! Are we crazy or are they? No Sig. Dear No Sig: Why does any body have to be crazy? This is merely an example of differen ces in values. To soma people a car it tha most important thing in the world. Others put everything on their backt. Still others buy rare books. It has no relation to right or wrong, crazy or sane. It would be a pretty dull world if everyone's values were the same, wouldn't it? Dear Ann: The letter in your column from the widow who was married late in life to an elder ly widower made me stop and think about something rather somber but important. The woman who wrote wanted to know if her husband should be buried in the family plot, be side the woman to whom he'd been married for 45 years, or should he be buried next to her his present wife. My problem is even thornier. I feel my husband should be bur ied beside his first wife and I should be buried beside my first husband. But what name should I be buried under? How should the headstone read? Mrs. Z. Dear Mrs. Z.: Your head stone should read Mary Brown (first husband's name) White (second husband's name.) Confidential To Needing An answer: If you and "The Rat" have children you must go unclor the name of Mrs. for tha take of the children. D-M-C Crochet Collon Sizes 10-50 29C ball HOBBY SHOP 1113 Adams Need A SECTIONAL? THREE OR FOUR PIECES . . . FOAM RUBBER CUSHIONS . . ..CHOICE OF COLORS II 9b IFLF This Week Onlyl 10 Off the LOW, LOW WAREHOUSE PRICES On Sectionals At La Grande Furniture Warehouse urer's report. As she introduced each of her officers and chair men fur the year, Mrs. Craig asked each to stand fcr recogni tion: Mrs. Don Scott, first vice president and room representa tive chairman: Mrs. John Turner, second vice-president and mem bership; Mrs. Harry Smurth waite, treasurer; Mrs. John Death erage, secretary and publicity; Mrs. Norman Koopman and Mrs Emerison Smock, program co chairmen; Mrs. Eldon Lilly, and Mrs. Dock Baker, Ways and Means; Mrs. Charles A. Reynolds, health; Mrs. Ralph Jones, budget; Mrs. Ted Sidor, magazine and publications: Mrs. Robert Clark and Mrs. Ed Brog, hospitality; Mrs. Dan McKcnny and Mrs. Howard Petersen, fun-night chairmen; Mrs. B. E. Wells, ju venile protection: Mrs. Rollie King, preschool party;. Mrs Clint Smith, hospitality; Mrs George tiaroutte, nursery; and Ladd Laughbon, legislaticn. Correspondence was read con ccrning a County Council Work shop to be held at Greenwood School. The budget was read by Mrs. Harry Smurthwaite, and the mo tion made and voted that it be accepted. Questionnaires were circulat cd at each table by Mrs. Norman Koopman to determine the type of programs desired by the parents. ' Mrs. Ted Sidor described the Parent Teachers' Magazine, call ing attention to the subjects for the year and to the topnotch ex perts who will be the authors. Wednesday evening, Oct. 7, was set for the "Back to School night. The room count prizes went to Mrs. Harvey Carter's second grade and Mrs. Will Brown's fourth grade. Mrs. Craig expressed her thanks to the parents for the splendid turnout, and extended a cordial invitation for them to re turn and bring another parent. The members of the executive board, with Mrs. Don Scott act ing as chairman, were the hostes ses for this first meeting. Willow PTA Plans Meeting Willow school PTA will hold their first meeting of the season, Monday at 7:30 p.m. This will be an open house, so that parents may- have a chance to visit... the rooms and get acquainted with the teachers. A coffee hour is planned fol lowing the tour, and it will be held in the gym. Short business meeting will also be conducted. Scott, Eckstein Married Sept. 10 ElAilN (Special) Miss Alberta Laurose Scott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Scott of Elgin, be came the bride of Loren Dale Eckstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Eckstein cf Palmer Val ley, in a quiet ceremony, Sept. 10, at Dayton, Wash. Her moth er, Mrs. Scott, and Mrs. Rich ard Scott, were their only attendants. Scott is home on a 45-day New Officers Take Charge At OES Meet Virginia Kubler, worthy ma tron, and Dr. William Kubler, worthy patron, presided at the !'irst meeting of Hope Chapter 13. Order of Eastern Star, with the new officers in charge. A basket of red and white 'ladioli was placed on the ma tron's pedistal. During the evening a new pen tagon shaped, lighted altar, was dedicated. Members taking part in the ceremony were, Helen Cash and Mildred Dawson, So cial Club officers, Leila Harris and Roy Cork, junior past ma tron patron. This altar was a gift from the Social club. The past matrons club gave an addendum, welcoming the Jun ior Past Matron, Mrs. Harris, in tc the ranks. School of instruction will be held Sept. 23. with Florence Jaeger, association grand conduc tress, in charge. Mrs. Jaeger is from Condon. A dipner will pre cede this meeting at The Wheel. ut 6:30 p.m. Any members wish ing a reservation please call Min nie Patten or Raema Laurence. Refreshments were served by the Past Matrons Club, from a lace covered table, centered with an arrangement of gladioli. The Social. Club will meet Friday evening at 7:30 p.m. in the Masonic temple. Local Grange HoldsWorkday The Blue Mountain Grange held a workday at the hall on Sunday. There were 13 members attending. The hall was more than half completed on the out side with a new paint job. Some of the women prepared a potluck dinner while others painted. The next event planned at the grange hall is "Booster Night." This is an annual affair, begin ning with a potluck supper and followed with various entertain ments. This year's program will include skits, games, musical numbers, several presentations by the youngsters of grange families. and a few short to the point ac complishments for the past year. This meeting is open to the public and any person interested is being invited to attend. Observer, La Grande, Ore., Wed., Sept. 16, 1959 Page 5 LOCAL EVENTS DAV Auxiliary aiul Chanter will hold a regular meeting in the Armory, Wednesday at 8 p. m. All members beini! urucd to attend. Crystal Rjb.k.h Lodge will meet Wednesday at 8 p.m., in the Odd Follows temple. Regular meeting, president's visit post poned. Tableau practice follow ing lodge. Wtlcomi Wa hud will hold a meeting in the iNeiynnorhood Clubhouse. Wed nesday at 8 p.m. First Presbyterian Church. Circle 3. will hntil a mo.-lino Thursday at 2 p.m., in the Rich- uuison ranor ol tne church. Blue Mt. Seniors Extension Unit will hold an organization a' project meeting, Thursday 130 p m., in the home of Mr- Gertrude Spenre. Project will b Swedish weaving. The Eaalas Auxiliary will hot their rceular meetini! in the hall Thursday at 8 p.m. Soroptimist Club will hold a regular meeting in the Sacajawea at a 12 noon luncheon. Ladies Auxiliary to the ber and Sawmill workers, local union, will meet Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in the IOOK hall. Election of officers and refreshments serv ed. Imblw PTA will hold their first meeting and teachers reception, Thursday at 8 p.m. in Wade hall. Planned program. Celebrating a birthday today is Wanda Hughs, Cove. Odd Fellows Lodge 16. La Grande, will meet Friday at 8 p. m. in their hall. OES Social Club will meet Fri day at 7:30 p.m. in the Masonic Jackie L. Hook In. .nr. f M nnH Mm. Martnn R llnnlrina nf 1805 Y, La Grande, graduated from recruit training Sept. 4 at the Naval Training Center, San Diego, Calif. Tne graduation exercises, mark ing the end of nine weeks of "boot camp", included a full drcsa parade and review before mili tary officials and civilian digni taries. Eugene A. Dixon, rarlai man sec ond class, I'SN, of 3104 First St., La Grande, is serving aboard the oiler USS Canisteo, operating witH the U.S. Sixth Fleet in the Mediter ranean. The Canisteo provides fuel re plenishments for surface, sub surface, and air units of the fleet while underway. PFC Richard D. Amore, 26, son of Joseph Amore, 610 E. Second Street. The Dalles, re cently was assigned to Tripler Army Hospital in Honolulu, Ha waii, as a chaolain's assistant. Amore, who has been overseas since Sept. 1958, was previously assigned to the 8th Artillery's Service Battery at Schofield Bar racks, Hawaii. He entered the Army in March 1948. Kim B. Kirkeby Graveside Rites Set At Elgin " ELGIN (Special) Kim Brad ley Kirkeby, 5 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Kirkeby of Forest Grove, died in a Portland hospital, Monday, after an ex tended illness. He was born in Forest Grove Sept. 11, 1954. Funeral services will be in Forest Grove, tod ay, with graveside services at the Elgin cemetery, Thursday 1 at p.m. Surviving are the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Kirkeby and one brother, Steven; maternal grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Vogel of Union; and paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Kirkeby of Elgin. Navy leave and will report for duty Sept. 23. m rucKer-up Love at First Sight! Fashion plays a kissing game with "Pucker up," a winsome little flat that's new from California COBBLERS. At first sight, you'll love the high fashion styling of draped , leather that's lightly tied ... its wafer-thin sole ... its whisper of a heel. YOURS IN BLACK KID LEATHER, AAA, AA & B ONLY , S AT D-M-C Embroidery Floss ALL COLORS 3 for 10c HOBBY SHOP 1113 Adams JEAN FACTS' 'The story's there on every pair." '' o A i Wcarion TEXAN JEAN! wfh .4.110 "TZ.U II ILL! II IN THE WEARING SURFACE are better because they give DOUBLE THE WEAR Only Weorlon; the world's toughest denim . . . proven by extensive abrasion, tear. break, wear and laundry tests to give extra durabil ity while retaining the oasy-to-wash, easy-to-lron, comfortable-to-wear qual ities of cotton. PLUS THESE OTHER FEATURES .SAM-NEE, the exclu sive vulcanized double knee, Guaranteed (sea back of tag) to outwear the garment. Won't com loose. . .won't turn whit. O Points of strain on pock ets reinforced with no scratch rivets. stitched seams. Double Extra belt loops (6) sot in waist band. Rustproof Talon zippers and snaps. o True Western tailorina inivvyiivwii m.niHii aid ing from 4-16 Regular and Slims and size 26" 36" Husky s, assure per fect fit. AMERICA'S FINEST JEANS ARE AVAILABLE AT ... . Sanforized, color fast, vat dyed deep navy blue. Approved by "Parent's" arid "Good Housekeeping" magazines. Sizes 4 io 12 Regular and Slim Sixes 3 to 7 with suspender 52 98 PAIR Ernies Shoe Slore 1304 Adams GENEVIEVE'S WEEKDAYS 10 e.m. 7 p.m. SATURDAYS 10 a.m. 6:30 p.m. EAST ADAMS AVENUE