-Cf Pn A, .nr. .1.!- 4L. jkLk 5' "it's .;t" I-. ii r- ! OUT OUR WAY Williams By J. R I i-' SC Aur MAS I BV 7M- TIME ME S ) GO BACK--1 WOWT UKJMOOKtP TH OIP 6WOUOM MAVf HIM WALK l2"f47 fiATB A&AIW.' IHtY WILLSTARB, Ikja OMTM' if If -nil WMEE-ES- LOUK CUZEVtltYBDDYLL SIPSWAIKS '3k' U 7l ATI HAT TROI I HAVE AUTOMOBILE S 1 AW 6APPIWO f ) SOME PAV THAT I -THEY'RE A COMIM1 I IN TM STORES , ?' I I BOY WILL MAkE THIW6 --EVEN Of J --AUP H,E 0t mf- I V PEOPLE STARE A TIGHTWAD TM' POLICE V t"tV L AT US.' U TINKER S 1T4 3HOOTIWAT mrlrl U t kV ( usturm y f 7 . y "V&A.ltouj MOMEWTSWE P LIKE TO LtCg OVER Jewaliw OUR BOARDING HOUSE With Major Hoopla SO VOJ'RB VCU Y-'ERE AM6SSD ThE HAMMOCK'S SEEN UNOCCUPIED SINCE- lOJ LEFT HOW WAS THE- PISHING? THE F.5M-)lrt'i BACK ASAlN. a Stp INS WA -VJAU-NCS, IMS Ntl&H" jUKHCWO (-WIN-IN- fl ThE -NECI THIS I TiME IT S NARROW II ESCAPES FkOM J jJ0?3EKSI TELL yoJ That : ag of yvmd Will drive A MS TO THE B2CSy HATCH 4PLENDID.MVDEAI?, 3JT WE HAE A TALE TO UNFOLD THAT WILL STRAIN VOJR CREDULITY TO THE UTMOST FlS'&T.I HAD A tsARROW ESCAPE FROM A ViC'.OUS SEAR AMD THEM ANOTHER FKOW AM AKM&D g3E Ml Vi O0f4'T 6! Jl- SUCH A. THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE By Wilson Scruggs I -T n'S SO W0UD6RFUL MMM6 J ' ' I 0...MARTHA VVAVWE IS B6HIUD THIS--") I M V'-Vft nriiilunuciAAluTTUIIJIc t i UEB ?H0wg:ALL..VERV7HlklSlTAli. I tT-V LOOK WON HH?, CHARLES, ' X . AOPS U? WEIL, IU SHOW HCRy Ji4 3 EVEM IF SHE IS AW6RY AT US.' ,V - ; 7 --1',5SVr--AfHAeLES- fV --y-rn - 1 (,' vfrM vT V ' fcsiaaf ivJ 1 fetu .xoj FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Merrill Blossw lTNn YoO -HOO.' PISE AMO ITS ALWAYS Uk f THAUK GOODNESS H IMHERJTED HIS TALENT MWe'V( SHWE,SVLVCSrEit.TfcU THIS WHEN HES , vjroM AAE OR I NEVER. COULD HAV6 7 ' 6WJMBLE I- )V MUSTN'T 6t LATE R. . UP LATE WORKING III rL- X)5T DEVISED THIS I .. jmmL ' IMVEMT'OMS N CAPTAIN EASY "iiON ILL MAKE WU.5IR R06eR-UT IWM DIO DLALK PUO VVILk LlNIIWUIr TO FOLLOW YOU UNTIL I REMOVE fTJHis PosT-HyPMonc sueoESTiOKL By Lesli Turnr TIN HALLUCINA u TlOg TESTS THAT REVEAL THE SCMMftMBULISTi STROMA IT POWM AMP Y I PIP M0THIW4 OP THE I NOW TO USE WIS3 V -"5'T A MOMeWf, TR.V TO REOWN DON'T RECALL A BURKE IN A FINAL PR SHAWPUl HERB SOMt OIONIT1 THING! NOW LETS OET PEM0N5TRATON TkATCOWE CLIVE TO R0O6K! lOU'VE OUT Of HERE! I CAN'T WE HYPNOTISTS CANT GIVE H SPEECHi 3- -lk ENOUOH-y TINS A 6Kj 6LACK D0 II -w-f V AHEAP OF 5CHEPULE I ALLEY OOP ' ' By V. T. Hamlin y-... YES. NO TELLINia S. BUT ITS 06VOUS I I ...TOO BAD, TOO.. AW, I fJ AYvW.-COME ON, l PUNfJO, CVVLA- v WHAT KINP OF A HE'S A HE'S NOT GOING WE COULD'VE THINK THAT OXY, IT CANT BE ) I DON'T RATE r6MARTE5T THING YOU MECHANICAL ( GENIUS ) 10 USE HIS USED THAT WAS ALL feEik THAT BAD J VERY HIGH I EVER RP SETTING HIM OUT I MONSTROSITY ALL RIGHT MWW -HOW IM GRAVITY CONTROL i HOT AIR Jfi9r--1j "i AROUND HERE Ji V 06 JV LAB SHOP 7 HE P HAVE COME W-,r OJR BEHALF- UNIT Cf H&Sf fc yTSrrfi Mi v out of there j JL-irrr- ry ,-rl!a ivA'J i Urfii-iijH v laMMrf I I k' . JJI n:7i3i? inm wis. uinif BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES . By Edgar Martin " 4 71 1 .Vit NAOW CCXfA -v VAPW, v J I VU. ViCW VE. !v'TS"sV ' d " 1 (ocm A ? ? ' CANA...Vt OCsftE rrS A PRISCILLA S POP . V ' 1 ' ' "" "' By A'or " ' " ' I UMC. QRUMBLY YOUnI I ;THEN OU -. 1 1 WHAT'S THE PUN OF -S s-v OUGHT TO BUY ONE OF) VVON'T WAVE ) BEING BOSS IF I J . r-iTHOSE INTER-COM y i TO WOLLER rTTL T CAN'T HOLLER? J BUGS BUNNY ' ' ' iJQ isv TELEVISION IN REVIEW: Cinderella Story Featured On Desilu Playhouse Video By FRED DANZIG UPI Stiff Writer NEW YORK ifPli-Once upon a time, there was a scullery maid who worked wry hard and missed out on all the big dunces. Then along came the fairy godmother and . . . You know the rest. The Cinder ella story, of course. Well, in "A Diamond For Car la." an hour-long musical that oLened the new season on CBS TV's Desilu Playhouse Monday night, the Cinderella story re ceived a few twists, bends. sprains and fractures. Instead of Cinderella, or Carta, played by Anna Maria Alberghetti, leaving a lllasg slipper behind for Prince Charming to find, the prince left a diamond ring behind for Carla to find. In this case, however, the prince is a wealch American who is island-hooping in the Caribbean where this action takes place Carla goes around saying the ring is a gilt, hoping this treasure will enhance her appeal to Mateo, local boy played by Johnny Des mond. The simple, lovable, jolly island people put two-and-two together and come up with sex as ai an swer. What, they ask, did Carla give the American for that ring? Just as the gossip is about to drive Carla off the island (with the kindly old fairy godfather called Fishhad and played by Itobert Strauss), the American re turns, says he'd like his "lost" ring back, and watches Mateo and Carla kiss. The villagers rejoice. There were some other diver sions, but I won't bore you with them. The five songs contributed by Sammy Fain and Paul Francis Webster fitted the story, sad to say, but they'll still be more pleasant to recall than this subtle adaptation of Cinderella. The scenery was unbending and un real. Just like the acting and di rection. Dialing and Filing: John Gun ther's High Road tried to jazz up Monday .night's ABC-TV documen tary about Moscow University by calling it. "Russia's Next Rulers," and saying things like, "each stu dent who gets through here can become another Khrushchev." Of course, this is nonsense. Actually, the program didn't need any such DOUGLAS RITES HELD HOLLYWOOD (UPDr-An esti mated 100 persons Monday attend ed final rites for actor Paul Douglas, who died last Friday of a heart attack. He was a man who always stood up to be count ed," said actor Elliot Reid in a eulogy. "To the end he remained gloriously articulate and unrecon structed." Among those in at tendance were Douglas' widow, actress Jan Sterling, and his for mer wife, Virginia Field Parker, and their daughter, Margaret, 15. needle, for it served to remind us again that our own educational standards and personal values re quire some tightening. On Monday night's wild, chao tic, funny, enjoyable Pantomime Quiz half-hour, host Mike Stokey reminded us that he goes off the air, again, with next week's show. Winter is coming. I suggest tliat his loyal fans not watch TV on Monday nights during the fall and winter months. Just sit home and have your own Pantomime Quiz games. For the love of Mike. Th Channel Swim: The Law less Years, starring James Greg roy, returns to NBC-TV starting Thursday night, Oct. J. T;ie se ries, bused on crime in the 1920s, replaces Masquerade Party . . . ABC-TV plans to bring in the MGM series, Father of the Bride, during the 10-61 season. Ctis Riggs is the new set de signer for David Susskind's Talent Associates Productions. Riggs suc ceeds Bob Wade, who died two weeks ago . . . Dean Stockwell has locked up the role of Nick in the CBS-TV presentation of Hem ingway's short story, "The Kill ers," on Thursday, Nov. 19. NEWS CHUCKLES United Press International i BORSCHT ICE CREAM WASHINGTON lUPH Borscht ice cream has been made avail able to Nikita Khrushchev during his Washington visit if he wants it. A restaurant chain delivered SO pounds of the new-flavored ice cream to the Soviet Embassy Monday for use by Khrushchev and his party. TEETH TELL TALE NEWCASTLE. England (UPD Burglar James Davidson got away but his false teeth talked. Davidson, 42, left his teeth behind when he burglarized a warehouse. He was farced through the teeth and sentenced Monday to five years in prison. POEM-WRITING BURGLAR REDWOOD CITY, Calif. I UPI) A poetic burglar who stole $196 from a roadside cafe and a re search laboratory left the follow ing note behind at each place: "Roses are red, violets are blue; money is sweet, and I thank you." FISHES' BEST FRIEND LYNFORD. England (UPD Fishermen are the fishes' best friends in this drought-stricken community,, They are extracting fish from a lake that is going dry and releasing their catch in near by rivers. ODERLY RETREAT CHICAGO (UPI) A tour of the Lincoln Park children s zoo broke up prematurely Monday when guide Rosemary Manahan picked up what she thought was a deodorized skunk to show some small fry visitors. Miss Manahan and most of the visitors left hur riedly to change clothes. 'PERRY (Special) Mr. and Mrs Melvin Jones and daughter, Anna liesa. Dicnicked at Anthonv Lake. tabor Day. with Mr. and Mrs. Don O'Neil and son, Wilfred. . Mr. and Mrs. Buck Fowler of Portland, recently visited relatives and friends at Perry and La Grande. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Bushman of Gibbon, spent the weekend at the home of his mother, Mrs. Iva Bush man. Dinner guests at the Glenn Greenough home were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Mason Henderson. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Carson and children, Billy and Ricky, spent the Labor Day weekend in Spo kane, visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Carson. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Don O'NeD and Wilfred spent their vacation' visit ing at the homes of a sister, Mrs. Jane Keopke at Portland: a broth- DAILY TV LG 2KREM M KXLY KHQ TV H TV O TV TUESDAY 1:00 NVwubcat News A Sporta Gray Gboat 6 :1s John Daly Doujr Kdwarda " ftr.'tO SiiKnr Foot Kytiwltnena to Hist. Front Page :4ft " " " ' " Z ' December Brlda TBA. 7:J0 Wyatt Earp t0 Tell the Truth Jlmmle Rog-era 7:45 " - " too Rifleman Tightrope The VIP Report 8 : 1 !S " m 8: JO Naked City Spotlight Playhouse Special Agent 7 8:45 " 9:00 Alcoa Presents Andy Williams Playhouse I 9:15 " Show :S0 Twenty Six Men 9:4S - 10:00 Nlghtneat Night Edition -10:15 Jack Paar 4 Moat Feature 10 5 " Late Movie 11:00 " .' . .'. 11:15 H ' . 11:30 Channel S Theatre - 11:45 . WEDNESDAY 8 00 . On The Oo Dough Re Ml 8:15 " 8:10 Sam Levenaon Treasure Bunt 8:45 " 00 I Lore Lucy Price le Right 9:15 " 9:30 . Top Dollar Concentration '9:45 10:00 Loe Of Life Tio Tao Dough 10:1 " . 10:30 Search for Tomorrow It Could Be Tou 10:4 Guiding- Light 11:00 AcroKa the Hoard Coffee Club Theatre Khrushchev U:,s " - 1130 Pantomime Qui! , 11:45 " 11:00 Music Bingo It'e A Great Life IJ S0 Romper Room Khrushchev Visit 11:45 ' - 100 Day In Court " Truth or Coneeq. 1:15 " 2 130 Gale Storm Show County Fair 1:45 - 1:00 Beat The Clock i " Matinee on Biz 115 1:30 Who Do Tou Truat Verdict la Toura 1:45 " " 1 00 Am. Handstand Brighter Day 1:1$ Secret fltorm 1 30 - Kdge of Night " " Palnt-P-Pele 4 00 Popeye CllffCarl Show i lj Three Uvea 4 30 Tea Time Matinee Four Thirty Movie 4:45 - :00 Joe Palooka I " 5:15 - I 5:10 Mickey Mouse Club " 5:45 I Huntley-Brlnkley This lea it made up from Information by Television Station anal Itt Kcuracy cannot be guaranteed by the La Grande Observer. Observer, La Grande, Ore., Tues., Sept. 15, 1959 Page 6 Side Glances 1 t ii . . -' ' - ejLsM ew a e 19M hj MCA SW.I-. IM Charlie's got this thing all backward. He makes a ' hobby of giving up golf!" NEWS OF PERRY Family Visits Friends In Grande Ronde Valley Excavation Used As Playground; Is Lads' Death Trap POCATEIXO, Idaho (UPI) An excavation being used as a play ground turned into a death trap for two small brothers here Mon day night when a wall of the 10 foot deep ditch collapsed. Rodney and Timothy Hawkes, 7 and 6. sons of Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Hawkes, Pocatello, suffo cated under three feet of dirt, while a third boy, Richard Sykes, 7, managed to survive. Pocatello police said the boys apparently had been playing in the ditch when a dirt pocket in one of the walls caved in and trapped the children. The ditch enc Ircled a new sep tic tank that was under construc tion. The Sykes youth, son of Floyd Sykes, Pocatello, was reported in good condition at a Pocatello hos pital this morning. 1 pr Rrt O'Neil nt Garibaldi: and a brother. Glade O'Neil of Glenndale. They also went to Long Beach, Wash, and Redwoods in Califor nia. Visiting at the Joe Smith home were Francis Bergland of Port land. Mr. and Mrs. Buckley Wes ley and Joe Smith Jr., and fam ilies of La Grande. Maria O'Neil spent two days vis iting a friend, Fredricka Jones at Union. While in Union she also vis ited with Fredrick Carl Smith, an exchange- college student from Germany. . Wilfred O'Neil spent one week in Garibaldi, with tbe Bert O'Neil family. Afyrtle Fowler is visiting In the home of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Darold Pasco of Marsing, Idaho. Weekend visitors at the Lewis Kleng home were Mr. and Mrs. Nick Kleng. Recently motoring to Council, Idaho, were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carsen. They visited the home of their daughter, Mr. aid Mrs. Doug las Riggs and family. Mr. and Mft. Arnold Masters and daughter, Arna, visited rela tives at Terry. Logger Killed As Fire Burns Down Camp Bunkhouse THE DALLES (UPI) Alvie Belco, 48, was killed early Mon day when fire destroyed a bunk house in which he was sleeping at the Cody Logging Co.. camp near Warnic. about 47 miles south of here. Wasco county sheriff's officers said Belco was alone in the small bunkhouse when it burned. Other men in the camp were awakened by the flames about 2:30 a.m. but were unable to en ter the blazing building. Cause of the fire was undetermined. He is survived by his parents and several brothers. His and Hers Answer to Previous Puzzle ACROSS 1 His headgear 4 Her undergarment 5 His or her 12 Individual 13 Duration 14 Italian river 15 His or her -offspring 16 Approve 18 Sign 20 Chest rattlei 21 Adam said she was his 22 New, square or lair 24 Venture 26 Frondescent 27 Marsh 30 Opposed 32 Woman adviser 34 Bed canopy 35 Shade of red 36 School subject 37 Missile 39 Son of Adam 40 Wan ! 41 Consumed 42 Her wedding dress material 45 Soldier's cigarette 49 Pass : 51 French island 52 Leer I 53 Brain passage 54 Compass point 55 Sorrows 56 Beverages 57 Distress signal DOWN 1 His are socks, hers nylons 2 Soon l ' 3 Softest -' 4 Gaze fixedly 5 Moutn ports CTQ g H A E AIM T H TTE & POQgflA AIFl A tTof IgNiJ 1 L. OPsiE AJgAl , eMT E F A K MlJfT oJnV m Bm 6 Hinder 7 Through 8 Plot t Kind of examination 10 Before (prefix) 11 Pedal digits 17 Fruit 19 Open 23 Upright 24 Facts 25 State 26 Wild 27 Illceal 'inducements 28 French river 29 Scot 31 Closed cars 33 Poetry muse 38 Repeat " 40 Evergreens 41 Mimics 42 Pack 43 Jason's ship 44 Story 46 Region - 47 In addition 48 Dregs 50 Hole I l ' t j C 7 8 (1 K) H iz FT h LZZ ZEZ !LZZZZ iT zo zi ITu FJzf T " n za jz? To " 57 r to " Z!L ZZZ ZL LZZ w I I I I 111 ii I I ,t e1 I I itm iltt